25 : calculate_crc_(config.getParameter<
26 fill_counters_(config.getParameter<
27 bx_min_(config.getParameter<
28 bx_max_(config.getParameter<
"bxMax")) {
29 produces<RPCDigiCollection>();
31 produces<RPCAMCLinkCounters>();
40 unsigned char const *uchars(reinterpret_cast<unsigned char const *>(&word));
41 for (
unsigned char const *uchar = uchars + 7; uchar >= uchars; --uchar) {
49 desc.
50 desc.
51 desc.
"bxMin", -2);
52 desc.
"bxMax", 2);
53 descs.
"rpcTwinMuxRawToDigi", desc);
61 feds.insert(tm_link.first.getFED());
63 feds_.assign(feds.begin(), feds.end());
74 event.getByToken(
raw_token_, raw_data_collection);
76 std::set<std::pair<RPCDetId, RPCDigi> > rpc_digis;
80 for (
int fed :
feds_) {
85 std::uint16_t crc(0xffff);
96 LogDebug(
"RPCTwinMuxRawToDigi") <<
"Handling FED " << fed <<
" with length " << nwords;
109 while (word < word_end) {
110 processBlock(fed, word, word_end, crc, *counters, rpc_digis);
116 word_end =
reinterpret_cast<std::uint64_t const *
data()) + nwords - 1;
117 for (; word < word_end; ++
word) {
121 FEDTrailer trailer(reinterpret_cast<unsigned char const *>(word_end));
122 if ((
unsigned int)(trailer.
crc()) != crc) {
126 edm::LogWarning(
"RPCTwinMuxRawToDigi") <<
"FED Trailer CRC doesn't match for FED id " << fed;
142 bool more_headers(
143 for (; word < word_end && more_headers; ++
word) {
148 LogDebug(
"RPCTwinMuxRawToDigi") <<
"CDF Header " << std::hex << *word <<
150 if (!header.
check()) {
154 edm::LogWarning(
"RPCTwinMuxRawToDigi") <<
"FED Header check failed for FED id " << fed;
163 <<
"FED Header Source ID " << header.
sourceID() <<
" does not match requested FED id " << fed;
169 more_headers =
172 return !more_headers;
181 bool more_trailers(
182 for (--word_end; word_end > word && more_trailers; --word_end) {
183 FEDTrailer trailer(reinterpret_cast<unsigned char const *>(word_end));
184 LogDebug(
"RPCTwinMuxRawToDigi") <<
"CDF Trailer " << std::hex << *word_end <<
std::dec <<
", length " 186 if (!trailer.
check()) {
190 edm::LogWarning(
"RPCTwinMuxRawToDigi") <<
"FED Trailer check failed for FED id " << fed;
199 <<
" does not match actual data size " << nwords <<
" for FED id " << fed;
206 more_trailers =
211 return !more_trailers;
219 std::set<std::pair<RPCDetId, RPCDigi> > &digis)
const {
227 unsigned int n_amc(block_header.
228 if (word + n_amc + 1 >= word_end) {
232 edm::LogWarning(
"RPCTwinMuxRawToDigi") <<
"Block can not be complete for FED " << fed;
237 std::vector<std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int> > amc_size_map;
238 for (
unsigned int amc = 0;
amc < n_amc; ++
amc) {
239 LogDebug(
"RPCTwinMuxRawToDigi") <<
"Block AMC " <<
252 <<
"BlockAMCContent is reporting an invalid " 253 <<
"Event Counter or Bunch Counter for FED " << fed <<
", AMC " << amc_content.
257 for (std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>
const &amc_size : amc_size_map) {
258 processTwinMux(fed, amc_size.first, amc_size.second, word, word_end, crc, counters, digis);
261 if (word < word_end) {
274 unsigned int amc_number,
280 std::set<std::pair<RPCDetId, RPCDigi> > &digis)
const {
281 LogDebug(
"RPCTwinMuxRawToDigi") <<
"TwinMux AMC#" << amc_number <<
", size " <<
289 edm::LogWarning(
"RPCTwinMuxRawToDigi") <<
"Invalid AMC Number " << amc_number <<
" for FED " << fed;
299 if (word + size >= word_end || size < 3) {
304 <<
"TwinMux Data can not be complete for FED " << fed <<
" AMC #" << amc_number;
332 <<
"AMC Number inconsistent in TwinMuxHeader vs BlockAMCContent: " << header.
