Go to the documentation of this file. 1 #ifndef L1Trigger_RPCConst_h
2 #define L1Trigger_RPCConst_h
228 static double vxIntegMuRate(
int ptCode,
double etaFrom,
double etaTo);
static double etaFromTowerNum(const int atower)
static const int m_LOGPLANE1
The Logic Planes are named starting from '1', but in varoius loop indeks are from '0',...
std::string intToString(int number)
Converts inteager number to string.
int stringToInt(std::string str)
Converts string to inteager number. If string contains chars, that are not digits,...
static const int m_NOT_CONECTED
Denotes Logic m_Strips that is not valid (f.e. in Patterns denotes, that in given plane the pattern i...
m_Number of Rpc strips in phi direction.
static const int m_TOWER_COUNT
Only half of the detector.
static const unsigned int m_GBETA_OUT_MUONS_CNT
m_Number of muon candidates return by Trigger Board's eta Ghost Buster
static const int m_LOGPLANE6
static const int m_LOGPLANE5
static const unsigned int m_TCGB_OUT_MUONS_CNT
m_Number of muon candidates return by Trigger Crate's Ghost Buster
static const int m_LOGPLANE3
static const unsigned int m_FINAL_OUT_MUONS_CNT
m_Number of muon candidates return by Final GhostBuster&Sorter
static double vxMuRate(int ptCode)
static const int m_LOGPLANE2
static const unsigned int m_GBPHI_OUT_MUONS_CNT
m_Number of muon candidates return by Trigger Board's phi Ghost Buster
static const int m_LOGPLANE4
The coordinates of Logic Cone: m_Tower, m_LogSector, m_LogSegment.
static const unsigned int m_SEGMENTS_IN_SECTOR_CNT
m_Number of Logic Segments in one Logic Sector, defines also the number of Logic Cones for one Logic ...
static int iptFromPt(const double pt)
static double vxIntegMuRate(int ptCode, double etaFrom, double etaTo)
static const std::string m_LOGPLANE_STR[]
Log Planes names.
static const double m_pts[RPCConst::IPT_MAX+1]
static double phiFromLogSegSec(const int logSegment, const int logSector)
static const unsigned int m_TOWERS_ON_TB_CNT
Max number of towers covered by one Trugger Board.
std::vector< short > TQualityTab
Maximal number of abs(m_tower_number)
static const int m_FIRST_PLANE
Use ase a first index in loops.
static const int m_VLPT_CUT
Max Pt code of Very Low Pt patterns.
Minimal number of abs(m_tower_number)
bool operator==(const l1RpcConeCrdnts &cone) const
static const int m_VLPT_PLANES_COUNT[m_TOWER_COUNT]
m_Number of Logic Planes used for Very Low Pt patterns.
l1RpcConeCrdnts(int m_tower, int logSector, int logSegment)
static const int m_REF_PLANE[m_TOWER_COUNT]
Definition of Referenece Plane for each m_Tower.
static const int m_USED_PLANES_COUNT[m_TOWER_COUNT]
m_Number of Logic Planes existing in each m_Tower.
std::vector< TQualityTab > TQualityTabsVec
bool operator<(const l1RpcConeCrdnts &cone) const
static const int m_PT_CODE_MAX
Pt_code range = 0-m_PT_CODE_MAX.
static int segmentNumFromPhi(const double phi)
static const unsigned int m_LOGPLANE_SIZE[m_TOWER_COUNT][m_LOGPLANES_COUNT]
Definition of Logic Cone Sizes - number of Logic m_Strips in each plane.
static const int m_LOGPLANES_COUNT
Max Logic Planes Count in trigger towers.
static const double m_etas[RPCConst::ITOW_MAX+2]
static double phiFromSegmentNum(const int iseg)
Offset of the first trigger phi sector [deg].
static double ptFromIpt(const int ipt)
static const int m_LAST_PLANE
Use ase a last index in loops.
static int towerNumFromEta(const double eta)