2171 double pt1 = recoP1.pt();
2172 double eta1 = recoP1.eta();
2173 double pt2 = recoP2.pt();
2174 double eta2 = recoP2.eta();
2176 double diffPt1 = (pt1 - genP1.pt()) / genP1.pt();
2177 double diffPt2 = (pt2 - genP2.pt()) / genP2.pt();
2179 double genTheta1 = genP1.theta();
2180 double genTheta2 = genP2.theta();
2181 double recoTheta1 = recoP1.theta();
2182 double recoTheta2 = recoP2.theta();
2184 double genCotgTheta1 = TMath::Cos(genTheta1) / (TMath::Sin(genTheta1));
2185 double genCotgTheta2 = TMath::Cos(genTheta2) / (TMath::Sin(genTheta2));
2186 double recoCotgTheta1 = TMath::Cos(recoTheta1) / (TMath::Sin(recoTheta1));
2187 double recoCotgTheta2 = TMath::Cos(recoTheta2) / (TMath::Sin(recoTheta2));
2191 double diffCotgTheta1 = recoCotgTheta1 - genCotgTheta1;
2192 double diffCotgTheta2 = recoCotgTheta2 - genCotgTheta2;
2200 mapHisto_[name_ +
"Pt"]->Fill(pt1, eta1, diffPt1, diffPt1);
2201 mapHisto_[name_ +
"Pt"]->Fill(pt2, eta2, diffPt2, diffPt2);
2202 mapHisto_[name_ +
"CotgTheta"]->Fill(pt1, eta1, diffCotgTheta1, diffCotgTheta1);
2203 mapHisto_[name_ +
"CotgTheta"]->Fill(pt2, eta2, diffCotgTheta2, diffCotgTheta2);
2204 mapHisto_[name_ +
"Phi"]->Fill(pt1, eta1, diffPhi1, diffPhi1);
2205 mapHisto_[name_ +
"Phi"]->Fill(pt2, eta2, diffPhi2, diffPhi2);
2208 mapHisto_[name_ +
"Pt-CotgTheta"]->Fill(pt1, eta1, diffPt1, diffCotgTheta1);
2209 mapHisto_[name_ +
"Pt-CotgTheta"]->Fill(pt2, eta2, diffPt2, diffCotgTheta2);
2210 mapHisto_[name_ +
"Pt-Phi"]->Fill(pt1, eta1, diffPt1, diffPhi1);
2211 mapHisto_[name_ +
"Pt-Phi"]->Fill(pt2, eta2, diffPt2, diffPhi2);
2212 mapHisto_[name_ +
"CotgTheta-Phi"]->Fill(pt1, eta1, diffCotgTheta1, diffPhi1);
2213 mapHisto_[name_ +
"CotgTheta-Phi"]->Fill(pt2, eta2, diffCotgTheta2, diffPhi2);
2218 mapHisto_[name_ +
"Pt1-Pt2"]->Fill(pt1, eta1, diffPt1, diffPt2);
2219 mapHisto_[name_ +
"Pt1-Pt2"]->Fill(pt2, eta2, diffPt1, diffPt2);
2220 mapHisto_[name_ +
"CotgTheta1-CotgTheta2"]->Fill(pt1, eta1, diffCotgTheta1, diffCotgTheta2);
2221 mapHisto_[name_ +
"CotgTheta1-CotgTheta2"]->Fill(pt2, eta2, diffCotgTheta1, diffCotgTheta2);
2222 mapHisto_[name_ +
"Phi1-Phi2"]->Fill(pt1, eta1, diffPhi1, diffPhi2);
2223 mapHisto_[name_ +
"Phi1-Phi2"]->Fill(pt2, eta2, diffPhi1, diffPhi2);
2228 mapHisto_[name_ +
"Pt12-CotgTheta21"]->Fill(pt1, eta1, diffPt1, diffCotgTheta2);
2229 mapHisto_[name_ +
"Pt12-CotgTheta21"]->Fill(pt2, eta2, diffPt2, diffCotgTheta1);
2230 mapHisto_[name_ +
"Pt12-Phi21"]->Fill(pt1, eta1, diffPt1, diffPhi2);
2231 mapHisto_[name_ +
"Pt12-Phi21"]->Fill(pt2, eta2, diffPt2, diffPhi1);
2232 mapHisto_[name_ +
"CotgTheta12-Phi21"]->Fill(pt1, eta1, diffCotgTheta1, diffPhi2);
2233 mapHisto_[name_ +
"CotgTheta12-Phi21"]->Fill(pt2, eta2, diffCotgTheta2, diffPhi1);
static double deltaPhiNoFabs(const double &phi1, const double &phi2)
Without fabs at the end, used to have a symmetric distribution for the resolution fits and variance c...
std::map< TString, HCovarianceVSxy * > mapHisto_