List of all members | Public Member Functions | Protected Member Functions | Private Member Functions | Private Attributes
BeamMonitor Class Reference

#include <BeamMonitor.h>

Inheritance diagram for BeamMonitor:
DQMOneEDAnalyzer< edm::one::WatchLuminosityBlocks > edm::one::EDProducer< edm::EndRunProducer, edm::one::WatchRuns, edm::Accumulator, Args... > edm::one::EDProducerBase edm::ProducerBase edm::EDConsumerBase edm::ProductRegistryHelper

Public Member Functions

 BeamMonitor (const edm::ParameterSet &)
- Public Member Functions inherited from DQMOneEDAnalyzer< edm::one::WatchLuminosityBlocks >
void accumulate (edm::Event const &event, edm::EventSetup const &setup) final
void beginRun (edm::Run const &run, edm::EventSetup const &setup) final
 DQMOneEDAnalyzer ()
void endRun (edm::Run const &, edm::EventSetup const &) final
void endRunProduce (edm::Run &run, edm::EventSetup const &setup) final
virtual bool getCanSaveByLumi ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from edm::one::EDProducer< edm::EndRunProducer, edm::one::WatchRuns, edm::Accumulator, Args... >
 EDProducer ()=default
SerialTaskQueueglobalLuminosityBlocksQueue () final
SerialTaskQueueglobalRunsQueue () final
bool hasAbilityToProduceInBeginLumis () const final
bool hasAbilityToProduceInBeginRuns () const final
bool hasAbilityToProduceInEndLumis () const final
bool hasAbilityToProduceInEndRuns () const final
bool wantsGlobalLuminosityBlocks () const final
bool wantsGlobalRuns () const final
- Public Member Functions inherited from edm::one::EDProducerBase
 EDProducerBase ()
ModuleDescription const & moduleDescription () const
bool wantsStreamLuminosityBlocks () const
bool wantsStreamRuns () const
 ~EDProducerBase () override
- Public Member Functions inherited from edm::ProducerBase
void callWhenNewProductsRegistered (std::function< void(BranchDescription const &)> const &func)
std::vector< edm::ProductResolverIndex > const & indiciesForPutProducts (BranchType iBranchType) const
 ProducerBase ()
std::vector< edm::ProductResolverIndex > const & putTokenIndexToProductResolverIndex () const
void registerProducts (ProducerBase *, ProductRegistry *, ModuleDescription const &)
std::function< void(BranchDescription const &)> registrationCallback () const
 used by the fwk to register list of products More...
void resolvePutIndicies (BranchType iBranchType, ModuleToResolverIndicies const &iIndicies, std::string const &moduleLabel)
 ~ProducerBase () noexcept(false) override
- Public Member Functions inherited from edm::EDConsumerBase
std::vector< ConsumesInfoconsumesInfo () const
void convertCurrentProcessAlias (std::string const &processName)
 Convert "@currentProcess" in InputTag process names to the actual current process name. More...
 EDConsumerBase ()
 EDConsumerBase (EDConsumerBase const &)=delete
 EDConsumerBase (EDConsumerBase &&)=default
ESProxyIndex const * esGetTokenIndices (edm::Transition iTrans) const
ProductResolverIndexAndSkipBit indexFrom (EDGetToken, BranchType, TypeID const &) const
void itemsMayGet (BranchType, std::vector< ProductResolverIndexAndSkipBit > &) const
void itemsToGet (BranchType, std::vector< ProductResolverIndexAndSkipBit > &) const
std::vector< ProductResolverIndexAndSkipBit > const & itemsToGetFrom (BranchType iType) const
void labelsForToken (EDGetToken iToken, Labels &oLabels) const
void modulesWhoseProductsAreConsumed (std::vector< ModuleDescription const * > &modules, ProductRegistry const &preg, std::map< std::string, ModuleDescription const * > const &labelsToDesc, std::string const &processName) const
EDConsumerBase const & operator= (EDConsumerBase const &)=delete
EDConsumerBaseoperator= (EDConsumerBase &&)=default
bool registeredToConsume (ProductResolverIndex, bool, BranchType) const
bool registeredToConsumeMany (TypeID const &, BranchType) const
ProductResolverIndexAndSkipBit uncheckedIndexFrom (EDGetToken) const
void updateLookup (BranchType iBranchType, ProductResolverIndexHelper const &, bool iPrefetchMayGet)
void updateLookup (eventsetup::ESRecordsToProxyIndices const &)
virtual ~EDConsumerBase () noexcept(false)

Protected Member Functions

void analyze (const edm::Event &e, const edm::EventSetup &c) override
void beginLuminosityBlock (const edm::LuminosityBlock &lumiSeg, const edm::EventSetup &context) override
void bookHistograms (DQMStore::IBooker &i, const edm::Run &r, const edm::EventSetup &c) override
void dqmEndRun (const edm::Run &r, const edm::EventSetup &c) override
void endLuminosityBlock (const edm::LuminosityBlock &lumiSeg, const edm::EventSetup &c) override
- Protected Member Functions inherited from DQMOneEDAnalyzer< edm::one::WatchLuminosityBlocks >
virtual void analyze (edm::Event const &, edm::EventSetup const &)
virtual void bookHistograms (DQMStore::IBooker &, edm::Run const &, edm::EventSetup const &)=0
virtual void dqmBeginRun (edm::Run const &, edm::EventSetup const &)
virtual void dqmEndRun (edm::Run const &, edm::EventSetup const &)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from edm::ProducerBase
ProducesCollector producesCollector ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from edm::EDConsumerBase
template<typename ProductType , BranchType B = InEvent>
EDGetTokenT< ProductType > consumes (edm::InputTag const &tag)
EDGetToken consumes (const TypeToGet &id, edm::InputTag const &tag)
template<BranchType B>
EDGetToken consumes (TypeToGet const &id, edm::InputTag const &tag)
ConsumesCollector consumesCollector ()
 Use a ConsumesCollector to gather consumes information from helper functions. More...
template<typename ProductType , BranchType B = InEvent>
void consumesMany ()
void consumesMany (const TypeToGet &id)
template<BranchType B>
void consumesMany (const TypeToGet &id)
template<typename ESProduct , typename ESRecord , Transition Tr = Transition::Event>
auto esConsumes ()
template<typename ESProduct , typename ESRecord , Transition Tr = Transition::Event>
auto esConsumes (ESInputTag const &tag)
template<typename ProductType , BranchType B = InEvent>
EDGetTokenT< ProductType > mayConsume (edm::InputTag const &tag)
EDGetToken mayConsume (const TypeToGet &id, edm::InputTag const &tag)
template<BranchType B>
EDGetToken mayConsume (const TypeToGet &id, edm::InputTag const &tag)

Private Member Functions

void FitAndFill (const edm::LuminosityBlock &lumiSeg, int &, int &, int &)
void formatFitTime (char *, const std::time_t &)
void RestartFitting ()
void scrollTH1 (TH1 *, std::time_t)
bool testScroll (std::time_t &, std::time_t &)

Private Attributes

int beginLumiOfBSFit_
int beginLumiOfPVFit_
edm::EDGetTokenT< reco::BeamSpotbsSrc_
int countEvt_
int countGapLumi_
int countLumi_
bool debug_
double deltaSigCut_
const int dxBin_
const double dxMax_
const double dxMin_
const int dzBin_
const double dzMax_
const double dzMin_
int endLumiOfBSFit_
int endLumiOfPVFit_
int firstAverageFit_
int fitNLumi_
int fitPVNLumi_
int frun
edm::TimeValue_t ftimestamp
MonitorElementh_PVx [2]
MonitorElementh_PVy [2]
MonitorElementh_PVz [2]
edm::EDGetTokenT< edm::TriggerResultshltSrc_
std::vector< MonitorElement * > hs
int intervalInSec_
std::vector< std::string > jetTrigger_
int lastlumi_
int lastNZbin
std::map< int, int > mapBeginBSLS
std::map< int, std::time_t > mapBeginBSTime
std::map< int, int > mapBeginPVLS
std::map< int, std::time_t > mapBeginPVTime
std::map< int, std::size_t > mapLSBSTrkSize
std::map< int, TH1F > mapLSCF
std::map< int, size_t > mapLSPVStoreSize
std::map< int, std::vector< int > > mapNPV
std::map< int, std::vector< float > > mapPVx
std::map< int, std::vector< float > > mapPVy
std::map< int, std::vector< float > > mapPVz
double maxZ_
unsigned int min_Ntrks_
unsigned int minNrVertices_
double minVtxNdf_
double minVtxWgt_
std::string monitorName_
int nextlumi_
int nFitElements_
int nFits_
unsigned int nthBSTrk_
bool onlineMode_
const int phiBin_
const double phiMax_
const double phiMin_
reco::BeamSpot preBS
bool processed_
edm::EDGetTokenT< reco::VertexCollectionpvSrc_
reco::BeamSpot refBS
std::time_t refBStime [2]
std::time_t refPVtime [2]
std::time_t refTime
Float_t reportSummary_
MonitorElementreportSummaryContents [3]
int resetFitNLumi_
bool resetHistos_
int resetPVNLumi_
bool StartAverage_
std::time_t startTime
Float_t summaryContent_ [3]
Float_t summarySum_
std::unique_ptr< BeamFittertheBeamFitter
std::time_t tmpTime
edm::EDGetTokenT< reco::TrackCollectiontracksLabel_
const int vxBin_
const double vxMax_
const double vxMin_

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from DQMOneEDAnalyzer< edm::one::WatchLuminosityBlocks >
typedef dqm::reco::DQMStore DQMStore
typedef dqm::reco::MonitorElement MonitorElement
- Public Types inherited from edm::one::EDProducerBase
typedef EDProducerBase ModuleType
- Public Types inherited from edm::ProducerBase
using ModuleToResolverIndicies = std::unordered_multimap< std::string, std::tuple< edm::TypeID const *, const char *, edm::ProductResolverIndex >>
typedef ProductRegistryHelper::TypeLabelList TypeLabelList
- Public Types inherited from edm::EDConsumerBase
typedef ProductLabels Labels
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from edm::one::EDProducerBase
static const std::string & baseType ()
static void fillDescriptions (ConfigurationDescriptions &descriptions)
static void prevalidate (ConfigurationDescriptions &descriptions)
- Protected Attributes inherited from DQMOneEDAnalyzer< edm::one::WatchLuminosityBlocks >
edm::EDPutTokenT< DQMTokenrunToken_

Detailed Description

Definition at line 33 of file BeamMonitor.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

BeamMonitor::BeamMonitor ( const edm::ParameterSet ps)

Definition at line 94 of file

References beginLumiOfBSFit_, beginLumiOfPVFit_, bsSrc_, edm::EDConsumerBase::consumesCollector(), debug_, deltaSigCut_, endLumiOfBSFit_, endLumiOfPVFit_, fitNLumi_, fitPVNLumi_, edm::ParameterSet::getParameter(), edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter(), hltSrc_, intervalInSec_, jetTrigger_, lastlumi_, maxZ_, min_Ntrks_, minNrVertices_, minVtxNdf_, minVtxWgt_, monitorName_, nextlumi_, nFits_, onlineMode_, processed_, pvSrc_, refBStime, refPVtime, resetFitNLumi_, resetPVNLumi_, theBeamFitter, and tracksLabel_.

95  : dxBin_(ps.getParameter<int>("dxBin")),
96  dxMin_(ps.getParameter<double>("dxMin")),
97  dxMax_(ps.getParameter<double>("dxMax")),
99  vxBin_(ps.getParameter<int>("vxBin")),
100  vxMin_(ps.getParameter<double>("vxMin")),
101  vxMax_(ps.getParameter<double>("vxMax")),
103  phiBin_(ps.getParameter<int>("phiBin")),
104  phiMin_(ps.getParameter<double>("phiMin")),
105  phiMax_(ps.getParameter<double>("phiMax")),
107  dzBin_(ps.getParameter<int>("dzBin")),
108  dzMin_(ps.getParameter<double>("dzMin")),
109  dzMax_(ps.getParameter<double>("dzMax")),
111  countEvt_(0),
112  countLumi_(0),
113  nthBSTrk_(0),
114  nFitElements_(3),
115  resetHistos_(false),
116  StartAverage_(false),
117  firstAverageFit_(0),
118  countGapLumi_(0) {
119  monitorName_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<string>("monitorName", "YourSubsystemName");
120  bsSrc_ = consumes<reco::BeamSpot>(ps.getUntrackedParameter<InputTag>("beamSpot"));
121  tracksLabel_ = consumes<reco::TrackCollection>(
122  ps.getParameter<ParameterSet>("BeamFitter").getUntrackedParameter<InputTag>("TrackCollection"));
123  pvSrc_ = consumes<reco::VertexCollection>(ps.getUntrackedParameter<InputTag>("primaryVertex"));
124  hltSrc_ = consumes<TriggerResults>(ps.getParameter<InputTag>("hltResults"));
125  intervalInSec_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<int>("timeInterval", 920); //40 LS X 23"
126  fitNLumi_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<int>("fitEveryNLumi", -1);
127  resetFitNLumi_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<int>("resetEveryNLumi", -1);
128  fitPVNLumi_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<int>("fitPVEveryNLumi", -1);
129  resetPVNLumi_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<int>("resetPVEveryNLumi", -1);
130  deltaSigCut_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<double>("deltaSignificanceCut", 15);
131  debug_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("Debug");
132  onlineMode_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("OnlineMode");
133  jetTrigger_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<std::vector<std::string> >("jetTrigger");
134  min_Ntrks_ = ps.getParameter<ParameterSet>("BeamFitter").getUntrackedParameter<int>("MinimumInputTracks");
135  maxZ_ = ps.getParameter<ParameterSet>("BeamFitter").getUntrackedParameter<double>("MaximumZ");
136  minNrVertices_ = ps.getParameter<ParameterSet>("PVFitter").getUntrackedParameter<unsigned int>("minNrVerticesForFit");
137  minVtxNdf_ = ps.getParameter<ParameterSet>("PVFitter").getUntrackedParameter<double>("minVertexNdf");
138  minVtxWgt_ = ps.getParameter<ParameterSet>("PVFitter").getUntrackedParameter<double>("minVertexMeanWeight");
140  if (!monitorName_.empty())
141  monitorName_ = monitorName_ + "/";
143  theBeamFitter = std::make_unique<BeamFitter>(ps, consumesCollector());
144  theBeamFitter->resetTrkVector();
145  theBeamFitter->resetLSRange();
146  theBeamFitter->resetRefTime();
147  theBeamFitter->resetPVFitter();
149  if (fitNLumi_ <= 0)
150  fitNLumi_ = 1;
152  refBStime[0] = refBStime[1] = refPVtime[0] = refPVtime[1] = 0;
153  maxZ_ = std::fabs(maxZ_);
154  lastlumi_ = 0;
155  nextlumi_ = 0;
156  processed_ = false;
157 }
T getParameter(std::string const &) const
edm::EDGetTokenT< edm::TriggerResults > hltSrc_
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:74
const double phiMax_
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:65
std::unique_ptr< BeamFitter > theBeamFitter
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:85
T getUntrackedParameter(std::string const &, T const &) const
unsigned int minNrVertices_
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:103
int nFitElements_
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:98
std::time_t refBStime[2]
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:95
int endLumiOfPVFit_
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:92
int resetFitNLumi_
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:78
const double dzMin_
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:68
double minVtxWgt_
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:105
double minVtxNdf_
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:104
bool processed_
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:112
edm::EDGetTokenT< reco::VertexCollection > pvSrc_
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:73
const double phiMin_
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:64
const int dxBin_
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:55
const int vxBin_
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:59
std::vector< std::string > jetTrigger_
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:83
int fitPVNLumi_
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:77
const double dzMax_
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:69
int intervalInSec_
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:80
const double dxMin_
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:56
int countGapLumi_
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:110
edm::EDGetTokenT< reco::TrackCollection > tracksLabel_
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:72
ConsumesCollector consumesCollector()
Use a ConsumesCollector to gather consumes information from helper functions.
int endLumiOfBSFit_
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:90
std::time_t refPVtime[2]
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:96
double maxZ_
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:102
const int phiBin_
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:63
bool StartAverage_
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:108
edm::EDGetTokenT< reco::BeamSpot > bsSrc_
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:71
const double dxMax_
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:57
const double vxMin_
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:60
int beginLumiOfPVFit_
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:91
const double vxMax_
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:61
int resetPVNLumi_
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:79
const int dzBin_
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:67
unsigned int nthBSTrk_
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:97
unsigned int min_Ntrks_
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:101
bool resetHistos_
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:107
double deltaSigCut_
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:100
int firstAverageFit_
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:109
int beginLumiOfBSFit_
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:89
std::string monitorName_
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:70
int countLumi_
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:88
bool onlineMode_
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:82

