1 #ifndef SIPIXELMODULESTATUS_h 2 #define SIPIXELMODULESTATUS_h 48 std::vector<SiPixelRocStatus>
void updateModuleDIGI(int roc, unsigned int nhits)
combine new data to update(topup) module status
void fillDIGI(int iroc)
fill with online coordinates
void fillFEDerror25(PixelFEDChannel ch)
fill FEDerror25
int detid()
accessors and setters
std::vector< SiPixelRocStatus > fRocs
void updateDIGI(int iroc, unsigned int nhit)
fill with online coordinates (nhit > 1)
SiPixelModuleStatus(int det=0, int nrocs=16)
unsigned int digiOccMOD()
return module status (= hits on module)
double perRocDigiOccVar()
SiPixelRocStatus * getRoc(int i)
get a ROC
void updateModuleStatus(SiPixelModuleStatus newData)
unsigned int digiOccROC(int iroc)
return ROC status (= hits on ROC iroc)
double perRocDigiOcc()
calculate (averaged over this module's ROCs) mean hit number and its sigma