List of all members | Public Member Functions | Protected Member Functions | Private Attributes
L1TCSCTF Class Reference

#include <L1TCSCTF.h>

Inheritance diagram for L1TCSCTF:
DQMEDAnalyzer edm::one::EDProducer< edm::EndRunProducer, edm::one::WatchRuns, edm::EndLuminosityBlockProducer, edm::one::WatchLuminosityBlocks, edm::Accumulator > edm::one::EDProducerBase edm::ProducerBase edm::EDConsumerBase edm::ProductRegistryHelper

Public Member Functions

 L1TCSCTF (const edm::ParameterSet &ps)
 ~L1TCSCTF () override
- Public Member Functions inherited from DQMEDAnalyzer
void accumulate (edm::Event const &event, edm::EventSetup const &setup) final
virtual void analyze (edm::Event const &, edm::EventSetup const &)
void beginLuminosityBlock (edm::LuminosityBlock const &lumi, edm::EventSetup const &setup) final
void beginRun (edm::Run const &run, edm::EventSetup const &setup) final
virtual void dqmBeginLuminosityBlock (edm::LuminosityBlock const &, edm::EventSetup const &)
virtual void dqmBeginRun (edm::Run const &, edm::EventSetup const &)
 DQMEDAnalyzer ()
virtual void dqmEndLuminosityBlock (edm::LuminosityBlock const &, edm::EventSetup const &)
virtual void dqmEndRun (edm::Run const &, edm::EventSetup const &)
void endLuminosityBlock (edm::LuminosityBlock const &, edm::EventSetup const &) final
void endLuminosityBlockProduce (edm::LuminosityBlock &lumi, edm::EventSetup const &setup) final
void endRun (edm::Run const &, edm::EventSetup const &) final
void endRunProduce (edm::Run &run, edm::EventSetup const &setup) final
virtual bool getCanSaveByLumi ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from edm::one::EDProducer< edm::EndRunProducer, edm::one::WatchRuns, edm::EndLuminosityBlockProducer, edm::one::WatchLuminosityBlocks, edm::Accumulator >
 EDProducer ()=default
SerialTaskQueueglobalLuminosityBlocksQueue () final
SerialTaskQueueglobalRunsQueue () final
bool hasAbilityToProduceInBeginLumis () const final
bool hasAbilityToProduceInBeginRuns () const final
bool hasAbilityToProduceInEndLumis () const final
bool hasAbilityToProduceInEndRuns () const final
bool wantsGlobalLuminosityBlocks () const final
bool wantsGlobalRuns () const final
- Public Member Functions inherited from edm::one::EDProducerBase
 EDProducerBase ()
ModuleDescription const & moduleDescription () const
bool wantsStreamLuminosityBlocks () const
bool wantsStreamRuns () const
 ~EDProducerBase () override
- Public Member Functions inherited from edm::ProducerBase
void callWhenNewProductsRegistered (std::function< void(BranchDescription const &)> const &func)
std::vector< edm::ProductResolverIndex > const & indiciesForPutProducts (BranchType iBranchType) const
 ProducerBase ()
std::vector< edm::ProductResolverIndex > const & putTokenIndexToProductResolverIndex () const
void registerProducts (ProducerBase *, ProductRegistry *, ModuleDescription const &)
std::function< void(BranchDescription const &)> registrationCallback () const
 used by the fwk to register list of products More...
void resolvePutIndicies (BranchType iBranchType, ModuleToResolverIndicies const &iIndicies, std::string const &moduleLabel)
 ~ProducerBase () noexcept(false) override
- Public Member Functions inherited from edm::EDConsumerBase
std::vector< ConsumesInfoconsumesInfo () const
void convertCurrentProcessAlias (std::string const &processName)
 Convert "@currentProcess" in InputTag process names to the actual current process name. More...
 EDConsumerBase ()
 EDConsumerBase (EDConsumerBase const &)=delete
 EDConsumerBase (EDConsumerBase &&)=default
ESProxyIndex const * esGetTokenIndices (edm::Transition iTrans) const
ProductResolverIndexAndSkipBit indexFrom (EDGetToken, BranchType, TypeID const &) const
void itemsMayGet (BranchType, std::vector< ProductResolverIndexAndSkipBit > &) const
void itemsToGet (BranchType, std::vector< ProductResolverIndexAndSkipBit > &) const
std::vector< ProductResolverIndexAndSkipBit > const & itemsToGetFrom (BranchType iType) const
void labelsForToken (EDGetToken iToken, Labels &oLabels) const
void modulesWhoseProductsAreConsumed (std::vector< ModuleDescription const * > &modules, ProductRegistry const &preg, std::map< std::string, ModuleDescription const * > const &labelsToDesc, std::string const &processName) const
EDConsumerBase const & operator= (EDConsumerBase const &)=delete
EDConsumerBaseoperator= (EDConsumerBase &&)=default
bool registeredToConsume (ProductResolverIndex, bool, BranchType) const
bool registeredToConsumeMany (TypeID const &, BranchType) const
ProductResolverIndexAndSkipBit uncheckedIndexFrom (EDGetToken) const
void updateLookup (BranchType iBranchType, ProductResolverIndexHelper const &, bool iPrefetchMayGet)
void updateLookup (eventsetup::ESRecordsToProxyIndices const &)
virtual ~EDConsumerBase () noexcept(false)

Protected Member Functions

void analyze (const edm::Event &e, const edm::EventSetup &c) override
void bookHistograms (DQMStore::IBooker &ibooker, edm::Run const &, edm::EventSetup const &) override
void dqmBeginRun (const edm::Run &, const edm::EventSetup &) override
- Protected Member Functions inherited from edm::ProducerBase
ProducesCollector producesCollector ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from edm::EDConsumerBase
template<typename ProductType , BranchType B = InEvent>
EDGetTokenT< ProductType > consumes (edm::InputTag const &tag)
EDGetToken consumes (const TypeToGet &id, edm::InputTag const &tag)
template<BranchType B>
EDGetToken consumes (TypeToGet const &id, edm::InputTag const &tag)
ConsumesCollector consumesCollector ()
 Use a ConsumesCollector to gather consumes information from helper functions. More...
template<typename ProductType , BranchType B = InEvent>
void consumesMany ()
void consumesMany (const TypeToGet &id)
template<BranchType B>
void consumesMany (const TypeToGet &id)
template<typename ESProduct , typename ESRecord , Transition Tr = Transition::Event>
auto esConsumes ()
template<typename ESProduct , typename ESRecord , Transition Tr = Transition::Event>
auto esConsumes (ESInputTag const &tag)
template<typename ProductType , BranchType B = InEvent>
EDGetTokenT< ProductType > mayConsume (edm::InputTag const &tag)
EDGetToken mayConsume (const TypeToGet &id, edm::InputTag const &tag)
template<BranchType B>
EDGetToken mayConsume (const TypeToGet &id, edm::InputTag const &tag)

Private Attributes

int BxInEvent_
edm::EDGetTokenT< CSCCorrelatedLCTDigiCollectioncorrlctsToken_
MonitorElementDTstubsTimeTrackMenTimeArrival [12]
edm::EDGetTokenT< CSCTriggerContainer< csctf::TrackStub > > dtStubsToken_
bool gangedME11a_
edm::InputTag gmtProducer
edm::EDGetTokenT< L1MuGMTReadoutCollectiongmtProducerToken_
bool isCSCcand_
int L1ABXN
edm::InputTag lctProducer
std::ofstream logFile_
unsigned long long m_ptScaleCacheID
unsigned long long m_scalesCacheID
edm::InputTag mbProducer
edm::EDGetTokenT< L1CSCTrackCollectionmbtracksToken_
bool monitorDaemon_
int nev_
std::string outputFile_
CSCSectorReceiverLUTsrLUTs_ [5][2][6]
edm::InputTag statusProducer
edm::EDGetTokenT< L1CSCStatusDigiCollectionstatusToken_
const L1MuTriggerPtScaletpts
edm::InputTag trackProducer
edm::EDGetTokenT< L1CSCTrackCollectiontracksToken_
const L1MuTriggerScalests
bool verbose_

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from DQMEDAnalyzer
typedef dqm::reco::DQMStore DQMStore
typedef dqm::reco::MonitorElement MonitorElement
- Public Types inherited from edm::one::EDProducerBase
typedef EDProducerBase ModuleType
- Public Types inherited from edm::ProducerBase
using ModuleToResolverIndicies = std::unordered_multimap< std::string, std::tuple< edm::TypeID const *, const char *, edm::ProductResolverIndex >>
typedef ProductRegistryHelper::TypeLabelList TypeLabelList
- Public Types inherited from edm::EDConsumerBase
typedef ProductLabels Labels
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from edm::one::EDProducerBase
static const std::string & baseType ()
static void fillDescriptions (ConfigurationDescriptions &descriptions)
static void prevalidate (ConfigurationDescriptions &descriptions)
- Protected Attributes inherited from DQMEDAnalyzer
edm::EDPutTokenT< DQMTokenlumiToken_
edm::EDPutTokenT< DQMTokenrunToken_

Detailed Description

Definition at line 58 of file L1TCSCTF.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

L1TCSCTF::L1TCSCTF ( const edm::ParameterSet ps)

Definition at line 23 of file

References edm::ParameterSet::addUntrackedParameter(), corrlctsToken_, dtStubsToken_, makeMuonMisalignmentScenario::endcap, gangedME11a_, edm::ParameterSet::getParameter(), edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter(), gmtProducerToken_, edm::InputTag::instance(), edm::InputTag::label(), lctProducer, mbProducer, mbtracksToken_, outputFile_, srLUTs_, relativeConstraints::station, statusProducer, statusToken_, AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string, trackProducer, tracksToken_, and verbose_.

26  : gmtProducer(ps.getParameter<InputTag>("gmtProducer")),
27  lctProducer(ps.getParameter<InputTag>("lctProducer")),
28  trackProducer(ps.getParameter<InputTag>("trackProducer")),
29  statusProducer(ps.getParameter<InputTag>("statusProducer")),
30  mbProducer(ps.getParameter<InputTag>("mbProducer")) {
31  // verbosity switch
32  verbose_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("verbose", false);
34  if (verbose_)
35  edm::LogInfo("DataNotFound") << "L1TCSCTF: constructor...." << endl;
37  outputFile_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<string>("outputFile", "");
38  if (!outputFile_.empty()) {
39  edm::LogInfo("DataNotFound") << "L1T Monitoring histograms will be saved to " << outputFile_.c_str() << endl;
40  }
42  bool disable = ps.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("disableROOToutput", false);
43  if (disable) {
44  outputFile_ = "";
45  }
47  gangedME11a_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("gangedME11a", false);
49  // instantiate standard on-fly SR LUTs from CSC TF emulator package
50  bzero(srLUTs_, sizeof(srLUTs_));
51  //int sector=1; // assume SR LUTs are all same for every sector
52  bool TMB07 = true; // specific TMB firmware
53  // Create a pset for SR/PT LUTs: if you do not change the value in the
54  // configuration file, it will load the default minitLUTs
55  edm::ParameterSet srLUTset;
56  srLUTset.addUntrackedParameter<bool>("ReadLUTs", false);
57  srLUTset.addUntrackedParameter<bool>("Binary", false);
58  srLUTset.addUntrackedParameter<std::string>("LUTPath", "./");
60  // positive endcap
61  int endcap = 1;
62  for (int sector = 0; sector < 6; sector++) {
63  for (int station = 1, fpga = 0; station <= 4 && fpga < 5; station++) {
64  if (station == 1)
65  for (int subSector = 0; subSector < 2 && fpga < 5; subSector++)
66  srLUTs_[fpga++][1][sector] =
67  new CSCSectorReceiverLUT(endcap, sector + 1, subSector + 1, station, srLUTset, TMB07);
68  else
69  srLUTs_[fpga++][1][sector] = new CSCSectorReceiverLUT(endcap, sector + 1, 0, station, srLUTset, TMB07);
70  }
71  }
73  // negative endcap
74  endcap = 2;
75  for (int sector = 0; sector < 6; sector++) {
76  for (int station = 1, fpga = 0; station <= 4 && fpga < 5; station++) {
77  if (station == 1)
78  for (int subSector = 0; subSector < 2 && fpga < 5; subSector++)
79  srLUTs_[fpga++][0][sector] =
80  new CSCSectorReceiverLUT(endcap, sector + 1, subSector + 1, station, srLUTset, TMB07);
81  else
82  srLUTs_[fpga++][0][sector] = new CSCSectorReceiverLUT(endcap, sector + 1, 0, station, srLUTset, TMB07);
83  }
84  }
86  //set Token(-s)
93  gmtProducerToken_ = consumes<L1MuGMTReadoutCollection>(ps.getParameter<InputTag>("gmtProducer"));
94  statusToken_ = consumes<L1CSCStatusDigiCollection>(statusTag_);
95  corrlctsToken_ = consumes<CSCCorrelatedLCTDigiCollection>(corrlctsTag_);
96  tracksToken_ = consumes<L1CSCTrackCollection>(tracksTag_);
97  dtStubsToken_ = consumes<CSCTriggerContainer<csctf::TrackStub> >(dtStubsTag_);
98  mbtracksToken_ = consumes<L1CSCTrackCollection>(mbtracksTag_);
99 }
T getParameter(std::string const &) const
T getUntrackedParameter(std::string const &, T const &) const
bool verbose_
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:173
edm::InputTag mbProducer
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:176
std::string outputFile_
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:172
edm::InputTag statusProducer
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:176
edm::EDGetTokenT< L1CSCStatusDigiCollection > statusToken_
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:188
bool gangedME11a_
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:177
edm::InputTag lctProducer
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:176
edm::EDGetTokenT< L1CSCTrackCollection > tracksToken_
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:190
edm::EDGetTokenT< CSCCorrelatedLCTDigiCollection > corrlctsToken_
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:189
void addUntrackedParameter(std::string const &name, T const &value)
Definition: ParameterSet.h:181
edm::EDGetTokenT< L1CSCTrackCollection > mbtracksToken_
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:192
edm::InputTag trackProducer
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:176
edm::EDGetTokenT< L1MuGMTReadoutCollection > gmtProducerToken_
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:187
std::string const & label() const
Definition: InputTag.h:36
CSCSectorReceiverLUT * srLUTs_[5][2][6]
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:179
std::string const & instance() const
Definition: InputTag.h:37
edm::EDGetTokenT< CSCTriggerContainer< csctf::TrackStub > > dtStubsToken_
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:191
edm::InputTag gmtProducer
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:176

Definition at line 101 of file

References mps_fire::i, dqmiolumiharvest::j, alignCSCRings::s, and srLUTs_.

