Go to the documentation of this file.
32 #include "CLHEP/Units/GlobalPhysicalConstants.h"
91 xyz_nbin = histosSet.getParameter<
93 p_nbin = histosSet.getParameter<
94 p2D_nbin = histosSet.getParameter<
95 p_max = histosSet.getParameter<
97 pt_nbin = histosSet.getParameter<
98 pt2D_nbin = histosSet.getParameter<
99 pteff_nbin = histosSet.getParameter<
100 pt_max = histosSet.getParameter<
102 fhits_nbin = histosSet.getParameter<
103 fhits_max = histosSet.getParameter<
105 lhits_nbin = histosSet.getParameter<
106 lhits_max = histosSet.getParameter<
108 eop_nbin = histosSet.getParameter<
109 eop2D_nbin = histosSet.getParameter<
110 eop_max = histosSet.getParameter<
111 eopmaxsht = histosSet.getParameter<
113 eta_nbin = histosSet.getParameter<
114 eta2D_nbin = histosSet.getParameter<
115 eta_min = histosSet.getParameter<
116 eta_max = histosSet.getParameter<
118 deta_nbin = histosSet.getParameter<
119 deta_min = histosSet.getParameter<
120 deta_max = histosSet.getParameter<
122 phi_nbin = histosSet.getParameter<
123 phi2D_nbin = histosSet.getParameter<
124 phi_min = histosSet.getParameter<
125 phi_max = histosSet.getParameter<
129 detamatch_min = histosSet.getParameter<
130 detamatch_max = histosSet.getParameter<
132 dphi_nbin = histosSet.getParameter<
133 dphi_min = histosSet.getParameter<
134 dphi_max = histosSet.getParameter<
138 dphimatch_min = histosSet.getParameter<
139 dphimatch_max = histosSet.getParameter<
141 poptrue_nbin = histosSet.getParameter<
142 poptrue_min = histosSet.getParameter<
143 poptrue_max = histosSet.getParameter<
145 mee_nbin = histosSet.getParameter<
146 mee_min = histosSet.getParameter<
147 mee_max = histosSet.getParameter<
149 hoe_nbin = histosSet.getParameter<
150 hoe_min = histosSet.getParameter<
151 hoe_max = histosSet.getParameter<
153 error_nbin = histosSet.getParameter<
154 enerror_max = histosSet.getParameter<
574 h1_recEleNum =
"# rec electrons", 11, -0.5, 10.5,
575 h1_recCoreNum =
"# rec electron cores", 21, -0.5, 20.5,
576 h1_recTrackNum =
"# rec gsf tracks", 41, -0.5, 40.5,
577 h1_recSeedNum =
"# rec electron seeds", 101, -0.5, 100.5,
579 bookH1(iBooker,
"# rec Offline Primary Vertices", 81, -0.5, 161.5,
581 "scl_EoEtrueVsrecOfflineVertices",
582 "E/Etrue vs number of primary vertices",
589 "N_{primary vertices}",
592 "scl_EoEtrueVsrecOfflineVertices_barrel",
593 "E/Etrue vs number of primary , barrel",
600 "N_{primary vertices}",
603 "scl_EoEtrueVsrecOfflineVertices_endcaps",
604 "E/Etrue vs number of primary , endcaps",
611 "N_{primary vertices}",
629 "ele E/P_{vertex}, all reco electrons",
638 "ele E/P_{vertex}, all reco electrons, barrel",
646 "EoverP_all_endcaps",
647 "ele E/P_{vertex}, all reco electrons, endcaps",
656 "ele E_{seed}/P_{vertex}, all reco electrons",
660 "E_{seed}/P_{vertex}",
664 "EseedOP_all_barrel",
665 "ele E_{seed}/P_{vertex}, all reco electrons, barrel",
669 "E_{seed}/P_{vertex}",
673 "EseedOP_all_endcaps",
674 "ele E_{seed}/P_{vertex}, all reco electrons, endcaps",
678 "E_{seed}/P_{vertex}",
683 "ele E_{seed}/P_{out}, all reco electrons",
692 "ele E_{seed}/P_{out}, all reco electrons barrel",
700 "EoPout_all_endcaps",
701 "ele E_{seed}/P_{out}, all reco electrons endcaps",
710 "ele E_{ele}/P_{out}, all reco electrons",
718 "EeleOPout_all_barrel",
719 "ele E_{ele}/P_{out}, all reco electrons barrel",
727 "EeleOPout_all_endcaps",
728 "ele E_{ele}/P_{out}, all reco electrons endcaps",
736 "dEtaSc_propVtx_all",
737 "ele #eta_{sc} - #eta_{tr}, prop from vertex, all reco electrons",
741 "#eta_{sc} - #eta_{tr}",
746 "dEtaSc_propVtx_all_barrel",
747 "ele #eta_{sc} - #eta_{tr}, prop from vertex, all reco electrons barrel",
751 "#eta_{sc} - #eta_{tr}",
756 "dEtaSc_propVtx_all_endcaps",
757 "ele #eta_{sc} - #eta_{tr}, prop from vertex, all reco electrons endcaps",
761 "#eta_{sc} - #eta_{tr}",
765 "dPhiSc_propVtx_all",
766 "ele #phi_{sc} - #phi_{tr}, prop from vertex, all reco electrons",
770 "#phi_{sc} - #phi_{tr} (rad)",
775 "dPhiSc_propVtx_all_barrel",
776 "ele #phi_{sc} - #phi_{tr}, prop from vertex, all reco electrons barrel",
780 "#phi_{sc} - #phi_{tr} (rad)",
785 "dPhiSc_propVtx_all_endcaps",
786 "ele #phi_{sc} - #phi_{tr}, prop from vertex, all reco electrons endcaps",
790 "#phi_{sc} - #phi_{tr} (rad)",
794 "dEtaCl_propOut_all",
795 "ele #eta_{cl} - #eta_{tr}, prop from outermost, all reco electrons",
799 "#eta_{sc} - #eta_{tr}",
804 "dEtaCl_propOut_all_barrel",
805 "ele #eta_{cl} - #eta_{tr}, prop from outermost, all reco electrons barrel",
809 "#eta_{sc} - #eta_{tr}",
814 "dEtaCl_propOut_all_endcaps",
815 "ele #eta_{cl} - #eta_{tr}, prop from outermost, all reco electrons endcaps",
819 "#eta_{sc} - #eta_{tr}",
823 "dPhiCl_propOut_all",
824 "ele #phi_{cl} - #phi_{tr}, prop from outermost, all reco electrons",
828 "#phi_{sc} - #phi_{tr} (rad)",
833 "dPhiCl_propOut_all_barrel",
834 "ele #phi_{cl} - #phi_{tr}, prop from outermost, all reco electrons barrel",
838 "#phi_{sc} - #phi_{tr} (rad)",
843 "dPhiCl_propOut_all_endcaps",
844 "ele #phi_{cl} - #phi_{tr}, prop from outermost, all reco electrons endcaps",
848 "#phi_{sc} - #phi_{tr} (rad)",
853 "ele hadronic energy / em energy, all reco electrons",
862 "ele hadronic energy / em energy, all reco electrons barrel",
871 "ele hadronic energy / em energy, all reco electrons endcaps",
880 "ele hadronic energy / em energy, all reco electrons, behind cluster",
888 iBooker,
"ele p_{T}, all reco electrons",
pteff_nbin, 5.,
891 "ele ecal E_{T}, all reco electrons",
900 "ele eta, all reco electrons",
909 "ele vertex transverse radius, all reco electrons",
918 "ele vertex transverse radius, all reco electrons barrel",
927 "ele vertex transverse radius, all reco electrons endcaps",
936 "ele pairs invariant mass, all reco electrons",
940 "m_{ee} (GeV/c^{2})",
945 "ele pairs invariant mass, opp. sign",
949 "m_{e^{+}e^{-}} (GeV/c^{2})",
954 "ele pairs invariant mass, opp. sign, EB-EB",
958 "m_{e^{+}e^{-}} (GeV/c^{2})",
963 "ele pairs invariant mass, opp. sign, EB-EE",
967 "m_{e^{+}e^{-}} (GeV/c^{2})",
972 "ele pairs invariant mass, opp. sign, EE-EE",
976 "m_{e^{+}e^{-}} (GeV/c^{2})",
981 "ele pairs invariant mass, opp. sign, good-good",
985 "m_{e^{+}e^{-}} (GeV/c^{2})",
990 "ele pairs invariant mass, opp. sign, good-bad",
994 "m_{e^{+}e^{-}} (GeV/c^{2})",
999 "ele pairs invariant mass, opp. sign, bad-bad",
1003 "m_{e^{+}e^{-}} (GeV/c^{2})",
1010 "E2 - E1 vs ele pairs invariant mass, all electrons",
1017 "m_{e^{+}e^{-}} (GeV/c^{2})",
1020 "E2mnE1vsMee_egeg_all",
1021 "E2 - E1 vs ele pairs invariant mass, ecal driven pairs, all electrons",
1028 "m_{e^{+}e^{-}} (GeV/c^{2})",
1033 bookH1withSumw2(iBooker,
"ele charge - gen charge ", 5, -1., 4.,
"q_{rec} - q_{gen}");
1064 iBooker,
"pT of prunned electrons",
pt_nbin, 0.,
"p_{T vertex} (GeV/c)");
1079 bookH1withSumw2(iBooker,
"ele transverse impact parameter (wrt gen vtx)", 90, 0., 0.15,
"TIP (cm)");
1082 "ele transverse impact parameter (wrt gen vtx) vs eta",
1093 "ele transverse impact parameter (wrt gen vtx) vs phi",
1104 "ele transverse impact parameter (wrt gen vtx) vs transverse momentum",
1117 "ele momentum / gen momentum, barrel",
1124 "ele momentum / gen momentum, endcaps",
1131 "ele momentum / gen momentum vs eta",
1140 "ele momentum / gen momentum vs phi",
1151 bookH2(iBooker,
"SigmaIetaIeta vs pt", 100, 0.,
pt_max, 100, 0., 0.05);
1153 "PoPtrue_golden_barrel",
1154 "ele momentum / gen momentum, golden, barrel",
1160 "PoPtrue_golden_endcaps",
1161 "ele momentum / gen momentum, golden, endcaps",
1167 "PoPtrue_showering_barrel",
1168 "ele momentum / gen momentum, showering, barrel",
1174 "PoPtrue_showering_endcaps",
1175 "ele momentum / gen momentum, showering, endcaps",
1182 "ele transverse momentum / gen transverse momentum",
1186 "P_{T}/P_{T}^{gen}");
1189 "ele transverse momentum / gen transverse momentum, barrel",
1193 "P_{T}/P_{T}^{gen}");
1195 "PtoPttrue_endcaps",
1196 "ele transverse momentum / gen transverse momentum, endcaps",
1200 "P_{T}/P_{T}^{gen}");
1204 "EtaMnEtaTrue_barrel",
1205 "ele momentum eta - gen eta barrel",
1209 "#eta_{rec} - #eta_{gen}");
