Go to the documentation of this file.
22 //---------------
23 // C++ Headers --
24 //---------------
26 #include <iostream>
27 #include <algorithm>
28 #include <limits>
30 //-------------------------------
31 // Collaborating Class Headers --
32 //-------------------------------
73 //----------------
74 // Constructors --
75 //----------------
79  : theLayerMeasurements(nullptr),
80  theTrackTransformer(nullptr),
81  theRegionBuilder(nullptr),
82  theService(service),
83  theGlbRefitter(nullptr) {
84  theCategory =
85  par.getUntrackedParameter<std::string>("Category", "Muon|RecoMuon|GlobalMuon|GlobalTrajectoryBuilderBase");
87  edm::ParameterSet trackMatcherPSet = par.getParameter<edm::ParameterSet>("GlobalMuonTrackMatcher");
88  theTrackMatcher = new GlobalMuonTrackMatcher(trackMatcherPSet, theService);
90  theTrackerPropagatorName = par.getParameter<std::string>("TrackerPropagator");
92  edm::ParameterSet trackTransformerPSet = par.getParameter<edm::ParameterSet>("TrackTransformer");
93  theTrackTransformer = new TrackTransformer(trackTransformerPSet);
95  edm::ParameterSet regionBuilderPSet = par.getParameter<edm::ParameterSet>("MuonTrackingRegionBuilder");
97  theRegionBuilder = new MuonTrackingRegionBuilder(regionBuilderPSet, iC);
99  // TrackRefitter parameters
100  edm::ParameterSet refitterParameters = par.getParameter<edm::ParameterSet>("GlbRefitterParameters");
101  theGlbRefitter = new GlobalMuonRefitter(refitterParameters, theService, iC);
103  theMuonHitsOption = refitterParameters.getParameter<int>("MuonHitsOption");
104  theRefitFlag = refitterParameters.getParameter<bool>("RefitFlag");
106  theTrackerRecHitBuilderName = par.getParameter<std::string>("TrackerRecHitBuilder");
107  theMuonRecHitBuilderName = par.getParameter<std::string>("MuonRecHitBuilder");
109  theRPCInTheFit = par.getParameter<bool>("RefitRPCHits");
111  theTECxScale = par.getParameter<double>("ScaleTECxFactor");
112  theTECyScale = par.getParameter<double>("ScaleTECyFactor");
113  thePtCut = par.getParameter<double>("PtCut");
114  thePCut = par.getParameter<double>("PCut");
116  theCacheId_TRH = 0;
117 }
119 //--------------
120 // Destructor --
121 //--------------
123  if (theTrackMatcher)
124  delete theTrackMatcher;
125  if (theRegionBuilder)
126  delete theRegionBuilder;
128  delete theTrackTransformer;
129  if (theGlbRefitter)
130  delete theGlbRefitter;
131 }
133 //
134 // set Event
135 //
137  theEvent = &event;
140  theRegionBuilder->setEvent(event);
142  theGlbRefitter->setEvent(event);
145  unsigned long long newCacheId_TRH = theService->eventSetup().get<TransientRecHitRecord>().cacheIdentifier();
146  if (newCacheId_TRH != theCacheId_TRH) {
147  LogDebug(theCategory) << "TransientRecHitRecord changed!";
148  theCacheId_TRH = newCacheId_TRH;
151  }
153  //Retrieve tracker topology from geometry
155  theService->eventSetup().get<TrackerTopologyRcd>().get(tTopoHand);
156  theTopo = tTopoHand.product();
157 }
159 //
160 // build a combined tracker-muon trajectory
161 //
163  MuonCandidate::CandidateContainer& tkTrajs) const {
164  LogTrace(theCategory) << " Begin Build" << std::endl;
166  // tracker trajectory should be built and refit before this point
167  if (tkTrajs.empty())
168  return CandidateContainer();
170  // add muon hits and refit/smooth trajectories
171  CandidateContainer refittedResult;
172  ConstRecHitContainer muonRecHits = getTransientRecHits(*(staCand.second));
174  // check order of muon measurements
175  if ((muonRecHits.size() > 1) &&
176  (muonRecHits.front()->globalPosition().mag() > muonRecHits.back()->globalPosition().mag())) {
177  LogTrace(theCategory) << " reverse order: ";
178  }
180  for (auto&& it : tkTrajs) {
181  // cut on tracks with low momenta
182  LogTrace(theCategory) << " Track p and pT " << it->trackerTrack()->p() << " " << it->trackerTrack()->pt();
