Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /* \class ZMuMu_MCanalyzer
2  *
3  * author: Davide Piccolo
4  *
5  * ZMuMu MC analyzer:
6  * check muon reco efficiencies from MC truth,
7  *
8  */
36 #include "TH1.h"
37 #include "TH2.h"
38 #include "TH3.h"
39 #include <vector>
41 using namespace edm;
42 using namespace std;
43 using namespace reco;
44 using namespace reco;
45 using namespace isodeposit;
50 public:
53 private:
54  void analyze(const edm::Event& event, const edm::EventSetup& setup) override;
55  bool check_ifZmumu(const Candidate* dauGen0, const Candidate* dauGen1, const Candidate* dauGen2);
56  float getParticlePt(const int ipart, const Candidate* dauGen0, const Candidate* dauGen1, const Candidate* dauGen2);
57  float getParticleEta(const int ipart, const Candidate* dauGen0, const Candidate* dauGen1, const Candidate* dauGen2);
58  float getParticlePhi(const int ipart, const Candidate* dauGen0, const Candidate* dauGen1, const Candidate* dauGen2);
59  Particle::LorentzVector getParticleP4(const int ipart,
60  const Candidate* dauGen0,
61  const Candidate* dauGen1,
62  const Candidate* dauGen2);
63  void endJob() override;
75  bool bothMuons_;
77  double etamin_, etamax_, ptmin_, massMin_, massMax_, isoMax_;
79  double ptThreshold_, etEcalThreshold_, etHcalThreshold_, dRVetoTrk_, dRTrk_, dREcal_, dRHcal_, alpha_, beta_;
82  string hltPath_;
83  reco::CandidateBaseRef globalMuonCandRef_, trackMuonCandRef_, standAloneMuonCandRef_;
86  // general histograms
87  TH1D *h_trackProbe_eta, *h_trackProbe_pt, *h_staProbe_eta, *h_staProbe_pt, *h_ProbeOk_eta, *h_ProbeOk_pt;
89  // global counters
90  int nGlobalMuonsMatched_passed; // total number of global muons MC matched and passing cuts (and triggered)
91  int nGlobalMuonsMatched_passedIso; // total number of global muons MC matched and passing cuts including Iso
92  int n2GlobalMuonsMatched_passedIso; // total number of Z->2 global muons MC matched and passing cuts including Iso
93  int nStaMuonsMatched_passedIso; // total number of sta only muons MC matched and passing cuts including Iso
94  int nTracksMuonsMatched_passedIso; // total number of tracks only muons MC matched and passing cuts including Iso
95  int n2GlobalMuonsMatched_passedIso2Trg; // total number of Z->2 global muons MC matched and passing cuts including Iso and both triggered
96  int nMu0onlyTriggered; // n. of events zMuMu with mu0 only triggered
97  int nMu1onlyTriggered; // n. of events zMuMu with mu1 only triggered
99  int nZMuMu_matched; // n. of events zMuMu macthed
100  int nZMuSta_matched; // n of events zMuSta macthed
101  int nZMuTrk_matched; // n. of events zMuTrk mathced
102 };
104 template <typename T>
105 double isolation(const T* t,
106  double ptThreshold,
107  double etEcalThreshold,
108  double etHcalThreshold,
109  double dRVetoTrk,
110  double dRTrk,
111  double dREcal,
112  double dRHcal,
113  double alpha,
114  double beta,
115  bool relativeIsolation) {
116  // on 34X:
117  const pat::IsoDeposit* trkIso = t->isoDeposit(pat::TrackIso);
118  // const pat::IsoDeposit * trkIso = t->trackerIsoDeposit();
119  // on 34X
120  const pat::IsoDeposit* ecalIso = t->isoDeposit(pat::EcalIso);
121  // const pat::IsoDeposit * ecalIso = t->ecalIsoDeposit();
122  // on 34X
123  const pat::IsoDeposit* hcalIso = t->isoDeposit(pat::HcalIso);
124  // const pat::IsoDeposit * hcalIso = t->hcalIsoDeposit();
126  Direction dir = Direction(t->eta(), t->phi());
128  pat::IsoDeposit::AbsVetos vetosTrk;
129  vetosTrk.push_back(new ConeVeto(dir, dRVetoTrk));
