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3 #include <memory>
25  : calculate_crc_(config.getParameter<bool>("calculateCRC")),
26  fill_counters_(config.getParameter<bool>("fillCounters")),
27  bx_min_(config.getParameter<int>("bxMin")),
28  bx_max_(config.getParameter<int>("bxMax")) {
29  produces<RPCDigiCollection>();
30  if (fill_counters_) {
31  produces<RPCAMCLinkCounters>();
32  }
33  raw_token_ = consumes<FEDRawDataCollection>(config.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("inputTag"));
34 }
39  std::uint16_t &crc, std::uint64_t const &word) { // overcome constness problem evf::compute_crc_64bit
40  unsigned char const *uchars(reinterpret_cast<unsigned char const *>(&word));
41  for (unsigned char const *uchar = uchars + 7; uchar >= uchars; --uchar) {
42  crc = evf::compute_crc_8bit(crc, *uchar);
43  }
44 }
48  desc.add<edm::InputTag>("inputTag", edm::InputTag("rawDataCollector", ""));
49  desc.add<bool>("calculateCRC", true);
50  desc.add<bool>("fillCounters", true);
51  desc.add<int>("bxMin", -2);
52  desc.add<int>("bxMax", 2);
53  descs.add("rpcTwinMuxRawToDigi", desc);
54 }
57  if (es_tm_link_map_watcher_.check(setup)) {
59  std::set<int> feds;
60  for (auto const &tm_link : es_tm_link_map_->getMap()) {
61  feds.insert(tm_link.first.getFED());
62  }
63  feds_.assign(feds.begin(), feds.end());
64  }
65 }
68  // Get EventSetup Electronics Maps
70  setup.get<RPCLBLinkMapRcd>().get(es_lb_link_map_);
72  // Get RAW Data
73  edm::Handle<FEDRawDataCollection> raw_data_collection;
74  event.getByToken(raw_token_, raw_data_collection);
76  std::set<std::pair<RPCDetId, RPCDigi> > rpc_digis;
77  std::unique_ptr<RPCAMCLinkCounters> counters(new RPCAMCLinkCounters());
79  // Loop over the FEDs
80  for (int fed : feds_) {
81  if (fill_counters_) {
83  }
85  std::uint16_t crc(0xffff);
87  FEDRawData const &raw_data = raw_data_collection->FEDData(fed);
88  unsigned int nwords(raw_data.size() / sizeof(std::uint64_t));
89  if (!nwords) {
90  continue;
91  }
93  std::uint64_t const *word(reinterpret_cast<std::uint64_t const *>(;
94  std::uint64_t const *word_end = word + nwords;
96  LogDebug("RPCTwinMuxRawToDigi") << "Handling FED " << fed << " with length " << nwords;
98  // Handle the CDF Headers
99  if (!processCDFHeaders(fed, word, word_end, crc, *counters)) {
100  continue;
101  }
103  // Handle the CDF Trailers
104  if (!processCDFTrailers(fed, nwords, word, word_end, crc, *counters)) {
105  continue;
106  }
108  // Loop over the Blocks
109  while (word < word_end) {
110  processBlock(fed, word, word_end, crc, *counters, rpc_digis);
111  }
113  // Complete CRC check with trailer
114  if (calculate_crc_) {
115  word = word_end;
116  word_end = reinterpret_cast<std::uint64_t const *>( + nwords - 1;
117  for (; word < word_end; ++word) {
118  compute_crc_64bit(crc, *word);
119  }
120  compute_crc_64bit(crc, (*word & 0xffffffff0000ffff)); // trailer excluding crc
121  FEDTrailer trailer(reinterpret_cast<unsigned char const *>(word_end));
122  if ((unsigned int)(trailer.crc()) != crc) {
123  if (fill_counters_) {
125  }
126  edm::LogWarning("RPCTwinMuxRawToDigi") << "FED Trailer CRC doesn't match for FED id " << fed;
127  }
128  }
129  }
131  putRPCDigis(event, rpc_digis);
132  if (fill_counters_) {
133  putCounters(event, std::move(counters));
134  }
135 }
138  std::uint64_t const *&word,
139  std::uint64_t const *&word_end,
140  std::uint16_t &crc,
141  RPCAMCLinkCounters &counters) const {
142  bool more_headers(true);
143  for (; word < word_end && more_headers; ++word) {
144  if (calculate_crc_) {
145  compute_crc_64bit(crc, *word);
146  }
