List of all members | Public Types | Public Member Functions | Protected Member Functions | Private Member Functions | Private Attributes
V0Monitor Class Reference

#include <V0Monitor.h>

Inheritance diagram for V0Monitor:
DQMEDAnalyzer edm::one::EDProducer< edm::EndRunProducer, edm::one::WatchRuns, edm::EndLuminosityBlockProducer, edm::one::WatchLuminosityBlocks, edm::Accumulator > edm::one::EDProducerBase edm::ProducerBase edm::EDConsumerBase edm::ProductRegistryHelper

Public Types

typedef dqm::legacy::DQMStore DQMStore
typedef dqm::legacy::MonitorElement MonitorElement
- Public Types inherited from DQMEDAnalyzer
typedef dqm::reco::DQMStore DQMStore
typedef dqm::reco::MonitorElement MonitorElement
- Public Types inherited from edm::one::EDProducerBase
typedef EDProducerBase ModuleType
- Public Types inherited from edm::ProducerBase
using ModuleToResolverIndicies = std::unordered_multimap< std::string, std::tuple< edm::TypeID const *, const char *, edm::ProductResolverIndex >>
typedef ProductRegistryHelper::TypeLabelList TypeLabelList
- Public Types inherited from edm::EDConsumerBase
typedef ProductLabels Labels

Public Member Functions

 V0Monitor (const edm::ParameterSet &)
 ~V0Monitor () override
- Public Member Functions inherited from DQMEDAnalyzer
void accumulate (edm::Event const &event, edm::EventSetup const &setup) final
void beginLuminosityBlock (edm::LuminosityBlock const &lumi, edm::EventSetup const &setup) final
void beginRun (edm::Run const &run, edm::EventSetup const &setup) final
virtual void dqmBeginLuminosityBlock (edm::LuminosityBlock const &, edm::EventSetup const &)
virtual void dqmBeginRun (edm::Run const &, edm::EventSetup const &)
 DQMEDAnalyzer ()
virtual void dqmEndLuminosityBlock (edm::LuminosityBlock const &, edm::EventSetup const &)
virtual void dqmEndRun (edm::Run const &, edm::EventSetup const &)
void endLuminosityBlock (edm::LuminosityBlock const &, edm::EventSetup const &) final
void endLuminosityBlockProduce (edm::LuminosityBlock &lumi, edm::EventSetup const &setup) final
void endRun (edm::Run const &, edm::EventSetup const &) final
void endRunProduce (edm::Run &run, edm::EventSetup const &setup) final
virtual bool getCanSaveByLumi ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from edm::one::EDProducer< edm::EndRunProducer, edm::one::WatchRuns, edm::EndLuminosityBlockProducer, edm::one::WatchLuminosityBlocks, edm::Accumulator >
 EDProducer ()=default
SerialTaskQueueglobalLuminosityBlocksQueue () final
SerialTaskQueueglobalRunsQueue () final
bool hasAbilityToProduceInBeginLumis () const final
bool hasAbilityToProduceInBeginRuns () const final
bool hasAbilityToProduceInEndLumis () const final
bool hasAbilityToProduceInEndRuns () const final
bool wantsGlobalLuminosityBlocks () const final
bool wantsGlobalRuns () const final
- Public Member Functions inherited from edm::one::EDProducerBase
 EDProducerBase ()
ModuleDescription const & moduleDescription () const
bool wantsStreamLuminosityBlocks () const
bool wantsStreamRuns () const
 ~EDProducerBase () override
- Public Member Functions inherited from edm::ProducerBase
void callWhenNewProductsRegistered (std::function< void(BranchDescription const &)> const &func)
std::vector< edm::ProductResolverIndex > const & indiciesForPutProducts (BranchType iBranchType) const
 ProducerBase ()
std::vector< edm::ProductResolverIndex > const & putTokenIndexToProductResolverIndex () const
void registerProducts (ProducerBase *, ProductRegistry *, ModuleDescription const &)
std::function< void(BranchDescription const &)> registrationCallback () const
 used by the fwk to register list of products More...
void resolvePutIndicies (BranchType iBranchType, ModuleToResolverIndicies const &iIndicies, std::string const &moduleLabel)
 ~ProducerBase () noexcept(false) override
- Public Member Functions inherited from edm::EDConsumerBase
std::vector< ConsumesInfoconsumesInfo () const
void convertCurrentProcessAlias (std::string const &processName)
 Convert "@currentProcess" in InputTag process names to the actual current process name. More...
 EDConsumerBase ()
 EDConsumerBase (EDConsumerBase const &)=delete
 EDConsumerBase (EDConsumerBase &&)=default
ESProxyIndex const * esGetTokenIndices (edm::Transition iTrans) const
ProductResolverIndexAndSkipBit indexFrom (EDGetToken, BranchType, TypeID const &) const
void itemsMayGet (BranchType, std::vector< ProductResolverIndexAndSkipBit > &) const
void itemsToGet (BranchType, std::vector< ProductResolverIndexAndSkipBit > &) const
std::vector< ProductResolverIndexAndSkipBit > const & itemsToGetFrom (BranchType iType) const
void labelsForToken (EDGetToken iToken, Labels &oLabels) const
void modulesWhoseProductsAreConsumed (std::vector< ModuleDescription const * > &modules, ProductRegistry const &preg, std::map< std::string, ModuleDescription const * > const &labelsToDesc, std::string const &processName) const
EDConsumerBase const & operator= (EDConsumerBase const &)=delete
EDConsumerBaseoperator= (EDConsumerBase &&)=default
bool registeredToConsume (ProductResolverIndex, bool, BranchType) const
bool registeredToConsumeMany (TypeID const &, BranchType) const
ProductResolverIndexAndSkipBit uncheckedIndexFrom (EDGetToken) const
void updateLookup (BranchType iBranchType, ProductResolverIndexHelper const &, bool iPrefetchMayGet)
void updateLookup (eventsetup::ESRecordsToProxyIndices const &)
virtual ~EDConsumerBase () noexcept(false)