Member Function Documentation

void BeamMonitor::analyze ( const edm::Event e,
const edm::EventSetup c 

Definition at line 638 of file

References edm::HLTGlobalStatus::accept(), bsSrc_, countEvt_, countLumi_, cutFlowTable, dqm::impl::MonitorElement::Fill(), newFWLiteAna::found, edm::Event::getByToken(), dqm::impl::MonitorElement::getTH1(), h_nVtx, h_nVtx_st, h_PVx, h_PVxz, h_PVy, h_PVyz, h_PVz, h_trkPt, h_trkVz, hltSrc_, mps_fire::i, jetTrigger_, edm::EventBase::luminosityBlock(), mapNPV, mapPVx, mapPVy, mapPVz, minVtxNdf_, minVtxWgt_, dqmiodumpmetadata::n, nextlumi_, onlineMode_, processed_, edm::Handle< T >::product(), MetAnalyzer::pv(), L1TEGammaOffline_cfi::PVCollection, pvSrc_, refBS, dqm::impl::MonitorElement::Reset(), resetFitNLumi_, dqm::impl::MonitorElement::setBinLabel(), edm::HLTGlobalStatus::size(), StartAverage_, AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string, OrderedSet::t, theBeamFitter, HLT_2018_cff::track, PDWG_EXOHSCP_cff::tracks, tracksLabel_, edm::TriggerNames::triggerIndex(), edm::TriggerNames::triggerName(), edm::Event::triggerNames(), triggerResults, EgHLTOffTrigSelection_cfi::trigName, and trigNames.

638  {
639  const int nthlumi = iEvent.luminosityBlock();
640  if (onlineMode_ && (nthlumi < nextlumi_)) {
641  edm::LogInfo("BeamMonitor") << "analyze:: Spilt event from previous lumi section!" << std::endl;
642  return;
643  }
644  if (onlineMode_ && (nthlumi > nextlumi_)) {
645  edm::LogInfo("BeamMonitor") << "analyze:: Spilt event from next lumi section!!!" << std::endl;
646  return;
647  }
649  countEvt_++;
650  theBeamFitter->readEvent(
651  iEvent); //Remember when track fitter read the event in the same place the PVFitter read the events !!!!!!!!!
653  Handle<reco::BeamSpot> recoBeamSpotHandle;
654  iEvent.getByToken(bsSrc_, recoBeamSpotHandle);
655  refBS = *recoBeamSpotHandle;
657  //------Cut Flow Table filled every event!--------------------------------------
658  {
659  // Make a copy of the cut flow table from the beam fitter.
660  auto tmphisto = static_cast<TH1F*>(theBeamFitter->getCutFlow());
661  cutFlowTable->getTH1()->SetBins(
662  tmphisto->GetNbinsX(), tmphisto->GetXaxis()->GetXmin(), tmphisto->GetXaxis()->GetXmax());
663  // Update the bin labels
664  if (countEvt_ == 1) // SetLabel just once
665  for (int n = 0; n < tmphisto->GetNbinsX(); n++)
666  cutFlowTable->setBinLabel(n + 1, tmphisto->GetXaxis()->GetBinLabel(n + 1), 1);
667  cutFlowTable->Reset();
668  cutFlowTable->getTH1()->Add(tmphisto);
669  }
671  //----Reco tracks -------------------------------------
673  iEvent.getByToken(tracksLabel_, TrackCollection);
674  const reco::TrackCollection* tracks = TrackCollection.product();
675  for (reco::TrackCollection::const_iterator track = tracks->begin(); track != tracks->end(); ++track) {
676  h_trkPt->Fill(track->pt()); //no need to change here for average bs
677  h_trkVz->Fill(track->vz());
678  }
680  //-------HLT Trigger --------------------------------
682  bool JetTrigPass = false;
683  if (iEvent.getByToken(hltSrc_, triggerResults)) {
684  const edm::TriggerNames& trigNames = iEvent.triggerNames(*triggerResults);
685  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < triggerResults->size(); i++) {
686  const std::string& trigName = trigNames.triggerName(i);
688  if (JetTrigPass)
689  continue;
691  for (size_t t = 0; t < jetTrigger_.size(); ++t) {
692  if (JetTrigPass)
693  continue;
695  string string_search(jetTrigger_[t]);
696  size_t found = trigName.find(string_search);
698  if (found != string::npos) {
699  int thisTrigger_ = trigNames.triggerIndex(trigName);
700  if (triggerResults->accept(thisTrigger_))
701  JetTrigPass = true;
702  } //if trigger found
703  } //for(t=0;..)
704  } //for(i=0; ..)
705  } //if trigger colleciton exist)
707  //------ Primary Vertices-------
710  if (iEvent.getByToken(pvSrc_, PVCollection)) {
711  int nPVcount = 0;
712  int nPVcount_ST = 0; //For Single Trigger(hence ST)
714  for (reco::VertexCollection::const_iterator pv = PVCollection->begin(); pv != PVCollection->end(); ++pv) {
715  //--- vertex selection
716  if (pv->isFake() || pv->tracksSize() == 0)
717  continue;
718  nPVcount++; // count non fake pv:
720  if (JetTrigPass)
721  nPVcount_ST++; //non-fake pv with a specific trigger
723  if (pv->ndof() < minVtxNdf_ || (pv->ndof() + 3.) / pv->tracksSize() < 2 * minVtxWgt_)
724  continue;
726  //Fill this map to store xyx for pv so that later we can remove the first one for run aver
727  mapPVx[countLumi_].push_back(pv->x());
728  mapPVy[countLumi_].push_back(pv->y());
729  mapPVz[countLumi_].push_back(pv->z());
731  if (!StartAverage_) { //for first N LS
732  h_PVx[0]->Fill(pv->x());
733  h_PVy[0]->Fill(pv->y());
734  h_PVz[0]->Fill(pv->z());
735  h_PVxz->Fill(pv->z(), pv->x());
736  h_PVyz->Fill(pv->z(), pv->y());
737  } //for first N LiS
738  else {
739  h_PVxz->Fill(pv->z(), pv->x());
740  h_PVyz->Fill(pv->z(), pv->y());
741  }
743  } //loop over pvs
745  h_nVtx->Fill(nPVcount * 1.); //no need to change it for average BS
747  mapNPV[countLumi_].push_back((nPVcount_ST));
749  if (!StartAverage_) {
750  h_nVtx_st->Fill(nPVcount_ST * 1.);
751  }
753  } //if pv collection is availaable
755  if (StartAverage_) {
756  map<int, std::vector<float> >::iterator itpvx = mapPVx.begin();
757  map<int, std::vector<float> >::iterator itpvy = mapPVy.begin();
758  map<int, std::vector<float> >::iterator itpvz = mapPVz.begin();
760  map<int, std::vector<int> >::iterator itbspvinfo = mapNPV.begin();
762  if ((int)mapPVx.size() > resetFitNLumi_) { //sometimes the events is not there but LS is there!
763  mapPVx.erase(itpvx);
764  mapPVy.erase(itpvy);
765  mapPVz.erase(itpvz);
766  mapNPV.erase(itbspvinfo);
767  } //loop over Last N lumi collected
769  } //StartAverage==true
771  processed_ = true;
772 }
edm::EDGetTokenT< edm::TriggerResults > hltSrc_
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:74
std::unique_ptr< BeamFitter > theBeamFitter
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:85
int resetFitNLumi_
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:78
MonitorElement * h_nVtx
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:138
double minVtxWgt_
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:105
MonitorElement * cutFlowTable
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:167
MonitorElement * h_PVz[2]
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:142
std::map< int, std::vector< float > > mapPVx
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:149
MonitorElement * h_PVxz
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:143
double minVtxNdf_
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:104
bool processed_
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:112
bool accept() const
Has at least one path accepted the event?
edm::EDGetTokenT< reco::VertexCollection > pvSrc_
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:73
std::vector< Track > TrackCollection
collection of Tracks
Definition: TrackFwd.h:14
std::vector< std::string > jetTrigger_
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:83
std::map< int, std::vector< float > > mapPVz
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:149
std::map< int, std::vector< int > > mapNPV
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:150
void Fill(long long x)
virtual void Reset()
reset ME (ie. contents, errors, etc)
int iEvent
unsigned int triggerIndex(std::string const &name) const
edm::EDGetTokenT< reco::TrackCollection > tracksLabel_
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:72
unsigned int size() const
Get number of paths stored.
MonitorElement * h_PVyz
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:144
def pv(vc)
reco::BeamSpot refBS
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:117
static std::string const triggerResults
virtual void setBinLabel(int bin, const std::string &label, int axis=1)
set bin label for x, y or z axis (axis=1, 2, 3 respectively)
static const char *const trigNames[]
bool StartAverage_
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:108
edm::EDGetTokenT< reco::BeamSpot > bsSrc_
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:71
MonitorElement * h_nVtx_st
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:139
T const * product() const
Definition: Handle.h:69
MonitorElement * h_PVy[2]
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:141
std::string const & triggerName(unsigned int index) const
MonitorElement * h_trkPt
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:129
MonitorElement * h_PVx[2]
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:140
MonitorElement * h_trkVz
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:130
std::map< int, std::vector< float > > mapPVy
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:149
int countLumi_
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:88
bool onlineMode_
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:82
void BeamMonitor::beginLuminosityBlock ( const edm::LuminosityBlock lumiSeg,
const edm::EventSetup context 

Definition at line 516 of file

References beginLumiOfBSFit_, beginLumiOfPVFit_, edm::LuminosityBlockBase::beginTime(), countLumi_, debug_, FitAndFill(), lastlumi_, edm::LuminosityBlockBase::luminosityBlock(), mapBeginBSLS, mapBeginBSTime, mapBeginPVLS, mapBeginPVTime, nextlumi_, onlineMode_, processed_, refBStime, refPVtime, StartAverage_, and edm::Timestamp::value().

516  {
517  int nthlumi = lumiSeg.luminosityBlock();
518  const edm::TimeValue_t fbegintimestamp = lumiSeg.beginTime().value();
519  const std::time_t ftmptime = fbegintimestamp >> 32;
521  if (countLumi_ == 0 && (!processed_)) {
523  refBStime[0] = refPVtime[0] = ftmptime;
524  mapBeginBSLS[countLumi_] = nthlumi;
525  mapBeginPVLS[countLumi_] = nthlumi;
526  mapBeginBSTime[countLumi_] = ftmptime;
527  mapBeginPVTime[countLumi_] = ftmptime;
528  } //for the first record
530  if (nthlumi > nextlumi_) {
531  if (processed_) {
532  countLumi_++;
533  //store here them will need when we remove the first one of Last N LS
534  mapBeginBSLS[countLumi_] = nthlumi;
535  mapBeginPVLS[countLumi_] = nthlumi;
536  mapBeginBSTime[countLumi_] = ftmptime;
537  mapBeginPVTime[countLumi_] = ftmptime;
538  } //processed passed but not the first lumi
539  if ((!processed_) && countLumi_ != 0) {
540  mapBeginBSLS[countLumi_] = nthlumi;
541  mapBeginPVLS[countLumi_] = nthlumi;
542  mapBeginBSTime[countLumi_] = ftmptime;
543  mapBeginPVTime[countLumi_] = ftmptime;
544  } //processed fails for last lumi
545  } //nthLumi > nextlumi
547  if (StartAverage_) {
548  //Just Make sure it get rest
549  refBStime[0] = 0;
550  refPVtime[0] = 0;
551  beginLumiOfPVFit_ = 0;
552  beginLumiOfBSFit_ = 0;
554  if (debug_)
555  edm::LogInfo("BeamMonitor") << " beginLuminosityBlock: Size of mapBeginBSLS before = " << mapBeginBSLS.size()
556  << endl;
557  if (nthlumi >
558  nextlumi_) { //this make sure that it does not take into account this lumi for fitting and only look forward for new lumi
559  //as countLumi also remains the same so map value get overwritten once return to normal running.
560  //even if few LS are misssing and DQM module do not sees them then it catchs up again
561  map<int, int>::iterator itbs = mapBeginBSLS.begin();
562  map<int, int>::iterator itpv = mapBeginPVLS.begin();
563  map<int, std::time_t>::iterator itbstime = mapBeginBSTime.begin();
564  map<int, std::time_t>::iterator itpvtime = mapBeginPVTime.begin();
566  if (processed_) { // otherwise if false then LS range of fit get messed up because we don't remove trk/pvs but we remove LS begin value . This prevent it as it happened if LS is there but no event are processed for some reason
567  mapBeginBSLS.erase(itbs);
568  mapBeginPVLS.erase(itpv);
569  mapBeginBSTime.erase(itbstime);
570  mapBeginPVTime.erase(itpvtime);
571  }
572  /*//not sure if want this or not ??
573  map<int, int>::iterator itgapb=mapBeginBSLS.begin();
574  map<int, int>::iterator itgape=mapBeginBSLS.end(); itgape--;
575  countGapLumi_ = ( (itgape->second) - (itgapb->second) );
576  //if we see Gap more than then 2*resetNFitLumi !!!!!!!
577  //for example if 10-15 is fitted and if 16-25 are missing then we next fit will be for range 11-26 but BS can change in between
578  // so better start as fresh and reset everything like starting in the begining!
579  if(countGapLumi_ >= 2*resetFitNLumi_){RestartFitting(); mapBeginBSLS[countLumi_] = nthlumi;}
580  */
581  }
583  if (debug_)
584  edm::LogInfo("BeamMonitor") << " beginLuminosityBlock:: Size of mapBeginBSLS After = " << mapBeginBSLS.size()
585  << endl;
587  map<int, int>::iterator bbs = mapBeginBSLS.begin();
588  map<int, int>::iterator bpv = mapBeginPVLS.begin();
589  map<int, std::time_t>::iterator bbst = mapBeginBSTime.begin();
590  map<int, std::time_t>::iterator bpvt = mapBeginPVTime.begin();
592  if (beginLumiOfPVFit_ == 0)
593  beginLumiOfPVFit_ = bpv->second; //new begin time after removing the LS
594  if (beginLumiOfBSFit_ == 0)
595  beginLumiOfBSFit_ = bbs->second;
596  if (refBStime[0] == 0)
597  refBStime[0] = bbst->second;
598  if (refPVtime[0] == 0)
599  refPVtime[0] = bpvt->second;
601  } //same logic for average fit as above commented line
603  map<int, std::time_t>::iterator nbbst = mapBeginBSTime.begin();
604  map<int, std::time_t>::iterator nbpvt = mapBeginPVTime.begin();
606  if (onlineMode_ && (nthlumi < nextlumi_))
607  return;
609  if (onlineMode_) {
610  if (nthlumi > nextlumi_) {
611  if (countLumi_ != 0 && processed_)
612  FitAndFill(lumiSeg, lastlumi_, nextlumi_, nthlumi);
613  nextlumi_ = nthlumi;
614  edm::LogInfo("BeamMonitor") << "beginLuminosityBlock:: Next Lumi to Fit: " << nextlumi_ << endl;
615  if ((StartAverage_) && refBStime[0] == 0)
616  refBStime[0] = nbbst->second;
617  if ((StartAverage_) && refPVtime[0] == 0)
618  refPVtime[0] = nbpvt->second;
619  }
620  } else {
621  if (processed_)
622  FitAndFill(lumiSeg, lastlumi_, nextlumi_, nthlumi);
623  nextlumi_ = nthlumi;
624  edm::LogInfo("BeamMonitor") << " beginLuminosityBlock:: Next Lumi to Fit: " << nextlumi_ << endl;
625  if ((StartAverage_) && refBStime[0] == 0)
626  refBStime[0] = nbbst->second;
627  if ((StartAverage_) && refPVtime[0] == 0)
628  refPVtime[0] = nbpvt->second;
629  }
631  //countLumi_++;
632  if (processed_)
633  processed_ = false;
634  edm::LogInfo("BeamMonitor") << " beginLuminosityBlock:: Begin of Lumi: " << nthlumi << endl;
635 }
std::time_t refBStime[2]
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:95
bool processed_
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:112
Timestamp const & beginTime() const
std::map< int, std::time_t > mapBeginPVTime
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:153
LuminosityBlockNumber_t luminosityBlock() const
std::map< int, std::time_t > mapBeginBSTime
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:153
std::time_t refPVtime[2]
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:96
unsigned long long TimeValue_t
Definition: Timestamp.h:28
void FitAndFill(const edm::LuminosityBlock &lumiSeg, int &, int &, int &)
bool StartAverage_
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:108
int beginLumiOfPVFit_
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:91
std::map< int, int > mapBeginBSLS
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:152
std::map< int, int > mapBeginPVLS
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:152
int beginLumiOfBSFit_
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:89
TimeValue_t value() const
Definition: Timestamp.h:45
int countLumi_
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:88
bool onlineMode_
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:82
void BeamMonitor::bookHistograms ( DQMStore::IBooker i,
const edm::Run r,
const edm::EventSetup c 