148  LogDebug("RPCTwinMuxRawToDigi") << "CDF Header " << std::hex << *word << std::dec;
149  FEDHeader header(reinterpret_cast<unsigned char const *>(word));
150  if (!header.check()) {
151  if (fill_counters_) {
153  }
154  edm::LogWarning("RPCTwinMuxRawToDigi") << "FED Header check failed for FED id " << fed;
155  ++word;
156  break;
157  }
158  if (header.sourceID() != fed) {
159  if (fill_counters_) {
161  }
162  edm::LogWarning("RPCTwinMuxRawToDigi")
163  << "FED Header Source ID " << header.sourceID() << " does not match requested FED id " << fed;
164  break;
165  }
167  // moreHeaders() not used
168  // more_headers = header.moreHeaders();
169  more_headers = false;
170  }
172  return !more_headers;
173 }
176  unsigned int nwords,
177  std::uint64_t const *&word,
178  std::uint64_t const *&word_end,
179  std::uint16_t &crc,
180  RPCAMCLinkCounters &counters) const {
181  bool more_trailers(true);
182  for (--word_end; word_end > word && more_trailers; --word_end) {
183  FEDTrailer trailer(reinterpret_cast<unsigned char const *>(word_end));
184  LogDebug("RPCTwinMuxRawToDigi") << "CDF Trailer " << std::hex << *word_end << std::dec << ", length "
185  << trailer.fragmentLength();
186  if (!trailer.check()) {
187  if (fill_counters_) {
189  }
190  edm::LogWarning("RPCTwinMuxRawToDigi") << "FED Trailer check failed for FED id " << fed;
191  --word_end;
192  break;
193  }
194  if (trailer.fragmentLength() != nwords) {
195  if (fill_counters_) {
197  }
198  edm::LogWarning("RPCTwinMuxRawToDigi") << "FED Trailer length " << trailer.fragmentLength()
199  << " does not match actual data size " << nwords << " for FED id " << fed;
200  --word_end;
201  break;
202  }
204  // moreTrailers() not used
205  // more_trailers = trailer.moreTrailers();
206  more_trailers = false;
207  }
209  ++word_end;
211  return !more_trailers;
212 }
215  std::uint64_t const *&word,
216  std::uint64_t const *word_end,
217  std::uint16_t &crc,
218  RPCAMCLinkCounters &counters,
219  std::set<std::pair<RPCDetId, RPCDigi> > &digis) const {
220  // Block Header and Content
221  rpctwinmux::BlockHeader block_header(*word);
222  if (calculate_crc_) {
223  compute_crc_64bit(crc, *word);
224  }
225  ++word;
227  unsigned int n_amc(block_header.getNAMC());
228  if (word + n_amc + 1 >= word_end) {
229  if (fill_counters_) {
231  }
232  edm::LogWarning("RPCTwinMuxRawToDigi") << "Block can not be complete for FED " << fed;
233  word = word_end;
234  return false;
235  }
237  std::vector<std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int> > amc_size_map;
238  for (unsigned int amc = 0; amc < n_amc; ++amc) {
239  LogDebug("RPCTwinMuxRawToDigi") << "Block AMC " << amc;
240  rpctwinmux::BlockAMCContent amc_content(*word);
241  if (calculate_crc_) {
242  compute_crc_64bit(crc, *word);
243  }
244  ++word;
246  amc_size_map.push_back(std::make_pair(amc_content.getAMCNumber(), amc_content.getSize()));
247  if (!amc_content.isValid()) {
248  if (fill_counters_) {
250  }
251  edm::LogWarning("RPCTwinMuxRawToDigi")
252  << "BlockAMCContent is reporting an invalid "
253  << "Event Counter or Bunch Counter for FED " << fed << ", AMC " << amc_content.getAMCNumber();
254  }
255  }
257  for (std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int> const &amc_size : amc_size_map) {
258  processTwinMux(fed, amc_size.first, amc_size.second, word, word_end, crc, counters, digis);
259  }
261  if (word < word_end) {
262  rpctwinmux::BlockTrailer block_trailer(*word);
263  if (calculate_crc_) {
264  compute_crc_64bit(crc, *word);
265  }
266  ++word;
267  return true;
268  } else {
269  return false;
270  }
271 }
274  unsigned int amc_number,
