| backgroundFunctionBase (const double &lowerLimit, const double &upperLimit) |
virtual double | fracVsEta (const double *parval, const double &eta1, const double &eta2) const |
virtual TF1 * | functionForIntegral (const std::vector< double >::const_iterator &parBgrIt) const |
virtual double | operator() (const double *parval, const double &mass, const double &eta) const =0 |
virtual double | operator() (const double *parval, const double &mass, const double &eta1, const double &eta2) const |
virtual int | parNum () const |
virtual void | setParameters (double *Start, double *Step, double *Mini, double *Maxi, int *ind, TString *parname, const std::vector< double >::const_iterator &parBgrIt, const std::vector< int >::const_iterator &parBgrOrderIt, const int muonType)=0 |
| This method is used to differentiate parameters among the different functions. More...
virtual | ~backgroundFunctionBase () |
Background functors.
MuScleFit uses different background functions for each resonance. This is done because the background shape can change from a region to another so that it is not well described just one of the following functions. Since we are only interested in getting the correct shape and fraction in the resonance region we can split it in several parts and fit them separately.
When fitting the background function:
- we define three regions:
– Psis region: centered in the mean value of J/Psi and Psi2S masses.
– Upsilons region: centered in the mean value of all the Upsilon masses.
– Z region.
- In this case we thus have only three background functions, that is three sets of parameters.
When not fitting the background function:
- the windows considered are much narrower and centered around each resonance.
- In this case we compute a rescaled background fraction parameter for each resonance and we use the rest of the parameters for the corresponding region.
ATTENTION: we are assuming that J/Psi and Psi2S have the same bin width. The same assumption is done for the Upsilons.
This is the case in the present probability root file. If this changes, the background function for the different regions must keep it into account.
All this is handled in MuScleFit by a single functor: BackgroundHandler defined in another file in this dir.
ATTENTION: The BackgroundHandler assumes that the background fraction is always the first parameter (parBgr[0]).
Definition at line 1368 of file Functions.h.