Definition at line 205 of file

References edm::RunBase::beginTime(), dqm::dqmstoreimpl::DQMStore::IBooker::book1D(), dqm::dqmstoreimpl::DQMStore::IBooker::book2D(), dqm::dqmstoreimpl::DQMStore::IBooker::bookFloat(), dqm::dqmstoreimpl::DQMStore::IBooker::bookProfile(), cutFlowTable, Calorimetry_cff::da, debug_, dxBin_, dxMax_, dxMin_, dzBin_, dzMax_, dzMin_, dqm::impl::MonitorElement::Fill(), fitResults, formatFitTime(), frun, ftimestamp, dqm::impl::MonitorElement::getTH1(), h_d0_phi0, h_nTrk_lumi, h_nVtx, h_nVtx_lumi, h_nVtx_lumi_all, h_nVtx_st, h_PVx, h_PVxz, h_PVy, h_PVyz, h_PVz, h_sigmaX0, h_sigmaY0, h_sigmaZ0, h_trk_z0, h_trkPt, h_trkVz, h_vx_dz, h_vx_vy, h_vy_dz, h_x0, h_y0, h_z0, timingPdfMaker::histo, B2GTnPMonitor_cfi::histTitle, hs, mps_fire::i, intervalInSec_, label, monitorName_, dqmiodumpmetadata::n, nFitElements_, AlcaSiPixelAliHarvester0T_cff::options, phiBin_, phiMax_, phiMin_, pvResults, refTime, reportSummary, reportSummaryContents, reportSummaryMap, edm::RunBase::run(), dqm::impl::MonitorElement::setAxisTitle(), dqm::impl::MonitorElement::setBinContent(), dqm::impl::MonitorElement::setBinLabel(), dqm::dqmstoreimpl::DQMStore::IBooker::setCurrentFolder(), dqm::impl::MonitorElement::setOption(), startTime, summaryContent_, tmpTime, edm::Timestamp::value(), vxBin_, vxMax_, vxMin_, hgcalPlots::xtitle, and hgcalPlots::ytitle.

205  {
206  frun =;
207  ftimestamp = iRun.beginTime().value();
208  tmpTime = ftimestamp >> 32;
210  char eventTime[64];
211  formatFitTime(eventTime, tmpTime);
212  edm::LogInfo("BeamMonitor") << "TimeOffset = " << eventTime << std::endl;
213  TDatime da(eventTime);
214  if (debug_) {
215  edm::LogInfo("BeamMonitor") << "TimeOffset = ";
216  da.Print();
217  }
218  auto daTime = da.Convert(kTRUE);
220  // book some histograms here
222  // create and cd into new folder
223  iBooker.setCurrentFolder(monitorName_ + "Fit");
225  h_nTrk_lumi = iBooker.book1D("nTrk_lumi", "Num. of selected tracks vs lumi (Fit)", 20, 0.5, 20.5);
226  h_nTrk_lumi->setAxisTitle("Lumisection", 1);
227  h_nTrk_lumi->setAxisTitle("Num of Tracks for Fit", 2);
229  //store vtx vs lumi for monitoring why fits fail
230  h_nVtx_lumi = iBooker.book1D("nVtx_lumi", "Num. of selected Vtx vs lumi (Fit)", 20, 0.5, 20.5);
231  h_nVtx_lumi->setAxisTitle("Lumisection", 1);
232  h_nVtx_lumi->setAxisTitle("Num of Vtx for Fit", 2);
234  h_nVtx_lumi_all = iBooker.book1D("nVtx_lumi_all", "Num. of selected Vtx vs lumi (Fit) all", 20, 0.5, 20.5);
235  h_nVtx_lumi_all->getTH1()->SetCanExtend(TH1::kAllAxes);
236  h_nVtx_lumi_all->setAxisTitle("Lumisection", 1);
237  h_nVtx_lumi_all->setAxisTitle("Num of Vtx for Fit", 2);
239  h_d0_phi0 = iBooker.bookProfile(
240  "d0_phi0", "d_{0} vs. #phi_{0} (Selected Tracks)", phiBin_, phiMin_, phiMax_, dxBin_, dxMin_, dxMax_, "");
241  h_d0_phi0->setAxisTitle("#phi_{0} (rad)", 1);
242  h_d0_phi0->setAxisTitle("d_{0} (cm)", 2);
244  h_vx_vy = iBooker.book2D(
245  "trk_vx_vy", "Vertex (PCA) position of selected tracks", vxBin_, vxMin_, vxMax_, vxBin_, vxMin_, vxMax_);
246  h_vx_vy->setOption("COLZ");
247  // h_vx_vy->getTH1()->SetCanExtend(TH1::kAllAxes);
248  h_vx_vy->setAxisTitle("x coordinate of input track at PCA (cm)", 1);
249  h_vx_vy->setAxisTitle("y coordinate of input track at PCA (cm)", 2);
251  {
252  TDatime* da = new TDatime();
253  gStyle->SetTimeOffset(da->Convert(kTRUE));
254  }
256  const int nvar_ = 6;
257  string coord[nvar_] = {"x", "y", "z", "sigmaX", "sigmaY", "sigmaZ"};
258  string label[nvar_] = {
259  "x_{0} (cm)", "y_{0} (cm)", "z_{0} (cm)", "#sigma_{X_{0}} (cm)", "#sigma_{Y_{0}} (cm)", "#sigma_{Z_{0}} (cm)"};
261  hs.reserve(kNumHists);
262  for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
263  iBooker.setCurrentFolder(monitorName_ + "Fit");
264  for (int ic = 0; ic < nvar_; ++ic) {
265  TString histName(coord[ic]);
266  TString histTitle(coord[ic]);
267  string ytitle(label[ic]);
268  string xtitle("");
269  string options("E1");
270  bool createHisto = true;
271  switch (i) {
272  case 1: // BS vs time
273  histName += "0_time";
274  xtitle = "Time [UTC]";
275  if (ic < 3)
276  histTitle += " coordinate of beam spot vs time (Fit)";
277  else
278  histTitle = histTitle.Insert(5, " ") + " of beam spot vs time (Fit)";
279  break;
280  case 2: // PV vs lumi
281  if (ic < 3) {
282  iBooker.setCurrentFolder(monitorName_ + "PrimaryVertex");
283  histName.Insert(0, "PV");
284  histName += "_lumi";
285  histTitle.Insert(0, "Avg. ");
286  histTitle += " position of primary vtx vs lumi";
287  xtitle = "Lumisection";
288  ytitle.insert(0, "PV");
289  ytitle += " #pm #sigma_{PV";
290  ytitle += coord[ic];
291  ytitle += "} (cm)";
292  } else
293  createHisto = false;
294  break;
295  case 3: // PV vs time
296  if (ic < 3) {
297  iBooker.setCurrentFolder(monitorName_ + "PrimaryVertex");
298  histName.Insert(0, "PV");
299  histName += "_time";
300  histTitle.Insert(0, "Avg. ");
301  histTitle += " position of primary vtx vs time";
302  xtitle = "Time [UTC]";
303  ytitle.insert(0, "PV");
304  ytitle += " #pm #sigma_{PV";
305  ytitle += coord[ic];
306  ytitle += "} (cm)";
307  } else
308  createHisto = false;
309  break;
310  default: // BS vs lumi
311  histName += "0_lumi";
312  xtitle = "Lumisection";
313  if (ic < 3)
314  histTitle += " coordinate of beam spot vs lumi (Fit)";
315  else
316  histTitle = histTitle.Insert(5, " ") + " of beam spot vs lumi (Fit)";
317  break;
318  }
319  if (createHisto) {
320  edm::LogInfo("BeamMonitor") << "hitsName = " << histName << "; histTitle = " << histTitle << std::endl;
321  auto tmpHs = iBooker.book1D(histName, histTitle, 40, 0.5, 40.5);
322  hs.push_back(tmpHs);
323  tmpHs->setAxisTitle(xtitle, 1);
324  tmpHs->setAxisTitle(ytitle, 2);
325  tmpHs->getTH1()->SetOption("E1");
326  if (histName.Contains("time")) {
327  //int nbins = (intervalInSec_/23 > 0 ? intervalInSec_/23 : 40);
328  tmpHs->getTH1()->SetBins(intervalInSec_, 0.5, intervalInSec_ + 0.5);
329  tmpHs->setAxisTimeDisplay(1);
330  tmpHs->setAxisTimeFormat("%H:%M:%S", 1);
331  tmpHs->getTH1()->GetXaxis()->SetTimeOffset(daTime);
332  }
333  histName += "_all";
334  histTitle += " all";
335  tmpHs = iBooker.book1D(histName, histTitle, 40, 0.5, 40.5);
336  hs.push_back(tmpHs);
337  tmpHs->getTH1()->SetCanExtend(TH1::kAllAxes);
338  tmpHs->setAxisTitle(xtitle, 1);
339  tmpHs->setAxisTitle(ytitle, 2);
340  tmpHs->getTH1()->SetOption("E1");
341  if (histName.Contains("time")) {
342  //int nbins = (intervalInSec_/23 > 0 ? intervalInSec_/23 : 40);
343  tmpHs->getTH1()->SetBins(intervalInSec_, 0.5, intervalInSec_ + 0.5);
344  tmpHs->setAxisTimeDisplay(1);
345  tmpHs->setAxisTimeFormat("%H:%M:%S", 1);
346  tmpHs->getTH1()->GetXaxis()->SetTimeOffset(daTime);
347  }
348  }
349  }
350  }
351  assert(hs.size() == kNumHists);
352  assert(0 == strcmp(hs[k_sigmaY0_time]->getTH1()->GetName(), "sigmaY0_time"));
353  assert(0 == strcmp(hs[k_PVz_lumi_all]->getTH1()->GetName(), "PVz_lumi_all"));
355  iBooker.setCurrentFolder(monitorName_ + "Fit");
357  h_trk_z0 = iBooker.book1D("trk_z0", "z_{0} of selected tracks", dzBin_, dzMin_, dzMax_);
358  h_trk_z0->setAxisTitle("z_{0} of selected tracks (cm)", 1);
360  h_vx_dz = iBooker.bookProfile(
361  "vx_dz", "v_{x} vs. dz of selected tracks", dzBin_, dzMin_, dzMax_, dxBin_, dxMin_, dxMax_, "");
362  h_vx_dz->setAxisTitle("dz (cm)", 1);
363  h_vx_dz->setAxisTitle("x coordinate of input track at PCA (cm)", 2);
365  h_vy_dz = iBooker.bookProfile(
366  "vy_dz", "v_{y} vs. dz of selected tracks", dzBin_, dzMin_, dzMax_, dxBin_, dxMin_, dxMax_, "");
367  h_vy_dz->setAxisTitle("dz (cm)", 1);
368  h_vy_dz->setAxisTitle("y coordinate of input track at PCA (cm)", 2);
370  h_x0 = iBooker.book1D("BeamMonitorFeedBack_x0", "x coordinate of beam spot (Fit)", 100, -0.01, 0.01);
371  h_x0->setAxisTitle("x_{0} (cm)", 1);
372  h_x0->getTH1()->SetCanExtend(TH1::kAllAxes);
374  h_y0 = iBooker.book1D("BeamMonitorFeedBack_y0", "y coordinate of beam spot (Fit)", 100, -0.01, 0.01);
375  h_y0->setAxisTitle("y_{0} (cm)", 1);
376  h_y0->getTH1()->SetCanExtend(TH1::kAllAxes);
378  h_z0 = iBooker.book1D("BeamMonitorFeedBack_z0", "z coordinate of beam spot (Fit)", dzBin_, dzMin_, dzMax_);
379  h_z0->setAxisTitle("z_{0} (cm)", 1);
380  h_z0->getTH1()->SetCanExtend(TH1::kAllAxes);
382  h_sigmaX0 = iBooker.book1D("BeamMonitorFeedBack_sigmaX0", "sigma x0 of beam spot (Fit)", 100, 0, 0.05);
383  h_sigmaX0->setAxisTitle("#sigma_{X_{0}} (cm)", 1);
384  h_sigmaX0->getTH1()->SetCanExtend(TH1::kAllAxes);
386  h_sigmaY0 = iBooker.book1D("BeamMonitorFeedBack_sigmaY0", "sigma y0 of beam spot (Fit)", 100, 0, 0.05);
387  h_sigmaY0->setAxisTitle("#sigma_{Y_{0}} (cm)", 1);
388  h_sigmaY0->getTH1()->SetCanExtend(TH1::kAllAxes);
390  h_sigmaZ0 = iBooker.book1D("BeamMonitorFeedBack_sigmaZ0", "sigma z0 of beam spot (Fit)", 100, 0, 10);
391  h_sigmaZ0->setAxisTitle("#sigma_{Z_{0}} (cm)", 1);
392  h_sigmaZ0->getTH1()->SetCanExtend(TH1::kAllAxes);
394  // Histograms of all reco tracks (without cuts):
395  h_trkPt = iBooker.book1D("trkPt", "p_{T} of all reco'd tracks (no selection)", 200, 0., 50.);
396  h_trkPt->setAxisTitle("p_{T} (GeV/c)", 1);
398  h_trkVz = iBooker.book1D("trkVz", "Z coordinate of PCA of all reco'd tracks (no selection)", dzBin_, dzMin_, dzMax_);
399  h_trkVz->setAxisTitle("V_{Z} (cm)", 1);
401  cutFlowTable = iBooker.book1D("cutFlowTable", "Cut flow table of track selection", 9, 0, 9);
403  // Results of previous good fit:
404  fitResults = iBooker.book2D("fitResults", "Results of previous good beam fit", 2, 0, 2, 8, 0, 8);
405  fitResults->setAxisTitle("Fitted Beam Spot (cm)", 1);
406  fitResults->setBinLabel(8, "x_{0}", 2);
407  fitResults->setBinLabel(7, "y_{0}", 2);
408  fitResults->setBinLabel(6, "z_{0}", 2);
409  fitResults->setBinLabel(5, "#sigma_{Z}", 2);
410  fitResults->setBinLabel(4, "#frac{dx}{dz} (rad)", 2);
411  fitResults->setBinLabel(3, "#frac{dy}{dz} (rad)", 2);
412  fitResults->setBinLabel(2, "#sigma_{X}", 2);
413  fitResults->setBinLabel(1, "#sigma_{Y}", 2);
414  fitResults->setBinLabel(1, "Mean", 1);
415  fitResults->setBinLabel(2, "Stat. Error", 1);
416  fitResults->getTH1()->SetOption("text");
418  // Histos of PrimaryVertices:
419  iBooker.setCurrentFolder(monitorName_ + "PrimaryVertex");
421  h_nVtx = iBooker.book1D("vtxNbr", "Reconstructed Vertices(non-fake) in all Event", 60, -0.5, 59.5);
422  h_nVtx->setAxisTitle("Num. of reco. vertices", 1);
424  //For one Trigger only
425  h_nVtx_st = iBooker.book1D("vtxNbr_SelectedTriggers", "Reconstructed Vertices(non-fake) in Events", 60, -0.5, 59.5);
426  //h_nVtx_st->setAxisTitle("Num. of reco. vertices for Un-Prescaled Jet Trigger",1);
428  // Monitor only the PV with highest sum pt of assoc. trks:
429  h_PVx[0] = iBooker.book1D("PVX", "x coordinate of Primary Vtx", 50, -0.01, 0.01);
430  h_PVx[0]->setAxisTitle("PVx (cm)", 1);
431  h_PVx[0]->getTH1()->SetCanExtend(TH1::kAllAxes);
433  h_PVy[0] = iBooker.book1D("PVY", "y coordinate of Primary Vtx", 50, -0.01, 0.01);
434  h_PVy[0]->setAxisTitle("PVy (cm)", 1);
435  h_PVy[0]->getTH1()->SetCanExtend(TH1::kAllAxes);
437  h_PVz[0] = iBooker.book1D("PVZ", "z coordinate of Primary Vtx", dzBin_, dzMin_, dzMax_);
438  h_PVz[0]->setAxisTitle("PVz (cm)", 1);
440  h_PVx[1] = iBooker.book1D("PVXFit", "x coordinate of Primary Vtx (Last Fit)", 50, -0.01, 0.01);
441  h_PVx[1]->setAxisTitle("PVx (cm)", 1);
442  h_PVx[1]->getTH1()->SetCanExtend(TH1::kAllAxes);
444  h_PVy[1] = iBooker.book1D("PVYFit", "y coordinate of Primary Vtx (Last Fit)", 50, -0.01, 0.01);
445  h_PVy[1]->setAxisTitle("PVy (cm)", 1);
446  h_PVy[1]->getTH1()->SetCanExtend(TH1::kAllAxes);
448  h_PVz[1] = iBooker.book1D("PVZFit", "z coordinate of Primary Vtx (Last Fit)", dzBin_, dzMin_, dzMax_);
449  h_PVz[1]->setAxisTitle("PVz (cm)", 1);
451  h_PVxz = iBooker.bookProfile("PVxz", "PVx vs. PVz", dzBin_ / 2, dzMin_, dzMax_, dxBin_ / 2, dxMin_, dxMax_, "");
452  h_PVxz->setAxisTitle("PVz (cm)", 1);
453  h_PVxz->setAxisTitle("PVx (cm)", 2);
455  h_PVyz = iBooker.bookProfile("PVyz", "PVy vs. PVz", dzBin_ / 2, dzMin_, dzMax_, dxBin_ / 2, dxMin_, dxMax_, "");
456  h_PVyz->setAxisTitle("PVz (cm)", 1);
457  h_PVyz->setAxisTitle("PVy (cm)", 2);
459  // Results of previous good fit:
460  pvResults = iBooker.book2D("pvResults", "Results of fitting Primary Vertices", 2, 0, 2, 6, 0, 6);
461  pvResults->setAxisTitle("Fitted Primary Vertex (cm)", 1);
462  pvResults->setBinLabel(6, "PVx", 2);
463  pvResults->setBinLabel(5, "PVy", 2);
464  pvResults->setBinLabel(4, "PVz", 2);
465  pvResults->setBinLabel(3, "#sigma_{X}", 2);
466  pvResults->setBinLabel(2, "#sigma_{Y}", 2);
467  pvResults->setBinLabel(1, "#sigma_{Z}", 2);
468  pvResults->setBinLabel(1, "Mean", 1);
469  pvResults->setBinLabel(2, "Stat. Error", 1);
470  pvResults->getTH1()->SetOption("text");
472  // Summary plots:
473  iBooker.setCurrentFolder(monitorName_ + "EventInfo");
475  reportSummary = iBooker.bookFloat("reportSummary");
476  if (reportSummary)
477  reportSummary->Fill(std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN());
479  char histo[20];
480  iBooker.setCurrentFolder(monitorName_ + "EventInfo/reportSummaryContents");
481  for (int n = 0; n < nFitElements_; n++) {
482  switch (n) {
483  case 0:
484  sprintf(histo, "x0_status");
485  break;
486  case 1:
487  sprintf(histo, "y0_status");
488  break;
489  case 2:
490  sprintf(histo, "z0_status");
491  break;
492  }
493  reportSummaryContents[n] = iBooker.bookFloat(histo);
494  }
496  for (int i = 0; i < nFitElements_; i++) {
497  summaryContent_[i] = 0.;
498  reportSummaryContents[i]->Fill(std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN());
499  }
501  iBooker.setCurrentFolder(monitorName_ + "EventInfo");
503  reportSummaryMap = iBooker.book2D("reportSummaryMap", "Beam Spot Summary Map", 1, 0, 1, 3, 0, 3);
505  reportSummaryMap->setAxisTitle("Fitted Beam Spot", 2);
506  reportSummaryMap->setBinLabel(1, " ", 1);
507  reportSummaryMap->setBinLabel(1, "x_{0}", 2);
508  reportSummaryMap->setBinLabel(2, "y_{0}", 2);
509  reportSummaryMap->setBinLabel(3, "z_{0}", 2);
510  for (int i = 0; i < nFitElements_; i++) {
511  reportSummaryMap->setBinContent(1, i + 1, -1.);
512  }
513 }
const double phiMax_
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:65
int nFitElements_
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:98
MonitorElement * reportSummary
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:164
MonitorElement * h_nVtx
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:138
const double dzMin_
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:68
MonitorElement * cutFlowTable
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:167
MonitorElement * h_PVz[2]
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:142
virtual void setOption(const char *option)
MonitorElement * h_PVxz
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:143
const double phiMin_
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:64
edm::TimeValue_t ftimestamp
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:174
const int dxBin_
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:55
std::vector< MonitorElement * > hs
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:146
MonitorElement * h_sigmaZ0
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:137
MonitorElement * h_nTrk_lumi
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:121
const int vxBin_
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:59
MonitorElement * fitResults
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:131
MonitorElement * h_sigmaY0
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:136
void Fill(long long x)
const double dzMax_
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:69
char const * label
MonitorElement * h_y0
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:133
int intervalInSec_
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:80
const double dxMin_
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:56
MonitorElement * h_vy_dz
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:128
MonitorElement * h_PVyz
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:144
std::time_t refTime
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:173
void formatFitTime(char *, const std::time_t &)
MonitorElement * pvResults
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:145
MonitorElement * h_nVtx_lumi
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:122
virtual void setBinLabel(int bin, const std::string &label, int axis=1)
set bin label for x, y or z axis (axis=1, 2, 3 respectively)
MonitorElement * h_nVtx_lumi_all
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:123
std::time_t startTime
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:172
const int phiBin_
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:63
Float_t summaryContent_[3]
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:163
MonitorElement * h_sigmaX0
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:135
const double dxMax_
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:57
MonitorElement * h_nVtx_st
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:139
const double vxMin_
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:60
MonitorElement * h_PVy[2]
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:141
virtual void setBinContent(int binx, double content)
set content of bin (1-D)
MonitorElement * reportSummaryContents[3]
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:165
MonitorElement * h_x0
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:132
MonitorElement * h_trk_z0
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:125
const double vxMax_
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:61
MonitorElement * h_trkPt
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:129
MonitorElement * h_vx_dz
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:127
MonitorElement * h_z0
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:134
const int dzBin_
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:67
std::time_t tmpTime
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:171
MonitorElement * h_PVx[2]
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:140
MonitorElement * h_trkVz
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:130
std::string monitorName_
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:70
MonitorElement * h_d0_phi0
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:124
MonitorElement * h_vx_vy
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:126
MonitorElement * reportSummaryMap
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:166
virtual void setAxisTitle(const std::string &title, int axis=1)
set x-, y- or z-axis title (axis=1, 2, 3 respectively)
void BeamMonitor::dqmEndRun ( const edm::Run r,
const edm::EventSetup c 