101  {
102  for (unsigned int j = 0; j < 2; j++)
103  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
104  for (unsigned int s = 0; s < 6; s++)
105  delete srLUTs_[i][j][s]; //free the array of pointers
106 }
CSCSectorReceiverLUT * srLUTs_[5][2][6]
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:179

Member Function Documentation

void L1TCSCTF::analyze ( const edm::Event e,
const edm::EventSetup c 

CAL as Janos adviced

Definition at line 655 of file

References funct::abs(), l1GtPatternGenerator_cfi::bx, BxInEvent_, edm::eventsetup::EventSetupRecord::cacheIdentifier(), corrlctsToken_, csc_strip_MEminus11, csc_strip_MEminus12, csc_strip_MEminus13, csc_strip_MEminus21, csc_strip_MEminus22, csc_strip_MEminus31, csc_strip_MEminus32, csc_strip_MEminus41, csc_strip_MEminus42, csc_strip_MEplus11, csc_strip_MEplus12, csc_strip_MEplus13, csc_strip_MEplus21, csc_strip_MEplus22, csc_strip_MEplus31, csc_strip_MEplus32, csc_strip_MEplus41, csc_strip_MEplus42, csc_wire_MEminus11, csc_wire_MEminus12, csc_wire_MEminus13, csc_wire_MEminus21, csc_wire_MEminus22, csc_wire_MEminus31, csc_wire_MEminus32, csc_wire_MEminus41, csc_wire_MEminus42, csc_wire_MEplus11, csc_wire_MEplus12, csc_wire_MEplus13, csc_wire_MEplus21, csc_wire_MEplus22, csc_wire_MEplus31, csc_wire_MEplus32, csc_wire_MEplus41, csc_wire_MEplus42, csctfbx, csctfbx_H, csctfChamberOccupancies, csctferrors, csctferrors_mpc, csctflcts, csctfntrack, csctfoccupancies, csctfoccupancies_H, csctfTrackEta, csctfTrackEta_H, csctfTrackEtaHighQ, csctfTrackEtaLowQ, csctfTrackM, csctfTrackPhi, csctfTrackPhi_H, cscTrackStubNumbers, cscWireStripOverflow, DTstubsTimeTrackMenTimeArrival, dtStubsToken_, makeMuonMisalignmentScenario::endcap, csctf::TrackStub::etaValue(), dqm::impl::MonitorElement::Fill(), gangedME11a_, edm::EventSetup::get(), edm::Event::getByToken(), L1MuScale::getLowEdge(), L1MuTriggerScales::getPhiScale(), L1MuGMTReadoutCollection::getRecords(), CSCSectorReceiverLUT::globalEtaME(), CSCSectorReceiverLUT::globalPhiME(), gmtProducer, gmtProducerToken_, isCSCcand_, ecalpyutils::ism(), edm::HandleBase::isValid(), dqmiolumiharvest::j, L1ABXN, edm::InputTag::label(), lctProducer, MainPageGenerator::link, CSCSectorReceiverLUT::localPhi(), M_PI, m_ptScaleCacheID, m_scalesCacheID, mbProducer, mbtracksToken_, me11_lctGblEta, me11_lctGblPhi, me11_lctLocalPhi, me11_lctPackedPhi, me11_lctStrip, me11_lctWire, me42_lctGblEta, me42_lctGblPhi, nev_, csctf::TrackStub::phiPacked(), csctf::TrackStub::phiValue(), edm::Handle< T >::product(), edm::ESHandle< T >::product(), relativeConstraints::ring, csctf::TrackStub::setEtaPacked(), csctf::TrackStub::setPhiPacked(), edm::shift, srLUTs_, relativeConstraints::station, mps_update::status, statusProducer, statusToken_, digitizers_cfi::strip, tpts, trackModeVsQ, trackProducer, PDWG_EXOHSCP_cff::tracks, tracksToken_, CSCTriggerNumbering::triggerSubSectorFromLabels(), ts, verbose_, and testProducerWithPsetDescEmpty_cfi::x1.

