8 #ifndef DoCastorAnalysis_h 9 #define DoCastorAnalysis_h 17 #include "G4SDManager.hh" 21 #include "G4PrimaryVertex.hh" 22 #include "G4VProcess.hh" 23 #include "G4HCofThisEvent.hh" 24 #include "G4UserEventAction.hh" 25 #include "CLHEP/Units/GlobalSystemOfUnits.h" 26 #include "CLHEP/Units/GlobalPhysicalConstants.h" 40 #include <CLHEP/Random/Randomize.h> 49 #include "TLorentzVector.h" 50 #include "TUnixSystem.h" 66 public Observer<const BeginOfEvent *>,
105 #endif // DoCastorAnalysis_h std::vector< double > * psimhit_z
std::vector< double > simhit_eta
std::vector< double > * psimhit_x
std::vector< double > * psimhit_energy
std::vector< double > simhit_x
void update(const BeginOfJob *run) override
This routine will be called when the appropriate signal arrives.
std::vector< double > * psimhit_phi
DoCastorAnalysis(const edm::ParameterSet &p)
~DoCastorAnalysis() override
std::vector< double > simhit_phi
std::vector< double > * psimhit_y
std::vector< double > simhit_y
std::vector< double > * psimhit_eta
TFile * CastorOutputEventFile
std::vector< int > simhit_sector
std::vector< int > * psimhit_sector
std::vector< double > simhit_energy
std::vector< int > * psimhit_module
std::vector< int > simhit_module
std::vector< double > simhit_z