Definition at line 1438 of file

References debug_, mapBeginBSLS, mapBeginBSTime, mapBeginPVLS, mapBeginPVTime, mapLSBSTrkSize, mapLSCF, mapLSPVStoreSize, mapNPV, mapPVx, mapPVy, and mapPVz.

1438  {
1439  if (debug_)
1440  edm::LogInfo("BeamMonitor") << "dqmEndRun:: Clearing all the Maps " << endl;
1441  //Clear all the Maps here
1442  mapPVx.clear();
1443  mapPVy.clear();
1444  mapPVz.clear();
1445  mapNPV.clear();
1446  mapBeginBSLS.clear();
1447  mapBeginPVLS.clear();
1448  mapBeginBSTime.clear();
1449  mapBeginPVTime.clear();
1450  mapLSBSTrkSize.clear();
1451  mapLSPVStoreSize.clear();
1452  mapLSCF.clear();
1453 }
std::map< int, std::vector< float > > mapPVx
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:149
std::map< int, std::size_t > mapLSBSTrkSize
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:155
std::map< int, std::vector< float > > mapPVz
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:149
std::map< int, std::time_t > mapBeginPVTime
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:153
std::map< int, std::vector< int > > mapNPV
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:150
std::map< int, std::time_t > mapBeginBSTime
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:153
std::map< int, TH1F > mapLSCF
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:158
std::map< int, int > mapBeginBSLS
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:152
std::map< int, int > mapBeginPVLS
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:152
std::map< int, std::vector< float > > mapPVy
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:149
std::map< int, size_t > mapLSPVStoreSize
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:156
void BeamMonitor::endLuminosityBlock ( const edm::LuminosityBlock lumiSeg,
const edm::EventSetup c 

Definition at line 775 of file

References edm::LuminosityBlockBase::endTime(), edm::LuminosityBlockBase::id(), edm::LuminosityBlockID::luminosityBlock(), nextlumi_, onlineMode_, refBStime, refPVtime, tmpTime, and edm::Timestamp::value().

775  {
776  int nthlumi =;
777  edm::LogInfo("BeamMonitor") << "endLuminosityBlock:: Lumi of the last event before endLuminosityBlock: " << nthlumi
778  << endl;
780  if (onlineMode_ && nthlumi < nextlumi_)
781  return;
782  const edm::TimeValue_t fendtimestamp = lumiSeg.endTime().value();
783  const std::time_t fendtime = fendtimestamp >> 32;
784  tmpTime = refBStime[1] = refPVtime[1] = fendtime;
785 }
LuminosityBlockID id() const
std::time_t refBStime[2]
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:95
Timestamp const & endTime() const
std::time_t refPVtime[2]
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:96
unsigned long long TimeValue_t
Definition: Timestamp.h:28
LuminosityBlockNumber_t luminosityBlock() const
std::time_t tmpTime
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:171
TimeValue_t value() const
Definition: Timestamp.h:45
bool onlineMode_
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:82
void BeamMonitor::FitAndFill ( const edm::LuminosityBlock lumiSeg,
int &  lastlumi,
int &  nextlumi,
int &  nthlumi 

Definition at line 788 of file

References zMuMuMuonUserData::alpha, reco::BeamSpot::BeamWidthX(), reco::BeamSpot::BeamWidthXError(), reco::BeamSpot::BeamWidthY(), reco::BeamSpot::BeamWidthYError(), begin, beginLumiOfBSFit_, beginLumiOfPVFit_, countLumi_, debug_, reco::BeamSpot::dxdz(), reco::BeamSpot::dxdzError(), reco::BeamSpot::dydz(), reco::BeamSpot::dydzError(), end, endLumiOfBSFit_, endLumiOfPVFit_, DeadROC_duringRun::f1, dqm::impl::MonitorElement::Fill(), firstAverageFit_, fitNLumi_, fitPVNLumi_, fitResults, frun, dqm::impl::MonitorElement::getMean(), dqm::impl::MonitorElement::getMeanError(), dqm::impl::MonitorElement::getRMS(), dqm::impl::MonitorElement::getRMSError(), dqm::impl::MonitorElement::getTH1(), dqm::impl::MonitorElement::getTH1F(), dqm::impl::MonitorElement::getTProfile(), h_d0_phi0, h_nTrk_lumi, h_nVtx_lumi, h_nVtx_lumi_all, h_nVtx_st, h_PVx, h_PVy, h_PVz, h_sigmaX0, h_sigmaY0, h_sigmaZ0, h_trk_z0, h_vx_dz, h_vx_vy, h_vy_dz, h_x0, h_y0, h_z0, hs, mps_fire::i, cuy::ii, genParticles_cff::map, mapLSBSTrkSize, mapLSCF, mapLSPVStoreSize, mapNPV, mapPVx, mapPVy, mapPVz, SiStripPI::mean, min_Ntrks_, minNrVertices_, dqmiodumpmetadata::n, nFitElements_, nFits_, nthBSTrk_, onlineMode_, preBS, processed_, pvResults, refBStime, refPVtime, refTime, reportSummary, reportSummary_, reportSummaryContents, reportSummaryMap, dqm::impl::MonitorElement::Reset(), resetFitNLumi_, resetHistos_, resetPVNLumi_, scrollTH1(), dqm::impl::MonitorElement::setAxisTitle(), dqm::impl::MonitorElement::setBinContent(), dqm::impl::MonitorElement::ShiftFillLast(), reco::BeamSpot::sigmaZ(), reco::BeamSpot::sigmaZ0Error(), mathSSE::sqrt(), StartAverage_, startTime, summaryContent_, summarySum_, testScroll(), theBeamFitter, tmpTime, reco::BeamSpot::type(), dqm::impl::MonitorElement::update(), ApeEstimator_cff::width, reco::BeamSpot::x0(), reco::BeamSpot::x0Error(), reco::BeamSpot::y0(), reco::BeamSpot::y0Error(), reco::BeamSpot::z0(), HLTMuonOfflineAnalyzer_cfi::z0, and reco::BeamSpot::z0Error().

Referenced by beginLuminosityBlock().

