#include <Histos.h>
virtual TFileDirectory | bookEtaPhiSectors () |
virtual TFileDirectory | bookInputData () |
virtual TFileDirectory | bookRphiHT () |
virtual TFileDirectory | bookRZfilters () |
virtual TFileDirectory | bookTrackCands (const std::string &tName) |
virtual std::map< std::string, TFileDirectory > | bookTrackFitting () |
virtual void | fillEtaPhiSectors (const InputData &inputData, const matrix< std::unique_ptr< Sector >> &mSectors) |
virtual void | fillInputData (const InputData &inputData) |
virtual void | fillRphiHT (const matrix< std::unique_ptr< HTrphi >> &mHtRphis) |
virtual void | fillRZfilters (const matrix< std::unique_ptr< Make3Dtracks >> &mMake3Dtrks) |
virtual void | fillTrackCands (const InputData &inputData, const matrix< std::unique_ptr< Make3Dtracks >> &mMake3Dtrks, const std::string &tName) |
virtual void | fillTrackCands (const InputData &inputData, const std::vector< L1track3D > &tracks, const std::string &tName) |
virtual void | fillTrackFitting (const InputData &inputData, const std::map< std::string, std::list< const L1fittedTrack * >> &mapFinalTracks) |
virtual void | makeEfficiencyPlot (TFileDirectory &inputDir, TEfficiency *outputEfficiency, TH1F *pass, TH1F *all, TString name, TString title) |
virtual void | plotHybridDupRemovalEfficiency () |
virtual TFileDirectory | plotTrackEffAfterFit (const std::string &fitName) |
virtual TFileDirectory | plotTrackEfficiency (const std::string &tName) |
virtual void | plotTrackletSeedEfficiency () |
virtual void | printFitTrackPerformance (const std::string &fitName) |
virtual void | printHybridDupRemovalPerformance () |
virtual void | printTrackletSeedFindingPerformance () |
virtual void | printTrackPerformance (const std::string &tName) |
bool | bApproxMistake_ |
float | chosenRofZ_ |
edm::Service< TFileService > | fs_ |
unsigned int | genMinStubLayers_ |
TGraph * | graphBVsZoverR_ |
TH1F * | hisBendResStub_ |
TH1F * | hisBendStub_ |
std::map< std::string, TProfile * > | hisD0ResVsTrueEta_ |
std::map< std::string, TProfile * > | hisD0ResVsTrueInvPt_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisEta_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisEtaRes_ |
std::map< std::string, TProfile * > | hisEtaResVsTrueEta_ |
std::map< std::string, TProfile * > | hisEtaResVsTrueInvPt_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisFitChi2DofRphiMatched_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisFitChi2DofRphiUnmatched_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisFitChi2DofRzMatched_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisFitChi2DofRzUnmatched_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisFitD0Matched_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisFitD0Unmatched_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisFitEtaMatched_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisFitEtaUnmatched_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisFitPhi0Matched_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisFitPhi0Unmatched_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisFitQinvPtMatched_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisFitQinvPtUnmatched_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisFitTPd0ForAlgEff_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisFitTPd0ForEff_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisFitTPetaForAlgEff_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisFitTPetaForEff_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisFitTPinvptForAlgEff_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisFitTPinvptForEff_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisFitTPphiForAlgEff_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisFitTPphiForEff_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisFitTPz0ForAlgEff_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisFitTPz0ForEff_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisFitZ0Matched_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisFitZ0Unmatched_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisFracMatchStubsOnTracks_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisKalmanChi2DofSkipLay0Matched_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisKalmanChi2DofSkipLay0Unmatched_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisKalmanChi2DofSkipLay1Matched_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisKalmanChi2DofSkipLay1Unmatched_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisKalmanChi2DofSkipLay2Matched_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisKalmanChi2DofSkipLay2Unmatched_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisKalmanNumUpdateCalls_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisLayersPerTrack_ |
TH1F * | hisNumEtaSecsPerStub_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisNumFitTrks_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisNumFitTrksPerNon_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisNumFitTrksPerSect_ |
TH1F * | hisNumLayersPerTP_ |
TH1F * | hisNumPhiSecsPerStub_ |
TH1F * | hisNumPSLayersPerTP_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisNumStubsPerLink_ |
TH1F * | hisNumStubsPerSec_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisNumTracksVsQoverPt_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisNumTrksPerNon_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisPerfFitTPetaForAlgEff_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisPerfFitTPetaForEff_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisPerfFitTPinvptForAlgEff_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisPerfFitTPinvptForEff_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisPerfRecoTPetaForAlgEff_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisPerfRecoTPetaForEff_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisPerfRecoTPinvptForAlgEff_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisPerfRecoTPinvptForEff_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisPhi0_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisPhi0Res_ |
std::map< std::string, TProfile * > | hisPhi0ResVsTrueEta_ |
std::map< std::string, TProfile * > | hisPhi0ResVsTrueInvPt_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisQoverPt_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisQoverPtRes_ |
std::map< std::string, TProfile * > | hisQoverPtResVsTrueEta_ |
std::map< std::string, TProfile * > | hisQoverPtResVsTrueInvPt_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisRecoTPd0ForAlgEff_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisRecoTPd0ForEff_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisRecoTPetaForAlgEff_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisRecoTPetaForEff_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisRecoTPinvptForAlgEff_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisRecoTPinvptForEff_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisRecoTPphiForAlgEff_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisRecoTPphiForEff_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisRecoTPz0ForAlgEff_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisRecoTPz0ForEff_ |
TProfile * | hisStubIneffiVsEta_ |
TProfile * | hisStubIneffiVsInvPt_ |
TProfile * | hisStubKillFE_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisStubsOnTracksPerNon_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisStubsPerFitTrack_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisStubsPerTrack_ |
TH1F * | hisStubsVsEta_ |
TH1F * | hisStubsVsR_ |
TH1F * | hisTPd0ForAlgEff_ |
TH1F * | hisTPd0ForEff_ |
TH1F * | hisTPetaForAlgEff_ |
TH1F * | hisTPetaForEff_ |
TH1F * | hisTPinvptForAlgEff_ |
TH1F * | hisTPinvptForEff_ |
TH1F * | hisTPphiForAlgEff_ |
TH1F * | hisTPphiForEff_ |
TH1F * | hisTPz0ForAlgEff_ |
TH1F * | hisTPz0ForEff_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisZ0_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisZ0Res_ |
std::map< std::string, TProfile * > | hisZ0ResVsTrueEta_ |
std::map< std::string, TProfile * > | hisZ0ResVsTrueInvPt_ |
float | houghMinPt_ |
unsigned int | houghNbinsPhi_ |
unsigned int | houghNbinsPt_ |
std::map< unsigned int, float > | mapBarrelLayerMaxR_ |
std::map< unsigned int, float > | mapBarrelLayerMinR_ |
std::map< unsigned int, float > | mapEndcapWheelMaxZ_ |
std::map< unsigned int, float > | mapEndcapWheelMinZ_ |
std::map< unsigned int, float > | mapExtraAModuleTypeMaxR_ |
std::map< unsigned int, float > | mapExtraAModuleTypeMaxZ_ |
std::map< unsigned int, float > | mapExtraAModuleTypeMinR_ |
std::map< unsigned int, float > | mapExtraAModuleTypeMinZ_ |
std::map< unsigned int, float > | mapExtraBModuleTypeMaxR_ |
std::map< unsigned int, float > | mapExtraBModuleTypeMaxZ_ |
std::map< unsigned int, float > | mapExtraBModuleTypeMinR_ |
std::map< unsigned int, float > | mapExtraBModuleTypeMinZ_ |
std::map< unsigned int, float > | mapExtraCModuleTypeMaxR_ |
std::map< unsigned int, float > | mapExtraCModuleTypeMaxZ_ |
std::map< unsigned int, float > | mapExtraCModuleTypeMinR_ |
std::map< unsigned int, float > | mapExtraCModuleTypeMinZ_ |
std::map< unsigned int, float > | mapExtraDModuleTypeMaxR_ |
std::map< unsigned int, float > | mapExtraDModuleTypeMaxZ_ |
std::map< unsigned int, float > | mapExtraDModuleTypeMinR_ |
std::map< unsigned int, float > | mapExtraDModuleTypeMinZ_ |
std::map< unsigned int, float > | mapModuleTypeMaxR_ |
std::map< unsigned int, float > | mapModuleTypeMaxZ_ |
std::map< unsigned int, float > | mapModuleTypeMinR_ |
std::map< unsigned int, float > | mapModuleTypeMinZ_ |
unsigned int | numEtaRegions_ |
std::map< std::string, unsigned int > | numFitAlgEff_ |
std::map< std::string, unsigned int > | numFitAlgEffPass_ |
std::map< std::string, unsigned int > | numFitPerfAlgEff_ |
std::map< std::string, unsigned int > | numFitPerfAlgEffPass_ |
unsigned int | numPhiSectors_ |
bool | oldSumW2opt_ |
bool | printedGeomAnalysis_ |
std::map< std::string, TProfile * > | profDupFitTrksVsEta_ |
std::map< std::string, TProfile * > | profDupFitTrksVsInvPt_ |
std::map< std::string, TProfile * > | profDupTracksVsEta_ |
std::map< std::string, TProfile * > | profDupTracksVsInvPt_ |
std::map< std::string, TProfile * > | profFitChi2DofRphiVsInvPtMatched_ |
std::map< std::string, TProfile * > | profFitChi2DofRphiVsInvPtUnmatched_ |
std::map< std::string, TProfile * > | profMeanStubsPerLink_ |
std::map< std::string, TProfile * > | profNumFitTracks_ |
std::map< std::string, TProfile * > | profNumTrackCands_ |
std::map< std::string, TProfile * > | profNumTracksVsEta_ |
std::map< std::string, TProfile * > | profStubsOnFitTracks_ |
std::map< std::string, TProfile * > | profStubsOnTracks_ |
bool | ranRZfilter_ |
bool | resPlotOpt_ |
const Settings * | settings_ |
std::map< std::string, TEfficiency * > | teffAlgEffFitVsD0_ |
std::map< std::string, TEfficiency * > | teffAlgEffFitVsEta_ |
std::map< std::string, TEfficiency * > | teffAlgEffFitVsInvPt_ |
std::map< std::string, TEfficiency * > | teffAlgEffFitVsPhi_ |
std::map< std::string, TEfficiency * > | teffAlgEffFitVsZ0_ |
std::map< std::string, TEfficiency * > | teffAlgEffVsD0_ |
std::map< std::string, TEfficiency * > | teffAlgEffVsEta_ |
std::map< std::string, TEfficiency * > | teffAlgEffVsInvPt_ |
std::map< std::string, TEfficiency * > | teffAlgEffVsPhi_ |
std::map< std::string, TEfficiency * > | teffAlgEffVsZ0_ |
std::map< std::string, TEfficiency * > | teffEffFitVsD0_ |
std::map< std::string, TEfficiency * > | teffEffFitVsEta_ |
std::map< std::string, TEfficiency * > | teffEffFitVsInvPt_ |
std::map< std::string, TEfficiency * > | teffEffFitVsPhi_ |
std::map< std::string, TEfficiency * > | teffEffFitVsZ0_ |
std::map< std::string, TEfficiency * > | teffEffVsD0_ |
std::map< std::string, TEfficiency * > | teffEffVsEta_ |
std::map< std::string, TEfficiency * > | teffEffVsInvPt_ |
std::map< std::string, TEfficiency * > | teffEffVsPhi_ |
std::map< std::string, TEfficiency * > | teffEffVsZ0_ |
std::map< std::string, TEfficiency * > | teffPerfAlgEffFitVsEta_ |
std::map< std::string, TEfficiency * > | teffPerfAlgEffFitVsInvPt_ |
std::map< std::string, TEfficiency * > | teffPerfAlgEffVsEta_ |
std::map< std::string, TEfficiency * > | teffPerfAlgEffVsInvPt_ |
std::map< std::string, TEfficiency * > | teffPerfAlgEffVsPt_ |
std::map< std::string, TEfficiency * > | teffPerfEffFitVsEta_ |
std::map< std::string, TEfficiency * > | teffPerfEffFitVsInvPt_ |
std::map< std::string, TEfficiency * > | teffPerfEffVsEta_ |
std::map< std::string, TEfficiency * > | teffPerfEffVsInvPt_ |
std::vector< std::string > | trackFitters_ |
std::vector< std::string > | useRZfilter_ |
Definition at line 37 of file Histos.h.
◆ Histos()
Histos::Histos |
( |
const Settings * |
settings | ) |
Definition at line 39 of file Histos.cc.
