Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  * See header file for a description of this class.
3  *
4  * $Date: 2012/05/11 17:17:17 $
5  * $Revision: 1.6 $
6  * \author S. Bolognesi - INFN Torino
7  * 06/08/2008 Mofified by
8  */
25 #include "TKey.h"
26 #include "TF1.h"
28 #include <cassert>
30 using namespace std;
31 using namespace edm;
33 // Constructor
35  : debug(pset.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("debug")),
36  digiToken(consumes<DTDigiCollection>(pset.getUntrackedParameter<string>("digiLabel"))),
37  theFile(pset.getUntrackedParameter<string>("rootFileName", "DTT0PerLayer.root").c_str(), "RECREATE"),
38  nevents(0),
39  eventsForLayerT0(pset.getParameter<unsigned int>("eventsForLayerT0")),
40  eventsForWireT0(pset.getParameter<unsigned int>("eventsForWireT0")),
41  tpPeakWidth(pset.getParameter<double>("tpPeakWidth")),
42  tpPeakWidthPerLayer(pset.getParameter<double>("tpPeakWidthPerLayer")),
43  rejectDigiFromPeak(pset.getParameter<unsigned int>("rejectDigiFromPeak")),
44  hLayerPeaks("hLayerPeaks", "", 3000, 0, 3000),
45  spectrum(20)
47 {
48  // Get the debug parameter for verbose output
49  if (debug)
50  cout << "[DTT0Calibration]Constructor called!" << endl;
53  pset.getUntrackedParameter<string>("calibWheel", "All"); //FIXME amke a vector of integer instead of a string
54  if (theCalibWheel != "All") {
55  stringstream linestr;
56  int selWheel;
57  linestr << theCalibWheel;
58  linestr >> selWheel;
59  cout << "[DTT0CalibrationPerLayer] chosen wheel " << selWheel << endl;
60  }
62  // Sector/s to calibrate
64  pset.getUntrackedParameter<string>("calibSector", "All"); //FIXME amke a vector of integer instead of a string
65  if (theCalibSector != "All") {
66  stringstream linestr;
67  int selSector;
68  linestr << theCalibSector;
69  linestr >> selSector;
70  cout << "[DTT0CalibrationPerLayer] chosen sector " << selSector << endl;
71  }
73  vector<string> defaultCell;
74  const auto& cellsWithHistos = pset.getUntrackedParameter<vector<string> >("cellsWithHisto", defaultCell);
75  for (const auto& cell : cellsWithHistos) {
76  stringstream linestr;
77  int wheel, sector, station, sl, layer, wire;
78  linestr << cell;
79  linestr >> wheel >> sector >> station >> sl >> layer >> wire;
80  wireIdWithHistos.push_back(DTWireId(wheel, station, sector, sl, layer, wire));
81  }
82 }
84 // Destructor
86  if (debug)
87  cout << "[DTT0Calibration]Destructor called!" << endl;
89  theFile.Close();
90 }
93 void DTT0Calibration::analyze(const edm::Event& event, const edm::EventSetup& eventSetup) {
94  nevents++;
96  // Get the digis from the event
98  event.getByToken(digiToken, digis);
100  // Get the DT Geometry
101  if (nevents == 1)
102  eventSetup.get<MuonGeometryRecord>().get(dtGeom);
104  // Iterate through all digi collections ordered by LayerId
105  for (const auto& digis_per_layer : *digis) {
106  //std::cout << __LINE__ << std::endl;
107  // Get the iterators over the digis associated with this LayerId
108  const DTDigiCollection::Range& digiRange = digis_per_layer.second;
110  // Get the layerId
111  const DTLayerId layerId = digis_per_layer.first;
112  //const DTChamberId chamberId = layerId.superlayerId().chamberId();