788  {
789  if (onlineMode_ && (nthlumi <= nextlumi))
790  return;
792  //set the correct run number when no event in the LS for fake output
793  if ((processed_) && theBeamFitter->getRunNumber() != frun)
794  theBeamFitter->setRun(frun);
796  int currentlumi = nextlumi;
797  edm::LogInfo("BeamMonitor") << "FitAndFill:: Lumi of the current fit: " << currentlumi << endl;
798  lastlumi = currentlumi;
799  endLumiOfBSFit_ = currentlumi;
800  endLumiOfPVFit_ = currentlumi;
802  //---------Fix for Runninv average-------------
803  mapLSPVStoreSize[countLumi_] = theBeamFitter->getPVvectorSize();
805  if (StartAverage_) {
806  std::map<int, std::size_t>::iterator rmLSPVi = mapLSPVStoreSize.begin();
807  size_t SizeToRemovePV = rmLSPVi->second;
808  for (std::map<int, std::size_t>::iterator rmLSPVe = mapLSPVStoreSize.end(); ++rmLSPVi != rmLSPVe;)
809  rmLSPVi->second -= SizeToRemovePV;
811  theBeamFitter->resizePVvector(SizeToRemovePV);
813  map<int, std::size_t>::iterator tmpItpv = mapLSPVStoreSize.begin();
814  mapLSPVStoreSize.erase(tmpItpv);
815  }
816  if (debug_)
817  edm::LogInfo("BeamMonitor") << "FitAndFill:: Size of thePVvector After removing the PVs = "
818  << theBeamFitter->getPVvectorSize() << endl;
820  //lets filt the PV for GUI here: It was in analyzer in preivous versiton but moved here due to absence of event in some lumis, works OK
821  bool resetHistoFlag_ = false;
822  if ((int)mapPVx.size() >= resetFitNLumi_ && (StartAverage_)) {
823  h_PVx[0]->Reset();
824  h_PVy[0]->Reset();
825  h_PVz[0]->Reset();
826  h_nVtx_st->Reset();
827  resetHistoFlag_ = true;
828  }
830  int MaxPVs = 0;
831  int countEvtLastNLS_ = 0;
832  int countTotPV_ = 0;
834  std::map<int, std::vector<int> >::iterator mnpv = mapNPV.begin();
835  std::map<int, std::vector<float> >::iterator mpv2 = mapPVy.begin();
836  std::map<int, std::vector<float> >::iterator mpv3 = mapPVz.begin();
838  for (std::map<int, std::vector<float> >::iterator mpv1 = mapPVx.begin(); mpv1 != mapPVx.end();
839  ++mpv1, ++mpv2, ++mpv3, ++mnpv) {
840  std::vector<float>::iterator mpvs2 = (mpv2->second).begin();
841  std::vector<float>::iterator mpvs3 = (mpv3->second).begin();
842  for (std::vector<float>::iterator mpvs1 = (mpv1->second).begin(); mpvs1 != (mpv1->second).end();
843  ++mpvs1, ++mpvs2, ++mpvs3) {
844  if (resetHistoFlag_) {
845  h_PVx[0]->Fill(*mpvs1); //these histogram are reset after StartAverage_ flag is ON
846  h_PVy[0]->Fill(*mpvs2);
847  h_PVz[0]->Fill(*mpvs3);
848  }
849  } //loop over second
851  //Do the same here for nPV distr.
852  for (std::vector<int>::iterator mnpvs = (mnpv->second).begin(); mnpvs != (mnpv->second).end(); ++mnpvs) {
853  if ((*mnpvs > 0) && (resetHistoFlag_))
854  h_nVtx_st->Fill((*mnpvs) * (1.0));
855  countEvtLastNLS_++;
856  countTotPV_ += (*mnpvs);
857  if ((*mnpvs) > MaxPVs)
858  MaxPVs = (*mnpvs);
859  } //loop over second of mapNPV
861  } //loop over last N lumis
863  char tmpTitlePV[100];
864  sprintf(tmpTitlePV, "%s %i %s %i", "Num. of reco. vertices for LS: ", beginLumiOfPVFit_, " to ", endLumiOfPVFit_);
865  h_nVtx_st->setAxisTitle(tmpTitlePV, 1);
867  std::vector<float> DipPVInfo_;
868  DipPVInfo_.clear();
870  if (countTotPV_ != 0) {
871  DipPVInfo_.push_back((float)countEvtLastNLS_);
872  DipPVInfo_.push_back(h_nVtx_st->getMean());
873  DipPVInfo_.push_back(h_nVtx_st->getMeanError());
874  DipPVInfo_.push_back(h_nVtx_st->getRMS());
875  DipPVInfo_.push_back(h_nVtx_st->getRMSError());
876  DipPVInfo_.push_back((float)MaxPVs);
877  DipPVInfo_.push_back((float)countTotPV_);
878  MaxPVs = 0;
879  } else {
880  for (size_t i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
881  if (i > 0) {
882  DipPVInfo_.push_back(0.);
883  } else {
884  DipPVInfo_.push_back((float)countEvtLastNLS_);
885  }
886  }
887  }
888  theBeamFitter->SetPVInfo(DipPVInfo_);
889  countEvtLastNLS_ = 0;
891  if (onlineMode_) { // filling LS gap
892  // FIXME: need to add protection for the case if the gap is at the resetting LS!
893  const int countLS_bs = hs[k_x0_lumi]->getTH1()->GetEntries();
894  const int countLS_pv = hs[k_PVx_lumi]->getTH1()->GetEntries();
895  edm::LogInfo("BeamMonitor") << "FitAndFill:: countLS_bs = " << countLS_bs << " ; countLS_pv = " << countLS_pv
896  << std::endl;
897  int LSgap_bs = currentlumi / fitNLumi_ - countLS_bs;
898  int LSgap_pv = currentlumi / fitPVNLumi_ - countLS_pv;
899  if (currentlumi % fitNLumi_ == 0)
900  LSgap_bs--;
901  if (currentlumi % fitPVNLumi_ == 0)
902  LSgap_pv--;
903  edm::LogInfo("BeamMonitor") << "FitAndFill:: LSgap_bs = " << LSgap_bs << " ; LSgap_pv = " << LSgap_pv << std::endl;
904  // filling previous fits if LS gap ever exists
905  for (int ig = 0; ig < LSgap_bs; ig++) {
906  hs[k_x0_lumi]->ShiftFillLast(0., 0., fitNLumi_); //x0 , x0err, fitNLumi_; see DQMCore....
907  hs[k_y0_lumi]->ShiftFillLast(0., 0., fitNLumi_);
908  hs[k_z0_lumi]->ShiftFillLast(0., 0., fitNLumi_);
909  hs[k_sigmaX0_lumi]->ShiftFillLast(0., 0., fitNLumi_);
910  hs[k_sigmaY0_lumi]->ShiftFillLast(0., 0., fitNLumi_);
911  hs[k_sigmaZ0_lumi]->ShiftFillLast(0., 0., fitNLumi_);
913  }
914  for (int ig = 0; ig < LSgap_pv; ig++) {
915  hs[k_PVx_lumi]->ShiftFillLast(0., 0., fitPVNLumi_);
916  hs[k_PVy_lumi]->ShiftFillLast(0., 0., fitPVNLumi_);
917  hs[k_PVz_lumi]->ShiftFillLast(0., 0., fitPVNLumi_);
918  }
919  const int previousLS = h_nTrk_lumi->getTH1()->GetEntries();
920  for (int i = 1; i < (currentlumi - previousLS);
921  i++) //if (current-previoius)= 1 then never go inside the for loop!!!!!!!!!!!
923  }
925  edm::LogInfo("BeamMonitor") << "FitAndFill:: Time lapsed since last scroll = " << tmpTime - refTime << std::endl;
927  if (testScroll(tmpTime, refTime)) {
928  scrollTH1(hs[k_x0_time]->getTH1(), refTime);
929  scrollTH1(hs[k_y0_time]->getTH1(), refTime);
930  scrollTH1(hs[k_z0_time]->getTH1(), refTime);
931  scrollTH1(hs[k_sigmaX0_time]->getTH1(), refTime);
932  scrollTH1(hs[k_sigmaY0_time]->getTH1(), refTime);
933  scrollTH1(hs[k_sigmaZ0_time]->getTH1(), refTime);
934  scrollTH1(hs[k_PVx_time]->getTH1(), refTime);
935  scrollTH1(hs[k_PVy_time]->getTH1(), refTime);
936  scrollTH1(hs[k_PVz_time]->getTH1(), refTime);
937  }
939  bool doPVFit = false;
941  if (fitPVNLumi_ > 0) {
942  if (onlineMode_) {
943  if (currentlumi % fitPVNLumi_ == 0)
944  doPVFit = true;
945  } else if (countLumi_ % fitPVNLumi_ == 0)
946  doPVFit = true;
947  } else
948  doPVFit = true;
950  if (doPVFit) {
951  edm::LogInfo("BeamMonitor") << "FitAndFill:: Do PV Fitting for LS = " << beginLumiOfPVFit_ << " to "
952  << endLumiOfPVFit_ << std::endl;
953  // Primary Vertex Fit:
954  if (h_PVx[0]->getTH1()->GetEntries() > minNrVertices_) {
955  pvResults->Reset();
956  char tmpTitle[50];
957  sprintf(
958  tmpTitle, "%s %i %s %i", "Fitted Primary Vertex (cm) of LS: ", beginLumiOfPVFit_, " to ", endLumiOfPVFit_);
959  pvResults->setAxisTitle(tmpTitle, 1);
961  std::unique_ptr<TF1> fgaus{new TF1("fgaus", "gaus")};
962  double mean, width, meanErr, widthErr;
963  fgaus->SetLineColor(4);
964  h_PVx[0]->getTH1()->Fit(fgaus.get(), "QLM0");
965  mean = fgaus->GetParameter(1);
966  width = fgaus->GetParameter(2);
967  meanErr = fgaus->GetParError(1);
968  widthErr = fgaus->GetParError(2);
970  hs[k_PVx_lumi]->ShiftFillLast(mean, width, fitPVNLumi_);
971  hs[k_PVx_lumi_all]->setBinContent(currentlumi, mean);
972  hs[k_PVx_lumi_all]->setBinError(currentlumi, width);
973  int nthBin = tmpTime - refTime;
974  if (nthBin < 0)
975  edm::LogInfo("BeamMonitor") << "FitAndFill:: Event time outside current range of time histograms!"
976  << std::endl;
977  if (nthBin > 0) {
978  hs[k_PVx_time]->setBinContent(nthBin, mean);
979  hs[k_PVx_time]->setBinError(nthBin, width);
980  }
981  int jthBin = tmpTime - startTime;
982  if (jthBin > 0) {
983  hs[k_PVx_time_all]->setBinContent(jthBin, mean);
984  hs[k_PVx_time_all]->setBinError(jthBin, width);
985  }
986  pvResults->setBinContent(1, 6, mean);
987  pvResults->setBinContent(1, 3, width);
988  pvResults->setBinContent(2, 6, meanErr);
989  pvResults->setBinContent(2, 3, widthErr);
991  {
992  // snap shot of the fit
993  auto tmphisto = h_PVx[0]->getTH1F();
994  h_PVx[1]->getTH1()->SetBins(
995  tmphisto->GetNbinsX(), tmphisto->GetXaxis()->GetXmin(), tmphisto->GetXaxis()->GetXmax());
996  h_PVx[1]->Reset();
997  h_PVx[1]->getTH1()->Add(tmphisto);
998  h_PVx[1]->getTH1()->Fit(fgaus.get(), "QLM");
999  }
1001  h_PVy[0]->getTH1()->Fit(fgaus.get(), "QLM0");
1002  mean = fgaus->GetParameter(1);
1003  width = fgaus->GetParameter(2);
1004  meanErr = fgaus->GetParError(1);
1005  widthErr = fgaus->GetParError(2);
1006  hs[k_PVy_lumi]->ShiftFillLast(mean, width, fitPVNLumi_);
1007  hs[k_PVy_lumi_all]->setBinContent(currentlumi, mean);
1008  hs[k_PVy_lumi_all]->setBinError(currentlumi, width);
1009  if (nthBin > 0) {
1010  hs[k_PVy_time]->setBinContent(nthBin, mean);
1011  hs[k_PVy_time]->setBinError(nthBin, width);
1012  }
1013  if (jthBin > 0) {
1014  hs[k_PVy_time_all]->setBinContent(jthBin, mean);
1015  hs[k_PVy_time_all]->setBinError(jthBin, width);
1016  }
1017  pvResults->setBinContent(1, 5, mean);
1018  pvResults->setBinContent(1, 2, width);
1019  pvResults->setBinContent(2, 5, meanErr);
1020  pvResults->setBinContent(2, 2, widthErr);
1021  // snap shot of the fit
1022  {
1023  auto tmphisto = h_PVy[0]->getTH1F();
1024  h_PVy[1]->getTH1()->SetBins(
1025  tmphisto->GetNbinsX(), tmphisto->GetXaxis()->GetXmin(), tmphisto->GetXaxis()->GetXmax());
1026  h_PVy[1]->update();
1027  h_PVy[1]->Reset();
1028  h_PVy[1]->getTH1()->Add(tmphisto);
1029  h_PVy[1]->getTH1()->Fit(fgaus.get(), "QLM");
1030  }
1032  h_PVz[0]->getTH1()->Fit(fgaus.get(), "QLM0");
1033  mean = fgaus->GetParameter(1);
1034  width = fgaus->GetParameter(2);
1035  meanErr = fgaus->GetParError(1);
1036  widthErr = fgaus->GetParError(2);
1037  hs[k_PVz_lumi]->ShiftFillLast(mean, width, fitPVNLumi_);
1038  hs[k_PVz_lumi_all]->setBinContent(currentlumi, mean);
1039  hs[k_PVz_lumi_all]->setBinError(currentlumi, width);
1040  if (nthBin > 0) {
1041  hs[k_PVz_time]->setBinContent(nthBin, mean);
1042  hs[k_PVz_time]->setBinError(nthBin, width);
1043  }
1044  if (jthBin > 0) {
1045  hs[k_PVz_time_all]->setBinContent(jthBin, mean);
1046  hs[k_PVz_time_all]->setBinError(jthBin, width);
1047  }
1048  pvResults->setBinContent(1, 4, mean);
1049  pvResults->setBinContent(1, 1, width);
1050  pvResults->setBinContent(2, 4, meanErr);
1051  pvResults->setBinContent(2, 1, widthErr);
1052  {
1053  // snap shot of the fit
1054  auto tmphisto = h_PVz[0]->getTH1F();
1055  h_PVz[1]->getTH1()->SetBins(
1056  tmphisto->GetNbinsX(), tmphisto->GetXaxis()->GetXmin(), tmphisto->GetXaxis()->GetXmax());
1057  h_PVz[1]->update();
1058  h_PVz[1]->Reset();
1059  h_PVz[1]->getTH1()->Add(tmphisto);
1060  h_PVz[1]->getTH1()->Fit(fgaus.get(), "QLM");
1061  }
1062  } //check if found min Vertices
1063  } //do PVfit
1065  if ((resetPVNLumi_ > 0 && countLumi_ == resetPVNLumi_) || StartAverage_) {
1066  beginLumiOfPVFit_ = 0;
1067  refPVtime[0] = 0;
1068  }
1070  //---------Readjustment of theBSvector, RefTime, beginLSofFit---------
1071  vector<BSTrkParameters> theBSvector1 = theBeamFitter->getBSvector();
1072  mapLSBSTrkSize[countLumi_] = (theBSvector1.size());
1073  size_t PreviousRecords = 0; //needed to fill nth record of tracks in GUI
1075  if (StartAverage_) {
1076  size_t SizeToRemove = 0;
1077  std::map<int, std::size_t>::iterator rmls = mapLSBSTrkSize.begin();
1078  SizeToRemove = rmls->second;
1079  if (debug_)
1080  edm::LogInfo("BeamMonitor") << " The size to remove is = " << SizeToRemove << endl;
1081  int changedAfterThis = 0;
1082  for (std::map<int, std::size_t>::iterator rmLS = mapLSBSTrkSize.begin(); rmLS != mapLSBSTrkSize.end();
1083  ++rmLS, ++changedAfterThis) {
1084  if (changedAfterThis > 0) {
1085  (rmLS->second) = (rmLS->second) - SizeToRemove;
1086  if ((mapLSBSTrkSize.size() - (size_t)changedAfterThis) == 2)
1087  PreviousRecords = (rmLS->second);
1088  }
1089  }
1091  theBeamFitter->resizeBSvector(SizeToRemove);
1093  map<int, std::size_t>::iterator tmpIt = mapLSBSTrkSize.begin();
1094  mapLSBSTrkSize.erase(tmpIt);
1096  std::pair<int, int> checkfitLS = theBeamFitter->getFitLSRange();
1097  std::pair<time_t, time_t> checkfitTime = theBeamFitter->getRefTime();
1098  theBeamFitter->setFitLSRange(beginLumiOfBSFit_, checkfitLS.second);
1099  theBeamFitter->setRefTime(refBStime[0], checkfitTime.second);
1100  }
1102  //Fill the track for this fit
1103  vector<BSTrkParameters> theBSvector = theBeamFitter->getBSvector();
1104  h_nTrk_lumi->ShiftFillLast(theBSvector.size());
1106  if (debug_)
1107  edm::LogInfo("BeamMonitor") << "FitAndFill:: Size of theBSViector.size() After =" << theBSvector.size() << endl;
1109  bool countFitting = false;
1110  if (theBSvector.size() >= PreviousRecords && theBSvector.size() >= min_Ntrks_) {
1111  countFitting = true;
1112  }
1114  //---Fix for Cut Flow Table for Running average in a same way//the previous code has problem for resetting!!!
1115  mapLSCF[countLumi_] = *theBeamFitter->getCutFlow();
1116  if (StartAverage_ && !mapLSCF.empty()) {
1117  const TH1F& cutFlowToSubtract = mapLSCF.begin()->second;
1118  // Subtract the last cut flow from all of the others.
1119  std::map<int, TH1F>::iterator cf = mapLSCF.begin();
1120  // Start on second entry
1121  for (; cf != mapLSCF.end(); ++cf) {
1122  cf->second.Add(&cutFlowToSubtract, -1);
1123  }
1124  theBeamFitter->subtractFromCutFlow(&cutFlowToSubtract);
1125  // Remove the obsolete lumi section
1126  mapLSCF.erase(mapLSCF.begin());
1127  }
1129  if (resetHistos_) {
1130  h_d0_phi0->Reset();
1131  h_vx_vy->Reset();
1132  h_vx_dz->Reset();
1133  h_vy_dz->Reset();
1134  h_trk_z0->Reset();
1135  resetHistos_ = false;
1136  }
1138  if (StartAverage_)
1139  nthBSTrk_ = PreviousRecords; //after average proccess is ON//for 2-6 LS fit PreviousRecords is size from 2-5 LS
1141  edm::LogInfo("BeamMonitor") << " The Previous Recored for this fit is =" << nthBSTrk_ << endl;
1143  unsigned int itrk = 0;
1144  for (vector<BSTrkParameters>::const_iterator BSTrk = theBSvector.begin(); BSTrk != theBSvector.end();
1145  ++BSTrk, ++itrk) {
1146  if (itrk >= nthBSTrk_) { //fill for this record only !!
1147  h_d0_phi0->Fill(BSTrk->phi0(), BSTrk->d0());
1148  double vx = BSTrk->vx();
1149  double vy = BSTrk->vy();
1150  double z0 = BSTrk->z0();
1151  h_vx_vy->Fill(vx, vy);
1152  h_vx_dz->Fill(z0, vx);
1153  h_vy_dz->Fill(z0, vy);
1154  h_trk_z0->Fill(z0);
1155  }
1156  }
1158  nthBSTrk_ = theBSvector.size(); // keep track of num of tracks filled so far
1160  edm::LogInfo("BeamMonitor") << " The Current Recored for this fit is =" << nthBSTrk_ << endl;
1162  if (countFitting)
1163  edm::LogInfo("BeamMonitor") << "FitAndFill:: Num of tracks collected = " << nthBSTrk_ << endl;
1165  if (fitNLumi_ > 0) {
1166  if (onlineMode_) {
1167  if (currentlumi % fitNLumi_ != 0) {
1168  // for (std::map<TString,MonitorElement*>::iterator itAll = hs.begin();
1169  // itAll != hs.end(); ++itAll) {
1170  // if ((*itAll).first.Contains("all")) {
1171  // (*itAll).second->setBinContent(currentlumi,0.);
1172  // (*itAll).second->setBinError(currentlumi,0.);
1173  // }
1174  // }
1175  return;
1176  }
1177  } else if (countLumi_ % fitNLumi_ != 0)
1178  return;
1179  }
1181  edm::LogInfo("BeamMonitor") << "FitAndFill:: [DebugTime] refBStime[0] = " << refBStime[0]
1182  << "; address = " << &refBStime[0] << std::endl;
1183  edm::LogInfo("BeamMonitor") << "FitAndFill:: [DebugTime] refBStime[1] = " << refBStime[1]
1184  << "; address = " << &refBStime[1] << std::endl;
1186  //Fill for all LS even if fit fails
1187  h_nVtx_lumi->ShiftFillLast((theBeamFitter->getPVvectorSize()), 0., fitNLumi_);
1188  h_nVtx_lumi_all->setBinContent(currentlumi, (theBeamFitter->getPVvectorSize()));
1190  if (countFitting) {
1191  nFits_++;
1192  std::pair<int, int> fitLS = theBeamFitter->getFitLSRange();
1193  edm::LogInfo("BeamMonitor") << "FitAndFill:: [BeamFitter] Do BeamSpot Fit for LS = " << fitLS.first << " to "
1194  << fitLS.second << std::endl;
1195  edm::LogInfo("BeamMonitor") << "FitAndFill:: [BeamMonitor] Do BeamSpot Fit for LS = " << beginLumiOfBSFit_
1196  << " to " << endLumiOfBSFit_ << std::endl;