1211 "EtaMnEtaTrue_endcaps",
1212 "ele momentum eta - gen eta endcaps",
1216 "#eta_{rec} - #eta_{gen}");
1218 "EtaMnEtaTrueVsEta",
1219 "ele momentum eta - gen eta vs eta",
1227 "EtaMnEtaTrueVsPhi",
1228 "ele momentum eta - gen eta vs phi",
1237 "ele momentum eta - gen eta vs pt",
1246 "ele momentum phi - gen phi",
1250 "#phi_{rec} - #phi_{gen} (rad)");
1252 "PhiMnPhiTrue_barrel",
1253 "ele momentum phi - gen phi barrel",
1257 "#phi_{rec} - #phi_{gen} (rad)");
1259 "PhiMnPhiTrue_endcaps",
1260 "ele momentum phi - gen phi endcaps",
1264 "#phi_{rec} - #phi_{gen} (rad)");
1268 "PhiMnPhiTrueVsEta",
1269 "ele momentum phi - gen phi vs eta",
1277 "PhiMnPhiTrueVsPhi",
1278 "ele momentum phi - gen phi vs phi",
1287 "ele momentum phi - gen phi vs pt",
1295 iBooker,
"Regression estimate of the ECAL energy error",
error_nbin, 0,
1297 iBooker,
"Regression estimate of the ECAL energy error - barrel", 30, 0, 30);
1299 "ecalEnergyError_endcaps",
1300 "Regression estimate of the ECAL energy error - endcaps",
1305 iBooker,
"Estimated error on the combined momentum",
error_nbin, 0,
1307 iBooker,
"Estimated error on the combined momentum - barrel", 30, 0, 30);
1309 "combinedP4Error_endcaps",
1310 "Estimated error on the combined momentum - endcaps",
1319 bookH1withSumw2(iBooker,
"ele ecal energy / gen energy, barrel", 50, 0.2, 1.2,
1321 iBooker,
"ele ecal energy / gen energy, barrel, etagap", 50, 0.2, 1.2,
1323 iBooker,
"ele ecal energy / gen energy, barrel, phigap", 50, 0.2, 1.2,
1325 bookH1withSumw2(iBooker,
"ele ecal energy / gen energy, ebeegap", 50, 0.2, 1.2,
1327 bookH1withSumw2(iBooker,
"ele ecal energy / gen energy, endcaps", 50, 0.2, 1.2,
1329 iBooker,
"ele ecal energy / gen energy, endcaps, deegap", 50, 0.2, 1.2,
1331 iBooker,
"ele ecal energy / gen energy, endcaps, ringgap", 50, 0.2, 1.2,
1333 "EoEtrue_barrel_new",
1334 "ele ecal energy / gen energy, barrel",
1340 "EoEtrue_barrel_new_etagap",
1341 "ele ecal energy / gen energy, barrel, etagap",
1347 "EoEtrue_barrel_new_phigap",
1348 "ele ecal energy / gen energy, barrel, phigap",
1354 "EoEtrue_ebeegap_new",
1355 "ele ecal energy / gen energy, ebeegap",
1361 "EoEtrue_endcaps_new",
1362 "ele ecal energy / gen energy, endcaps",
1368 "EoEtrue_endcaps_new_deegap",
1369 "ele ecal energy / gen energy, endcaps, deegap",
1375 "EoEtrue_endcaps_new_ringgap",
1376 "ele ecal energy / gen energy, endcaps, ringgap",
1384 "ele supercluster transverse energy vs eta",
1393 "ele supercluster transverse energy vs phi",
1406 "ele supercluster sigma eta eta",
1410 "#sigma_{#eta #eta}",
1415 "ele supercluster sigma eta eta barrel",
1419 "#sigma_{#eta #eta}",
1423 "sigetaeta_endcaps",
1424 "ele supercluster sigma eta eta endcaps",
1428 "#sigma_{#eta #eta}",
1433 "ele supercluster sigma ieta ieta",
1437 "#sigma_{i#eta i#eta}",
1441 "sigietaieta_barrel",
1442 "ele supercluster sigma ieta ieta, barrel",
1446 "#sigma_{i#eta i#eta}",
1450 "sigietaieta_endcaps",
1451 "ele supercluster sigma ieta ieta, endcaps",
1455 "#sigma_{i#eta i#eta}",
1460 "ele supercluster sigma ieta ieta",
1464 "#sigma_{i#eta i#eta}",
1468 "SigIEtaIEta_mAOD_barrel",
1469 "ele supercluster sigma ieta ieta, barrel",
1473 "#sigma_{i#eta i#eta}",
1477 "SigIEtaIEta_mAOD_endcaps",
1478 "ele supercluster sigma ieta ieta, endcaps",
1482 "#sigma_{i#eta i#eta}",
1486 "full5x5_sigietaieta",
1487 "ele supercluster full5x5 sigma ieta ieta",
1491 "#sigma_{i#eta i#eta}",
1495 "full5x5_sigietaieta_barrel",
1496 "ele supercluster full5x5 sigma ieta ieta, barrel",
1500 "#sigma_{i#eta i#eta}",
1504 "full5x5_sigietaieta_endcaps",
1505 "ele supercluster full5x5 sigma ieta ieta, endcaps",
1509 "#sigma_{i#eta i#eta}",
1513 iBooker,
"ele supercluster energy in 1x5",
p_nbin, 0.,
"E1x5 (GeV)",
1516 "ele supercluster energy in 1x5 barrel",
1525 "ele supercluster energy in 1x5 endcaps",
1534 "ele supercluster energy in 2x5 max",
1543 "ele supercluster energy in 2x5 _max barrel",
1552 "ele supercluster energy in 2x5 _max endcaps",
1560 iBooker,
"ele supercluster energy in 5x5",
p_nbin, 0.,
"E5x5 (GeV)",
1563 "ele supercluster energy in 5x5 barrel",
1572 "ele supercluster energy in 5x5 endcaps",
1581 "mean mustache SC/true energy vs final SC/true energy",
1588 "E_{final SC}/E_{gen}",
1589 "E_{mustache}/E_{gen}");
1591 bookH1withSumw2(iBooker,
"Total basicclusters energy", 50, 0.2, 1.2,
1593 iBooker,
"Total basicclusters energy , barrel", 50, 0.2, 1.2,
1595 iBooker,
"Total basicclusters energy , endcaps", 50, 0.2, 1.2,
1599 "Preshower over SC raw energy , endcaps",
1603 "E_{PS} / E^{raw}_{SC}",
1611 "ele # ambiguous tracks",
1615 "N_{ambiguous tracks}",
1623 bookH2(iBooker,
"ele # ambiguous tracks vs pt",
pt2D_nbin, 0.,
pt_max, 5, 0., 5.);
1627 iBooker,
"ele track # found hits, barrel",
fhits_nbin, 0.,
1629 iBooker,
"ele track # found hits, endcaps",
fhits_nbin, 0.,
1632 "ele track # found hits vs eta",
1640 "foundHitsVsEta_mAOD",
1641 "ele track # found hits vs eta",
1650 "ele track # found hits vs phi",
1661 bookH1withSumw2(iBooker,
"ele track # lost hits, barrel", 5, 0., 5.,
"N_{lost hits}");
1663 bookH1withSumw2(iBooker,
"ele track # lost hits, endcaps", 5, 0., 5.,
"N_{lost hits}");
1671 bookH1withSumw2(iBooker,
"ele track #chi^{2}", 100, 0., 15.,
1673 iBooker,
"ele track #chi^{2}, barrel", 100, 0., 15.,
1675 iBooker,
"ele track #chi^{2}, endcaps", 100, 0., 15.,
1683 "ele track inner p - outer p, mean of GSF components",
1687 "P_{vertex} - P_{out} (GeV/c)");
1690 "ele track inner p - outer p, mode of GSF components",
1694 "P_{vertex} - P_{out}, mode of GSF components (GeV/c)");
1696 "PinMnPoutVsEta_mode",
1697 "ele track inner p - outer p vs eta, mode of GSF components",
1705 "PinMnPoutVsPhi_mode",
1706 "ele track inner p - outer p vs phi, mode of GSF components",
1714 "PinMnPoutVsPt_mode",
1715 "ele track inner p - outer p vs pt, mode of GSF components",
1723 "PinMnPoutVsE_mode",
1724 "ele track inner p - outer p vs E, mode of GSF components",
1732 "PinMnPoutVsChi2_mode",
1733 "ele track inner p - outer p vs track chi2, mode of GSF components",
1741 iBooker,
"ele track outer p, mean of GSF components",
p_nbin, 0.,
"P_{out} (GeV/c)");
1743 iBooker,
"ele track outer p, mode of GSF components",
p_nbin, 0.,
"P_{out} (GeV/c)");
1747 iBooker,
"ele track outer p_{T}, mean of GSF components",
pt_nbin, 0.,
"P_{T out} (GeV/c)");
1750 "ele track outer p_{T}, mode of GSF components",
1754 "P_{T out} (GeV/c)");
1756 "outerPtVsEta_mode",
1757 "ele track outer p_{T} vs eta, mode of GSF components",
1765 "outerPtVsPhi_mode",
1766 "ele track outer p_{T} vs phi, mode of GSF components",
1775 "ele track outer p_{T} vs pt, mode of GSF components",
1785 iBooker,
"ele E/P_{vertex}",
eop_nbin, 0.,
1788 "ele E/P_{vertex} barrel",
1797 "ele E/P_{vertex} endcaps",
1811 "ele E_{seed}/P_{vertex}",
1815 "E_{seed}/P_{vertex}",
1820 "ele E_{seed}/P_{vertex} barrel",
1824 "E_{seed}/P_{vertex}",
1829 "ele E_{seed}/P_{vertex} endcaps",
1833 "E_{seed}/P_{vertex}",
1838 "ele E_{seed}/P_{vertex} vs eta",
1847 "ele E_{seed}/P_{vertex} vs phi",
1856 iBooker,
"ele E_{seed}/P_{out}",
eop_nbin, 0.,
1859 "ele E_{seed}/P_{out} barrel",
1868 "ele E_{seed}/P_{out} endcaps",
1882 iBooker,
"ele E_{ele}/P_{out}",
eop_nbin, 0.,
1885 "ele E_{ele}/P_{out} barrel",
1893 "EeleOPout_endcaps",
1894 "ele E_{ele}/P_{out} endcaps",
1909 "ele #eta_{sc} - #eta_{tr}, prop from vertex",
1913 "#eta_{sc} - #eta_{tr}",
1917 "dEtaSc_propVtx_barrel",
1918 "ele #eta_{sc} - #eta_{tr}, prop from vertex, barrel",
1922 "#eta_{sc} - #eta_{tr}",
1926 "dEtaSc_propVtx_endcaps",
1927 "ele #eta_{sc} - #eta_{tr}, prop from vertex, endcaps",
1931 "#eta_{sc} - #eta_{tr}",
1935 "dEtaSc_propVtx_mAOD",
1936 "ele #eta_{sc} - #eta_{tr}, prop from vertex",
1940 "#eta_{sc} - #eta_{tr}",
1944 "dEtaSc_propVtx_mAOD_barrel",
1945 "ele #eta_{sc} - #eta_{tr}, prop from vertex, barrel",
1949 "#eta_{sc} - #eta_{tr}",
1953 "dEtaSc_propVtx_mAOD_endcaps",
1954 "ele #eta_{sc} - #eta_{tr}, prop from vertex, endcaps",
1958 "#eta_{sc} - #eta_{tr}",
1962 "dEtaScVsEta_propVtx",
1963 "ele #eta_{sc} - #eta_{tr} vs eta, prop from vertex",
1971 "dEtaScVsPhi_propVtx",