Protected Member Functions

void analyze (edm::Event const &iEvent, edm::EventSetup const &iSetup) override
MonitorElementbookHisto1D (DQMStore::IBooker &ibooker, std::string name, std::string title, std::string xaxis, std::string yaxis, MEbinning binning)
MonitorElementbookHisto2D (DQMStore::IBooker &ibooker, std::string name, std::string title, std::string xaxis, std::string yaxis, MEbinning xbinning, MEbinning ybinning)
void bookHistograms (DQMStore::IBooker &, edm::Run const &, edm::EventSetup const &) override
MonitorElementbookProfile (DQMStore::IBooker &ibooker, std::string name, std::string title, std::string xaxis, std::string yaxis, MEbinning xbinning, MEbinning ybinning)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from edm::ProducerBase
ProducesCollector producesCollector ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from edm::EDConsumerBase
template<typename ProductType , BranchType B = InEvent>
EDGetTokenT< ProductType > consumes (edm::InputTag const &tag)
EDGetToken consumes (const TypeToGet &id, edm::InputTag const &tag)
template<BranchType B>
EDGetToken consumes (TypeToGet const &id, edm::InputTag const &tag)
ConsumesCollector consumesCollector ()
 Use a ConsumesCollector to gather consumes information from helper functions. More...
template<typename ProductType , BranchType B = InEvent>
void consumesMany ()
void consumesMany (const TypeToGet &id)
template<BranchType B>
void consumesMany (const TypeToGet &id)
template<typename ESProduct , typename ESRecord , Transition Tr = Transition::Event>
auto esConsumes ()
template<typename ESProduct , typename ESRecord , Transition Tr = Transition::Event>
auto esConsumes (ESInputTag const &tag)
template<typename ProductType , BranchType B = InEvent>
EDGetTokenT< ProductType > mayConsume (edm::InputTag const &tag)
EDGetToken mayConsume (const TypeToGet &id, edm::InputTag const &tag)
template<BranchType B>
EDGetToken mayConsume (const TypeToGet &id, edm::InputTag const &tag)

Private Member Functions

void getHistoPSet (edm::ParameterSet pset, MEbinning &mebinning)

Private Attributes

edm::EDGetTokenT< reco::BeamSpotbsToken_
MEbinning chi2oNDF_binning_
MEbinning eta_binning_
std::string folderName_
MEbinning ls_binning_
MEbinning lumi_binning_
edm::EDGetTokenT< LumiScalersCollectionlumiscalersToken_
MEbinning Lxy_binning_
MEbinning mass_binning_
MEbinning pt_binning_
MEbinning pu_binning_
int pvNDOF_
edm::EDGetTokenT< reco::VertexCollectionpvToken_
edm::EDGetTokenT< reco::VertexCompositeCandidateCollectionv0Token_

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from edm::one::EDProducerBase
static const std::string & baseType ()
static void fillDescriptions (ConfigurationDescriptions &descriptions)
static void prevalidate (ConfigurationDescriptions &descriptions)
- Protected Attributes inherited from DQMEDAnalyzer
edm::EDPutTokenT< DQMTokenlumiToken_
edm::EDPutTokenT< DQMTokenrunToken_

Detailed Description

Definition at line 39 of file V0Monitor.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

Definition at line 41 of file V0Monitor.h.

Definition at line 42 of file V0Monitor.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

V0Monitor::V0Monitor ( const edm::ParameterSet iConfig)

Definition at line 15 of file

References chi2oNDF_binning_, eta_binning_, getHistoPSet(), edm::ParameterSet::getParameter(), LumiMonitor_cff::histoPSet, ls_binning_, lumi_binning_, Lxy_binning_, mass_binning_, n_vs_BX_, n_vs_LS_, n_vs_lumi_, n_vs_PU_, pt_binning_, pu_binning_, v0_chi2oNDF_, v0_deltaMass_, v0_deltaMass_vs_BX_, v0_deltaMass_vs_eta_, v0_deltaMass_vs_lumi_, v0_deltaMass_vs_pt_, v0_deltaMass_vs_PU_, v0_eta_, v0_Lxy_, v0_Lxy_vs_BX_, v0_Lxy_vs_deltaMass_, v0_Lxy_vs_eta_, v0_Lxy_vs_lumi_, v0_Lxy_vs_pt_, v0_Lxy_vs_PU_, v0_Lxy_wrtBS_, v0_mass_, v0_mass_vs_BX_, v0_mass_vs_eta_, v0_mass_vs_lumi_, v0_mass_vs_p_, v0_mass_vs_pt_, v0_mass_vs_PU_, v0_N_, v0_N_vs_BX_, v0_N_vs_LS_, v0_N_vs_lumi_, v0_N_vs_PU_, v0_phi_, and v0_pt_.