114  if ((theCalibWheel != "All") && (layerId.superlayerId().chamberId().wheel() != selWheel))
115  continue;
116  if ((theCalibSector != "All") && (layerId.superlayerId().chamberId().sector() != selSector))
117  continue;
119  // Loop over all digis in the given layer
120  for (DTDigiCollection::const_iterator digi = digiRange.first; digi != digiRange.second; ++digi) {
121  const double t0 = digi->countsTDC();
122  const DTWireId wireIdtmp(layerId, (*digi).wire());
124  // Use first bunch of events to fill t0 per layer
125  if (nevents <= eventsForLayerT0) {
126  // If it doesn't exist, book it
127  if (not theHistoLayerMap.count(layerId)) {
128  theHistoLayerMap[layerId] = TH1I(getHistoName(layerId).c_str(),
129  "T0 from pulses by layer (TDC counts, 1 TDC count = 0.781 ns)",
130  3000,
131  0,
132  3000);
133  if (debug)
134  cout << " New T0 per Layer Histo: " << theHistoLayerMap[layerId].GetName() << endl;
135  }
136  theHistoLayerMap[layerId].Fill(t0);
137  }
139  // Use all the remaining events to compute t0 per wire
140  if (nevents > eventsForLayerT0) {
141  // Get the wireId
142  const DTWireId wireId(layerId, (*digi).wire());
143  if (debug) {
144  cout << " Wire: " << wireId << endl << " time (TDC counts): " << (*digi).countsTDC() << endl;
145  }
147  //Fill the histos per wire for the chosen cells
148  if (std::find(layerIdWithWireHistos.begin(), layerIdWithWireHistos.end(), layerId) !=
150  std::find(wireIdWithHistos.begin(), wireIdWithHistos.end(), wireId) != wireIdWithHistos.end()) {
151  //If it doesn't exist, book it
152  if (theHistoWireMap.count(wireId) == 0) {
153  theHistoWireMap[wireId] = TH1I(getHistoName(wireId).c_str(),
154  "T0 from pulses by wire (TDC counts, 1 TDC count = 0.781 ns)",
155  7000,
156  0,
157  7000);
158  if (debug)
159  cout << " New T0 per wire Histo: " << theHistoWireMap[wireId].GetName() << endl;
160  }
161  theHistoWireMap[wireId].Fill(t0);
162  }
164  //Select per layer
165  if (fabs(theTPPeakMap[layerId] - t0) > rejectDigiFromPeak) {
166  if (debug)
167  cout << "digi skipped because t0 too far from peak " << theTPPeakMap[layerId] << endl;
168  continue;
169  }
171  //Use second bunch of events to compute a t0 reference per wire
173  if (!nDigiPerWire_ref[wireId]) {
174  mK_ref[wireId] = 0;
175  }
176  nDigiPerWire_ref[wireId] = nDigiPerWire_ref[wireId] + 1;
177  mK_ref[wireId] = mK_ref[wireId] + (t0 - mK_ref[wireId]) / nDigiPerWire_ref[wireId];
178  }
179  //Use last all the remaining events to compute the mean and sigma t0 per wire
180  else if (nevents > (eventsForLayerT0 + eventsForWireT0)) {
181  if (abs(t0 - mK_ref[wireId]) > tpPeakWidth)
182  continue;
183  if (!nDigiPerWire[wireId]) {
184  theAbsoluteT0PerWire[wireId] = 0;
185  qK[wireId] = 0;
186  mK[wireId] = 0;
187  }
188  nDigiPerWire[wireId] = nDigiPerWire[wireId] + 1;
189  theAbsoluteT0PerWire[wireId] = theAbsoluteT0PerWire[wireId] + t0;
190  qK[wireId] =
191  qK[wireId] + ((nDigiPerWire[wireId] - 1) * (t0 - mK[wireId]) * (t0 - mK[wireId]) / nDigiPerWire[wireId]);
192  mK[wireId] = mK[wireId] + (t0 - mK[wireId]) / nDigiPerWire[wireId];
193  }
194  } //end if(nevents>1000)
195  } //end loop on digi
196  } //end loop on layer