275  unsigned int size,
276  std::uint64_t const *&word,
277  std::uint64_t const *word_end,
278  std::uint16_t &crc,
279  RPCAMCLinkCounters &counters,
280  std::set<std::pair<RPCDetId, RPCDigi> > &digis) const {
281  LogDebug("RPCTwinMuxRawToDigi") << "TwinMux AMC#" << amc_number << ", size " << size;
282  if (!size) {
283  return true;
284  }
285  if (amc_number > (unsigned int)RPCAMCLink::max_amcnumber_) {
286  if (fill_counters_) {
288  }
289  edm::LogWarning("RPCTwinMuxRawToDigi") << "Invalid AMC Number " << amc_number << " for FED " << fed;
290  if (calculate_crc_) {
291  for (; size > 0; --size, ++word) {
292  compute_crc_64bit(crc, *word);
293  }
294  } else {
295  word += size;
296  }
297  return false;
298  }
299  if (word + size >= word_end || size < 3) {
300  if (fill_counters_) {
301  counters.add(RPCAMCLinkEvents::amc_payload_incomplete_, RPCAMCLink(fed, amc_number));
302  }
303  edm::LogWarning("RPCTwinMuxRawToDigi")
304  << "TwinMux Data can not be complete for FED " << fed << " AMC #" << amc_number;
305  if (calculate_crc_) {
306  for (; size > 0; --size, ++word) {
307  compute_crc_64bit(crc, *word);
308  }
309  } else {
310  word += size;
311  }
312  return false;
313  }
316  unsigned int bx_counter(header.getBXCounter());
317  if (calculate_crc_) {
318  compute_crc_64bit(crc, *word);
319  ++word;
320  compute_crc_64bit(crc, *word);
321  ++word;
322  } else {
323  word += 2;
324  }
325  size -= 2;
327  if (amc_number != header.getAMCNumber()) {
328  if (fill_counters_) {
329  counters.add(RPCAMCLinkEvents::amc_number_mismatch_, RPCAMCLink(fed, amc_number));
330  }
331  edm::LogWarning("RPCTwinMuxRawToDigi")
332  << "AMC Number inconsistent in TwinMuxHeader vs BlockAMCContent: " << header.getAMCNumber() << " vs "
333  << amc_number;
334  if (calculate_crc_) {
335  for (; size > 0; --size, ++word) {
336  compute_crc_64bit(crc, *word);
337  }
338  } else {
339  word += size;
340  }
341  return false;
342  }
344  int bx_min(bx_min_), bx_max(bx_max_);
345  if (header.hasRPCBXWindow()) {
346  bx_min = std::max(bx_min, header.getRPCBXMin());
347  bx_max = std::min(bx_max, header.getRPCBXMax());
348  LogDebug("RPCTwinMuxRawToDigi") << "BX range set to " << bx_min << ", " << bx_max;
349  }
351  bool has_first_rpc_word(false);
352  rpctwinmux::RPCRecord rpc_record;
353  for (; size > 1; --size, ++word) {
354  if (calculate_crc_) {
355  compute_crc_64bit(crc, *word);
356  }
357  unsigned int type(rpctwinmux::TwinMuxRecord::getType(*word));
358  LogDebug("RPCTwinMuxRawToDigi") << "TwinMux data type " << std::hex << type << std::dec;
360  if (has_first_rpc_word) {
361  processRPCRecord(fed, amc_number, bx_counter, rpc_record, counters, digis, bx_min, bx_max, 0, 1);
362  }
363  rpc_record.reset();
364  rpc_record.set(0, *word);
365  has_first_rpc_word = true;
366  } else if (type == rpctwinmux::TwinMuxRecord::rpc_second_type_) {
367  if (!has_first_rpc_word) {
368  edm::LogWarning("RPCTwinMuxRawToDigi") << "Received second RPC word without first";
369  } else {
370  rpc_record.set(1, *word);
371  processRPCRecord(fed, amc_number, bx_counter, rpc_record, counters, digis, bx_min, bx_max, 0, 4);
372  has_first_rpc_word = false;
373  }
374  }
375  }
376  if (has_first_rpc_word) {
377  processRPCRecord(fed, amc_number, bx_counter, rpc_record, counters, digis, bx_min, bx_max, 0, 1);
378  }
380  rpctwinmux::TwinMuxTrailer trailer(*word);
381  LogDebug("RPCTwinMuxRawToDigi") << "TwinMux Trailer " << std::hex << *word << std::dec;
382  if (calculate_crc_) {
383  compute_crc_64bit(crc, *word);
384  }
385  ++word;
386  return true;
387 }
390  unsigned int amc_number,
391  unsigned int bx_counter,
