TrackCandidateToTrajectoryMap.h File Reference
#include <vector>
#include "DataFormats/Common/interface/Ref.h"
#include "DataFormats/Common/interface/RefVector.h"
#include "DataFormats/Common/interface/RefProd.h"
#include "DataFormats/Common/interface/AssociationMap.h"
#include "TrackingTools/PatternTools/interface/Trajectory.h"
#include "DataFormats/TrajectorySeed/interface/TrajectorySeedCollection.h"
#include "DataFormats/TrackReco/interface/Track.h"
#include "DataFormats/TrackReco/interface/TrackBase.h"
#include "RecoTracker/NuclearSeedGenerator/interface/TrajectoryToSeedMap.h"
#include "DataFormats/TrackCandidate/interface/TrackCandidateCollection.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


typedef TrackCandidateToTrajectoryMap::value_type TrackCandidateToTrajectory
typedef edm::AssociationMap< edm::OneToOne< TrackCandidateCollection, TrajectoryCollection > > TrackCandidateToTrajectoryMap
 association map More...
typedef edm::Ref< TrackCandidateToTrajectoryMapTrackCandidateToTrajectoryMapRef
 reference to an object in a collection of TrajectoryMap objects More...
typedef edm::RefProd< TrackCandidateToTrajectoryMapTrackCandidateToTrajectoryMapRefProd
 reference to a collection of TrajectoryMap object More...
typedef edm::RefVector< TrackCandidateToTrajectoryMapTrackCandidateToTrajectoryMapRefVector
 vector of references to objects in the same colletion of SeedMap objects More...
typedef TrackToTrackMap::value_type TrackToTrack
typedef edm::AssociationMap< edm::OneToOne< reco::TrackCollection, reco::TrackCollection > > TrackToTrackMap
 association map More...
typedef edm::Ref< TrackToTrackMapTrackToTrackMapRef
 reference to an object in a collection of SeedMap objects More...
typedef edm::RefProd< TrackToTrackMapTrackToTrackMapRefProd
 reference to a collection of SeedMap object More...
typedef edm::RefVector< TrackToTrackMapTrackToTrackMapRefVector
 vector of references to objects in the same colletion of SeedMap objects More...
typedef TrackToTrajectoryMap::value_type TrackToTrajectory
typedef edm::AssociationMap< edm::OneToOne< reco::TrackCollection, TrajectoryCollection > > TrackToTrajectoryMap
 association map More...
typedef edm::Ref< TrackToTrajectoryMapTrackToTrajectoryMapRef
 reference to an object in a collection of TrajectoryMap objects More...
typedef edm::RefProd< TrackToTrajectoryMapTrackToTrajectoryMapRefProd
 reference to a collection of TrajectoryMap object More...
typedef edm::RefVector< TrackToTrajectoryMapTrackToTrajectoryMapRefVector
 vector of references to objects in the same colletion of SeedMap objects More...
typedef TrajectoryToTrajectoryMap::value_type TrajectoryToTrajectory
typedef edm::AssociationMap< edm::OneToOne< TrajectoryCollection, TrajectoryCollection > > TrajectoryToTrajectoryMap
 association map More...
typedef edm::Ref< TrajectoryToTrajectoryMapTrajectoryToTrajectoryMapRef
 reference to an object in a collection of TrajectoryMap objects More...
typedef edm::RefProd< TrajectoryToTrajectoryMapTrajectoryToTrajectoryMapRefProd
 reference to a collection of TrajectoryMap object More...
typedef edm::RefVector< TrajectoryToTrajectoryMapTrajectoryToTrajectoryMapRefVector
 vector of references to objects in the same colletion of SeedMap objects More...

Typedef Documentation

Definition at line 38 of file TrackCandidateToTrajectoryMap.h.

association map

Definition at line 37 of file TrackCandidateToTrajectoryMap.h.

reference to an object in a collection of TrajectoryMap objects

Definition at line 41 of file TrackCandidateToTrajectoryMap.h.

reference to a collection of TrajectoryMap object

Definition at line 44 of file TrackCandidateToTrajectoryMap.h.

vector of references to objects in the same colletion of SeedMap objects

Definition at line 47 of file TrackCandidateToTrajectoryMap.h.

Definition at line 66 of file TrackCandidateToTrajectoryMap.h.

association map

Definition at line 65 of file TrackCandidateToTrajectoryMap.h.

reference to an object in a collection of SeedMap objects

Definition at line 69 of file TrackCandidateToTrajectoryMap.h.

reference to a collection of SeedMap object

Definition at line 72 of file TrackCandidateToTrajectoryMap.h.

vector of references to objects in the same colletion of SeedMap objects

Definition at line 75 of file TrackCandidateToTrajectoryMap.h.

Definition at line 53 of file TrackCandidateToTrajectoryMap.h.

association map

Definition at line 52 of file TrackCandidateToTrajectoryMap.h.

reference to an object in a collection of TrajectoryMap objects

Definition at line 56 of file TrackCandidateToTrajectoryMap.h.

reference to a collection of TrajectoryMap object

Definition at line 59 of file TrackCandidateToTrajectoryMap.h.

vector of references to objects in the same colletion of SeedMap objects

Definition at line 62 of file TrackCandidateToTrajectoryMap.h.

Definition at line 22 of file TrackCandidateToTrajectoryMap.h.

association map

Definition at line 21 of file TrackCandidateToTrajectoryMap.h.

reference to an object in a collection of TrajectoryMap objects

Definition at line 25 of file TrackCandidateToTrajectoryMap.h.

reference to a collection of TrajectoryMap object

Definition at line 28 of file TrackCandidateToTrajectoryMap.h.

vector of references to objects in the same colletion of SeedMap objects

Definition at line 31 of file TrackCandidateToTrajectoryMap.h.