198  //Use the t0 per layer histos to have an indication about the t0 position
199  if (nevents == eventsForLayerT0) {
200  for (const auto& lHisto : theHistoLayerMap) {
201  const auto& layerId = lHisto.first;
202  const auto& hist = lHisto.second;
203  if (debug)
204  cout << "Reading histogram " << hist.GetName() << " with mean " << hist.GetMean() << " and RMS "
205  << hist.GetRMS() << endl;
207  //Find peaks
208  int npeaks = spectrum.Search(&hist, (tpPeakWidthPerLayer / 2.), "", 0.3);
210  double* peaks = spectrum.GetPositionX();
211  //Put in a std::vector<float>
212  vector<double> peakMeans(peaks, peaks + npeaks);
213  //Sort the peaks in ascending order
214  sort(peakMeans.begin(), peakMeans.end());
216  if (peakMeans.empty()) {
217  theTPPeakMap[layerId] = hist.GetMaximumBin();
218  std::cout << "No peaks found by peakfinder in layer " << layerId << ". Taking maximum bin at "
219  << theTPPeakMap[layerId] << ". Please check!" << std::endl;
220  layerIdWithWireHistos.push_back(layerId);
221  } else if (fabs(hist.GetXaxis()->FindBin(peakMeans.front()) - hist.GetXaxis()->FindBin(peakMeans.back())) <
223  theTPPeakMap[layerId] = peakMeans[peakMeans.size() / 2];
224  } else {
225  bool peak_set = false;
226  for (const auto& peak : peakMeans) {
227  // Skip if at low edge
228  if (peak - tpPeakWidthPerLayer <= 0)
229  continue;
230  // Get integral of peak
231  double sum = 0;
232  for (int ibin = peak - tpPeakWidthPerLayer; ibin < peak + tpPeakWidthPerLayer; ibin++) {
233  sum += hist.GetBinContent(ibin);
234  }
235  // Skip if peak too small
236  if (sum < hist.GetMaximum() / 2)
237  continue;
239  // Passed all cuts
240  theTPPeakMap[layerId] = peak;
241  peak_set = true;
242  break;
243  }
244  if (peak_set) {
245  std::cout << "Peaks to far away from each other in layer " << layerId
246  << ". Maybe cross talk? Taking first good peak at " << theTPPeakMap[layerId] << ". Please check!"
247  << std::endl;
248  layerIdWithWireHistos.push_back(layerId);
249  } else {
250  theTPPeakMap[layerId] = hist.GetMaximumBin();
251  std::cout << "Peaks to far away from each other in layer " << layerId
252  << " and no good peak found. Taking maximum bin at " << theTPPeakMap[layerId] << ". Please check!"
253  << std::endl;
254  layerIdWithWireHistos.push_back(layerId);
255  }
256  }
257  if (peakMeans.size() > 5) {
258  std::cout << "Found more than 5 peaks in layer " << layerId << ". Please check!" << std::endl;
259  if (std::find(layerIdWithWireHistos.begin(), layerIdWithWireHistos.end(), layerId) ==
260  layerIdWithWireHistos.end())
261  layerIdWithWireHistos.push_back(layerId);
262  }
263  // Check for noise
264  int nspikes = 0;
265  for (int ibin = 0; ibin < hist.GetNbinsX(); ibin++) {
266  if (hist.GetBinContent(ibin + 1) > hist.GetMaximum() * 0.001)
267  nspikes++;
268  }
269  if (nspikes > 50) {
270  std::cout << "Found a lot of (>50) small spikes in layer " << layerId
271  << ". Please check if all wires are functioning as expected!" << std::endl;
272  if (std::find(layerIdWithWireHistos.begin(), layerIdWithWireHistos.end(), layerId) ==
273  layerIdWithWireHistos.end())
274  layerIdWithWireHistos.push_back(layerId);
275  }
276  hLayerPeaks.Fill(theTPPeakMap[layerId]);
277  }
278  }
279 }