getAMCNumber() <<
" vs " 348 LogDebug(
"RPCTwinMuxRawToDigi") <<
"BX range set to " << bx_min <<
", " << bx_max;
351 bool has_first_rpc_word(
358 LogDebug(
"RPCTwinMuxRawToDigi") <<
"TwinMux data type " << std::hex << type <<
360 if (has_first_rpc_word) {
361 processRPCRecord(fed, amc_number, bx_counter, rpc_record, counters, digis, bx_min, bx_max, 0, 1);
364 rpc_record.
set(0, *word);
365 has_first_rpc_word =
367 if (!has_first_rpc_word) {
368 edm::LogWarning(
"RPCTwinMuxRawToDigi") <<
"Received second RPC word without first";
370 rpc_record.
set(1, *word);
371 processRPCRecord(fed, amc_number, bx_counter, rpc_record, counters, digis, bx_min, bx_max, 0, 4);
372 has_first_rpc_word =
376 if (has_first_rpc_word) {
377 processRPCRecord(fed, amc_number, bx_counter, rpc_record, counters, digis, bx_min, bx_max, 0, 1);
381 LogDebug(
"RPCTwinMuxRawToDigi") <<
"TwinMux Trailer " << std::hex << *word <<
390 unsigned int amc_number,
391 unsigned int bx_counter,
394 std::set<std::pair<RPCDetId, RPCDigi> > &digis,
398 unsigned int link_max)
const {
403 for (; link <= link_max; ++
link) {
404 tm_link.setAMCInput(link);
407 if (link_record.isError()) {
411 LogDebug(
"RPCTwinMuxRawToDigi") <<
"Link in error for " << tm_link;
413 }
else if (!link_record.isAcknowledge()) {
417 LogDebug(
"RPCTwinMuxRawToDigi") <<
"Link without acknowledge for " << tm_link;
421 if (!link_record.getPartitionData()) {
425 int bx(bx_offset - (
426 LogDebug(
"RPCTwinMuxRawToDigi") <<
"RPC BX " << bx <<
" for offset " << bx_offset;
437 LogDebug(
"RPCTwinMuxRawToDigi") <<
"Skipping unknown TwinMuxLink " << tm_link;
447 LogDebug(
"RPCTwinMuxRawToDigi") <<
"Skipping invalid LinkBoard " << link_record.getLinkBoard() <<
" for record " 448 << link <<
" (" << std::hex << link_record.getRecord() <<
" in " 458 LogDebug(
"RPCTwinMuxRawToDigi") <<
"Skipping invalid Connector " << link_record.getConnector() <<
" for record " 459 << link <<
" (" << std::hex << link_record.getRecord() <<
" in " 473 LogDebug(
"RPCTwinMuxRawToDigi") <<
"Could not find " << lb_link <<
" for record " << link <<
" (" << std::hex
474 << link_record.getRecord() <<
" in " << record.
getRecord()[0] <<
':' 479 if (bx < bx_min || bx > bx_max) {
490 unsigned int channel_offset(link_record.getPartition() ? 9 : 1);
491 std::uint8_t
493 for (
unsigned int channel = 0; channel < 8; ++channel) {
494 if (
data & (0
x1 << channel)) {
495 unsigned int strip(feb_connector.
getStrip(channel + channel_offset));
497 digis.insert(std::pair<RPCDetId, RPCDigi>(det_id,
strip, bx)));
498 LogDebug(
"RPCTwinMuxRawToDigi") <<
"RPCDigi " << det_id.rawId() <<
", " <<
strip <<
", " <<
510 std::vector<RPCDigi> local_digis;
511 for (std::pair<RPCDetId, RPCDigi>
const &rpc_digi : digis) {
512 LogDebug(
"RPCTwinMuxRawToDigi") <<
"RPCDigi " << rpc_digi.first.rawId() <<
", " << rpc_digi.second.strip() <<
", " 513 << rpc_digi.second.bx();
514 if (rpc_digi.first != rpc_det_id) {
515 if (!local_digis.empty()) {
519 rpc_det_id = rpc_digi.first;
521 local_digis.push_back(rpc_digi.second);
523 if (!local_digis.empty()) {
527 event.put(
static unsigned int const fed_amc13_amc_number_invalid_
T getParameter(std::string const &) const
unsigned int getStrip(unsigned int channel) const
static unsigned int const fed_trailer_crc_mismatch_
static unsigned int const input_connector_not_used_
RPCLinkRecord getRPCLinkRecord(unsigned int link) const
static unsigned int const amc_payload_incomplete_
static unsigned int const amc_event_
std::uint64_t const * getRecord() const
static unsigned int const fed_header_check_fail_
bool processCDFHeaders(int fed, std::uint64_t const *&word, std::uint64_t const *&word_end, std::uint16_t &crc, RPCAMCLinkCounters &counters) const
void beginRun(edm::Run const &run, edm::EventSetup const &setup) override
static int const max_connector_
static unsigned int const input_link_error_
static unsigned int const input_lb_invalid_
RPCLBLink & setConnector(int connector=wildcard_)
uint16_t crc() const
Cyclic Redundancy Code of the event fragment including header and trailer.
