14 : csctpgSource_(ps.getParameter<
20 cout <<
"L1TCSCTPG: constructor...." << endl;
24 cout <<
"L1T Monitoring histograms will be saved to " <<
outputFile_.c_str() << endl;
41 csctpgwg = ibooker.
"CSC TPG wire group",
"CSC TPG wire group", 116, -0.5, 115.5);
45 csctpgbx = ibooker.
"CSC TPG bx",
"CSC TPG bx", 20, -0.5, 19.5);
51 cout <<
"L1TCSCTPG: analyze...." << endl;
56 if (!pCSCTPGcorrlcts.
isValid()) {
62 cscItr1 != pCSCTPGcorrlcts->end();
68 std::cout <<
"CSC TPG CLCT pattern " << lctItr1->getCLCTPattern() << std::endl;
73 std::cout <<
"CSC LCT quality " << lctItr1->getQuality() << std::endl;
78 std::cout <<
"CSC LCT wire group " << lctItr1->getKeyWG() << std::endl;
83 std::cout <<
"CSC LCT strip " << lctItr1->getStrip() << std::endl;
88 std::cout <<
"CSC LCT strip type" << lctItr1->getStripType() << std::endl;
93 std::cout <<
"CSC LCT bend " << lctItr1->getBend() << std::endl;
98 std::cout <<
"CSC LCT bx " << lctItr1->getBX() << std::endl;