Go to the documentation of this file.
2 #include <iostream>
3 #include <fstream>
6  : det_id_(det_id), theRPixDetTopology_() {
7  verbosity_ = params.getParameter<int>("RPixVerbosity");
8  signalCoupling_.clear();
9  ChargeMapFile2E_[0] = params.getParameter<std::string>("ChargeMapFile2E");
10  ChargeMapFile2E_[1] = params.getParameter<std::string>("ChargeMapFile2E_2X");
11  ChargeMapFile2E_[2] = params.getParameter<std::string>("ChargeMapFile2E_2Y");
12  ChargeMapFile2E_[3] = params.getParameter<std::string>("ChargeMapFile2E_2X2Y");
14  double coupling_constant_ = params.getParameter<double>("RPixCoupling");
16  signalCoupling_.push_back(coupling_constant_);
17  signalCoupling_.push_back((1.0 - coupling_constant_) / 2);
21  double xMap, yMap;
22  double chargeprobcollect;
23  int xUpper[] = {75, 150, 75, 150};
24  int yUpper[] = {50, 50, 100, 100};
25  int ix, iy;
26  for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
27  std::ifstream fChargeMap(ChargeMapFile2E_[i]);
28  if (fChargeMap.is_open()) {
29  while (fChargeMap >> xMap >> yMap >> chargeprobcollect) {
30  ix = int((xMap + xUpper[i]) / 5);
31  iy = int((yMap + yUpper[i]) / 5);
32  chargeMap2E_[i][ix][iy] = chargeprobcollect;
33  }
34  fChargeMap.close();
35  } else
36  throw cms::Exception("RPixChargeShare") << "Charge map file not found";
37  }
38 }
40 std::map<unsigned short, double> RPixChargeShare::Share(const std::vector<RPixSignalPoint> &charge_map) {
41  std::map<unsigned short, double> thePixelChargeMap;
42  if (verbosity_ > 1)
43  edm::LogInfo("RPixChargeShare") << det_id_ << " : Clouds to be induced= " << charge_map.size();
45  double CH = 0;
47  for (std::vector<RPixSignalPoint>::const_iterator i = charge_map.begin(); i != charge_map.end(); ++i) {
48  double hit_pos_x, hit_pos_y;
49  // Used to avoid the abort due to hits out of detector
50  if (((*i).Position().x() + 16.6 / 2) < 0 || ((*i).Position().x() + 16.6 / 2) > 16.6) {
51  edm::LogInfo("RPixChargeShare")
52  << "**** Attention ((*i).Position().x()+simX_width_/2.)<0||((*i).Position().x()+simX_width_/2.)>simX_width ";
53  edm::LogInfo("RPixChargeShare") << "(*i).Position().x() = " << (*i).Position().x();
54  continue;
55  }
56  if (((*i).Position().y() + 24.4 / 2.) < 0 || ((*i).Position().y() + 24.4 / 2.) > 24.4) {
57  edm::LogInfo("RPixChargeShare")
58  << "**** Attention ((*i).Position().y()+simY_width_/2.)<0||((*i).Position().y()+simY_width_/2.)>simY_width ";
59  edm::LogInfo("RPixChargeShare") << "(*i).Position().y() = " << (*i).Position().y();
60  continue;
61  }
64  (*i).Position().x(), (*i).Position().y(), (*i).Sigma(), hit_pos_x, hit_pos_y);
65  double effic = relevant_pixels.effFactor();
67  unsigned short pixel_no = relevant_pixels.pixelIndex();
69  double charge_in_pixel = (*i).Charge() * effic;
71  CH += charge_in_pixel;
73  if (verbosity_ > 1)
74  edm::LogInfo("RPixChargeShare") << "Efficiency in detector " << det_id_ << " and pixel no " << pixel_no << " : "
75  << effic << " ch: " << charge_in_pixel << " CHtot: " << CH;
77  // QUI SI POTREBBE INTRODURRE IL CHARGE SHARING TRA I PIXELS ..................................
79  if (signalCoupling_[0] == 0.) {
80  thePixelChargeMap[pixel_no] += charge_in_pixel;
81  } else {
82  int pixel_row = relevant_pixels.pixelRowNo();
83  int pixel_col = relevant_pixels.pixelColNo();
84  double pixel_lower_x = 0;
85  double pixel_lower_y = 0;
86  double pixel_upper_x = 0;
87  double pixel_upper_y = 0;
88  int psize = 0;
89  theRPixDetTopology_.pixelRange(pixel_row, pixel_col, pixel_lower_x, pixel_upper_x, pixel_lower_y, pixel_upper_y);
90  double pixel_width_x = pixel_upper_x - pixel_lower_x;
91  double pixel_width_y = pixel_upper_y - pixel_lower_y;
92  if (pixel_row == 0 || pixel_row == pxlRowSize_ - 1)
93  pixel_width_x = 0.1; // Correct edge pixel width
94  if (pixel_col == 0 || pixel_col == pxlColSize_ - 1)
95  pixel_width_y = 0.15; //
96  double pixel_center_x = pixel_lower_x + (pixel_width_x) / 2.;
97  double pixel_center_y = pixel_lower_y + (pixel_width_y) / 2.;
98  // xbin and ybin are coordinates (um) ??nside the pixel as in the test beam, swapped wrt plane coodinates.
