52 std::cout <<
"DTTracoChip constructor called for TRACO number " << n << std::endl;
99 float SL_shift = xBTI1_3 - xBTI1_1;
152 std::vector<DTTracoCand>::const_iterator
161 std::vector<DTTracoTrig *>::const_iterator
196 if (
this != &traco) {
203 std::vector<DTTracoCand>::const_iterator
212 std::vector<DTTracoTrig *>::const_iterator
226 std::vector<DTTracoTrig *>::iterator
250 std::cout <<
"DTTracoChip::run: wrong TRACO number " <<
traco() << std::endl;
257 std::cout <<
"\n STEP: " << is << std::endl;
258 std::cout <<
" ================" << std::endl;
269 std::cout <<
" candidates " << std::endl;
295 for (
int itk = 0; itk < 2; itk++) {
307 std::cout <<
"Best candidates for track " << itk + 1 <<
" are:" << std::endl;
319 if (inner ==
nullptr && outer ==
348 if (inner && outer) {
349 stored =
storeCorr(tct, inner, outer, itk);
370 std::cout <<
"Checking overlap I-II track..." << std::endl;
373 if (
nTrig(is - 1) > 0) {
378 std::cout <<
"II track at step " << std::hex << is - 1 <<
std::dec <<
"marked rej." << std::endl;
379 std::cout <<
"I track overlap flag at step " << std::hex << is <<
std::dec <<
" setted" << std::endl;
393 for (
int cc = 1; cc <=
nTrig(is); cc++) {
410 if (prevTraco !=
nullptr) {
411 if (prevTraco->
edgeBTI(step, 1, 2))
413 if (prevTraco->
edgeBTI(step, 2, 2))
417 if (nextTraco !=
nullptr) {
418 if (nextTraco->
edgeBTI(step, 1, 1))
420 if (nextTraco->
edgeBTI(step, 2, 1))
425 for (
int i = 0;
i < 6;
i++) {
434 std::cout <<
"Flags set for bx=" << step << std::endl;
455 stable_sort(tclist.begin(), tclist.end());
456 if (
sortKascend(itk) && !(tclist.size() == 2 && tclist[0].K() == tclist[1].K())) {
457 reverse(tclist.begin(), tclist.end());
459 std::cout <<
"Reversing order of sorted candidate list..." << std::endl;
472 std::cout <<
"DTTracoChip::findBest - Looking for track number " << itk + 1 << std::endl;
473 std::cout <<
"Sorted std::vector of usable track candidates is:" << std::endl;
475 for (std::vector<DTTracoCand>::iterator
p = tclist.begin();
p < tclist.end();
p++) {
477 std::cout <<
" DTTracoChip Candidate # " << i++;
481 std::cout <<
"--------------------------------------------------" << std::endl;
488 std::vector<DTTracoCand>::iterator
489 for (p = tclist.begin(); p < tclist.end(); ++
p) {
494 std::cout <<
"Candidate # " << i <<
" supp. because next to H in adiacent Tracos" << std::endl;
499 if ((*p).BtiTrig()->code() == 8)
501 if (bestltrig ==
514 std::vector<DTTracoCand>::iterator
515 for (p = tclist.begin(); p < tclist.end(); p++) {
516 if ((*p).BtiTrig()->code() < 8 &&
abs((*p).BtiTrig()->btiNumber() - candidate->
btiNumber()) < 2) {
521 std::cout <<
"Suppressed because adiacent to H trig" << std::endl;
551 std::cout <<
"DTTracoChip::setPV called for candidates : " << std::endl;
556 std::cout <<
"--------------------------------------------------" << std::endl;
563 int first = (itk == 0) ? 1 : 0;
569 if (inner !=
nullptr && outer !=
nullptr) {
594 }
else if (inner ==
nullptr && outer !=
nullptr) {
596 }
else if (inner !=
nullptr && outer ==
nullptr) {
609 int K = candidate->
615 tct->
setPV(first, cod, K, ioflag);
618 std::cout <<
"Selected candidate stored for preview is: ";
626 int is = tctrig->
630 std::cout <<
"DTTracoChip::storeCorr called with candidates: " << std::endl;
635 std::cout <<
"--------------------------------------------------" << std::endl;
659 int xq1 = inner->
660 int xq2 = outer->
661 xcor = (xq2 + xq1) / 2;
662 kcor = (xq1 - xq2) + 512;
667 int kd1 =
abs(kcor / 16 - kq1 / 16);
668 int kd2 =
abs(kcor / 16 - kq2 / 16);
674 std::cout <<
687 std::cout <<