References tmtt::Settings::chosenRofZ(), chosenRofZ_, tmtt::Settings::genMinStubLayers(), genMinStubLayers_, tmtt::Settings::houghMinPt(), houghMinPt_, tmtt::Settings::houghNbinsPhi(), houghNbinsPhi_, tmtt::Settings::houghNbinsPt(), houghNbinsPt_, tmtt::Settings::numEtaRegions(), numEtaRegions_, tmtt::Settings::numPhiSectors(), numPhiSectors_, ranRZfilter_, tmtt::Settings::resPlotOpt(), resPlotOpt_, tmtt::Settings::trackFitters(), trackFitters_, tmtt::Settings::useRZfilter(), and useRZfilter_.
◆ ~Histos()
virtual tmtt::Histos::~Histos |
( |
| ) |
virtualdefault |
◆ available()
virtual bool tmtt::Histos::available |
( |
| ) |
const |
inlinevirtual |
◆ book()
◆ bookEtaPhiSectors()
Definition at line 369 of file Histos.cc.
374 inputDir.
"; No. of #eta sectors each stub in", 20, -0.5, 19.5);
376 inputDir.
"; No. of #phi sectors each stub in", 20, -0.5, 19.5);
379 hisNumStubsPerSec_ = inputDir.make<TH1F>(
"; No. of stubs per sector", 150, -0.5, 299.5);
References fs_, hisNumEtaSecsPerStub_, hisNumPhiSecsPerStub_, hisNumStubsPerSec_, TFileDirectory::make(), and TFileService::mkdir().
Referenced by book().
◆ bookInputData()
Definition at line 121 of file Histos.cc.
124 hisStubsVsEta_ = inputDir.
"; #eta; No. stubs in tracker", 30, -3.0, 3.0);
125 hisStubsVsR_ = inputDir.
"; radius (cm); No. stubs in tracker", 1200, 0., 120.);
128 inputDir.make<TH1F>(
"; Number of layers per TP for alg. eff.", 20, -0.5, 19.5);
130 inputDir.make<TH1F>(
"; Number of PS layers per TP for alg. eff.", 20, -0.5, 19.5);
135 "StubKillFE",
"; barrelLayer or 10+endcapRing; Stub fraction rejected by FE chip", 30, -0.5, 29.5);
137 inputDir.make<TProfile>(
"; 1/Pt; Inefficiency of FE chip for good stubs", 25, 0.0, 0.5);
139 inputDir.make<TProfile>(
"; |#eta|; Inefficiency of FE chip for good stubs", 15, 0.0, 3.0);
143 hisBendStub_ = inputDir.make<TH1F>(
"; Stub bend in units of strips", 59, -7.375, 7.375);
144 hisBendResStub_ = inputDir.make<TH1F>(
"; Stub bend minus TP bend in units of strips", 100, -5., 5.);
147 hisTPinvptForEff_ = inputDir.make<TH1F>(
"; TP 1/Pt (for effi.);", 50, 0., 0.5);
148 hisTPetaForEff_ = inputDir.make<TH1F>(
"; TP #eta (for effi.);", 20, -3., 3.);
150 hisTPd0ForEff_ = inputDir.make<TH1F>(
"; TP d0 (for effi.);", 40, 0., 4.);
151 hisTPz0ForEff_ = inputDir.make<TH1F>(
"; TP z0 (for effi.);", 50, 0., 25.);
153 hisTPinvptForAlgEff_ = inputDir.make<TH1F>(
"; TP 1/Pt (for alg. effi.);", 50, 0., 0.5);
154 hisTPetaForAlgEff_ = inputDir.make<TH1F>(
"; TP #eta (for alg. effi.);", 20, -3., 3.);
156 hisTPd0ForAlgEff_ = inputDir.make<TH1F>(
"; TP d0 (for alg. effi.);", 40, 0., 4.);
157 hisTPz0ForAlgEff_ = inputDir.make<TH1F>(
"; TP z0 (for alg. effi.);", 50, 0., 25.);
References fs_, hisBendResStub_, hisBendStub_, hisNumLayersPerTP_, hisNumPSLayersPerTP_, hisStubIneffiVsEta_, hisStubIneffiVsInvPt_, hisStubKillFE_, hisStubsVsEta_, hisStubsVsR_, hisTPd0ForAlgEff_, hisTPd0ForEff_, hisTPetaForAlgEff_, hisTPetaForEff_, hisTPinvptForAlgEff_, hisTPinvptForEff_, hisTPphiForAlgEff_, hisTPphiForEff_, hisTPz0ForAlgEff_, hisTPz0ForEff_, M_PI, TFileDirectory::make(), and TFileService::mkdir().
Referenced by book().
◆ bookRphiHT()
◆ bookRZfilters()
◆ bookTrackCands()
Definition at line 471 of file Histos.cc.
474 auto addn = [
const string&
s) {
return TString::Format(
tName.c_str()); };
482 inputDir.
"; class; N. of tracks in tracker", 7, 0.5, 7.5);
495 inputDir.
"; Q/Pt; No. of tracks in tracker", 100, -0.5, 0.5);
498 addn(
"; #eta region; No. of tracks in tracker",
nEta, -0.5,
nEta - 0.5);
504 inputDir.
"; ; No. of stubs on tracks per event", 1, 0.5, 1.5);
506 inputDir.
"; No. of stubs on tracks per nonant", 100, -0.5, 4999.5);
510 inputDir.
";No. of layers with stubs per track;", 20, -0.5, 19.5);
514 inputDir.
"; Mean #stubs per MHT output opto-link;", 50, -0.5, 249.5);
516 inputDir.
"; Mean #stubs per MHT output opto-link;", 36, -0.5, 35.5);
520 addn(
"; Frac. of stubs per trk matching best TP;", 101, -0.005, 1.005);
525 inputDir.
"; #eta; No. of dup. trks per TP;", 15, 0.0, 3.0);
527 inputDir.
"; 1/Pt; No. of dup. trks per TP", 25, 0., 0.5);
532 hisPhi0_[
tName] = inputDir.
"; track #phi0", 70, -3.5, 3.5);
533 hisEta_[
tName] = inputDir.
"; track #eta", 60, -3.0, 3.0);
534 hisZ0_[
tName] = inputDir.
"; track z0", 100, -25.0, 25.0);
537 hisQoverPtRes_[
tName] = inputDir.
"; track resolution in q/Pt", 100, -0.06, 0.06);
538 hisPhi0Res_[
tName] = inputDir.
"; track resolution in #phi0", 100, -0.04, 0.04);
539 hisEtaRes_[
tName] = inputDir.
"; track resolution in #eta", 100, -1.0, 1.0);
540 hisZ0Res_[
tName] = inputDir.make<TH1F>(addn(
"; track resolution in z0", 100, -10.0, 10.0);
544 inputDir.make<TH1F>(addn(
"; TP 1/Pt of recoed tracks (for effi.);", 50, 0., 0.5);
546 inputDir.make<TH1F>(addn(
"; TP #eta of recoed tracks (for effi.);", 20, -3., 3.);
548 inputDir.make<TH1F>(addn(
"; TP #phi of recoed tracks (for effi.);", 20, -
552 addn(
"; TP 1/Pt of recoed tracks (for perf. effi.);", 50, 0., 0.5);
554 inputDir.make<TH1F>(addn(
"; TP #eta of recoed tracks (for perf. effi.);", 20, -3., 3.);
558 inputDir.make<TH1F>(addn(
"; TP d0 of recoed tracks (for effi.);", 40, 0., 4.);
560 inputDir.make<TH1F>(addn(
"; TP z0 of recoed tracks (for effi.);", 50, 0., 25.);
564 inputDir.make<TH1F>(addn(
"; TP 1/Pt of recoed tracks (for alg. effi.);", 50, 0., 0.5);
566 inputDir.make<TH1F>(addn(
"; TP #eta of recoed tracks (for alg. effi.);", 20, -3., 3.);
568 addn(
"; TP #phi of recoed tracks (for alg. effi.);", 20, -
572 addn(
"; TP 1/Pt of recoed tracks (for perf. alg. effi.);", 50, 0., 0.5);
574 inputDir.make<TH1F>(addn(
"; TP #eta (for perf. alg. effi.);", 20, -3., 3.);
578 inputDir.make<TH1F>(addn(
"; TP d0 of recoed tracks (for alg. effi.);", 40, 0., 4.);
580 inputDir.make<TH1F>(addn(
"; TP z0 of recoed tracks (for alg. effi.);", 50, 0., 25.);
References fs_, hisEta_, hisEtaRes_, hisFracMatchStubsOnTracks_, hisLayersPerTrack_, hisNumStubsPerLink_, hisNumTracksVsQoverPt_, hisNumTrksPerNon_, hisPerfRecoTPetaForAlgEff_, hisPerfRecoTPetaForEff_, hisPerfRecoTPinvptForAlgEff_, hisPerfRecoTPinvptForEff_, hisPhi0_, hisPhi0Res_, hisQoverPt_, hisQoverPtRes_, hisRecoTPd0ForAlgEff_, hisRecoTPd0ForEff_, hisRecoTPetaForAlgEff_, hisRecoTPetaForEff_, hisRecoTPinvptForAlgEff_, hisRecoTPinvptForEff_, hisRecoTPphiForAlgEff_, hisRecoTPphiForEff_, hisRecoTPz0ForAlgEff_, hisRecoTPz0ForEff_, hisStubsOnTracksPerNon_, hisStubsPerTrack_, hisZ0_, hisZ0Res_, M_PI, TFileDirectory::make(), TFileService::mkdir(), HLT_2018_cff::nEta, numEtaRegions_, profDupTracksVsEta_, profDupTracksVsInvPt_, profMeanStubsPerLink_, profNumTrackCands_, profNumTracksVsEta_, profStubsOnTracks_, alignCSCRings::s, ProducerES_cfi::TMTT, and simpleEdmComparison::tName.
Referenced by book().
◆ bookTrackFitting()
Definition at line 866 of file Histos.cc.
867 map<string, TFileDirectory> inputDirMap;
871 auto addn = [fitName](
const string&
s) {
return TString::Format(
s.c_str(), fitName.c_str()); };
874 inputDirMap[fitName] = inputDir;
877 inputDir.
"; class; # of fitted tracks", 11, 0.5, 11.5, -0.5, 9.9e6);
880 profNumFitTracks_[fitName]->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(2,
"Fit tracks that are genuine");
881 profNumFitTracks_[fitName]->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(1,
"Fit tracks including fakes");
885 inputDir.
"; No. fitted tracks in tracker;", 200, -0.5, 399.5);
887 inputDir.
"; No. fitted tracks per nonant;", 200, -0.5, 199.5);
890 inputDir.
"; No. of stubs per fitted track", 20, -0.5, 19.5);
892 addn(
"; ; No. of stubs on all fitted tracks per event", 1, 0.5, 1.5);
895 inputDir.
"Fitted q/p_{T} for matched tracks", 120, -0.6, 0.6);
897 inputDir.
"Fitted #phi_{0} for matched tracks", 70, -3.5, 3.5);
899 inputDir.
"Fitted d_{0} for matched tracks", 100, -2., 2.);
901 inputDir.
"Fitted z_{0} for matched tracks", 100, -25., 25.);
903 inputDir.
"Fitted #eta for matched tracks", 70, -3.5, 3.5);
906 inputDir.
"Fitted q/p_{T} for unmatched tracks", 120, -0.6, 0.6);
908 inputDir.
