Go to the documentation of this file. 1 #ifndef GlobalTrigger_L1GlobalTriggerPSB_h
2 #define GlobalTrigger_L1GlobalTriggerPSB_h
62 const std::vector<edm::InputTag> &vecTag,
70 void init(
const int nrL1NoIsoEG,
75 const int numberTechnicalTriggers);
81 const bool receiveNoIsoEG,
82 const int nrL1NoIsoEG,
83 const bool receiveIsoEG,
85 const bool receiveCenJet,
87 const bool receiveForJet,
89 const bool receiveTauJet,
91 const bool receiveETM,
92 const bool receiveETT,
93 const bool receiveHTT,
94 const bool receiveHTM,
95 const bool receiveJetCounts,
96 const bool receiveHfBitCounts,
97 const bool receiveHfRingEtSums);
102 const int iBxInEvent,
103 const bool receiveCastor,
104 const bool readFromPsb);
109 const int iBxInEvent,
110 const bool receiveBptx,
111 const bool readFromPsb);
115 const std::vector<edm::InputTag> &externalInputTags,
116 const int iBxInEvent,
117 const bool receiveExternal,
118 const bool readFromPsb);
122 const std::vector<edm::InputTag> &technicalTriggersInputTags,
123 const int iBxInEvent,
124 const bool receiveTechTr,
125 const int nrL1TechTr);
129 const uint16_t &activeBoardsGtDaq,
130 const int recordLength0,
131 const int recordLength1,
132 const unsigned int altNrBxBoardDaq,
133 const std::vector<L1GtBoard> &boardMaps,
134 const int iBxInEvent,
Persistable copy of missing Et measured at Level-1.
Level-1 Trigger jet candidate.
const L1GctHtMiss * getCandL1HTM() const
pointer to HTM data list
void fillPsbBlock(edm::Event &iEvent, const uint16_t &activeBoardsGtDaq, const int recordLength0, const int recordLength1, const unsigned int altNrBxBoardDaq, const std::vector< L1GtBoard > &boardMaps, const int iBxInEvent, L1GlobalTriggerReadoutRecord *gtDaqReadoutRecord)
fill the content of active PSB boards
Level-1 Trigger EM candidate at output of GCT.
virtual ~L1GlobalTriggerPSB()
const L1GctEtMiss * m_candETM
const std::vector< const L1GctCand * > * getCandL1ForJet() const
pointer to ForJet data list
std::vector< bool > m_gtTechnicalTriggers
technical trigger bits
const L1GctHFRingEtSums * getCandL1HfRingEtSums() const
pointer to HfRingEtSums data list
const L1GctJetCounts * m_candJetCounts
void receiveTechnicalTriggers(edm::Event &iEvent, const std::vector< edm::InputTag > &technicalTriggersInputTags, const int iBxInEvent, const bool receiveTechTr, const int nrL1TechTr)
receive technical trigger
Persistable copy of missing Et measured at Level-1.
const L1GctEtHad * getCandL1HTT() const
pointer to HTT data list
int m_verbosity
verbosity level
void receiveGctObjectData(edm::Event &iEvent, const edm::InputTag &caloGctInputTag, const int iBxInEvent, const bool receiveNoIsoEG, const int nrL1NoIsoEG, const bool receiveIsoEG, const int nrL1IsoEG, const bool receiveCenJet, const int nrL1CenJet, const bool receiveForJet, const int nrL1ForJet, const bool receiveTauJet, const int nrL1TauJet, const bool receiveETM, const bool receiveETT, const bool receiveHTT, const bool receiveHTM, const bool receiveJetCounts, const bool receiveHfBitCounts, const bool receiveHfRingEtSums)
receive Global Calorimeter Trigger objects
const std::vector< bool > * getGtTechnicalTriggers() const
pointer to technical trigger bits
L1GlobalTriggerPSB(const edm::InputTag &caloTag, const std::vector< edm::InputTag > &vecTag, edm::ConsumesCollector &&iC)
std::vector< const L1GctCand * > * m_candL1NoIsoEG
void receiveExternalData(edm::Event &iEvent, const std::vector< edm::InputTag > &externalInputTags, const int iBxInEvent, const bool receiveExternal, const bool readFromPsb)
receive External objects
Persistable copy of total Et measured at Level-1.
const L1GctEtHad * m_candHTT
std::vector< const L1GctCand * > * m_candL1TauJet
const std::vector< const L1GctCand * > * getCandL1TauJet() const
pointer to TauJet data list
const L1GctHFBitCounts * m_candHfBitCounts
const std::vector< const L1GctCand * > * getCandL1IsoEG() const
pointer to IsoEG data list
std::vector< const L1GctCand * > * m_candL1ForJet
void setVerbosity(const int verbosity)
const std::vector< const L1GctCand * > * getCandL1NoIsoEG() const
pointer to NoIsoEG data list
const L1GctHFBitCounts * getCandL1HfBitCounts() const
pointer to HfBitCounts data list
Persistable copy of total Ht measured at Level-1.
void receiveBptxData(edm::Event &iEvent, const edm::InputTag &bptxInputTag, const int iBxInEvent, const bool receiveBptx, const bool readFromPsb)
receive BPTX objects
std::vector< const L1GctCand * > * m_candL1CenJet
void init(const int nrL1NoIsoEG, const int nrL1IsoEG, const int nrL1CenJet, const int nrL1ForJet, const int nrL1TauJet, const int numberTechnicalTriggers)
initialize the class (mainly reserve)
ABC for GCT EM and jet candidates.
const L1GctHFRingEtSums * m_candHfRingEtSums
const L1GctEtMiss * getCandL1ETM() const
pointer to ETM data list
std::vector< const L1GctCand * > * m_candL1IsoEG
const L1GctHtMiss * m_candHTM
const L1GctEtTotal * getCandL1ETT() const
pointer to ETT data list
const L1GctJetCounts * getCandL1JetCounts() const
pointer to JetCounts data list
void receiveCastorData(edm::Event &iEvent, const edm::InputTag &castorInputTag, const int iBxInEvent, const bool receiveCastor, const bool readFromPsb)
receive CASTOR objects
const std::vector< const L1GctCand * > * getCandL1CenJet() const
pointer to CenJet data list
const L1GctEtTotal * m_candETT
void printGctObjectData(const int iBxInEvent) const
print Global Calorimeter Trigger data