bool check() const
Check that the trailer is OK.
static unsigned int const amc_amc13_evc_bc_invalid_
bool processTwinMux(int fed, unsigned int amc_number, unsigned int size, std::uint64_t const *&word, std::uint64_t const *word_end, std::uint16_t &crc, RPCAMCLinkCounters &counters, std::set< std::pair< RPCDetId, RPCDigi > > &digis) const
static unsigned int const fed_trailer_length_mismatch_
size_t size() const
Lenght of the data buffer in bytes.
uint32_t fragmentLength() const
The length of the event fragment counted in 64-bit words including header and trailer.
~RPCTwinMuxRawToDigi() override
static int const max_amcnumber_
RPCTwinMuxRawToDigi(edm::ParameterSet const &config)
static unsigned int const amc_link_invalid_
void processRPCRecord(int fed, unsigned int amc_number, unsigned int bx_counter, rpctwinmux::RPCRecord const &record, RPCAMCLinkCounters &counters, std::set< std::pair< RPCDetId, RPCDigi > > &digis, int bx_min, int bx_max, unsigned int link, unsigned int link_max) const
void set(unsigned int word, std::uint64_t const record)
#define DEFINE_FWK_MODULE(type)
const FEDRawData & FEDData(int fedid) const
retrieve data for fed
unsigned int getType() const
unsigned int getAMCNumber() const
edm::EDGetTokenT< FEDRawDataCollection > raw_token_
MuonDigiCollection< RPCDetId, RPCDigi > RPCDigiCollection
bool processBlock(int fed, std::uint64_t const *&word, std::uint64_t const *word_end, std::uint16_t &crc, RPCAMCLinkCounters &counters, std::set< std::pair< RPCDetId, RPCDigi > > &digis) const
bool processCDFTrailers(int fed, unsigned int nwords, std::uint64_t const *&word, std::uint64_t const *&word_end, std::uint16_t &crc, RPCAMCLinkCounters &counters) const
ParameterDescriptionBase * add(U const &iLabel, T const &value)
static unsigned int const rpc_first_type_
static unsigned int const fed_header_id_mismatch_
static unsigned int const amc_number_mismatch_
static unsigned int const fed_amc13_block_incomplete_
static unsigned int const input_event_
void add(unsigned int event, RPCAMCLink const &link, unsigned int count=1)
static unsigned int const fed_event_
edm::ESWatcher< RPCTwinMuxLinkMapRcd > es_tm_link_map_watcher_
static unsigned int const rpc_second_type_
static unsigned int const input_link_ack_fail_
unsigned long long uint64_t
std::pair< const_iterator, const_iterator > Range
void add(std::string const &label, ParameterSetDescription const &psetDescription)
unsigned short compute_crc_8bit(unsigned short crc, unsigned char data)
bool check(const edm::EventSetup &iSetup)
unsigned int getSize() const
char data[epos_bytes_allocation]
static void fillDescriptions(edm::ConfigurationDescriptions &descs)
void produce(edm::Event &event, edm::EventSetup const &setup) override
const unsigned char * data() const
Return a const pointer to the beginning of the data buffer.
void putCounters(edm::Event &event, std::unique_ptr< RPCAMCLinkCounters > counters)
static void compute_crc_64bit(std::uint16_t &crc, std::uint64_t const &word)
edm::ESHandle< RPCLBLinkMap > es_lb_link_map_
RPCLBLink & setLinkBoard(int linkboard=wildcard_)
static int const wildcard_
edm::ESHandle< RPCAMCLinkMap > es_tm_link_map_
static unsigned int const fed_trailer_check_fail_
RPCDetId getRPCDetId() const
void putRPCDigis(edm::Event &event, std::set< std::pair< RPCDetId, RPCDigi > > const &digis)
static int const max_linkboard_
static unsigned int const input_eod_
static unsigned int const input_connector_invalid_