16  : folderName_(iConfig.getParameter<std::string>("FolderName")),
17  v0Token_(consumes<reco::VertexCompositeCandidateCollection>(iConfig.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("v0"))),
18  bsToken_(consumes<reco::BeamSpot>(iConfig.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("beamSpot"))),
19  pvToken_(consumes<reco::VertexCollection>(iConfig.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("primaryVertex"))),
20  lumiscalersToken_(consumes<LumiScalersCollection>(iConfig.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("lumiScalers"))),
21  pvNDOF_(iConfig.getParameter<int>("pvNDOF")),
23  iConfig.getParameter<edm::ParameterSet>("genericTriggerEventPSet"), consumesCollector(), *this)) {
24  v0_N_ = nullptr;
25  v0_mass_ = nullptr;
26  v0_pt_ = nullptr;
27  v0_eta_ = nullptr;
28  v0_phi_ = nullptr;
29  v0_Lxy_ = nullptr;
30  v0_Lxy_wrtBS_ = nullptr;
31  v0_chi2oNDF_ = nullptr;
32  v0_mass_vs_p_ = nullptr;
33  v0_mass_vs_pt_ = nullptr;
34  v0_mass_vs_eta_ = nullptr;
35  v0_deltaMass_ = nullptr;
36  v0_deltaMass_vs_pt_ = nullptr;
37  v0_deltaMass_vs_eta_ = nullptr;
39  v0_Lxy_vs_deltaMass_ = nullptr;
40  v0_Lxy_vs_pt_ = nullptr;
41  v0_Lxy_vs_eta_ = nullptr;
43  n_vs_BX_ = nullptr;
44  v0_N_vs_BX_ = nullptr;
45  v0_mass_vs_BX_ = nullptr;
46  v0_Lxy_vs_BX_ = nullptr;
47  v0_deltaMass_vs_BX_ = nullptr;
49  n_vs_lumi_ = nullptr;
50  v0_N_vs_lumi_ = nullptr;
51  v0_mass_vs_lumi_ = nullptr;
52  v0_Lxy_vs_lumi_ = nullptr;
53  v0_deltaMass_vs_lumi_ = nullptr;
55  n_vs_PU_ = nullptr;
56  v0_N_vs_PU_ = nullptr;
57  v0_mass_vs_PU_ = nullptr;
58  v0_Lxy_vs_PU_ = nullptr;
59  v0_deltaMass_vs_PU_ = nullptr;
61  n_vs_LS_ = nullptr;
62  v0_N_vs_LS_ = nullptr;
69  getHistoPSet(histoPSet.getParameter<edm::ParameterSet>("chi2oNDFPSet"), chi2oNDF_binning_);
73 }
MEbinning pu_binning_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:131
MonitorElement * v0_Lxy_vs_pt_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:101
T getParameter(std::string const &) const
MonitorElement * v0_deltaMass_vs_PU_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:120
MonitorElement * v0_mass_vs_PU_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:118
MonitorElement * v0_pt_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:87
MonitorElement * v0_Lxy_vs_PU_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:119
MonitorElement * v0_N_vs_LS_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:123
MonitorElement * v0_mass_vs_eta_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:95
MonitorElement * v0_mass_vs_lumi_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:112
MEbinning Lxy_binning_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:128
void getHistoPSet(edm::ParameterSet pset, MEbinning &mebinning)
MonitorElement * v0_mass_vs_p_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:93
MonitorElement * v0_mass_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:86
MEbinning lumi_binning_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:130
MonitorElement * v0_chi2oNDF_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:92
MonitorElement * v0_mass_vs_pt_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:94
MonitorElement * v0_deltaMass_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:96
Provides a code based selection for trigger and DCS information in order to have no failing filters i...
MonitorElement * v0_eta_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:88
edm::EDGetTokenT< reco::BeamSpot > bsToken_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:77
MonitorElement * v0_deltaMass_vs_lumi_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:114
edm::EDGetTokenT< reco::VertexCompositeCandidateCollection > v0Token_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:76
MonitorElement * v0_Lxy_vs_BX_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:107
ConsumesCollector consumesCollector()
Use a ConsumesCollector to gather consumes information from helper functions.
MEbinning ls_binning_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:132
MonitorElement * v0_Lxy_wrtBS_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:91
int pvNDOF_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:81
MonitorElement * n_vs_lumi_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:110
std::string folderName_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:74
MonitorElement * v0_Lxy_vs_lumi_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:113
MonitorElement * v0_Lxy_vs_eta_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:102
MonitorElement * v0_deltaMass_vs_BX_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:108
edm::EDGetTokenT< reco::VertexCollection > pvToken_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:78
MonitorElement * v0_deltaMass_vs_eta_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:98
MEbinning pt_binning_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:126
MEbinning chi2oNDF_binning_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:129
MonitorElement * v0_N_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:85
MEbinning mass_binning_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:125
edm::EDGetTokenT< LumiScalersCollection > lumiscalersToken_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:79
MonitorElement * v0_Lxy_vs_deltaMass_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:100
MonitorElement * n_vs_PU_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:116
MonitorElement * n_vs_LS_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:122
MEbinning eta_binning_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:127
GenericTriggerEventFlag * genTriggerEventFlag_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:83
MonitorElement * v0_phi_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:89
MonitorElement * v0_N_vs_BX_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:105
MonitorElement * v0_mass_vs_BX_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:106
MonitorElement * n_vs_BX_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:104
MonitorElement * v0_N_vs_lumi_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:111
MonitorElement * v0_N_vs_PU_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:117
MonitorElement * v0_Lxy_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:90
MonitorElement * v0_deltaMass_vs_pt_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:97
V0Monitor::~V0Monitor ( )

Definition at line 75 of file

References genTriggerEventFlag_.

75  {
77  delete genTriggerEventFlag_;
78 }
GenericTriggerEventFlag * genTriggerEventFlag_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:83

Member Function Documentation

void V0Monitor::analyze ( edm::Event const &  iEvent,
edm::EventSetup const &  iSetup 

Reimplemented from DQMEDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 226 of file

References GenericTriggerEventFlag::accept(), bsToken_, edm::EventBase::bunchCrossing(), l1GtPatternGenerator_cfi::bx, DEFINE_FWK_MODULE, dumpMFGeometry_cfg::delta, reco::BeamSpot::dxdz(), reco::BeamSpot::dydz(), PVValHelper::eta, dqm::impl::MonitorElement::Fill(), genTriggerEventFlag_, edm::Event::getByToken(), edm::EventBase::id(), reco::Vertex::isFake(), edm::HandleBase::isValid(), edm::EventID::luminosityBlock(), V0Monitor_cfi::lumiScalers, lumiscalersToken_, EgHLTOffHistBins_cfi::mass, dqmiodumpmetadata::n, n_vs_BX_, n_vs_LS_, n_vs_lumi_, n_vs_PU_, reco::Vertex::ndof(), GenericTriggerEventFlag::on(), or, AlCaHLTBitMon_ParallelJobs::p, PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::perp(), phi, reco::BeamSpot::position(), edm::Handle< T >::product(), DiDispStaMuonMonitor_cfi::pt, MetAnalyzer::pv(), pvNDOF_, pvToken_, reco::Vertex::tracksSize(), findQualityFiles::v, V0Monitor_cff::v0, v0_chi2oNDF_, v0_deltaMass_, v0_deltaMass_vs_BX_, v0_deltaMass_vs_eta_, v0_deltaMass_vs_lumi_, v0_deltaMass_vs_pt_, v0_deltaMass_vs_PU_, v0_eta_, v0_Lxy_, v0_Lxy_vs_BX_, v0_Lxy_vs_deltaMass_, v0_Lxy_vs_eta_, v0_Lxy_vs_lumi_, v0_Lxy_vs_pt_, v0_Lxy_vs_PU_, v0_Lxy_wrtBS_, v0_mass_, v0_mass_vs_BX_, v0_mass_vs_eta_, v0_mass_vs_lumi_, v0_mass_vs_p_, v0_mass_vs_pt_, v0_mass_vs_PU_, v0_N_, v0_N_vs_BX_, v0_N_vs_LS_, v0_N_vs_lumi_, v0_N_vs_PU_, v0_phi_, v0_pt_, v0Token_, reco::Vertex::x(), reco::Vertex::y(), and reco::Vertex::z().

