1 #include "DD4hep/DetFactoryHelper.h" 7 #include <CLHEP/Geometry/Transform3D.h> 17 using DDTranslation = ROOT::Math::DisplacementVector3D<ROOT::Math::Cartesian3D<double> >;
45 vector<double> vecEESCProf;
47 vector<double> vecEEShape;
49 vector<double> vecEESCCutaway;
51 vector<double> vecEESCCtrs;
53 vector<double> vecEECRCtrs;
55 array<double, 3> cutParms;
72 vector<double> vecEESCLims;
80 const Rotation3D& myrot(
cms::DDNamespace& ns,
const string& nam,
const Rotation3D&
r) {
85 string_view mynamespace(string_view
input) {
87 auto trim_pos = v.find(
88 if (trim_pos != v.npos)
89 v.remove_suffix(v.size() - (trim_pos + 1));
97 dd4hep::SensitiveDetector& ) {
106 ee.mat = args.
107 ee.zOff = args.
109 ee.quaName = args.
110 ee.quaMat = args.
111 ee.crysMat = args.
112 ee.wallMat = args.
113 ee.crysLength = args.
114 ee.crysRear = args.
115 ee.crysFront = args.
116 ee.sCELength = args.
117 ee.sCERear = args.
118 ee.sCEFront = args.
119 ee.sCALength = args.
120 ee.sCARear = args.
121 ee.sCAFront = args.
122 ee.sCAWall = args.
123 ee.sCHLength = args.
124 ee.sCHSide = args.
125 ee.nSCTypes = args.
126 ee.nColumns = args.
127 ee.nSCCutaway = args.
128 ee.nSCquad = args.
129 ee.nCRSC = args.
130 ee.vecEESCProf = args.
131 ee.vecEEShape = args.
132 ee.vecEESCCutaway = args.
133 ee.vecEESCCtrs = args.
134 ee.vecEECRCtrs = args.
136 ee.cutBoxName = args.
138 ee.envName = args.
139 ee.alvName = args.
140 ee.intName = args.
141 ee.cryName = args.
143 ee.pFHalf = args.
144 ee.pFFifth = args.
145 ee.pF45 = args.
147 ee.vecEESCLims = args.
148 ee.iLength = args.
149 ee.iXYOff = args.
150 ee.cryZOff = args.
151 ee.zFront = args.
156 const double cutWid(ee.sCERear /
157 ee.cutParms[0] = cutWid;
158 ee.cutParms[1] = cutWid;
159 ee.cutParms[2] = ee.sCELength /
160 Solid eeCutBox = Box(ee.cutBoxName, ee.cutParms[0], ee.cutParms[1], ee.cutParms[2]);
163 const double zFix(ee.zFront - 3172_mm);
166 for (
unsigned int iC(0); iC != (
unsigned int)ee.nSCquad; ++iC) {
167 const unsigned int iOff(8 * iC);
168 const unsigned int ix((
unsigned int)ee.vecEESCCtrs[iOff + 0]);
169 const unsigned int iy((
unsigned int)ee.vecEESCCtrs[iOff + 1]);
171 assert(ix > 0 && ix < 11 && iy > 0 && iy < 11);
173 ee.scrFCtr[ix - 1][iy - 1] =
174 DDTranslation(ee.vecEESCCtrs[iOff + 2], ee.vecEESCCtrs[iOff + 4], ee.vecEESCCtrs[iOff + 6] + zFix);
176 ee.scrRCtr[ix - 1][iy - 1] =
177 DDTranslation(ee.vecEESCCtrs[iOff + 3], ee.vecEESCCtrs[iOff + 5], ee.vecEESCCtrs[iOff + 7] + zFix);
181 for (
unsigned int iC(0); iC != 25; ++iC) {
182 const unsigned int iOff(8 * iC);
183 const unsigned int ix((
unsigned int)ee.vecEECRCtrs[iOff + 0]);
184 const unsigned int iy((
unsigned int)ee.vecEECRCtrs[iOff + 1]);
186 assert(ix > 0 && ix < 6 && iy > 0 && iy < 6);
188 ee.cryFCtr[ix - 1][iy - 1] =
189 DDTranslation(ee.vecEECRCtrs[iOff + 2], ee.vecEECRCtrs[iOff + 4], ee.vecEECRCtrs[iOff + 6]);
191 ee.cryRCtr[ix - 1][iy - 1] =
192 DDTranslation(ee.vecEECRCtrs[iOff + 3], ee.vecEECRCtrs[iOff + 5], ee.vecEECRCtrs[iOff + 7]);