130  vetosTrk.push_back(new ThresholdVeto(ptThreshold));
132  pat::IsoDeposit::AbsVetos vetosEcal;
133  vetosEcal.push_back(new ConeVeto(dir, 0.));
134  vetosEcal.push_back(new ThresholdVeto(etEcalThreshold));
136  pat::IsoDeposit::AbsVetos vetosHcal;
137  vetosHcal.push_back(new ConeVeto(dir, 0.));
138  vetosHcal.push_back(new ThresholdVeto(etHcalThreshold));
140  double isovalueTrk = (trkIso->sumWithin(dRTrk, vetosTrk));
141  double isovalueEcal = (ecalIso->sumWithin(dREcal, vetosEcal));
142  double isovalueHcal = (hcalIso->sumWithin(dRHcal, vetosHcal));
144  double iso =
145  alpha * (((1 + beta) / 2 * isovalueEcal) + ((1 - beta) / 2 * isovalueHcal)) + ((1 - alpha) * isovalueTrk);
146  if (relativeIsolation)
147  iso /= t->pt();
148  return iso;
149 }
152  double ptThreshold,
153  double etEcalThreshold,
154  double etHcalThreshold,
155  double dRVetoTrk,
156  double dRTrk,
157  double dREcal,
158  double dRHcal,
159  double alpha,
160  double beta,
161  bool relativeIsolation) {
162  const pat::Muon* mu = dynamic_cast<const pat::Muon*>(&*c->masterClone());
163  if (mu != nullptr)
164  return isolation(mu,
165  ptThreshold,
166  etEcalThreshold,
167  etHcalThreshold,
168  dRVetoTrk,
169  dRTrk,
170  dREcal,
171  dRHcal,
172  alpha,
173  beta,
174  relativeIsolation);
175  const pat::GenericParticle* trk = dynamic_cast<const pat::GenericParticle*>(&*c->masterClone());
176  if (trk != nullptr)
177  return isolation(trk,
178  ptThreshold,
179  etEcalThreshold,
180  etHcalThreshold,
181  dRVetoTrk,
182  dRTrk,
183  dREcal,
184  dRHcal,
185  alpha,
186  beta,
187  relativeIsolation);
189  << "Candidate daughter #0 is neither pat::Muons nor pat::GenericParticle\n";
190  return -1;
191 }
203 #include <iostream>
204 #include <iterator>
205 #include <cmath>
208  : zMuMuToken_(consumes<CandidateView>(pset.getParameter<InputTag>("zMuMu"))),
209  zMuMuMatchMapToken_(mayConsume<GenParticleMatch>(pset.getParameter<InputTag>("zMuMuMatchMap"))),
210  zMuStandAloneToken_(consumes<CandidateView>(pset.getParameter<InputTag>("zMuStandAlone"))),
211  zMuStandAloneMatchMapToken_(mayConsume<GenParticleMatch>(pset.getParameter<InputTag>("zMuStandAloneMatchMap"))),
212  zMuTrackToken_(consumes<CandidateView>(pset.getParameter<InputTag>("zMuTrack"))),
213  zMuTrackMatchMapToken_(mayConsume<GenParticleMatch>(pset.getParameter<InputTag>("zMuTrackMatchMap"))),
214  muonsToken_(consumes<CandidateView>(pset.getParameter<InputTag>("muons"))),
215  tracksToken_(consumes<CandidateView>(pset.getParameter<InputTag>("tracks"))),
216  genParticlesToken_(consumes<GenParticleCollection>(pset.getParameter<InputTag>("genParticles"))),
218  bothMuons_(pset.getParameter<bool>("bothMuons")),
219  etamin_(pset.getUntrackedParameter<double>("etamin")),
220  etamax_(pset.getUntrackedParameter<double>("etamax")),
221  ptmin_(pset.getUntrackedParameter<double>("ptmin")),
222  massMin_(pset.getUntrackedParameter<double>("zMassMin")),
223  massMax_(pset.getUntrackedParameter<double>("zMassMax")),
224  isoMax_(pset.getUntrackedParameter<double>("isomax")),
225  ptThreshold_(pset.getUntrackedParameter<double>("ptThreshold")),
226  etEcalThreshold_(pset.getUntrackedParameter<double>("etEcalThreshold")),
227  etHcalThreshold_(pset.getUntrackedParameter<double>("etHcalThreshold")),
228  dRVetoTrk_(pset.getUntrackedParameter<double>("deltaRVetoTrk")),
229  dRTrk_(pset.getUntrackedParameter<double>("deltaRTrk")),
230  dREcal_(pset.getUntrackedParameter<double>("deltaREcal")),
231  dRHcal_(pset.getUntrackedParameter<double>("deltaRHcal")),