226  {
227  // Filter out events if Trigger Filtering is requested
229  return;
231  // int ls =;
233  size_t bx = iEvent.bunchCrossing();
234  n_vs_BX_->Fill(bx);
236  float lumi = -1.;
238  iEvent.getByToken(lumiscalersToken_, lumiScalers);
239  if (lumiScalers.isValid() && !lumiScalers->empty()) {
240  LumiScalersCollection::const_iterator scalit = lumiScalers->begin();
241  lumi = scalit->instantLumi();
242  } else
243  lumi = -1.;
244  n_vs_lumi_->Fill(lumi);
246  edm::Handle<reco::BeamSpot> beamspotHandle;
247  iEvent.getByToken(bsToken_, beamspotHandle);
248  reco::BeamSpot const* bs = nullptr;
249  if (beamspotHandle.isValid())
250  bs = &(*beamspotHandle);
253  iEvent.getByToken(pvToken_, pvHandle);
254  reco::Vertex const* pv = nullptr;
255  size_t nPV = 0;
256  if (pvHandle.isValid()) {
257  pv = &pvHandle->front();
258  //--- pv fake (the pv collection should have size==1 and the pv==beam spot)
259  if (pv->isFake() ||
260  pv->tracksSize() == 0
261  // definition of goodOfflinePrimaryVertex
262  || pv->ndof() < pvNDOF_ || pv->z() > 24.)
263  pv = nullptr;
265  for (auto v : *pvHandle) {
266  if (v.isFake())
267  continue;
268  if (v.ndof() < pvNDOF_)
269  continue;
270  if (v.z() > 24.)
271  continue;
272  ++nPV;
273  }
274  }
275  n_vs_PU_->Fill(nPV);
277  float nLS = static_cast<float>(;
278  n_vs_LS_->Fill(nLS);
281  iEvent.getByToken(v0Token_, v0Handle);
282  int n = (v0Handle.isValid() ? v0Handle->size() : -1);
283  v0_N_->Fill(n);
284  v0_N_vs_BX_->Fill(bx, n);
285  v0_N_vs_lumi_->Fill(lumi, n);
286  v0_N_vs_PU_->Fill(nPV, n);
287  v0_N_vs_LS_->Fill(nLS, n);
289  if (!v0Handle.isValid() or n == 0)
290  return;
293  for (auto v0 : v0s) {
294  float mass = v0.mass();
295  float pt =;
296  float p = v0.p();
297  float eta = v0.eta();
298  float phi = v0.phi();
299  int pdgID = v0.pdgId();
300  float chi2oNDF = v0.vertexNormalizedChi2();
301  GlobalPoint displacementFromPV =
302  (pv == nullptr ? GlobalPoint(-9., -9., 0) : GlobalPoint((pv->x() - v0.vx()), (pv->y() - v0.vy()), 0.));
303  GlobalPoint displacementFromBS =
304  (bs == nullptr
305  ? GlobalPoint(-9., -9., 0.)
306  : GlobalPoint(-1 * ((bs->position().x() - v0.vx()) + (v0.vz() - bs->position().z()) * bs->dxdz()),
307  -1 * ((bs->position().y() - v0.vy()) + (v0.vz() - bs->position().z()) * bs->dydz()),
308  0));
309  float lxy = (pv == nullptr ? -9. : displacementFromPV.perp());
310  float lxyWRTbs = (bs == nullptr ? -9. : displacementFromBS.perp());
312  v0_mass_->Fill(mass);
313  v0_pt_->Fill(pt);
314  v0_eta_->Fill(eta);
315  v0_phi_->Fill(phi);
316  v0_Lxy_->Fill(lxy);
317  v0_Lxy_wrtBS_->Fill(lxyWRTbs);
318  v0_chi2oNDF_->Fill(chi2oNDF);
320  v0_mass_vs_p_->Fill(p, mass);
321  v0_mass_vs_pt_->Fill(pt, mass);
322  v0_mass_vs_eta_->Fill(eta, mass);
323  v0_mass_vs_BX_->Fill(bx, mass);
324  v0_mass_vs_lumi_->Fill(lumi, mass);
325  v0_mass_vs_PU_->Fill(nPV, mass);
327  v0_Lxy_vs_BX_->Fill(bx, lxy);
328  v0_Lxy_vs_lumi_->Fill(lumi, lxy);
329  v0_Lxy_vs_PU_->Fill(nPV, lxy);
331  float PDGmass = -9999.;
332  switch (pdgID) {
333  case 130: // K_s
334  case 310: // K_L
335  PDGmass = 0.497614; // GeV
336  break;
337  case 3122: // Lambda
338  case -3122: // Lambda
339  PDGmass = 1.115683; // GeV
340  break;
341  case 4122: // Lambda_c
342  case -4122: // Lambda_c
343  case 5122: // Lambda_b
344  case -5122: // Lambda_b
345  default:
346  break;
347  }
348  float delta = (PDGmass > 0. ? (mass - PDGmass) / PDGmass : -9.);
349  v0_deltaMass_->Fill(delta);
350  v0_deltaMass_vs_pt_->Fill(pt, delta);
351  v0_deltaMass_vs_eta_->Fill(eta, delta);
352  v0_deltaMass_vs_BX_->Fill(bx, delta);
353  v0_deltaMass_vs_lumi_->Fill(lumi, delta);
354  v0_deltaMass_vs_PU_->Fill(nPV, delta);
356  v0_Lxy_vs_deltaMass_->Fill(delta, lxy);
357  v0_Lxy_vs_pt_->Fill(pt, lxy);
358  v0_Lxy_vs_eta_->Fill(eta, lxy);
359  }
360 }
MonitorElement * v0_Lxy_vs_pt_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:101
MonitorElement * v0_deltaMass_vs_PU_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:120
MonitorElement * v0_mass_vs_PU_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:118
MonitorElement * v0_pt_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:87
MonitorElement * v0_Lxy_vs_PU_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:119
MonitorElement * v0_N_vs_LS_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:123
MonitorElement * v0_mass_vs_eta_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:95
MonitorElement * v0_mass_vs_lumi_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:112
std::vector< VertexCompositeCandidate > VertexCompositeCandidateCollection
collection of Candidate objects
T perp() const
Definition: PV3DBase.h:69
MonitorElement * v0_mass_vs_p_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:93
MonitorElement * v0_mass_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:86
MonitorElement * v0_chi2oNDF_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:92
Global3DPoint GlobalPoint
Definition: GlobalPoint.h:10
MonitorElement * v0_mass_vs_pt_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:94
MonitorElement * v0_deltaMass_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:96
MonitorElement * v0_eta_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:88
edm::EDGetTokenT< reco::BeamSpot > bsToken_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:77
void Fill(long long x)
int iEvent
MonitorElement * v0_deltaMass_vs_lumi_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:114
edm::EDGetTokenT< reco::VertexCompositeCandidateCollection > v0Token_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:76
MonitorElement * v0_Lxy_vs_BX_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:107
bool accept(const edm::Event &event, const edm::EventSetup &setup)
To be called from analyze/filter() methods.
The Signals That Services Can Subscribe To This is based on ActivityRegistry and is current per Services can connect to the signals distributed by the ActivityRegistry in order to monitor the activity of the application Each possible callback has some defined which we here list in angle e< void, edm::EventID const &, edm::Timestamp const & > We also list in braces which AR_WATCH_USING_METHOD_ is used for those or
Definition: Activities.doc:12
MonitorElement * v0_Lxy_wrtBS_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:91
int pvNDOF_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:81
MonitorElement * n_vs_lumi_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:110
def pv(vc)
double z() const
z coordinate
Definition: Vertex.h:119
MonitorElement * v0_Lxy_vs_lumi_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:113
MonitorElement * v0_Lxy_vs_eta_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:102
MonitorElement * v0_deltaMass_vs_BX_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:108
edm::EDGetTokenT< reco::VertexCollection > pvToken_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:78
bool isValid() const
Definition: HandleBase.h:70
MonitorElement * v0_deltaMass_vs_eta_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:98
double ndof() const
Definition: Vertex.h:109
bool isFake() const
Definition: Vertex.h:75
MonitorElement * v0_N_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:85
T const * product() const
Definition: Handle.h:69
edm::EDGetTokenT< LumiScalersCollection > lumiscalersToken_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:79
MonitorElement * v0_Lxy_vs_deltaMass_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:100
MonitorElement * n_vs_PU_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:116
MonitorElement * n_vs_LS_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:122
static int position[264][3]
GenericTriggerEventFlag * genTriggerEventFlag_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:83
MonitorElement * v0_phi_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:89
MonitorElement * v0_N_vs_BX_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:105
MonitorElement * v0_mass_vs_BX_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:106
MonitorElement * n_vs_BX_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:104
MonitorElement * v0_N_vs_lumi_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:111
size_t tracksSize() const
number of tracks
MonitorElement * v0_N_vs_PU_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:117
MonitorElement * v0_Lxy_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:90
MonitorElement * v0_deltaMass_vs_pt_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:97
V0Monitor::MonitorElement * V0Monitor::bookHisto1D ( DQMStore::IBooker ibooker,
std::string  name,
std::string  title,
std::string  xaxis,
std::string  yaxis,
MEbinning  binning 
V0Monitor::MonitorElement * V0Monitor::bookHisto2D ( DQMStore::IBooker ibooker,
std::string  name,
std::string  title,
std::string  xaxis,
std::string  yaxis,
MEbinning  xbinning,
MEbinning  ybinning 

