HcalRechitIsoCalculator(const edm::Event &iEvent, const edm::EventSetup &iSetup, const edm::Handle< HBHERecHitCollection > hbhe, const edm::Handle< HFRecHitCollection > hfLabel, const edm::Handle< HORecHitCollection > hoLabel)
double getHcalRechitIso(const reco::SuperClusterRef clus, const double i, const double threshold, const double innerR=0.0)
Return the hcal rechit energy in a cone around the SC.
double getBkgSubHcalRechitIso(const reco::SuperClusterRef clus, const double i, const double threshold, const double innerR=0.0)
Return the background-subtracted hcal rechit energy in a cone around the SC.