Go to the documentation of this file. 1 #ifndef DataFormats_PatCandidates_TriggerEvent_h
2 #define DataFormats_PatCandidates_TriggerEvent_h
105 bool physDecl =
bool addObjectMatchResult(const edm::OrphanHandle< TriggerObjectMatch > &trigMatches, const std::string &labelMatcher)
float bCurrentAvg() const
Get the CMS magnet current averaged over run.
bool wasRun() const
Get the run flag.
edm::RefProd< TriggerAlgorithmCollection > TriggerAlgorithmRefProd
Persistent reference to a TriggerAlgorithmCollection product.
const std::string & nameL1Menu() const
Get the name of the L1 trigger menu.
void setPaths(const edm::Handle< TriggerPathCollection > &handleTriggerPaths)
void setError(bool error)
Set the error flag.
bool objectInAlgorithm(const TriggerObjectRef &objectRef, const std::string &nameAlgorithm) const
Checks, if an object was used in a certain algorithm given by name.
bool conditionInAlgorithm(const TriggerConditionRef &conditionRef, const std::string &nameAlgorithm) const
Checks, if a condition is assigned to a certain algorithm given by name.
TriggerAlgorithmRefVector acceptedTechAlgorithmsGtl() const
Get a vector of references to all technical L1 algorithms succeeding on the GTL board.
void setIntensityBeam2(uint32_t intensityBeam2)
Set the LHC beam 2 intensity.
bool accept_
Did HLT succeed?
const TriggerFilterRef filterRef(const std::string &labelFilter) const
bool wasAccept() const
Get the success flag.
void setNameHltTable(const std::string &name)
Set the name of the HLT trigger table.
Analysis-level trigger event class.
const TriggerAlgorithmRefVector algorithmRefs() const
TriggerFilterRefVector pathFilters(const std::string &namePath, bool firing=true) const
Get a vector of references to all active HLT filters assigned to a certain path given by name.
uint32_t intensityBeam2_
LHC beam 2 intensity in ???
uint16_t bstMasterStatus() const
Get the LHC master status.
uint32_t turnCount() const
Get the LHC beam turn counter.
std::vector< TriggerCondition > TriggerConditionCollection
Collection of TriggerCondition.
TriggerAlgorithmRefVector acceptedAlgorithmsGtl() const
Get a vector of references to all L1 algorithms succeeding on the GTL board.
const TriggerPathRef pathRef(const std::string &namePath) const
bool wasError() const
Get the error flag.
uint16_t beamMode() const
Get the LHC beam mode.
const TriggerPathCollection * paths() const
void setPhysDecl(bool physDecl)
Set the PhysicsDeclared GT bit.
void setTurnCount(uint32_t turnCount)
Set the LHC beam turn counter.
TriggerPathRefVector acceptedPaths() const
Get a vector of references to all succeeding HLT paths.
float bCurrentStop_
CMS magnet current in ??? at end of run.
std::vector< TriggerObject > TriggerObjectCollection
Collection of TriggerObject.
bool addObjectMatchResult(const edm::Handle< TriggerObjectMatch > &trigMatches, const std::string &labelMatcher)
std::vector< TriggerFilter > TriggerFilterCollection
Collection of TriggerFilter.
const TriggerConditionRefVector conditionRefs() const
TriggerFilterRefVector pathModules(const std::string &namePath, bool all=true) const
void setBCurrentStart(float bCurrentStart)
Set the CMS magnet current at start of run.
TriggerAlgorithmRefVector conditionAlgorithms(const TriggerConditionRef &conditionRef) const
Get a vector of references to all algorithms, which have a certain condition assigned.
const TriggerCondition * condition(const std::string &nameCondition) const
edm::RefProd< TriggerConditionCollection > TriggerConditionRefProd
Persistent reference to a TriggerConditionCollection product.
Analysis-level L1 trigger condition class.
bool objectInPath(const TriggerObjectRef &objectRef, const std::string &namePath, bool firing=true) const
Checks, if an object was used in a certain path given by name.