1972 "ele #eta_{sc} - #eta_{tr} vs phi, prop from vertex",
1980 "dEtaScVsPt_propVtx",
1981 "ele #eta_{sc} - #eta_{tr} vs pt, prop from vertex",
1990 "ele #phi_{sc} - #phi_{tr}, prop from vertex",
1994 "#phi_{sc} - #phi_{tr} (rad)",
1998 "dPhiSc_propVtx_barrel",
1999 "ele #phi_{sc} - #phi_{tr}, prop from vertex, barrel",
2003 "#phi_{sc} - #phi_{tr} (rad)",
2007 "dPhiSc_propVtx_endcaps",
2008 "ele #phi_{sc} - #phi_{tr}, prop from vertex, endcaps",
2012 "#phi_{sc} - #phi_{tr} (rad)",
2016 "dPhiScVsEta_propVtx",
2017 "ele #phi_{sc} - #phi_{tr} vs eta, prop from vertex",
2025 "dPhiScVsPhi_propVtx",
2026 "ele #phi_{sc} - #phi_{tr} vs phi, prop from vertex",
2034 "dPhiScVsPt_propVtx",
2035 "ele #phi_{sc} - #phi_{tr} vs pt, prop from vertex",
2044 "ele #eta_{cl} - #eta_{tr}, prop from outermost",
2048 "#eta_{seedcl} - #eta_{tr}",
2052 "dEtaCl_propOut_barrel",
2053 "ele #eta_{cl} - #eta_{tr}, prop from outermost, barrel",
2057 "#eta_{seedcl} - #eta_{tr}",
2061 "dEtaCl_propOut_endcaps",
2062 "ele #eta_{cl} - #eta_{tr}, prop from outermost, endcaps",
2066 "#eta_{seedcl} - #eta_{tr}",
2070 "dEtaClVsEta_propOut",
2071 "ele #eta_{cl} - #eta_{tr} vs eta, prop from out",
2079 "dEtaClVsPhi_propOut",
2080 "ele #eta_{cl} - #eta_{tr} vs phi, prop from out",
2088 "dEtaScVsPt_propOut",
2089 "ele #eta_{cl} - #eta_{tr} vs pt, prop from out",
2098 "ele #phi_{cl} - #phi_{tr}, prop from outermost",
2102 "#phi_{seedcl} - #phi_{tr} (rad)",
2106 "dPhiCl_propOut_barrel",
2107 "ele #phi_{cl} - #phi_{tr}, prop from outermost, barrel",
2111 "#phi_{seedcl} - #phi_{tr} (rad)",
2115 "dPhiCl_propOut_endcaps",
2116 "ele #phi_{cl} - #phi_{tr}, prop from outermost, endcaps",
2120 "#phi_{seedcl} - #phi_{tr} (rad)",
2124 "dPhiCl_propOut_mAOD",
2125 "ele #phi_{cl} - #phi_{tr}, prop from outermost",
2129 "#phi_{seedcl} - #phi_{tr} (rad)",
2133 "dPhiCl_propOut_mAOD_barrel",
2134 "ele #phi_{cl} - #phi_{tr}, prop from outermost, barrel",
2138 "#phi_{seedcl} - #phi_{tr} (rad)",
2142 "dPhiCl_propOut_mAOD_endcaps",
2143 "ele #phi_{cl} - #phi_{tr}, prop from outermost, endcaps",
2147 "#phi_{seedcl} - #phi_{tr} (rad)",
2151 "dPhiClVsEta_propOut",
2152 "ele #phi_{cl} - #phi_{tr} vs eta, prop from out",
2160 "dPhiClVsPhi_propOut",
2161 "ele #phi_{cl} - #phi_{tr} vs phi, prop from out",
2169 "dPhiSClsPt_propOut",
2170 "ele #phi_{cl} - #phi_{tr} vs pt, prop from out",
2178 "dEtaEleCl_propOut",
2179 "ele #eta_{EleCl} - #eta_{tr}, prop from outermost",
2183 "#eta_{elecl} - #eta_{tr}",
2187 "dEtaEleCl_propOut_barrel",
2188 "ele #eta_{EleCl} - #eta_{tr}, prop from outermost, barrel",
2192 "#eta_{elecl} - #eta_{tr}",
2196 "dEtaEleCl_propOut_endcaps",
2197 "ele #eta_{EleCl} - #eta_{tr}, prop from outermost, endcaps",
2201 "#eta_{elecl} - #eta_{tr}",
2205 "dEtaEleClVsEta_propOut",
2206 "ele #eta_{EleCl} - #eta_{tr} vs eta, prop from out",
2214 "dEtaEleClVsPhi_propOut",
2215 "ele #eta_{EleCl} - #eta_{tr} vs phi, prop from out",
2223 "dEtaScVsPt_propOut",
2224 "ele #eta_{EleCl} - #eta_{tr} vs pt, prop from out",
2232 "dPhiEleCl_propOut",
2233 "ele #phi_{EleCl} - #phi_{tr}, prop from outermost",
2237 "#phi_{elecl} - #phi_{tr} (rad)",
2241 "dPhiEleCl_propOut_barrel",
2242 "ele #phi_{EleCl} - #phi_{tr}, prop from outermost, barrel",
2246 "#phi_{elecl} - #phi_{tr} (rad)",
2250 "dPhiEleCl_propOut_endcaps",
2251 "ele #phi_{EleCl} - #phi_{tr}, prop from outermost, endcaps",
2255 "#phi_{elecl} - #phi_{tr} (rad)",
2259 "dPhiEleClVsEta_propOut",
2260 "ele #phi_{EleCl} - #phi_{tr} vs eta, prop from out",
2268 "dPhiEleClVsPhi_propOut",
2269 "ele #phi_{EleCl} - #phi_{tr} vs phi, prop from out",
2277 "dPhiSEleClsPt_propOut",
2278 "ele #phi_{EleCl} - #phi_{tr} vs pt, prop from out",
2286 iBooker,
"ele hadronic energy / em energy",
2289 "ele hadronic energy / em energy, barrel",
2298 "ele hadronic energy / em energy, endcaps",
2307 "ele hadronic energy / em energy",
2316 "ele hadronic energy / em energy, barrel",
2325 "ele hadronic energy / em energy, endcaps",
2334 "ele hadronic energy / em energy behind cluster",
2343 "ele hadronic energy / em energy, behind cluster barrel",
2352 "ele hadronic energy / em energy, behind cluster, endcaps",
2360 "hcalDepth1OverEcalBc",
2361 "hcalDepth1OverEcalBc",
2369 "hcalDepth1OverEcalBc_barrel",
2370 "hcalDepth1OverEcalBc_barrel",
2378 "hcalDepth1OverEcalBc_endcaps",
2379 "hcalDepth1OverEcalBc_endcaps",
2387 "hcalDepth2OverEcalBc",
2388 "hcalDepth2OverEcalBc",
2396 "hcalDepth2OverEcalBc_barrel",
2397 "hcalDepth2OverEcalBc_barrel",
2405 "hcalDepth2OverEcalBc_endcaps",
2406 "hcalDepth2OverEcalBc_endcaps",
2416 "ele hadronic energy / em energy, fiducial region",
2425 "ele hadronic energy / em energy vs eta",
2434 "ele hadronic energy / em energy vs phi",
2446 bookH1withSumw2(iBooker,
"ele seed subdet 2nd layer", 11, -0.5, 10.5,
"2nd hit subdet Id");
2449 bookH1withSumw2(iBooker,
"ele seed hits mask when subdet2 is bpix", 13, -0.5, 12.5);
2451 bookH1withSumw2(iBooker,
"ele seed hits mask when subdet2 is fpix", 13, -0.5, 12.5);
2453 bookH1withSumw2(iBooker,
"ele seed hits mask when subdet2 is tec", 13, -0.5, 12.5);
2455 iBooker,
"ele seed dphi 2nd layer", 50, -0.010, +0.010,
"#phi_{hit}-#phi_{pred} (rad)");
2459 bookH2(iBooker,
"ele seed dphi 2nd layer vs pt",
pt2D_nbin, 0.,
pt_max, 50, -0.003, +0.003);
2461 iBooker,
"ele seed dphi 2nd layer positron", 50, -0.010, +0.010,
"#phi_{hit}-#phi_{pred} (rad)");
2463 "seedDphi2Pos_VsEta",
2464 "ele seed dphi 2nd layer positron vs eta",
2472 iBooker,
"ele seed dphi 2nd layer positron vs pt",
pt2D_nbin, 0.,
pt_max, 50, -0.003, +0.003);
2474 iBooker,
"ele seed dr (dz) 2nd layer", 50, -0.03, +0.03,
"r(z)_{hit}-r(z)_{pred} (cm)");
2478 bookH2(iBooker,
"ele seed dr/dz 2nd layer vs pt",
pt2D_nbin, 0.,
pt_max, 50, -0.03, +0.03);
2480 iBooker,
"ele seed dr (dz) 2nd layer positron", 50, -0.03, +0.03,
"r(z)_{hit}-r(z)_{pred} (cm)");
2482 "seedDrz2Pos_VsEta",
2483 "ele seed dr/dz 2nd layer positron vs eta",
2491 iBooker,
"ele seed dr/dz 2nd layer positron vs pt",
pt2D_nbin, 0.,
pt_max, 50, -0.03, +0.03);
2500 "PinVsPoutGolden_mode",
2501 "ele track inner p vs outer p vs eta, golden, mode of GSF components",
2509 "PinVsPoutShowering_mode",
2510 "ele track inner p vs outer p vs eta, showering, mode of GSF components",
2518 "PinVsPoutGolden_mean",
2519 "ele track inner p vs outer p vs eta, golden, mean of GSF components",
2527 "PinVsPoutShowering_mean",
2528 "ele track inner p vs outer p vs eta, showering, mean of GSF components",
2536 "PtinVsPtoutGolden_mode",
2537 "ele track inner pt vs outer pt vs eta, golden, mode of GSF components",
2545 "PtinVsPtoutShowering_mode",
2546 "ele track inner pt vs outer pt vs eta, showering, mode of GSF components",
2554 "PtinVsPtoutGolden_mean",
2555 "ele track inner pt vs outer pt vs eta, golden, mean of GSF components",
2563 "PtinVsPtoutShowering_mean",
2564 "ele track inner pt vs outer pt vs eta, showering, mean of GSF components",
2573 "EoEtrue_golden_barrel",
2574 "ele supercluster energy / gen energy, golden, barrel",
2579 "EoEtrue_golden_endcaps",
2580 "ele supercluster energy / gen energy, golden, endcaps",
2585 "EoEtrue_showering_barrel",
2586 "ele supercluster energy / gen energy, showering, barrel",
2591 "EoEtrue_showering_endcaps",
2592 "ele supercluster energy / gen energy, showering, endcaps",
2601 "tk isolation sum, dR=0.3",
2605 "TkIsoSum, cone 0.3 (GeV/c)",
2609 "tkSumPt_dr03_barrel",
2610 "tk isolation sum, dR=0.3, barrel",
2614 "TkIsoSum, cone 0.3 (GeV/c)",
2618 "tkSumPt_dr03_endcaps",
2619 "tk isolation sum, dR=0.3, endcaps",
2623 "TkIsoSum, cone 0.3 (GeV/c)",
2627 "ecalRecHitSumEt_dr03",
2628 "ecal isolation sum, dR=0.3",
2632 "EcalIsoSum, cone 0.3 (GeV)",
2636 "ecalRecHitSumEt_dr03_barrel",
2637 "ecal isolation sum, dR=0.3, barrel",
2641 "EcalIsoSum, cone 0.3 (GeV)",
2645 "ecalRecHitSumEt_dr03_endcaps",
2646 "ecal isolation sum, dR=0.3, endcaps",
2650 "EcalIsoSum, cone 0.3 (GeV)",
2654 "hcalTowerSumEt_dr03_depth1",
2655 "hcal depth1 isolation sum, dR=0.3",
2659 "Hcal1IsoSum, cone 0.3 (GeV)",
2663 "hcalTowerSumEt_dr03_depth1_barrel",
2664 "hcal depth1 isolation sum, dR=0.3, barrel",
