12 ss <<
"\n\t\t strip " << ++idx <<
" adc " << (size_t)
14 ss <<
"\n\t\t charge " << charge <<
" barycenter " << clus.
barycenter() << std::endl;
23 for (
size_t ie = 0; ie < 15; ++ie)
26 ss <<
"\n\t TrackingRecHit on detid " << iter->geographicalId().rawId() <<
" \t localPos " << iter->localPosition();
39 sprintf(cindex,
"%d", tTopo->
41 if (tTopo->
tidSide(detid) == 1) {
46 sprintf(cindex,
"%d", tTopo->
49 sprintf(cindex,
"%d", tTopo->
51 if (tTopo->
tecSide(detid) == 1) {
56 sprintf(cindex,
"%d", tTopo->
64 ss <<
"[PrintObject] " 65 <<
"\n\tcharge \t" << track->
charge() <<
"\talgo \t" << track->
algo() <<
"\n\treferencePoint \t" 69 ss <<
"\n\tmomentum \t" << track->
momentum() <<
" pt " << track->
momentum().rho() <<
"\n\tinnerMom \t" 72 ss <<
"\n\tinnerok \t" << track->
innerOk() <<
"\n\tinnerdetid \t" << track->
innerDetId() <<
"\n\tdxy \t" 73 << track->
dxy() <<
"\n\tdxy(vx) \t" << track->
dxy(vx) <<
"\t where vx \t" << vx << std::endl;
const Point & referencePoint() const
Reference point on the track.
unsigned int tibLayer(const DetId &id) const
std::string getString(uint32_t detid, const TrackerTopology *tTopo) const
bool innerOk() const
return true if the innermost hit is valid
unsigned int tidWheel(const DetId &id) const
uint16_t firstStrip() const
const Vector & momentum() const
track momentum vector
const math::XYZPoint & innerPosition() const
position of the innermost hit
TrackAlgorithm algo() const
unsigned int tidSide(const DetId &id) const
recHitContainer::const_iterator const_iterator
constexpr int subdetId() const
get the contents of the subdetector field (not cast into any detector's numbering enum) ...
unsigned int detId() const
void print(std::stringstream &ss, const SiStripCluster &clus)
LocalVector momentum() const
Momentum vector in the local frame.
constexpr int adc(sample_type sample)
get the ADC sample (12 bits)
Detector identifier class for the strip tracker.
PTrajectoryStateOnDet const & startingState() const
XYZPointD XYZPoint
point in space with cartesian internal representation
TrackCharge charge() const
Charge (-1, 0 or 1)
unsigned int nHits() const
const math::XYZVector & innerMomentum() const
momentum vector at the innermost hit position
int charge() const
track electric charge
double dxy() const
dxy parameter. (This is the transverse impact parameter w.r.t. to (0,0,0) ONLY if refPoint is close t...
unsigned int tecWheel(const DetId &id) const
unsigned int innerDetId() const
DetId of the detector on which surface the innermost state is located.
const std::vector< uint8_t > & amplitudes() const
const LocalTrajectoryParameters & parameters() const
unsigned int tobLayer(const DetId &id) const
unsigned int tecSide(const DetId &id) const