1 #ifndef Alignment_MuonAlignment_AlignableMuon_H 2 #define Alignment_MuonAlignment_AlignableMuon_H 123 #endif //AlignableMuon_H A muon DT Chamber( an AlignableDet )
AlignmentErrorsExtended * alignmentErrors() const override
Get alignment errors sorted by DetId.
align::Alignables DTLayers()
Methods to return specific of components.
void update(const DTGeometry *, const CSCGeometry *)
align::Alignables CSCChambers()
Alignments * alignments() const override
Get alignments sorted by DetId.
align::Alignables DTBarrel()
align::Alignables CSCStations()
align::Alignables DTStations()
~AlignableMuon() override
virtual Alignable * mother()
Alignable tracker has no mother.
AlignableSurface computeSurface()
Get the Surface.
const AlignableObjectId & objectIdProvider() const
Return muon alignable object ID provider derived from the muon system geometry.
std::vector< AlignableCSCEndcap * > theCSCEndcaps
Alignments * dtAlignments()
Get DT alignments sorted by DetId.
const AlignableObjectId alignableObjectId_
alignable object ID provider
align::Alignables CSCEndcaps()
align::Alignables theMuonComponents
align::Alignables DTChambers()
align::Alignables DTWheels()
std::vector< AlignableCSCStation * > theCSCStations
void recursiveSetMothers(Alignable *alignable)
Set mothers recursively.
Allows conversion between type and name, and vice-versa.
std::vector< AlignableDTStation * > theDTStations
AlignmentErrorsExtended * cscAlignmentErrorsExtended()
Get CSC alignment errors sorted by DetId.
align::Alignables CSCLayers()
void buildCSCEndcap(const CSCGeometry *, bool update=false)
Build muon end caps.
std::vector< AlignableDTChamber * > theDTChambers
Containers of separate components.
std::vector< AlignableCSCRing * > theCSCRings
align::Alignables DTSuperLayers()
PositionType computePosition()
Get the position (centered at 0 by default)
Alignments * cscAlignments()
Get CSC alignments sorted by DetId.
const align::Alignables & components() const final
Return all components.
AlignableMuon(const DTGeometry *, const CSCGeometry *)
Constructor from geometries.
AlignmentErrorsExtended * dtAlignmentErrorsExtended()
Get DT alignment errors sorted by DetId.
std::vector< Alignable * > Alignables
align::Alignables CSCRings()
void buildDTBarrel(const DTGeometry *, bool update=false)
Build muon barrel.
RotationType computeOrientation()
Get the global orientation (no rotation by default)
std::vector< AlignableDTBarrel * > theDTBarrel
std::vector< AlignableDTWheel * > theDTWheels
Constructor of the full muon geometry.
std::vector< AlignableCSCChamber * > theCSCChambers
A muon CSC Chamber( an AlignableDet )