1 #ifndef L1Trigger_L1TGlobal_EnergySumCondition_h 2 #define L1Trigger_L1TGlobal_EnergySumCondition_h 60 void print(std::ostream& myCout)
const override;
void print(std::ostream &myCout) const override
print condition
const GlobalBoard * getuGtB() const
get / set the pointer to uGt GlobalBoard
const GlobalBoard * m_uGtB
pointer to uGt GlobalBoard, to be able to get the trigger objects
~EnergySumCondition() override
void setuGtB(const GlobalBoard *)
set the pointer to uGT GlobalBoard
const EnergySumTemplate * gtEnergySumTemplate() const
get / set the pointer to a L1GtCondition
const EnergySumTemplate * m_gtEnergySumTemplate
pointer to a EnergySumTemplate
EnergySumCondition & operator=(const EnergySumCondition &)
const bool evaluateCondition(const int bxEval) const override
the core function to check if the condition matches
void setGtEnergySumTemplate(const EnergySumTemplate *)
void copy(const EnergySumCondition &cp)
copy function for copy constructor and operator=