195 Solid eeCRSolid = Trap(ee.cryName,
197 atan((ee.crysRear - ee.crysFront) / (
sqrt(2.) * ee.crysLength)),
209 for (
unsigned int isc(0); isc < ee.nSCTypes; ++isc) {
210 unsigned int iSCType = isc + 1;
211 const string anum(std::to_string(iSCType));
212 const double eFront(0.5 * ee.sCEFront);
213 const double eRear(0.5 * ee.sCERear);
214 const double eAng(atan((ee.sCERear - ee.sCEFront) / (
sqrt(2.) * ee.sCELength)));
215 const double ffived(45_deg);
216 const double zerod(0_deg);
217 string eeSCEnvName(1 == iSCType ? ee.envName + std::to_string(iSCType)
218 : (ee.envName + std::to_string(iSCType) +
221 Trap(eeSCEnvName, 0.5 * ee.sCELength, eAng, ffived, eFront, eFront, eFront, zerod, eRear, eRear, eRear, zerod));
223 const double aFront(0.5 * ee.sCAFront);
224 const double aRear(0.5 * ee.sCARear);
225 const double aAng(atan((ee.sCARear - ee.sCAFront) / (
sqrt(2.) * ee.sCALength)));
227 (1 == iSCType ? ee.alvName + std::to_string(iSCType) : (ee.alvName + std::to_string(iSCType) +
230 Trap(eeSCAlvName, 0.5 * ee.sCALength, aAng, ffived, aFront, aFront, aFront, zerod, aRear, aRear, aRear, zerod));
232 const double dwall(ee.sCAWall);
233 const double iFront(aFront - dwall);
234 const double iRear(iFront);
235 const double iLen(ee.iLength);
236 string eeSCIntName(1 == iSCType ? ee.intName + std::to_string(iSCType)
237 : (ee.intName + std::to_string(iSCType) +
241 atan((ee.sCARear - ee.sCAFront) / (
sqrt(2.) * ee.sCALength)),
252 const double dz(-0.5 * (ee.sCELength - ee.sCALength));
253 const double dxy(0.5 * dz * (ee.sCERear - ee.sCEFront) / ee.sCELength);
254 const double zIOff(-(ee.sCALength - iLen) / 2.);
255 const double xyIOff(ee.iXYOff);
263 eeSCALog =
Volume(ee.alvName + std::to_string(iSCType), eeSCAlv, ns.
264 eeSCILog =
Volume(ee.intName + std::to_string(iSCType), eeSCInt, ns.
266 const double half(ee.cutParms[0] - ee.pFHalf * ee.crysRear);
267 const double fifth(ee.cutParms[0] + ee.pFFifth * ee.crysRear);
268 const double fac(ee.pF45);
270 const double zmm(0_mm);
276 : (5 == iSCType ?
DDTranslation(-half * fac, -half * fac, zmm)
279 const CLHEP::HepRotationZ cutm(ffived);
281 Rotation3D cutRot(5 != iSCType ? Rotation3D()
284 Rotation3D(cutm.xx(),
294 Solid eeCutEnv = SubtractionSolid(ee.envName + std::to_string(iSCType),
295 ns.
solid(ee.envName + std::to_string(iSCType) +
297 Transform3D(cutRot, cutTra));
301 Solid eeCutAlv = SubtractionSolid(ee.alvName + std::to_string(iSCType),
302 ns.
solid(ee.alvName + std::to_string(iSCType) +
304 Transform3D(cutRot, cutTra - extra));
306 const double mySign(iSCType < 4 ? +1. : -1.);
308 const DDTranslation extraI(xyIOff + mySign * 2_mm, xyIOff + mySign * 2_mm, zIOff);
310 Solid eeCutInt = SubtractionSolid(ee.intName + std::to_string(iSCType),
311 ns.
solid(ee.intName + std::to_string(iSCType) +
313 Transform3D(cutRot, cutTra - extraI));
316 eeSCALog =
Volume(ee.alvName + std::to_string(iSCType), eeCutAlv, ns.
317 eeSCILog =
Volume(ee.intName + std::to_string(iSCType), eeCutInt, ns.
