1 #ifndef GLOBALPARAMSHELPER_H__ 2 #define GLOBALPARAMSHELPER_H__ 96 void print(std::ostream&)
void setNumberL1Tau(const unsigned int &)
void setNumberL1Jet(const unsigned int &)
unsigned int m_pinsOnChip
number of pins on the GTL condition chips
unsigned int numberL1Jet() const
get / set the number of L1 jets received by GT
unsigned int m_numberL1Mu
trigger objects
unsigned int numberL1EG() const
get / set the number of L1 e/gamma objects received by GT
void setNumberChips(const unsigned int &)
std::vector< int > m_orderOfChip
correspondence "condition chip - GTL algorithm word" in the hardware
unsigned int m_numberL1Jet
unsigned int numberPhysTriggers() const
get / set the number of physics trigger algorithms
void setOrderOfChip(const std::vector< int > &)
void print(std::ostream &) const
print all the L1 GT parameters
static const GlobalParamsHelper * readFromEventSetup(const L1TGlobalParameters *es)
void setNumberL1EG(const unsigned int &)
const L1TGlobalParameters * getReadInstance() const
void setTotalBxInEvent(const int &)
int m_totalBxInEvent
bx in event
const std::vector< int > & orderOfChip() const
L1TGlobalParameters * write_
GlobalParamsHelper(L1TGlobalParameters *w)
unsigned int m_numberL1EG
e/gamma objects
unsigned int m_numberL1Tau
unsigned int numberL1Tau() const
get / set the number of L1 tau received by GT
unsigned int m_numberChips
void setNumberL1Mu(const unsigned int &)
L1TGlobalParameters * getWriteInstance()
const L1TGlobalParameters * read_
int totalBxInEvent() const
get / set the number of bx in hardware
void setPinsOnChip(const unsigned int &)
unsigned int m_numberPhysTriggers
trigger decision
void setNumberPhysTriggers(const unsigned int &)
unsigned int numberL1Mu() const
get / set the number of L1 muons received by GT
unsigned int pinsOnChip() const
get / set the number of pins on the GTL condition chips
unsigned int numberChips() const
get / set the number of condition chips in GTL
static GlobalParamsHelper * readAndWriteFromEventSetup(const L1TGlobalParameters *es)