655  {
657  c.get<L1MuTriggerPtScaleRcd>().cacheIdentifier() != m_ptScaleCacheID) {
659  c.get<L1MuTriggerScalesRcd>().get(scales);
660  ts = scales.product();
662  c.get<L1MuTriggerPtScaleRcd>().get(ptscales);
663  tpts = ptscales.product();
664  m_scalesCacheID = c.get<L1MuTriggerScalesRcd>().cacheIdentifier();
665  m_ptScaleCacheID = c.get<L1MuTriggerPtScaleRcd>().cacheIdentifier();
667  edm::LogInfo("L1TCSCTF") << "Changing triggerscales and triggerptscales...";
668  }
670  int NumCSCTfTracksRep = 0;
671  nev_++;
672  if (verbose_)
673  edm::LogInfo("DataNotFound") << "L1TCSCTF: analyze...." << endl;
676  if (gmtProducer.label() != "null") { // GMT block
677  e.getByToken(gmtProducerToken_, pCollection);
678  if (!pCollection.isValid()) {
679  edm::LogInfo("DataNotFound") << "can't find L1MuGMTReadoutCollection with label "; // << csctfSource_.label() ;
680  return;
681  }
683  L1MuGMTReadoutCollection const* gmtrc = pCollection.product();
684  vector<L1MuGMTReadoutRecord> gmt_records = gmtrc->getRecords();
685  vector<L1MuGMTReadoutRecord>::const_iterator RRItr;
687  // Look if the readout window contains one (and only one CSC cands)
688  // to make it simpler I reject events with more than a CSC cand in the
689  // same readout window
691  // count non-empty candidates in this bx
692  int bxWindow = 0;
693  int nCands = 0;
695  for (RRItr = gmt_records.begin(); RRItr != gmt_records.end(); RRItr++) {
696  bxWindow++;
698  // get the csc candidates
699  vector<L1MuRegionalCand> INPCands = RRItr->getCSCCands();
700  vector<L1MuRegionalCand>::const_iterator INPItr;
702  BxInEvent_ = 0;
703  isCSCcand_ = false;
704  int nCandsBx = 0;
706  for (INPItr = INPCands.begin(); INPItr != INPCands.end(); ++INPItr) {
707  if (!INPItr->empty()) {
708  nCandsBx++;
709  nCands++;
710  BxInEvent_ = RRItr->getBxInEvent();
711  if (verbose_)
712  edm::LogInfo("DataNotFound") << "cand " << nCandsBx << " -> assigned CSCTF bx: " << INPItr->bx() << endl;
713  }
714  }
715  if (verbose_)
716  if (nCandsBx)
717  edm::LogInfo("DataNotFound") << nCandsBx << " cands in bx: " << BxInEvent_ << endl;
718  }
720  if (nCands != 1)
721  return;
722  else
723  isCSCcand_ = true;
724  if (verbose_)
725  edm::LogInfo("DataNotFound") << "bxWindow: " << bxWindow << endl;
727  int ncsctftrack = 0;
728  if (verbose_) {
729  edm::LogInfo("DataNotFound") << "\tCSCTFCand ntrack " << ncsctftrack << endl;
730  }
731  } // end of GMT block
733  L1ABXN = -999;
734  if (statusProducer.label() != "null") {
736  e.getByToken(statusToken_, status);
737  bool integrity = status->first, se = false, sm = false, bx = false, af = false, fmm = false;
738  int nStat = 0;
740  for (std::vector<L1CSCSPStatusDigi>::const_iterator stat = status->second.begin(); stat != status->second.end();
741  stat++) {
742  se |= stat->SEs() & 0xFFF;
743  sm |= stat->SMs() & 0xFFF;
744  bx |= stat->BXs() & 0xFFF;
745  af |= stat->AFs() & 0xFFF;
746  fmm |= stat->FMM() != 8;
748  int ise = stat->SEs() & 0xFFF;
749  int ism = stat->SMs() & 0xFFF;
750  int ibx = stat->BXs() & 0xFFF;
751  int iaf = stat->AFs() & 0xFFF;
752  int ifmm = stat->FMM();
753  int slot = stat->slot();
755  for (int j = 0; j < 15; j++) {
756  int link = j + 1;
757  int mpc_id = 0;
758  int sp_num = 0;
759  if (slot >= 6 && slot <= 11)
760  sp_num = slot - 5;
761  if (slot >= 16 && slot <= 21)
762  sp_num = slot - 9;
764  if (sp_num == 1) {
765  if (link >= 1 && link <= 3)
766  mpc_id = 2;
767  else if (link >= 4 && link <= 6)
768  mpc_id = 3;
769  else if (link >= 7 && link <= 9)
770  mpc_id = 13;
771  else if (link >= 10 && link <= 12)
772  mpc_id = 19;
773  else if (link >= 13 && link <= 15)
774  mpc_id = 25;
775  } else if (sp_num == 2) {
776  if (link >= 1 && link <= 3)
777  mpc_id = 4;
778  else if (link >= 4 && link <= 6)
779  mpc_id = 5;
780  else if (link >= 7 && link <= 9)
781  mpc_id = 14;
782  else if (link >= 10 && link <= 12)
783  mpc_id = 20;
784  else if (link >= 13 && link <= 15)
785  mpc_id = 26;
786  } else if (sp_num == 3) {
787  if (link >= 1 && link <= 3)
788  mpc_id = 6;
789  else if (link >= 4 && link <= 6)
790  mpc_id = 7;
791  else if (link >= 7 && link <= 9)
792  mpc_id = 15;
793  else if (link >= 10 && link <= 12)
794  mpc_id = 21;
795  else if (link >= 13 && link <= 15)
796  mpc_id = 27;
797  } else if (sp_num == 4) {
798  if (link >= 1 && link <= 3)
799  mpc_id = 8;
800  else if (link >= 4 && link <= 6)
801  mpc_id = 9;
802  else if (link >= 7 && link <= 9)
803  mpc_id = 16;
804  else if (link >= 10 && link <= 12)
805  mpc_id = 22;
806  else if (link >= 13 && link <= 15)
807  mpc_id = 28;
808  } else if (sp_num == 5) {
809  if (link >= 1 && link <= 3)
810  mpc_id = 10;
811  else if (link >= 4 && link <= 6)
812  mpc_id = 11;
813  else if (link >= 7 && link <= 9)
814  mpc_id = 17;
815  else if (link >= 10 && link <= 12)
816  mpc_id = 23;
817  else if (link >= 13 && link <= 15)
818  mpc_id = 29;
819  } else if (sp_num == 6) {
820  if (link >= 1 && link <= 3)
821  mpc_id = 12;
822  else if (link >= 4 && link <= 6)
823  mpc_id = 1;
824  else if (link >= 7 && link <= 9)
825  mpc_id = 18;
826  else if (link >= 10 && link <= 12)
827  mpc_id = 24;
828  else if (link >= 13 && link <= 15)
829  mpc_id = 30;
830  } else if (sp_num == 7) {
831  if (link >= 1 && link <= 3)
832  mpc_id = 32;
833  else if (link >= 4 && link <= 6)
834  mpc_id = 33;
835  else if (link >= 7 && link <= 9)
836  mpc_id = 43;
837  else if (link >= 10 && link <= 12)
838  mpc_id = 49;
839  else if (link >= 13 && link <= 15)
840  mpc_id = 55;
841  } else if (sp_num == 8) {
842  if (link >= 1 && link <= 3)
843  mpc_id = 34;
844  else if (link >= 4 && link <= 6)
845  mpc_id = 35;
846  else if (link >= 7 && link <= 9)
847  mpc_id = 44;
848  else if (link >= 10 && link <= 12)
849  mpc_id = 50;
850  else if (link >= 13 && link <= 15)
851  mpc_id = 56;
852  } else if (sp_num == 9) {
853  if (link >= 1 && link <= 3)
854  mpc_id = 36;
855  else if (link >= 4 && link <= 6)
856  mpc_id = 37;
857  else if (link >= 7 && link <= 9)
858  mpc_id = 45;
859  else if (link >= 10 && link <= 12)
860  mpc_id = 51;
861  else if (link >= 13 && link <= 15)
862  mpc_id = 57;
863  } else if (sp_num == 10) {
864  if (link >= 1 && link <= 3)
865  mpc_id = 38;
866  else if (link >= 4 && link <= 6)
867  mpc_id = 39;
868  else if (link >= 7 && link <= 9)
869  mpc_id = 46;
870  else if (link >= 10 && link <= 12)
871  mpc_id = 52;
872  else if (link >= 13 && link <= 15)
873  mpc_id = 58;
874  } else if (sp_num == 11) {
875  if (link >= 1 && link <= 3)
876  mpc_id = 40;
877  else if (link >= 4 && link <= 6)
878  mpc_id = 41;
879  else if (link >= 7 && link <= 9)
880  mpc_id = 47;
881  else if (link >= 10 && link <= 12)
882  mpc_id = 53;
883  else if (link >= 13 && link <= 15)
884  mpc_id = 59;
885  } else if (sp_num == 12) {
886  if (link >= 1 && link <= 3)
887  mpc_id = 42;
888  else if (link >= 4 && link <= 6)
889  mpc_id = 31;
890  else if (link >= 7 && link <= 9)
891  mpc_id = 48;
892  else if (link >= 10 && link <= 12)
893  mpc_id = 54;
894  else if (link >= 13 && link <= 15)
895  mpc_id = 60;
896  }
898  if (integrity)
899  csctferrors_mpc->Fill(0.5, mpc_id);
900  if ((ise >> j) & 0x1)
901  csctferrors_mpc->Fill(1.5, mpc_id);
902  if ((ism >> j) & 0x1)
903  csctferrors_mpc->Fill(2.5, mpc_id);
904  if ((ibx >> j) & 0x1)
905  csctferrors_mpc->Fill(3.5, mpc_id);
906  if ((iaf >> j) & 0x1)
907  csctferrors_mpc->Fill(4.5, mpc_id);
908  if (ifmm != 8)
909  csctferrors_mpc->Fill(5.5, mpc_id);
910  }
912  if (stat->VPs() != 0) {
913  L1ABXN += stat->BXN();
914  nStat++;
915  }
916  }
917  // compute the average
918  if (nStat != 0)
919  L1ABXN /= nStat;
920  if (integrity)
921  csctferrors->Fill(0.5);
922  if (se)
923  csctferrors->Fill(1.5);
924  if (sm)
925  csctferrors->Fill(2.5);
926  if (bx)
927  csctferrors->Fill(3.5);
928  if (af)
929  csctferrors->Fill(4.5);
930  if (fmm)
931  csctferrors->Fill(5.5);
932  }
934  if (lctProducer.label() != "null") {
936  c.get<MuonGeometryRecord>().get(pDD);
939  e.getByToken(corrlctsToken_, corrlcts);
942  csc != corrlcts.product()->end();
943  csc++) {
944  CSCCorrelatedLCTDigiCollection::Range range1 = corrlcts.product()->get((*csc).first);
945  for (CSCCorrelatedLCTDigiCollection::const_iterator lct = range1.first; lct != range1.second; lct++) {
946  int endcap = (*csc).first.endcap() - 1;
947  int station = (*csc).first.station() - 1;
948  int sector = (*csc).first.triggerSector() - 1;
949  int subSector = CSCTriggerNumbering::triggerSubSectorFromLabels((*csc).first);
950  int ring = (*csc).first.ring();
951  int cscId = (*csc).first.triggerCscId() - 1;
952  int fpga = (subSector ? subSector - 1 : station + 1);
953  int strip = lct->getStrip();
954  int keyWire = lct->getKeyWG();
955  int bx = lct->getBX();
957  int endcapAssignment = 1;
958  int shift = 1;
959  float sectorArg = sector;
960  //float sectorArg = j;
962  if (endcap == 1) {
963  endcapAssignment = -1;
964  shift = 2;
965  //sectorArg = sector - 6;
966  }
968  int signedStation = (station + shift) * endcapAssignment;
969  if ((station == 0) && (endcap == 0))
970  signedStation = subSector - 1;
971  if ((station == 0) && (endcap == 1))
972  signedStation = (-1) * subSector;
974  float chamberArg1 = cscId * 0.1 + sectorArg;
975  //float chamberArg1 = i*0.1 + sectorArg;
976  //std::cout << "First" << i << " " << sectorArg << " " << chamberArg1 << std::endl;
978  float chamberArg11 = chamberArg1;
979  if (sectorArg == 1)
980  chamberArg1 = chamberArg11 - 0.1;
981  if (sectorArg == 2)
982  chamberArg1 = chamberArg11 - 0.2;
983  if (sectorArg == 3)
984  chamberArg1 = chamberArg11 - 0.3;
985  if (sectorArg == 4)
986  chamberArg1 = chamberArg11 - 0.4;
987  if (sectorArg == 5)
988  chamberArg1 = chamberArg11 - 0.5;
990  //std::cout << "cscId, station, sector, endcap, sectorArg, chamber Arg: " << cscId << ", " << station << ", " <<sector << ", " << endcap << ", " << chamberArg1 << ", " << signedStation << std::endl;
992  csctfChamberOccupancies->Fill(chamberArg1, signedStation);
993  //int bunchX = ( (lct->getBX()) - 6 );
995  //int timingSectorArg = 3*(sector) + (lct->getMPCLink());
996  //if( endcap == 1) timingSectorArg = 3*(sector + 6) + (lct->getMPCLink());
997  //std::cout << "Sector, MPCLink, TSA, endcap: " << sector << ", " << lct->getMPCLink() << ", " << timingSectorArg << ", " << endcap << std::endl;
999  //csctfbx->Fill(timingSectorArg, bunchX );
1000  //std::cout << "LCT'S, encap: " << endcap << ", station: " << station << ", sector: " << sector << ", subSector: " << subSector << ", cscId: " << cscId << std:: endl;
1001  //End JAG
1003  // Check if Det Id is within pysical range:
1004  if (endcap < 0 || endcap > 1 || sector < 0 || sector > 6 || station < 0 || station > 3 || cscId < 0 ||
1005  cscId > 8 || fpga < 0 || fpga > 4) {
1006  edm::LogError("L1CSCTF: CSC TP are out of range: ")
1007  << " endcap: " << (endcap + 1) << " station: " << (station + 1) << " sector: " << (sector + 1)
1008  << " subSector: " << subSector << " fpga: " << fpga << " cscId: " << (cscId + 1);
1009  continue;
1010  }
1012  int EndCapLUT = 1;
1013  //if(endcap==0) EndCapLUT=1; // ME+
1014  if (endcap == 1)
1015  EndCapLUT = 0; // ME-
1017  lclphidat lclPhi;
1018  try {
1019  lclPhi = srLUTs_[fpga][EndCapLUT][sector]->localPhi(
1020  lct->getStrip(), lct->getPattern(), lct->getQuality(), lct->getBend(), gangedME11a_);
1021  } catch (cms::Exception&) {
1022  bzero(&lclPhi, sizeof(lclPhi));
1023  }
1025  gblphidat gblPhi;
1026  try {
1027  gblPhi =
1028  srLUTs_[fpga][EndCapLUT][sector]->globalPhiME(lclPhi.phi_local, lct->getKeyWG(), cscId + 1, gangedME11a_);
1029  } catch (cms::Exception&) {
1030  bzero(&gblPhi, sizeof(gblPhi));
1031  }
1033  gbletadat gblEta;
1034  try {
1035  gblEta = srLUTs_[fpga][EndCapLUT][sector]->globalEtaME(
1036  lclPhi.phi_bend_local, lclPhi.phi_local, lct->getKeyWG(), cscId + 1, gangedME11a_);
1037  } catch (cms::Exception&) {
1038  bzero(&gblEta, sizeof(gblEta));
1039  }
1041  //TrackStub
1042  csctf::TrackStub theStub((*lct), (*csc).first);
1043  theStub.setPhiPacked(gblPhi.global_phi);
1044  theStub.setEtaPacked(gblEta.global_eta);
1046  float etaG = theStub.etaValue();
1047  float phiG = fmod(theStub.phiValue() + 15.0 * M_PI / 180 + (sector)*60.0 * M_PI / 180, 2. * M_PI);
1049  //BX plots
1050  // endcap==1: minus side; endcap==0: plus side
1051  // station=0,1,2,3; ring=1,2,3;
1052  if (endcap == 1) {
1053  if (station == 0) {
1054  if (ring == 1)
1055  csctflcts->Fill(bx, 8.5);
1056  else if (ring == 2)
1057  csctflcts->Fill(bx, 7.5);
1058  else
1059  csctflcts->Fill(bx, 6.5);
1060  } else if (station == 1) {
1061  if (ring == 1)
1062  csctflcts->Fill(bx, 5.5);
1063  else
1064  csctflcts->Fill(bx, 4.5);
1065  } else if (station == 2) {
1066  if (ring == 1)
1067  csctflcts->Fill(bx, 3.5);
1068  else
1069  csctflcts->Fill(bx, 2.5);
1070  } else if (station == 3) {
1071  if (ring == 1)
1072  csctflcts->Fill(bx, 1.5);
1073  else
1074  csctflcts->Fill(bx, 0.5);
1075  }
1077  } else {
1078  if (station == 0) {
1079  if (ring == 1)
1080  csctflcts->Fill(bx, 9.5);
1081  else if (ring == 2)
1082  csctflcts->Fill(bx, 10.5);
1083  else
1084  csctflcts->Fill(bx, 11.5);
1085  } else if (station == 1) {
1086  if (ring == 1)
1087  csctflcts->Fill(bx, 12.5);
1088  else
1089  csctflcts->Fill(bx, 13.5);
1090  } else if (station == 2) {
1091  if (ring == 1)
1092  csctflcts->Fill(bx, 14.5);
1093  else
1094  csctflcts->Fill(bx, 15.5);
1095  } else if (station == 3) {
1096  if (ring == 1)
1097  csctflcts->Fill(bx, 16.5);
1098  else
1099  csctflcts->Fill(bx, 17.5);
1100  }
1101  }
1103  // only for ME1/1
1104  if (station == 0 && ring == 1) {
1105  me11_lctStrip->Fill(strip);
1106  me11_lctWire->Fill(keyWire);
1107  me11_lctLocalPhi->Fill(lclPhi.phi_local);
1108  me11_lctPackedPhi->Fill(theStub.phiPacked());
1109  me11_lctGblPhi->Fill(phiG);
1110  me11_lctGblEta->Fill(etaG);
1111  }
1113  // only for ME4/2
1114  if (station == 3 && ring == 2) {
1115  me42_lctGblPhi->Fill(phiG);
1116  me42_lctGblEta->Fill(etaG);
1117  }
1119  //ME1/1
1120  if (station == 0 && ring == 1) {
1121  int realID = cscId + 6 * sector + 3 * subSector;
1122  if (realID > 36)
1123  realID -= 36;
1124  if (endcap == 0) {
1125  csc_strip_MEplus11->Fill(realID, strip);
1126  csc_wire_MEplus11->Fill(realID, keyWire);
1127  if (keyWire > 48 || strip > 224)
1128  cscWireStripOverflow->Fill(realID, 9.5, 1);
1129  }
1130  if (endcap == 1) {
1131  csc_strip_MEminus11->Fill(realID, strip);
1132  csc_wire_MEminus11->Fill(realID, keyWire);
1133  if (keyWire > 48 || strip > 224)
1134  cscWireStripOverflow->Fill(realID, 8.5, 1);
1135  }
1136  }
1137  //ME1/2
1138  if (station == 0 && ring == 2) {
1139  int realID = (cscId - 3) + 6 * sector + 3 * subSector;
1140  if (realID > 36)
1141  realID -= 36;
1142  if (endcap == 0) {
1143  csc_strip_MEplus12->Fill(realID, strip);
1144  csc_wire_MEplus12->Fill(realID, keyWire);
1145  if (keyWire > 64 || strip > 160)
1146  cscWireStripOverflow->Fill(realID, 10.5, 1);
1147  }
1148  if (endcap == 1) {
1149  csc_strip_MEminus12->Fill(realID, strip);
1150  csc_wire_MEminus12->Fill(realID, keyWire);
1151  if (keyWire > 64 || strip > 160)
1152  cscWireStripOverflow->Fill(realID, 7.5, 1);
1153  }
1154  }
1155  //ME1/3
1156  if (station == 0 && ring == 3) {
1157  int realID = (cscId - 6) + 6 * sector + 3 * subSector;
1158  if (realID > 36)
1159  realID -= 36;
1160  if (endcap == 0) {
1161  csc_strip_MEplus13->Fill(realID, strip);
1162  csc_wire_MEplus13->Fill(realID, keyWire);
1163  if (keyWire > 32 || strip > 128)
1164  cscWireStripOverflow->Fill(realID, 11.5, 1);
1165  }
1166  if (endcap == 1) {
1167  csc_strip_MEminus13->Fill(realID, strip);
1168  csc_wire_MEminus13->Fill(realID, keyWire);
1169  if (keyWire > 32 || strip > 128)
1170  cscWireStripOverflow->Fill(realID, 6.5, 1);
1171  }
1172  }
1173  //ME2/1
1174  if (station == 1 && ring == 1) {
1175  int realID = cscId + 3 * sector + 2;
1176  if (realID > 18)
1177  realID -= 18;
1178  if (endcap == 0) {
1179  csc_strip_MEplus21->Fill(realID, strip);
1180  csc_wire_MEplus21->Fill(realID, keyWire);
1181  if (keyWire > 112 || strip > 160)
1182  cscWireStripOverflow->Fill(realID, 12.5, 1);
1183  }
1184  if (endcap == 1) {
1185  csc_strip_MEminus21->Fill(realID, strip);
1186  csc_wire_MEminus21->Fill(realID, keyWire);
1187  if (keyWire > 112 || strip > 160)
1188  cscWireStripOverflow->Fill(realID, 5.5, 1);
1189  }
1190  }
1191  //ME2/2
1192  if (station == 1 && ring == 2) {
1193  int realID = (cscId - 3) + 6 * sector + 3;
1194  if (realID > 36)
1195  realID -= 36;
1196  if (endcap == 0) {
1197  csc_strip_MEplus22->Fill(realID, strip);
1198  csc_wire_MEplus22->Fill(realID, keyWire);
1199  if (keyWire > 64 || strip > 160)
1200  cscWireStripOverflow->Fill(realID, 13.5, 1);
1201  }
1202  if (endcap == 1) {
1203  csc_strip_MEminus22->Fill(realID, strip);
1204  csc_wire_MEminus22->Fill(realID, keyWire);
1205  if (keyWire > 64 || strip > 160)
1206  cscWireStripOverflow->Fill(realID, 4.5, 1);
1207  }
1208  }
1210  //ME3/1
1211  if (station == 2 && ring == 1) {
1212  int realID = cscId + 3 * sector + 2;
1213  if (realID > 18)
1214  realID -= 18;
1215  if (endcap == 0) {
1216  csc_strip_MEplus31->Fill(realID, strip);
1217  csc_wire_MEplus31->Fill(realID, keyWire);
1218  if (keyWire > 96 || strip > 160)
1219  cscWireStripOverflow->Fill(realID, 14.5, 1);
1220  }
1221  if (endcap == 1) {
1222  csc_strip_MEminus31->Fill(realID, strip);
1223  csc_wire_MEminus31->Fill(realID, keyWire);
1224  if (keyWire > 96 || strip > 160)
1225  cscWireStripOverflow->Fill(realID, 3.5, 1);
1226  }
1227  }
1229  //ME3/2
1230  if (station == 2 && ring == 2) {
1231  int realID = (cscId - 3) + 6 * sector + 3;
1232  if (realID > 36)
1233  realID -= 36;
1234  if (endcap == 0) {
1235  csc_strip_MEplus32->Fill(realID, strip);
1236  csc_wire_MEplus32->Fill(realID, keyWire);
1237  if (keyWire > 64 || strip > 160)
1238  cscWireStripOverflow->Fill(realID, 15.5, 1);
1239  }
1240  if (endcap == 1) {
1241  csc_strip_MEminus32->Fill(realID, strip);
1242  csc_wire_MEminus32->Fill(realID, keyWire);
1243  if (keyWire > 64 || strip > 160)
1244  cscWireStripOverflow->Fill(realID, 2.5, 1);
1245  }
1246  }
1247  //ME4/1
1248  if (station == 3 && ring == 1) {
1249  int realID = cscId + 3 * sector + 2;
1250  if (realID > 18)
1251  realID -= 18;
1252  if (endcap == 0) {
1253  csc_strip_MEplus41->Fill(realID, strip);
1254  csc_wire_MEplus41->Fill(realID, keyWire);
1255  if (keyWire > 96 || strip > 160)
1256  cscWireStripOverflow->Fill(realID, 16.5, 1);
1257  }
1258  if (endcap == 1) {
1259  csc_strip_MEminus41->Fill(realID, strip);
1260  csc_wire_MEminus41->Fill(realID, keyWire);
1261  if (keyWire > 96 || strip > 160)
1262  cscWireStripOverflow->Fill(realID, 1.5, 1);
1263  }
1264  }
1265  //ME4/2
1266  if (station == 3 && ring == 2) {
1267  int realID = (cscId - 3) + 6 * sector + 3;
1268  if (realID > 36)
1269  realID -= 36;
1270  if (endcap == 0) {
1271  csc_strip_MEplus42->Fill(realID, strip);
1272  csc_wire_MEplus42->Fill(realID, keyWire);
1273  if (keyWire > 64 || strip > 160)
1274  cscWireStripOverflow->Fill(realID, 17.5, 1);
1275  }
1276  if (endcap == 1) {
1277  csc_strip_MEminus42->Fill(realID, strip);
1278  csc_wire_MEminus42->Fill(realID, keyWire);
1279  if (keyWire > 64 || strip > 160)
1280  cscWireStripOverflow->Fill(realID, 0.5, 1);
1281  }
1282  }
1284  // SR LUT gives packed eta and phi values -> normilize them to 1 by scale them to 'max' and shift by 'min'
1285  //float etaP = gblEta.global_eta/127*1.5 + 0.9;
1286  //float phiP = (gblPhi.global_phi);// + ( sector )*4096 + station*4096*12) * 1./(4*4096*12);
1287  //std::cout << "LCT Eta & Phi Coordinates: " << etaP << ", " << phiP << "." << std::endl;
1288  //csctfoccupancies->Fill( gblEta.global_eta/127. * 1.5 + 0.9, (gblPhi.global_phi + ( sector + (endcap?0:6) )*4096 + station*4096*12) * 1./(4*4096*12) );
1289  } //lct != range1.scond
1290  } //csc!=corrlcts.product()->end()