232  alpha_(pset.getUntrackedParameter<double>("alpha")),
233  beta_(pset.getUntrackedParameter<double>("beta")),
234  relativeIsolation_(pset.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("relativeIsolation")),
235  hltPath_(pset.getUntrackedParameter<std::string>("hltPath")) {
238  // binning of entries array (at moment defined by hand and not in cfg file)
239  double etaRange[8] = {-2.5, -2., -1.2, -0.8, 0.8, 1.2, 2., 2.5};
240  double ptRange[4] = {20., 40., 60., 100.};
242  // general histograms
243  h_trackProbe_eta = fs->make<TH1D>("trackProbeEta", "Eta of tracks", 7, etaRange);
244  h_trackProbe_pt = fs->make<TH1D>("trackProbePt", "Pt of tracks", 3, ptRange);
245  h_staProbe_eta = fs->make<TH1D>("standAloneProbeEta", "Eta of standAlone", 7, etaRange);
246  h_staProbe_pt = fs->make<TH1D>("standAloneProbePt", "Pt of standAlone", 3, ptRange);
247  h_ProbeOk_eta = fs->make<TH1D>("probeOkEta", "Eta of probe Ok", 7, etaRange);
248  h_ProbeOk_pt = fs->make<TH1D>("probeOkPt", "Pt of probe ok", 3, ptRange);
250  // clear global counters
257  nMu0onlyTriggered = 0;
258  nMu1onlyTriggered = 0;
259  nZMuMu_matched = 0;
260  nZMuSta_matched = 0;
261  nZMuTrk_matched = 0;
262 }
266  Handle<GenParticleMatch> zMuMuMatchMap; //Map of Z made by Mu global + Mu global
267  Handle<CandidateView> zMuStandAlone;
268  Handle<GenParticleMatch> zMuStandAloneMatchMap; //Map of Z made by Mu + StandAlone
269  Handle<CandidateView> zMuTrack;
270  Handle<GenParticleMatch> zMuTrackMatchMap; //Map of Z made by Mu + Track
271  Handle<CandidateView> muons; //Collection of Muons
272  Handle<CandidateView> tracks; //Collection of Tracks
274  Handle<GenParticleCollection> genParticles; // Collection of Generatd Particles
276  event.getByToken(zMuMuToken_, zMuMu);
277  event.getByToken(zMuStandAloneToken_, zMuStandAlone);
278  event.getByToken(zMuTrackToken_, zMuTrack);
279  event.getByToken(genParticlesToken_, genParticles);
280  event.getByToken(muonsToken_, muons);
281  event.getByToken(tracksToken_, tracks);
283  /*
284  cout << "********* zMuMu size : " << zMuMu->size() << endl;
285  cout << "********* zMuStandAlone size : " << zMuStandAlone->size() << endl;
286  cout << "********* zMuTrack size : " << zMuTrack->size() << endl;
287  cout << "********* muons size : " << muons->size() << endl;
288  cout << "********* tracks size : " << tracks->size() << endl;
289  */
290  // std::cout<<"Run-> "<<<<std::endl;
291  // std::cout<<"Event-> "<<<<std::endl;
293  bool zMuMu_found = false;
295  // loop on ZMuMu
296  if (!zMuMu->empty()) {
297  event.getByToken(zMuMuMatchMapToken_, zMuMuMatchMap);
298  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < zMuMu->size(); ++i) { //loop on candidates
299  const Candidate& zMuMuCand = (*zMuMu)[i]; //the candidate
300  CandidateBaseRef zMuMuCandRef = zMuMu->refAt(i);
302  const Candidate* lep0 = zMuMuCand.daughter(0);
303  const Candidate* lep1 = zMuMuCand.daughter(1);
304  const pat::Muon& muonDau0 = dynamic_cast<const pat::Muon&>(*lep0->masterClone());
305  // double trkiso0 = muonDau0.trackIso();
306  const pat::Muon& muonDau1 = dynamic_cast<const pat::Muon&>(*lep1->masterClone());
307  //double trkiso1 = muonDau1.trackIso();
309  double iso0 = candidateIsolation(lep0,
310  ptThreshold_,
313  dRVetoTrk_,
314  dRTrk_,
315  dREcal_,
316  dRHcal_,
317  alpha_,
318  beta_,
320  double iso1 = candidateIsolation(lep1,
321  ptThreshold_,
324  dRVetoTrk_,
325  dRTrk_,
326  dREcal_,
327  dRHcal_,
328  alpha_,
329  beta_,