"Fitted #phi_{0} for unmatched tracks", 70, -3.5, 3.5);
910 inputDir.make<TH1F>(addn(
"Fitted d_{0} for unmatched tracks", 100, -2., 2.);
912 inputDir.make<TH1F>(addn(
"Fitted z_{0} for unmatched tracks", 100, -25., 25.);
914 inputDir.make<TH1F>(addn(
"Fitted #eta for unmatched tracks", 70, -3.5, 3.5);
916 const unsigned int nBinsChi2 = 39;
917 const float chi2dofBins[nBinsChi2 + 1] = {0.0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0, 1.2, 1.4, 1.6, 1.8,
918 2.0, 2.4, 2.8, 3.2, 3.6, 4.0, 4.5, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0,
919 8.0, 9.0, 10.0, 12.0, 14.0, 16.0, 18.0, 20.0, 25.0, 30.0,
920 40.0, 50.0, 75.0, 100.0, 150.0, 200.0, 250.0, 350.0, 500.0, 1000.0};
923 inputDir.make<TH1F>(addn(
";#chi^{2}rphi;", nBinsChi2, chi2dofBins);
925 inputDir.make<TH1F>(addn(
";#chi^{2}rz/DOF;", nBinsChi2, chi2dofBins);
927 inputDir.make<TProfile>(addn(
"; 1/p_{T}; Fit #chi^{2}rphi/dof", 25, 0., 0.5);
930 inputDir.make<TH1F>(addn(
";#chi^{2}rphi/DOF;", nBinsChi2, chi2dofBins);
932 inputDir.make<TH1F>(addn(
";#chi^{2}rz/DOF;", nBinsChi2, chi2dofBins);
934 addn(
"; 1/p_{T}; Fit #chi^{2}rphi/dof", 25, 0., 0.5);
937 if (fitName.find(
"KF") != string::npos) {
939 inputDir.make<TH1F>(addn(
"; Calls to KF updator;", 100, -0.5, 99.5);
942 addn(
";#chi^{2} for nSkippedLayers = 0;", nBinsChi2, chi2dofBins);
944 addn(
";#chi^{2} for nSkippedLayers = 1;", nBinsChi2, chi2dofBins);
946 addn(
";#chi^{2} for nSkippedLayers = 2;", nBinsChi2, chi2dofBins);
948 addn(
";#chi^{2} for nSkippedLayers = 0;", nBinsChi2, chi2dofBins);
950 addn(
";#chi^{2} for nSkippedLayers = 1;", nBinsChi2, chi2dofBins);
952 addn(
";#chi^{2} for nSkippedLayers = 2;", nBinsChi2, chi2dofBins);
958 addn(
"q/p_{T} resolution; |#eta|; q/p_{T} resolution", 30, 0.0, 3.0);
960 addn(
"#phi_{0} resolution; |#eta|; #phi_{0} resolution", 30, 0.0, 3.0);
962 inputDir.make<TProfile>(addn(
"#eta resolution; |#eta|; #eta resolution", 30, 0.0, 3.0);
964 inputDir.make<TProfile>(addn(
"z_{0} resolution; |#eta|; z_{0} resolution", 30, 0.0, 3.0);
966 inputDir.make<TProfile>(addn(
"d_{0} resolution; |#eta|; d_{0} resolution", 30, 0.0, 3.0);
969 addn(
"q/p_{T} resolution; 1/p_{T}; q/p_{T} resolution", 25, 0.0, 0.5);
971 addn(
"#phi_{0} resolution; 1/p_{T}; #phi_{0} resolution", 25, 0.0, 0.5);
973 inputDir.make<TProfile>(addn(
"#eta resolution; 1/p_{T}; #eta resolution", 25, 0.0, 0.5);
975 addn(
"z_{0} resolution; 1/p_{T}; z_{0} resolution", 25, 0.0, 0.5);
977 addn(
"d_{0} resolution; 1/p_{T}; d_{0} resolution", 25, 0.0, 0.5);
981 inputDir.make<TProfile>(addn(
"; #eta; No. of duplicate tracks per TP", 12, 0., 3.);
983 inputDir.make<TProfile>(addn(
"; 1/Pt; No. of duplicate tracks per TP", 25, 0., 0.5);
987 inputDir.make<TH1F>(addn(
"; TP 1/Pt of fitted tracks (for effi.);", 50, 0., 0.5);
989 inputDir.make<TH1F>(addn(
"; TP #eta of fitted tracks (for effi.);", 20, -3., 3.);
991 inputDir.make<TH1F>(addn(
"; TP #phi of fitted tracks (for effi.);", 20, -
995 addn(
"; TP 1/Pt of fitted tracks (for perf. effi.);", 50, 0., 0.5);
997 addn(
"; TP #eta of fitted tracks (for perfect effi.);", 20, -3., 3.);
1001 inputDir.make<TH1F>(addn(
"; TP d0 of fitted tracks (for effi.);", 40, 0., 4.);
1003 inputDir.make<TH1F>(addn(
"; TP z0 of fitted tracks (for effi.);", 50, 0., 25.);
1007 inputDir.make<TH1F>(addn(
"; TP 1/Pt of fitted tracks (for alg. effi.);", 50, 0., 0.5);
1009 inputDir.make<TH1F>(addn(
"; TP #eta of fitted tracks (for alg. effi.);", 20, -3., 3.);
1011 addn(
"; TP #phi of fitted tracks (for alg. effi.);", 20, -
1015 addn(
"; TP 1/Pt of fitted tracks (for perf. alg. effi.);", 50, 0., 0.5);
1017 inputDir.make<TH1F>(addn(
"; TP #eta (for perf. alg. effi.);", 20, -3., 3.);
1021 inputDir.make<TH1F>(addn(
"; TP d0 of fitted tracks (for alg. effi.);", 40, 0., 4.);
1023 inputDir.make<TH1F>(addn(
"; TP z0 of fitted tracks (for alg. effi.);", 50, 0., 25.);
References fs_, hisD0ResVsTrueEta_, hisD0ResVsTrueInvPt_, hisEtaResVsTrueEta_, hisEtaResVsTrueInvPt_, hisFitChi2DofRphiMatched_, hisFitChi2DofRphiUnmatched_, hisFitChi2DofRzMatched_, hisFitChi2DofRzUnmatched_, hisFitD0Matched_, hisFitD0Unmatched_, hisFitEtaMatched_, hisFitEtaUnmatched_, hisFitPhi0Matched_, hisFitPhi0Unmatched_, hisFitQinvPtMatched_, hisFitQinvPtUnmatched_, hisFitTPd0ForAlgEff_, hisFitTPd0ForEff_, hisFitTPetaForAlgEff_, hisFitTPetaForEff_, hisFitTPinvptForAlgEff_, hisFitTPinvptForEff_, hisFitTPphiForAlgEff_, hisFitTPphiForEff_, hisFitTPz0ForAlgEff_, hisFitTPz0ForEff_, hisFitZ0Matched_, hisFitZ0Unmatched_, hisKalmanChi2DofSkipLay0Matched_, hisKalmanChi2DofSkipLay0Unmatched_, hisKalmanChi2DofSkipLay1Matched_, hisKalmanChi2DofSkipLay1Unmatched_, hisKalmanChi2DofSkipLay2Matched_, hisKalmanChi2DofSkipLay2Unmatched_, hisKalmanNumUpdateCalls_, hisNumFitTrks_, hisNumFitTrksPerNon_, hisPerfFitTPetaForAlgEff_, hisPerfFitTPetaForEff_, hisPerfFitTPinvptForAlgEff_, hisPerfFitTPinvptForEff_, hisPhi0ResVsTrueEta_, hisPhi0ResVsTrueInvPt_, hisQoverPtResVsTrueEta_, hisQoverPtResVsTrueInvPt_, hisStubsPerFitTrack_, hisZ0ResVsTrueEta_, hisZ0ResVsTrueInvPt_, M_PI, TFileDirectory::make(), TFileService::mkdir(), profDupFitTrksVsEta_, profDupFitTrksVsInvPt_, profFitChi2DofRphiVsInvPtMatched_, profFitChi2DofRphiVsInvPtUnmatched_, profNumFitTracks_, profStubsOnFitTracks_, alignCSCRings::s, and trackFitters_.
Referenced by book().
◆ enabled()
virtual bool tmtt::Histos::enabled |
( |
| ) |
const |
inlinevirtual |
◆ endJobAnalysis()
Definition at line 1564 of file Histos.cc.
1592 PrintL1trk() <<
1597 PrintL1trk() <<
"--- r range in which stubs in each barrel layer appear ---";
1599 unsigned int layer =
1603 PrintL1trk() <<
"--- |z| range in which stubs in each endcap wheel appear ---";
1605 unsigned int layer =
1606 PrintL1trk() <<
" wheel = " << layer <<
" : " <<
mapEndcapWheelMinZ_[layer] <<
" < |z| < "
1613 PrintL1trk() <<
"--- (r,|z|) range in which each module type (defined in DigitalStub) appears ---";
1615 unsigned int modType =
1616 PrintL1trk() <<
" Module type = " << modType << setprecision(1) <<
" : r range = ("
1621 PrintL1trk() <<
"and in addition";
1623 unsigned int modType =
1624 PrintL1trk() <<
" Module type = " << modType << setprecision(1) <<
" : r range = ("
1628 PrintL1trk() <<
"and in addition";
1630 unsigned int modType =
1631 PrintL1trk() <<
" Module type = " << modType << setprecision(1) <<
" : r range = ("
1635 PrintL1trk() <<
"and in addition";
1637 unsigned int modType =
1638 PrintL1trk() <<
" Module type = " << modType << setprecision(1) <<
" : r range = ("
1642 PrintL1trk() <<
"and in addition";
1644 unsigned int modType =
1645 PrintL1trk() <<
" Module type = " << modType << setprecision(1) <<
" : r range = ("
1668 PrintL1trk() <<
1673 PrintL1trk() <<
"Max. |gradients| of stub lines in HT array is: r-phi = " << htRphiErrMon->maxLineGradient;
1675 if (htRphiErrMon->maxLineGradient > 1.) {
1677 <<
"WARNING: Line |gradient| exceeds 1, which firmware will not be able to cope with! Please adjust HT "
1678 "array size to avoid this.";
1680 }
else if (htRphiErrMon->numErrorsTypeA > 0.) {
1681 float frac =
float(htRphiErrMon->numErrorsTypeA) /
1683 <<
"WARNING: Despite line gradients being less than one, some fraction of HT columns have filled cells "
1684 "with no filled neighbours in W, SW or NW direction. Firmware will object to this! ";
1685 PrintL1trk() <<
"This fraction = " <<
frac <<
" for r-phi HT";
1687 }
else if (htRphiErrMon->numErrorsTypeB > 0.) {
1688 float frac =
float(htRphiErrMon->numErrorsTypeB) /
1690 <<
"WARNING: Despite line gradients being less than one, some fraction of HT columns recorded individual "
1691 "stubs being added to more than two cells! Thomas firmware will object to this! ";
1692 PrintL1trk() <<
"This fraction = " <<
frac <<
" for r-phi HT";
1698 PrintL1trk() <<
"\n WARNING: BApprox cfg params are inconsistent - see printout above.";
References bApproxMistake_, enabled(), dqmMemoryStats::float, cropTnPTrees::frac, hisRecoTPinvptForEff_, tmtt::Settings::hybrid(), mapBarrelLayerMaxR_, mapBarrelLayerMinR_, mapEndcapWheelMaxZ_, mapEndcapWheelMinZ_, mapExtraAModuleTypeMaxR_, mapExtraAModuleTypeMaxZ_, mapExtraAModuleTypeMinR_, mapExtraAModuleTypeMinZ_, mapExtraBModuleTypeMaxR_, mapExtraBModuleTypeMaxZ_, mapExtraBModuleTypeMinR_, mapExtraBModuleTypeMinZ_, mapExtraCModuleTypeMaxR_, mapExtraCModuleTypeMaxZ_, mapExtraCModuleTypeMinR_, mapExtraCModuleTypeMinZ_, mapExtraDModuleTypeMaxR_, mapExtraDModuleTypeMaxZ_, mapExtraDModuleTypeMinR_, mapExtraDModuleTypeMinZ_, mapModuleTypeMaxR_, mapModuleTypeMaxZ_, mapModuleTypeMinR_, mapModuleTypeMinZ_, tmtt::HTrphi::ErrorMonitor::maxLineGradient, tmtt::HTrphi::ErrorMonitor::numErrorsNorm, tmtt::HTrphi::ErrorMonitor::numErrorsTypeA, tmtt::HTrphi::ErrorMonitor::numErrorsTypeB, oldSumW2opt_, AlCaHLTBitMon_ParallelJobs::p, plotHybridDupRemovalEfficiency(), plotTrackEffAfterFit(), plotTrackEfficiency(), plotTrackletSeedEfficiency(), printFitTrackPerformance(), printHybridDupRemovalPerformance(), printTrackletSeedFindingPerformance(), printTrackPerformance(), ranRZfilter_, settings_, and trackFitters_.
Referenced by tmtt::TMTrackProducer::globalEndJob().
◆ fill()
void Histos::fill |
( |
const InputData & |
inputData, |
const matrix< std::unique_ptr< Sector >> & |
mSectors, |
const matrix< std::unique_ptr< HTrphi >> & |
mHtPhis, |
const matrix< std::unique_ptr< Make3Dtracks >> & |
mGet3Dtrks, |
const std::map< std::string, std::list< const L1fittedTrack * >> & |
mapFinalTracks |
) |
| |
virtual |
◆ fillEtaPhiSectors()
void Histos::fillEtaPhiSectors |
( |
const InputData & |
inputData, |
const matrix< std::unique_ptr< Sector >> & |
mSectors |
) |
| |
protectedvirtual |
Definition at line 386 of file Histos.cc.