393  RPCAMCLinkCounters &counters,
394  std::set<std::pair<RPCDetId, RPCDigi> > &digis,
395  int bx_min,
396  int bx_max,
397  unsigned int link,
398  unsigned int link_max) const {
399  LogDebug("RPCTwinMuxRawToDigi") << "RPCRecord " << std::hex << record.getRecord()[0] << ", " << record.getRecord()[1]
400  << std::dec << std::endl;
401  int bx_offset(record.getBXOffset());
402  RPCAMCLink tm_link(fed, amc_number);
403  for (; link <= link_max; ++link) {
404  tm_link.setAMCInput(link);
405  rpctwinmux::RPCLinkRecord link_record(record.getRPCLinkRecord(link));
407  if (link_record.isError()) {
408  if (fill_counters_ && bx_offset == 0) {
409  counters.add(RPCAMCLinkEvents::input_link_error_, tm_link);
410  }
411  LogDebug("RPCTwinMuxRawToDigi") << "Link in error for " << tm_link;
412  continue;
413  } else if (!link_record.isAcknowledge()) {
414  if (fill_counters_ && bx_offset == 0) {
415  counters.add(RPCAMCLinkEvents::input_link_ack_fail_, tm_link);
416  }
417  LogDebug("RPCTwinMuxRawToDigi") << "Link without acknowledge for " << tm_link;
418  continue;
419  }
421  if (!link_record.getPartitionData()) {
422  continue;
423  }
425  int bx(bx_offset - (int)(link_record.getDelay()));
426  LogDebug("RPCTwinMuxRawToDigi") << "RPC BX " << bx << " for offset " << bx_offset;
428  if (fill_counters_ && bx == 0 && link_record.isEOD()) { // EOD comes at the last delay
429  counters.add(RPCAMCLinkEvents::input_eod_, tm_link);
430  }
432  RPCAMCLinkMap::map_type::const_iterator tm_link_it = es_tm_link_map_->getMap().find(tm_link);
433  if (tm_link_it == es_tm_link_map_->getMap().end()) {
434  if (fill_counters_ && bx_offset == 0) {
435  counters.add(RPCAMCLinkEvents::amc_link_invalid_, RPCAMCLink(fed, amc_number));
436  }
437  LogDebug("RPCTwinMuxRawToDigi") << "Skipping unknown TwinMuxLink " << tm_link;
438  continue;
439  }
441  RPCLBLink lb_link = tm_link_it->second;
443  if (link_record.getLinkBoard() > (unsigned int)RPCLBLink::max_linkboard_) {
444  if (fill_counters_ && bx_offset == 0) {
445  counters.add(RPCAMCLinkEvents::input_lb_invalid_, tm_link);
446  }
447  LogDebug("RPCTwinMuxRawToDigi") << "Skipping invalid LinkBoard " << link_record.getLinkBoard() << " for record "
448  << link << " (" << std::hex << link_record.getRecord() << " in "
449  << record.getRecord()[0] << ':' << record.getRecord()[1] << std::dec << " from "
450  << tm_link;
451  continue;
452  }
454  if (link_record.getConnector() > (unsigned int)RPCLBLink::max_connector_) {
455  if (fill_counters_ && bx_offset == 0) {
457  }
458  LogDebug("RPCTwinMuxRawToDigi") << "Skipping invalid Connector " << link_record.getConnector() << " for record "
459  << link << " (" << std::hex << link_record.getRecord() << " in "
460  << record.getRecord()[0] << ':' << record.getRecord()[1] << std::dec << ") from "
461  << tm_link;
462  continue;
463  }
465  lb_link.setLinkBoard(link_record.getLinkBoard());
466  lb_link.setConnector(link_record.getConnector());
468  RPCLBLinkMap::map_type::const_iterator lb_link_it = es_lb_link_map_->getMap().find(lb_link);
469  if (lb_link_it == es_lb_link_map_->getMap().end()) {
470  if (fill_counters_ && bx_offset == 0) {
472  }
473  LogDebug("RPCTwinMuxRawToDigi") << "Could not find " << lb_link << " for record " << link << " (" << std::hex
474  << link_record.getRecord() << " in " << record.getRecord()[0] << ':'
475  << record.getRecord()[1] << std::dec << ") from " << tm_link;
476  continue;
477  }
479  if (bx < bx_min || bx > bx_max) {
480  continue;
481  }
483  if (fill_counters_ && bx == 0) {
484  counters.add(RPCAMCLinkEvents::amc_event_, RPCAMCLink(fed, amc_number));
