56 if (fabs(etaValue) > 2.4)
57 etaValue = 2.39 * ((etaValue) > 0 ? 1. : -1.);
62 etaValue += (etaValue > 0.01 ? -1. : 1.) * 0.001;
virtual float getCenter(unsigned packed) const =0
get the center of bin represented by packed
bool isRPC(GeomDetEnumerators::SubDetector m)
static const L1MuTriggerScales * getTriggerScales()
unsigned TheLookupFunction(int idx, unsigned eta_regional) const
The lookup function - here the functionality of the LUT is implemented.
const L1MuScale * getRegionalEtaScale(int isys) const
get the regioanl muon trigger eta scale, isys = 0(DT), 1(bRPC), 2(CSC), 3(fwdRPC) ...
void InitParameters()
Initialize scales, configuration parameters, alignment constants, ...
const L1MuScale * getGMTEtaScale() const
get the GMT eta scale
virtual unsigned getPacked(float value) const =0
pack a value