2668 "Hcal1IsoSum, cone 0.3 (GeV)",
2672 "hcalTowerSumEt_dr03_depth1_endcaps",
2673 "hcal depth1 isolation sum, dR=0.3, endcaps",
2677 "Hcal1IsoSum, cone 0.3 (GeV)",
2681 "hcalTowerSumEt_dr03_depth2",
2682 "hcal depth2 isolation sum, dR=0.3",
2686 "Hcal2IsoSum, cone 0.3 (GeV)",
2690 "hcalTowerSumEt_dr03_depth2_barrel",
2691 "hcal depth2 isolation sum, dR=0.3",
2695 "Hcal2IsoSum, cone 0.3 (GeV)",
2699 "hcalTowerSumEt_dr03_depth2_endcaps",
2700 "hcal depth2 isolation sum, dR=0.3",
2704 "Hcal2IsoSum, cone 0.3 (GeV)",
2709 "tk isolation sum, dR=0.4",
2713 "TkIsoSum, cone 0.4 (GeV/c)",
2717 "tkSumPt_dr04_barrel",
2718 "tk isolation sum, dR=0.4, barrel",
2722 "TkIsoSum, cone 0.4 (GeV/c)",
2726 "tkSumPt_dr04_endcaps",
2727 "tk isolation sum, dR=0.4, endcaps",
2731 "TkIsoSum, cone 0.4 (GeV/c)",
2735 "ecalRecHitSumEt_dr04",
2736 "ecal isolation sum, dR=0.4",
2740 "EcalIsoSum, cone 0.4 (GeV)",
2744 "ecalRecHitSumEt_dr04_barrel",
2745 "ecal isolation sum, dR=0.4, barrel",
2749 "EcalIsoSum, cone 0.4 (GeV)",
2753 "ecalRecHitSumEt_dr04_endcaps",
2754 "ecal isolation sum, dR=0.4, endcaps",
2758 "EcalIsoSum, cone 0.4 (GeV)",
2762 "hcalTowerSumEt_dr04_depth1",
2763 "hcal depth1 isolation sum, dR=0.4",
2767 "Hcal1IsoSum, cone 0.4 (GeV)",
2771 "hcalTowerSumEt_dr04_depth1_barrel",
2772 "hcal depth1 isolation sum, dR=0.4, barrel",
2776 "Hcal1IsoSum, cone 0.4 (GeV)",
2780 "hcalTowerSumEt_dr04_depth1_endcaps",
2781 "hcal depth1 isolation sum, dR=0.4, endcaps",
2785 "Hcal1IsoSum, cone 0.4 (GeV)",
2789 "hcalTowerSumEt_dr04_depth2",
2790 "hcal depth2 isolation sum, dR=0.4",
2794 "Hcal2IsoSum, cone 0.4 (GeV)",
2798 "hcalTowerSumEt_dr04_depth2_barrel",
2799 "hcal depth2 isolation sum, dR=0.4",
2803 "Hcal2IsoSum, cone 0.4 (GeV)",
2807 "hcalTowerSumEt_dr04_depth2_endcaps",
2808 "hcal depth2 isolation sum, dR=0.4",
2812 "Hcal2IsoSum, cone 0.4 (GeV)",
2819 "hcalTowerSumEtBc_dr03_depth1",
2820 "hcal depth1 isolation sum behind cluster, dR=0.3",
2824 "Hcal1IsoSum, cone 0.3 (GeV)",
2829 "hcalTowerSumEtBc_dr03_depth1_barrel",
2830 "hcal depth1 isolation sum behind cluster, dR=0.3, barrel",
2834 "Hcal1IsoSum, cone 0.3 (GeV)",
2839 "hcalTowerSumEtBc_dr03_depth1_endcaps",
2840 "hcal depth1 isolation sum behind cluster, dR=0.3, endcaps",
2844 "Hcal1IsoSum, cone 0.3 (GeV)",
2849 "hcalTowerSumEtBc_dr04_depth1",
2850 "hcal depth1 isolation sum behind cluster, dR=0.4",
2854 "Hcal1IsoSum, cone 0.4 (GeV)",
2859 "hcalTowerSumEtBc_dr04_depth1_barrel",
2860 "hcal depth1 isolation sum behind cluster, dR=0.4, barrel",
2864 "Hcal1IsoSum, cone 0.4 (GeV)",
2869 "hcalTowerSumEtBc_dr04_depth1_endcaps",
2870 "hcal depth1 isolation sum behind cluster, dR=0.4, endcaps",
2874 "Hcal1IsoSum, cone 0.4 (GeV)",
2879 "hcalTowerSumEtBc_dr03_depth2",
2880 "hcal depth2 isolation sum behind cluster, dR=0.3",
2884 "Hcal1IsoSum, cone 0.3 (GeV)",
2889 "hcalTowerSumEtBc_dr03_depth2_barrel",
2890 "hcal depth2 isolation sum behind cluster, dR=0.3, barrel",
2894 "Hcal1IsoSum, cone 0.3 (GeV)",
2899 "hcalTowerSumEtBc_dr03_depth2_endcaps",
2900 "hcal depth2 isolation sum behind cluster, dR=0.3, endcaps",
2904 "Hcal1IsoSum, cone 0.3 (GeV)",
2909 "hcalTowerSumEtBc_dr04_depth2",
2910 "hcal depth2 isolation sum behind cluster, dR=0.4",
2914 "Hcal1IsoSum, cone 0.4 (GeV)",
2919 "hcalTowerSumEtBc_dr04_depth2_barrel",
2920 "hcal depth2 isolation sum behind cluster, dR=0.4, barrel",
2924 "Hcal1IsoSum, cone 0.4 (GeV)",
2929 "hcalTowerSumEtBc_dr04_depth2_endcaps",
2930 "hcal depth2 isolation sum behind cluster, dR=0.4, endcaps",
2934 "Hcal1IsoSum, cone 0.4 (GeV)",
2940 iBooker,
"ele brem fraction, mode of GSF components", 100, 0., 1.,
"P_{in} - P_{out} / P_{in}");
2943 "ele brem fraction for barrel, mode of GSF components",
2947 "P_{in} - P_{out} / P_{in}");
2950 "ele brem franction for endcaps, mode of GSF components",
2954 "P_{in} - P_{out} / P_{in}");
2956 iBooker,
"ele brem fraction, mode of GSF components", 100, 0., 1.,
"P_{in} - P_{out} / P_{in}");
2958 "fbrem_mAOD_barrel",
2959 "ele brem fraction for barrel, mode of GSF components",
2963 "P_{in} - P_{out} / P_{in}");
2965 "fbrem_mAOD_endcaps",
2966 "ele brem franction for endcaps, mode of GSF components",
2970 "P_{in} - P_{out} / P_{in}");
2972 bookH1withSumw2(iBooker,
"supercluster brem fraction", 100, 0., 1.,
"1 - E_{ele} / E_{SC}");
2974 iBooker,
"supercluster brem fraction for barrel", 100, 0., 1.,
"1 - E_{ele} / E_{SC}");
2976 "superclusterfbrem_endcaps",
2977 "supercluster brem franction for endcaps",
2981 "1 - E_{ele} / E_{SC}");
2984 "mean ele brem fraction vs eta, mode of GSF components",
2991 "<P_{in} - P_{out} / P_{in}>");
2994 "mean ele brem fraction vs eta, mean of GSF components",
3001 "<P_{in} - P_{out} / P_{in}>");
3010 bookH1withSumw2(iBooker,
"ele identification mva isolated barrel", 100, -1., 1.);
3012 bookH1withSumw2(iBooker,
"ele identification mva isolated endcaps", 100, -1., 1.);
3019 iBooker,
"chargedHadronIso", 100, 0.0, 20.,
3021 "chargedHadronIso_barrel",
3022 "chargedHadronIso for barrel",
3026 "chargedHadronIso_barrel",
3030 "chargedHadronIso_endcaps",
3031 "chargedHadronIso for endcaps",
3035 "chargedHadronIso_endcaps",
3039 iBooker,
"neutralHadronIso", 21, 0.0, 20.,
3041 "neutralHadronIso_barrel",
3042 "neutralHadronIso for barrel",
3046 "neutralHadronIso_barrel",
3050 "neutralHadronIso_endcaps",
3051 "neutralHadronIso for endcaps",
3055 "neutralHadronIso_endcaps",
3059 bookH1withSumw2(iBooker,
"photonIso", 100, 0.0, 20.,
3061 iBooker,
"photonIso for barrel", 100, 0.0, 20.,
3063 "photonIso_endcaps",
3064 "photonIso for endcaps",
3068 "photonIso_endcaps",
3073 "chargedHadronRelativeIso",
3074 "chargedHadronRelativeIso",
3078 "chargedHadronRelativeIso",
3082 "chargedHadronRelativeIso_barrel",
3083 "chargedHadronRelativeIso for barrel",
3087 "chargedHadronRelativeIso_barrel",
3091 "chargedHadronRelativeIso_endcaps",
3092 "chargedHadronRelativeIso for endcaps",
3096 "chargedHadronRelativeIso_endcaps",
3100 "neutralHadronRelativeIso",
3101 "neutralHadronRelativeIso",
3105 "neutralHadronRelativeIso",
3109 "neutralHadronRelativeIso_barrel",
3110 "neutralHadronRelativeIso for barrel",
3114 "neutralHadronRelativeIso_barrel",
3118 "neutralHadronRelativeIso_endcaps",
3119 "neutralHadronRelativeIso for endcaps",
3123 "neutralHadronRelativeIso_endcaps",
3127 iBooker,
"photonRelativeIso", 100, 0.0, 2.,
3129 "photonRelativeIso_barrel",
3130 "photonRelativeIso for barrel",
3134 "photonRelativeIso_barrel",
3138 "photonRelativeIso_endcaps",
3139 "photonRelativeIso for endcaps",
3143 "photonRelativeIso_endcaps",
3147 "chargedHadronRelativeIso_mAOD",
3148 "chargedHadronRelativeIso",
3152 "chargedHadronRelativeIso",
3156 "chargedHadronRelativeIso_mAOD_barrel",
3157 "chargedHadronRelativeIso for barrel",
3161 "chargedHadronRelativeIso_barrel",
3165 "chargedHadronRelativeIso_mAOD_endcaps",
3166 "chargedHadronRelativeIso for endcaps",
3170 "chargedHadronRelativeIso_endcaps",
3174 "neutralHadronRelativeIso_mAOD",
3175 "neutralHadronRelativeIso",
3179 "neutralHadronRelativeIso",
3183 "neutralHadronRelativeIso_mAOD_barrel",
3184 "neutralHadronRelativeIso for barrel",
3188 "neutralHadronRelativeIso_barrel",
3192 "neutralHadronRelativeIso_mAOD_endcaps",
3193 "neutralHadronRelativeIso for endcaps",
3197 "neutralHadronRelativeIso_endcaps",
3201 "photonRelativeIso_mAOD",
3202 "photonRelativeIso",
3206 "photonRelativeIso",
3210 "photonRelativeIso_mAOD_barrel",
3211 "photonRelativeIso for barrel",
3215 "photonRelativeIso_barrel",
3219 "photonRelativeIso_mAOD_endcaps",
3220 "photonRelativeIso for endcaps",
3224 "photonRelativeIso_endcaps",
3231 bookH1withSumw2(iBooker,
"conversion rejection flag, all electrons", 5, -1.5, 3.5);
3234 bookH1withSumw2(iBooker,
"distance to the conversion partner, all electrons", 100, -15., 15.);
3236 iBooker,
"difference of cot(angle) with the conversion partner", 100, -
CLHEP::pi / 2.,
CLHEP::pi / 2.);
3239 "difference of cot(angle) with the conversion partner, all electrons",
3245 bookH1withSumw2(iBooker,
"signed conversion radius, all electrons", 100, 0., 130.);
3291 if (!vertexCollectionHandle.