282  std::cout << "Analyzed " << nevents << " events" << std::endl;
284  DTT0* t0sWRTChamber = new DTT0();
286  if (debug)
287  cout << "[DTT0CalibrationPerLayer]Writing histos to file!" << endl;
290  //hT0SectorHisto->Write();
291  hLayerPeaks.Write();
292  for (const auto& wHisto : theHistoWireMap) {
293  wHisto.second.Write();
294  }
295  for (const auto& lHisto : theHistoLayerMap) {
296  lHisto.second.Write();
297  }
299  if (debug)
300  cout << "[DTT0Calibration] Compute and store t0 and sigma per wire" << endl;
302  // Calculate uncertainties per wire (counting experiment)
303  for (auto& wiret0 : theAbsoluteT0PerWire) {
304  auto& wireId = wiret0.first;
305  if (nDigiPerWire[wireId] > 1)
306  theSigmaT0PerWire[wireId] = qK[wireId] / (nDigiPerWire[wireId] - 1);
307  else
308  theSigmaT0PerWire[wireId] = 999.; // Only one measurement: uncertainty -> infinity
309  // syst uncert
310  //theSigmaT0PerWire[wireId] += pow(0.5, 2));
311  // Every time the same measurement. Use Laplace estimator as estimation how propable it is to measure another value due to limited size of sample
312  if (theSigmaT0PerWire[wireId] == 0) {
313  theSigmaT0PerWire[wireId] += pow(1. / (nDigiPerWire[wireId] + 1), 2);
314  }
315  }
317  // function to calculate unweighted means
318  auto unweighted_mean_function = [](const std::list<double>& values, const std::list<double>& sigmas) {
319  double mean = 0;
320  for (auto& value : values) {
321  mean += value;
322  }
323  mean /= values.size();
325  double uncertainty = 0;
326  for (auto& value : values) {
327  uncertainty += pow(value - mean, 2);
328  }
329  uncertainty /= values.size();
330  uncertainty = sqrt(uncertainty);
331  return std::make_pair(mean, uncertainty);
332  };
334  // correct for odd-even effect in each super layer
335  std::map<DTSuperLayerId, std::pair<double, double> > mean_sigma_even;
336  std::map<DTSuperLayerId, std::pair<double, double> > mean_sigma_odd;
337  for (const auto& superlayer : dtGeom->superLayers()) {
338  const auto superlayer_id = superlayer->id();
339  std::list<double> values_even;
340  std::list<double> sigmas_even;
341  std::list<double> values_odd;
342  std::list<double> sigmas_odd;
344  for (const auto& wiret0 : theAbsoluteT0PerWire) {
345  const auto& wireId = wiret0.first;
346  if (wireId.layerId().superlayerId() == superlayer_id) {
347  const auto& t0 = wiret0.second / nDigiPerWire[wireId];
348  if (wireId.layerId().layer() % 2) {
349  values_odd.push_back(t0);
350  sigmas_odd.push_back(sqrt(theSigmaT0PerWire[wireId]));
351  } else {
352  values_even.push_back(t0);
353  sigmas_even.push_back(sqrt(theSigmaT0PerWire[wireId]));
354  }
355  }
356  }
357  // get mean and uncertainty
358  mean_sigma_even.emplace(superlayer_id, unweighted_mean_function(values_even, sigmas_even));
359  mean_sigma_odd.emplace(superlayer_id, unweighted_mean_function(values_odd, sigmas_odd));
360  }
362  // filter outliers
363  for (const auto& superlayer : dtGeom->superLayers()) {
364  const auto superlayer_id = superlayer->id();
365  std::list<double> values_even;
366  std::list<double> sigmas_even;
367  std::list<double> values_odd;
368  std::list<double> sigmas_odd;
370  for (const auto& wiret0 : theAbsoluteT0PerWire) {