Definition at line 95 of file

References dqm::dqmstoreimpl::DQMStore::IBooker::book2D(), AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string, and TimingClient_cfi::yaxis.

101  {
102  std::string title_w_axes = title + ";" + xaxis + ";" + yaxis;
103  return ibooker.book2D(
104  name, title_w_axes, xbinning.nbins, xbinning.xmin, xbinning.xmax, ybinning.nbins, ybinning.xmin, ybinning.xmax);
105 }
void V0Monitor::bookHistograms ( DQMStore::IBooker ibooker,
edm::Run const &  iRun,
edm::EventSetup const &  iSetup 

Implements DQMEDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 118 of file

References bookHisto1D(), bookProfile(), chi2oNDF_binning_, eta_binning_, folderName_, genTriggerEventFlag_, dqm::legacy::MonitorElement::getTH1(), GenericTriggerEventFlag::initRun(), ls_binning_, lumi_binning_, Lxy_binning_, mass_binning_, n_vs_BX_, n_vs_LS_, n_vs_lumi_, n_vs_PU_, GenericTriggerEventFlag::on(), pt_binning_, pu_binning_, dqm::dqmstoreimpl::DQMStore::IBooker::setCurrentFolder(), AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string, v0_chi2oNDF_, v0_deltaMass_, v0_deltaMass_vs_BX_, v0_deltaMass_vs_eta_, v0_deltaMass_vs_lumi_, v0_deltaMass_vs_pt_, v0_deltaMass_vs_PU_, v0_eta_, v0_Lxy_, v0_Lxy_vs_BX_, v0_Lxy_vs_deltaMass_, v0_Lxy_vs_eta_, v0_Lxy_vs_lumi_, v0_Lxy_vs_pt_, v0_Lxy_vs_PU_, v0_Lxy_wrtBS_, v0_mass_, v0_mass_vs_BX_, v0_mass_vs_eta_, v0_mass_vs_lumi_, v0_mass_vs_p_, v0_mass_vs_pt_, v0_mass_vs_PU_, v0_N_, v0_N_vs_BX_, v0_N_vs_LS_, v0_N_vs_lumi_, v0_N_vs_PU_, v0_phi_, and v0_pt_.