332  double pt0 = zMuMuCand.daughter(0)->pt();
333  double pt1 = zMuMuCand.daughter(1)->pt();
334  double eta0 = zMuMuCand.daughter(0)->eta();
335  double eta1 = zMuMuCand.daughter(1)->eta();
336  double mass = zMuMuCand.mass();
338  // HLT match
342  bool trig0found = false;
343  bool trig1found = false;
344  if (!mu0HLTMatches.empty())
345  trig0found = true;
346  if (!mu1HLTMatches.empty())
347  trig1found = true;
349  GenParticleRef zMuMuMatch = (*zMuMuMatchMap)[zMuMuCandRef];
350  if (zMuMuMatch.isNonnull()) { // ZMuMu matched
351  zMuMu_found = true;
352  nZMuMu_matched++;
353  if (pt0 > ptmin_ && pt1 > ptmin_ && abs(eta0) > etamin_ && abs(eta1) > etamin_ && abs(eta0) < etamax_ &&
354  abs(eta1) < etamax_ && mass > massMin_ && mass < massMax_ &&
355  (trig0found || trig1found)) { // kinematic and trigger cuts passed
356  nGlobalMuonsMatched_passed++; // first global Muon passed kine cuts
357  nGlobalMuonsMatched_passed++; // second global muon passsed kine cuts
358  if (iso0 < isoMax_)
359  nGlobalMuonsMatched_passedIso++; // first global muon passed the iso cut
360  if (iso1 < isoMax_)
361  nGlobalMuonsMatched_passedIso++; // second global muon passed the iso cut
362  if (iso0 < isoMax_ && iso1 < isoMax_) {
363  n2GlobalMuonsMatched_passedIso++; // both muons passed iso cut
364  if (trig0found && trig1found)
365  n2GlobalMuonsMatched_passedIso2Trg++; // both muons have HLT
366  if (trig0found && !trig1found)
368  if (trig1found && !trig0found)
370  // histograms vs eta and pt
371  if (trig1found) { // check efficiency of muon0 not imposing the trigger on it
372  h_trackProbe_eta->Fill(eta0);
373  h_trackProbe_pt->Fill(pt0);
374  h_staProbe_eta->Fill(eta0);
375  h_staProbe_pt->Fill(pt0);
376  h_ProbeOk_eta->Fill(eta0);
377  h_ProbeOk_pt->Fill(pt0);
378  }
379  if (trig0found) { // check efficiency of muon1 not imposing the trigger on it
380  h_trackProbe_eta->Fill(eta1);
381  h_staProbe_eta->Fill(eta1);
382  h_trackProbe_pt->Fill(pt1);
383  h_staProbe_pt->Fill(pt1);
384  h_ProbeOk_eta->Fill(eta1);
385  h_ProbeOk_pt->Fill(pt1);
386  }
387  }
388  }
389  } // end MC match
391  } // end loop on ZMuMu cand
392  } // end if ZMuMu size > 0
394  // loop on ZMuSta
395  bool zMuSta_found = false;
396  if (!zMuMu_found && !zMuStandAlone->empty()) {
397  event.getByToken(zMuStandAloneMatchMapToken_, zMuStandAloneMatchMap);
398  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < zMuStandAlone->size(); ++i) { //loop on candidates
399  const Candidate& zMuStandAloneCand = (*zMuStandAlone)[i]; //the candidate
400  CandidateBaseRef zMuStandAloneCandRef = zMuStandAlone->refAt(i);
401  GenParticleRef zMuStandAloneMatch = (*zMuStandAloneMatchMap)[zMuStandAloneCandRef];
403  const Candidate* lep0 = zMuStandAloneCand.daughter(0);
404  const Candidate* lep1 = zMuStandAloneCand.daughter(1);
405  const pat::Muon& muonDau0 = dynamic_cast<const pat::Muon&>(*lep0->masterClone());
406  //double trkiso0 = muonDau0.trackIso();
407  // const pat::Muon & muonDau1 = dynamic_cast<const pat::Muon &>(*lep1->masterClone());
408  //double trkiso1 = muonDau1.trackIso();
410  double iso0 = candidateIsolation(lep0,
411  ptThreshold_,
414  dRVetoTrk_,
415  dRTrk_,
416  dREcal_,
417  dRHcal_,
418  alpha_,
419  beta_,
421  double iso1 = candidateIsolation(lep1,
422  ptThreshold_,
425  dRVetoTrk_,
426  dRTrk_,
427  dREcal_,
428  dRHcal_,
429  alpha_,
430  beta_,
433  double pt0 = zMuStandAloneCand.daughter(0)->pt();
434  double pt1 = zMuStandAloneCand.daughter(1)->pt();
435  double eta0 = zMuStandAloneCand.daughter(0)->eta();