371  const auto& wireId = wiret0.first;
372  if (wireId.layerId().superlayerId() == superlayer_id) {
373  const auto& t0 = wiret0.second / nDigiPerWire[wireId];
374  if (wireId.layerId().layer() % 2 and
375  abs(t0 - mean_sigma_odd[superlayer_id].first) < 2 * mean_sigma_odd[superlayer_id].second) {
376  values_odd.push_back(t0);
377  sigmas_odd.push_back(sqrt(theSigmaT0PerWire[wireId]));
378  } else {
379  if (abs(t0 - mean_sigma_even[superlayer_id].first) < 2 * mean_sigma_even[superlayer_id].second) {
380  values_even.push_back(t0);
381  sigmas_even.push_back(sqrt(theSigmaT0PerWire[wireId]));
382  }
383  }
384  }
385  }
386  // get mean and uncertainty
387  mean_sigma_even[superlayer_id] = unweighted_mean_function(values_even, sigmas_even);
388  mean_sigma_odd[superlayer_id] = unweighted_mean_function(values_odd, sigmas_odd);
389  }
391  // apply correction
392  for (auto& wiret0 : theAbsoluteT0PerWire) {
393  const auto& wire_id = wiret0.first;
394  const auto& superlayer_id = wiret0.first.layerId().superlayerId();
395  const auto& layer = wiret0.first.layerId().layer();
396  auto& t0 = wiret0.second;
397  t0 /= nDigiPerWire[wire_id];
398  if (not layer % 2)
399  continue;
400  // t0 is reference. Changing it changes the map
401  t0 += mean_sigma_even[superlayer_id].first - mean_sigma_odd[superlayer_id].first;
402  theSigmaT0PerWire[wire_id] +=
403  pow(mean_sigma_odd[superlayer_id].second, 2) + pow(mean_sigma_even[superlayer_id].second, 2);
404  }
406  // get chamber mean
407  std::map<DTChamberId, std::list<double> > values_per_chamber;
408  std::map<DTChamberId, std::list<double> > sigmas_per_chamber;
409  for (const auto& wire_t0 : theAbsoluteT0PerWire) {
410  const auto& wire_id = wire_t0.first;
411  const auto& chamber_id = wire_id.chamberId();
412  const auto& t0 = wire_t0.second;
413  values_per_chamber[chamber_id].push_back(t0);
414  sigmas_per_chamber[chamber_id].push_back(sqrt(theSigmaT0PerWire[wire_id]));
415  }
417  std::map<DTChamberId, std::pair<double, double> > mean_per_chamber;
418  for (const auto& chamber_mean : values_per_chamber) {
419  const auto& chamber_id = chamber_mean.first;
420  const auto& means = chamber_mean.second;
421  const auto& sigmas = sigmas_per_chamber[chamber_id];
422  mean_per_chamber.emplace(chamber_id, unweighted_mean_function(means, sigmas));
423  }
425  // calculate relative values
426  for (const auto& wire_t0 : theAbsoluteT0PerWire) {
427  const auto& wire_id = wire_t0.first;
428  const auto& chamber_id = wire_id.chamberId();
429  const auto& t0 = wire_t0.second;
430  theRelativeT0PerWire.emplace(wire_id, t0 - mean_per_chamber[chamber_id].first);
431  cout << "[DTT0Calibration] Wire " << wire_id << " has t0 " << theRelativeT0PerWire[wire_id]
432  << " (relative, after even-odd layer corrections) "
433  << " sigma " << sqrt(theSigmaT0PerWire[wire_id]) << endl;
434  }
436  for (const auto& wire_t0 : theRelativeT0PerWire) {
437  const auto& wire_id = wire_t0.first;
438  const auto& t0 = wire_t0.second;
439  t0sWRTChamber->set(wire_id, t0, sqrt(theSigmaT0PerWire[wire_id]), DTTimeUnits::counts);
440  }
443  if (debug)
444  cout << "[DTT0Calibration]Writing values in DB!" << endl;
445  // FIXME: to be read from cfg?