183  if (it->trackerTrack()->p() < thePCut || it->trackerTrack()->pt() < thePtCut)
184  continue;
186  // If true we will run theGlbRefitter->refit from all hits
187  if (theRefitFlag) {
188  ConstRecHitContainer trackerRecHits;
189  if (it->trackerTrack().isNonnull()) {
190  trackerRecHits = getTransientRecHits(*it->trackerTrack());
191  } else {
192  LogDebug(theCategory) << " NEED HITS FROM TRAJ";
193  }
195  // ToDo: Do we need the following ?:
196  // check for single TEC RecHits in trajectories in the overalp region
197  if (std::abs(it->trackerTrack()->eta()) > 0.95 && std::abs(it->trackerTrack()->eta()) < 1.15 &&
198  it->trackerTrack()->pt() < 60) {
199  if (theTECxScale < 0 || theTECyScale < 0)
200  trackerRecHits = selectTrackerHits(trackerRecHits);
201  else
202  fixTEC(trackerRecHits, theTECxScale, theTECyScale);
203  }
205  RefitDirection recHitDir = checkRecHitsOrdering(trackerRecHits);
206  if (recHitDir == outToIn)
207  reverse(trackerRecHits.begin(), trackerRecHits.end());
209  reco::TransientTrack tTT(it->trackerTrack(), &*theService->magneticField(), theService->trackingGeometry());
210  TrajectoryStateOnSurface innerTsos = tTT.innermostMeasurementState();
213  if (it->trackerTrack()->seedRef().isAvailable())
214  tmpSeed = it->trackerTrack()->seedRef();
216  if (!innerTsos.isValid()) {
217  LogTrace(theCategory) << " inner Trajectory State is invalid. ";
218  continue;
219  }
221  innerTsos.rescaleError(100.);
223  TC refitted0, refitted1;
224  MuonCandidate* finalTrajectory = nullptr;
225  Trajectory* tkTrajectory = nullptr;
227  // tracker only track
228  if (!(it->trackerTrajectory() && it->trackerTrajectory()->isValid())) {
229  refitted0 = theTrackTransformer->transform(it->trackerTrack());
230  if (!refitted0.empty())
231  tkTrajectory = new Trajectory(*(refitted0.begin()));
232  else
233  edm::LogWarning(theCategory) << " Failed to load tracker track trajectory";
234  } else
235  tkTrajectory = it->trackerTrajectory();
236  if (tkTrajectory)
237  tkTrajectory->setSeedRef(tmpSeed);
239  // full track with all muon hits using theGlbRefitter
240  ConstRecHitContainer allRecHits = trackerRecHits;
241  allRecHits.insert(allRecHits.end(), muonRecHits.begin(), muonRecHits.end());
242  refitted1 = theGlbRefitter->refit(*it->trackerTrack(), tTT, allRecHits, theMuonHitsOption, theTopo);
243  LogTrace(theCategory) << " This track-sta refitted to " << refitted1.size() << " trajectories";
245  Trajectory* glbTrajectory1 = nullptr;
246  if (!refitted1.empty())
247  glbTrajectory1 = new Trajectory(*(refitted1.begin()));
248  else
249  LogDebug(theCategory) << " Failed to load global track trajectory 1";
250  if (glbTrajectory1)
251  glbTrajectory1->setSeedRef(tmpSeed);
253  finalTrajectory = nullptr;
254  if (glbTrajectory1 && tkTrajectory)
255  finalTrajectory = new MuonCandidate(glbTrajectory1,
256  it->muonTrack(),
257  it->trackerTrack(),
258  tkTrajectory ? new Trajectory(*tkTrajectory) : nullptr);
260  if (finalTrajectory)
261  refittedResult.push_back(finalTrajectory);
262  if (tkTrajectory)
263  delete tkTrajectory;
264  } else {
265  MuonCandidate* finalTrajectory = nullptr;
267  if (it->trackerTrack()->seedRef().isAvailable())
268  tmpSeed = it->trackerTrack()->seedRef();
270  TC refitted0;
271  Trajectory* tkTrajectory = nullptr;
272  if (!(it->trackerTrajectory() && it->trackerTrajectory()->isValid())) {
273  refitted0 = theTrackTransformer->transform(it->trackerTrack());
274  if (!refitted0.empty()) {
275  tkTrajectory = new Trajectory(*(refitted0.begin()));
276  } else
277  edm::LogWarning(theCategory) << " Failed to load tracker track trajectory";
278  } else
279  tkTrajectory = it->trackerTrajectory();
280  if (tkTrajectory)
281  tkTrajectory->setSeedRef(tmpSeed);
282  // Creating MuonCandidate using only the tracker trajectory:
283  finalTrajectory = new MuonCandidate(