389 std::lock_guard<std::mutex> myGuard(myMutex);
391 const list<const Stub*>& vStubs = inputData.stubsConst();
396 for (
const Stub* stub : vStubs) {
398 unsigned int nEtaSecs = 0;
399 unsigned int nPhiSecs = 0;
402 for (
unsigned int iPhiSec = 0; iPhiSec <
numPhiSectors_; iPhiSec++) {
403 for (
unsigned int iEtaReg = 0; iEtaReg <
numEtaRegions_; iEtaReg++) {
404 const Sector* sector = mSectors(iPhiSec, iEtaReg).get();
408 if (iPhiSec == 0 && sector->insideEta(stub))
410 if (iEtaReg == 0 && sector->insidePhi(stub))
421 for (
unsigned int iEtaReg = 0; iEtaReg <
numEtaRegions_; iEtaReg++) {
422 for (
unsigned int iPhiSec = 0; iPhiSec <
numPhiSectors_; iPhiSec++) {
423 const Sector* sector = mSectors(iPhiSec, iEtaReg).get();
425 unsigned int nStubs = 0;
426 for (
const Stub* stub : vStubs) {
427 if (sector->inside(stub))
References hisNumEtaSecsPerStub_, hisNumPhiSecsPerStub_, hisNumStubsPerSec_, tmtt::Sector::inside(), tmtt::Sector::insideEta(), tmtt::Sector::insidePhi(), mutex, numEtaRegions_, numPhiSectors_, and tmtt::InputData::stubsConst().
Referenced by fill().
◆ fillInputData()
void Histos::fillInputData |
( |
const InputData & |
inputData | ) |
protectedvirtual |
Definition at line 164 of file Histos.cc.
167 std::lock_guard<std::mutex> myGuard(myMutex);
169 const list<const Stub*>& vStubs = inputData.stubsConst();
170 const list<TP>& vTPs = inputData.getTPs();
172 for (
const Stub* stub : vStubs) {
179 const list<Stub>& vAllStubs = inputData.allStubs();
180 for (
const Stub&
s : vAllStubs) {
181 unsigned int layerOrTenPlusRing =
s.barrel() ?
s.layerId() : 10 +
187 for (
const TP&
tp : vTPs) {
188 if (
tp.useForAlgEff()) {
189 const vector<const Stub*>& stubs =
190 for (
const Stub*
s : stubs) {
198 for (
const Stub* stub : vStubs) {
203 for (
const TP&
tp : vTPs) {
204 if (
tp.useForAlgEff()) {
205 const vector<const Stub*>& assStubs =
207 for (
const Stub* stub : assStubs) {
222 for (
const Stub* stub : vStubs) {
223 unsigned int layer = stub->layerId();
224 if (stub->barrel()) {
254 for (
const Stub* stub : vStubs) {
257 unsigned int modType = stub->trackerModule()->moduleTypeID();
260 if (stub->barrel() && stub->layerId() == 1) {
276 }
else if (stub->barrel() && stub->layerId() == 2) {
292 }
else if (!stub->barrel() && (stub->layerId() % 10 == 1 || stub->layerId() % 10 == 2)) {
308 }
else if (!stub->barrel() && (stub->layerId() % 10 == 3 || stub->layerId() % 10 == 4)) {
345 for (
const TP&
tp : vTPs) {
346 if (
tp.useForEff()) {
355 if (
tp.useForAlgEff()) {
References funct::abs(), tmtt::InputData::allStubs(), tmtt::Utility::countLayers(), tmtt::InputData::getTPs(), hisBendResStub_, hisBendStub_, hisNumLayersPerTP_, hisNumPSLayersPerTP_, hisStubIneffiVsEta_, hisStubIneffiVsInvPt_, hisStubKillFE_, hisStubsVsEta_, hisStubsVsR_, hisTPd0ForAlgEff_, hisTPd0ForEff_, hisTPetaForAlgEff_, hisTPetaForEff_, hisTPinvptForAlgEff_, hisTPinvptForEff_, hisTPphiForAlgEff_, hisTPphiForEff_, hisTPz0ForAlgEff_, hisTPz0ForEff_, mapBarrelLayerMaxR_, mapBarrelLayerMinR_, mapEndcapWheelMaxZ_, mapEndcapWheelMinZ_, mapExtraAModuleTypeMaxR_, mapExtraAModuleTypeMaxZ_, mapExtraAModuleTypeMinR_, mapExtraAModuleTypeMinZ_, mapExtraBModuleTypeMaxR_, mapExtraBModuleTypeMaxZ_, mapExtraBModuleTypeMinR_, mapExtraBModuleTypeMinZ_, mapExtraCModuleTypeMaxR_, mapExtraCModuleTypeMaxZ_, mapExtraCModuleTypeMinR_, mapExtraCModuleTypeMinZ_, mapExtraDModuleTypeMaxR_, mapExtraDModuleTypeMaxZ_, mapExtraDModuleTypeMinR_, mapExtraDModuleTypeMinZ_, mapModuleTypeMaxR_, mapModuleTypeMaxZ_, mapModuleTypeMinR_, mapModuleTypeMinZ_, mutex, alignCSCRings::r, alignCSCRings::s, settings_, tmtt::InputData::stubsConst(), and cmsswSequenceInfo::tp.
Referenced by fill().
◆ fillRphiHT()
void Histos::fillRphiHT |
( |
const matrix< std::unique_ptr< HTrphi >> & |
mHtRphis | ) |
protectedvirtual |
◆ fillRZfilters()
void Histos::fillRZfilters |
( |
const matrix< std::unique_ptr< Make3Dtracks >> & |
mMake3Dtrks | ) |
protectedvirtual |
◆ fillTrackCands() [1/2]
virtual void tmtt::Histos::fillTrackCands |
( |
const InputData & |
inputData, |
const matrix< std::unique_ptr< Make3Dtracks >> & |
mMake3Dtrks, |
const std::string & |
tName |
) |
| |
protectedvirtual |
◆ fillTrackCands() [2/2]
virtual void tmtt::Histos::fillTrackCands |
( |
const InputData & |
inputData, |
const std::vector< L1track3D > & |
tracks, |
const std::string & |
tName |
) |
| |
protectedvirtual |
◆ fillTrackFitting()
Definition at line 1030 of file Histos.cc.
1034 std::lock_guard<std::mutex> myGuard(myMutex);
1036 const list<TP>& vTPs = inputData.getTPs();
1040 const list<const L1fittedTrack*>& fittedTracks = mapFinalTracks.at(fitName);
1043 unsigned int nFitTracks = 0;
1044 unsigned int nFitsMatchingTP = 0;
1047 vector<unsigned int> nFitTracksPerNonant(numPhiNonants, 0);
1049 for (
const L1fittedTrack* fitTrk : fittedTracks) {
1053 const TP*
tp = fitTrk->matchedTP();
1059 nFitTracksPerNonant[iNonant]++;
1066 for (
const unsigned int&
num : nFitTracksPerNonant) {
1071 unsigned int nTotStubs = 0;
1072 for (
const L1fittedTrack* fitTrk : fittedTracks) {
1073 unsigned int nStubs = fitTrk->numStubs();
1075 nTotStubs += nStubs;
1081 map<const TP*, bool> tpRecoedMap;
1082 map<const TP*, bool>
1084 map<const TP*, unsigned int> tpRecoedDup;
1085 for (
const TP&
tp : vTPs) {
1086 tpRecoedMap[&
tp] =
1087 tpPerfRecoedMap[&
tp] =
1088 unsigned int nMatch = 0;
1089 for (
const L1fittedTrack* fitTrk : fittedTracks) {
1090 const TP* assocTP = fitTrk->matchedTP();
1091 if (assocTP == &
tp) {
1092 tpRecoedMap[&
tp] =
1093 if (fitTrk->purity() == 1.)
1094 tpPerfRecoedMap[&
tp] =
1098 tpRecoedDup[&
tp] = nMatch;
1103 unsigned int nFittedTPs = 0;
1104 unsigned int nFittedTPsForEff = 0;
1105 for (
const TP&
tp : vTPs) {
1106 if (tpRecoedMap[&
tp]) {
1118 for (
const L1fittedTrack* fitTrk : fittedTracks) {
1120 unsigned int nSkippedLayers = 0;
1121 unsigned int numUpdateCalls = 0;
1122 if (fitName.find(
"KF") != string::npos) {
1123 fitTrk->infoKF(nSkippedLayers, numUpdateCalls);
1130 const TP*
tp = fitTrk->matchedTP();
1132 if (
tp !=
nullptr) {
1140 if (fitTrk->purity() == 1.) {
1144 (fitTrk->chi2rphi() / fitTrk->numDOFrphi()));
1146 if (fitName.find(
"KF") != string::npos) {
1148 if (nSkippedLayers == 0) {
1150 }
else if (nSkippedLayers == 1) {
1152 }
else if (nSkippedLayers >= 2) {
1168 (fitTrk->chi2rphi() / fitTrk->numDOFrphi()));
1170 if (fitName.find(
"KF") != string::npos) {
1172 if (nSkippedLayers == 0) {
1174 }
else if (nSkippedLayers == 1) {
1176 }
else if (nSkippedLayers >= 2) {
1185 for (
const L1fittedTrack* fitTrk : fittedTracks) {
1186 const TP*
tp = fitTrk->matchedTP();
1187 if (
tp !=
nullptr) {
1201 std::abs(fitTrk->qOverPt() -
1213 for (
const TP&
tp : vTPs) {
1214 if (tpRecoedMap[&
tp]) {
1222 for (
const TP&
tp : vTPs) {
1223 if (
tp.useForEff()) {
1226 if (tpRecoedMap[&
tp]) {
1234 if (tpPerfRecoedMap[&
tp]) {
1238 if (
tp.useForAlgEff()) {
1246 if (tpPerfRecoedMap[&
tp]) {
References funct::abs(), reco::deltaPhi(), tmtt::InputData::getTPs(), hisD0ResVsTrueEta_, hisD0ResVsTrueInvPt_, hisEtaResVsTrueEta_, hisEtaResVsTrueInvPt_, hisFitChi2DofRphiMatched_, hisFitChi2DofRphiUnmatched_, hisFitChi2DofRzMatched_, hisFitChi2DofRzUnmatched_, hisFitD0Matched_, hisFitD0Unmatched_, hisFitEtaMatched_, hisFitEtaUnmatched_, hisFitPhi0Matched_, hisFitPhi0Unmatched_, hisFitQinvPtMatched_, hisFitQinvPtUnmatched_, hisFitTPd0ForAlgEff_, hisFitTPd0ForEff_, hisFitTPetaForAlgEff_, hisFitTPetaForEff_, hisFitTPinvptForAlgEff_, hisFitTPinvptForEff_, hisFitTPphiForAlgEff_, hisFitTPphiForEff_, hisFitTPz0ForAlgEff_, hisFitTPz0ForEff_, hisFitZ0Matched_, hisFitZ0Unmatched_, hisKalmanChi2DofSkipLay0Matched_, hisKalmanChi2DofSkipLay0Unmatched_, hisKalmanChi2DofSkipLay1Matched_, hisKalmanChi2DofSkipLay1Unmatched_, hisKalmanChi2DofSkipLay2Matched_, hisKalmanChi2DofSkipLay2Unmatched_, hisKalmanNumUpdateCalls_, hisNumFitTrks_, hisNumFitTrksPerNon_, hisPerfFitTPetaForAlgEff_, hisPerfFitTPetaForEff_, hisPerfFitTPinvptForAlgEff_, hisPerfFitTPinvptForEff_, hisPhi0ResVsTrueEta_, hisPhi0ResVsTrueInvPt_, hisQoverPtResVsTrueEta_, hisQoverPtResVsTrueInvPt_, hisStubsPerFitTrack_, hisZ0ResVsTrueEta_, hisZ0ResVsTrueInvPt_, mutex, EgammaValidation_cff::num, tmtt::Settings::numPhiNonants(), numPhiSectors_, profDupFitTrksVsEta_, profDupFitTrksVsInvPt_, profFitChi2DofRphiVsInvPtMatched_, profFitChi2DofRphiVsInvPtUnmatched_, profNumFitTracks_, profStubsOnFitTracks_, resPlotOpt_, settings_, cmsswSequenceInfo::tp, and trackFitters_.
Referenced by fill().
◆ makeEfficiencyPlot()
void Histos::makeEfficiencyPlot |
( |
TFileDirectory & |
inputDir, |
TEfficiency * |
outputEfficiency, |
TH1F * |
pass, |
TH1F * |
all, |
TString |
name, |
TString |
title |
) |
| |
protectedvirtual |
◆ plotHybridDupRemovalEfficiency()
virtual void tmtt::Histos::plotHybridDupRemovalEfficiency |
( |
| ) |
inlineprotectedvirtual |
◆ plotTrackEffAfterFit()
TFileDirectory Histos::plotTrackEffAfterFit |
( |
const std::string & |
fitName | ) |
protectedvirtual |
Definition at line 1364 of file Histos.cc.