436  double eta1 = zMuStandAloneCand.daughter(1)->eta();
437  double mass = zMuStandAloneCand.mass();
439  // HLT match (check just dau0 the global)
442  bool trig0found = false;
443  if (!mu0HLTMatches.empty())
444  trig0found = true;
446  if (zMuStandAloneMatch.isNonnull()) { // ZMuStandAlone matched
447  zMuSta_found = true;
448  nZMuSta_matched++;
449  if (pt0 > ptmin_ && pt1 > ptmin_ && abs(eta0) > etamin_ && abs(eta1) > etamin_ && abs(eta0) < etamax_ &&
450  abs(eta1) < etamax_ && mass > massMin_ && mass < massMax_ && iso0 < isoMax_ && iso1 < isoMax_ &&
451  trig0found) { // all cuts and trigger passed
453  // histograms vs eta and pt
454  h_staProbe_eta->Fill(eta1);
455  h_staProbe_pt->Fill(pt1);
456  }
457  } // end MC match
458  } // end loop on ZMuStandAlone cand
459  } // end if ZMuStandAlone size > 0
461  // loop on ZMuTrack
462  if (!zMuMu_found && !zMuSta_found && !zMuTrack->empty()) {
463  event.getByToken(zMuTrackMatchMapToken_, zMuTrackMatchMap);
464  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < zMuTrack->size(); ++i) { //loop on candidates
465  const Candidate& zMuTrackCand = (*zMuTrack)[i]; //the candidate
466  CandidateBaseRef zMuTrackCandRef = zMuTrack->refAt(i);
467  const Candidate* lep0 = zMuTrackCand.daughter(0);
468  const Candidate* lep1 = zMuTrackCand.daughter(1);
469  const pat::Muon& muonDau0 = dynamic_cast<const pat::Muon&>(*lep0->masterClone());
470  //double trkiso0 = muonDau0.trackIso();
471  //const pat::GenericParticle & trackDau1 = dynamic_cast<const pat::GenericParticle &>(*lep1->masterClone());
472  //double trkiso1 = trackDau1.trackIso();
473  double iso0 = candidateIsolation(lep0,
474  ptThreshold_,
477  dRVetoTrk_,
478  dRTrk_,
479  dREcal_,
480  dRHcal_,
481  alpha_,
482  beta_,
484  double iso1 = candidateIsolation(lep1,
485  ptThreshold_,
488  dRVetoTrk_,
489  dRTrk_,
490  dREcal_,
491  dRHcal_,
492  alpha_,
493  beta_,
496  double pt0 = zMuTrackCand.daughter(0)->pt();
497  double pt1 = zMuTrackCand.daughter(1)->pt();
498  double eta0 = zMuTrackCand.daughter(0)->eta();
499  double eta1 = zMuTrackCand.daughter(1)->eta();
500  double mass = zMuTrackCand.mass();
502  // HLT match (check just dau0 the global)
505  bool trig0found = false;
506  if (!mu0HLTMatches.empty())
507  trig0found = true;
509  GenParticleRef zMuTrackMatch = (*zMuTrackMatchMap)[zMuTrackCandRef];
510  if (zMuTrackMatch.isNonnull()) { // ZMuTrack matched
511  nZMuTrk_matched++;
512  if (pt0 > ptmin_ && pt1 > ptmin_ && abs(eta0) > etamin_ && abs(eta1) > etamin_ && abs(eta0) < etamax_ &&
513  abs(eta1) < etamax_ && mass > massMin_ && mass < massMax_ && iso0 < isoMax_ && iso1 < isoMax_ &&
514  trig0found) { // all cuts and trigger passed
516  // histograms vs eta and pt
517  h_trackProbe_eta->Fill(eta1);
518  h_trackProbe_pt->Fill(pt1);
519  }
520  } // end MC match
521  } // end loop on ZMuTrack cand
522  } // end if ZMuTrack size > 0
524 } // end analyze
526 bool ZMuMu_MCanalyzer::check_ifZmumu(const Candidate* dauGen0, const Candidate* dauGen1, const Candidate* dauGen2) {
527  int partId0 = dauGen0->pdgId();
528  int partId1 = dauGen1->pdgId();
529  int partId2 = dauGen2->pdgId();
530  bool muplusFound = false;
531  bool muminusFound = false;
532  bool ZFound = false;
533  if (partId0 == 13 || partId1 == 13 || partId2 == 13)
534  muminusFound = true;
535  if (partId0 == -13 || partId1 == -13 || partId2 == -13)
536  muplusFound = true;
537  if (partId0 == 23 || partId1 == 23 || partId2 == 23)
538  ZFound = true;
539  return (muplusFound && muminusFound && ZFound);