698 tctrig->
setK(kcor - 512);
724 else if (tctrig->
qdec() == 4 &&
739 std::cout <<
741 std::cout <<
" Correlation was successfull: ";
747 std::cout <<
755 std::cout <<
757 std::cout <<
" No correlation possible ";
759 std::cout <<
770 int is = tctrig->
774 std::cout <<
"DTTracoChip::storeUncorr called with candidates: " << std::endl;
779 std::cout <<
"--------------------------------------------------" << std::endl;
787 if (inner !=
nullptr && outer !=
nullptr) {
817 }
else if (inner ==
nullptr && outer !=
nullptr) {
819 }
else if (inner !=
nullptr && outer ==
nullptr) {
838 std::cout <<
"Low accepted because LVALIDIFH on...." << std::endl;
851 std::cout <<
"Single low trigger discarded by preview and " 852 <<
"priority selector for ltmsk!" << std::endl;
862 if (candidate == outer &&
config()->TcReuse(0) && inner)
866 if (
config()->TcBxLts()) {
871 std::cout <<
"Low trigger suppressed because H in next 4 bx " 872 <<
" and LTS flag on...." << std::endl;
891 if (candidate == outer &&
config()->TcReuse(0) && inner)
903 tctrig->
938 std::cout <<
"L rejected because outside angular window!" << std::endl;
946 std::cout <<
954 std::cout <<
964 std::cout <<
"DTTracoChip::add_btiT: wrong position: " << pos;
965 std::cout <<
"trigger not added!" << std::endl;
969 std::cout <<
"DTTracoChip::add_btiT: step out of range: " <<
970 std::cout <<
"trigger not added!" << std::endl;
974 if (!
config()->usedBti(pos)) {
976 std::cout <<
"DTTracoChip::add_btiT: position: " << pos;
977 std::cout <<
"has disconnected bti" << std::endl;
989 std::cout <<
"In TRACO num. " <<
number() <<
" BTI trig. in pos " << pos <<
" outside K acceptance (";
998 if (pos <= DTConfigTraco::NBTITC) {
1005 if (btitrig->
code() == 8) {
1006 for (
int is = step - 4; is <
step; is++) {
1007 if (is > 0 && is <= DTConfigTraco::NSTEPL)
1021 std::cout <<
" to TRACO " <<
traco() <<
" at position " << pos << std::endl;
1028 std::cout <<
"DTTracoChip::addTrig: step out of range: " <<
1029 std::cout <<
" trigger not added!" << std::endl;
1037 std::cout <<
"DTTracoChip::addTrig: adding trigger:" << std::endl;
1045 std::cout <<
"DTTracoChip::nTrig: step out of range: " <<
1046 std::cout <<
" 0 returned!" << std::endl;
1054 std::cout <<
"DTTracoChip::trigger: step out of range: " <<
1055 std::cout <<
" empty pointer returned!" << std::endl;
1059 std::cout <<
"DTTracoChip::trigger: requested trigger doesn't exist: " <<
1060 std::cout <<
" empty pointer returned!" << std::endl;
1069 std::cout <<
"DTTracoChip::triggerData: step out of range: " <<
1070 std::cout <<
" dummy trigger returned!" << std::endl;
1074 std::cout <<
"DTTracoChip::trigger: requested trigger doesn't exist: " <<
1075 std::cout <<
" dummy trigger returned!" << std::endl;
1079 return (*p)->data();
1118 std::cout <<
"DTTracoChip::useSecondTrack: step out of range: " <<
1119 std::cout <<
" 0 returned!" << std::endl;
1127 std::cout <<
"DTTracoChip::edgeBTI: step out of range: " <<
1128 std::cout <<
" 0 returned!" << std::endl;
1135 std::vector<DTTracoCand>::const_iterator
1141 if (lr == 1 && (*p).position() == 1 && (*p).BtiTrig()->code() == 8)
1213 if (qual == 3 || qual == 1)
1215 if (qual == 2 || qual == 0)
1217 if (qual == 6 || qual == 5 || qual == 4)
1222 idpsir = ipsi - iphir / 8;
1264 idpsir = ipsi - dpsir;
1274 std::cout <<
"DTTracoChip::calculateAngles :" << std::endl;
1277 std::cout <<
" ipsi = " << ipsi <<
" iphir = " << iphir;
1278 std::cout <<
" idpsir = " << idpsir << std::endl;
1280 std::cout <<
"Angles are calculated from LUT parameters from DB!" << std::endl;
1294 int bendAngINT = bendAng.