284  new Trajectory(*tkTrajectory), it->muonTrack(), it->trackerTrack(), new Trajectory(*tkTrajectory));
285  if (finalTrajectory)
286  refittedResult.push_back(finalTrajectory);
287  if (tkTrajectory)
288  delete tkTrajectory;
289  }
290  }
292  // choose the best global fit for this Standalone Muon based on the track probability
293  CandidateContainer selectedResult;
294  MuonCandidate* tmpCand = nullptr;
295  if (!refittedResult.empty())
296  tmpCand = *(refittedResult.begin());
299  for (auto&& iter : refittedResult) {
300  double prob = trackProbability(*iter->trajectory());
301  LogTrace(theCategory) << " refitted-track-sta with pT " << iter->trackerTrack()->pt() << " has probability "
302  << prob;
304  if (prob < minProb) {
305  minProb = prob;
306  tmpCand = iter;
307  }
308  }
310  if (tmpCand)
311  selectedResult.push_back(
312  new MuonCandidate(new Trajectory(*(tmpCand->trajectory())),
313  tmpCand->muonTrack(),
314  tmpCand->trackerTrack(),
315  (tmpCand->trackerTrajectory()) ? new Trajectory(*(tmpCand->trackerTrajectory())) : nullptr));
317  for (auto&& it : refittedResult) {
318  if (it->trajectory())
319  delete it->trajectory();
320  if (it->trackerTrajectory())
321  delete it->trackerTrajectory();
322  if (it)
323  delete it;
324  }
325  refittedResult.clear();
327  return selectedResult;
328 }
330 //
331 // select tracker tracks within a region of interest
332 //
333 std::vector<GlobalTrajectoryBuilderBase::TrackCand> GlobalTrajectoryBuilderBase::chooseRegionalTrackerTracks(
334  const TrackCand& staCand, const std::vector<TrackCand>& tkTs) {
335  // define eta-phi region
336  RectangularEtaPhiTrackingRegion regionOfInterest = defineRegionOfInterest(staCand.second);
338  // get region's etaRange and phiMargin
339  //UNUSED: PixelRecoRange<float> etaRange = regionOfInterest.etaRange();
340  //UNUSED: TkTrackingRegionsMargin<float> phiMargin = regionOfInterest.phiMargin();
342  std::vector<TrackCand> result;
344  double deltaR_max = 1.0;
346  for (auto&& is : tkTs) {
347  double deltaR_tmp = deltaR(static_cast<double>(regionOfInterest.direction().eta()),
348  static_cast<double>(regionOfInterest.direction().phi()),
349  is.second->eta(),
350  is.second->phi());
352  // for each trackCand in region, add trajectory and add to result
353  //if ( inEtaRange && inPhiRange ) {
354  if (deltaR_tmp < deltaR_max) {
355  TrackCand tmpCand = TrackCand(is);
356  result.push_back(tmpCand);
357  }
358  }
360  return result;
361 }
363 //
364 // define a region of interest within the tracker
365 //
367  const reco::TrackRef& staTrack) const {
368  std::unique_ptr<RectangularEtaPhiTrackingRegion> region1 = theRegionBuilder->region(staTrack);
370  TkTrackingRegionsMargin<float> etaMargin(std::abs(region1->etaRange().min() - region1->etaRange().mean()),
371  std::abs(region1->etaRange().max() - region1->etaRange().mean()));
373  RectangularEtaPhiTrackingRegion region2(region1->direction(),
374  region1->origin(),
375  region1->ptMin(),
376  region1->originRBound(),
377  region1->originZBound(),
378  etaMargin,
379  region1->phiMargin());
381  return region2;
382 }
384 //
385 // calculate the tail probability (-ln(P)) of a fit
386 //
388  if (track.ndof() > 0 && track.chiSquared() > 0) {
389  return -LnChiSquaredProbability(track.chiSquared(), track.ndof());
390  } else {
391  return 0.0;
392  }
393 }
395 //
396 // print RecHits
397 //
399  LogTrace(theCategory) << "Used RecHits: " << hits.size();
400  for (auto&& ir : hits) {
401  if (!ir->isValid()) {
402  LogTrace(theCategory) << "invalid RecHit";
403  continue;
404  }
406  const GlobalPoint& pos = ir->globalPosition();
408  LogTrace(theCategory) << "r = " << sqrt(pos.x() * pos.x() + pos.y() * pos.y()) << " z = " << pos.z()
409  << " dimension = " << ir->dimension() << " " << ir->det()->geographicalId().det() << " "