1366 auto addn = [fitName](
const string&
s) {
return TString::Format(
s.c_str(), fitName.c_str()); };
1374 addn(
1375 "; 1/Pt; Tracking efficiency");
1380 addn(
1381 "; #eta; Tracking efficiency");
1386 addn(
1387 "; #phi; Tracking efficiency");
1394 "; d0 (cm); Tracking efficiency");
1400 "; z0 (cm); Tracking efficiency");
1407 addn(
1408 "; 1/Pt; Tracking perfect efficiency");
1413 addn(
1414 "; #eta; Tracking perfect efficiency");
1421 addn(
1422 "; 1/Pt; Tracking efficiency");
1427 addn(
1428 "; #eta; Tracking efficiency");
1433 addn(
1434 "; #phi; Tracking efficiency");
1440 addn(
1441 "; d0 (cm); Tracking efficiency");
1446 addn(
1447 "; z0 (cm); Tracking efficiency");
1454 addn(
1455 "; 1/Pt; Tracking perfect efficiency");
1460 addn(
"Perf AlgEffFitVsEta"),
1461 "; #eta; Tracking perfect efficiency");
References fs_, hisFitTPd0ForAlgEff_, hisFitTPd0ForEff_, hisFitTPetaForAlgEff_, hisFitTPetaForEff_, hisFitTPinvptForAlgEff_, hisFitTPinvptForEff_, hisFitTPphiForAlgEff_, hisFitTPphiForEff_, hisFitTPz0ForAlgEff_, hisFitTPz0ForEff_, hisPerfFitTPetaForAlgEff_, hisPerfFitTPetaForEff_, hisPerfFitTPinvptForAlgEff_, hisPerfFitTPinvptForEff_, hisTPd0ForAlgEff_, hisTPd0ForEff_, hisTPetaForAlgEff_, hisTPetaForEff_, hisTPinvptForAlgEff_, hisTPinvptForEff_, hisTPphiForAlgEff_, hisTPphiForEff_, hisTPz0ForAlgEff_, hisTPz0ForEff_, makeEfficiencyPlot(), TFileService::mkdir(), alignCSCRings::s, teffAlgEffFitVsD0_, teffAlgEffFitVsEta_, teffAlgEffFitVsInvPt_, teffAlgEffFitVsPhi_, teffAlgEffFitVsZ0_, teffEffFitVsD0_, teffEffFitVsEta_, teffEffFitVsInvPt_, teffEffFitVsPhi_, teffEffFitVsZ0_, teffPerfAlgEffFitVsEta_, teffPerfAlgEffFitVsInvPt_, teffPerfEffFitVsEta_, and teffPerfEffFitVsInvPt_.
Referenced by endJobAnalysis().
◆ plotTrackEfficiency()
TFileDirectory Histos::plotTrackEfficiency |
( |
const std::string & |
tName | ) |
protectedvirtual |
Definition at line 1259 of file Histos.cc.
1261 auto addn = [
const string&
s) {
return TString::Format(
tName.c_str()); };
1270 "; 1/Pt; Tracking efficiency");
1276 "; #eta; Tracking efficiency");
1283 "; #phi; Tracking efficiency");
1290 "; d0 (cm); Tracking efficiency");
1296 "; z0 (cm); Tracking efficiency");
1303 addn(
1304 "; 1/Pt; Tracking perfect efficiency");
1309 addn(
1310 "; #eta; Tracking perfect efficiency");
1317 addn(
1318 "; 1/Pt; Tracking efficiency");
1323 addn(
1324 "; #eta; Tracking efficiency");
1329 addn(
1330 "; #phi; Tracking efficiency");
1337 "; d0 (cm); Tracking efficiency");
1343 "; z0 (cm); Tracking efficiency");
1350 addn(
1351 "; 1/Pt; Tracking perfect efficiency");
1356 addn(
1357 "; #eta; Tracking perfect efficiency");
References fs_, hisPerfRecoTPetaForAlgEff_, hisPerfRecoTPetaForEff_, hisPerfRecoTPinvptForAlgEff_, hisPerfRecoTPinvptForEff_, hisRecoTPd0ForAlgEff_, hisRecoTPd0ForEff_, hisRecoTPetaForAlgEff_, hisRecoTPetaForEff_, hisRecoTPinvptForAlgEff_, hisRecoTPinvptForEff_, hisRecoTPphiForAlgEff_, hisRecoTPphiForEff_, hisRecoTPz0ForAlgEff_, hisRecoTPz0ForEff_, hisTPd0ForAlgEff_, hisTPd0ForEff_, hisTPetaForAlgEff_, hisTPetaForEff_, hisTPinvptForAlgEff_, hisTPinvptForEff_, hisTPphiForAlgEff_, hisTPphiForEff_, hisTPz0ForAlgEff_, hisTPz0ForEff_, makeEfficiencyPlot(), TFileService::mkdir(), alignCSCRings::s, teffAlgEffVsD0_, teffAlgEffVsEta_, teffAlgEffVsInvPt_, teffAlgEffVsPhi_, teffAlgEffVsZ0_, teffEffVsD0_, teffEffVsEta_, teffEffVsInvPt_, teffEffVsPhi_, teffEffVsZ0_, teffPerfAlgEffVsEta_, teffPerfAlgEffVsInvPt_, teffPerfEffVsEta_, teffPerfEffVsInvPt_, and simpleEdmComparison::tName.
Referenced by endJobAnalysis().
◆ plotTrackletSeedEfficiency()
virtual void tmtt::Histos::plotTrackletSeedEfficiency |
( |
| ) |
inlineprotectedvirtual |
◆ printFitTrackPerformance()
void Histos::printFitTrackPerformance |
( |
const std::string & |
fitName | ) |
protectedvirtual |
Definition at line 1520 of file Histos.cc.
1523 float numMatchedFitTracksIncDups =
1525 float numMatchedFitTracksExcDups =
1526 float numFakeFitTracks = numFitTracks - numMatchedFitTracksIncDups;
1527 float numExtraDupFitTracks = numMatchedFitTracksIncDups - numMatchedFitTracksExcDups;
1528 float fracFakeFit = numFakeFitTracks / (numFitTracks + 1.0e-6);
1529 float fracDupFit = numExtraDupFitTracks / (numFitTracks + 1.0e-6);
1532 float meanStubsPerFitTrack =
1533 numStubsOnFitTracks / (numFitTracks + 1.0e-6);
1539 float fitEff =
float(numFitTPforAlg) / (numTPforAlg + 1.0e-6);
1540 float fitEffErr =
sqrt(fitEff * (1 - fitEff) / (numTPforAlg + 1.0
1542 float(numPerfFitTPforAlg) / (numTPforAlg + 1.0e-6);
1543 float fitPerfEffErr =
sqrt(fitPerfEff * (1 - fitPerfEff) / (numTPforAlg + 1.0
1548 PrintL1trk() <<
1549 PrintL1trk() <<
" TRACK FIT SUMMARY FOR: " << fitName;
1550 PrintL1trk() <<
"Number of fitted track candidates found per event = " << numFitTracks <<
" +- " << numFitTracksErr;
1551 PrintL1trk() <<
" with mean stubs/track = " << meanStubsPerFitTrack;
1552 PrintL1trk() <<
"Fraction of fitted tracks that are fake = " << fracFakeFit;
1553 PrintL1trk() <<
"Fraction of fitted tracks that are genuine, but extra duplicates = " << fracDupFit;
1554 PrintL1trk() <<
"Algorithmic fitting efficiency = " << numFitTPforAlg <<
"/" << numTPforAlg <<
" = " << fitEff
1555 <<
" +- " << fitEffErr;
1556 PrintL1trk() <<
"Perfect algorithmic fitting efficiency = " << numPerfFitTPforAlg <<
"/" << numTPforAlg <<
" = "
1557 << fitPerfEff <<
" +- " << fitPerfEffErr <<
" (no incorrect hits)";
1559 PrintL1trk() <<
"(The above fitter used the '" <<
rzFilterName() <<
"' r-z track filter.)";
References KineDebug3::count(), MillePedeFileConverter_cfg::e, dqmMemoryStats::float, hisFitTPinvptForAlgEff_, hisPerfFitTPinvptForAlgEff_, hisTPinvptForAlgEff_, profNumFitTracks_, profStubsOnFitTracks_, tmtt::Settings::rzFilterName(), settings_, mathSSE::sqrt(), and useRZfilter_.
Referenced by endJobAnalysis().
◆ printHybridDupRemovalPerformance()
virtual void tmtt::Histos::printHybridDupRemovalPerformance |
( |
| ) |
inlineprotectedvirtual |
◆ printTrackletSeedFindingPerformance()
virtual void tmtt::Histos::printTrackletSeedFindingPerformance |
( |
| ) |
inlineprotectedvirtual |
◆ printTrackPerformance()
void Histos::printTrackPerformance |
( |
const std::string & |
tName | ) |
protectedvirtual |
Definition at line 1474 of file Histos.cc.
1477 float numMatchedTrackCandsIncDups =
1480 float numFakeTracks = numTrackCands - numMatchedTrackCandsIncDups;
1481 float numExtraDupTracks = numMatchedTrackCandsIncDups - numMatchedTrackCandsExcDups;
1482 float fracFake = numFakeTracks / (numTrackCands + 1.0e-6);
1483 float fracDup = numExtraDupTracks / (numTrackCands + 1.0e-6);
1486 float meanStubsPerTrack =
1487 numStubsOnTracks / (numTrackCands + 1.0e-6);
1493 float algEff =
float(numRecoTPforAlg) / (numTPforAlg + 1.0e-6);
1494 float algEffErr =
sqrt(algEff * (1 - algEff) / (numTPforAlg + 1.0
1496 float(numPerfRecoTPforAlg) / (numTPforAlg + 1.0e-6);
1497 float algPerfEffErr =
sqrt(algPerfEff * (1 - algPerfEff) / (numTPforAlg + 1.0
1499 PrintL1trk() <<
1500 if (
tName ==
"HT") {
1501 PrintL1trk() <<
1502 }
else if (
tName ==
"RZ") {
1503 PrintL1trk() <<
1504 }
else if (
tName ==
1505 PrintL1trk() <<
1507 PrintL1trk() <<
"Number of track candidates found per event = " << numTrackCands <<
" +- " << numTrackCandsErr;
1508 PrintL1trk() <<
" with mean stubs/track = " << meanStubsPerTrack;
1509 PrintL1trk() <<
"Fraction of track cands that are fake = " << fracFake;
1510 PrintL1trk() <<
"Fraction of track cands that are genuine, but extra duplicates = " << fracDup;
1512 PrintL1trk() <<
std::fixed << std::setprecision(4) <<
"Algorithmic tracking efficiency = " << numRecoTPforAlg <<
1513 << numTPforAlg <<
" = " << algEff <<
" +- " << algEffErr;
1514 PrintL1trk() <<
"Perfect algorithmic tracking efficiency = " << numPerfRecoTPforAlg <<
"/" << numTPforAlg <<
" = "
1515 << algPerfEff <<
" +- " << algPerfEffErr <<
" (no incorrect hits)";
References MillePedeFileConverter_cfg::e, alignBH_cfg::fixed, dqmMemoryStats::float, hisPerfRecoTPinvptForAlgEff_, hisRecoTPinvptForAlgEff_, hisTPinvptForAlgEff_, profNumTrackCands_, profStubsOnTracks_, mathSSE::sqrt(), and simpleEdmComparison::tName.
Referenced by endJobAnalysis().
◆ trackerGeometryAnalysis()
Definition at line 1706 of file Histos.cc.
1711 map<float, float> dataForGraph;
1712 for (
const TrackerModule& trackerModule : listTrackerModule) {
1713 if (trackerModule.tiltedBarrel()) {
1714 float paramB = trackerModule.paramB();
1715 float zOverR =
std::abs(trackerModule.minZ()) / trackerModule.minR();
1716 dataForGraph[paramB] = zOverR;
1720 const int nEntries = dataForGraph.size();
1721 vector<float> vecParamB(nEntries);
1722 vector<float> vecZoverR(nEntries);
1724 for (
const auto&
p : dataForGraph) {
1725 vecParamB[
i] =
1726 vecZoverR[
i] =
1730 PrintL1trk() <<
1731 PrintL1trk() <<
"--- Fit to cfg params for FPGA-friendly approximation to B parameter in GP & KF ---";
1732 PrintL1trk() <<
"--- (used to allowed for tilted barrel modules) ---";
1739 double gradient = fittedFunction->GetParameter(1);
1740 double intercept = fittedFunction->GetParameter(0);
1741 double gradient_err = fittedFunction->GetParError(1);
1742 double intercept_err = fittedFunction->GetParError(0);
1743 PrintL1trk() <<
" BApprox_gradient (fitted) = " << gradient <<
" +- " << gradient_err;
1744 PrintL1trk() <<
" BApprox_intercept (fitted) = " << intercept <<
" +- " << intercept_err;
1745 PrintL1trk() <<
1751 constexpr
unsigned int nSigma = 5;
1752 if (gradientDiff >
nSigma * gradient_err ||
1753 interceptDiff >
nSigma * intercept_err) {
1754 PrintL1trk() <<
"\n WARNING: fitted parameters inconsistent with those specified in cfg file:";
References funct::abs(), tmtt::Settings::bApprox_gradient(), tmtt::Settings::bApprox_intercept(), bApproxMistake_, enabled(), fs_, graphBVsZoverR_, mps_fire::i, TFileDirectory::make(), TFileService::mkdir(), HLTSiStripMonitoring_cff::nSigma, AlCaHLTBitMon_ParallelJobs::p, settings_, tools::TF1, and tmtt::Settings::useApproxB().
