1 #ifndef CSCAnodeData2006_h 2 #define CSCAnodeData2006_h 15 bool isHit(
unsigned wireGroup)
const {
16 assert(wireGroup < 8);
46 unsigned short *
override {
return theDataFrames; }
48 unsigned short int sizeInWords()
const override {
return nAFEBs_ * nTimeBins_ * 6 * 2; }
51 std::vector<CSCWireDigi> wireDigis(
int layer)
const override;
55 static void selfTest();
63 int index(
int afeb,
int tbin,
int layer)
65 void addHit(
int afeb,
int tbin,
int layer,
int halfLayer,
unsigned wireBit);
68 unsigned short theDataFrames[2700];
unsigned short * data() override
void addHit(unsigned wireBit)
sets a bit, from 0 to 7
CSCAnodeDataFrame2006(unsigned short frame)
unsigned short int sizeInWords() const override
the amount of the input binary buffer read, in 16-bit words
unsigned tbin() const
time bin
void add(std::map< std::string, TH1 * > &h, TH1 *hist)
unsigned short data() const
int nAFEBs_
in 2007 format the max number of frames is 1860
bool isHit(unsigned wireGroup) const
given a wiregroup between 0 and 7, it tells whether this bit was on
unsigned short frame() const