540 }
542 float ZMuMu_MCanalyzer::getParticlePt(const int ipart,
543  const Candidate* dauGen0,
544  const Candidate* dauGen1,
545  const Candidate* dauGen2) {
546  int partId0 = dauGen0->pdgId();
547  int partId1 = dauGen1->pdgId();
548  int partId2 = dauGen2->pdgId();
549  float ptpart = 0.;
550  if (partId0 == ipart) {
551  for (unsigned int k = 0; k < dauGen0->numberOfDaughters(); ++k) {
552  const Candidate* dauMuGen = dauGen0->daughter(k);
553  if (dauMuGen->pdgId() == ipart && dauMuGen->status() == 1) {
554  ptpart = dauMuGen->pt();
555  }
556  }
557  }
558  if (partId1 == ipart) {
559  for (unsigned int k = 0; k < dauGen1->numberOfDaughters(); ++k) {
560  const Candidate* dauMuGen = dauGen1->daughter(k);
561  if (dauMuGen->pdgId() == ipart && dauMuGen->status() == 1) {
562  ptpart = dauMuGen->pt();
563  }
564  }
565  }
566  if (partId2 == ipart) {
567  for (unsigned int k = 0; k < dauGen2->numberOfDaughters(); ++k) {
568  const Candidate* dauMuGen = dauGen2->daughter(k);
569  if (abs(dauMuGen->pdgId()) == ipart && dauMuGen->status() == 1) {
570  ptpart = dauMuGen->pt();
571  }
572  }
573  }
574  return ptpart;
575 }
577 float ZMuMu_MCanalyzer::getParticleEta(const int ipart,
578  const Candidate* dauGen0,
579  const Candidate* dauGen1,
580  const Candidate* dauGen2) {
581  int partId0 = dauGen0->pdgId();
582  int partId1 = dauGen1->pdgId();
583  int partId2 = dauGen2->pdgId();
584  float etapart = 0.;
585  if (partId0 == ipart) {
586  for (unsigned int k = 0; k < dauGen0->numberOfDaughters(); ++k) {
587  const Candidate* dauMuGen = dauGen0->daughter(k);
588  if (dauMuGen->pdgId() == ipart && dauMuGen->status() == 1) {
589  etapart = dauMuGen->eta();
590  }
591  }
592  }
593  if (partId1 == ipart) {
594  for (unsigned int k = 0; k < dauGen1->numberOfDaughters(); ++k) {
595  const Candidate* dauMuGen = dauGen1->daughter(k);
596  if (dauMuGen->pdgId() == ipart && dauMuGen->status() == 1) {
597  etapart = dauMuGen->eta();
598  }
599  }
600  }
601  if (partId2 == ipart) {
602  for (unsigned int k = 0; k < dauGen2->numberOfDaughters(); ++k) {
603  const Candidate* dauMuGen = dauGen2->daughter(k);
604  if (abs(dauMuGen->pdgId()) == ipart && dauMuGen->status() == 1) {
605  etapart = dauMuGen->eta();
606  }
607  }
608  }
609  return etapart;
610 }
612 float ZMuMu_MCanalyzer::getParticlePhi(const int ipart,
613  const Candidate* dauGen0,
614  const Candidate* dauGen1,
615  const Candidate* dauGen2) {
616  int partId0 = dauGen0->pdgId();
617  int partId1 = dauGen1->pdgId();
618  int partId2 = dauGen2->pdgId();
619  float phipart = 0.;
620  if (partId0 == ipart) {
621  for (unsigned int k = 0; k < dauGen0->numberOfDaughters(); ++k) {
622  const Candidate* dauMuGen = dauGen0->daughter(k);
623  if (dauMuGen->pdgId() == ipart && dauMuGen->status() == 1) {
624  phipart = dauMuGen->phi();
625  }
626  }
627  }
628  if (partId1 == ipart) {
629  for (unsigned int k = 0; k < dauGen1->numberOfDaughters(); ++k) {
630  const Candidate* dauMuGen = dauGen1->daughter(k);
631  if (dauMuGen->pdgId() == ipart && dauMuGen->status() == 1) {
632  phipart = dauMuGen->phi();
633  }
634  }
635  }
636  if (partId2 == ipart) {
637  for (unsigned int k = 0; k < dauGen2->numberOfDaughters(); ++k) {
638  const Candidate* dauMuGen = dauGen2->daughter(k);
639  if (abs(dauMuGen->pdgId()) == ipart && dauMuGen->status() == 1) {
640  phipart = dauMuGen->phi();
641  }
642  }
643  }
644  return phipart;
645 }
648  const Candidate* dauGen0,
649  const Candidate* dauGen1,
650  const Candidate* dauGen2) {