1291  } // lctProducer.label() != "null"
1293  if (trackProducer.label() != "null") {
1295  e.getByToken(tracksToken_, tracks);
1296  for (L1CSCTrackCollection::const_iterator trk = tracks->begin(); trk < tracks->end(); trk++) {
1297  NumCSCTfTracksRep++;
1298  long LUTAdd = trk->first.ptLUTAddress();
1299  int trigMode = ((LUTAdd)&0xf0000) >> 16;
1300  int trEta = (trk->first.eta_packed());
1302  // trk->first.endcap() = 2 for - endcap
1303  // = 1 for + endcap
1304  //int trEndcap = (trk->first.endcap()==2 ? trk->first.endcap()-3 : trk->first.endcap());
1305  if (trk->first.endcap() != 1) {
1306  int holder = trEta;
1307  trEta = -1 * holder;
1308  trEta -= 1;
1309  }
1311  int trSector = 6 * (trk->first.endcap() - 1) + trk->first.sector();
1312  int trBX = trk->first.BX();
1314  //Here is what is done with output phi value:
1315  //output_phi = (phi / 32) * 3 /16
1316  //where:
1317  //phi is 12-bit phi, 4096 bins covering 62 degrees
1318  //output_phi is 5-bit value
1320  //Easy to see that output_phi can have values from 0 to 23, or 24 total combinations.
1321  //This gives per-bin phi value of 62/24 = 2.583333 degrees.
1323  // Sector 1 nominally starts at 15 degrees but there 1 degree overlap between sectors so 14 degrees effectively
1324  //double trPhi = trk->first.localPhi() * 62. / 24.;
1325  double trPhi = ts->getPhiScale()->getLowEdge(trk->first.localPhi());
1326  double trPhi02PI = fmod(trPhi + ((trSector - 1) * M_PI / 3) + (M_PI * 14 / 180.), 2 * M_PI);
1328  if (trigMode == 15) {
1329  csctfTrackPhi_H->Fill(trPhi02PI);
1330  csctfTrackEta_H->Fill(trEta);
1331  csctfoccupancies_H->Fill(trEta, trPhi02PI);
1332  csctfbx_H->Fill(trSector, trBX);
1333  } else {
1334  csctfTrackPhi->Fill(trPhi02PI);
1335  csctfTrackEta->Fill(trEta);
1336  csctfoccupancies->Fill(trEta, trPhi02PI);
1337  csctfbx->Fill(trSector, trBX);
1339  // Low Quality / High Quality Eta Distributions
1340  //|eta| < 2.1
1341  if (abs(trEta) < 24) {
1342  if (trigMode == 2 || trigMode == 3 || trigMode == 4 || trigMode == 5 || trigMode == 6 || trigMode == 7 ||
1343  trigMode == 11 || trigMode == 12 || trigMode == 13 || trigMode == 14)
1344  csctfTrackEtaHighQ->Fill(trEta);
1346  if (trigMode == 8 || trigMode == 9 || trigMode == 10)
1347  csctfTrackEtaLowQ->Fill(trEta);
1348  } else { //|eta| > 2.1
1349  if (trigMode == 2 || trigMode == 3 || trigMode == 4 || trigMode == 5)
1350  csctfTrackEtaHighQ->Fill(trEta);
1351  else
1352  csctfTrackEtaLowQ->Fill(trEta);
1353  }
1354  }
1356  csctfTrackM->Fill(trk->first.modeExtended());
1358  // we monitor the track quality only on the first link
1359  // so let's make sure to fill the plot if there is something that
1360  // is read from the hardware
1361  int trRank = trk->first.rank();
1362  if (trRank) {
1363  int trQuality = ((trRank >> 5) & 0x3);
1364  trackModeVsQ->Fill(trk->first.modeExtended(), trQuality);
1365  }
1367  /*
1369  BELOW ~LINE 605
1370  if( trigMode == 15 )
1371  {
1373  double haloVals[4][4];
1374  for( int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
1375  {
1376  haloVals[i][0] = 0;
1377  }
1379  edm::Handle<CSCCorrelatedLCTDigiCollection> corrlcts;
1380  for(CSCCorrelatedLCTDigiCollection::DigiRangeIterator csc=corrlcts.product()->begin(); csc!=corrlcts.product()->end(); csc++)
1381  {
1382  CSCCorrelatedLCTDigiCollection::Range range1 = corrlcts.product()->get((*csc).first);
1383  for(CSCCorrelatedLCTDigiCollection::const_iterator lct=range1.first; lct!=range1.second; lct++)
1384  {
1385  int endcap = (*csc).first.endcap()-1;
1386  int station = (*csc).first.station()-1;
1387  int sector = (*csc).first.triggerSector()-1;
1388  int cscId = (*csc).first.triggerCscId()-1;
1389  int subSector = CSCTriggerNumbering::triggerSubSectorFromLabels((*csc).first);
1390  int fpga = ( subSector ? subSector-1 : station+1 );
1392  if(station != 4)
1393  {
1394  int modEnd = 1;
1395  if( endcap == 0 ) modEnd = -1;
1396  int indexHalo = modEnd + station;
1397  if(haloVals[indexHalo][0] == 1.0) haloVals[indexHalo][3] = 1.0;
1398  if(haloVals[indexHalo][0] == 0) haloVals[indexHalo][0] = 1.0;
1399  haloVals[indexHalo][1] = sector*1.0;
1401  lclphidat lclPhi;
1402  lclPhi = srLUTs_[fpga]->localPhi(lct->getStrip(), lct->getPattern(), lct->getQuality(), lct->getBend());
1403  gblphidat gblPhi;
1404  gblPhi = srLUTs_[fpga]->globalPhiME(lclPhi.phi_local, lct->getKeyWG(), cscId+1);
1405  gbletadat gblEta;
1406  gblEta = srLUTs_[fpga]->globalEtaME(lclPhi.phi_bend_local, lclPhi.phi_local, lct->getKeyWG(), cscId+1);
1408  haloVals[indexHalo][2] = gblEta.global_eta/127. * 1.5 + 0.9;
1409  } //station1 or 2
1410  } //lct first to second
1411  } //corrlcts
1413  if( (haloVals[0][0] == 1.) && (haloVals[1][0] == 1.) && (haloVals[0][3] != 1.) && (haloVals[1][3] != 1.) )
1414  {
1415  if( haloVals[0][1] == haloVals[1][1] ){
1416  double delEta23 = haloVals[1][2] - haloVals[0][2];
1417  haloDelEta23->Fill( delEta23 );
1418  }
1419  }
1421  if( (haloVals[2][0] == 1.) && (haloVals[3][0] == 1.) && (haloVals[2][3] != 1.) && (haloVals[3][3] != 1.) )
1422  {
1423  if( haloVals[2][1] == haloVals[3][1] ){
1424  double delEta23 = haloVals[3][2] - haloVals[2][2];
1425  haloDelEta23->Fill( delEta23 );
1426  }
1427  }
1428  } //halo trigger
1429  */
1431  int cscTrackStub = 0;
1432  //float haloEta[3];
1433  //for(int i=0; i<3; i++) haloEta[i]=-1.0;
1434  //bool haloME11 = false;
1435  CSCCorrelatedLCTDigiCollection lctsOfTracks = trk->second;
1436  for (CSCCorrelatedLCTDigiCollection::DigiRangeIterator trackStub = lctsOfTracks.begin();
1437  trackStub != lctsOfTracks.end();
1438  trackStub++) {
1439  CSCCorrelatedLCTDigiCollection::Range range2 = lctsOfTracks.get((*trackStub).first);
1440  for (CSCCorrelatedLCTDigiCollection::const_iterator lct = range2.first; lct != range2.second; lct++) {
1441  // int station = (*trackStub).first.station()-1;
1442  // if(station != 4)
1443  // {
1444  // // int endcap = (*trackStub).first.endcap()-1;
1445  // // int sector = (*trackStub).first.triggerSector()-1;
1446  // int cscId = (*trackStub).first.triggerCscId()-1;
1447  // int subSector = CSCTriggerNumbering::triggerSubSectorFromLabels((*trackStub).first);
1448  // int fpga = ( subSector ? subSector-1 : station+1 );
1450  // lclphidat lclPhi;
1451  // lclPhi = srLUTs_[fpga]->localPhi(lct->getStrip(), lct->getPattern(), lct->getQuality(), lct->getBend());
1452  // gblphidat gblPhi;
1453  // gblPhi = srLUTs_[fpga]->globalPhiME(lclPhi.phi_local, lct->getKeyWG(), cscId+1);
1454  // gbletadat gblEta;
1455  // gblEta = srLUTs_[fpga]->globalEtaME(lclPhi.phi_bend_local, lclPhi.phi_local, lct->getKeyWG(), cscId+1);
1456  // haloEta[station-1] = gblEta.global_eta/127. * 1.5 + 0.9;
1457  // if(station==1 && cscId<2) haloME11 = true;
1458  // }
1459  cscTrackStub++;
1460  }
1461  }
1462  cscTrackStubNumbers->Fill(cscTrackStub);
1464  // if(trigMode == 15)
1465  // {
1466  // float dEta13 = haloEta[2]-haloEta[0];
1467  // float dEta12 = haloEta[1]-haloEta[0];
1468  // if(haloME11)
1469  // {
1470  // if(haloEta[1]!=-1.0) haloDelEta112->Fill(dEta12);
1471  // if(haloEta[2]!=-1.0) haloDelEta113->Fill(dEta13);
1472  // } else {
1473  // if(haloEta[1]!=-1.0) haloDelEta12->Fill(dEta12);
1474  // if(haloEta[2]!=-1.0) haloDelEta13->Fill(dEta13);
1475  // }
1476  // }
1477  //
1478  }
1479  }
1480  csctfntrack->Fill(NumCSCTfTracksRep);
1482  if (mbProducer.label() != "null") {
1483  // handle to needed collections
1485  e.getByToken(dtStubsToken_, dtStubs);
1487  e.getByToken(mbtracksToken_, tracks);
1489  // loop on the DT stubs
1490  std::vector<csctf::TrackStub> vstubs = dtStubs->get();
1491  for (std::vector<csctf::TrackStub>::const_iterator stub = vstubs.begin(); stub != vstubs.end(); stub++) {
1492  if (verbose_) {
1493  edm::LogInfo("DataNotFound") << "\n mbEndcap: " << stub->endcap();
1494  edm::LogInfo("DataNotFound") << "\n stub->getStrip()[FLAG]: " << stub->getStrip();
1495  edm::LogInfo("DataNotFound") << "\n stub->getKeyWG()[CAL]: " << stub->getKeyWG();
1496  edm::LogInfo("DataNotFound") << "\n stub->BX(): " << stub->BX();
1497  edm::LogInfo("DataNotFound") << "\n stub->sector(): " << stub->sector();
1498  edm::LogInfo("DataNotFound") << "\n stub->subsector(): " << stub->subsector();
1499  edm::LogInfo("DataNotFound") << "\n stub->station(): " << stub->station();
1500  edm::LogInfo("DataNotFound") << "\n stub->phiPacked(): " << stub->phiPacked();
1501  edm::LogInfo("DataNotFound") << "\n stub->getBend(): " << stub->getBend();
1502  edm::LogInfo("DataNotFound") << "\n stub->getQuality(): " << stub->getQuality();
1503  edm::LogInfo("DataNotFound") << "\n stub->cscid(): " << stub->cscid() << endl;
1504  }
1505  // define the sector ID
1506  int mbId = (stub->endcap() == 2) ? 6 : 0;
1507  mbId += stub->sector();
1508  // *** do not fill if CalMB variable is set ***
1509  // horrible! They used the same class to write up the LCT and MB info,
1510  // but given the MB does not have strip and WG they replaced this two
1511  // with the flag and cal bits... :S
1512  if (stub->getKeyWG() == 0)
1513  {
1514  // if FLAG =1, muon belong to previous BX
1515  int bxDT = stub->BX() - stub->getStrip(); // correct by the FLAG
1516  int subDT = stub->subsector();
1518  // Fill the event only if CSC had or would have triggered
1519  if (isCSCcand_) {
1520  //look for tracks in the event and compare the matching DT stubs
1521  int trkBX = 0;
1522  for (L1CSCTrackCollection::const_iterator trk = tracks->begin(); trk < tracks->end(); trk++) {
1523  trkBX = trk->first.BX();
1524  int trkId = (trk->first.endcap() == 2) ? 6 : 0;
1525  trkId += trk->first.sector();
1526  if (verbose_) {
1527  edm::LogInfo("DataNotFound")
1528  << "\n trk BX: " << trkBX << " Sector: " << trkId << " SubSector: " << trk->first.subsector()
1529  << " Endcap: " << trk->first.endcap();
1531  edm::LogInfo("DataNotFound")
1532  << "\n DT BX: " << stub->BX() << " Sector: " << mbId << " SubSector: " << stub->subsector()
1533  << " Endcap: " << stub->endcap() << endl;
1534  }
1536  if (mbId == trkId) {
1537  if (verbose_) {
1538  edm::LogInfo("DataNotFound") << " --> MATCH" << endl;
1539  edm::LogInfo("DataNotFound") << "Fill :" << trkBX + 6 - bxDT << " -- " << subDT << " -- cands" << endl;
1540  }
1541  // DT bx ranges from 3 to 9
1542  // trk bx ranges from -3 to 3
1543  DTstubsTimeTrackMenTimeArrival[mbId - 1]->Fill(bxDT - trkBX - 6, subDT); //subsec
1544  }
1545  } // loop on the tracks
1546  } //if (isCSCcand_){
1547  } //if (stub->getKeyWG() == 0) {
1548  }
1549  }
1550 }
MonitorElement * DTstubsTimeTrackMenTimeArrival[12]
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:165
MonitorElement * csctfoccupancies
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:81
unsigned long long cacheIdentifier() const
MonitorElement * csctfTrackEtaHighQ
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:99
MonitorElement * csctflcts
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:108
lclphidat localPhi(int strip, int pattern, int quality, int lr, const bool gangedME1a=false) const
Geometry Lookup Tables.
MonitorElement * csctfTrackPhi
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:96
MonitorElement * csctferrors_mpc
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:84
MonitorElement * csc_strip_MEminus22
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:137
bool verbose_
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:173
unsigned long long m_scalesCacheID
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:183
MonitorElement * csctfTrackPhi_H
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:100
MonitorElement * csc_wire_MEplus31
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:148
bool getByToken(EDGetToken token, Handle< PROD > &result) const
Definition: Event.h:525
MonitorElement * csc_strip_MEplus21
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:126
MonitorElement * csc_strip_MEplus11
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:123
MonitorElement * csc_wire_MEminus13
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:155
MonitorElement * csc_wire_MEminus22
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:157
MonitorElement * me11_lctGblPhi
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:115
MonitorElement * csc_wire_MEplus12
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:144
MonitorElement * csc_wire_MEminus31
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:158
MonitorElement * csctfbx
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:77
MonitorElement * csc_wire_MEminus32
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:159
MonitorElement * csctfTrackEtaLowQ
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:98
edm::InputTag mbProducer
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:176
MonitorElement * csc_strip_MEminus12
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:134
MonitorElement * csctfTrackEta
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:97
MonitorElement * me11_lctWire
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:112
MonitorElement * csc_strip_MEminus31
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:138
MonitorElement * csc_wire_MEminus21
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:156
edm::InputTag statusProducer
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:176
void Fill(long long x)
edm::EDGetTokenT< L1CSCStatusDigiCollection > statusToken_
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:188
MonitorElement * csctfTrackEta_H
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:101
MonitorElement * me42_lctGblPhi
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:119
const L1MuTriggerScales * ts
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:181
bool gangedME11a_
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:177
gblphidat globalPhiME(int phi_local, int wire_group, int cscid, const bool gangedME1a=false) const
MonitorElement * cscTrackStubNumbers
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:102
MonitorElement * csc_strip_MEminus32
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:139
int L1ABXN
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:169
MonitorElement * me11_lctStrip
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:111
int BxInEvent_
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:166
MonitorElement * csc_strip_MEminus42
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:141
MonitorElement * csc_wire_MEplus41
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:150
const L1MuScale * getPhiScale() const
get the phi scale
MonitorElement * csc_strip_MEplus13
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:125
Abs< T >::type abs(const T &t)
Definition: Abs.h:22
MonitorElement * csc_strip_MEplus22
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:127
int nev_
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:171
MonitorElement * csc_wire_MEminus41
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:160
MonitorElement * csctfChamberOccupancies
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:95
bool isValid() const
Definition: HandleBase.h:70
MonitorElement * csc_wire_MEplus13
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:145
edm::InputTag lctProducer
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:176
Definition: L1Track.h:19
#define M_PI
MonitorElement * csc_wire_MEplus21
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:146
edm::EDGetTokenT< L1CSCTrackCollection > tracksToken_
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:190
MonitorElement * csc_strip_MEminus41
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:140
MonitorElement * me42_lctGblEta
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:120
MonitorElement * csc_strip_MEplus31
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:128
MonitorElement * csc_wire_MEplus32
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:149
edm::EDGetTokenT< CSCCorrelatedLCTDigiCollection > corrlctsToken_
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:189
MonitorElement * csctferrors
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:80
T const * product() const
Definition: Handle.h:69
MonitorElement * csc_wire_MEminus42
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:161
bool isCSCcand_
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:167
class global_phi_data gblphidat
MonitorElement * csc_strip_MEplus41
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:130
std::pair< const_iterator, const_iterator > Range
MonitorElement * csctfTrackM
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:103
edm::EDGetTokenT< L1CSCTrackCollection > mbtracksToken_
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:192
MonitorElement * csctfbx_H
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:78
std::vector< DigiType >::const_iterator const_iterator
class local_phi_data lclphidat
Data Types.
static int triggerSubSectorFromLabels(int station, int chamber)
MonitorElement * csctfntrack
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:76
edm::InputTag trackProducer
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:176
edm::EDGetTokenT< L1MuGMTReadoutCollection > gmtProducerToken_
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:187
std::string const & label() const
Definition: InputTag.h:36
MonitorElement * csc_wire_MEplus42
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:151
MonitorElement * trackModeVsQ
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:104
MonitorElement * me11_lctGblEta
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:116
gbletadat globalEtaME(int phi_bend, int phi_local, int wire_group, int cscid, const bool gangedME1a=false) const
std::vector< L1MuGMTReadoutRecord > const & getRecords() const
T get() const
Definition: EventSetup.h:73
virtual float getLowEdge(unsigned packed) const =0
get the low edge of bin represented by packed
MonitorElement * csc_strip_MEminus21
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:136
MonitorElement * csctfoccupancies_H
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:82
MonitorElement * csc_strip_MEplus32
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:129
MonitorElement * csc_strip_MEplus12
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:124
static unsigned int const shift
CSCSectorReceiverLUT * srLUTs_[5][2][6]
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:179
const L1MuTriggerPtScale * tpts
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:182
MonitorElement * me11_lctLocalPhi
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:113
MonitorElement * csc_strip_MEminus11
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:133
MonitorElement * csc_strip_MEminus13
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:135
unsigned long long m_ptScaleCacheID
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:184
MonitorElement * csc_wire_MEplus11
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:143
MonitorElement * csc_wire_MEminus12
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:154
class global_eta_data gbletadat
int ism(int ieta, int iphi)
MonitorElement * cscWireStripOverflow
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:85
T const * product() const
Definition: ESHandle.h:86
MonitorElement * csc_strip_MEplus42
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:131
edm::EDGetTokenT< CSCTriggerContainer< csctf::TrackStub > > dtStubsToken_
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:191
edm::InputTag gmtProducer
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:176
MonitorElement * me11_lctPackedPhi
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:114
MonitorElement * csc_wire_MEplus22
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:147
MonitorElement * csc_wire_MEminus11
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:153
void L1TCSCTF::bookHistograms ( DQMStore::IBooker ibooker,
edm::Run const &  ,
edm::EventSetup const &   