118  {
119  std::string histname, histtitle;
121  std::string currentFolder = folderName_;
122  ibooker.setCurrentFolder(currentFolder);
124  MEbinning N_binning;
125  N_binning.nbins = 15;
126  N_binning.xmin = -0.5;
127  N_binning.xmax = 14.5;
128  v0_N_ = bookHisto1D(ibooker, "v0_N", "# v0", "# v0", "events", N_binning);
129  v0_mass_ = bookHisto1D(ibooker, "v0_mass", "mass", "mass [GeV]", "events", mass_binning_);
130  v0_pt_ = bookHisto1D(ibooker, "v0_pt", "pt", "p_{T} [GeV]", "events", pt_binning_);
131  v0_eta_ = bookHisto1D(ibooker, "v0_eta", "eta", "#eta", "events", eta_binning_);
132  MEbinning phi_binning;
133  phi_binning.nbins = 34;
134  phi_binning.xmin = -3.2;
135  phi_binning.xmax = 3.2;
136  v0_phi_ = bookHisto1D(ibooker, "v0_phi", "phi", "#phi [rad]", "events", phi_binning);
137  v0_Lxy_ = bookHisto1D(ibooker, "v0_Lxy", "Lxy", "L_{xy} w.r.t. PV [cm]", "events", Lxy_binning_);
138  v0_Lxy_wrtBS_ = bookHisto1D(ibooker, "v0_Lxy_wrtBS", "Lxy", "L_{xy} w.r.t. BS [cm]", "events", Lxy_binning_);
139  v0_chi2oNDF_ =
140  bookHisto1D(ibooker, "v0_chi2oNDF", "chi2oNDF", "vertex normalized #chi^{2}", "events", chi2oNDF_binning_);
142  v0_mass_vs_p_ =
143  bookProfile(ibooker, "v0_mass_vs_p", "mass vs p", "p [GeV]", "mass [GeV]", pt_binning_, mass_binning_);
145  bookProfile(ibooker, "v0_mass_vs_pt", "mass vs pt", "p_{T} [GeV]", "mass [GeV]", pt_binning_, mass_binning_);
147  bookProfile(ibooker, "v0_mass_vs_eta", "mass vs eta", "#eta", "mass [GeV]", eta_binning_, mass_binning_);
149  MEbinning delta_binning;
150  delta_binning.nbins = 150;
151  delta_binning.xmin = -0.15;
152  delta_binning.xmax = 0.15;
153  v0_deltaMass_ = bookHisto1D(ibooker, "v0_deltaMass", "deltaMass", "m-m_{PDG}/m_{DPG}", "events", delta_binning);
155  ibooker, "v0_deltaMass_vs_pt", "deltaMass vs pt", "p_{T} [GeV]", "m-m_{PDG}/m_{DPG}", pt_binning_, delta_binning);
157  ibooker, "v0_deltaMass_vs_eta", "deltaMass vs eta", "#eta", "m-m_{PDG}/m_{DPG}", eta_binning_, delta_binning);
160  "v0_Lxy_vs_deltaMass",
161  "L_{xy} vs deltaMass",
162  "m-m_{PDG}/m_{DPG}",
163  "L_{xy} [cm]",
164  delta_binning,
165  Lxy_binning_);
166  v0_Lxy_vs_pt_ =
167  bookProfile(ibooker, "v0_Lxy_vs_pt", "L_{xy} vs p_{T}", "p_{T} [GeV]", "L_{xy} [cm]", pt_binning_, Lxy_binning_);
169  bookProfile(ibooker, "v0_Lxy_vs_eta", "L_{xy} vs #eta", "#eta", "L_{xy} [cm]", eta_binning_, Lxy_binning_);
171  MEbinning bx_binning;
172  bx_binning.nbins = 3564;
173  bx_binning.xmin = 0.5;
174  bx_binning.xmax = 3564.5;
175  n_vs_BX_ = bookHisto1D(ibooker, "n_vs_BX", "# events vs BX", "BX", "# events", bx_binning);
176  v0_N_vs_BX_ = bookProfile(ibooker, "v0_N_vs_BX", "# v0 vs BX", "BX", "# v0", bx_binning, N_binning);
177  v0_mass_vs_BX_ = bookProfile(ibooker, "v0_mass_vs_BX", "mass vs BX", "BX", "mass [GeV]", bx_binning, mass_binning_);
178  v0_Lxy_vs_BX_ = bookProfile(ibooker, "v0_Lxy_vs_BX", "L_{xy} vs BX", "BX", "L_{xy} [cm]", bx_binning, Lxy_binning_);
180  ibooker, "v0_deltaMass_vs_BX", "deltaMass vs BX", "BX", "m-m_{PDG}/m_{DPG}", bx_binning, delta_binning);
183  ibooker, "n_vs_lumi", "# events vs lumi", "inst. lumi x10^{30} [Hz cm^{-2}]", "# events", lumi_binning_);
185  ibooker, "v0_N_vs_lumi", "# v0 vs lumi", "inst. lumi x10^{30} [Hz cm^{-2}]", "# v0", lumi_binning_, N_binning);
186  v0_mass_vs_lumi_ = bookProfile(ibooker,
187  "v0_mass_vs_lumi",
188  "mass vs lumi",
189  "inst. lumi x10^{30} [Hz cm^{-2}]",
190  "mass [GeV]",
192  mass_binning_);
193  v0_Lxy_vs_lumi_ = bookProfile(ibooker,
194  "v0_Lxy_vs_lumi",
195  "L_{xy} vs lumi",
196  "inst. lumi x10^{30} [Hz cm^{-2}]",
197  "L_{xy} [cm]",
199  Lxy_binning_);
201  "v0_deltaMass_vs_lumi",
202  "deltaMass vs lumi",
203  "inst. lumi x10^{30} [Hz cm^{-2}]",
204  "m-m_{PDG}/m_{DPG}",
206  delta_binning);
208  n_vs_PU_ = bookHisto1D(ibooker, "n_vs_PU", "# events vs PU", "# good PV", "# events", pu_binning_);
209  v0_N_vs_PU_ = bookProfile(ibooker, "v0_N_vs_PU", "# v0 vs PU", "# good PV", "# v0", pu_binning_, N_binning);
211  bookProfile(ibooker, "v0_mass_vs_PU", "mass vs PU", "# good PV", "mass [GeV]", pu_binning_, mass_binning_);
212  v0_Lxy_vs_PU_ =
213  bookProfile(ibooker, "v0_Lxy_vs_PU", "L_{xy} vs PU", "# good PV", "L_{xy} [cm]", pu_binning_, Lxy_binning_);
215  ibooker, "v0_deltaMass_vs_PU", "deltaMass vs PU", "# good PV", "m-m_{PDG}/m_{DPG}", pu_binning_, delta_binning);
217  n_vs_LS_ = bookHisto1D(ibooker, "n_vs_LS", "# events vs LS", "LS", "# events", ls_binning_);
218  v0_N_vs_LS_ = bookProfile(ibooker, "v0_N_vs_LS", "# v0 vs LS", "LS", "# v0", ls_binning_, N_binning);
219  v0_N_vs_LS_->getTH1()->SetCanExtend(TH1::kAllAxes);
221  // Initialize the GenericTriggerEventFlag
222  if (genTriggerEventFlag_->on())
223  genTriggerEventFlag_->initRun(iRun, iSetup);
224 }
MEbinning pu_binning_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:131
MonitorElement * v0_Lxy_vs_pt_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:101
MonitorElement * v0_deltaMass_vs_PU_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:120
MonitorElement * v0_mass_vs_PU_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:118
MonitorElement * v0_pt_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:87
MonitorElement * v0_Lxy_vs_PU_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:119
MonitorElement * v0_N_vs_LS_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:123
MonitorElement * v0_mass_vs_eta_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:95
MonitorElement * v0_mass_vs_lumi_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:112
MEbinning Lxy_binning_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:128
MonitorElement * v0_mass_vs_p_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:93
MonitorElement * v0_mass_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:86
MEbinning lumi_binning_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:130
MonitorElement * v0_chi2oNDF_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:92
MonitorElement * v0_mass_vs_pt_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:94
MonitorElement * v0_deltaMass_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:96
MonitorElement * v0_eta_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:88
MonitorElement * bookProfile(DQMStore::IBooker &ibooker, std::string name, std::string title, std::string xaxis, std::string yaxis, MEbinning xbinning, MEbinning ybinning)
MonitorElement * v0_deltaMass_vs_lumi_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:114
MonitorElement * v0_Lxy_vs_BX_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:107
MEbinning ls_binning_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:132
MonitorElement * v0_Lxy_wrtBS_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:91
MonitorElement * n_vs_lumi_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:110
std::string folderName_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:74
MonitorElement * v0_Lxy_vs_lumi_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:113
MonitorElement * v0_Lxy_vs_eta_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:102
MonitorElement * v0_deltaMass_vs_BX_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:108
MonitorElement * v0_deltaMass_vs_eta_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:98
MEbinning pt_binning_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:126
MEbinning chi2oNDF_binning_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:129
MonitorElement * v0_N_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:85
MEbinning mass_binning_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:125
MonitorElement * v0_Lxy_vs_deltaMass_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:100
MonitorElement * n_vs_PU_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:116
MonitorElement * n_vs_LS_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:122
MEbinning eta_binning_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:127
GenericTriggerEventFlag * genTriggerEventFlag_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:83
void initRun(const edm::Run &run, const edm::EventSetup &setup)
To be called from beginRun() methods.
MonitorElement * v0_phi_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:89
MonitorElement * v0_N_vs_BX_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:105
MonitorElement * v0_mass_vs_BX_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:106
MonitorElement * n_vs_BX_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:104
MonitorElement * v0_N_vs_lumi_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:111
virtual TH1 * getTH1() const
MonitorElement * v0_N_vs_PU_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:117
MonitorElement * bookHisto1D(DQMStore::IBooker &ibooker, std::string name, std::string title, std::string xaxis, std::string yaxis, MEbinning binning)
MonitorElement * v0_Lxy_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:90
MonitorElement * v0_deltaMass_vs_pt_
Definition: V0Monitor.h:97
V0Monitor::MonitorElement * V0Monitor::bookProfile ( DQMStore::IBooker ibooker,
std::string  name,
std::string  title,
std::string  xaxis,
std::string  yaxis,
MEbinning  xbinning,
MEbinning  ybinning 