446  string t0Record = "DTT0Rcd";
447  // Write the t0 map to DB
448  DTCalibDBUtils::writeToDB(t0Record, t0sWRTChamber);
449  delete t0sWRTChamber;
450 }
452 string DTT0Calibration::getHistoName(const DTWireId& wId) const {
453  string histoName;
454  stringstream theStream;
455  theStream << "Ch_" << wId.wheel() << "_" << wId.station() << "_" << wId.sector() << "_SL" << wId.superlayer() << "_L"
456  << wId.layer() << "_W" << wId.wire() << "_hT0Histo";
457  theStream >> histoName;
458  return histoName;
459 }
461 string DTT0Calibration::getHistoName(const DTLayerId& lId) const {
462  string histoName;
463  stringstream theStream;
464  theStream << "Ch_" << lId.wheel() << "_" << lId.station() << "_" << lId.sector() << "_SL" << lId.superlayer() << "_L"
465  << lId.layer() << "_hT0Histo";
466  theStream >> histoName;
467  return histoName;
468 }
std::vector< DTLayerId > layerIdWithWireHistos
int set(int wheelId, int stationId, int sectorId, int slId, int layerId, int cellId, float t0mean, float t0rms, DTTimeUnits::type unit)
double tpPeakWidthPerLayer
T getUntrackedParameter(std::string const &, T const &) const
std::map< DTLayerId, TH1I > theHistoLayerMap
std::map< DTWireId, double > theAbsoluteT0PerWire
void endJob() override
Compute the mean and the RMS of the t0 from the maps and write them to the DB with channel granularit...
unsigned int nevents
DTChamberId chamberId() const
Return the corresponding ChamberId.
std::vector< DTWireId > wireIdWithHistos
std::string theCalibWheel
std::string getHistoName(const DTWireId &wId) const
std::map< DTWireId, double > mK_ref
int layer() const
Return the layer number.
Definition: DTLayerId.h:42
DTSuperLayerId superlayerId() const
Return the corresponding SuperLayerId.
Definition: DTLayerId.h:45
void find(edm::Handle< EcalRecHitCollection > &hits, DetId thisDet, std::vector< EcalRecHitCollection::const_iterator > &hit, bool debug=false)
edm::ESHandle< DTGeometry > dtGeom
unsigned int eventsForLayerT0
U second(std::pair< T, U > const &p)
Definition: DTT0.h:48
std::map< DTLayerId, double > theTPPeakMap
std::map< DTWireId, double > theSigmaT0PerWire
unsigned int rejectDigiFromPeak
T sqrt(T t)
Definition: SSEVec.h:19
The Signals That Services Can Subscribe To This is based on ActivityRegistry and is current per Services can connect to the signals distributed by the ActivityRegistry in order to monitor the activity of the application Each possible callback has some defined which we here list in angle e< void, edm::EventID const &, edm::Timestamp const & > We also list in braces which AR_WATCH_USING_METHOD_ is used for those or
Definition: Activities.doc:12
Abs< T >::type abs(const T &t)
Definition: Abs.h:22
~DTT0Calibration() override
std::string theCalibSector
edm::EDGetTokenT< DTDigiCollection > digiToken
void analyze(const edm::Event &event, const edm::EventSetup &eventSetup) override
Fill the maps with t0 (by channel)
int wire() const
Return the wire number.
Definition: DTWireId.h:42
int superlayer() const
Return the superlayer number (deprecated method name)
std::map< DTWireId, int > nDigiPerWire
std::map< DTWireId, double > mK
#define debug
std::map< DTWireId, int > nDigiPerWire_ref
std::pair< const_iterator, const_iterator > Range
std::vector< DigiType >::const_iterator const_iterator
HLT enums.
std::map< DTWireId, double > theRelativeT0PerWire
int sector() const
Definition: DTChamberId.h:49
T get() const
Definition: EventSetup.h:73
std::map< DTWireId, double > qK
std::map< DTWireId, TH1I > theHistoWireMap
int station() const
Return the station number.
Definition: DTChamberId.h:42
DTT0Calibration(const edm::ParameterSet &pset)
int wheel() const
Return the wheel number.
Definition: DTChamberId.h:39
TSpectrum spectrum
static void writeToDB(std::string record, T *payload)
unsigned int eventsForWireT0
Power< A, B >::type pow(const A &a, const B &b)
Definition: Power.h:30
const std::vector< const DTSuperLayer * > & superLayers() const
Return a vector of all SuperLayer.