6 #include "TDirectory.h" 12 TCanvas*
const int run,
const int firstLS,
const int zoom) {
13 TCanvas* canout =
16 sprintf(rname,
"run_%d", run);
21 TProfile* badmod =
22 TH1F* evtanydcs =
23 TH1F* evtdcson =
24 TH1F* evtnostrip =
28 sprintf(dname,
"ssqhistory/%s", rname);
29 if (file->cd(dname)) {
30 badmod = (TProfile*)gDirectory->Get(
33 sprintf(dname,
"eventtimedistranydcs/%s", rname);
34 if (file->cd(dname)) {
35 evtanydcs = (TH1F*)gDirectory->Get(
38 sprintf(dname,
"eventtimedistribution/%s", rname);
39 if (file->cd(dname)) {
40 evtdcson = (TH1F*)gDirectory->Get(
43 sprintf(dname,
"eventtimedistrnostrip/%s", rname);
44 if (file->cd(dname)) {
45 evtnostrip = (TH1F*)gDirectory->Get(
48 if (badmod && evtanydcs && evtdcson && evtnostrip) {
49 badmod->SetStats(kFALSE);
50 badmod->SetLineColor(kGreen);
51 badmod->SetMarkerColor(kGreen);
52 evtanydcs->SetStats(kFALSE);
53 evtanydcs->SetLineColor(kBlue);
54 evtdcson->SetStats(kFALSE);
55 evtdcson->SetLineColor(kRed);
56 evtnostrip->SetStats(kFALSE);
57 evtnostrip->SetLineColor(kRed);
58 evtnostrip->SetFillColor(kRed);
59 evtnostrip->SetFillStyle(1000);
64 badmod->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(1, 100000);
65 badmod->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(
66 badmod->SetTitle(rname);
67 badmod->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser((firstLS - zoom) * 262144, (firstLS + zoom) * 262144);
68 evtanydcs->Draw(
69 evtdcson->Draw(
70 evtnostrip->Rebin(
int(badmod->GetBinWidth(1) / evtnostrip->GetBinWidth(1)));
71 std::cout <<
"rebin " <<
int(badmod->GetBinWidth(1) / evtnostrip->GetBinWidth(1)) << std::endl;
72 evtnostrip->Draw(
74 TGaxis* lsaxis =
new TGaxis((firstLS - zoom) * 262144,
76 (firstLS + zoom) * 262144,
87 TLine*
line =
new TLine((firstLS - 1) * 262144, 1, (firstLS - 1) * 262144, 100000);
88 line->SetLineWidth(2);
89 line->SetLineStyle(2);
92 TLegend* leg =
new TLegend(.5, .65, .9, .85,
93 leg->AddEntry(badmod,
"Modules with HV off",
94 leg->AddEntry(evtanydcs,
"Events with any DCS bit",
95 leg->AddEntry(evtdcson,
"Events with DCS bit ON",
96 leg->AddEntry(evtnostrip,
"DCS bit ON No strip clus (masked FED)",
97 leg->AddEntry(line,
"first good LS (DCSonly JSON)",
TCanvas * printSOF(TFile *file, const int run, const int firstLS, const int zoom)
const G4String rname[NREG]