Definition at line 106 of file

References dqm::dqmstoreimpl::DQMStore::IBooker::bookProfile(), AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string, and TimingClient_cfi::yaxis.

Referenced by bookHistograms().

112  {
113  std::string title_w_axes = title + ";" + xaxis + ";" + yaxis;
114  return ibooker.bookProfile(
115  name, title_w_axes, xbinning.nbins, xbinning.xmin, xbinning.xmax, ybinning.xmin, ybinning.xmax);
116 }
void V0Monitor::getHistoPSet ( edm::ParameterSet  pset,
MEbinning mebinning 

Definition at line 80 of file

References edm::ParameterSet::getParameter().

Referenced by V0Monitor().

80  {
81  mebinning.nbins = pset.getParameter<int32_t>("nbins");
82  mebinning.xmin = pset.getParameter<double>("xmin");
83  mebinning.xmax = pset.getParameter<double>("xmax");
84 }
T getParameter(std::string const &) const

Member Data Documentation

edm::EDGetTokenT<reco::BeamSpot> V0Monitor::bsToken_

Definition at line 77 of file V0Monitor.h.

Referenced by analyze().

MEbinning V0Monitor::chi2oNDF_binning_

Definition at line 129 of file V0Monitor.h.

Referenced by bookHistograms(), and V0Monitor().

MEbinning V0Monitor::eta_binning_

Definition at line 127 of file V0Monitor.h.

Referenced by bookHistograms(), and V0Monitor().

std::string V0Monitor::folderName_

Definition at line 74 of file V0Monitor.h.

Referenced by bookHistograms().

GenericTriggerEventFlag* V0Monitor::genTriggerEventFlag_

Definition at line 83 of file V0Monitor.h.

Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), and ~V0Monitor().

MEbinning V0Monitor::ls_binning_

Definition at line 132 of file V0Monitor.h.

Referenced by bookHistograms(), and V0Monitor().