410  << ir->det()->subDetector();
411  }
412 }
414 //
415 // check order of RechIts on a trajectory
416 //
419  if (!recHits.empty()) {
420  ConstRecHitContainer::const_iterator frontHit = recHits.begin();
421  ConstRecHitContainer::const_iterator backHit = recHits.end() - 1;
422  while (!(*frontHit)->isValid() && frontHit != backHit) {
423  frontHit++;
424  }
425  while (!(*backHit)->isValid() && backHit != frontHit) {
426  backHit--;
427  }
429  double rFirst = (*frontHit)->globalPosition().mag();
430  double rLast = (*backHit)->globalPosition().mag();
432  if (rFirst < rLast)
433  return inToOut;
434  else if (rFirst > rLast)
435  return outToIn;
436  else {
437  edm::LogError(theCategory) << "Impossible to determine the rechits order" << std::endl;
438  return undetermined;
439  }
440  } else {
441  edm::LogError(theCategory) << "Impossible to determine the rechits order" << std::endl;
442  return undetermined;
443  }
444 }
446 //
447 // select trajectories with only a single TEC hit
448 //
450  const ConstRecHitContainer& all) const {
451  int nTEC(0);
454  for (auto&& i : all) {
455  if (!i->isValid())
456  continue;
457  if (i->det()->geographicalId().det() == DetId::Tracker &&
458  i->det()->geographicalId().subdetId() == StripSubdetector::TEC) {
459  nTEC++;
460  } else {
461  hits.push_back(i);
462  }
463  if (nTEC > 1)
464  return all;
465  }
467  return hits;
468 }
470 //
471 // rescale errors of outermost TEC RecHit
472 //
473 void GlobalTrajectoryBuilderBase::fixTEC(ConstRecHitContainer& all, double scl_x, double scl_y) const {
474  int nTEC(0);
475  ConstRecHitContainer::iterator lone_tec;
477  for (ConstRecHitContainer::iterator i = all.begin(); i != all.end(); i++) {
478  if (!(*i)->isValid())
479  continue;
481  if ((*i)->det()->geographicalId().det() == DetId::Tracker &&
482  (*i)->det()->geographicalId().subdetId() == StripSubdetector::TEC) {
483  lone_tec = i;
484  nTEC++;
486  if ((i + 1) != all.end() && (*(i + 1))->isValid() &&
487  (*(i + 1))->det()->geographicalId().det() == DetId::Tracker &&
488  (*(i + 1))->det()->geographicalId().subdetId() == StripSubdetector::TEC) {
489  nTEC++;
490  break;
491  }
492  }
494  if (nTEC > 1)
495  break;
496  }
498  int hitDet = (*lone_tec)->hit()->geographicalId().det();
499  int hitSubDet = (*lone_tec)->hit()->geographicalId().subdetId();
500  if (nTEC == 1 && (*lone_tec)->hit()->isValid() && hitDet == DetId::Tracker && hitSubDet == StripSubdetector::TEC) {
501  // rescale the TEC rechit error matrix in its rotated frame
502  const SiStripRecHit2D* strip = dynamic_cast<const SiStripRecHit2D*>((*lone_tec)->hit());
503  if (strip && strip->det()) {
504  LocalPoint pos = strip->localPosition();
505  if ((*lone_tec)->detUnit()) {
506  const StripTopology* topology = dynamic_cast<const StripTopology*>(&(*lone_tec)->detUnit()->topology());
507  if (topology) {
508  // rescale the local error along/perp the strip by a factor
509  float angle = topology->stripAngle(topology->strip((*lone_tec)->hit()->localPosition()));
511  LocalError rotError = error.rotate(angle);
512  LocalError scaledError(rotError.xx() * scl_x * scl_x, 0, rotError.yy() * scl_y * scl_y);
513  error = scaledError.rotate(-angle);
518  SiStripRecHit2D* st = new SiStripRecHit2D(pos, error, *strip->det(), strip->cluster());
519  *lone_tec = MuonTransientTrackingRecHit::build((*lone_tec)->det(), st);
520  }
521  }
522  }
523  }
524 }
527 //
528 // get transient RecHits
529 //
531  const reco::Track& track) const {
537  auto tkbuilder = static_cast<TkTransientTrackingRecHitBuilder const*>(theTrackerRecHitBuilder.product());
538  auto hitCloner = tkbuilder->cloner();
539  for (trackingRecHit_iterator hit = track.recHitsBegin(); hit != track.recHitsEnd(); ++hit) {
540  if ((*hit)->isValid()) {
541  DetId recoid = (*hit)->geographicalId();
542  if (recoid.det() == DetId::Tracker) {
