1 #ifndef DataFormat_ParticleFlowReco_PFDisplacedVertexSeed_h 2 #define DataFormat_ParticleFlowReco_PFDisplacedVertexSeed_h const double nTracks() const
friend std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &out, const PFDisplacedVertexSeed &co)
void addElement(TrackBaseRef)
void mergeWith(const PFDisplacedVertexSeed &displacedVertex)
Merge two Seeds if their seed Points are close enough.
void Dump(std::ostream &out=std::cout) const
cout function
GlobalPoint seedPoint_
Seed point which indicated the approximative position of the vertex.
const GlobalPoint & seedPoint() const
ROOT::Math::PositionVector3D< ROOT::Math::Cartesian3D< float >, ROOT::Math::GlobalCoordinateSystemTag > GlobalPoint
point in global coordinate system
bool isEmpty() const
Check if it is a new Seed.
void reserveElements(size_t)
Reserve space for elements.
const double totalWeight() const
Default constructor.
std::vector< TrackBaseRef > elements_
---—— MEMBERS ----—— ///
const std::vector< TrackBaseRef > & elements() const
void updateSeedPoint(const GlobalPoint &dcaPoint, const TrackBaseRef, const TrackBaseRef, double weight=1)