99  int xbin = int((((*i).Position().y() - pixel_center_y) + pixel_width_y / 2.) * 1.e3 / 5.);
100  int ybin = int((((*i).Position().x() - pixel_center_x) + pixel_width_x / 2.) * 1.e3 / 5.);
101  if (pixel_width_x < 0.11 && pixel_width_y < 0.151) { // pixel 100x150 um^2
102  psize = 0;
103  if (xbin > xBinMax_[psize] || ybin > yBinMax_[psize])
104  continue;
105  }
106  if (pixel_width_x > 0.11 && pixel_width_y < 0.151) { // pixel 200x150 um^2
107  psize = 2;
108  if (xbin > xBinMax_[psize] || ybin > yBinMax_[psize])
109  continue;
110  }
111  if (pixel_width_x < 0.11 && pixel_width_y > 0.151) { // pixel 100x300 um^2
112  psize = 1;
113  if (xbin > xBinMax_[psize] || ybin > yBinMax_[psize])
114  continue;
115  }
116  if (pixel_width_x > 0.11 && pixel_width_y > 0.151) { // pixel 200x300 um^2
117  psize = 3;
118  if (xbin > xBinMax_[psize] || ybin > yBinMax_[psize])
119  continue;
120  }
121  double hit2neighbour[8];
122  double collect_prob = chargeMap2E_[psize][xbin][ybin];
123  thePixelChargeMap[pixel_no] += charge_in_pixel * collect_prob;
124  unsigned short neighbour_no[8];
125  unsigned short m = 0;
126  double closer_neighbour = 0;
127  unsigned short closer_no = 0;
128  // Considering the 8 neighbours to share charge
129  for (int k = pixel_row - 1; k <= pixel_row + 1; k++) {
130  for (int l = pixel_col - 1; l <= pixel_col + 1; l++) {
131  if ((k < 0) || k > pxlRowSize_ - 1 || l < 0 || l > pxlColSize_ - 1)
132  continue;
133  if ((k == pixel_row) && (l == pixel_col))
134  continue;
135  double neighbour_pixel_lower_x = 0;
136  double neighbour_pixel_lower_y = 0;
137  double neighbour_pixel_upper_x = 0;
138  double neighbour_pixel_upper_y = 0;
139  double neighbour_pixel_center_x = 0;
140  double neighbour_pixel_center_y = 0;
141  // Check the hit approach to the neighbours
143  k, l, neighbour_pixel_lower_x, neighbour_pixel_upper_x, neighbour_pixel_lower_y, neighbour_pixel_upper_y);
144  neighbour_pixel_center_x = neighbour_pixel_lower_x + (neighbour_pixel_upper_x - neighbour_pixel_lower_x) / 2.;
145  neighbour_pixel_center_y = neighbour_pixel_lower_y + (neighbour_pixel_upper_y - neighbour_pixel_lower_y) / 2.;
146  hit2neighbour[m] = sqrt(pow((*i).Position().x() - neighbour_pixel_center_x, 2.) +
147  pow((*i).Position().y() - neighbour_pixel_center_y, -2.));
148  neighbour_no[m] = l * pxlRowSize_ + k;
149  if (hit2neighbour[m] > closer_neighbour) {
150  closer_neighbour = hit2neighbour[m];
151  closer_no = neighbour_no[m];
152  }
153  m++;
154  }
155  }
156  double chargetransfereff = (1 - collect_prob) * signalCoupling_[0];
157  thePixelChargeMap[closer_no] += charge_in_pixel * chargetransfereff;
158  }
159  }
161  return thePixelChargeMap;
162 }
T getParameter(std::string const &) const
const int xBinMax_[4]
CTPPSPixelSimTopology theRPixDetTopology_
LTS and SET for low trigger suppression.
const int yBinMax_[4]
RPixChargeShare(const edm::ParameterSet &params, uint32_t det_id)
T sqrt(T t)
Definition: SSEVec.h:19
void pixelRange(unsigned int arow, unsigned int acol, double &lower_x, double &higher_x, double &lower_y, double &higher_y) const
double chargeMap2E_[4][60][40]
const int pxlColSize_
PixelInfo getPixelsInvolved(double x, double y, double sigma, double &hit_pos_x, double &hit_pos_y) const
unsigned short detPixelNo() const
const int pxlRowSize_
std::vector< double > signalCoupling_
std::string ChargeMapFile2E_[4]
Power< A, B >::type pow(const A &a, const B &b)
Definition: Power.h:30
std::map< unsigned short, double > Share(const std::vector< RPixSignalPoint > &charge_map)