Referenced by tmtt::TMTrackProducer::globalEndJob().
◆ bApproxMistake_
bool tmtt::Histos::bApproxMistake_ |
protected |
◆ chosenRofZ_
float tmtt::Histos::chosenRofZ_ |
protected |
◆ fs_
◆ genMinStubLayers_
unsigned int tmtt::Histos::genMinStubLayers_ |
protected |
◆ graphBVsZoverR_
TGraph* tmtt::Histos::graphBVsZoverR_ |
protected |
◆ hisBendResStub_
TH1F* tmtt::Histos::hisBendResStub_ |
protected |
◆ hisBendStub_
TH1F* tmtt::Histos::hisBendStub_ |
protected |
◆ hisD0ResVsTrueEta_
std::map<std::string, TProfile*> tmtt::Histos::hisD0ResVsTrueEta_ |
protected |
◆ hisD0ResVsTrueInvPt_
std::map<std::string, TProfile*> tmtt::Histos::hisD0ResVsTrueInvPt_ |
protected |
◆ hisEta_
std::map<std::string, TH1F*> tmtt::Histos::hisEta_ |
protected |
◆ hisEtaRes_
std::map<std::string, TH1F*> tmtt::Histos::hisEtaRes_ |
protected |
◆ hisEtaResVsTrueEta_
std::map<std::string, TProfile*> tmtt::Histos::hisEtaResVsTrueEta_ |
protected |
◆ hisEtaResVsTrueInvPt_
std::map<std::string, TProfile*> tmtt::Histos::hisEtaResVsTrueInvPt_ |
protected |
◆ hisFitChi2DofRphiMatched_
std::map<std::string, TH1F*> tmtt::Histos::hisFitChi2DofRphiMatched_ |
protected |
◆ hisFitChi2DofRphiUnmatched_
std::map<std::string, TH1F*> tmtt::Histos::hisFitChi2DofRphiUnmatched_ |
protected |
◆ hisFitChi2DofRzMatched_
std::map<std::string, TH1F*> tmtt::Histos::hisFitChi2DofRzMatched_ |
protected |
◆ hisFitChi2DofRzUnmatched_
std::map<std::string, TH1F*> tmtt::Histos::hisFitChi2DofRzUnmatched_ |
protected |
◆ hisFitD0Matched_
std::map<std::string, TH1F*> tmtt::Histos::hisFitD0Matched_ |
protected |
◆ hisFitD0Unmatched_
std::map<std::string, TH1F*> tmtt::Histos::hisFitD0Unmatched_ |
protected |
◆ hisFitEtaMatched_
std::map<std::string, TH1F*> tmtt::Histos::hisFitEtaMatched_ |
protected |
◆ hisFitEtaUnmatched_
std::map<std::string, TH1F*> tmtt::Histos::hisFitEtaUnmatched_ |
protected |
◆ hisFitPhi0Matched_
std::map<std::string, TH1F*> tmtt::Histos::hisFitPhi0Matched_ |
protected |
◆ hisFitPhi0Unmatched_
std::map<std::string, TH1F*> tmtt::Histos::hisFitPhi0Unmatched_ |
protected |
◆ hisFitQinvPtMatched_
std::map<std::string, TH1F*> tmtt::Histos::hisFitQinvPtMatched_ |
protected |
◆ hisFitQinvPtUnmatched_
std::map<std::string, TH1F*> tmtt::Histos::hisFitQinvPtUnmatched_ |
protected |
◆ hisFitTPd0ForAlgEff_
std::map<std::string, TH1F*> tmtt::Histos::hisFitTPd0ForAlgEff_ |
protected |
◆ hisFitTPd0ForEff_
std::map<std::string, TH1F*> tmtt::Histos::hisFitTPd0ForEff_ |
protected |
◆ hisFitTPetaForAlgEff_
std::map<std::string, TH1F*> tmtt::Histos::hisFitTPetaForAlgEff_ |
protected |
◆ hisFitTPetaForEff_
std::map<std::string, TH1F*> tmtt::Histos::hisFitTPetaForEff_ |
protected |
◆ hisFitTPinvptForAlgEff_
std::map<std::string, TH1F*> tmtt::Histos::hisFitTPinvptForAlgEff_ |
protected |
◆ hisFitTPinvptForEff_
std::map<std::string, TH1F*> tmtt::Histos::hisFitTPinvptForEff_ |
protected |
◆ hisFitTPphiForAlgEff_
std::map<std::string, TH1F*> tmtt::Histos::hisFitTPphiForAlgEff_ |
protected |
◆ hisFitTPphiForEff_
std::map<std::string, TH1F*> tmtt::Histos::hisFitTPphiForEff_ |
protected |
◆ hisFitTPz0ForAlgEff_
std::map<std::string, TH1F*> tmtt::Histos::hisFitTPz0ForAlgEff_ |
protected |
◆ hisFitTPz0ForEff_
std::map<std::string, TH1F*> tmtt::Histos::hisFitTPz0ForEff_ |
protected |
◆ hisFitZ0Matched_
std::map<std::string, TH1F*> tmtt::Histos::hisFitZ0Matched_ |
protected |
◆ hisFitZ0Unmatched_
std::map<std::string, TH1F*> tmtt::Histos::hisFitZ0Unmatched_ |
protected |
◆ hisFracMatchStubsOnTracks_
std::map<std::string, TH1F*> tmtt::Histos::hisFracMatchStubsOnTracks_ |
protected |
◆ hisKalmanChi2DofSkipLay0Matched_
std::map<std::string, TH1F*> tmtt::Histos::hisKalmanChi2DofSkipLay0Matched_ |
protected |
◆ hisKalmanChi2DofSkipLay0Unmatched_
std::map<std::string, TH1F*> tmtt::Histos::hisKalmanChi2DofSkipLay0Unmatched_ |
protected |
◆ hisKalmanChi2DofSkipLay1Matched_
std::map<std::string, TH1F*> tmtt::Histos::hisKalmanChi2DofSkipLay1Matched_ |
protected |
◆ hisKalmanChi2DofSkipLay1Unmatched_
std::map<std::string, TH1F*> tmtt::Histos::hisKalmanChi2DofSkipLay1Unmatched_ |
protected |
◆ hisKalmanChi2DofSkipLay2Matched_
std::map<std::string, TH1F*> tmtt::Histos::hisKalmanChi2DofSkipLay2Matched_ |
protected |
◆ hisKalmanChi2DofSkipLay2Unmatched_
std::map<std::string, TH1F*> tmtt::Histos::hisKalmanChi2DofSkipLay2Unmatched_ |
protected |
◆ hisKalmanNumUpdateCalls_
std::map<std::string, TH1F*> tmtt::Histos::hisKalmanNumUpdateCalls_ |
protected |
◆ hisLayersPerTrack_
std::map<std::string, TH1F*> tmtt::Histos::hisLayersPerTrack_ |
protected |
◆ hisNumEtaSecsPerStub_
TH1F* tmtt::Histos::hisNumEtaSecsPerStub_ |
protected |
◆ hisNumFitTrks_
std::map<std::string, TH1F*> tmtt::Histos::hisNumFitTrks_ |
protected |
◆ hisNumFitTrksPerNon_
std::map<std::string, TH1F*> tmtt::Histos::hisNumFitTrksPerNon_ |
protected |
◆ hisNumFitTrksPerSect_
std::map<std::string, TH1F*> tmtt::Histos::hisNumFitTrksPerSect_ |
protected |
◆ hisNumLayersPerTP_
TH1F* tmtt::Histos::hisNumLayersPerTP_ |
protected |
◆ hisNumPhiSecsPerStub_
TH1F* tmtt::Histos::hisNumPhiSecsPerStub_ |
protected |
◆ hisNumPSLayersPerTP_
TH1F* tmtt::Histos::hisNumPSLayersPerTP_ |
protected |
◆ hisNumStubsPerLink_
std::map<std::string, TH1F*> tmtt::Histos::hisNumStubsPerLink_ |
protected |
◆ hisNumStubsPerSec_
TH1F* tmtt::Histos::hisNumStubsPerSec_ |
protected |
◆ hisNumTracksVsQoverPt_
std::map<std::string, TH1F*> tmtt::Histos::hisNumTracksVsQoverPt_ |
protected |
◆ hisNumTrksPerNon_
std::map<std::string, TH1F*> tmtt::Histos::hisNumTrksPerNon_ |
protected |
◆ hisPerfFitTPetaForAlgEff_
std::map<std::string, TH1F*> tmtt::Histos::hisPerfFitTPetaForAlgEff_ |
protected |
◆ hisPerfFitTPetaForEff_
std::map<std::string, TH1F*> tmtt::Histos::hisPerfFitTPetaForEff_ |
protected |
◆ hisPerfFitTPinvptForAlgEff_
std::map<std::string, TH1F*> tmtt::Histos::hisPerfFitTPinvptForAlgEff_ |
protected |
◆ hisPerfFitTPinvptForEff_
std::map<std::string, TH1F*> tmtt::Histos::hisPerfFitTPinvptForEff_ |
protected |
◆ hisPerfRecoTPetaForAlgEff_
std::map<std::string, TH1F*> tmtt::Histos::hisPerfRecoTPetaForAlgEff_ |
protected |
◆ hisPerfRecoTPetaForEff_
std::map<std::string, TH1F*> tmtt::Histos::hisPerfRecoTPetaForEff_ |
protected |
◆ hisPerfRecoTPinvptForAlgEff_
std::map<std::string, TH1F*> tmtt::Histos::hisPerfRecoTPinvptForAlgEff_ |
protected |
◆ hisPerfRecoTPinvptForEff_
std::map<std::string, TH1F*> tmtt::Histos::hisPerfRecoTPinvptForEff_ |
protected |
◆ hisPhi0_
std::map<std::string, TH1F*> tmtt::Histos::hisPhi0_ |
protected |
◆ hisPhi0Res_
std::map<std::string, TH1F*> tmtt::Histos::hisPhi0Res_ |
protected |
◆ hisPhi0ResVsTrueEta_
std::map<std::string, TProfile*> tmtt::Histos::hisPhi0ResVsTrueEta_ |
protected |
◆ hisPhi0ResVsTrueInvPt_
std::map<std::string, TProfile*> tmtt::Histos::hisPhi0ResVsTrueInvPt_ |
protected |
◆ hisQoverPt_
std::map<std::string, TH1F*> tmtt::Histos::hisQoverPt_ |
protected |
◆ hisQoverPtRes_
std::map<std::string, TH1F*> tmtt::Histos::hisQoverPtRes_ |
protected |
◆ hisQoverPtResVsTrueEta_
std::map<std::string, TProfile*> tmtt::Histos::hisQoverPtResVsTrueEta_ |
protected |
◆ hisQoverPtResVsTrueInvPt_
std::map<std::string, TProfile*> tmtt::Histos::hisQoverPtResVsTrueInvPt_ |
protected |
◆ hisRecoTPd0ForAlgEff_
std::map<std::string, TH1F*> tmtt::Histos::hisRecoTPd0ForAlgEff_ |
protected |
◆ hisRecoTPd0ForEff_
std::map<std::string, TH1F*> tmtt::Histos::hisRecoTPd0ForEff_ |
protected |
◆ hisRecoTPetaForAlgEff_
std::map<std::string, TH1F*> tmtt::Histos::hisRecoTPetaForAlgEff_ |
protected |
◆ hisRecoTPetaForEff_
std::map<std::string, TH1F*> tmtt::Histos::hisRecoTPetaForEff_ |
protected |
◆ hisRecoTPinvptForAlgEff_
std::map<std::string, TH1F*> tmtt::Histos::hisRecoTPinvptForAlgEff_ |
protected |
◆ hisRecoTPinvptForEff_
std::map<std::string, TH1F*> tmtt::Histos::hisRecoTPinvptForEff_ |
protected |
◆ hisRecoTPphiForAlgEff_
std::map<std::string, TH1F*> tmtt::Histos::hisRecoTPphiForAlgEff_ |
protected |
◆ hisRecoTPphiForEff_
std::map<std::string, TH1F*> tmtt::Histos::hisRecoTPphiForEff_ |
protected |
◆ hisRecoTPz0ForAlgEff_
std::map<std::string, TH1F*> tmtt::Histos::hisRecoTPz0ForAlgEff_ |
protected |
◆ hisRecoTPz0ForEff_
std::map<std::string, TH1F*> tmtt::Histos::hisRecoTPz0ForEff_ |
protected |
◆ hisStubIneffiVsEta_
TProfile* tmtt::Histos::hisStubIneffiVsEta_ |
protected |
◆ hisStubIneffiVsInvPt_
TProfile* tmtt::Histos::hisStubIneffiVsInvPt_ |
protected |
◆ hisStubKillFE_
TProfile* tmtt::Histos::hisStubKillFE_ |
protected |
◆ hisStubsOnTracksPerNon_
std::map<std::string, TH1F*> tmtt::Histos::hisStubsOnTracksPerNon_ |
protected |
◆ hisStubsPerFitTrack_
std::map<std::string, TH1F*> tmtt::Histos::hisStubsPerFitTrack_ |
protected |
◆ hisStubsPerTrack_
std::map<std::string, TH1F*> tmtt::Histos::hisStubsPerTrack_ |
protected |
◆ hisStubsVsEta_
TH1F* tmtt::Histos::hisStubsVsEta_ |
protected |
◆ hisStubsVsR_
TH1F* tmtt::Histos::hisStubsVsR_ |
protected |
◆ hisTPd0ForAlgEff_
TH1F* tmtt::Histos::hisTPd0ForAlgEff_ |
protected |
◆ hisTPd0ForEff_
TH1F* tmtt::Histos::hisTPd0ForEff_ |
protected |
◆ hisTPetaForAlgEff_
TH1F* tmtt::Histos::hisTPetaForAlgEff_ |
protected |
◆ hisTPetaForEff_
TH1F* tmtt::Histos::hisTPetaForEff_ |
protected |
◆ hisTPinvptForAlgEff_
TH1F* tmtt::Histos::hisTPinvptForAlgEff_ |
protected |
◆ hisTPinvptForEff_
TH1F* tmtt::Histos::hisTPinvptForEff_ |
protected |
◆ hisTPphiForAlgEff_
TH1F* tmtt::Histos::hisTPphiForAlgEff_ |
protected |
◆ hisTPphiForEff_
TH1F* tmtt::Histos::hisTPphiForEff_ |
protected |
◆ hisTPz0ForAlgEff_
TH1F* tmtt::Histos::hisTPz0ForAlgEff_ |
protected |
◆ hisTPz0ForEff_
TH1F* tmtt::Histos::hisTPz0ForEff_ |
protected |
◆ hisZ0_
std::map<std::string, TH1F*> tmtt::Histos::hisZ0_ |
protected |
◆ hisZ0Res_
std::map<std::string, TH1F*> tmtt::Histos::hisZ0Res_ |
protected |
◆ hisZ0ResVsTrueEta_
std::map<std::string, TProfile*> tmtt::Histos::hisZ0ResVsTrueEta_ |
protected |
◆ hisZ0ResVsTrueInvPt_
std::map<std::string, TProfile*> tmtt::Histos::hisZ0ResVsTrueInvPt_ |
protected |
◆ houghMinPt_
float tmtt::Histos::houghMinPt_ |
protected |
◆ houghNbinsPhi_