485  counters.add(RPCAMCLinkEvents::input_event_, tm_link);
486  }
488  RPCFebConnector const &feb_connector(lb_link_it->second);
489  RPCDetId det_id(feb_connector.getRPCDetId());
490  unsigned int channel_offset(link_record.getPartition() ? 9 : 1); // 1-16
491  std::uint8_t data(link_record.getPartitionData());
493  for (unsigned int channel = 0; channel < 8; ++channel) {
494  if (data & (0x1 << channel)) {
495  unsigned int strip(feb_connector.getStrip(channel + channel_offset));
496  if (strip) {
497  digis.insert(std::pair<RPCDetId, RPCDigi>(det_id, RPCDigi(strip, bx)));
498  LogDebug("RPCTwinMuxRawToDigi") << "RPCDigi " << det_id.rawId() << ", " << strip << ", " << bx;
499  }
500  }
501  }
503  // rpctwinmux::RPCBXRecord checks postponed: not implemented in firmware as planned and tbd if design or firmware should change
504  }
505 }
507 void RPCTwinMuxRawToDigi::putRPCDigis(edm::Event &event, std::set<std::pair<RPCDetId, RPCDigi> > const &digis) {
508  std::unique_ptr<RPCDigiCollection> rpc_digi_collection(new RPCDigiCollection());
509  RPCDetId rpc_det_id;
510  std::vector<RPCDigi> local_digis;
511  for (std::pair<RPCDetId, RPCDigi> const &rpc_digi : digis) {
512  LogDebug("RPCTwinMuxRawToDigi") << "RPCDigi " << rpc_digi.first.rawId() << ", " << rpc_digi.second.strip() << ", "
513  << rpc_digi.second.bx();
514  if (rpc_digi.first != rpc_det_id) {
515  if (!local_digis.empty()) {
516  rpc_digi_collection->put(RPCDigiCollection::Range(local_digis.begin(), local_digis.end()), rpc_det_id);
517  local_digis.clear();
518  }
519  rpc_det_id = rpc_digi.first;
520  }
521  local_digis.push_back(rpc_digi.second);
522  }
523  if (!local_digis.empty()) {
524  rpc_digi_collection->put(RPCDigiCollection::Range(local_digis.begin(), local_digis.end()), rpc_det_id);
525  }
527  event.put(std::move(rpc_digi_collection));
528 }
530 void RPCTwinMuxRawToDigi::putCounters(edm::Event &event, std::unique_ptr<RPCAMCLinkCounters> counters) {
531  event.put(std::move(counters));
532 }
#define LogDebug(id)
Write out results.
Definition: HCALResponse.h:21
static unsigned int const fed_amc13_amc_number_invalid_
T getParameter(std::string const &) const
unsigned int getStrip(unsigned int channel) const
static unsigned int const fed_trailer_crc_mismatch_
unsigned int getNAMC() const
static unsigned int const input_connector_not_used_
RPCLinkRecord getRPCLinkRecord(unsigned int link) const
static unsigned int const amc_payload_incomplete_
static unsigned int const amc_event_
JetCorrectorParameters::Record record
Definition: classes.h:7
std::uint64_t const * getRecord() const
static unsigned int const fed_header_check_fail_
bool processCDFHeaders(int fed, std::uint64_t const *&word, std::uint64_t const *&word_end, std::uint16_t &crc, RPCAMCLinkCounters &counters) const
void beginRun(edm::Run const &run, edm::EventSetup const &setup) override
static unsigned int const input_link_error_
bool check() const
Check that the header is OK.
static unsigned int const input_lb_invalid_
uint16_t sourceID() const
Identifier of the FED.
uint16_t crc() const
Cyclic Redundancy Code of the event fragment including header and trailer.
int getBXOffset() const
bool check() const
Check that the trailer is OK.
static unsigned int const amc_amc13_evc_bc_invalid_
bool processTwinMux(int fed, unsigned int amc_number, unsigned int size, std::uint64_t const *&word, std::uint64_t const *word_end, std::uint16_t &crc, RPCAMCLinkCounters &counters, std::set< std::pair< RPCDetId, RPCDigi > > &digis) const
unsigned int getAMCNumber() const
static unsigned int const fed_trailer_length_mismatch_
size_t size() const
Lenght of the data buffer in bytes.