1198  //Now Run the PV and Track Fitter over the collected tracks and pvs
1199  if (theBeamFitter->runPVandTrkFitter()) {
1200  reco::BeamSpot bs = theBeamFitter->getBeamSpot();
1201  if (bs.type() > 0) // with good beamwidth fit
1202  preBS = bs; // cache good fit results
1204  edm::LogInfo("BeamMonitor") << "\n RESULTS OF DEFAULT FIT:" << endl;
1205  edm::LogInfo("BeamMonitor") << bs << endl;
1206  edm::LogInfo("BeamMonitor") << "[BeamFitter] fitting done \n" << endl;
1208  hs[k_x0_lumi]->ShiftFillLast(bs.x0(), bs.x0Error(), fitNLumi_);
1209  hs[k_y0_lumi]->ShiftFillLast(bs.y0(), bs.y0Error(), fitNLumi_);
1210  hs[k_z0_lumi]->ShiftFillLast(bs.z0(), bs.z0Error(), fitNLumi_);
1211  hs[k_sigmaX0_lumi]->ShiftFillLast(bs.BeamWidthX(), bs.BeamWidthXError(), fitNLumi_);
1212  hs[k_sigmaY0_lumi]->ShiftFillLast(bs.BeamWidthY(), bs.BeamWidthYError(), fitNLumi_);
1213  hs[k_sigmaZ0_lumi]->ShiftFillLast(bs.sigmaZ(), bs.sigmaZ0Error(), fitNLumi_);
1214  hs[k_x0_lumi_all]->setBinContent(currentlumi, bs.x0());
1215  hs[k_x0_lumi_all]->setBinError(currentlumi, bs.x0Error());
1216  hs[k_y0_lumi_all]->setBinContent(currentlumi, bs.y0());
1217  hs[k_y0_lumi_all]->setBinError(currentlumi, bs.y0Error());
1218  hs[k_z0_lumi_all]->setBinContent(currentlumi, bs.z0());
1219  hs[k_z0_lumi_all]->setBinError(currentlumi, bs.z0Error());
1220  hs[k_sigmaX0_lumi_all]->setBinContent(currentlumi, bs.BeamWidthX());
1221  hs[k_sigmaX0_lumi_all]->setBinError(currentlumi, bs.BeamWidthXError());
1222  hs[k_sigmaY0_lumi_all]->setBinContent(currentlumi, bs.BeamWidthY());
1223  hs[k_sigmaY0_lumi_all]->setBinError(currentlumi, bs.BeamWidthYError());
1224  hs[k_sigmaZ0_lumi_all]->setBinContent(currentlumi, bs.sigmaZ());
1225  hs[k_sigmaZ0_lumi_all]->setBinError(currentlumi, bs.sigmaZ0Error());
1227  int nthBin = tmpTime - refTime;
1228  if (nthBin > 0) {
1229  hs[k_x0_time]->setBinContent(nthBin, bs.x0());
1230  hs[k_y0_time]->setBinContent(nthBin, bs.y0());
1231  hs[k_z0_time]->setBinContent(nthBin, bs.z0());
1232  hs[k_sigmaX0_time]->setBinContent(nthBin, bs.BeamWidthX());
1233  hs[k_sigmaY0_time]->setBinContent(nthBin, bs.BeamWidthY());
1234  hs[k_sigmaZ0_time]->setBinContent(nthBin, bs.sigmaZ());
1235  hs[k_x0_time]->setBinError(nthBin, bs.x0Error());
1236  hs[k_y0_time]->setBinError(nthBin, bs.y0Error());
1237  hs[k_z0_time]->setBinError(nthBin, bs.z0Error());
1238  hs[k_sigmaX0_time]->setBinError(nthBin, bs.BeamWidthXError());
1239  hs[k_sigmaY0_time]->setBinError(nthBin, bs.BeamWidthYError());
1240  hs[k_sigmaZ0_time]->setBinError(nthBin, bs.sigmaZ0Error());
1241  }
1243  int jthBin = tmpTime - startTime;
1244  if (jthBin > 0) {
1245  hs[k_x0_time_all]->setBinContent(jthBin, bs.x0());
1246  hs[k_y0_time_all]->setBinContent(jthBin, bs.y0());
1247  hs[k_z0_time_all]->setBinContent(jthBin, bs.z0());
1248  hs[k_sigmaX0_time_all]->setBinContent(jthBin, bs.BeamWidthX());
1249  hs[k_sigmaY0_time_all]->setBinContent(jthBin, bs.BeamWidthY());
1250  hs[k_sigmaZ0_time_all]->setBinContent(jthBin, bs.sigmaZ());
1251  hs[k_x0_time_all]->setBinError(jthBin, bs.x0Error());
1252  hs[k_y0_time_all]->setBinError(jthBin, bs.y0Error());
1253  hs[k_z0_time_all]->setBinError(jthBin, bs.z0Error());
1254  hs[k_sigmaX0_time_all]->setBinError(jthBin, bs.BeamWidthXError());
1255  hs[k_sigmaY0_time_all]->setBinError(jthBin, bs.BeamWidthYError());
1256  hs[k_sigmaZ0_time_all]->setBinError(jthBin, bs.sigmaZ0Error());
1257  }
1259  h_x0->Fill(bs.x0());
1260  h_y0->Fill(bs.y0());
1261  h_z0->Fill(bs.z0());
1262  if (bs.type() > 0) { // with good beamwidth fit
1263  h_sigmaX0->Fill(bs.BeamWidthX());
1264  h_sigmaY0->Fill(bs.BeamWidthY());
1265  }
1266  h_sigmaZ0->Fill(bs.sigmaZ());
1268  if (nthBSTrk_ >= 2 * min_Ntrks_) {
1269  double amp = std::sqrt(bs.x0() * bs.x0() + bs.y0() * bs.y0());
1270  double alpha = std::atan2(bs.y0(), bs.x0());
1271  std::unique_ptr<TF1> f1{new TF1("f1", "[0]*sin(x-[1])", -3.14, 3.14)};
1272  f1->SetParameters(amp, alpha);
1273  f1->SetParLimits(0, amp - 0.1, amp + 0.1);
1274  f1->SetParLimits(1, alpha - 0.577, alpha + 0.577);
1275  f1->SetLineColor(4);
1276  h_d0_phi0->getTProfile()->Fit(f1.get(), "QR");
1278  double mean = bs.z0();
1279  double width = bs.sigmaZ();
1280  std::unique_ptr<TF1> fgaus{new TF1("fgaus", "gaus")};
1281  fgaus->SetParameters(mean, width);
1282  fgaus->SetLineColor(4);
1283  h_trk_z0->getTH1()->Fit(fgaus.get(), "QLRM", "", mean - 3 * width, mean + 3 * width);
1284  }
1286  fitResults->Reset();
1287  std::pair<int, int> LSRange = theBeamFitter->getFitLSRange();
1288  char tmpTitle[50];
1289  sprintf(tmpTitle, "%s %i %s %i", "Fitted Beam Spot (cm) of LS: ", LSRange.first, " to ", LSRange.second);
1290  fitResults->setAxisTitle(tmpTitle, 1);
1291  fitResults->setBinContent(1, 8, bs.x0());
1292  fitResults->setBinContent(1, 7, bs.y0());
1293  fitResults->setBinContent(1, 6, bs.z0());
1294  fitResults->setBinContent(1, 5, bs.sigmaZ());
1295  fitResults->setBinContent(1, 4, bs.dxdz());
1296  fitResults->setBinContent(1, 3, bs.dydz());
1297  if (bs.type() > 0) { // with good beamwidth fit
1298  fitResults->setBinContent(1, 2, bs.BeamWidthX());
1299  fitResults->setBinContent(1, 1, bs.BeamWidthY());
1300  } else { // fill cached widths
1303  }
1305  fitResults->setBinContent(2, 8, bs.x0Error());
1306  fitResults->setBinContent(2, 7, bs.y0Error());
1307  fitResults->setBinContent(2, 6, bs.z0Error());
1308  fitResults->setBinContent(2, 5, bs.sigmaZ0Error());
1309  fitResults->setBinContent(2, 4, bs.dxdzError());
1310  fitResults->setBinContent(2, 3, bs.dydzError());
1311  if (bs.type() > 0) { // with good beamwidth fit
1314  } else { // fill cached width errors
1317  }
1319  // count good fit
1320  // if (std::fabs(refBS.x0()-bs.x0())/bs.x0Error() < deltaSigCut_) { // disabled temporarily
1321  summaryContent_[0] += 1.;
1322  // }
1323  // if (std::fabs(refBS.y0()-bs.y0())/bs.y0Error() < deltaSigCut_) { // disabled temporarily
1324  summaryContent_[1] += 1.;
1325  // }
1326  // if (std::fabs(refBS.z0()-bs.z0())/bs.z0Error() < deltaSigCut_) { // disabled temporarily
1327  summaryContent_[2] += 1.;
1328  // }
1330  } //if (theBeamFitter->runPVandTrkFitter())
1331  else { // beam fit fails
1332  reco::BeamSpot bs = theBeamFitter->getBeamSpot();
1333  edm::LogInfo("BeamMonitor") << "FitAndFill:: [BeamMonitor] Beam fit fails!!! \n" << endl;
1334  edm::LogInfo("BeamMonitor") << "FitAndFill:: [BeamMonitor] Output beam spot for DIP \n" << endl;
1335  edm::LogInfo("BeamMonitor") << bs << endl;
1337  hs[k_sigmaX0_lumi]->ShiftFillLast(bs.BeamWidthX(), bs.BeamWidthXError(), fitNLumi_);
1338  hs[k_sigmaY0_lumi]->ShiftFillLast(bs.BeamWidthY(), bs.BeamWidthYError(), fitNLumi_);
1339  hs[k_sigmaZ0_lumi]->ShiftFillLast(bs.sigmaZ(), bs.sigmaZ0Error(), fitNLumi_);
1340  hs[k_x0_lumi]->ShiftFillLast(bs.x0(), bs.x0Error(), fitNLumi_);
1341  hs[k_y0_lumi]->ShiftFillLast(bs.y0(), bs.y0Error(), fitNLumi_);
1342  hs[k_z0_lumi]->ShiftFillLast(bs.z0(), bs.z0Error(), fitNLumi_);
1343  } // end of beam fit fails
1345  } //-------- end of countFitting------------------------------------------
1346  else { // no fit
1347  // Overwrite Fit LS and fit time when no event processed or no track selected
1349  theBeamFitter->setRefTime(refBStime[0], refBStime[1]);
1350  if (theBeamFitter->runPVandTrkFitter()) {
1351  } // Dump fake beam spot for DIP
1352  reco::BeamSpot bs = theBeamFitter->getBeamSpot();
1353  edm::LogInfo("BeamMonitor") << "FitAndFill:: [BeamMonitor] No fitting \n" << endl;
1354  edm::LogInfo("BeamMonitor") << "FitAndFill:: [BeamMonitor] Output fake beam spot for DIP \n" << endl;
1355  edm::LogInfo("BeamMonitor") << bs << endl;
1357  hs[k_sigmaX0_lumi]->ShiftFillLast(bs.BeamWidthX(), bs.BeamWidthXError(), fitNLumi_);
1358  hs[k_sigmaY0_lumi]->ShiftFillLast(bs.BeamWidthY(), bs.BeamWidthYError(), fitNLumi_);
1359  hs[k_sigmaZ0_lumi]->ShiftFillLast(bs.sigmaZ(), bs.sigmaZ0Error(), fitNLumi_);
1360  hs[k_x0_lumi]->ShiftFillLast(bs.x0(), bs.x0Error(), fitNLumi_);
1361  hs[k_y0_lumi]->ShiftFillLast(bs.y0(), bs.y0Error(), fitNLumi_);
1362  hs[k_z0_lumi]->ShiftFillLast(bs.z0(), bs.z0Error(), fitNLumi_);
1363  }
1365  // Fill summary report
1366  if (countFitting) {
1367  for (int n = 0; n < nFitElements_; n++) {
1369  }
1371  summarySum_ = 0;
1372  for (int ii = 0; ii < nFitElements_; ii++) {
1374  }
1375  reportSummary_ = summarySum_ / (nFitElements_ * nFits_);
1376  if (reportSummary)
1379  for (int bi = 0; bi < nFitElements_; bi++) {
1380  reportSummaryMap->setBinContent(1, bi + 1, summaryContent_[bi] / (float)nFits_);
1381  }
1382  }
1384  if ((resetFitNLumi_ > 0 &&
1385  ((onlineMode_ &&
1386  countLumi_ == resetFitNLumi_) || //OR it should be currentLumi_ (if in sequence then does not mattar)
1387  (!onlineMode_ && countLumi_ == resetFitNLumi_))) ||
1388  (StartAverage_)) {
1389  edm::LogInfo("BeamMonitor") << "FitAndFill:: The flag is ON for running average Beam Spot fit" << endl;
1390  StartAverage_ = true;
1391  firstAverageFit_++;
1392  resetHistos_ = true;
1393  nthBSTrk_ = 0;
1394  beginLumiOfBSFit_ = 0;
1395  refBStime[0] = 0;
1396  }
1397 }
double z0() const
z coordinate
Definition: BeamSpot.h:65
std::unique_ptr< BeamFitter > theBeamFitter
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:85
unsigned int minNrVertices_
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:103
double sigmaZ0Error() const
error on sigma z
Definition: BeamSpot.h:92
int nFitElements_
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:98
std::time_t refBStime[2]
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:95
MonitorElement * reportSummary
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:164
int endLumiOfPVFit_
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:92
int resetFitNLumi_
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:78
double dydzError() const
error on dydz
Definition: BeamSpot.h:96
MonitorElement * h_PVz[2]
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:142
bool testScroll(std::time_t &, std::time_t &)
std::map< int, std::vector< float > > mapPVx
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:149
bool processed_
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:112
std::vector< MonitorElement * > hs
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:146
MonitorElement * h_sigmaZ0
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:137
MonitorElement * h_nTrk_lumi
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:121
std::map< int, std::size_t > mapLSBSTrkSize
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:155
MonitorElement * fitResults
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:131
int fitPVNLumi_
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:77
MonitorElement * h_sigmaY0
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:136
std::map< int, std::vector< float > > mapPVz
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:149
std::map< int, std::vector< int > > mapNPV
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:150
void Fill(long long x)
virtual void Reset()
reset ME (ie. contents, errors, etc)
DQM_DEPRECATED void ShiftFillLast(double y, double ye=0., int32_t xscale=1)
double dydz() const
dydz slope
Definition: BeamSpot.h:80
MonitorElement * h_y0
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:133
double dxdzError() const
error on dxdz
Definition: BeamSpot.h:94
MonitorElement * h_vy_dz
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:128
T sqrt(T t)
Definition: SSEVec.h:19
Float_t reportSummary_
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:161
std::time_t refTime
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:173
MonitorElement * pvResults
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:145
int endLumiOfBSFit_
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:90
std::time_t refPVtime[2]
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:96
MonitorElement * h_nVtx_lumi
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:122
double BeamWidthX() const
beam width X
Definition: BeamSpot.h:82
#define end
Definition: vmac.h:39
double BeamWidthYError() const
error on beam width Y, assume error in X = Y
Definition: BeamSpot.h:101
double BeamWidthXError() const
error on beam width X, assume error in X = Y
Definition: BeamSpot.h:99
double z0Error() const
error on z
Definition: BeamSpot.h:90
virtual TProfile * getTProfile()
double dxdz() const
dxdz slope
Definition: BeamSpot.h:78
std::map< int, TH1F > mapLSCF
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:158
double x0Error() const
error on x
Definition: BeamSpot.h:86
double y0Error() const
error on y
Definition: BeamSpot.h:88
MonitorElement * h_nVtx_lumi_all
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:123
std::time_t startTime
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:172
void update()
Mark the object updated.
Float_t summaryContent_[3]
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:163
MonitorElement * h_sigmaX0
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:135
bool StartAverage_
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:108
virtual double getMean(int axis=1) const
get mean value of histogram along x, y or z axis (axis=1, 2, 3 respectively)
reco::BeamSpot preBS
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:118
MonitorElement * h_nVtx_st
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:139
MonitorElement * h_PVy[2]
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:141
virtual void setBinContent(int binx, double content)
set content of bin (1-D)
int beginLumiOfPVFit_
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:91
virtual double getMeanError(int axis=1) const
MonitorElement * reportSummaryContents[3]
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:165
double sigmaZ() const
sigma z
Definition: BeamSpot.h:76
virtual double getRMS(int axis=1) const
get RMS of histogram along x, y or z axis (axis=1, 2, 3 respectively)
double BeamWidthY() const
beam width Y
Definition: BeamSpot.h:84
MonitorElement * h_x0
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:132
MonitorElement * h_trk_z0
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:125
int resetPVNLumi_
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:79
Float_t summarySum_
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:162
#define begin
Definition: vmac.h:32
MonitorElement * h_vx_dz
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:127
MonitorElement * h_z0
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:134
virtual double getRMSError(int axis=1) const
get RMS uncertainty of histogram along x, y or z axis(axis=1,2,3 respectively)
double y0() const
y coordinate
Definition: BeamSpot.h:63
unsigned int nthBSTrk_
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:97
unsigned int min_Ntrks_
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:101
zGenParticlesMatch = cms.InputTag(""),
bool resetHistos_
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:107
std::time_t tmpTime
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:171
int firstAverageFit_
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:109
MonitorElement * h_PVx[2]
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:140
int beginLumiOfBSFit_
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:89
std::map< int, std::vector< float > > mapPVy
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:149
MonitorElement * h_d0_phi0
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:124
MonitorElement * h_vx_vy
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:126
int countLumi_
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:88
void scrollTH1(TH1 *, std::time_t)
BeamType type() const
return beam type
Definition: BeamSpot.h:122
MonitorElement * reportSummaryMap
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:166
bool onlineMode_
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:82
double x0() const
x coordinate
Definition: BeamSpot.h:61
virtual void setAxisTitle(const std::string &title, int axis=1)
set x-, y- or z-axis title (axis=1, 2, 3 respectively)
std::map< int, size_t > mapLSPVStoreSize
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:156
void BeamMonitor::formatFitTime ( char *  ,
const std::time_t &   