unsigned int tmtt::Histos::houghNbinsPhi_ |
protected |
◆ houghNbinsPt_
unsigned int tmtt::Histos::houghNbinsPt_ |
protected |
◆ mapBarrelLayerMaxR_
std::map<unsigned int, float> tmtt::Histos::mapBarrelLayerMaxR_ |
protected |
◆ mapBarrelLayerMinR_
std::map<unsigned int, float> tmtt::Histos::mapBarrelLayerMinR_ |
protected |
◆ mapEndcapWheelMaxZ_
std::map<unsigned int, float> tmtt::Histos::mapEndcapWheelMaxZ_ |
protected |
◆ mapEndcapWheelMinZ_
std::map<unsigned int, float> tmtt::Histos::mapEndcapWheelMinZ_ |
protected |
◆ mapExtraAModuleTypeMaxR_
std::map<unsigned int, float> tmtt::Histos::mapExtraAModuleTypeMaxR_ |
protected |
◆ mapExtraAModuleTypeMaxZ_
std::map<unsigned int, float> tmtt::Histos::mapExtraAModuleTypeMaxZ_ |
protected |
◆ mapExtraAModuleTypeMinR_
std::map<unsigned int, float> tmtt::Histos::mapExtraAModuleTypeMinR_ |
protected |
◆ mapExtraAModuleTypeMinZ_
std::map<unsigned int, float> tmtt::Histos::mapExtraAModuleTypeMinZ_ |
protected |
◆ mapExtraBModuleTypeMaxR_
std::map<unsigned int, float> tmtt::Histos::mapExtraBModuleTypeMaxR_ |
protected |
◆ mapExtraBModuleTypeMaxZ_
std::map<unsigned int, float> tmtt::Histos::mapExtraBModuleTypeMaxZ_ |
protected |
◆ mapExtraBModuleTypeMinR_
std::map<unsigned int, float> tmtt::Histos::mapExtraBModuleTypeMinR_ |
protected |
◆ mapExtraBModuleTypeMinZ_
std::map<unsigned int, float> tmtt::Histos::mapExtraBModuleTypeMinZ_ |
protected |
◆ mapExtraCModuleTypeMaxR_
std::map<unsigned int, float> tmtt::Histos::mapExtraCModuleTypeMaxR_ |
protected |
◆ mapExtraCModuleTypeMaxZ_
std::map<unsigned int, float> tmtt::Histos::mapExtraCModuleTypeMaxZ_ |
protected |
◆ mapExtraCModuleTypeMinR_
std::map<unsigned int, float> tmtt::Histos::mapExtraCModuleTypeMinR_ |
protected |
◆ mapExtraCModuleTypeMinZ_
std::map<unsigned int, float> tmtt::Histos::mapExtraCModuleTypeMinZ_ |
protected |
◆ mapExtraDModuleTypeMaxR_
std::map<unsigned int, float> tmtt::Histos::mapExtraDModuleTypeMaxR_ |
protected |
◆ mapExtraDModuleTypeMaxZ_
std::map<unsigned int, float> tmtt::Histos::mapExtraDModuleTypeMaxZ_ |
protected |
◆ mapExtraDModuleTypeMinR_
std::map<unsigned int, float> tmtt::Histos::mapExtraDModuleTypeMinR_ |
protected |
◆ mapExtraDModuleTypeMinZ_
std::map<unsigned int, float> tmtt::Histos::mapExtraDModuleTypeMinZ_ |
protected |
◆ mapModuleTypeMaxR_
std::map<unsigned int, float> tmtt::Histos::mapModuleTypeMaxR_ |
protected |
◆ mapModuleTypeMaxZ_
std::map<unsigned int, float> tmtt::Histos::mapModuleTypeMaxZ_ |
protected |
◆ mapModuleTypeMinR_
std::map<unsigned int, float> tmtt::Histos::mapModuleTypeMinR_ |
protected |
◆ mapModuleTypeMinZ_
std::map<unsigned int, float> tmtt::Histos::mapModuleTypeMinZ_ |
protected |
◆ numEtaRegions_
unsigned int tmtt::Histos::numEtaRegions_ |
protected |
◆ numFitAlgEff_
std::map<std::string, unsigned int> tmtt::Histos::numFitAlgEff_ |
protected |
◆ numFitAlgEffPass_
std::map<std::string, unsigned int> tmtt::Histos::numFitAlgEffPass_ |
protected |
◆ numFitPerfAlgEff_
std::map<std::string, unsigned int> tmtt::Histos::numFitPerfAlgEff_ |
protected |
◆ numFitPerfAlgEffPass_
std::map<std::string, unsigned int> tmtt::Histos::numFitPerfAlgEffPass_ |
protected |
◆ numPhiSectors_
unsigned int tmtt::Histos::numPhiSectors_ |
protected |
◆ oldSumW2opt_
bool tmtt::Histos::oldSumW2opt_ |
protected |
◆ printedGeomAnalysis_
bool tmtt::Histos::printedGeomAnalysis_ |
protected |
◆ profDupFitTrksVsEta_
std::map<std::string, TProfile*> tmtt::Histos::profDupFitTrksVsEta_ |
protected |
◆ profDupFitTrksVsInvPt_
std::map<std::string, TProfile*> tmtt::Histos::profDupFitTrksVsInvPt_ |
protected |
◆ profDupTracksVsEta_
std::map<std::string, TProfile*> tmtt::Histos::profDupTracksVsEta_ |
protected |
◆ profDupTracksVsInvPt_
std::map<std::string, TProfile*> tmtt::Histos::profDupTracksVsInvPt_ |
protected |
◆ profFitChi2DofRphiVsInvPtMatched_
std::map<std::string, TProfile*> tmtt::Histos::profFitChi2DofRphiVsInvPtMatched_ |
protected |
◆ profFitChi2DofRphiVsInvPtUnmatched_
std::map<std::string, TProfile*> tmtt::Histos::profFitChi2DofRphiVsInvPtUnmatched_ |
protected |
◆ profMeanStubsPerLink_
std::map<std::string, TProfile*> tmtt::Histos::profMeanStubsPerLink_ |
protected |
◆ profNumFitTracks_
std::map<std::string, TProfile*> tmtt::Histos::profNumFitTracks_ |
protected |
◆ profNumTrackCands_
std::map<std::string, TProfile*> tmtt::Histos::profNumTrackCands_ |
protected |
◆ profNumTracksVsEta_
std::map<std::string, TProfile*> tmtt::Histos::profNumTracksVsEta_ |
protected |
◆ profStubsOnFitTracks_
std::map<std::string, TProfile*> tmtt::Histos::profStubsOnFitTracks_ |
protected |
◆ profStubsOnTracks_
std::map<std::string, TProfile*> tmtt::Histos::profStubsOnTracks_ |
protected |
◆ ranRZfilter_
bool tmtt::Histos::ranRZfilter_ |
protected |
◆ resPlotOpt_
bool tmtt::Histos::resPlotOpt_ |
protected |
◆ settings_
◆ teffAlgEffFitVsD0_
std::map<std::string, TEfficiency*> tmtt::Histos::teffAlgEffFitVsD0_ |
protected |
◆ teffAlgEffFitVsEta_
std::map<std::string, TEfficiency*> tmtt::Histos::teffAlgEffFitVsEta_ |
protected |
◆ teffAlgEffFitVsInvPt_
std::map<std::string, TEfficiency*> tmtt::Histos::teffAlgEffFitVsInvPt_ |
protected |
◆ teffAlgEffFitVsPhi_
std::map<std::string, TEfficiency*> tmtt::Histos::teffAlgEffFitVsPhi_ |
protected |
◆ teffAlgEffFitVsZ0_
std::map<std::string, TEfficiency*> tmtt::Histos::teffAlgEffFitVsZ0_ |
protected |
◆ teffAlgEffVsD0_
std::map<std::string, TEfficiency*> tmtt::Histos::teffAlgEffVsD0_ |
protected |
◆ teffAlgEffVsEta_
std::map<std::string, TEfficiency*> tmtt::Histos::teffAlgEffVsEta_ |
protected |
◆ teffAlgEffVsInvPt_
std::map<std::string, TEfficiency*> tmtt::Histos::teffAlgEffVsInvPt_ |
protected |
◆ teffAlgEffVsPhi_
std::map<std::string, TEfficiency*> tmtt::Histos::teffAlgEffVsPhi_ |
protected |
◆ teffAlgEffVsZ0_
std::map<std::string, TEfficiency*> tmtt::Histos::teffAlgEffVsZ0_ |
protected |
◆ teffEffFitVsD0_
std::map<std::string, TEfficiency*> tmtt::Histos::teffEffFitVsD0_ |
protected |
◆ teffEffFitVsEta_
std::map<std::string, TEfficiency*> tmtt::Histos::teffEffFitVsEta_ |
protected |
◆ teffEffFitVsInvPt_
std::map<std::string, TEfficiency*> tmtt::Histos::teffEffFitVsInvPt_ |
protected |
◆ teffEffFitVsPhi_
std::map<std::string, TEfficiency*> tmtt::Histos::teffEffFitVsPhi_ |
protected |
◆ teffEffFitVsZ0_
std::map<std::string, TEfficiency*> tmtt::Histos::teffEffFitVsZ0_ |
protected |
◆ teffEffVsD0_
std::map<std::string, TEfficiency*> tmtt::Histos::teffEffVsD0_ |
protected |
◆ teffEffVsEta_
std::map<std::string, TEfficiency*> tmtt::Histos::teffEffVsEta_ |
protected |
◆ teffEffVsInvPt_
std::map<std::string, TEfficiency*> tmtt::Histos::teffEffVsInvPt_ |
protected |
◆ teffEffVsPhi_
std::map<std::string, TEfficiency*> tmtt::Histos::teffEffVsPhi_ |
protected |
◆ teffEffVsZ0_
std::map<std::string, TEfficiency*> tmtt::Histos::teffEffVsZ0_ |
protected |
◆ teffPerfAlgEffFitVsEta_
std::map<std::string, TEfficiency*> tmtt::Histos::teffPerfAlgEffFitVsEta_ |
protected |
◆ teffPerfAlgEffFitVsInvPt_
std::map<std::string, TEfficiency*> tmtt::Histos::teffPerfAlgEffFitVsInvPt_ |
protected |
◆ teffPerfAlgEffVsEta_
std::map<std::string, TEfficiency*> tmtt::Histos::teffPerfAlgEffVsEta_ |
protected |
◆ teffPerfAlgEffVsInvPt_
std::map<std::string, TEfficiency*> tmtt::Histos::teffPerfAlgEffVsInvPt_ |
protected |
◆ teffPerfAlgEffVsPt_
std::map<std::string, TEfficiency*> tmtt::Histos::teffPerfAlgEffVsPt_ |
protected |
◆ teffPerfEffFitVsEta_
std::map<std::string, TEfficiency*> tmtt::Histos::teffPerfEffFitVsEta_ |
protected |
◆ teffPerfEffFitVsInvPt_
std::map<std::string, TEfficiency*> tmtt::Histos::teffPerfEffFitVsInvPt_ |
protected |
◆ teffPerfEffVsEta_
std::map<std::string, TEfficiency*> tmtt::Histos::teffPerfEffVsEta_ |
protected |
◆ teffPerfEffVsInvPt_
std::map<std::string, TEfficiency*> tmtt::Histos::teffPerfEffVsInvPt_ |
protected |
◆ trackFitters_
std::vector<std::string> tmtt::Histos::trackFitters_ |
protected |
◆ useRZfilter_
std::vector<std::string> tmtt::Histos::useRZfilter_ |
protected |
std::map< std::string, TProfile * > profMeanStubsPerLink_
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > hisKalmanChi2DofSkipLay0Matched_
std::map< std::string, TProfile * > hisQoverPtResVsTrueInvPt_
virtual TFileDirectory bookEtaPhiSectors()
std::map< unsigned int, float > mapExtraAModuleTypeMaxR_
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > hisKalmanChi2DofSkipLay0Unmatched_
std::map< unsigned int, float > mapModuleTypeMinZ_
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > hisRecoTPetaForAlgEff_
std::map< unsigned int, float > mapExtraDModuleTypeMaxR_
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > hisFitChi2DofRphiMatched_
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > hisPerfFitTPinvptForAlgEff_
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > hisEtaRes_
virtual bool available() const
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > hisFitTPd0ForEff_
unsigned int numPhiNonants() const
std::map< std::string, TEfficiency * > teffAlgEffVsD0_
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > hisRecoTPetaForEff_
unsigned int houghNbinsPt_
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > hisPerfRecoTPetaForEff_
std::map< unsigned int, float > mapExtraDModuleTypeMinR_
unsigned int countLayers(const Settings *settings, const std::vector< const Stub * > &stubs, bool disableReducedLayerID=false, bool onlyPS=false)
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > hisFitZ0Matched_
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > hisRecoTPinvptForAlgEff_
virtual TFileDirectory bookInputData()
std::map< std::string, TEfficiency * > teffAlgEffVsZ0_
constexpr double deltaPhi(double phi1, double phi2)
virtual bool enabled() const
T * make(const Args &... args) const
make new ROOT object
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > hisFitTPphiForEff_
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > hisQoverPtRes_
std::map< unsigned int, float > mapModuleTypeMinR_
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > hisFracMatchStubsOnTracks_