read(0, 9);
1297 if (
config()->BendingAngleCut() != -1 && bendAngINT > 2 * (
config()->BendingAngleCut())) {
1298 int absBendAng = tctrig->
DeltaPsiR() & 0x1FF;
1301 <<
"!! reject trigger" << std::endl;
1322 float Xin_max = Xin_min + K0;
1324 float Xout_max = 3 * DTConfig::NBTITC * K0;
1325 _PSIMAX[
i] =
int(2. * h / distsl * (Xin_max - Xout_min) + K0 + 1.01);
1326 _PSIMIN[
i] =
int(2. * h / distsl * (Xin_min - Xout_max) + K0);
1332 float Xin_max = 2. * DTConfig::NBTITC * K0 + shiftSL;
1333 float Xout_min = i * K0;
1334 float Xout_max = Xout_min + K0;
1335 _PSIMAX[DTConfig::NBTITC +
i] =
int(2. * h / distsl * (Xin_max - Xout_min) + K0 + 1.01);
1336 _PSIMIN[DTConfig::NBTITC +
i] =
int(2. * h / distsl * (Xin_min - Xout_max) + K0);
void setPosIn(int pos)
Set position of segments, inner.
int _PSIMAX[4 *DTConfig::NBTITC]
DTTSTheta * TSTh() const
Return TSTheta.
GlobalPoint CMSPosition() const
Position in CMS frame.
FWCore Framework interface EventSetupRecordImplementation h
Helper function to determine trigger accepts.
void print() const override
GlobalPoint CMSPosition(const DTTrigData *trig) const
CMS position in chamber of a trigger-data object.
DTTrigGeom * geom() const
Associated geometry.
DTTracoTrigData data() const
Return the data part.
DTConfigTraco * config() const
Configuration set.
void run()
Run TRACO algorithm.
DTTrigGeom * geom() const
Return trigger geometry.
int nHTrig(int step)
Return number of DTBtiChip fired with a HTRIG (used by DTTracoChip)
float phiCh() const
Rotation angle of chamber (deg)
int insideAngWindow(DTTracoTrig *) const
Check if a trigger is inside the angular acceptance window.
float cellPitch() const
Width of a cell (cm) i.e. distance between ywo wires.
int AdjBtiLTSuppressed(DTTracoCand *candidate)
Do suppression of LTRIG on adjacent TRACO.
int eq() const
Return triggering equation.
void setX(int x)
Set trigger X parameter.
void setK(int k)
Set trigger K parameter.
void calculateAngles(DTTracoTrig *)
Calculate trigger angles.
void setFlag(int step, int ext=0)
Set flags for multiple trigger detection between cons. TRACO's.
void addTrig(int step, DTTracoTrig *)
Add a TRACO trigger.
void setTracoAcceptances()
Compute traco chip acceptances.
int BTIC() const
BTIC parameter.
void resetVar()
Reset all variables but preview.
Geom::Phi< T > phi() const
int KRAD() const
KRAD traco parameter.
int prefHtrig(int i) const
Preference to HTRIG on first/second tracks: F(S)HTPRF.
int KRad() const
K par of the radial angle of corr center referred to plane sl.
int K() const
Return K-KRAD.
int LVALIDIFH() const
Flag for Low validation parameter.
int get_k(int addr) const
bool lutFromDBFlag()
Return lut computation option (DB/geometry)
int get_x(int addr) const
int singleLenab(int i) const
Single LTRIG accept enabling on first/second tracks LTF.
void add_btiT(int step, int pos, const DTBtiTrigData *btitrig)
Add a BTI trigger to the TRACO.
DTTracoChip * getTRACO(int n) const
Returns the required DTTracoChip. Return 0 if it doesn't exist.
void setCodeIn(int code)
Set trigger code, inner segment.
constexpr int32_t ceil(float num)
void setPosOut(int pos)
Set position of segments, outer.
int traco() const
Returns the traco.
int BTIC() const
BTIC traco parameter: must be equal to Btis ST parameter.
DTTracoCand * bestCand(int itk, std::vector< DTTracoCand > &tclist)
Get the best inner/outer candidate.
int step() const
Return step.
int step() const
Return Bunch crossing.
float distSL() const
Distance between the phi view superlayers (cms)
void setCodeOut(int code)
Set trigger code, outer segment.
float cellH() const
Height of a cell (cm)
int BendingAngleCut() const
Bending angle cut for all stations and triggers : KPRGCOM.