TriggerPathRefVector filterPaths(const TriggerFilterRef &filterRef, bool firing=true) const
Get a vector of references to all paths, which have a certain filter assigned.
const TriggerPath * path(const std::string &namePath) const
product_type const * get() const
const TriggerObjectRefVector objectRefs() const
uint32_t intensityBeam1_
LHC beam 1 intensity in ???
void setRun(bool run)
Set the run flag.
const TriggerFilterRefVector filterRefs() const
std::vector< TriggerPath > TriggerPathCollection
Collection of TriggerPath.
bool accept(const edm::Event &event, const edm::TriggerResults &triggerTable, const std::string &triggerPath)
TriggerObjectRefVector algorithmObjects(const std::string &nameAlgorithm) const
Get a vector of references to all objects, which were used in a certain algorithm given by name.
std::string nameHltTable_
Name of the HLT trigger table.
Analysis-level L1 trigger algorithm class.
unsigned indexFilter(const std::string &labelFilter) const
const TriggerConditionCollection * conditions() const
uint16_t beamMomentum_
LHC beam momentum in GeV.
uint16_t beamMomentum() const
Get the LHC beam momentum.
uint16_t bstMasterStatus_
const TriggerConditionRef conditionRef(const std::string &nameCondition) const
bool physDecl_
PhysicsDeclared GT bit.
const TriggerObjectCollection * objects() const
void setIntensityBeam1(uint32_t intensityBeam1)
Set the LHC beam 1 intensity.
const TriggerFilterCollection * filters() const
TriggerFilterRefVector acceptedFilters() const
Get a vector of references to all succeeding HLT filters.
std::map< std::string, TriggerObjectMatchRefProd > TriggerObjectMatchContainer
Container to store references to matches from different producers in the trigger event.
edm::RefProd< TriggerFilterCollection > TriggerFilterRefProd
Persistent reference to a TriggerFilterCollection product.
TriggerAlgorithmRefVector acceptedTechAlgorithms() const
Get a vector of references to all succeeding technical L1 algorithms.
uint32_t turnCount_
LHC beam turn counter.
bool addObjectMatchResult(const TriggerObjectMatchRefProd &trigMatches, const std::string &labelMatcher)
TriggerFilterRefProd filters_
Reference to pat::TriggerAlgorithmCollection in event.
bool wasPhysDecl() const
Get the PhysicsDeclared GT bit.
edm::RefProd< TriggerObjectMatch > TriggerObjectMatchRefProd
Persistent reference to a TriggerObjectMatch product.
void setBstMasterStatus(uint16_t bstMasterStatus)
Set the LHC master status.
unsigned indexCondition(const std::string &nameCondition) const
TriggerObjectRefVector objects(int triggerObjectType) const
void setBeamMomentum(uint16_t beamMomentum)
Set the LHC beam momentum.
const TriggerPathRefVector pathRefs() const
void setObjects(const edm::Handle< TriggerObjectCollection > &handleTriggerObjects)
Analysis-level HLTrigger path class.
const std::string & nameHltTable() const
Get the name of the HLT trigger table.
float bCurrentStart_
CMS magnet current in ??? at start of run.
virtual ~TriggerEvent()
TriggerObjectMatchContainer objectMatchResults_
Table of references to pat::TriggerObjectMatch associations in event.
void setBCurrentAvg(float bCurrentAvg)
Set the CMS magnet current averaged over run.
std::vector< std::string > triggerMatchers() const
Get a list of all linked trigger matches.
TriggerPathRefProd paths_
Reference to pat::TriggerPathCollection in event.
TriggerAlgorithmRefVector physAlgorithms() const
Get a vector of references to all physics L1 algorithms.
edm::RefProd< TriggerObjectCollection > TriggerObjectRefProd
Persistent reference to a TriggerObjectCollection product.
const TriggerAlgorithmCollection * algorithms() const
void setBeamMode(uint16_t beamMode)
Set the LHC beam mode.
edm::RefProd< TriggerPathCollection > TriggerPathRefProd
Persistent reference to a TriggerPathCollection product.
void setLhcFill(uint32_t lhcFill)
Set the LHC fill number.
const TriggerAlgorithm * algorithm(const std::string &nameAlgorithm) const
TriggerConditionRefProd conditions_
Reference to pat::TriggerConditionCollection in event.
const TriggerObjectMatch * triggerObjectMatchResult(const std::string &labelMatcher) const
std::vector< TriggerAlgorithm > TriggerAlgorithmCollection
Collection of TriggerAlgorithm.