virtual void makeEfficiencyPlot(TFileDirectory &inputDir, TEfficiency *outputEfficiency, TH1F *pass, TH1F *all, TString name, TString title)
virtual void plotTrackletSeedEfficiency()
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > hisRecoTPd0ForEff_
std::map< std::string, TEfficiency * > teffPerfEffFitVsInvPt_
std::map< std::string, TProfile * > profStubsOnFitTracks_
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > hisFitTPetaForEff_
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > hisZ0Res_
std::map< std::string, TEfficiency * > teffPerfAlgEffFitVsInvPt_
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > hisNumTrksPerNon_
std::map< std::string, TProfile * > profFitChi2DofRphiVsInvPtUnmatched_
std::map< std::string, TEfficiency * > teffEffFitVsZ0_
std::map< std::string, TEfficiency * > teffAlgEffFitVsInvPt_
virtual void plotHybridDupRemovalEfficiency()
std::map< std::string, TEfficiency * > teffAlgEffFitVsZ0_
unsigned int numPhiSectors_
std::map< std::string, TEfficiency * > teffPerfAlgEffFitVsEta_
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > hisStubsOnTracksPerNon_
std::map< unsigned int, float > mapExtraBModuleTypeMinZ_
virtual void printFitTrackPerformance(const std::string &fitName)
const std::string & rzFilterName() const
std::map< std::string, TProfile * > profNumTracksVsEta_
std::map< std::string, TProfile * > profDupTracksVsEta_
TH1F * hisNumPSLayersPerTP_
virtual TFileDirectory bookTrackCands(const std::string &tName)
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > hisFitChi2DofRphiUnmatched_
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > hisRecoTPd0ForAlgEff_
std::map< std::string, TProfile * > profNumTrackCands_
TH1F * hisNumLayersPerTP_
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > hisPerfFitTPinvptForEff_
virtual void fillTrackCands(const InputData &inputData, const matrix< std::unique_ptr< Make3Dtracks >> &mMake3Dtrks, const std::string &tName)
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > hisKalmanChi2DofSkipLay2Unmatched_
std::map< unsigned int, float > mapExtraCModuleTypeMaxR_
std::map< unsigned int, float > mapExtraAModuleTypeMinZ_
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > hisFitD0Unmatched_
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > hisKalmanNumUpdateCalls_
virtual void printTrackletSeedFindingPerformance()
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > hisFitPhi0Unmatched_
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > hisFitTPphiForAlgEff_
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > hisPerfRecoTPetaForAlgEff_
std::map< std::string, TEfficiency * > teffAlgEffVsPhi_
std::map< std::string, TEfficiency * > teffEffVsD0_
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > hisFitEtaMatched_
std::map< unsigned int, float > mapModuleTypeMaxZ_
static boost::mutex mutex
std::map< unsigned int, float > mapExtraBModuleTypeMaxZ_
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > hisFitTPd0ForAlgEff_
std::map< std::string, TEfficiency * > teffAlgEffVsInvPt_
std::map< std::string, TProfile * > profNumFitTracks_
TH1F * hisNumEtaSecsPerStub_
std::map< unsigned int, float > mapEndcapWheelMaxZ_
std::map< std::string, TEfficiency * > teffPerfEffVsEta_
std::map< std::string, TEfficiency * > teffEffVsPhi_
TH1F * hisTPetaForAlgEff_
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > hisKalmanChi2DofSkipLay1Unmatched_
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > hisPerfRecoTPinvptForAlgEff_
double bApprox_intercept() const
TFileDirectory mkdir(const std::string &dir, const std::string &descr="")
create a new subdirectory
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > hisKalmanChi2DofSkipLay2Matched_
std::map< std::string, TEfficiency * > teffEffFitVsInvPt_
virtual void fillTrackFitting(const InputData &inputData, const std::map< std::string, std::list< const L1fittedTrack * >> &mapFinalTracks)
virtual std::map< std::string, TFileDirectory > bookTrackFitting()
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > hisFitPhi0Matched_
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > hisFitChi2DofRzMatched_
std::map< std::string, TProfile * > hisD0ResVsTrueInvPt_
TH1F * hisTPinvptForAlgEff_
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > hisFitTPinvptForEff_
std::map< std::string, TProfile * > profDupTracksVsInvPt_
std::map< std::string, TProfile * > hisEtaResVsTrueInvPt_
std::map< std::string, TEfficiency * > teffEffFitVsPhi_
virtual void fillEtaPhiSectors(const InputData &inputData, const matrix< std::unique_ptr< Sector >> &mSectors)
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > hisPhi0Res_
std::vector< std::string > useRZfilter_
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > hisLayersPerTrack_
std::map< std::string, TEfficiency * > teffAlgEffVsEta_
TProfile * hisStubIneffiVsEta_
unsigned int houghNbinsPhi_
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > hisStubsPerFitTrack_
std::map< unsigned int, float > mapExtraCModuleTypeMinR_
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > hisFitChi2DofRzUnmatched_
std::map< std::string, TProfile * > hisD0ResVsTrueEta_
std::map< unsigned int, float > mapBarrelLayerMinR_
const Settings * settings_
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > hisFitEtaUnmatched_
std::map< std::string, TProfile * > hisPhi0ResVsTrueInvPt_
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > hisNumTracksVsQoverPt_
std::map< unsigned int, float > mapExtraCModuleTypeMinZ_
std::vector< std::string > trackFitters_
std::map< std::string, TEfficiency * > teffPerfEffVsInvPt_
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > hisNumFitTrksPerNon_
std::map< std::string, TProfile * > hisEtaResVsTrueEta_
virtual TFileDirectory bookRphiHT()
std::map< unsigned int, float > mapModuleTypeMaxR_
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > hisFitTPetaForAlgEff_
unsigned int numEtaRegions_
std::map< unsigned int, float > mapExtraDModuleTypeMaxZ_
std::map< unsigned int, float > mapExtraAModuleTypeMaxZ_
std::map< std::string, TEfficiency * > teffEffVsZ0_
std::map< std::string, TEfficiency * > teffAlgEffFitVsEta_
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > hisPerfFitTPetaForEff_
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > hisFitTPz0ForAlgEff_
std::map< std::string, TProfile * > profFitChi2DofRphiVsInvPtMatched_
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > hisPerfFitTPetaForAlgEff_
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > hisRecoTPinvptForEff_
bool enableHistos() const
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > hisNumFitTrks_
TH1F * hisTPphiForAlgEff_
unsigned int genMinStubLayers_
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > hisFitTPz0ForEff_
TProfile * hisStubIneffiVsInvPt_
std::map< unsigned int, float > mapExtraDModuleTypeMinZ_
std::map< unsigned int, float > mapExtraBModuleTypeMinR_
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > hisNumStubsPerLink_
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > hisRecoTPz0ForAlgEff_
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > hisRecoTPphiForAlgEff_
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > hisFitQinvPtUnmatched_
std::map< unsigned int, float > mapExtraCModuleTypeMaxZ_
virtual TFileDirectory bookRZfilters()
std::map< std::string, TProfile * > hisZ0ResVsTrueEta_
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > hisFitTPinvptForAlgEff_
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > hisQoverPt_
std::map< unsigned int, float > mapExtraAModuleTypeMinR_
std::map< std::string, TEfficiency * > teffEffVsEta_
virtual void fillRZfilters(const matrix< std::unique_ptr< Make3Dtracks >> &mMake3Dtrks)
std::map< std::string, TEfficiency * > teffAlgEffFitVsPhi_
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > hisKalmanChi2DofSkipLay1Matched_
std::map< std::string, TProfile * > hisPhi0ResVsTrueEta_
std::map< std::string, TEfficiency * > teffPerfEffFitVsEta_
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > hisStubsPerTrack_
Abs< T >::type abs(const T &t)
std::map< std::string, TProfile * > hisQoverPtResVsTrueEta_
std::map< std::string, TProfile * > profDupFitTrksVsInvPt_
std::map< unsigned int, float > mapEndcapWheelMinZ_
virtual void printHybridDupRemovalPerformance()
std::map< std::string, TProfile * > profDupFitTrksVsEta_
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > hisZ0_
virtual TFileDirectory plotTrackEffAfterFit(const std::string &fitName)
virtual TFileDirectory plotTrackEfficiency(const std::string &tName)
virtual void printTrackPerformance(const std::string &tName)
virtual void fillRphiHT(const matrix< std::unique_ptr< HTrphi >> &mHtRphis)
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > hisFitZ0Unmatched_
TH1F * hisNumPhiSecsPerStub_
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > hisRecoTPphiForEff_
std::map< std::string, TEfficiency * > teffAlgEffFitVsD0_
double bApprox_gradient() const
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > hisFitQinvPtMatched_
TProfile * hisStubKillFE_
virtual void fillInputData(const InputData &inputData)
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > hisFitD0Matched_
edm::Service< TFileService > fs_
std::map< std::string, TEfficiency * > teffPerfAlgEffVsInvPt_
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > hisPhi0_
std::map< std::string, TEfficiency * > teffEffVsInvPt_
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > hisPerfRecoTPinvptForEff_
std::map< std::string, TProfile * > profStubsOnTracks_
std::map< unsigned int, float > mapExtraBModuleTypeMaxR_
std::map< std::string, TEfficiency * > teffPerfAlgEffVsEta_
std::map< unsigned int, float > mapBarrelLayerMaxR_
std::map< std::string, TProfile * > hisZ0ResVsTrueInvPt_
std::map< std::string, TEfficiency * > teffEffFitVsEta_
std::map< std::string, TEfficiency * > teffEffFitVsD0_
TH1F * hisNumStubsPerSec_
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > hisRecoTPz0ForEff_
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > hisEta_