Abs< T >::type abs(const T &t)
void raiseOverlap(int step)
raise overlap flag
int number() const
Return TRACO number.
unsigned read(const int p, const int n) const
void print() const override
std::vector< DTTracoCand > _outerCand[DTConfigTraco::NSTEPL-DTConfigTraco::NSTEPF+1]
int storeUncorr(DTTracoTrig *tctrig, DTTracoCand *inner, DTTracoCand *outer, int tkn)
Store uncorrelated trigger.
void setEqOut(int eq)
Set bti trigger equation of segments, outer.
const DTBtiTrigData * BtiTrig() const
Return associated BTI trigger.
std::vector< DTTracoCand > _innerCand[DTConfigTraco::NSTEPL-DTConfigTraco::NSTEPF+1]
static const int NSTEPL
Constants: first and last step to start trigger finding.
DTTracoTrig * trigger(int step, unsigned n) const
Return the requested trigger.
int btiNumber() const
Return parent BTI number.
void addDTBtiTrig(const DTBtiTrigData *btitrig)
Add a BTI trigger to the list.
void setAngles(int psi, int psir, int dpsir)
Set trigger angles.
int TcBxLts() const
Suppr. of LTRIG in 4 BX before HTRIG: LTS.
DTTracoChip(DTTracoCard *card, int n, DTConfigTraco *config)
int edgeBTI(int step, int io, int lr) const
flags for HTRIG in edge BTI
BitArray< 32 > _flag[DTConfigTraco::NSTEPL-DTConfigTraco::NSTEPF+1]
DTTracoChip & operator=(const DTTracoChip &traco)
Assignment operator.
static const int RESOLPSIR
Costant: resulution for psiR (phi)
int TcKToll(int i) const
K tollerance for correlation in TRACO: F(S)PRGCOMP.
int prefInner(int i) const
Preference to inner on first/second tracks: F(S)SLMSK.
float phiSLOffset()
Superlayer offset in chamber front-end frame, in cm.
DTChamberId statId() const
Identifier of the associated chamber.
int qdec() const
Return the trigger code in new format.
int element(const int pos) const
int btiSL() const
Return parent BTI superlayer.
bool useAcceptParamFlag()
Return acceptance flag.
void DoAdjBtiLts(DTTracoCand *candidate, std::vector< DTTracoCand > &tclist)
Do suppression of LTRIG on BTI close to selected HTRIG.
BitArray< N > twoComplement() const
int K() const
Return trigger K parameter.
void assign(const int p, const int n, const int val)
std::vector< DTTracoTrig * > _tracotrig[DTConfigTraco::NSTEPL-DTConfigTraco::NSTEPF+1]
int storeCorr(DTTracoTrig *tctrig, DTTracoCand *inner, DTTracoCand *outer, int tkn)
Check correlation and store correlated trigger.
void setPVCorr(int ic)
Set trigger preview correlation bit.
DTTracoTrigData triggerData(int step, unsigned n) const
Return the data part of the requested trigger.
int qdec() const
Return the trigger code in new format.
LocalPoint localPosition(const DTBtiId) const
Local position in chamber of a BTI.
void setUsed()
set candidate used (unusable)
int X() const
Return trigger X parameter.
const DTConfigLUTs * config_luts() const
Return LUTS config for this chamber (=minicrate)
void setEqIn(int eq)
Set bti trigger equation of segments, inner.
int singleLflag(int i) const
Single LTRIG enabling on first/second tracks: F(S)LTMSK.
int _PSIMIN[4 *DTConfig::NBTITC]
static unsigned int const shift
int useSecondTrack(int step) const
a flag for a usable second track
BitArray< DTConfigTraco::NSTEPL+2 > _bxlts
void setUnused()
set candidate unused (usable)
int station() const
Return the station number.
void setPV(int first, int code, int K, int io)
Set trigger preview parameters.
float psiRad(int sl=0) const
Radial angle of correlator center in mrad referred to plane sl.
int TcReuse(int i) const
Recycling of TRACO cand. in inner/outer SL : REUSEI/REUSEO.
int wheel() const
Return the wheel number.
static const int RESOLPSI
Costants: esolution for psi and DeltaPsiR (phi_B)
int X() const
Return local X coordinate.
int debug() const
Debug flag.
int position() const
Return position inside TRACO.
int sortKascend(int i) const
Ascend. order for K sorting first/second tracks: F(S)HISM.
void setPV(int step, int ntrk, int code, int K)
Set the preview values for a TRACO trigger.
int code() const
Return trigger code.
int K() const
Return trigger K parameter.
DTChamberId ChamberId() const override
Return chamber identifier.
int DeltaPsiR() const
Return DeltaPsiR.
void print() const
Print candidate.
int nTrig(int step) const
Return the number of trigger candidates.
int nTrig(int step)
Return number of DTBtiChip fired (used by DTTracoChip)
LocalVector localDirection(const DTTrigData *) const override
NEWGEO Local direction in chamber of a trigger-data object.
int code() const
Return trigger code.