Implements DQMEDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 110 of file

References dqm::dqmstoreimpl::DQMStore::IBooker::book1D(), dqm::dqmstoreimpl::DQMStore::IBooker::book2D(), csc_strip_MEminus11, csc_strip_MEminus12, csc_strip_MEminus13, csc_strip_MEminus21, csc_strip_MEminus22, csc_strip_MEminus31, csc_strip_MEminus32, csc_strip_MEminus41, csc_strip_MEminus42, csc_strip_MEplus11, csc_strip_MEplus12, csc_strip_MEplus13, csc_strip_MEplus21, csc_strip_MEplus22, csc_strip_MEplus31, csc_strip_MEplus32, csc_strip_MEplus41, csc_strip_MEplus42, csc_wire_MEminus11, csc_wire_MEminus12, csc_wire_MEminus13, csc_wire_MEminus21, csc_wire_MEminus22, csc_wire_MEminus31, csc_wire_MEminus32, csc_wire_MEminus41, csc_wire_MEminus42, csc_wire_MEplus11, csc_wire_MEplus12, csc_wire_MEplus13, csc_wire_MEplus21, csc_wire_MEplus22, csc_wire_MEplus31, csc_wire_MEplus32, csc_wire_MEplus41, csc_wire_MEplus42, csctfbx, csctfbx_H, csctfChamberOccupancies, csctferrors, csctferrors_mpc, csctflcts, csctfntrack, csctfoccupancies, csctfoccupancies_H, csctfTrackEta, csctfTrackEta_H, csctfTrackEtaHighQ, csctfTrackEtaLowQ, csctfTrackM, csctfTrackPhi, csctfTrackPhi_H, cscTrackStubNumbers, cscWireStripOverflow, DTstubsTimeTrackMenTimeArrival, dqm::impl::MonitorElement::getTH2F(), mps_fire::i, M_PI, m_ptScaleCacheID, m_scalesCacheID, me11_lctGblEta, me11_lctGblPhi, me11_lctLocalPhi, me11_lctPackedPhi, me11_lctStrip, me11_lctWire, me42_lctGblEta, me42_lctGblPhi, nev_, dqm::impl::MonitorElement::setAxisTitle(), dqm::impl::MonitorElement::setBinLabel(), dqm::dqmstoreimpl::DQMStore::IBooker::setCurrentFolder(), trackModeVsQ, and hgcalPlots::ytitle.