TriggerFilterRefVector objectFilters(const TriggerObjectRef &objectRef, bool firing=true) const
Get a vector of references to all filters, which have a certain object assigned.
TriggerObjectRefVector filterObjects(const std::string &labelFilter) const
Get a vector of references to all objects, which were used in a certain filter given by name.
void setAccept(bool accept)
Set the success flag.
void setConditions(const edm::Handle< TriggerConditionCollection > &handleTriggerConditions)
const TriggerAlgorithmRef algorithmRef(const std::string &nameAlgorithm) const
TriggerObjectRefVector conditionObjects(const std::string &nameCondition) const
Get a vector of references to all objects, which were used in a certain condition given by name.
void setFilters(const edm::Handle< TriggerFilterCollection > &handleTriggerFilters)
bool filterInPath(const TriggerFilterRef &filterRef, const std::string &namePath, bool firing=true) const
Checks, if a filter is assigned to and was run in a certain path given by name.
unsigned indexAlgorithm(const std::string &nameAlgorithm) const
void setAlgorithms(const edm::Handle< TriggerAlgorithmCollection > &handleTriggerAlgorithms)
Constructors and Desctructor.
TriggerAlgorithmRefVector acceptedPhysAlgorithms() const
Get a vector of references to all succeeding physics L1 algorithms.
TriggerAlgorithmRefVector acceptedPhysAlgorithmsGtl() const
Get a vector of references to all physics L1 algorithms succeeding on the GTL board.
TriggerConditionRefVector algorithmConditions(const std::string &nameAlgorithm) const
std::vector< std::string > conditionCollections(const std::string &nameAlgorithm) const
Get a list of all trigger object collections used in a certain condition given by name.
TriggerAlgorithmRefProd algorithms_
TriggerConditionRefVector acceptedConditions() const
Get a vector of references to all succeeding L1 condition.
uint32_t lhcFill_
LHC fill number.
bool objectInCondition(const TriggerObjectRef &objectRef, const std::string &nameCondition) const
Checks, if an object was used in a certain condition given by name.
float bCurrentStart() const
Get the CMS magnet current at start of run.
std::string nameL1Menu_
Data Members.
TriggerPathRefVector objectPaths(const TriggerObjectRef &objectRef, bool firing=true) const
Get a vector of references to all paths, which have a certain object assigned.
bool error_
Was HLT in error?
void setBCurrentStop(float bCurrentStop)
Set the CMS magnet current at end of run.
uint32_t lhcFill() const
Get the LHC fill number.
TriggerAlgorithmRefVector techAlgorithms() const
Get a vector of references to all technical L1 algorithms.
TriggerConditionRefVector objectConditions(const TriggerObjectRef &objectRef) const
Get a vector of references to all conditions, which have a certain object assigned.
std::vector< std::string > filterCollections(const std::string &labelFilter) const
Get a list of all trigger object collections used in a certain filter given by name.
void setNameL1Menu(const std::string &name)
TriggerAlgorithmRefVector objectAlgorithms(const TriggerObjectRef &objectRef) const
Get a vector of references to all algorithms, which have a certain object assigned.
const TriggerFilter * filter(const std::string &labelFilter) const
bool objectInFilter(const TriggerObjectRef &objectRef, const std::string &labelFilter) const
Checks, if an object was used in a certain filter given by name.
const TriggerObjectMatchContainer * triggerObjectMatchResults() const
Get all trigger matches.
float bCurrentStop() const
Get the CMS magnet current at end of run.
TriggerObjectRefProd objects_
Reference to pat::TriggerObjectCollection in event.
Analysis-level HLTrigger filter class.
float bCurrentAvg_
CMS magnet current in ??? averaged over run.
uint32_t intensityBeam2() const
Get the LHC beam 2 intensity.
TriggerAlgorithmRefVector acceptedAlgorithms() const
Get a vector of references to all succeeding L1 algorithms.
unsigned indexPath(const std::string &namePath) const
uint32_t intensityBeam1() const
Get the LHC beam 1 intensity.
TriggerObjectRefVector pathObjects(const std::string &namePath, bool firing=true) const
Get a vector of references to all objects, which were used in a certain path given by name.
std::string nameAlgorithm(const unsigned bitAlgorithm, const bool techAlgorithm=true) const