651  int partId0 = dauGen0->pdgId();
652  int partId1 = dauGen1->pdgId();
653  int partId2 = dauGen2->pdgId();
654  Particle::LorentzVector p4part(0., 0., 0., 0.);
655  if (partId0 == ipart) {
656  for (unsigned int k = 0; k < dauGen0->numberOfDaughters(); ++k) {
657  const Candidate* dauMuGen = dauGen0->daughter(k);
658  if (dauMuGen->pdgId() == ipart && dauMuGen->status() == 1) {
659  p4part = dauMuGen->p4();
660  }
661  }
662  }
663  if (partId1 == ipart) {
664  for (unsigned int k = 0; k < dauGen1->numberOfDaughters(); ++k) {
665  const Candidate* dauMuGen = dauGen1->daughter(k);
666  if (dauMuGen->pdgId() == ipart && dauMuGen->status() == 1) {
667  p4part = dauMuGen->p4();
668  }
669  }
670  }
671  if (partId2 == ipart) {
672  for (unsigned int k = 0; k < dauGen2->numberOfDaughters(); ++k) {
673  const Candidate* dauMuGen = dauGen2->daughter(k);
674  if (abs(dauMuGen->pdgId()) == ipart && dauMuGen->status() == 1) {
675  p4part = dauMuGen->p4();
676  }
677  }
678  }
679  return p4part;
680 }
684  double err_effIso = sqrt(eff_Iso * (1 - eff_Iso) / nGlobalMuonsMatched_passed);
686  double n1_afterIso =
688  double n2_afterIso =
691  double effSta_afterIso =
693  double effTrk_afterIso =
695  double effHLT_afterIso = (2. * n2GlobalMuonsMatched_passedIso2Trg) /
696  (2. * n2GlobalMuonsMatched_passedIso2Trg + nMu0onlyTriggered + nMu1onlyTriggered);
697  double err_effHLT_afterIso = sqrt(effHLT_afterIso * (1 - effHLT_afterIso) / nGLB_afterIso);
698  double err_effsta_afterIso = sqrt(effSta_afterIso * (1 - effSta_afterIso) / n1_afterIso);
699  double err_efftrk_afterIso = sqrt(effTrk_afterIso * (1 - effTrk_afterIso) / n2_afterIso);
701  cout << "------------------------------------ Counters --------------------------------" << endl;
703  cout << "number of events zMuMu matched " << nZMuMu_matched << endl;
704  cout << "number of events zMuSta matched " << nZMuSta_matched << endl;
705  cout << "number of events zMuTk matched " << nZMuTrk_matched << endl;
706  cout << "number of events zMuMu with mu0 only triggered " << nMu0onlyTriggered << endl;
707  cout << "number of events zMuMu with mu1 only triggered " << nMu1onlyTriggered << endl;
708  cout << "=========================================" << endl;
709  cout << "n. of global muons MC matched and passing cuts: " << nGlobalMuonsMatched_passed << endl;
710  cout << "n. of global muons MC matched and passing also Iso cut: " << nGlobalMuonsMatched_passedIso << endl;
711  cout << "n. of Z -> 2 global muons MC matched and passing ALL cuts: " << n2GlobalMuonsMatched_passedIso << endl;
712  cout << "n. of ZMuSta MC matched and passing ALL cuts: " << nStaMuonsMatched_passedIso << endl;
713  cout << "n. of ZmuTrck MC matched and passing ALL cuts: " << nTracksMuonsMatched_passedIso << endl;
714  cout << "n. of Z -> 2 global muons MC matched and passing ALL cuts and both triggered: "
716  cout << "=================================================================================" << endl;
717  cout << "Iso efficiency: " << eff_Iso << " +/- " << err_effIso << endl;
718  cout << "HLT efficiency: " << effHLT_afterIso << " +/- " << err_effHLT_afterIso << endl;
719  cout << "eff StandAlone (after Isocut) : " << effSta_afterIso << "+/-" << err_effsta_afterIso << endl;
720  cout << "eff Tracker (after Isocut) : " << effTrk_afterIso << "+/-" << err_efftrk_afterIso << endl;
721 }
std::vector< GenParticle > GenParticleCollection
collection of GenParticles
ZMuMu_MCanalyzer(const edm::ParameterSet &pset)
bool isNonnull() const
Checks for non-null.