110  {
111  m_scalesCacheID = -999;
112  m_ptScaleCacheID = -999;
114  nev_ = 0;
115  ibooker.setCurrentFolder("L1T/L1TCSCTF");
117  // Error counting histogram:
118  // 1) checks TF data integrity (error rate - first bin),
119  // 2) monitors sychronization on input links (4 errors types: SE/SM/BX/AF; ORed for all time bins, links, and SPs),
120  // 3) reports FMM status (if in any SP FMM status != "Ready" - fill the last bin)
121  csctferrors = ibooker.book1D("CSCTF_errors", "CSCTF Errors", 6, 0, 6);
122  csctferrors->setAxisTitle("Error type", 1);
123  csctferrors->setAxisTitle("Number of Errors", 2);
124  csctferrors->setBinLabel(1, "Corruptions", 1);
125  csctferrors->setBinLabel(2, "Synch. Err.", 1);
126  csctferrors->setBinLabel(3, "Synch. Mod.", 1);
127  csctferrors->setBinLabel(4, "BX mismatch", 1);
128  csctferrors->setBinLabel(5, "Time misalign.", 1);
129  csctferrors->setBinLabel(6, "FMM != Ready", 1);
131  // Error with detailed MCPID
132  csctferrors_mpc = ibooker.book2D("CSCTF_errors_mpc", "CSCTF Errors", 6, 0, 6, 60, 1, 61);
133  csctferrors_mpc->setAxisTitle("Error type", 1);
134  csctferrors_mpc->setAxisTitle("MPC ID", 2);
135  csctferrors_mpc->setBinLabel(1, "Corruptions", 1);
136  csctferrors_mpc->setBinLabel(2, "Synch. Err.", 1);
137  csctferrors_mpc->setBinLabel(3, "Synch. Mod.", 1);
138  csctferrors_mpc->setBinLabel(4, "BX mismatch", 1);
139  csctferrors_mpc->setBinLabel(5, "Time misalign.", 1);
140  csctferrors_mpc->setBinLabel(6, "FMM != Ready", 1);
141  for (int ybin = 1; ybin <= 60; ybin++) {
142  if (ybin % 5)
143  continue;
144  char ytitle[50];
145  snprintf(ytitle, 50, "%d", ybin);
146  csctferrors_mpc->setBinLabel(ybin, ytitle, 2);
147  }
149  // Occupancy histogram Eta x Y, where Y:
150  // 1) Phi_packed of input LCTs from 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th stations
151  // 2) Phi_packed of output tracks
152  // (all 12 SPs - 360 degree coveradge)
153  csctfoccupancies = ibooker.book2D("CSCTF_occupancies", "CSCTF Occupancies", 64, -32, 31, 32, 0, 6.2);
154  csctfoccupancies->setAxisTitle("#eta", 1);
155  csctfoccupancies->setAxisTitle("#phi", 2);
156  csctfoccupancies->setBinLabel(1, "-2.5", 1);
157  csctfoccupancies->setBinLabel(8, "-2.1", 1);
158  csctfoccupancies->setBinLabel(18, "-1.6", 1);
159  csctfoccupancies->setBinLabel(26, "-1.2", 1);
160  csctfoccupancies->setBinLabel(32, "-0.9", 1);
161  csctfoccupancies->setBinLabel(33, "0.9", 1);
162  csctfoccupancies->setBinLabel(39, "1.2", 1);
163  csctfoccupancies->setBinLabel(47, "1.6", 1);
164  csctfoccupancies->setBinLabel(57, "2.1", 1);
165  csctfoccupancies->setBinLabel(64, "2.5", 1);
167  // ... and for halo muons only
168  csctfoccupancies_H = ibooker.book2D("CSCTF_occupancies_H", "CSCTF Halo Occupancies", 64, -32, 31, 32, 0, 6.2);
169  csctfoccupancies_H->setAxisTitle("#eta", 1);
170  csctfoccupancies_H->setAxisTitle("#phi", 2);
171  csctfoccupancies_H->setBinLabel(1, "-2.5", 1);
172  csctfoccupancies_H->setBinLabel(8, "-2.1", 1);
173  csctfoccupancies_H->setBinLabel(18, "-1.6", 1);
174  csctfoccupancies_H->setBinLabel(26, "-1.2", 1);
175  csctfoccupancies_H->setBinLabel(32, "-0.9", 1);
176  csctfoccupancies_H->setBinLabel(33, "0.9", 1);
177  csctfoccupancies_H->setBinLabel(39, "1.2", 1);
178  csctfoccupancies_H->setBinLabel(47, "1.6", 1);
179  csctfoccupancies_H->setBinLabel(57, "2.1", 1);
180  csctfoccupancies_H->setBinLabel(64, "2.5", 1);
182  //haloDelEta12 = ibooker.book1D("CSCTF_Halo_Eta12", "#Delta #eta_{12} for Halo Muons", 40, -0.20,0.30);
183  //haloDelEta112 = ibooker.book1D("CSCTF_Halo_Eta112","#Delta #eta_{112} for Halo Muons", 40, -0.20,0.30);
184  //haloDelEta13 = ibooker.book1D("CSCTF_Halo_Eta13", "#Delta #eta_{13} for Halo Muons", 40, -0.20,0.30);
185  //haloDelEta113 = ibooker.book1D("CSCTF_Halo_Eta113","#Delta #eta_{113} for Halo Muons", 40, -0.20,0.30);
187  // Quality VS Mode
188  trackModeVsQ = ibooker.book2D("CSCTF_Track_ModeVsQual", "CSC Track Mode Vs Quality", 19, -0.5, 18.5, 4, 0, 4);
189  trackModeVsQ->setAxisTitle("Track Type", 1);
190  trackModeVsQ->setBinLabel(1, "No Track", 1);
191  trackModeVsQ->setBinLabel(2, "Bad Phi/Single", 1);
192  trackModeVsQ->setBinLabel(3, "ME1-2-3", 1);
193  trackModeVsQ->setBinLabel(4, "ME1-2-4", 1);
194  trackModeVsQ->setBinLabel(5, "ME1-3-4", 1);
195  trackModeVsQ->setBinLabel(6, "ME2-3-4", 1);
196  trackModeVsQ->setBinLabel(7, "ME1-2", 1);
197  trackModeVsQ->setBinLabel(8, "ME1-3", 1);
198  trackModeVsQ->setBinLabel(9, "ME2-3", 1);
199  trackModeVsQ->setBinLabel(10, "ME2-4", 1);
200  trackModeVsQ->setBinLabel(11, "ME3-4", 1);
201  trackModeVsQ->setBinLabel(12, "MB1-ME3", 1);
202  trackModeVsQ->setBinLabel(13, "MB1-ME2", 1);
203  trackModeVsQ->setBinLabel(14, "ME1-4", 1);
204  trackModeVsQ->setBinLabel(15, "MB1-ME1", 1);
205  trackModeVsQ->setBinLabel(16, "Halo Trigger", 1);
206  trackModeVsQ->setBinLabel(17, "MB1-ME1-2", 1);
207  trackModeVsQ->setBinLabel(18, "MB1-ME1-3", 1);
208  trackModeVsQ->setBinLabel(19, "MB1-ME2-3", 1);
210  trackModeVsQ->setAxisTitle("Quality", 2);
211  trackModeVsQ->setBinLabel(1, "0", 2);
212  trackModeVsQ->setBinLabel(2, "1", 2);
213  trackModeVsQ->setBinLabel(3, "2", 2);
214  trackModeVsQ->setBinLabel(4, "3", 2);
216  // Mode
217  csctfTrackM = ibooker.book1D("CSCTF_Track_Mode", "CSC Track Mode", 19, -0.5, 18.5);
218  csctfTrackM->setAxisTitle("Track Type", 1);
219  csctfTrackM->setBinLabel(1, "No Track", 1);
220  csctfTrackM->setBinLabel(2, "Bad Phi/Single", 1);
221  csctfTrackM->setBinLabel(3, "ME1-2-3", 1);
222  csctfTrackM->setBinLabel(4, "ME1-2-4", 1);
223  csctfTrackM->setBinLabel(5, "ME1-3-4", 1);
224  csctfTrackM->setBinLabel(6, "ME2-3-4", 1);
225  csctfTrackM->setBinLabel(7, "ME1-2", 1);
226  csctfTrackM->setBinLabel(8, "ME1-3", 1);
227  csctfTrackM->setBinLabel(9, "ME2-3", 1);
228  csctfTrackM->setBinLabel(10, "ME2-4", 1);
229  csctfTrackM->setBinLabel(11, "ME3-4", 1);
230  csctfTrackM->setBinLabel(12, "MB1-ME3", 1);
231  csctfTrackM->setBinLabel(13, "MB1-ME2", 1);
232  csctfTrackM->setBinLabel(14, "ME1-4", 1);
233  csctfTrackM->setBinLabel(15, "MB1-ME1", 1);
234  csctfTrackM->setBinLabel(16, "Halo Trigger", 1);
235  csctfTrackM->setBinLabel(17, "MB1-ME1-2", 1);
236  csctfTrackM->setBinLabel(18, "MB1-ME1-3", 1);
237  csctfTrackM->setBinLabel(19, "MB1-ME2-3", 1);
239  // Chamber Occupancy
241  ibooker.book2D("CSCTF_Chamber_Occupancies", "CSCTF Chamber Occupancies", 54, -0.05, 5.35, 10, -5.5, 4.5);
242  csctfChamberOccupancies->setAxisTitle("Sector, (chambers 1-9 not labeled)", 1);
243  csctfChamberOccupancies->setBinLabel(1, "ME-4", 2);
244  csctfChamberOccupancies->setBinLabel(2, "ME-3", 2);
245  csctfChamberOccupancies->setBinLabel(3, "ME-2", 2);
246  csctfChamberOccupancies->setBinLabel(4, "ME-1b", 2);
247  csctfChamberOccupancies->setBinLabel(5, "ME-1a", 2);
248  csctfChamberOccupancies->setBinLabel(6, "ME+1a", 2);
249  csctfChamberOccupancies->setBinLabel(7, "ME+1b", 2);
250  csctfChamberOccupancies->setBinLabel(8, "ME+2", 2);
251  csctfChamberOccupancies->setBinLabel(9, "ME+3", 2);
252  csctfChamberOccupancies->setBinLabel(10, "ME+4", 2);
260  // Track Phi
261  csctfTrackPhi = ibooker.book1D("CSCTF_Track_Phi", "CSCTF Track #phi", 144, 0, 2 * M_PI);
262  csctfTrackPhi->setAxisTitle("Track #phi", 1);
264  // Track Eta
265  csctfTrackEta = ibooker.book1D("CSCTF_Track_Eta", "CSCTF Track #eta", 64, -32, 32);
266  csctfTrackEta->setAxisTitle("Track #eta", 1);
267  csctfTrackEta->setBinLabel(1, "-2.5", 1);
268  csctfTrackEta->setBinLabel(8, "-2.1", 1);
269  csctfTrackEta->setBinLabel(18, "-1.6", 1);
270  csctfTrackEta->setBinLabel(26, "-1.2", 1);
271  csctfTrackEta->setBinLabel(32, "-0.9", 1);
272  csctfTrackEta->setBinLabel(33, "0.9", 1);
273  csctfTrackEta->setBinLabel(39, "1.2", 1);
274  csctfTrackEta->setBinLabel(47, "1.6", 1);
275  csctfTrackEta->setBinLabel(57, "2.1", 1);
276  csctfTrackEta->setBinLabel(64, "2.5", 1);
278  // Track Eta Low Quality
279  csctfTrackEtaLowQ = ibooker.book1D("CSCTF_Track_Eta_LowQ", "CSCTF Track #eta LQ", 64, -32, 32);
280  csctfTrackEtaLowQ->setAxisTitle("Track #eta", 1);
281  csctfTrackEtaLowQ->setBinLabel(1, "-2.5", 1);
282  csctfTrackEtaLowQ->setBinLabel(8, "-2.1", 1);
283  csctfTrackEtaLowQ->setBinLabel(18, "-1.6", 1);
284  csctfTrackEtaLowQ->setBinLabel(26, "-1.2", 1);
285  csctfTrackEtaLowQ->setBinLabel(32, "-0.9", 1);
286  csctfTrackEtaLowQ->setBinLabel(33, "0.9", 1);
287  csctfTrackEtaLowQ->setBinLabel(39, "1.2", 1);
288  csctfTrackEtaLowQ->setBinLabel(47, "1.6", 1);
289  csctfTrackEtaLowQ->setBinLabel(57, "2.1", 1);
290  csctfTrackEtaLowQ->setBinLabel(64, "2.5", 1);
292  // Track Eta High Quality
293  csctfTrackEtaHighQ = ibooker.book1D("CSCTF_Track_Eta_HighQ", "CSCTF Track #eta HQ", 64, -32, 32);
294  csctfTrackEtaHighQ->setAxisTitle("Track #eta", 1);
295  csctfTrackEtaHighQ->setBinLabel(1, "-2.5", 1);
296  csctfTrackEtaHighQ->setBinLabel(8, "-2.1", 1);
297  csctfTrackEtaHighQ->setBinLabel(18, "-1.6", 1);
298  csctfTrackEtaHighQ->setBinLabel(26, "-1.2", 1);
299  csctfTrackEtaHighQ->setBinLabel(32, "-0.9", 1);
300  csctfTrackEtaHighQ->setBinLabel(33, "0.9", 1);
301  csctfTrackEtaHighQ->setBinLabel(39, "1.2", 1);
302  csctfTrackEtaHighQ->setBinLabel(47, "1.6", 1);
303  csctfTrackEtaHighQ->setBinLabel(57, "2.1", 1);
304  csctfTrackEtaHighQ->setBinLabel(64, "2.5", 1);
306  // Halo Phi
307  csctfTrackPhi_H = ibooker.book1D("CSCTF_Track_Phi_H", "CSCTF Halo #phi", 144, 0, 2 * M_PI);
308  csctfTrackPhi_H->setAxisTitle("Track #phi", 1);
310  // Halo Eta
311  csctfTrackEta_H = ibooker.book1D("CSCTF_Track_Eta_H", "CSCTF Halo #eta", 64, -32, 32);
312  csctfTrackEta_H->setAxisTitle("Track #eta", 1);
313  csctfTrackEta_H->setBinLabel(1, "-2.5", 1);
314  csctfTrackEta_H->setBinLabel(8, "-2.1", 1);
315  csctfTrackEta_H->setBinLabel(18, "-1.6", 1);
316  csctfTrackEta_H->setBinLabel(26, "-1.2", 1);
317  csctfTrackEta_H->setBinLabel(32, "-0.9", 1);
318  csctfTrackEta_H->setBinLabel(33, "0.9", 1);
319  csctfTrackEta_H->setBinLabel(39, "1.2", 1);
320  csctfTrackEta_H->setBinLabel(47, "1.6", 1);
321  csctfTrackEta_H->setBinLabel(57, "2.1", 1);
322  csctfTrackEta_H->setBinLabel(64, "2.5", 1);
324  // Track Timing
325  csctfbx = ibooker.book2D("CSCTF_bx", "CSCTF BX", 12, 1, 13, 7, -3, 3);
326  csctfbx->setAxisTitle("Sector (Endcap)", 1);
327  csctfbx->setBinLabel(1, " 1 (+)", 1);
328  csctfbx->setBinLabel(2, " 2 (+)", 1);
329  csctfbx->setBinLabel(3, " 3 (+)", 1);
330  csctfbx->setBinLabel(4, " 4 (+)", 1);
331  csctfbx->setBinLabel(5, " 5 (+)", 1);
332  csctfbx->setBinLabel(6, " 6 (+)", 1);
333  csctfbx->setBinLabel(7, " 7 (-)", 1);
334  csctfbx->setBinLabel(8, " 8 (-)", 1);
335  csctfbx->setBinLabel(9, " 9 (-)", 1);
336  csctfbx->setBinLabel(10, "10 (-)", 1);
337  csctfbx->setBinLabel(11, "11 (-)", 1);
338  csctfbx->setBinLabel(12, "12 (-)", 1);
340  csctfbx->setAxisTitle("CSCTF BX", 2);
341  csctfbx->setBinLabel(1, "-3", 2);
342  csctfbx->setBinLabel(2, "-2", 2);
343  csctfbx->setBinLabel(3, "-1", 2);
344  csctfbx->setBinLabel(4, "-0", 2);
345  csctfbx->setBinLabel(5, " 1", 2);
346  csctfbx->setBinLabel(6, " 2", 2);
347  csctfbx->setBinLabel(7, " 3", 2);
349  // Halo Timing
350  csctfbx_H = ibooker.book2D("CSCTF_bx_H", "CSCTF HALO BX", 12, 1, 13, 7, -3, 3);
351  csctfbx_H->setAxisTitle("Sector (Endcap)", 1);
352  csctfbx_H->setBinLabel(1, " 1 (+)", 1);
353  csctfbx_H->setBinLabel(2, " 2 (+)", 1);
354  csctfbx_H->setBinLabel(3, " 3 (+)", 1);
355  csctfbx_H->setBinLabel(4, " 4 (+)", 1);
356  csctfbx_H->setBinLabel(5, " 5 (+)", 1);
357  csctfbx_H->setBinLabel(6, " 6 (+)", 1);
358  csctfbx_H->setBinLabel(7, " 7 (-)", 1);
359  csctfbx_H->setBinLabel(8, " 8 (-)", 1);
360  csctfbx_H->setBinLabel(9, " 9 (-)", 1);
361  csctfbx_H->setBinLabel(10, "10 (-)", 1);
362  csctfbx_H->setBinLabel(11, "11 (-)", 1);
363  csctfbx_H->setBinLabel(12, "12 (-)", 1);
365  csctfbx_H->setAxisTitle("CSCTF BX", 2);
366  csctfbx_H->setBinLabel(1, "-3", 2);
367  csctfbx_H->setBinLabel(2, "-2", 2);
368  csctfbx_H->setBinLabel(3, "-1", 2);
369  csctfbx_H->setBinLabel(4, "-0", 2);
370  csctfbx_H->setBinLabel(5, " 1", 2);
371  csctfbx_H->setBinLabel(6, " 2", 2);
372  csctfbx_H->setBinLabel(7, " 3", 2);
374  // Number of Tracks Stubs
375  cscTrackStubNumbers = ibooker.book1D("CSCTF_TrackStubs", "Number of Stubs in CSCTF Tracks", 5, 0, 5);
376  cscTrackStubNumbers->setBinLabel(1, "0", 1);
377  cscTrackStubNumbers->setBinLabel(2, "1", 1);
378  cscTrackStubNumbers->setBinLabel(3, "2", 1);
379  cscTrackStubNumbers->setBinLabel(4, "3", 1);
380  cscTrackStubNumbers->setBinLabel(5, "4", 1);
382  // Number of Tracks
383  csctfntrack = ibooker.book1D("CSCTF_ntrack", "Number of CSCTracks found per event", 5, 0, 5);
384  csctfntrack->setBinLabel(1, "0", 1);
385  csctfntrack->setBinLabel(2, "1", 1);
386  csctfntrack->setBinLabel(3, "2", 1);
387  csctfntrack->setBinLabel(4, "3", 1);
388  csctfntrack->setBinLabel(5, "4", 1);
389  //}
391  char hname[200];
392  char htitle[200];
394  for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
395  sprintf(hname, "DTstubsTimeTrackMenTimeArrival_%d", i + 1);
396  sprintf(htitle, "T_{track} - T_{DT stub} sector %d", i + 1);
398  DTstubsTimeTrackMenTimeArrival[i] = ibooker.book2D(hname, htitle, 7, -3, 3, 2, 1, 3);
399  DTstubsTimeTrackMenTimeArrival[i]->getTH2F()->SetMinimum(0);
401  // axis makeup
402  DTstubsTimeTrackMenTimeArrival[i]->setAxisTitle("bx_{CSC track} - bx_{DT stub}", 1);
415  }
417  cscWireStripOverflow = ibooker.book2D("CSC_WireStripOverflow", "CSC WireStrip Overflow", 36, 1, 37, 18, 0, 18);
420  csctflcts = ibooker.book2D("CSCTF_LCT", "CSCTF LCTs", 12, 1, 13, 18, 0, 18);
421  csctflcts->setAxisTitle("CSCTF LCT BX", 1);
422  csctflcts->setBinLabel(1, "1", 1);
423  csctflcts->setBinLabel(2, "2", 1);
424  csctflcts->setBinLabel(3, "3", 1);
425  csctflcts->setBinLabel(4, "4", 1);
426  csctflcts->setBinLabel(5, "5", 1);
427  csctflcts->setBinLabel(6, "6", 1);
428  csctflcts->setBinLabel(7, "7", 1);
429  csctflcts->setBinLabel(8, "8", 1);
430  csctflcts->setBinLabel(9, "9", 1);
431  csctflcts->setBinLabel(10, "10", 1);
432  csctflcts->setBinLabel(11, "11", 1);
433  csctflcts->setBinLabel(12, "12", 1);
435  int ihist = 0;
436  for (int iEndcap = 0; iEndcap < 2; iEndcap++) {
437  for (int iStation = 1; iStation < 5; iStation++) {
438  for (int iRing = 1; iRing < 4; iRing++) {
439  if (iStation != 1 && iRing > 2)
440  continue;
441  TString signEndcap = "+";
442  if (iEndcap == 0)
443  signEndcap = "-";
445  char lcttitle[200];
446  snprintf(lcttitle, 200, "ME%s%d/%d", signEndcap.Data(), iStation, iRing);
447  if (ihist <= 8) {
448  csctflcts->setBinLabel(9 - ihist, lcttitle, 2);
449  cscWireStripOverflow->setBinLabel(9 - ihist, lcttitle, 2);
450  } else {
451  csctflcts->setBinLabel(ihist + 1, lcttitle, 2);
452  cscWireStripOverflow->setBinLabel(ihist + 1, lcttitle, 2);
453  }
455  ihist++;
456  }
457  }
458  }
460  // plots for ME1/1 chambers
461  me11_lctStrip = ibooker.book1D("CSC_ME11_LCT_Strip", "CSC_ME11_LCT_Strip", 223, 0, 223);
462  me11_lctStrip->setAxisTitle("Cathode HalfStrip, ME1/1", 1);
464  me11_lctWire = ibooker.book1D("CSC_ME11_LCT_Wire", "CSC_ME11_LCT_Wire", 112, 0, 112);
465  me11_lctWire->setAxisTitle("Anode Wiregroup, ME1/1", 1);
467  me11_lctLocalPhi = ibooker.book1D("CSC_ME11_LCT_LocalPhi", "CSC_ME11_LCT_LocalPhi", 200, 0, 1024);
468  me11_lctLocalPhi->setAxisTitle("LCT Local #it{#phi}, ME1/1", 1);
470  me11_lctPackedPhi = ibooker.book1D("CSC_ME11_LCT_PackedPhi", "CSC_ME11_LCT_PackedPhi", 200, 0, 4096);
471  me11_lctPackedPhi->setAxisTitle("LCT Packed #it{#phi}, ME1/1", 1);
473  me11_lctGblPhi = ibooker.book1D("CSC_ME11_LCT_GblPhi", "CSC_ME11_LCT_GblPhi", 200, 0, 2 * M_PI);
474  me11_lctGblPhi->setAxisTitle("LCT Global #it{#phi}, ME1/1", 1);
476  me11_lctGblEta = ibooker.book1D("CSC_ME11_LCT_GblEta", "CSC_ME11_LCT_GblEta", 50, 0.9, 2.5);
477  me11_lctGblEta->setAxisTitle("LCT Global #eta, ME1/1", 1);
479  // plots for ME4/2 chambers
480  me42_lctGblPhi = ibooker.book1D("CSC_ME42_LCT_GblPhi", "CSC_ME42_LCT_GblPhi", 200, 0, 2 * M_PI);
481  me42_lctGblPhi->setAxisTitle("LCT Global #it{#phi}, ME4/2", 1);
483  me42_lctGblEta = ibooker.book1D("CSC_ME42_LCT_GblEta", "CSC_ME42_LCT_GblEta", 50, 0.9, 2.5);
484  me42_lctGblEta->setAxisTitle("LCT Global #eta, ME4/2", 1);
486  //
487  csc_strip_MEplus11 = ibooker.book2D("csc_strip_MEplus11", "csc_strip_MEplus11", 36, 1, 37, 240, 0, 240);
488  csc_strip_MEplus11->setAxisTitle("Cathode HalfStrip", 2);
489  csc_strip_MEplus11->setAxisTitle("ME+1/1", 1);
490  csc_strip_MEplus12 = ibooker.book2D("csc_strip_MEplus12", "csc_strip_MEplus12", 36, 1, 37, 240, 0, 240);