543  if (!(*hit)->hasPositionAndError()) {
544  TrajectoryStateOnSurface predTsos =
546  ->propagate(currTsos, theService->trackingGeometry()->idToDet(recoid)->surface());
548  if (!predTsos.isValid()) {
549  edm::LogError("MissingTransientHit")
550  << "Could not get a tsos on the hit surface. We will miss a tracking hit.";
551  continue;
552  }
553  currTsos = predTsos;
554  auto h = (**hit).cloneForFit(*tkbuilder->geometry()->idToDet((**hit).geographicalId()));
555  result.emplace_back(hitCloner.makeShared(h, predTsos));
556  } else {
557  result.push_back((*hit)->cloneSH());
558  }
559  } else if (recoid.det() == DetId::Muon) {
560  if ((*hit)->geographicalId().subdetId() == 3 && !theRPCInTheFit) {
561  LogDebug(theCategory) << "RPC Rec Hit discarded";
562  continue;
563  }
564  result.push_back(theMuonRecHitBuilder->build(&**hit));
565  }
566  }
567  }
569  return result;
570 }
#define LogDebug(id)
const reco::TrackRef muonTrack() const
return muon track
Definition: MuonCandidate.h:34
T getParameter(std::string const &) const
static constexpr auto TEC
MuonCandidate::CandidateContainer CandidateContainer
void printHits(const ConstRecHitContainer &) const
print all RecHits of a trajectory
T getUntrackedParameter(std::string const &, T const &) const
FWCore Framework interface EventSetupRecordImplementation h
Helper function to determine trigger accepts.
float xx() const
Definition: LocalError.h:22
const edm::EventSetup & eventSetup() const
get the whole EventSetup
ConstRecHitContainer selectTrackerHits(const ConstRecHitContainer &) const
select tracker hits; exclude some tracker hits in the global trajectory
void setServices(const edm::EventSetup &) override
set the services needed by the TrackTransformer
LocalError localPositionError() const final
std::pair< const Trajectory *, reco::TrackRef > TrackCand
CaloTopology const * topology(0)
edm::ESHandle< TransientTrackingRecHitBuilder > theMuonRecHitBuilder
float LnChiSquaredProbability(double chiSquared, double nrDOF)
virtual void setEvent(const edm::Event &)
Pass the Event to the algo at each event.
#define nullptr
Geom::Phi< T > phi() const
Definition: PV3DBase.h:66
T y() const
Definition: PV3DBase.h:60
virtual float strip(const LocalPoint &) const =0
void setServices(const edm::EventSetup &)
set the services needed by the TrackTransformer
std::vector< TrackCand > chooseRegionalTrackerTracks(const TrackCand &, const std::vector< TrackCand > &)
choose tracker tracks within region of interest
edm::ESHandle< MagneticField > magneticField() const
get the magnetic field
const Plane & surface() const
The nominal surface of the GeomDet.
Definition: GeomDet.h:37
~GlobalTrajectoryBuilderBase() override
std::unique_ptr< RectangularEtaPhiTrackingRegion > region(const reco::TrackRef &) const
Define tracking region.
const reco::TrackRef trackerTrack() const
return tracker track
Definition: MuonCandidate.h:37
void fixTEC(ConstRecHitContainer &all, double scl_x, double scl_y) const
rescale errors of outermost TEC RecHit
GlobalVector const & direction() const
the direction around which region is constructed
double trackProbability(const Trajectory &) const
calculate chi2 probability (-ln(P))
float yy() const
Definition: LocalError.h:24
virtual float stripAngle(float strip) const =0
const GeomDet * det() const
T sqrt(T t)
Definition: SSEVec.h:19
Trajectory * trackerTrajectory() const
return tracker trajectory
Definition: MuonCandidate.h:40
T z() const
Definition: PV3DBase.h:61
TransientTrackingRecHit::ConstRecHitContainer getTransientRecHits(const reco::Track &) const
get transient RecHits of a Track
Abs< T >::type abs(const T &t)
Definition: Abs.h:22
ClusterRef cluster() const
void setEvent(const edm::Event &) override
pass the Event to the algo at each event
trackingRecHit_iterator recHitsBegin() const
Iterator to first hit on the track.