MEbinning V0Monitor::lumi_binning_

Definition at line 130 of file V0Monitor.h.

Referenced by bookHistograms(), and V0Monitor().

edm::EDGetTokenT<LumiScalersCollection> V0Monitor::lumiscalersToken_

Definition at line 79 of file V0Monitor.h.

Referenced by analyze().

MEbinning V0Monitor::Lxy_binning_

Definition at line 128 of file V0Monitor.h.

Referenced by bookHistograms(), and V0Monitor().

MEbinning V0Monitor::mass_binning_

Definition at line 125 of file V0Monitor.h.

Referenced by bookHistograms(), and V0Monitor().

MonitorElement* V0Monitor::n_vs_BX_

Definition at line 104 of file V0Monitor.h.

Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), and V0Monitor().

MonitorElement* V0Monitor::n_vs_LS_

Definition at line 122 of file V0Monitor.h.

Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), and V0Monitor().

MonitorElement* V0Monitor::n_vs_lumi_

Definition at line 110 of file V0Monitor.h.

Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), and V0Monitor().

MonitorElement* V0Monitor::n_vs_PU_

Definition at line 116 of file V0Monitor.h.

Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), and V0Monitor().

MEbinning V0Monitor::pt_binning_

Definition at line 126 of file V0Monitor.h.

Referenced by bookHistograms(), and V0Monitor().

MEbinning V0Monitor::pu_binning_

Definition at line 131 of file V0Monitor.h.

Referenced by bookHistograms(), and V0Monitor().

int V0Monitor::pvNDOF_

Definition at line 81 of file V0Monitor.h.

Referenced by analyze().

edm::EDGetTokenT<reco::VertexCollection> V0Monitor::pvToken_

Definition at line 78 of file V0Monitor.h.

Referenced by analyze().

MonitorElement* V0Monitor::v0_chi2oNDF_

Definition at line 92 of file V0Monitor.h.

Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), and V0Monitor().

MonitorElement* V0Monitor::v0_deltaMass_

Definition at line 96 of file V0Monitor.h.

Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), and V0Monitor().

MonitorElement* V0Monitor::v0_deltaMass_vs_BX_

Definition at line 108 of file V0Monitor.h.

Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), and V0Monitor().

MonitorElement* V0Monitor::v0_deltaMass_vs_eta_

Definition at line 98 of file V0Monitor.h.

Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), and V0Monitor().

MonitorElement* V0Monitor::v0_deltaMass_vs_lumi_

Definition at line 114 of file V0Monitor.h.

Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), and V0Monitor().

MonitorElement* V0Monitor::v0_deltaMass_vs_pt_

Definition at line 97 of file V0Monitor.h.

Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), and V0Monitor().

MonitorElement* V0Monitor::v0_deltaMass_vs_PU_

Definition at line 120 of file V0Monitor.h.

Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), and V0Monitor().

MonitorElement* V0Monitor::v0_eta_

Definition at line 88 of file V0Monitor.h.

Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), and V0Monitor().

MonitorElement* V0Monitor::v0_Lxy_

Definition at line 90 of file V0Monitor.h.

Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), and V0Monitor().

MonitorElement* V0Monitor::v0_Lxy_vs_BX_

Definition at line 107 of file V0Monitor.h.

Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), and V0Monitor().

MonitorElement* V0Monitor::v0_Lxy_vs_deltaMass_

Definition at line 100 of file V0Monitor.h.

Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), and V0Monitor().

MonitorElement* V0Monitor::v0_Lxy_vs_eta_

Definition at line 102 of file V0Monitor.h.

Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), and V0Monitor().

MonitorElement* V0Monitor::v0_Lxy_vs_lumi_

Definition at line 113 of file V0Monitor.h.

Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), and V0Monitor().

MonitorElement* V0Monitor::v0_Lxy_vs_pt_

Definition at line 101 of file V0Monitor.h.

Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), and V0Monitor().

MonitorElement* V0Monitor::v0_Lxy_vs_PU_

Definition at line 119 of file V0Monitor.h.

Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), and V0Monitor().

MonitorElement* V0Monitor::v0_Lxy_wrtBS_

Definition at line 91 of file V0Monitor.h.

Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), and V0Monitor().

MonitorElement* V0Monitor::v0_mass_

Definition at line 86 of file V0Monitor.h.

Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), and V0Monitor().

MonitorElement* V0Monitor::v0_mass_vs_BX_

Definition at line 106 of file V0Monitor.h.

Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), and V0Monitor().

MonitorElement* V0Monitor::v0_mass_vs_eta_

Definition at line 95 of file V0Monitor.h.

Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), and V0Monitor().

MonitorElement* V0Monitor::v0_mass_vs_lumi_

Definition at line 112 of file V0Monitor.h.

Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), and V0Monitor().

MonitorElement* V0Monitor::v0_mass_vs_p_

Definition at line 93 of file V0Monitor.h.

Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), and V0Monitor().

MonitorElement* V0Monitor::v0_mass_vs_pt_

Definition at line 94 of file V0Monitor.h.

Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), and V0Monitor().

MonitorElement* V0Monitor::v0_mass_vs_PU_

Definition at line 118 of file V0Monitor.h.

Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), and V0Monitor().

MonitorElement* V0Monitor::v0_N_

Definition at line 85 of file V0Monitor.h.

Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), and V0Monitor().

MonitorElement* V0Monitor::v0_N_vs_BX_

Definition at line 105 of file V0Monitor.h.

Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), and V0Monitor().

MonitorElement* V0Monitor::v0_N_vs_LS_

Definition at line 123 of file V0Monitor.h.

Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), and V0Monitor().

MonitorElement* V0Monitor::v0_N_vs_lumi_

Definition at line 111 of file V0Monitor.h.

Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), and V0Monitor().

MonitorElement* V0Monitor::v0_N_vs_PU_

Definition at line 117 of file V0Monitor.h.

Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), and V0Monitor().

MonitorElement* V0Monitor::v0_phi_

Definition at line 89 of file V0Monitor.h.

Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), and V0Monitor().

MonitorElement* V0Monitor::v0_pt_

Definition at line 87 of file V0Monitor.h.

Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), and V0Monitor().

Definition at line 76 of file V0Monitor.h.

Referenced by analyze().