491  csc_strip_MEplus12->setAxisTitle("Cathode HalfStrip", 2);
492  csc_strip_MEplus12->setAxisTitle("ME+1/2", 1);
493  csc_strip_MEplus13 = ibooker.book2D("csc_strip_MEplus13", "csc_strip_MEplus13", 36, 1, 37, 240, 0, 240);
494  csc_strip_MEplus13->setAxisTitle("Cathode HalfStrip", 2);
495  csc_strip_MEplus13->setAxisTitle("ME+1/3", 1);
496  csc_strip_MEplus21 = ibooker.book2D("csc_strip_MEplus21", "csc_strip_MEplus21", 18, 1, 19, 240, 0, 240);
497  csc_strip_MEplus21->setAxisTitle("Cathode HalfStrip", 2);
498  csc_strip_MEplus21->setAxisTitle("ME+2/1", 1);
499  csc_strip_MEplus22 = ibooker.book2D("csc_strip_MEplus22", "csc_strip_MEplus22", 36, 1, 37, 240, 0, 240);
500  csc_strip_MEplus22->setAxisTitle("Cathode HalfStrip", 2);
501  csc_strip_MEplus22->setAxisTitle("ME+2/2", 1);
502  csc_strip_MEplus31 = ibooker.book2D("csc_strip_MEplus31", "csc_strip_MEplus31", 18, 1, 19, 240, 0, 240);
503  csc_strip_MEplus31->setAxisTitle("Cathode HalfStrip", 2);
504  csc_strip_MEplus31->setAxisTitle("ME+3/1", 1);
505  csc_strip_MEplus32 = ibooker.book2D("csc_strip_MEplus32", "csc_strip_MEplus32", 36, 1, 37, 240, 0, 240);
506  csc_strip_MEplus32->setAxisTitle("Cathode HalfStrip", 2);
507  csc_strip_MEplus32->setAxisTitle("ME+3/2", 1);
508  csc_strip_MEplus41 = ibooker.book2D("csc_strip_MEplus41", "csc_strip_MEplus41", 18, 1, 19, 240, 0, 240);
509  csc_strip_MEplus41->setAxisTitle("Cathode HalfStrip", 2);
510  csc_strip_MEplus41->setAxisTitle("ME+4/1", 1);
511  csc_strip_MEplus42 = ibooker.book2D("csc_strip_MEplus42", "csc_strip_MEplus42", 36, 1, 37, 240, 0, 240);
512  csc_strip_MEplus42->setAxisTitle("Cathode HalfStrip", 2);
513  csc_strip_MEplus42->setAxisTitle("ME+4/2", 1);
515  csc_strip_MEminus11 = ibooker.book2D("csc_strip_MEminus11", "csc_strip_MEminus11", 36, 1, 37, 240, 0, 240);
516  csc_strip_MEminus11->setAxisTitle("Cathode HalfStrip", 2);
517  csc_strip_MEminus11->setAxisTitle("ME-1/1", 1);
518  csc_strip_MEminus12 = ibooker.book2D("csc_strip_MEminus12", "csc_strip_MEminus12", 36, 1, 37, 240, 0, 240);
519  csc_strip_MEminus12->setAxisTitle("Cathode HalfStrip", 2);
520  csc_strip_MEminus12->setAxisTitle("ME-1/2", 1);
521  csc_strip_MEminus13 = ibooker.book2D("csc_strip_MEminus13", "csc_strip_MEminus13", 36, 1, 37, 240, 0, 240);
522  csc_strip_MEminus13->setAxisTitle("Cathode HalfStrip", 2);
523  csc_strip_MEminus13->setAxisTitle("ME-1/3", 1);
524  csc_strip_MEminus21 = ibooker.book2D("csc_strip_MEminus21", "csc_strip_MEminus21", 18, 1, 19, 240, 0, 240);
525  csc_strip_MEminus21->setAxisTitle("Cathode HalfStrip", 2);
526  csc_strip_MEminus21->setAxisTitle("ME-2/1", 1);
527  csc_strip_MEminus22 = ibooker.book2D("csc_strip_MEminus22", "csc_strip_MEminus22", 36, 1, 37, 240, 0, 240);
528  csc_strip_MEminus22->setAxisTitle("Cathode HalfStrip", 2);
529  csc_strip_MEminus22->setAxisTitle("ME-2/2", 1);
530  csc_strip_MEminus31 = ibooker.book2D("csc_strip_MEminus31", "csc_strip_MEminus31", 18, 1, 19, 240, 0, 240);
531  csc_strip_MEminus31->setAxisTitle("Cathode HalfStrip", 2);
532  csc_strip_MEminus31->setAxisTitle("ME-3/1", 1);
533  csc_strip_MEminus32 = ibooker.book2D("csc_strip_MEminus32", "csc_strip_MEminus32", 36, 1, 37, 240, 0, 240);
534  csc_strip_MEminus32->setAxisTitle("Cathode HalfStrip", 2);
535  csc_strip_MEminus32->setAxisTitle("ME-3/2", 1);
536  csc_strip_MEminus41 = ibooker.book2D("csc_strip_MEminus41", "csc_strip_MEminus41", 18, 1, 19, 240, 0, 240);
537  csc_strip_MEminus41->setAxisTitle("Cathode HalfStrip", 2);
538  csc_strip_MEminus41->setAxisTitle("ME-4/1", 1);
539  csc_strip_MEminus42 = ibooker.book2D("csc_strip_MEminus42", "csc_strip_MEminus42", 36, 1, 37, 240, 0, 240);
540  csc_strip_MEminus42->setAxisTitle("Cathode HalfStrip", 2);
541  csc_strip_MEminus42->setAxisTitle("ME-4/2", 1);
543  csc_wire_MEplus11 = ibooker.book2D("csc_wire_MEplus11", "csc_wire_MEplus11", 36, 1, 37, 120, 0, 120);
544  csc_wire_MEplus11->setAxisTitle("Anode Wiregroup", 2);
545  csc_wire_MEplus11->setAxisTitle("ME+1/1", 1);
546  csc_wire_MEplus12 = ibooker.book2D("csc_wire_MEplus12", "csc_wire_MEplus12", 36, 1, 37, 120, 0, 120);
547  csc_wire_MEplus12->setAxisTitle("Anode Wiregroup", 2);
548  csc_wire_MEplus12->setAxisTitle("ME+1/2", 1);
549  csc_wire_MEplus13 = ibooker.book2D("csc_wire_MEplus13", "csc_wire_MEplus13", 36, 1, 37, 120, 0, 120);
550  csc_wire_MEplus13->setAxisTitle("Anode Wiregroup", 2);
551  csc_wire_MEplus13->setAxisTitle("ME+1/3", 1);
552  csc_wire_MEplus21 = ibooker.book2D("csc_wire_MEplus21", "csc_wire_MEplus21", 18, 1, 19, 120, 0, 120);
553  csc_wire_MEplus21->setAxisTitle("Anode Wiregroup", 2);
554  csc_wire_MEplus21->setAxisTitle("ME+2/1", 1);
555  csc_wire_MEplus22 = ibooker.book2D("csc_wire_MEplus22", "csc_wire_MEplus22", 36, 1, 37, 120, 0, 120);
556  csc_wire_MEplus22->setAxisTitle("Anode Wiregroup", 2);
557  csc_wire_MEplus22->setAxisTitle("ME+2/2", 1);
558  csc_wire_MEplus31 = ibooker.book2D("csc_wire_MEplus31", "csc_wire_MEplus31", 18, 1, 19, 120, 0, 120);
559  csc_wire_MEplus31->setAxisTitle("Anode Wiregroup", 2);
560  csc_wire_MEplus31->setAxisTitle("ME+3/1", 1);
561  csc_wire_MEplus32 = ibooker.book2D("csc_wire_MEplus32", "csc_wire_MEplus32", 36, 1, 37, 120, 0, 120);
562  csc_wire_MEplus32->setAxisTitle("Anode Wiregroup", 2);
563  csc_wire_MEplus32->setAxisTitle("ME+3/2", 1);
564  csc_wire_MEplus41 = ibooker.book2D("csc_wire_MEplus41", "csc_wire_MEplus41", 18, 1, 19, 120, 0, 120);
565  csc_wire_MEplus41->setAxisTitle("Anode Wiregroup", 2);
566  csc_wire_MEplus41->setAxisTitle("ME+4/1", 1);
567  csc_wire_MEplus42 = ibooker.book2D("csc_wire_MEplus42", "csc_wire_MEplus42", 36, 1, 37, 120, 0, 120);
568  csc_wire_MEplus42->setAxisTitle("Anode Wiregroup", 2);
569  csc_wire_MEplus42->setAxisTitle("ME+4/2", 1);
571  csc_wire_MEminus11 = ibooker.book2D("csc_wire_MEminus11", "csc_wire_MEminus11", 36, 1, 37, 120, 0, 120);
572  csc_wire_MEminus11->setAxisTitle("Anode Wiregroup", 2);
573  csc_wire_MEminus11->setAxisTitle("ME-1/1", 1);
574  csc_wire_MEminus12 = ibooker.book2D("csc_wire_MEminus12", "csc_wire_MEminus12", 36, 1, 37, 120, 0, 120);
575  csc_wire_MEminus12->setAxisTitle("Anode Wiregroup", 2);
576  csc_wire_MEminus12->setAxisTitle("ME-1/2", 1);
577  csc_wire_MEminus13 = ibooker.book2D("csc_wire_MEminus13", "csc_wire_MEminus13", 36, 1, 37, 120, 0, 120);
578  csc_wire_MEminus13->setAxisTitle("Anode Wiregroup", 2);
579  csc_wire_MEminus13->setAxisTitle("ME-1/3", 1);
580  csc_wire_MEminus21 = ibooker.book2D("csc_wire_MEminus21", "csc_wire_MEminus21", 18, 1, 19, 120, 0, 120);
581  csc_wire_MEminus21->setAxisTitle("Anode Wiregroup", 2);
582  csc_wire_MEminus21->setAxisTitle("ME-2/1", 1);
583  csc_wire_MEminus22 = ibooker.book2D("csc_wire_MEminus22", "csc_wire_MEminus22", 36, 1, 37, 120, 0, 120);
584  csc_wire_MEminus22->setAxisTitle("Anode Wiregroup", 2);
585  csc_wire_MEminus22->setAxisTitle("ME-2/2", 1);
586  csc_wire_MEminus31 = ibooker.book2D("csc_wire_MEminus31", "csc_wire_MEminus31", 18, 1, 19, 120, 0, 120);
587  csc_wire_MEminus31->setAxisTitle("Anode Wiregroup", 2);
588  csc_wire_MEminus31->setAxisTitle("ME-3/1", 1);
589  csc_wire_MEminus32 = ibooker.book2D("csc_wire_MEminus32", "csc_wire_MEminus32", 36, 1, 37, 120, 0, 120);
590  csc_wire_MEminus32->setAxisTitle("Anode Wiregroup", 2);
591  csc_wire_MEminus32->setAxisTitle("ME-3/2", 1);
592  csc_wire_MEminus41 = ibooker.book2D("csc_wire_MEminus41", "csc_wire_MEminus41", 18, 1, 19, 120, 0, 120);
593  csc_wire_MEminus41->setAxisTitle("Anode Wiregroup", 2);
594  csc_wire_MEminus41->setAxisTitle("ME-4/1", 1);
595  csc_wire_MEminus42 = ibooker.book2D("csc_wire_MEminus42", "csc_wire_MEminus42", 36, 1, 37, 120, 0, 120);
596  csc_wire_MEminus42->setAxisTitle("Anode Wiregroup", 2);
597  csc_wire_MEminus42->setAxisTitle("ME-4/2", 1);
599  for (int cscid = 1; cscid < 37; cscid++) {
600  char bxtitle[100];
601  sprintf(bxtitle, "%d", cscid);
603  cscWireStripOverflow->setBinLabel(cscid, bxtitle, 1);
604  csc_strip_MEplus11->setBinLabel(cscid, bxtitle, 1);
605  csc_strip_MEplus12->setBinLabel(cscid, bxtitle, 1);
606  csc_strip_MEplus13->setBinLabel(cscid, bxtitle, 1);
607  csc_strip_MEplus22->setBinLabel(cscid, bxtitle, 1);
608  csc_strip_MEplus32->setBinLabel(cscid, bxtitle, 1);
609  csc_strip_MEplus42->setBinLabel(cscid, bxtitle, 1);
611  csc_strip_MEminus11->setBinLabel(cscid, bxtitle, 1);
612  csc_strip_MEminus12->setBinLabel(cscid, bxtitle, 1);
613  csc_strip_MEminus13->setBinLabel(cscid, bxtitle, 1);
614  csc_strip_MEminus22->setBinLabel(cscid, bxtitle, 1);
615  csc_strip_MEminus32->setBinLabel(cscid, bxtitle, 1);
616  csc_strip_MEminus42->setBinLabel(cscid, bxtitle, 1);
618  csc_wire_MEplus11->setBinLabel(cscid, bxtitle, 1);
619  csc_wire_MEplus12->setBinLabel(cscid, bxtitle, 1);
620  csc_wire_MEplus13->setBinLabel(cscid, bxtitle, 1);
621  csc_wire_MEplus22->setBinLabel(cscid, bxtitle, 1);
622  csc_wire_MEplus32->setBinLabel(cscid, bxtitle, 1);
623  csc_wire_MEplus42->setBinLabel(cscid, bxtitle, 1);
625  csc_wire_MEminus11->setBinLabel(cscid, bxtitle, 1);
626  csc_wire_MEminus12->setBinLabel(cscid, bxtitle, 1);
627  csc_wire_MEminus13->setBinLabel(cscid, bxtitle, 1);
628  csc_wire_MEminus22->setBinLabel(cscid, bxtitle, 1);
629  csc_wire_MEminus32->setBinLabel(cscid, bxtitle, 1);
630  csc_wire_MEminus42->setBinLabel(cscid, bxtitle, 1);
631  }
633  for (int cscid = 1; cscid < 19; cscid++) {
634  char bxtitle[100];
635  sprintf(bxtitle, "%d", cscid);
637  csc_strip_MEplus21->setBinLabel(cscid, bxtitle, 1);
638  csc_strip_MEplus31->setBinLabel(cscid, bxtitle, 1);
639  csc_strip_MEplus41->setBinLabel(cscid, bxtitle, 1);
641  csc_strip_MEminus21->setBinLabel(cscid, bxtitle, 1);
642  csc_strip_MEminus31->setBinLabel(cscid, bxtitle, 1);
643  csc_strip_MEminus41->setBinLabel(cscid, bxtitle, 1);
645  csc_wire_MEplus21->setBinLabel(cscid, bxtitle, 1);
646  csc_wire_MEplus31->setBinLabel(cscid, bxtitle, 1);
647  csc_wire_MEplus41->setBinLabel(cscid, bxtitle, 1);
649  csc_wire_MEminus21->setBinLabel(cscid, bxtitle, 1);
650  csc_wire_MEminus31->setBinLabel(cscid, bxtitle, 1);
651  csc_wire_MEminus41->setBinLabel(cscid, bxtitle, 1);
652  }
653 }
MonitorElement * DTstubsTimeTrackMenTimeArrival[12]
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:165
MonitorElement * csctfoccupancies
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:81
MonitorElement * csctfTrackEtaHighQ
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:99
MonitorElement * csctflcts
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:108
MonitorElement * csctfTrackPhi
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:96
MonitorElement * csctferrors_mpc
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:84
MonitorElement * csc_strip_MEminus22
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:137
unsigned long long m_scalesCacheID
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:183
MonitorElement * csctfTrackPhi_H
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:100
MonitorElement * csc_wire_MEplus31
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:148
MonitorElement * csc_strip_MEplus21
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:126
MonitorElement * csc_strip_MEplus11
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:123
MonitorElement * csc_wire_MEminus13
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:155
MonitorElement * csc_wire_MEminus22
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:157
MonitorElement * me11_lctGblPhi
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:115
MonitorElement * csc_wire_MEplus12
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:144
MonitorElement * csc_wire_MEminus31
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:158
MonitorElement * csctfbx
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:77
MonitorElement * csc_wire_MEminus32
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:159
MonitorElement * csctfTrackEtaLowQ
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:98
MonitorElement * csc_strip_MEminus12
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:134
MonitorElement * csctfTrackEta
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:97
MonitorElement * me11_lctWire
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:112
MonitorElement * csc_strip_MEminus31
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:138
MonitorElement * csc_wire_MEminus21
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:156
MonitorElement * csctfTrackEta_H
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:101
MonitorElement * me42_lctGblPhi
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:119
MonitorElement * cscTrackStubNumbers
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:102
MonitorElement * csc_strip_MEminus32
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:139
MonitorElement * me11_lctStrip
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:111
MonitorElement * csc_strip_MEminus42
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:141
MonitorElement * csc_wire_MEplus41
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:150
MonitorElement * csc_strip_MEplus13
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:125
MonitorElement * csc_strip_MEplus22
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:127
int nev_
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:171
MonitorElement * csc_wire_MEminus41
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:160
MonitorElement * csctfChamberOccupancies
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:95
virtual void setBinLabel(int bin, const std::string &label, int axis=1)
set bin label for x, y or z axis (axis=1, 2, 3 respectively)
MonitorElement * csc_wire_MEplus13
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:145
#define M_PI
MonitorElement * csc_wire_MEplus21
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:146
MonitorElement * csc_strip_MEminus41
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:140
MonitorElement * me42_lctGblEta
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:120
MonitorElement * csc_strip_MEplus31
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:128
MonitorElement * csc_wire_MEplus32
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:149
MonitorElement * csctferrors
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:80
MonitorElement * csc_wire_MEminus42
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:161
MonitorElement * csc_strip_MEplus41
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:130
MonitorElement * csctfTrackM
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:103
MonitorElement * csctfbx_H
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:78
MonitorElement * csctfntrack
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:76
MonitorElement * csc_wire_MEplus42
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:151
MonitorElement * trackModeVsQ
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:104
MonitorElement * me11_lctGblEta
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:116
MonitorElement * csc_strip_MEminus21
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:136
MonitorElement * csctfoccupancies_H
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:82
MonitorElement * csc_strip_MEplus32
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:129
MonitorElement * csc_strip_MEplus12
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:124
MonitorElement * me11_lctLocalPhi
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:113
MonitorElement * csc_strip_MEminus11
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:133
MonitorElement * csc_strip_MEminus13
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:135
unsigned long long m_ptScaleCacheID
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:184
MonitorElement * csc_wire_MEplus11
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:143
MonitorElement * csc_wire_MEminus12
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:154
MonitorElement * cscWireStripOverflow
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:85
MonitorElement * csc_strip_MEplus42
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:131
MonitorElement * me11_lctPackedPhi
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:114
MonitorElement * csc_wire_MEplus22
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:147
MonitorElement * csc_wire_MEminus11
Definition: L1TCSCTF.h:153
virtual void setAxisTitle(const std::string &title, int axis=1)
set x-, y- or z-axis title (axis=1, 2, 3 respectively)
void L1TCSCTF::dqmBeginRun ( const edm::Run r,
const edm::EventSetup c 