isValid()) {
3292 edm::LogInfo(
"ElectronMcSignalValidator::analyze") <<
"vertexCollectionHandle KO";
3294 edm::LogInfo(
"ElectronMcSignalValidator::analyze") <<
"vertexCollectionHandle OK";
3298 <<
"Treating event " <<
iEvent.id() <<
" with " <<
gsfElectrons.product()->size() <<
" electrons";
3309 reco::GsfElectronCollection::const_iterator gsfIter;
3316 float enrj1 = gsfIter->ecalEnergy();
3318 reco::GsfElectronCollection::const_iterator gsfIter2;
3319 for (gsfIter2 = gsfIter + 1; gsfIter2 !=
gsfElectrons->end(); gsfIter2++) {
3321 float mee2 = p12.Dot(p12);
3322 float enrj2 = gsfIter2->ecalEnergy();
3325 if (gsfIter->ecalDrivenSeed() && gsfIter2->ecalDrivenSeed()) {
3328 if (gsfIter->charge() * gsfIter2->charge() < 0.) {
3330 if (gsfIter->isEB() && gsfIter2->isEB()) {
3333 if ((gsfIter->isEB() && gsfIter2->isEE()) || (gsfIter->isEE() && gsfIter2->isEB()))
3335 if (gsfIter->isEE() && gsfIter2->isEE()) {
3338 if ((gsfIter->classification() == GsfElectron::GOLDEN && gsfIter2->classification() == GsfElectron::GOLDEN) ||
3339 (gsfIter->classification() == GsfElectron::GOLDEN && gsfIter2->classification() == GsfElectron::BIGBREM) ||
3340 (gsfIter->classification() == GsfElectron::BIGBREM && gsfIter2->classification() == GsfElectron::GOLDEN) ||
3341 (gsfIter->classification() == GsfElectron::BIGBREM && gsfIter2->classification() == GsfElectron::BIGBREM)) {
3343 }
else if ((gsfIter->classification() == GsfElectron::SHOWERING &&
3344 gsfIter2->classification() == GsfElectron::SHOWERING) ||
3345 (gsfIter->classification() == GsfElectron::SHOWERING && gsfIter2->isGap()) ||
3346 (gsfIter->isGap() && gsfIter2->classification() == GsfElectron::SHOWERING) ||
3347 (gsfIter->isGap() && gsfIter2->isGap())) {
3375 h1_ele_Et_all->
Fill(gsfIter->ecalEnergy() / cosh(gsfIter->superCluster()->eta()));
3378 int flags = gsfIter->convFlags();
3379 if (
flags == -9999) {
3394 int mcNum = 0, gamNum = 0, eleNum = 0;
3395 bool matchingID, matchingMotherID;
3397 reco::GenParticleCollection::const_iterator mcIter;
3420 matchingMotherID =
3433 if (mother ==
nullptr) {
3434 matchingMotherID =
3437 matchingMotherID =
3446 if (matchingMotherID) {
3456 bool okGsfFound =
3457 double gsfOkRatio = 999999.;
3461 reco::GsfElectronCollection::const_iterator gsfIter;
3463 double dphi = gsfIter->
phi() - mcIter->phi();
3465 dphi = dphi < 0 ? (CLHEP::twopi) + dphi : dphi - CLHEP::twopi;
3467 double deltaR2 = (gsfIter->eta() - mcIter->eta()) * (gsfIter->eta() - mcIter->eta()) + dphi * dphi;
3469 double mc_charge = mcIter->pdgId() == 11 ? -1. : 1.;
3472 if (((mcIter->pdgId() == 11) && (gsfIter->charge() > 0.)) ||
3473 ((mcIter->pdgId() == -11) && (gsfIter->charge() < 0.))) {
3474 double tmpGsfRatio = gsfIter->p() / mcIter->p();
3476 gsfOkRatio = tmpGsfRatio;
3477 bestGsfElectron = *gsfIter;
3506 if (mcIter->pdgId() == 22) {
3523 matchingMotherID =
3526 matchingMotherID =
3538 if (!matchingMotherID)
3561 bool okGsfFound =
3562 bool passMiniAODSelection =
3563 double gsfOkRatio = 999999.;
3566 reco::GsfElectronCollection::const_iterator gsfIter;
3570 double dphi = gsfIter->phi() - mcIter->phi();
3572 dphi = dphi < 0 ? (CLHEP::twopi) + dphi : dphi - CLHEP::twopi;
3574 double deltaR2 = (gsfIter->eta() - mcIter->eta()) * (gsfIter->eta() - mcIter->eta()) + dphi * dphi;
3576 if (((mcIter->pdgId() == 11) && (gsfIter->charge() < 0.)) ||
3577 ((mcIter->pdgId() == -11) && (gsfIter->charge() > 0.))) {
3578 double tmpGsfRatio = gsfIter->p() / mcIter->p();
3580 gsfOkRatio = tmpGsfRatio;
3581 bestGsfElectron = *gsfIter;
3596 passMiniAODSelection = bestGsfElectron.
pt() >= 5.;
3614 if (bestGsfElectron.
3617 if (bestGsfElectron.
3633 double d = (bestGsfElectron.
vertex().x() - mcIter->vx()) * (bestGsfElectron.
vertex().x() - mcIter->vx()) +
3634 (bestGsfElectron.
vertex().y() - mcIter->vy()) * (bestGsfElectron.
vertex().y() - mcIter->vy());
3641 if (bestGsfElectron.
3643 if (bestGsfElectron.
3649 if (bestGsfElectron.
3651 if (bestGsfElectron.
3665 if (bestGsfElectron.
3667 if (bestGsfElectron.
3669 if (bestGsfElectron.
isEB() && bestGsfElectron.
classification() == GsfElectron::GOLDEN)
3671 if (bestGsfElectron.
isEE() && bestGsfElectron.
classification() == GsfElectron::GOLDEN)
3673 if (bestGsfElectron.
isEB() && bestGsfElectron.
classification() == GsfElectron::SHOWERING)
3675 if (bestGsfElectron.
isEE() && bestGsfElectron.
classification() == GsfElectron::SHOWERING)
3677 if (bestGsfElectron.
3679 if (bestGsfElectron.
3682 if (bestGsfElectron.
3684 if (bestGsfElectron.
3687 if (bestGsfElectron.
3689 if (bestGsfElectron.
3696 if (bestGsfElectron.
3698 if (bestGsfElectron.
3710 if (bestGsfElectron.
3712 if (bestGsfElectron.
3725 double R = TMath::Sqrt(sclRef->x() * sclRef->x() + sclRef->y() * sclRef->y() + sclRef->z() * sclRef->z());
3726 double Rt = TMath::Sqrt(sclRef->x() * sclRef->x() + sclRef->y() * sclRef->y());
3734 if (bestGsfElectron.
3736 if (bestGsfElectron.
3739 if (bestGsfElectron.
3741 if (bestGsfElectron.
3743 if (passMiniAODSelection) {
3745 if (bestGsfElectron.
3747 if (bestGsfElectron.
3751 if (bestGsfElectron.
3753 if (bestGsfElectron.
3756 if (bestGsfElectron.
3758 if (bestGsfElectron.
3761 if (bestGsfElectron.
3763 if (bestGsfElectron.
3766 if (bestGsfElectron.
3768 if (bestGsfElectron.
3770 float pfEnergy = 0.;
3776 if (bestGsfElectron.
3782 for (; it != itend; ++it) {
3783 Etot += (*it)->energy();
3786 if (bestGsfElectron.
3788 if (bestGsfElectron.
3799 if (bestGsfElectron.
3801 if (bestGsfElectron.
3804 if (passMiniAODSelection) {
3810 if (bestGsfElectron.
3812 if (bestGsfElectron.
3818 if (bestGsfElectron.
3820 if (bestGsfElectron.
3830 bestGsfElectron.
3847 bestGsfElectron.
3863 if (elseed->subDet(1) == 1) {
3865 }
else if (elseed->subDet(1) == 2) {
3867 }
else if (elseed->subDet(1) == 6) {
3896 if (bestGsfElectron.
3898 if (bestGsfElectron.
3904 if (bestGsfElectron.
3906 if (bestGsfElectron.
3912 if (bestGsfElectron.
3914 if (bestGsfElectron.
3920 if (bestGsfElectron.
3922 if (bestGsfElectron.
3928 if (passMiniAODSelection) {
3931 if (bestGsfElectron.
3933 if (bestGsfElectron.
3935 if (passMiniAODSelection) {
3936 if (bestGsfElectron.
3938 if (bestGsfElectron.
3945 if (bestGsfElectron.
3947 if (bestGsfElectron.
3953 if (bestGsfElectron.
3955 if (bestGsfElectron.
3961 if (passMiniAODSelection) {
3964 if (bestGsfElectron.
3966 if (bestGsfElectron.
3968 if (passMiniAODSelection) {
3969 if (bestGsfElectron.
3971 if (bestGsfElectron.
3978 if (bestGsfElectron.
3980 if (bestGsfElectron.
3986 if (bestGsfElectron.
3988 if (bestGsfElectron.
3994 if (passMiniAODSelection) {
3998 if (bestGsfElectron.
4000 if (bestGsfElectron.
4002 if (bestGsfElectron.
4004 if (bestGsfElectron.
4006 if (passMiniAODSelection) {
4007 if (bestGsfElectron.
4009 if (bestGsfElectron.
4021 if (bestGsfElectron.
4025 if (bestGsfElectron.
classification() == GsfElectron::GOLDEN && bestGsfElectron.
4027 if (bestGsfElectron.
classification() == GsfElectron::GOLDEN && bestGsfElectron.
4029 if (bestGsfElectron.
classification() == GsfElectron::SHOWERING && bestGsfElectron.
4031 if (bestGsfElectron.
classification() == GsfElectron::SHOWERING && bestGsfElectron.
4045 double fbrem_mode = bestGsfElectron.
4047 if (passMiniAODSelection) {
4050 if (bestGsfElectron.
isEB()) {
4051 double fbrem_mode_barrel = bestGsfElectron.
4053 if (passMiniAODSelection) {
4058 if (bestGsfElectron.
isEE()) {
4059 double fbrem_mode_endcaps = bestGsfElectron.
4061 if (passMiniAODSelection) {
4069 if (bestGsfElectron.
isEB()) {
4074 if (bestGsfElectron.
isEE()) {
4084 1. - bestGsfElectron.
gsfTrack()->outerMomentum().R() / bestGsfElectron.
4100 bestGsfElectron.
4103 bestGsfElectron.
4115 bestGsfElectron.
4118 bestGsfElectron.
4123 if (bestGsfElectron.
4125 if (bestGsfElectron.
4128 if (bestGsfElectron.
4130 if (bestGsfElectron.
4173 if (bestGsfElectron.
4175 if (bestGsfElectron.
4179 if (bestGsfElectron.
4181 if (bestGsfElectron.
4185 if (bestGsfElectron.
4187 if (bestGsfElectron.
4192 bestGsfElectron.
4193 if (bestGsfElectron.
4195 bestGsfElectron.
4196 if (bestGsfElectron.
4198 bestGsfElectron.
4199 if (passMiniAODSelection) {
4201 bestGsfElectron.