Definition: Ref.h:238
double candidateIsolation(const reco::Candidate *c, double ptThreshold, double etEcalThreshold, double etHcalThreshold, double dRVetoTrk, double dRTrk, double dREcal, double dRHcal, double alpha, double beta, bool relativeIsolation)
std::vector< TriggerObjectStandAlone > TriggerObjectStandAloneCollection
Collection of TriggerObjectStandAlone.
EDGetTokenT< CandidateView > zMuStandAloneToken_
EDGetTokenT< CandidateView > zMuMuToken_
virtual const Candidate * daughter(size_type i) const =0
return daughter at a given position, i = 0, ... numberOfDaughters() - 1 (read only mode) ...
size_type size() const
float getParticlePhi(const int ipart, const Candidate *dauGen0, const Candidate *dauGen1, const Candidate *dauGen2)
T * make(const Args &...args) const
make new ROOT object
Definition: TFileService.h:64
void analyze(const edm::Event &event, const edm::EventSetup &setup) override
example_stream void analyze(const edm::Event &, const edm::EventSetup &) override
double sumWithin(double coneSize, const AbsVetos &vetos=AbsVetos(), bool skipDepositVeto=false) const
bool check_ifZmumu(const Candidate *dauGen0, const Candidate *dauGen1, const Candidate *dauGen2)
RefToBase< value_type > refAt(size_type i) const
virtual int status() const =0
status word
Analysis-level Generic Particle class (e.g. for hadron or muon not fully reconstructed) ...
#define DEFINE_FWK_MODULE(type)
Definition: MakerMacros.h:16
EDGetTokenT< CandidateView > muonsToken_
EDGetTokenT< GenParticleMatch > zMuTrackMatchMapToken_
virtual const LorentzVector & p4() const =0
four-momentum Lorentz vector
virtual int pdgId() const =0
PDG identifier.
T sqrt(T t)
Definition: SSEVec.h:19
bool empty() const
reco::CandidateBaseRef trackMuonCandRef_
Abs< T >::type abs(const T &t)
Definition: Abs.h:22
const TriggerObjectStandAloneCollection triggerObjectMatchesByPath(const std::string &namePath, const bool pathLastFilterAccepted=false, const bool pathL3FilterAccepted=true) const
Definition: PATObject.h:682
EDGetTokenT< GenParticleCollection > genParticlesToken_
int n2GlobalMuonsMatched_passedIso2Trg
virtual const CandidateBaseRef & masterClone() const =0
zMuMu vector of PSet is common to all categories except zMuTrk category
virtual double eta() const =0
momentum pseudorapidity
ValueMap< float > IsolationCollection
virtual double pt() const =0
transverse momentum
virtual double mass() const =0
EDGetTokenT< GenParticleMatch > zMuMuMatchMapToken_
OverlapChecker overlap_
fixed size matrix
HLT enums.
float getParticleEta(const int ipart, const Candidate *dauGen0, const Candidate *dauGen1, const Candidate *dauGen2)
EDGetTokenT< CandidateView > zMuTrackToken_
print &#39;MRbb(1b)&#39;,event.mr_bb
zGenParticlesMatch = cms.InputTag(""),
EDGetTokenT< CandidateView > tracksToken_
isodeposit::AbsVetos AbsVetos
Definition: IsoDeposit.h:53
virtual size_type numberOfDaughters() const =0
number of daughters
long double T
virtual double phi() const =0
momentum azimuthal angle
Analysis-level muon class.
Definition: Muon.h:51
double isolation(const T *t, double ptThreshold, double etEcalThreshold, double etHcalThreshold, double dRVetoTrk, double dRTrk, double dREcal, double dRHcal, double alpha, double beta, bool relativeIsolation)
EDGetTokenT< GenParticleMatch > zMuStandAloneMatchMapToken_
float getParticlePt(const int ipart, const Candidate *dauGen0, const Candidate *dauGen1, const Candidate *dauGen2)
math::PtEtaPhiELorentzVectorF LorentzVector
void endJob() override
Particle::LorentzVector getParticleP4(const int ipart, const Candidate *dauGen0, const Candidate *dauGen1, const Candidate *dauGen2)