319 eeSCELog.placeVolume(eeSCALog, iSCType * 100 + 1, Position(dxy, dxy, dz));
320 eeSCALog.placeVolume(eeSCILog, iSCType * 100 + 1, Position(xyIOff, xyIOff, zIOff));
325 static const unsigned int ncol(5);
327 if (iSCType > 0 && iSCType <= ee.nSCTypes) {
328 const unsigned int icoffset((iSCType - 1) * ncol - 1);
331 for (
unsigned int icol(1); icol <= ncol; ++icol) {
333 const int ncrcol((
int)ee.vecEESCProf[icoffset + icol]);
335 const int imin(0 < ncrcol ? 1 : (0 > ncrcol ? ncol + ncrcol + 1 : 0));
336 const int imax(0 < ncrcol ? ncrcol : (0 > ncrcol ? ncol : 0));
340 for (
int irow(imin); irow <= imax; ++irow) {
345 crystal.
moveto(ee.cryFCtr[icol - 1][irow - 1], ee.cryRCtr[icol - 1][irow - 1]);
347 string rname(
"EECrRoC" + std::to_string(icol) +
"R" + std::to_string(irow));
349 eeSCALog.placeVolume(
351 100 * iSCType + 10 * (icol - 1) + (irow - 1),
353 myrot(ns, rname, crystal.
362 for (
int icol = 1; icol <=
int(ee.nColumns); icol++) {
364 for (
int irow =
int(ee.vecEEShape[2 * icol - 2]); irow <=
int(ee.vecEEShape[2 * icol - 1]); ++irow) {
365 if (ee.vecEESCLims[0] <= icol && ee.vecEESCLims[1] >= icol && ee.vecEESCLims[2] <= irow &&
366 ee.vecEESCLims[3] >= irow) {
368 unsigned int isctype = 1;
370 for (
unsigned int ii = 0;
ii < (
unsigned int)(ee.nSCCutaway); ++
ii) {
371 if ((ee.vecEESCCutaway[3 *
ii] == icol) && (ee.vecEESCCutaway[3 *
ii + 1] == irow)) {
372 isctype =
int(ee.vecEESCCutaway[3 *
ii + 2]);
379 scrys.
moveto(ee.scrFCtr[icol - 1][irow - 1], ee.scrRCtr[icol - 1][irow - 1]);
382 string rname(ee.envName + std::to_string(isctype) + std::to_string(icol) +
"R" + std::to_string(irow));
385 Volume childEnvLog = ns.
volume(myns + ee.envName + std::to_string(isctype));
386 quaLog.placeVolume(childEnvLog,
387 100 * isctype + 10 * (icol - 1) + (irow - 1),
dd4hep::Solid addSolidNS(const std::string &name, dd4hep::Solid solid) const
dd4hep::Volume volume(const std::string &name, bool exc=true) const
dd4hep::Volume addVolumeNS(dd4hep::Volume vol) const
void moveto(const DDTranslation &frontCentre, const DDTranslation &rearCentre)
dd4hep::Solid solid(const std::string &name) const
static std::string const input
ROOT::Math::DisplacementVector3D< ROOT::Math::Cartesian3D< double > > DDTranslation
Represents a uniquely identifyable rotation matrix.
void addRotation(const std::string &name, const dd4hep::Rotation3D &rot) const
dd4hep::Material material(const std::string &name) const
static long algorithm(dd4hep::Detector &, cms::DDParsingContext &ctxt, xml_h e, dd4hep::SensitiveDetector &)
std::string prepend(const std::string &) const
Namespace of DDCMS conversion namespace.
const dd4hep::Rotation3D & rotation(const std::string &name) const
void translate(const DDTranslation &trans)
const G4String rname[NREG]
char data[epos_bytes_allocation]
static std::atomic< unsigned int > counter
std::vector< double > vecDble(const std::string &nam) const
Shortcut to access vector<double> arguments.
double dble(const std::string &nam) const
Shortcut to access double arguments.
ROOT::Math::DisplacementVector3D< ROOT::Math::Cartesian3D< double > > DDTranslation
DDTranslation centrePos()
DDRotationMatrix rotation()
#define DECLARE_DDCMS_DETELEMENT(name, func)
std::string parentName() const
Access value of rParent child node.
std::string str(const std::string &nam) const
Shortcut to access string arguments.