Definition at line 43 of file

References b, CEST, constexpr, plotBeamSpotDB::ptm, and ntuplemaker::time.

Referenced by bookHistograms(), and scrollTH1().

43  {
44  //constexpr int CET(+1);
45  constexpr int CEST(+2);
47  //tm * ptm;
48  //ptm = gmtime ( &t );
49  //int year = ptm->tm_year;
51  //get correct year from ctime
52  time_t currentTime;
53  struct tm* localTime;
54  time(&currentTime); // Get the current time
55  localTime = localtime(&currentTime); // Convert the current time to the local time
56  int year = localTime->tm_year + 1900;
58  tm* ptm;
59  ptm = gmtime(&t);
61  //check if year is ok
62  if (year <= 37)
63  year += 2000;
64  if (year >= 70 && year <= 137)
65  year += 1900;
67  if (year < 1995) {
68  edm::LogError("BadTimeStamp") << "year reported is " << year << " !!" << std::endl;
69  //year = 2015; //overwritten later by for fits but needed here for TH1
70  //edm::LogError("BadTimeStamp") << "Resetting to " <<year<<std::endl;
71  }
72  sprintf(ts,
73  "%4d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d",
74  year,
75  ptm->tm_mon + 1,
76  ptm->tm_mday,
77  (ptm->tm_hour + CEST) % 24,
78  ptm->tm_min,
79  ptm->tm_sec);
82  unsigned int b = strlen(ts);
83  while (ts[--b] == ' ') {
84  ts[b] = 0;
85  }
86 #endif
87 }
#define CEST
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:118
#define constexpr
void BeamMonitor::RestartFitting ( )

Definition at line 1400 of file

References beginLumiOfBSFit_, beginLumiOfPVFit_, countGapLumi_, countLumi_, debug_, h_PVx, h_PVy, h_PVz, mapBeginBSLS, mapBeginBSTime, mapBeginPVLS, mapBeginPVTime, mapLSBSTrkSize, mapLSCF, mapLSPVStoreSize, mapNPV, mapPVx, mapPVy, mapPVz, nthBSTrk_, refBStime, refPVtime, dqm::impl::MonitorElement::Reset(), resetHistos_, StartAverage_, and theBeamFitter.

1400  {
1401  if (debug_)
1402  edm::LogInfo("BeamMonitor")
1403  << " RestartingFitting:: Restart Beami everything to a fresh start !!! because Gap is > 10 LS" << endl;
1404  //track based fit reset here
1405  resetHistos_ = true;
1406  nthBSTrk_ = 0;
1407  theBeamFitter->resetTrkVector();
1408  theBeamFitter->resetLSRange();
1409  theBeamFitter->resetRefTime();
1410  theBeamFitter->resetPVFitter();
1411  theBeamFitter->resetCutFlow();
1412  beginLumiOfBSFit_ = 0;
1413  refBStime[0] = 0;
1414  //pv based fit iis reset here
1415  h_PVx[0]->Reset();
1416  h_PVy[0]->Reset();
1417  h_PVz[0]->Reset();
1418  beginLumiOfPVFit_ = 0;
1419  refPVtime[0] = 0;
1420  //Clear all the Maps here
1421  mapPVx.clear();
1422  mapPVy.clear();
1423  mapPVz.clear();
1424  mapNPV.clear();
1425  mapBeginBSLS.clear();
1426  mapBeginPVLS.clear();
1427  mapBeginBSTime.clear();
1428  mapBeginPVTime.clear();
1429  mapLSBSTrkSize.clear();
1430  mapLSPVStoreSize.clear();
1431  mapLSCF.clear();
1432  countGapLumi_ = 0;
1433  countLumi_ = 0;
1434  StartAverage_ = false;
1435 }
std::unique_ptr< BeamFitter > theBeamFitter
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:85
std::time_t refBStime[2]
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:95
MonitorElement * h_PVz[2]
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:142
std::map< int, std::vector< float > > mapPVx
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:149
std::map< int, std::size_t > mapLSBSTrkSize
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:155
std::map< int, std::vector< float > > mapPVz
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:149
std::map< int, std::time_t > mapBeginPVTime
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:153
std::map< int, std::vector< int > > mapNPV
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:150
virtual void Reset()
reset ME (ie. contents, errors, etc)
std::map< int, std::time_t > mapBeginBSTime
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:153
int countGapLumi_
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:110
std::time_t refPVtime[2]
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:96
std::map< int, TH1F > mapLSCF
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:158
bool StartAverage_
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:108
MonitorElement * h_PVy[2]
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:141
int beginLumiOfPVFit_
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:91
std::map< int, int > mapBeginBSLS
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:152
unsigned int nthBSTrk_
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:97
bool resetHistos_
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:107
MonitorElement * h_PVx[2]
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:140
std::map< int, int > mapBeginPVLS
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:152
int beginLumiOfBSFit_
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:89
std::map< int, std::vector< float > > mapPVy
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:149
int countLumi_
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:88
std::map< int, size_t > mapLSPVStoreSize
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:156
void BeamMonitor::scrollTH1 ( TH1 *  ,

Definition at line 1456 of file

References newFWLiteAna::bin, buffTime, Calorimetry_cff::da, formatFitTime(), lastNZbin, and heppy_batch::val.

Referenced by FitAndFill().

1456  {
1457  char offsetTime[64];
1458  formatFitTime(offsetTime, ref);
1459  TDatime da(offsetTime);
1460  if (lastNZbin > 0) {
1461  double val = h->GetBinContent(lastNZbin);
1462  double valErr = h->GetBinError(lastNZbin);
1463  h->Reset();
1464  h->GetXaxis()->SetTimeOffset(da.Convert(kTRUE));
1465  int bin = (lastNZbin > buffTime ? buffTime : 1);
1466  h->SetBinContent(bin, val);
1467  h->SetBinError(bin, valErr);
1468  } else {
1469  h->Reset();
1470  h->GetXaxis()->SetTimeOffset(da.Convert(kTRUE));
1471  }
1472 }
FWCore Framework interface EventSetupRecordImplementation h
Helper function to determine trigger accepts.
void formatFitTime(char *, const std::time_t &)
static int buffTime
bool BeamMonitor::testScroll ( std::time_t &  ,
std::time_t &   

Definition at line 1476 of file

References newFWLiteAna::bin, buffTime, DEFINE_FWK_MODULE, hs, intervalInSec_, lastNZbin, and hltrates_dqm_sourceclient-live_cfg::offset.

Referenced by FitAndFill().

1476  {
1477  bool scroll_ = false;
1478  if (tmpTime_ - refTime_ >= intervalInSec_) {
1479  scroll_ = true;
1480  edm::LogInfo("BeamMonitor") << "testScroll:: Reset Time Offset" << std::endl;
1482  for (int bin = intervalInSec_; bin >= 1; bin--) {
1483  if (hs[k_x0_time]->getBinContent(bin) > 0) {
1484  lastNZbin = bin;
1485  break;
1486  }
1487  }
1488  edm::LogInfo("BeamMonitor") << "testScroll:: Last non zero bin = " << lastNZbin << std::endl;
1489  if (tmpTime_ - refTime_ >= intervalInSec_ + lastNZbin) {
1490  edm::LogInfo("BeamMonitor") << "testScroll:: Time difference too large since last readout" << std::endl;
1491  lastNZbin = 0;
1492  refTime_ = tmpTime_ - buffTime;
1493  } else {
1494  edm::LogInfo("BeamMonitor") << "testScroll:: Offset to last record" << std::endl;
1495  int offset = ((lastNZbin > buffTime) ? (lastNZbin - buffTime) : (lastNZbin - 1));
1496  refTime_ += offset;
1497  }
1498  }
1499  return scroll_;
1500 }
std::vector< MonitorElement * > hs
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:146
int intervalInSec_
Definition: BeamMonitor.h:80
static int buffTime

Member Data Documentation

int BeamMonitor::beginLumiOfBSFit_

Definition at line 89 of file BeamMonitor.h.