Definition: Track.h:88
std::vector< Trajectory > transform(const reco::Track &) const override
Convert a reco::Track into Trajectory.
std::vector< MuonCandidate * > CandidateContainer
Definition: MuonCandidate.h:17
How EventSelector::AcceptEvent() decides whether to accept an event for output otherwise it is excluding the probing of A single or multiple positive and the trigger will pass if any such matching triggers are PASS or EXCEPTION[A criterion thatmatches no triggers at all is detected and causes a throw.] A single negative with an expectation of appropriate bit checking in the decision and the trigger will pass if any such matching triggers are FAIL or EXCEPTION A wildcarded negative criterion that matches more than one trigger in the trigger but the state exists so we define the behavior If all triggers are the negative crieriion will lead to accepting the event(this again matches the behavior of"!*"before the partial wildcard feature was incorporated).The per-event"cost"of each negative criterion with multiple relevant triggers is about the same as!*was in the past
#define LogTrace(id)
virtual RecHitPointer build(const TrackingRecHit *p) const =0
build a tracking rechit from an existing rechit
TransientTrackingRecHit::ConstRecHitContainer ConstRecHitContainer
std::vector< ConstRecHitPointer > ConstRecHitContainer
GlobalTrajectoryBuilderBase(const edm::ParameterSet &, const MuonServiceProxy *, edm::ConsumesCollector &)
constructor with Parameter Set and MuonServiceProxy
virtual void setEvent(const edm::Event &)
pass the Event to the algo at each event
Definition: DetId.h:17
int ndof(bool bon=true) const
GlobalMuonTrackMatcher * theTrackMatcher
MuonTrajectoryBuilder::CandidateContainer build(const TrackCand &, MuonTrajectoryBuilder::CandidateContainer &) const
build combined trajectory from sta Track and tracker RecHits
TrajectoryStateOnSurface propagate(STA const &state, SUR const &surface) const
Definition: Propagator.h:50
void setSeedRef(const edm::RefToBase< TrajectorySeed > &seedRef)
Definition: Trajectory.h:305
float chiSquared() const
Definition: Trajectory.h:241
RectangularEtaPhiTrackingRegion defineRegionOfInterest(const reco::TrackRef &) const
define region of interest with tracker
edm::ESHandle< GlobalTrackingGeometry > trackingGeometry() const
get the tracking geometry
T eta() const
Definition: PV3DBase.h:73
T get() const
Definition: EventSetup.h:73
const GeomDet * idToDet(DetId) const override
RefitDirection checkRecHitsOrdering(const ConstRecHitContainer &) const
This does nothing now.
LocalPoint localPosition() const final
MuonTrackingRegionBuilder * theRegionBuilder
Trajectory * trajectory() const
return trajectory
Definition: MuonCandidate.h:31
LocalError rotate(float x, float y) const
Return a new LocalError, rotated by an angle defined by the direction (x,y)
Definition: LocalError.h:37
T x() const
Definition: PV3DBase.h:59
T const * product() const
Definition: ESHandle.h:86
static RecHitPointer build(const GeomDet *geom, const TrackingRecHit *rh)
FIXME virtual ConstMuonRecHitContainer specificTransientHits() const;.
std::vector< Trajectory > refit(const reco::Track &globalTrack, const int theMuonHitsOption, const TrackerTopology *tTopo) const
build combined trajectory from sta Track and tracker RecHits
edm::ESHandle< Propagator > propagator(std::string propagatorName) const
get the propagator
edm::ESHandle< TransientTrackingRecHitBuilder > theTrackerRecHitBuilder
TrajectoryStateOnSurface innerStateOnSurface(const reco::Track &tk, const TrackingGeometry &geom, const MagneticField *field, bool withErr=true)
constexpr Detector det() const
get the detector field from this detid
Definition: DetId.h:46
T angle(T x1, T y1, T z1, T x2, T y2, T z2)
Definition: angle.h:11
trackingRecHit_iterator recHitsEnd() const
Iterator to last hit on the track.
Definition: Track.h:91