165 return new GsfElectron(*
this, core, electronCluster, closestCtfTrack, conversionPartner, ambiguousTracks);
176 momentum *= newEnergy / momentum.e();
CaloClusterPtr electronCluster() const
virtual reco::GsfTrackRef gsfTrack() const
reference to a GsfTrack
GsfTrackRef gsfTrack() const override
reference to a GsfTrack
bool checkOverlap(const R &r1, const R &r2) const
check if two components overlap
PixelMatchVariables pixelMatchVariables_
void setP4(P4Kind kind, const LorentzVector &p4, float p4Error, bool setCandidate)
bool isEcalEnergyCorrected
ROOT::Math::LorentzVector< ROOT::Math::PxPyPzE4D< double > > XYZTLorentzVectorD
Lorentz vector with cylindrical internal representation using pseudorapidity.
GsfElectron * clone() const override
returns a clone of the Candidate object
float correctedEcalEnergy
bool overlap(const Candidate &) const override
check overlap with another candidate
float correctedEcalEnergyError
ConversionRejection conversionRejection_
float fromSuperClusterP4Error
float p4Error(P4Kind kind) const
SaturationInfo saturationInfo_
int charge() const final
electric charge
bool passingCutBasedPreselection() const
GsfTrackRefVector ambiguousGsfTracks_
void setVertex(const Point &vertex) override
set vertex
CaloClusterPtr electronCluster
void setCharge(Charge q) final
set electric charge
PflowIsolationVariables pfIso_
Vector momentum() const final
spatial momentum vector
void setCorrectedEcalEnergyError(float newEnergyError)
FiducialFlags fiducialFlags_
const LorentzVector & p4() const final
four-momentum Lorentz vector
void setTrackMomentumError(float trackMomentumError)
ClassificationVariables classVariables_
ShowerShape full5x5_showerShape_
const ChargeInfo & chargeInfo() const
XYZPointD XYZPoint
point in space with cartesian internal representation
math::XYZTLorentzVector LorentzVector
Lorentz vector.
virtual GsfElectronCoreRef core() const
void setCorrectedEcalEnergy(float newEnergy)
SuperClusterRef superCluster() const override
reference to a SuperCluster
TrackClusterMatching trackClusterMatching_
bool passCutBasedPreselection_
TrackExtrapolations trackExtrapolations_
void setPdgId(int pdgId) final
bool passPflowPreselection_
LorentzVector fromSuperClusterP4
virtual ClosestCtfTrack closestCtfTrack() const
virtual reco::SuperClusterRef superCluster() const
reference to a SuperCluster
bool ecalDrivenSeed() const