Referenced by BeamMonitor(), beginLuminosityBlock(), FitAndFill(), and RestartFitting().

int BeamMonitor::beginLumiOfPVFit_

Definition at line 91 of file BeamMonitor.h.

Referenced by BeamMonitor(), beginLuminosityBlock(), FitAndFill(), and RestartFitting().

edm::EDGetTokenT<reco::BeamSpot> BeamMonitor::bsSrc_

Definition at line 71 of file BeamMonitor.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and BeamMonitor().

int BeamMonitor::countEvt_

Definition at line 87 of file BeamMonitor.h.

Referenced by analyze().

int BeamMonitor::countGapLumi_

Definition at line 110 of file BeamMonitor.h.

Referenced by RestartFitting().

int BeamMonitor::countLumi_

Definition at line 88 of file BeamMonitor.h.

Referenced by analyze(), beginLuminosityBlock(), FitAndFill(), and RestartFitting().

MonitorElement* BeamMonitor::cutFlowTable

Definition at line 167 of file BeamMonitor.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

bool BeamMonitor::debug_
double BeamMonitor::deltaSigCut_

Definition at line 100 of file BeamMonitor.h.

Referenced by BeamMonitor().

const int BeamMonitor::dxBin_

Definition at line 55 of file BeamMonitor.h.

Referenced by bookHistograms().

const double BeamMonitor::dxMax_

Definition at line 57 of file BeamMonitor.h.

Referenced by bookHistograms().

const double BeamMonitor::dxMin_

Definition at line 56 of file BeamMonitor.h.

Referenced by bookHistograms().

const int BeamMonitor::dzBin_

Definition at line 67 of file BeamMonitor.h.

Referenced by bookHistograms().

const double BeamMonitor::dzMax_

Definition at line 69 of file BeamMonitor.h.

Referenced by bookHistograms().

const double BeamMonitor::dzMin_

Definition at line 68 of file BeamMonitor.h.

Referenced by bookHistograms().

int BeamMonitor::endLumiOfBSFit_

Definition at line 90 of file BeamMonitor.h.

Referenced by BeamMonitor(), and FitAndFill().

int BeamMonitor::endLumiOfPVFit_

Definition at line 92 of file BeamMonitor.h.

Referenced by BeamMonitor(), and FitAndFill().

int BeamMonitor::firstAverageFit_

Definition at line 109 of file BeamMonitor.h.

Referenced by FitAndFill().

int BeamMonitor::fitNLumi_

Definition at line 76 of file BeamMonitor.h.

Referenced by BeamMonitor(), and FitAndFill().

int BeamMonitor::fitPVNLumi_

Definition at line 77 of file BeamMonitor.h.

Referenced by BeamMonitor(), and FitAndFill().

MonitorElement* BeamMonitor::fitResults

Definition at line 131 of file BeamMonitor.h.

Referenced by bookHistograms(), and FitAndFill().

int BeamMonitor::frun

Definition at line 176 of file BeamMonitor.h.

Referenced by bookHistograms(), and FitAndFill().

edm::TimeValue_t BeamMonitor::ftimestamp

Definition at line 174 of file BeamMonitor.h.

Referenced by bookHistograms().

MonitorElement* BeamMonitor::h_d0_phi0

Definition at line 124 of file BeamMonitor.h.

Referenced by bookHistograms(), and FitAndFill().

MonitorElement* BeamMonitor::h_nTrk_lumi

Definition at line 121 of file BeamMonitor.h.

Referenced by bookHistograms(), and FitAndFill().

MonitorElement* BeamMonitor::h_nVtx

Definition at line 138 of file BeamMonitor.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

MonitorElement* BeamMonitor::h_nVtx_lumi

Definition at line 122 of file BeamMonitor.h.

Referenced by bookHistograms(), and FitAndFill().

MonitorElement* BeamMonitor::h_nVtx_lumi_all

Definition at line 123 of file BeamMonitor.h.

Referenced by bookHistograms(), and FitAndFill().

MonitorElement* BeamMonitor::h_nVtx_st

Definition at line 139 of file BeamMonitor.h.

Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), and FitAndFill().

MonitorElement* BeamMonitor::h_PVx[2]

Definition at line 140 of file BeamMonitor.h.

Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), FitAndFill(), and RestartFitting().

MonitorElement* BeamMonitor::h_PVxz

Definition at line 143 of file BeamMonitor.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

MonitorElement* BeamMonitor::h_PVy[2]

Definition at line 141 of file BeamMonitor.h.

Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), FitAndFill(), and RestartFitting().

MonitorElement* BeamMonitor::h_PVyz

Definition at line 144 of file BeamMonitor.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

MonitorElement* BeamMonitor::h_PVz[2]

Definition at line 142 of file BeamMonitor.h.

Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), FitAndFill(), and RestartFitting().

MonitorElement* BeamMonitor::h_sigmaX0

Definition at line 135 of file BeamMonitor.h.

Referenced by bookHistograms(), and FitAndFill().

MonitorElement* BeamMonitor::h_sigmaY0

Definition at line 136 of file BeamMonitor.h.

Referenced by bookHistograms(), and FitAndFill().

MonitorElement* BeamMonitor::h_sigmaZ0

Definition at line 137 of file BeamMonitor.h.

Referenced by bookHistograms(), and FitAndFill().

MonitorElement* BeamMonitor::h_trk_z0

Definition at line 125 of file BeamMonitor.h.

Referenced by bookHistograms(), and FitAndFill().

MonitorElement* BeamMonitor::h_trkPt

Definition at line 129 of file BeamMonitor.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

MonitorElement* BeamMonitor::h_trkVz

Definition at line 130 of file BeamMonitor.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

MonitorElement* BeamMonitor::h_vx_dz

Definition at line 127 of file BeamMonitor.h.

Referenced by bookHistograms(), and FitAndFill().

MonitorElement* BeamMonitor::h_vx_vy

Definition at line 126 of file BeamMonitor.h.

Referenced by bookHistograms(), and FitAndFill().

MonitorElement* BeamMonitor::h_vy_dz

Definition at line 128 of file BeamMonitor.h.

Referenced by bookHistograms(), and FitAndFill().

MonitorElement* BeamMonitor::h_x0

Definition at line 132 of file BeamMonitor.h.

Referenced by bookHistograms(), and FitAndFill().

MonitorElement* BeamMonitor::h_y0

Definition at line 133 of file BeamMonitor.h.

Referenced by bookHistograms(), and FitAndFill().

MonitorElement* BeamMonitor::h_z0

Definition at line 134 of file BeamMonitor.h.

Referenced by bookHistograms(), and FitAndFill().

edm::EDGetTokenT<edm::TriggerResults> BeamMonitor::hltSrc_

Definition at line 74 of file BeamMonitor.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and BeamMonitor().

std::vector<MonitorElement*> BeamMonitor::hs

Definition at line 146 of file BeamMonitor.h.

Referenced by bookHistograms(), FitAndFill(), and testScroll().

int BeamMonitor::intervalInSec_

Definition at line 80 of file BeamMonitor.h.

Referenced by BeamMonitor(), bookHistograms(), and testScroll().

std::vector<std::string> BeamMonitor::jetTrigger_

Definition at line 83 of file BeamMonitor.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and BeamMonitor().

int BeamMonitor::lastlumi_

Definition at line 93 of file BeamMonitor.h.

Referenced by BeamMonitor(), and beginLuminosityBlock().

int BeamMonitor::lastNZbin

Definition at line 177 of file BeamMonitor.h.

Referenced by scrollTH1(), and testScroll().

std::map<int, int> BeamMonitor::mapBeginBSLS

Definition at line 152 of file BeamMonitor.h.

Referenced by beginLuminosityBlock(), dqmEndRun(), and RestartFitting().

std::map<int, std::time_t> BeamMonitor::mapBeginBSTime

Definition at line 153 of file BeamMonitor.h.

Referenced by beginLuminosityBlock(), dqmEndRun(), and RestartFitting().

std::map<int, int> BeamMonitor::mapBeginPVLS

Definition at line 152 of file BeamMonitor.h.

Referenced by beginLuminosityBlock(), dqmEndRun(), and RestartFitting().

std::map<int, std::time_t> BeamMonitor::mapBeginPVTime

Definition at line 153 of file BeamMonitor.h.

Referenced by beginLuminosityBlock(), dqmEndRun(), and RestartFitting().

std::map<int, std::size_t> BeamMonitor::mapLSBSTrkSize

Definition at line 155 of file BeamMonitor.h.

Referenced by dqmEndRun(), FitAndFill(), and RestartFitting().

std::map<int, TH1F> BeamMonitor::mapLSCF

Definition at line 158 of file BeamMonitor.h.

Referenced by dqmEndRun(), FitAndFill(), and RestartFitting().

std::map<int, size_t> BeamMonitor::mapLSPVStoreSize

Definition at line 156 of file BeamMonitor.h.

Referenced by dqmEndRun(), FitAndFill(), and RestartFitting().

std::map<int, std::vector<int> > BeamMonitor::mapNPV

Definition at line 150 of file BeamMonitor.h.

Referenced by analyze(), dqmEndRun(), FitAndFill(), and RestartFitting().

std::map<int, std::vector<float> > BeamMonitor::mapPVx

Definition at line 149 of file BeamMonitor.h.

Referenced by analyze(), dqmEndRun(), FitAndFill(), and RestartFitting().

std::map<int, std::vector<float> > BeamMonitor::mapPVy

Definition at line 149 of file BeamMonitor.h.

Referenced by analyze(), dqmEndRun(), FitAndFill(), and RestartFitting().

std::map<int, std::vector<float> > BeamMonitor::mapPVz

Definition at line 149 of file BeamMonitor.h.

Referenced by analyze(), dqmEndRun(), FitAndFill(), and RestartFitting().

double BeamMonitor::maxZ_

Definition at line 102 of file BeamMonitor.h.

Referenced by BeamMonitor().

unsigned int BeamMonitor::min_Ntrks_

Definition at line 101 of file BeamMonitor.h.

Referenced by BeamMonitor(), and FitAndFill().

unsigned int BeamMonitor::minNrVertices_

Definition at line 103 of file BeamMonitor.h.

Referenced by BeamMonitor(), and FitAndFill().

double BeamMonitor::minVtxNdf_

Definition at line 104 of file BeamMonitor.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and BeamMonitor().

double BeamMonitor::minVtxWgt_

Definition at line 105 of file BeamMonitor.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and BeamMonitor().

std::string BeamMonitor::monitorName_

Definition at line 70 of file BeamMonitor.h.

Referenced by BeamMonitor(), and bookHistograms().

int BeamMonitor::nextlumi_

Definition at line 94 of file BeamMonitor.h.

Referenced by analyze(), BeamMonitor(), beginLuminosityBlock(), and endLuminosityBlock().

int BeamMonitor::nFitElements_

Definition at line 98 of file BeamMonitor.h.

Referenced by bookHistograms(), and FitAndFill().

int BeamMonitor::nFits_

Definition at line 99 of file BeamMonitor.h.

Referenced by BeamMonitor(), and FitAndFill().

unsigned int BeamMonitor::nthBSTrk_

Definition at line 97 of file BeamMonitor.h.

Referenced by FitAndFill(), and RestartFitting().

bool BeamMonitor::onlineMode_
const int BeamMonitor::phiBin_

Definition at line 63 of file BeamMonitor.h.

Referenced by bookHistograms().

const double BeamMonitor::phiMax_

Definition at line 65 of file BeamMonitor.h.

Referenced by bookHistograms().

const double BeamMonitor::phiMin_

Definition at line 64 of file BeamMonitor.h.

Referenced by bookHistograms().

reco::BeamSpot BeamMonitor::preBS

Definition at line 118 of file BeamMonitor.h.

Referenced by FitAndFill().

bool BeamMonitor::processed_

Definition at line 112 of file BeamMonitor.h.

Referenced by analyze(), BeamMonitor(), beginLuminosityBlock(), and FitAndFill().

MonitorElement* BeamMonitor::pvResults

Definition at line 145 of file BeamMonitor.h.

Referenced by bookHistograms(), and FitAndFill().

edm::EDGetTokenT<reco::VertexCollection> BeamMonitor::pvSrc_

Definition at line 73 of file BeamMonitor.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and BeamMonitor().

reco::BeamSpot BeamMonitor::refBS

Definition at line 117 of file BeamMonitor.h.

Referenced by analyze().

std::time_t BeamMonitor::refBStime[2]
std::time_t BeamMonitor::refPVtime[2]
std::time_t BeamMonitor::refTime

Definition at line 173 of file BeamMonitor.h.

Referenced by bookHistograms(), and FitAndFill().

MonitorElement* BeamMonitor::reportSummary

Definition at line 164 of file BeamMonitor.h.

Referenced by bookHistograms(), and FitAndFill().

Float_t BeamMonitor::reportSummary_

Definition at line 161 of file BeamMonitor.h.

Referenced by FitAndFill().

MonitorElement* BeamMonitor::reportSummaryContents[3]

Definition at line 165 of file BeamMonitor.h.

Referenced by bookHistograms(), and FitAndFill().

MonitorElement* BeamMonitor::reportSummaryMap

Definition at line 166 of file BeamMonitor.h.

Referenced by bookHistograms(), and FitAndFill().

int BeamMonitor::resetFitNLumi_

Definition at line 78 of file BeamMonitor.h.

Referenced by analyze(), BeamMonitor(), and FitAndFill().

bool BeamMonitor::resetHistos_

Definition at line 107 of file BeamMonitor.h.

Referenced by FitAndFill(), and RestartFitting().

int BeamMonitor::resetPVNLumi_

Definition at line 79 of file BeamMonitor.h.

Referenced by BeamMonitor(), and FitAndFill().

bool BeamMonitor::StartAverage_

Definition at line 108 of file BeamMonitor.h.

Referenced by analyze(), beginLuminosityBlock(), FitAndFill(), and RestartFitting().

std::time_t BeamMonitor::startTime

Definition at line 172 of file BeamMonitor.h.

Referenced by bookHistograms(), and FitAndFill().

Float_t BeamMonitor::summaryContent_[3]

Definition at line 163 of file BeamMonitor.h.

Referenced by bookHistograms(), and FitAndFill().

Float_t BeamMonitor::summarySum_

Definition at line 162 of file BeamMonitor.h.

Referenced by FitAndFill().

std::unique_ptr<BeamFitter> BeamMonitor::theBeamFitter

Definition at line 85 of file BeamMonitor.h.

Referenced by analyze(), BeamMonitor(), FitAndFill(), and RestartFitting().

std::time_t BeamMonitor::tmpTime

Definition at line 171 of file BeamMonitor.h.

Referenced by bookHistograms(), endLuminosityBlock(), and FitAndFill().

edm::EDGetTokenT<reco::TrackCollection> BeamMonitor::tracksLabel_

Definition at line 72 of file BeamMonitor.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and BeamMonitor().

const int BeamMonitor::vxBin_

Definition at line 59 of file BeamMonitor.h.

Referenced by bookHistograms().

const double BeamMonitor::vxMax_

Definition at line 61 of file BeamMonitor.h.

Referenced by bookHistograms().

const double BeamMonitor::vxMin_

Definition at line 60 of file BeamMonitor.h.

Referenced by bookHistograms().