4202 if (bestGsfElectron.
4204 bestGsfElectron.
4205 if (bestGsfElectron.
4207 bestGsfElectron.
4211 bestGsfElectron.
4212 if (bestGsfElectron.
4214 bestGsfElectron.
4215 if (bestGsfElectron.
4217 bestGsfElectron.
4218 if (passMiniAODSelection) {
4220 bestGsfElectron.
4221 if (bestGsfElectron.
4223 bestGsfElectron.
4224 if (bestGsfElectron.
4226 bestGsfElectron.
4230 if (bestGsfElectron.
4232 if (bestGsfElectron.
4234 if (passMiniAODSelection) {
4236 if (bestGsfElectron.
4238 bestGsfElectron.
4239 if (bestGsfElectron.
4241 bestGsfElectron.
4246 if (bestGsfElectron.
4248 if (bestGsfElectron.
4251 if (bestGsfElectron.
4253 if (bestGsfElectron.
4256 if (bestGsfElectron.
4258 if (bestGsfElectron.
4261 if (bestGsfElectron.
4263 if (bestGsfElectron.
4266 if (bestGsfElectron.
4268 if (bestGsfElectron.
4271 if (bestGsfElectron.
4273 if (bestGsfElectron.
4276 if (bestGsfElectron.
4278 if (bestGsfElectron.
4281 if (bestGsfElectron.
4283 if (bestGsfElectron.
4286 if (bestGsfElectron.
4288 if (bestGsfElectron.
4291 if (bestGsfElectron.
4293 if (bestGsfElectron.
4297 if (bestGsfElectron.
4299 if (bestGsfElectron.
4302 if (bestGsfElectron.
4304 if (bestGsfElectron.
4308 if (bestGsfElectron.
4310 if (bestGsfElectron.
4313 if (bestGsfElectron.
4315 if (bestGsfElectron.
4320 if (
flags == -9999) {
MonitorElement * h1_ele_eta_bbrem
float deltaEtaSeedClusterTrackAtCalo() const
edm::EDGetTokenT< reco::GenParticleCollection > mcTruthCollection_
MonitorElement * h1_ele_tkSumPt_dr04_endcaps
MonitorElement * h2_ele_dPhiClVsPhi_propOut
MonitorElement * h1_ele_HoE
MonitorElement * p1_ele_fbremVsEta_mode
MonitorElement * h1_ele_hcalTowerSumEtBc_dr03_depth2_barrel
MonitorElement * h1_ele_PhiMnPhiTrue
MonitorElement * h2_ele_outerPtVsEta_mode
MonitorElement * h1_ele_hcalTowerSumEtBc_dr03_depth1_endcaps
void bookHistograms(DQMStore::IBooker &, edm::Run const &, edm::EventSetup const &) override
MonitorElement * h1_mc_AbsEta_matched_qmisid
MonitorElement * h1_ele_hcalTowerSumEtBc_dr04_depth1_endcaps
MonitorElement * h1_ele_convDist
float dr04EcalRecHitSumEt() const
MonitorElement * h1_ele_chargeInfo
MonitorElement * h1_ele_dEtaSc_propVtx_all_barrel
MonitorElement * h1_ele_PoPtrue_golden_barrel
MonitorElement * h1_ele_vertexAbsEta
MonitorElement * h1_scl_E1x5_barrel
MonitorElement * h2_ele_vertexPtVsEta
MonitorElement * h1_scl_SigEtaEta_endcaps
MonitorElement * h1_ele_EoP_endcaps
MonitorElement * h2_mc_PtEta_matched
void setBookEfficiencyFlag(const bool &)
MonitorElement * h1_scl_EoEtrue_endcaps_ringgap
MonitorElement * h1_ele_EeleOPout_all_barrel
MonitorElement * h1_ele_dPhiCl_propOut_all
float dr03TkSumPt() const
MonitorElement * h1_ele_photonRelativeIso_mAOD_endcaps
MonitorElement * h1_scl_EoEtrueGolden_endcaps
float hcalDepth1OverEcalBc() const
MonitorElement * h1_ele_hcalTowerSumEt_dr04_depth1_endcaps
MonitorElement * h2_ele_dPhiClVsPt_propOut
MonitorElement * h1_ele_chargedHadronRelativeIso_endcaps
MonitorElement * h2_ele_EtaMnEtaTrueVsPhi
MonitorElement * bookH2withSumw2(DQMStore::IBooker &, const std::string &name, const std::string &title, int nchX, double lowX, double highX, int nchY, double lowY, double highY, const std::string &titleX="", const std::string &titleY="", Option_t *option="COLZ")
GsfTrackRef gsfTrack() const override
reference to a GsfTrack
MonitorElement * h2_ele_EseedOPVsE
math::XYZVectorF trackMomentumOut() const
MonitorElement * h1_ele_HoE_all_barrel
MonitorElement * h2_ele_EtaMnEtaTrueVsEta
MonitorElement * h1_ele_convFlags_all
MonitorElement * h1_ele_dEtaSc_propVtx_mAOD_barrel
MonitorElement * h1_scl_EoEtrue_barrel_new
MonitorElement * h1_ele_EoverP_all
MonitorElement * h1_scl_Eta
MonitorElement * h2_ele_seed_drz2posVsPt
MonitorElement * h2_scl_EtaVsPhi
MonitorElement * h2_ele_seed_drz2posVsEta
MonitorElement * h2_ele_foundHitsVsEta_mAOD
MonitorElement * h1_ele_dEtaSc_propVtx_barrel
MonitorElement * h2_ele_lostHitsVsPt
MonitorElement * h1_scl_E1x5_endcaps
MonitorElement * h1_ele_foundHits_barrel
edm::EDGetTokenT< edm::ValueMap< double > > isoFromDepsEcalReduced03Tag_
float deltaPhiSuperClusterTrackAtVtx() const
MonitorElement * p1_ele_fbremVsEta_mean
virtual SuperClusterRef parentSuperCluster() const
MonitorElement * h1_ele_dEtaCl_propOut
MonitorElement * h1_scl_E2x5max_endcaps
MonitorElement * h1_ele_hcalTowerSumEt_dr04_depth2
MonitorElement * h2_ele_PtinVsPtoutGolden_mode
MonitorElement * h1_mc_Pt
MonitorElement * h1_ele_mva
MonitorElement * h2_ele_chi2VsPt
MonitorElement * h1_scl_EoEtrueShowering_endcaps
MonitorElement * h1_ele_outerPt
MonitorElement * h1_ele_chargedHadronIso_barrel
MonitorElement * h1_ele_vertexPt_all
bool isNull() const
Checks for null.
float dr04HcalDepth1TowerSumEt() const
MonitorElement * h1_ele_hcalTowerSumEtBc_dr03_depth2_endcaps
MonitorElement * h1_ele_EoverP_all_barrel
MonitorElement * h1_scl_bcl_EtotoEtrue_barrel
MonitorElement * h1_ele_neutralHadronIso_endcaps
MonitorElement * h1_ele_hcalTowerSumEt_dr03_depth2_endcaps
MonitorElement * h1_ele_Et
MonitorElement * h1_ele_HoE_bc_barrel
MonitorElement * h1_ele_outerPt_mode
MonitorElement * h2_ele_dEtaClVsPhi_propOut
MonitorElement * h1_ele_neutralHadronRelativeIso_barrel
MonitorElement * h2_ele_dPhiScVsPt_propVtx
MonitorElement * h1_ele_convRadius_all
MonitorElement * h1_ele_charge
MonitorElement * h2_ele_PhiMnPhiTrueVsPt
MonitorElement * h2_ele_foundHitsVsPt
MonitorElement * h2_ele_outerPVsEta_mode
MonitorElement * h1_ele_mva_barrel
MonitorElement * h2_ele_dEtaScVsPhi_propVtx
MonitorElement * h1_ele_tkSumPt_dr03_barrel
MonitorElement * h1_ele_seed_mask
MonitorElement * h2_ele_dEtaEleClVsPhi_propOut
MonitorElement * h1_ele_PoPtrue_showering_endcaps
bool isGsfCtfChargeConsistent() const
MonitorElement * h1_ele_HoE_mAOD_endcaps
MonitorElement * h2_ele_PhiMnPhiTrueVsPhi
MonitorElement * h2_ele_HoEVsPhi
virtual void setCurrentFolder(std::string const &fullpath)
MonitorElement * h1_ele_PtoPttrue
MonitorElement * h1_ele_dPhiSc_propVtx_all
MonitorElement * h1_ele_vertexX
MonitorElement * h1_ele_HoE_barrel
MonitorElement * h1_ele_dPhiSc_propVtx_barrel
MonitorElement * h1_ele_hcalTowerSumEt_dr04_depth1
MonitorElement * h1_ele_convDist_all
MonitorElement * h1_ele_ecalRecHitSumEt_dr04_endcaps
float p4Error(P4Kind kind) const
MonitorElement * h1_ele_lostHits
MonitorElement * h1_ele_hcalTowerSumEt_dr04_depth1_barrel
edm::EDGetTokenT< edm::ValueMap< double > > isoFromDepsEcalFull04Tag_
MonitorElement * h1_scl_EoEtrue_endcaps_new_deegap
MonitorElement * h1_ele_chargedHadronRelativeIso
MonitorElement * h1_ele_hcalTowerSumEtBc_dr04_depth1
MonitorElement * h1_recEleNum
MonitorElement * h1_ele_PhiMnPhiTrue_endcaps
MonitorElement * h1_ele_superclusterfbrem
float deltaPhiSeedClusterTrackAtCalo() const
MonitorElement * h1_ele_EoP
MonitorElement * h1_scl_SigIEtaIEta_mAOD
MonitorElement * h1_ele_hcalDepth2OverEcalBc_endcaps
edm::EDGetTokenT< edm::ValueMap< double > > isoFromDepsHcal04Tag_
MonitorElement * h1_ele_dPhiCl_propOut
MonitorElement * h1_ele_superclusterfbrem_endcaps
MonitorElement * h1_ele_eta_golden
MonitorElement * h1_mc_Phi_matched_qmisid
void analyze(const edm::Event &e, const edm::EventSetup &c) override
MonitorElement * bookH1withSumw2(DQMStore::IBooker &, const std::string &name, const std::string &title, int nchX, double lowX, double highX, const std::string &titleX="", const std::string &titleY="Events", Option_t *option="E1 P")
MonitorElement * h2_ele_PinVsPoutShowering_mean
MonitorElement * h2_ele_E2mnE1vsMee_egeg_all
double pt() const final
transverse momentum
MonitorElement * h2_ele_seed_dphi2posVsEta
MonitorElement * h1_ele_vertexZ
MonitorElement * h1_ele_PinMnPout
MonitorElement * h2_ele_ambiguousTracksVsEta
MonitorElement * h1_ele_classes
MonitorElement * h1_ele_mee_os_gg
MonitorElement * h1_ele_dPhiCl_propOut_all_endcaps
MonitorElement * h1_ele_fbrem_endcaps
MonitorElement * h1_scl_EoEtrue_endcaps_deegap
T perp() const
Magnitude of transverse component.