Definition at line 108 of file

108 {}

Member Data Documentation

int L1TCSCTF::BxInEvent_

Definition at line 166 of file L1TCSCTF.h.

Referenced by analyze().

edm::EDGetTokenT<CSCCorrelatedLCTDigiCollection> L1TCSCTF::corrlctsToken_

Definition at line 189 of file L1TCSCTF.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and L1TCSCTF().

MonitorElement* L1TCSCTF::csc_strip_MEminus11

Definition at line 133 of file L1TCSCTF.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

MonitorElement* L1TCSCTF::csc_strip_MEminus12

Definition at line 134 of file L1TCSCTF.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

MonitorElement* L1TCSCTF::csc_strip_MEminus13

Definition at line 135 of file L1TCSCTF.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

MonitorElement* L1TCSCTF::csc_strip_MEminus21

Definition at line 136 of file L1TCSCTF.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

MonitorElement* L1TCSCTF::csc_strip_MEminus22

Definition at line 137 of file L1TCSCTF.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

MonitorElement* L1TCSCTF::csc_strip_MEminus31

Definition at line 138 of file L1TCSCTF.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

MonitorElement* L1TCSCTF::csc_strip_MEminus32

Definition at line 139 of file L1TCSCTF.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

MonitorElement* L1TCSCTF::csc_strip_MEminus41

Definition at line 140 of file L1TCSCTF.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

MonitorElement* L1TCSCTF::csc_strip_MEminus42

Definition at line 141 of file L1TCSCTF.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

MonitorElement* L1TCSCTF::csc_strip_MEplus11

Definition at line 123 of file L1TCSCTF.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

MonitorElement* L1TCSCTF::csc_strip_MEplus12

Definition at line 124 of file L1TCSCTF.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

MonitorElement* L1TCSCTF::csc_strip_MEplus13

Definition at line 125 of file L1TCSCTF.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

MonitorElement* L1TCSCTF::csc_strip_MEplus21

Definition at line 126 of file L1TCSCTF.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

MonitorElement* L1TCSCTF::csc_strip_MEplus22

Definition at line 127 of file L1TCSCTF.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

MonitorElement* L1TCSCTF::csc_strip_MEplus31

Definition at line 128 of file L1TCSCTF.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

MonitorElement* L1TCSCTF::csc_strip_MEplus32

Definition at line 129 of file L1TCSCTF.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

MonitorElement* L1TCSCTF::csc_strip_MEplus41

Definition at line 130 of file L1TCSCTF.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

MonitorElement* L1TCSCTF::csc_strip_MEplus42

Definition at line 131 of file L1TCSCTF.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

MonitorElement* L1TCSCTF::csc_wire_MEminus11

Definition at line 153 of file L1TCSCTF.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

MonitorElement* L1TCSCTF::csc_wire_MEminus12

Definition at line 154 of file L1TCSCTF.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

MonitorElement* L1TCSCTF::csc_wire_MEminus13

Definition at line 155 of file L1TCSCTF.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

MonitorElement* L1TCSCTF::csc_wire_MEminus21

Definition at line 156 of file L1TCSCTF.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

MonitorElement* L1TCSCTF::csc_wire_MEminus22

Definition at line 157 of file L1TCSCTF.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

MonitorElement* L1TCSCTF::csc_wire_MEminus31

Definition at line 158 of file L1TCSCTF.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

MonitorElement* L1TCSCTF::csc_wire_MEminus32

Definition at line 159 of file L1TCSCTF.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

MonitorElement* L1TCSCTF::csc_wire_MEminus41

Definition at line 160 of file L1TCSCTF.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

MonitorElement* L1TCSCTF::csc_wire_MEminus42

Definition at line 161 of file L1TCSCTF.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

MonitorElement* L1TCSCTF::csc_wire_MEplus11

Definition at line 143 of file L1TCSCTF.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

MonitorElement* L1TCSCTF::csc_wire_MEplus12

Definition at line 144 of file L1TCSCTF.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

MonitorElement* L1TCSCTF::csc_wire_MEplus13

Definition at line 145 of file L1TCSCTF.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

MonitorElement* L1TCSCTF::csc_wire_MEplus21

Definition at line 146 of file L1TCSCTF.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

MonitorElement* L1TCSCTF::csc_wire_MEplus22

Definition at line 147 of file L1TCSCTF.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

MonitorElement* L1TCSCTF::csc_wire_MEplus31

Definition at line 148 of file L1TCSCTF.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

MonitorElement* L1TCSCTF::csc_wire_MEplus32

Definition at line 149 of file L1TCSCTF.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

MonitorElement* L1TCSCTF::csc_wire_MEplus41

Definition at line 150 of file L1TCSCTF.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

MonitorElement* L1TCSCTF::csc_wire_MEplus42

Definition at line 151 of file L1TCSCTF.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

MonitorElement* L1TCSCTF::csctfAFerror

Definition at line 105 of file L1TCSCTF.h.

MonitorElement* L1TCSCTF::csctfbx

Definition at line 77 of file L1TCSCTF.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

MonitorElement* L1TCSCTF::csctfbx_H

Definition at line 78 of file L1TCSCTF.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

MonitorElement* L1TCSCTF::csctfChamberOccupancies

Definition at line 95 of file L1TCSCTF.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

MonitorElement* L1TCSCTF::csctferrors

Definition at line 80 of file L1TCSCTF.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

MonitorElement* L1TCSCTF::csctferrors_mpc

Definition at line 84 of file L1TCSCTF.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

MonitorElement* L1TCSCTF::csctflcts

Definition at line 108 of file L1TCSCTF.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

MonitorElement* L1TCSCTF::csctfntrack

Definition at line 76 of file L1TCSCTF.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

MonitorElement* L1TCSCTF::csctfoccupancies

Definition at line 81 of file L1TCSCTF.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

MonitorElement* L1TCSCTF::csctfoccupancies_H

Definition at line 82 of file L1TCSCTF.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

MonitorElement* L1TCSCTF::csctfTrackEta

Definition at line 97 of file L1TCSCTF.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

MonitorElement* L1TCSCTF::csctfTrackEta_H

Definition at line 101 of file L1TCSCTF.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

MonitorElement* L1TCSCTF::csctfTrackEtaHighQ

Definition at line 99 of file L1TCSCTF.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

MonitorElement* L1TCSCTF::csctfTrackEtaLowQ

Definition at line 98 of file L1TCSCTF.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

MonitorElement* L1TCSCTF::csctfTrackM

Definition at line 103 of file L1TCSCTF.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

MonitorElement* L1TCSCTF::csctfTrackPhi

Definition at line 96 of file L1TCSCTF.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

MonitorElement* L1TCSCTF::csctfTrackPhi_H

Definition at line 100 of file L1TCSCTF.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

MonitorElement* L1TCSCTF::cscTrackStubNumbers

Definition at line 102 of file L1TCSCTF.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

MonitorElement* L1TCSCTF::cscWireStripOverflow

Definition at line 85 of file L1TCSCTF.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

MonitorElement* L1TCSCTF::DTstubsTimeTrackMenTimeArrival[12]

Definition at line 165 of file L1TCSCTF.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

edm::EDGetTokenT<CSCTriggerContainer<csctf::TrackStub> > L1TCSCTF::dtStubsToken_

Definition at line 191 of file L1TCSCTF.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and L1TCSCTF().

bool L1TCSCTF::gangedME11a_

Definition at line 177 of file L1TCSCTF.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and L1TCSCTF().

edm::InputTag L1TCSCTF::gmtProducer

Definition at line 176 of file L1TCSCTF.h.

Referenced by analyze().

edm::EDGetTokenT<L1MuGMTReadoutCollection> L1TCSCTF::gmtProducerToken_

Definition at line 187 of file L1TCSCTF.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and L1TCSCTF().

bool L1TCSCTF::isCSCcand_

Definition at line 167 of file L1TCSCTF.h.

Referenced by analyze().


Definition at line 169 of file L1TCSCTF.h.

Referenced by analyze().

edm::InputTag L1TCSCTF::lctProducer

Definition at line 176 of file L1TCSCTF.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and L1TCSCTF().

std::ofstream L1TCSCTF::logFile_

Definition at line 175 of file L1TCSCTF.h.

unsigned long long L1TCSCTF::m_ptScaleCacheID

Definition at line 184 of file L1TCSCTF.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

unsigned long long L1TCSCTF::m_scalesCacheID

Definition at line 183 of file L1TCSCTF.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

edm::InputTag L1TCSCTF::mbProducer

Definition at line 176 of file L1TCSCTF.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and L1TCSCTF().

edm::EDGetTokenT<L1CSCTrackCollection> L1TCSCTF::mbtracksToken_

Definition at line 192 of file L1TCSCTF.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and L1TCSCTF().

MonitorElement* L1TCSCTF::me11_lctGblEta

Definition at line 116 of file L1TCSCTF.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

MonitorElement* L1TCSCTF::me11_lctGblPhi

Definition at line 115 of file L1TCSCTF.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

MonitorElement* L1TCSCTF::me11_lctLocalPhi

Definition at line 113 of file L1TCSCTF.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

MonitorElement* L1TCSCTF::me11_lctPackedPhi

Definition at line 114 of file L1TCSCTF.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

MonitorElement* L1TCSCTF::me11_lctStrip

Definition at line 111 of file L1TCSCTF.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

MonitorElement* L1TCSCTF::me11_lctWire

Definition at line 112 of file L1TCSCTF.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

MonitorElement* L1TCSCTF::me42_lctGblEta

Definition at line 120 of file L1TCSCTF.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

MonitorElement* L1TCSCTF::me42_lctGblPhi

Definition at line 119 of file L1TCSCTF.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

bool L1TCSCTF::monitorDaemon_

Definition at line 174 of file L1TCSCTF.h.

int L1TCSCTF::nev_

Definition at line 171 of file L1TCSCTF.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

std::string L1TCSCTF::outputFile_

Definition at line 172 of file L1TCSCTF.h.

Referenced by L1TCSCTF().

CSCSectorReceiverLUT* L1TCSCTF::srLUTs_[5][2][6]

Definition at line 179 of file L1TCSCTF.h.

Referenced by analyze(), L1TCSCTF(), and ~L1TCSCTF().

edm::InputTag L1TCSCTF::statusProducer

Definition at line 176 of file L1TCSCTF.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and L1TCSCTF().

edm::EDGetTokenT<L1CSCStatusDigiCollection> L1TCSCTF::statusToken_

Definition at line 188 of file L1TCSCTF.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and L1TCSCTF().

const L1MuTriggerPtScale* L1TCSCTF::tpts

Definition at line 182 of file L1TCSCTF.h.

Referenced by analyze().

MonitorElement* L1TCSCTF::trackModeVsQ

Definition at line 104 of file L1TCSCTF.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

edm::InputTag L1TCSCTF::trackProducer

Definition at line 176 of file L1TCSCTF.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and L1TCSCTF().

edm::EDGetTokenT<L1CSCTrackCollection> L1TCSCTF::tracksToken_

Definition at line 190 of file L1TCSCTF.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and L1TCSCTF().

const L1MuTriggerScales* L1TCSCTF::ts

Definition at line 181 of file L1TCSCTF.h.

Referenced by analyze().

bool L1TCSCTF::verbose_

Definition at line 173 of file L1TCSCTF.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and L1TCSCTF().