Definition: FEDRawData.h:45
uint32_t fragmentLength() const
The length of the event fragment counted in 64-bit words including header and trailer.
RPCTwinMuxRawToDigi(edm::ParameterSet const &config)
static unsigned int const amc_link_invalid_
unsigned int getBXCounter() const
void processRPCRecord(int fed, unsigned int amc_number, unsigned int bx_counter, rpctwinmux::RPCRecord const &record, RPCAMCLinkCounters &counters, std::set< std::pair< RPCDetId, RPCDigi > > &digis, int bx_min, int bx_max, unsigned int link, unsigned int link_max) const
uint64_t word
void set(unsigned int word, std::uint64_t const record)
#define DEFINE_FWK_MODULE(type)
Definition: MakerMacros.h:16
const FEDRawData & FEDData(int fedid) const
retrieve data for fed
unsigned int getType() const
unsigned int getAMCNumber() const
double amc
Definition: hdecay.h:20
edm::EDGetTokenT< FEDRawDataCollection > raw_token_
MuonDigiCollection< RPCDetId, RPCDigi > RPCDigiCollection
bool processBlock(int fed, std::uint64_t const *&word, std::uint64_t const *word_end, std::uint16_t &crc, RPCAMCLinkCounters &counters, std::set< std::pair< RPCDetId, RPCDigi > > &digis) const
bool processCDFTrailers(int fed, unsigned int nwords, std::uint64_t const *&word, std::uint64_t const *&word_end, std::uint16_t &crc, RPCAMCLinkCounters &counters) const
map_type & getMap()
Definition: RPCAMCLinkMap.h:27
T min(T a, T b)
Definition: MathUtil.h:58
ParameterDescriptionBase * add(U const &iLabel, T const &value)
static unsigned int const rpc_first_type_
map_type & getMap()
Definition: RPCLBLinkMap.h:27
static unsigned int const fed_header_id_mismatch_
static unsigned int const amc_number_mismatch_
static unsigned int const fed_amc13_block_incomplete_
static unsigned int const input_event_
void add(unsigned int event, RPCAMCLink const &link, unsigned int count=1)
static unsigned int const fed_event_
edm::ESWatcher< RPCTwinMuxLinkMapRcd > es_tm_link_map_watcher_
static unsigned int const rpc_second_type_
static unsigned int const input_link_ack_fail_
unsigned long long uint64_t
Definition: Time.h:13
std::pair< const_iterator, const_iterator > Range
void add(std::string const &label, ParameterSetDescription const &psetDescription)
unsigned short compute_crc_8bit(unsigned short crc, unsigned char data)
Definition: CRC16.h:56
bool check(const edm::EventSetup &iSetup)
Definition: ESWatcher.h:52
bool hasRPCBXWindow() const
unsigned int getSize() const
char data[epos_bytes_allocation]
Definition: EPOS_Wrapper.h:79
static void fillDescriptions(edm::ConfigurationDescriptions &descs)
T get() const
Definition: EventSetup.h:73
void produce(edm::Event &event, edm::EventSetup const &setup) override
const unsigned char * data() const
Return a const pointer to the beginning of the data buffer.
std::vector< int > feds_
void putCounters(edm::Event &event, std::unique_ptr< RPCAMCLinkCounters > counters)
static void compute_crc_64bit(std::uint16_t &crc, std::uint64_t const &word)
edm::ESHandle< RPCLBLinkMap > es_lb_link_map_
Definition: AMCSpec.h:8
edm::ESHandle< RPCAMCLinkMap > es_tm_link_map_
static unsigned int const fed_trailer_check_fail_
def move(src, dest)
RPCDetId getRPCDetId() const
void putRPCDigis(edm::Event &event, std::set< std::pair< RPCDetId, RPCDigi > > const &digis)
Definition: Run.h:45
static unsigned int const input_eod_
static unsigned int const input_connector_invalid_