virtual const Candidate * mother(size_type i=0) const =0
return pointer to mother
MonitorElement * h2_scl_EoEtrueVsrecOfflineVertices_endcaps
MonitorElement * h2_ele_vertexTIPVsPt
MonitorElement * h2_ele_PhiMnPhiTrueVsEta
MonitorElement * h2_ele_dPhiEleClVsPhi_propOut
MonitorElement * h1_ele_provenance
MonitorElement * h1_scl_SigIEtaIEta_mAOD_barrel
MonitorElement * h1_ele_seed_mask_bpix
MonitorElement * h1_scl_bcl_EtotoEtrue
MonitorElement * h1_ele_dPhiCl_propOut_barrel
MonitorElement * h2_ele_vertexEtaVsPhi
MonitorElement * h1_mc_AbsEta_matched
MonitorElement * h1_scl_SigIEtaIEta_mAOD_endcaps
MonitorElement * h1_ele_hcalTowerSumEt_dr03_depth1_barrel
MonitorElement * h1_scl_E2x5max
edm::EDGetTokenT< reco::GsfElectronCollection > electronCollection_
MonitorElement * h1_scl_full5x5_sigmaIetaIeta_barrel
MonitorElement * h2_ele_PinMnPoutVsE_mode
MonitorElement * h1_ele_EseedOP_all
MonitorElement * h1_ele_EeleOPout_barrel
MonitorElement * h1_ele_chargedHadronRelativeIso_mAOD
edm::EDGetTokenT< edm::ValueMap< double > > isoFromDepsTk03Tag_
MonitorElement * h1_ele_combinedP4Error
std::vector< int > matchingMotherIDs_
MonitorElement * h1_scl_EoEtrue_endcaps
MonitorElement * h1_ele_hcalDepth1OverEcalBc_endcaps
MonitorElement * h1_ele_EtaMnEtaTrue_barrel
MonitorElement * h1_ele_EoverP_all_endcaps
MonitorElement * h2_ele_EoPoutVsPhi
MonitorElement * h1_ele_chi2_endcaps
MonitorElement * h2_ele_PinVsPoutGolden_mean
MonitorElement * h1_scl_EoEtrue_barrel_new_phigap
MonitorElement * h1_ele_mee_os_gb
float mva_Isolated() const
MonitorElement * h2_ele_vertexTIPVsEta
MonitorElement * h1_scl_EoEtrue_endcaps_new_ringgap
bool isGsfCtfScPixChargeConsistent() const
MonitorElement * h1_ele_hcalTowerSumEtBc_dr04_depth2_barrel
MonitorElement * h1_ele_EseedOP_all_barrel
MonitorElement * h2_ele_HoEVsEta
MonitorElement * h1_ele_EeleOPout_all
MonitorElement * h1_scl_SigIEtaIEta
MonitorElement * h1_ele_neutralHadronRelativeIso_mAOD
edm::EDGetTokenT< reco::BeamSpot > beamSpotTag_
MonitorElement * h1_scl_SigIEtaIEta_endcaps
MonitorElement * h1_ele_dEtaCl_propOut_all
float sumPhotonEt
sum pt of PF photons // old float photonIso ;
MonitorElement * h1_ele_dEtaCl_propOut_endcaps
GsfTrackRefVector::size_type ambiguousGsfTracksSize() const
MonitorElement * h1_scl_EoEtrueGolden_barrel
MonitorElement * h2_ele_EseedOPVsEta
MonitorElement * h1_ele_dPhiEleCl_propOut_endcaps
edm::EDGetTokenT< edm::ValueMap< double > > isoFromDepsTk04Tag_
MonitorElement * h1_ele_chargedHadronRelativeIso_mAOD_endcaps
MonitorElement * h1_ele_mee_os_bb
MonitorElement * h1_ele_hcalTowerSumEtBc_dr04_depth2_endcaps
float dr04HcalDepth1TowerSumEtBc() const
MonitorElement * h1_ele_dPhiCl_propOut_mAOD_barrel
MonitorElement * h1_ele_PoPtrue_endcaps
MonitorElement * h2_ele_foundHitsVsEta
MonitorElement * h1_scl_En
MonitorElement * h1_ele_dEtaSc_propVtx_mAOD
MonitorElement * h1_ele_dPhiSc_propVtx_all_barrel
MonitorElement * h1_mc_Z_matched
MonitorElement * h2_ele_PoPtrueVsPt
MonitorElement * h1_ele_dPhiCl_propOut_mAOD_endcaps
double py() const final
y coordinate of momentum vector
MonitorElement * h2_ele_PinMnPoutVsChi2_mode
MonitorElement * h1_scl_ESFrac_endcaps
MonitorElement * h1_scl_EoEtrueShowering_barrel
MonitorElement * h1_ele_seed_subdet2
MonitorElement * h1_ele_foundHits
MonitorElement * h1_ele_hcalDepth2OverEcalBc
MonitorElement * h1_ele_EoPout_endcaps
MonitorElement * h1_recCoreNum
MonitorElement * h1_ele_mva_barrel_isolated
MonitorElement * h1_mc_Eta_matched
MonitorElement * h1_ele_fbrem_mAOD_barrel
MonitorElement * h1_ele_hcalTowerSumEt_dr03_depth1
float dr04HcalDepth2TowerSumEtBc() const
MonitorElement * h1_ele_dPhiCl_propOut_mAOD
MonitorElement * h2_ele_PinMnPoutVsPhi_mode
edm::EDGetTokenT< reco::GsfElectronCoreCollection > electronCoreCollection_
float hcalDepth2OverEcalBc() const
math::XYZVectorF trackMomentumAtVtx() const
MonitorElement * h2_ele_dPhiEleClVsEta_propOut
MonitorElement * h1_ele_ambiguousTracks
MonitorElement * h1_mc_Phi
bool ecalDrivenSeed() const
MonitorElement * h2_ele_vertexTIPVsPhi
MonitorElement * h2_ele_dEtaClVsEta_propOut
MonitorElement * h1_ele_dEtaCl_propOut_barrel
MonitorElement * bookH2(DQMStore::IBooker &, const std::string &name, const std::string &title, int nchX, double lowX, double highX, int nchY, double lowY, double highY, const std::string &titleX="", const std::string &titleY="", Option_t *option="COLZ")
MonitorElement * h1_ele_mva_endcaps
MonitorElement * h1_scl_E5x5_endcaps
MonitorElement * h1_ele_provenance_endcaps
MonitorElement * h2_ele_dPhiClVsEta_propOut
edm::Ref< GsfElectronCollection > GsfElectronRef
reference to an object in a collection of GsfElectron objects
virtual size_type numberOfDaughters() const =0
number of daughters
MonitorElement * h1_ele_ecalRecHitSumEt_dr03_endcaps
MonitorElement * h1_ele_dPhiEleCl_propOut
MonitorElement * h1_ele_chargedHadronIso_endcaps
MonitorElement * h1_ele_mee_os_eeee
MonitorElement * h1_recOfflineVertices
MonitorElement * h1_ele_hcalTowerSumEt_dr03_depth1_endcaps
MonitorElement * h1_ele_ecalEnergyError
MonitorElement * h1_ele_hcalTowerSumEtBc_dr03_depth1
MonitorElement * h2_ele_EoPVsE
MonitorElement * h1_ele_HoE_fiducial
MonitorElement * h1_ele_ecalRecHitSumEt_dr03_barrel
bool set_StatOverflowFlag
float correctedEcalEnergyError() const
const Point & position() const
MonitorElement * h2_ele_EtaMnEtaTrueVsPt
MonitorElement * h1_ele_hcalDepth2OverEcalBc_barrel
MonitorElement * h1_scl_EoEtrue_endcaps_new
MonitorElement * h1_ele_HoE_all_endcaps
MonitorElement * h1_ele_dEtaSc_propVtx_all
MonitorElement * h2_ele_chargeVsEta
MonitorElement * h1_ele_fbrem_barrel
MonitorElement * h1_scl_E2x5max_barrel
MonitorElement * h1_ele_tkSumPt_dr03
MonitorElement * h2_ele_seed_drz2VsEta
MonitorElement * h1_mc_Phi_matched
MonitorElement * h1_ele_ecalRecHitSumEt_dr04_barrel
MonitorElement * h2_ele_PtinVsPtoutShowering_mean
MonitorElement * h2_scl_EoEtrueVsrecOfflineVertices
MonitorElement * h1_ele_ecalRecHitSumEt_dr03
MonitorElement * h1_ele_HoE_mAOD_barrel
MonitorElement * h2_ele_PtinVsPtoutShowering_mode
MonitorElement * h2_ele_outerPtVsPhi_mode
MonitorElement * h1_ele_hcalTowerSumEtBc_dr03_depth1_barrel
MonitorElement * h1_ele_EtaMnEtaTrue_endcaps
MonitorElement * h1_ele_ecalRecHitSumEt_dr04
MonitorElement * h1_ele_hcalTowerSumEtBc_dr03_depth2
MonitorElement * h1_scl_Phi
MonitorElement * h1_ele_dPhiEleCl_propOut_barrel
MonitorElement * h1_mc_AbsEta
MonitorElement * h1_ele_dEtaCl_propOut_all_endcaps
MonitorElement * h2_ele_seed_dphi2VsPt
MonitorElement * h1_ele_superclusterfbrem_barrel
float superClusterFbrem() const
MonitorElement * h2_ele_dEtaScVsPt_propVtx
MonitorElement * h1_ele_PtoPttrue_barrel
MonitorElement * h1_ele_chi2_barrel
MonitorElement * h1_ele_tkSumPt_dr04
MonitorElement * h1_mc_Eta
MonitorElement * h1_ele_convDcot
MonitorElement * h1_ele_mee_os
MonitorElement * h1_ele_photonRelativeIso_barrel
MonitorElement * h1_ele_HoE_all
MonitorElement * h1_ele_neutralHadronRelativeIso_mAOD_endcaps
edm::EDGetTokenT< reco::ElectronSeedCollection > electronSeedCollection_
MonitorElement * h1_ele_EeleOPout
MonitorElement * h1_ele_fbrem_mAOD_endcaps
MonitorElement * h1_recSeedNum
MonitorElement * h1_ele_HoE_mAOD
MonitorElement * h1_scl_EoEtrue_ebeegap_new
MonitorElement * h1_ele_eta_shower
MonitorElement * h1_ele_mee_all
MonitorElement * h1_ele_hcalTowerSumEt_dr04_depth2_endcaps
MonitorElement * h1_scl_SigEtaEta_barrel
MonitorElement * h1_ele_Et_all
edm::EDGetTokenT< edm::ValueMap< double > > isoFromDepsEcalReduced04Tag_
float deltaEtaSuperClusterTrackAtVtx() const
MonitorElement * h1_scl_full5x5_sigmaIetaIeta
MonitorElement * h2_ele_E2mnE1vsMee_all
double eta() const final
momentum pseudorapidity
MonitorElement * h1_ele_lostHits_barrel
MonitorElement * h1_scl_Et
MonitorElement * h1_ele_EeleOPout_all_endcaps
MonitorElement * h1_ele_HoE_bc
MonitorElement * h1_ele_dEtaEleCl_propOut_endcaps
float full5x5_sigmaIetaIeta() const
edm::EDGetTokenT< reco::VertexCollection > offlineVerticesCollection_
MonitorElement * h2_ele_EeleOPoutVsE
std::string inputInternalPath_
MonitorElement * h1_mcNum
MonitorElement * h1_ele_hcalTowerSumEt_dr04_depth2_barrel
MonitorElement * h2_ele_dPhiScVsPhi_propVtx
MonitorElement * h1_ele_dEtaSc_propVtx_endcaps
float dr03HcalDepth1TowerSumEt() const
MonitorElement * h1_ele_EseedOP_barrel
MonitorElement * h1_ele_mee_os_ebeb
MonitorElement * h2_ele_chargeVsPhi
MonitorElement * h2_ele_PinMnPoutVsEta_mode
MonitorElement * h2_ele_seed_drz2VsPt
MonitorElement * h1_ele_photonIso
MonitorElement * h1_ele_EtaMnEtaTrue
MonitorElement * h1_ele_chargedHadronIso
MonitorElement * h1_ele_dEtaSc_propVtx_all_endcaps
MonitorElement * h1_ele_EseedOP_endcaps
MonitorElement * h1_ele_HoE_bc_all
MonitorElement * h1_ele_outerP_mode
MonitorElement * h1_ele_EoPout_all
MonitorElement * h2_ele_dEtaScVsEta_propVtx
MonitorElement * h2_ele_EoPVsEta
MonitorElement * h1_ele_vertexEta
float eSeedClusterOverP() const
float dr04TkSumPt() const
float hcalOverEcalBc() const
MonitorElement * h1_ele_vertexY
MonitorElement * h1_ele_EoPout_barrel
MonitorElement * h1_ele_TIP_all
MonitorElement * h1_ele_chargedHadronRelativeIso_mAOD_barrel
MonitorElement * bookH1(DQMStore::IBooker &, const std::string &name, const std::string &title, int nchX, double lowX, double highX, const std::string &titleX="", const std::string &titleY="Events", Option_t *option="E1 P")
MonitorElement * h2_ele_PinVsPoutGolden_mode
MonitorElement * h1_ele_lostHits_endcaps
MonitorElement * h1_ele_eta
MonitorElement * h1_ele_EoPout_all_barrel
MonitorElement * h1_ele_photonIso_endcaps
MonitorElement * h1_ele_ChargeMnChargeTrue
int charge() const final
electric charge
MonitorElement * h1_scl_SigEtaEta
MonitorElement * h1_ele_EoPout_all_endcaps
MonitorElement * h1_ele_vertexP
MonitorElement * h1_ele_convFlags
MonitorElement * h2_ele_PinMnPoutVsPt_mode
MonitorElement * h1_mc_Z_matched_qmisid
MonitorElement * h1_ele_provenance_barrel
MonitorElement * h1_scl_E5x5_barrel
void setBookStatOverflowFlag(const bool &)
MonitorElement * h1_ele_dPhiSc_propVtx_endcaps
MonitorElement * h1_ele_PoPtrue_showering_barrel
MonitorElement * h2_ele_EseedOPVsPhi
MonitorElement * h1_scl_EoEtrue_barrel_phigap
MonitorElement * h1_scl_E1x5
MonitorElement * h2_ele_lostHitsVsPhi
virtual int pdgId() const =0
PDG identifier.
float dr03HcalDepth1TowerSumEtBc() const
MonitorElement * h1_ele_TIP_all_barrel
float sumNeutralHadronEt
sum pt of neutral hadrons // old float neutralHadronIso ;
float hcalOverEcal() const
MonitorElement * h1_ele_PoPtrue_barrel
MonitorElement * h1_ele_PhiMnPhiTrue2
MonitorElement * h2_ele_dEtaEleClVsPt_propOut
MonitorElement * h1_ele_convDcot_all
const Point & vertex() const override
vertex position (overwritten by PF...)
MonitorElement * h1_ele_photonRelativeIso_mAOD
MonitorElement * h1_ele_EseedOP
MonitorElement * h2_ele_dEtaClVsPt_propOut
MonitorElement * h1_ele_hcalTowerSumEt_dr03_depth2
MonitorElement * h1_ele_chi2
MonitorElement * h1_ele_photonRelativeIso_endcaps
MonitorElement * h1_ele_dEtaEleCl_propOut_barrel
MonitorElement * h1_ele_chargedHadronRelativeIso_barrel
MonitorElement * h2_ele_ambiguousTracksVsPhi
MonitorElement * bookP1(DQMStore::IBooker &, const std::string &name, const std::string &title, int nchX, double lowX, double highX, double lowY, double highY, const std::string &titleX="", const std::string &titleY="", Option_t *option="E1 P")
MonitorElement * h2_ele_vertexPtVsPhi
T getParameter(std::string const &) const
float dr03HcalDepth2TowerSumEtBc() const
MonitorElement * h1_ele_neutralHadronRelativeIso_endcaps
MonitorElement * h1_ele_dPhiSc_propVtx
MonitorElement * h1_ele_HoE_endcaps
MonitorElement * h1_ele_dEtaCl_propOut_all_barrel
MonitorElement * h2_ele_EoPoutVsEta
MonitorElement * h1_recTrackNum
MonitorElement * h1_scl_full5x5_sigmaIetaIeta_endcaps
MonitorElement * h1_ele_fbrem
MonitorElement * h2_ele_PoPtrueVsPhi
MonitorElement * h2_ele_chi2VsEta
MonitorElement * h1_ele_dPhiSc_propVtx_all_endcaps
MonitorElement * h2_ele_lostHitsVsEta
MonitorElement * h1_ele_dPhiCl_propOut_all_barrel
MonitorElement * h1_ele_PinMnPout_mode
MonitorElement * h2_scl_EtVsEta
MonitorElement * h1_ele_photonRelativeIso_mAOD_barrel
MonitorElement * h2_scl_EoEtruePfVsEg
MonitorElement * h2_mc_PtEta
MonitorElement * h1_ele_PoPtrue_golden_endcaps
MonitorElement * h1_ele_hcalDepth1OverEcalBc_barrel
edm::EDGetTokenT< reco::GsfTrackCollection > electronTrackCollection_
MonitorElement * h1_ele_neutralHadronRelativeIso
MonitorElement * h1_ele_vertexPhi
double phi() const final
momentum azimuthal angle
MonitorElement * h1_ele_tkSumPt_dr03_endcaps
MonitorElement * h1_ele_dPhiCl_propOut_endcaps
MonitorElement * h1_ele_ecalEnergyError_barrel
MonitorElement * h2_ele_dPhiScVsEta_propVtx
float scSigmaEtaEta() const
MonitorElement * h1_ele_convRadius
MonitorElement * h1_eleNum
MonitorElement * h2_ele_seed_dphi2posVsPt
MonitorElement * h2_ele_seed_dphi2VsEta
XYZTLorentzVectorD XYZTLorentzVector
Lorentz vector with cylindrical internal representation using pseudorapidity.
MonitorElement * h1_ele_seed_mask_tec
MonitorElement * h2_ele_dPhiEleClVsPt_propOut
MonitorElement * h2_ele_HoEVsE
MonitorElement * h1_scl_E5x5
double p() const final
magnitude of momentum vector
MonitorElement * h2_ele_foundHitsVsPhi
std::vector< int > matchingIDs_
MonitorElement * h2_ele_EoPoutVsE
MonitorElement * h2_ele_ambiguousTracksVsPt
float deltaEtaEleClusterTrackAtCalo() const
float eSuperClusterOverP() const
MonitorElement * h1_ele_hcalDepth1OverEcalBc
Classification classification() const
MonitorElement * h1_ele_photonRelativeIso
MonitorElement * h2_ele_PtinVsPtoutGolden_mean
MonitorElement * h1_ele_ecalEnergyError_endcaps
MonitorElement * h1_ele_fbrem_mAOD
MonitorElement * h1_ele_foundHits_endcaps
float eEleClusterOverPout() const
MonitorElement * h1_ele_vertexTIP
bool trackerDrivenSeed() const
MonitorElement * h2_ele_PoPtrueVsEta
MonitorElement * h1_ele_combinedP4Error_barrel
~ElectronMcSignalValidator() override
MonitorElement * h1_ele_seed_drz2pos
float eSeedClusterOverPout() const
SuperClusterRef superCluster() const override
reference to a SuperCluster
MonitorElement * h1_ele_PtoPttrue_endcaps
MonitorElement * h1_ele_EeleOPout_endcaps
MonitorElement * h1_ele_mee_os_ebee
MonitorElement * h1_ele_hcalTowerSumEt_dr03_depth2_barrel
MonitorElement * h2_ele_outerPtVsPt_mode
std::string outputInternalPath_
MonitorElement * h2_ele_chi2VsPhi
MonitorElement * h1_ele_vertexEta_all
MonitorElement * h1_gamNum
MonitorElement * h1_ele_combinedP4Error_endcaps
MonitorElement * h1_mc_Pt_matched_qmisid
MonitorElement * h2_scl_EtVsPhi
MonitorElement * h2_ele_EeleOPoutVsEta
MonitorElement * h1_ele_seed_drz2
MonitorElement * h1_ele_neutralHadronIso
Abs< T >::type abs(const T &t)
MonitorElement * h2_scl_EoEtrueVsrecOfflineVertices_barrel
const PflowIsolationVariables & pfIsolationVariables() const
MonitorElement * h1_ele_photonIso_barrel
MonitorElement * h1_ele_dEtaEleCl_propOut
void setBookPrefix(const std::string &)
MonitorElement * h1_mc_Pt_matched
MonitorElement * h1_ele_neutralHadronIso_barrel
MonitorElement * h1_ele_hcalTowerSumEtBc_dr04_depth1_barrel
MonitorElement * h1_scl_EoEtrue_barrel
MonitorElement * h1_scl_EoEtrue_barrel_new_etagap
MonitorElement * h1_ele_neutralHadronRelativeIso_mAOD_barrel
MonitorElement * h1_ele_dEtaSc_propVtx
MonitorElement * h2_ele_PinVsPoutShowering_mode
MonitorElement * h1_ele_mva_isolated
MonitorElement * h1_ele_vertexPt
MonitorElement * h1_scl_SigIEtaIEta_barrel
float scSigmaIEtaIEta() const
MonitorElement * h1_ele_seed_dphi2pos
MonitorElement * h2_ele_sigmaIetaIetaVsPt
edm::EDGetTokenT< edm::ValueMap< double > > isoFromDepsHcal03Tag_
float deltaPhiEleClusterTrackAtCalo() const
MonitorElement * h2_ele_chargeVsPt
MonitorElement * h1_ele_vertexPt_5100
MonitorElement * h1_ele_vertexPt_nocut
bool isGsfScPixChargeConsistent() const
MonitorElement * h1_ele_EoP_barrel
MonitorElement * h1_ele_seed_mask_fpix
MonitorElement * h1_ele_hcalTowerSumEtBc_dr04_depth2
float dr03HcalDepth2TowerSumEt() const
MonitorElement * h1_scl_EoEtrue_ebeegap
MonitorElement * h1_ele_outerP
float dr03EcalRecHitSumEt() const
MonitorElement * h1_ele_PhiMnPhiTrue_barrel
MonitorElement * h2_ele_EeleOPoutVsPhi
float dr04HcalDepth2TowerSumEt() const
MonitorElement * h1_scl_bcl_EtotoEtrue_endcaps
ElectronMcSignalValidator(const edm::ParameterSet &conf)
MonitorElement * h2_ele_EoPVsPhi
MonitorElement * h1_scl_EoEtrue_barrel_etagap
MonitorElement * h1_ele_seed_dphi2
float sumChargedHadronPt
sum-pt of charged Hadron // old float chargedHadronIso ;
MonitorElement * h1_ele_EseedOP_all_endcaps
MonitorElement * h1_ele_dEtaSc_propVtx_mAOD_endcaps
MonitorElement * h1_ele_PoPtrue
MonitorElement * h1_ele_TIP_all_endcaps
MonitorElement * h1_ele_mva_endcaps_isolated
MonitorElement * h1_ele_EoPout
MonitorElement * h1_ele_tkSumPt_dr04_barrel
MonitorElement * h1_mc_Eta_matched_qmisid
edm::EDGetTokenT< edm::ValueMap< double > > isoFromDepsEcalFull03Tag_
MonitorElement * h2_ele_dEtaEleClVsEta_propOut
MonitorElement * h1_ele_HoE_bc_endcaps