Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /****************************************************************************
2 *
3 * This is a part of TOTEM offline software.
4 * Authors:
5 * Jan Kašpar (
6 * Seyed Mohsen Etesami (
7 ****************************************************************************/
20 using namespace std;
21 using namespace edm;
24  : verbosity(conf.getUntrackedParameter<unsigned int>("verbosity", 0)),
25  printErrorSummary(conf.getUntrackedParameter<unsigned int>("printErrorSummary", 1)),
26  printUnknownFrameSummary(conf.getUntrackedParameter<unsigned int>("printUnknownFrameSummary", 1)),
28  testFootprint(conf.getParameter<unsigned int>("testFootprint")),
29  testCRC(conf.getParameter<unsigned int>("testCRC")),
30  testID(conf.getParameter<unsigned int>("testID")),
31  testECMostFrequent(conf.getParameter<unsigned int>("testECMostFrequent")),
32  testBCMostFrequent(conf.getParameter<unsigned int>("testBCMostFrequent")),
34  EC_min(conf.getUntrackedParameter<unsigned int>("EC_min", 10)),
35  BC_min(conf.getUntrackedParameter<unsigned int>("BC_min", 10)),
37  EC_fraction(conf.getUntrackedParameter<double>("EC_fraction", 0.6)),
38  BC_fraction(conf.getUntrackedParameter<double>("BC_fraction", 0.6)) {}
41  const TotemDAQMapping &mapping,
42  map<TotemFramePosition, RawToDigiConverter::Record> &records) {
43  // EC and BC checks (wrt. the most frequent value), BC checks per subsystem
47  // initialise structure merging vfat frame data with the mapping
48  for (auto &p : mapping.VFATMapping) {
49  TotemVFATStatus st;
50  st.setMissing(true);
51  records[p.first] = {&p.second, nullptr, st};
52  }
54  // event error message buffer
55  stringstream ees;
57  // associate data frames with records
58  for (VFATFrameCollection::Iterator fr(&input); !fr.IsEnd(); fr.Next()) {
59  // frame error message buffer
60  stringstream fes;
62  bool problemsPresent = false;
63  bool stopProcessing = false;
65  // skip data frames not listed in the DAQ mapping
66  auto records_it = records.find(fr.Position());
67  if (records_it == records.end()) {
68  unknownSummary[fr.Position()]++;
69  continue;
70  }
72  // update record
73  Record &record = records_it->second;
74  record.frame = fr.Data();
75  record.status.setMissing(false);
79  // check footprint
80  if (testFootprint != tfNoTest && !record.frame->checkFootprint()) {
81  problemsPresent = true;
83  if (verbosity > 0)
84  fes << " invalid footprint" << endl;
86  if (testFootprint == tfErr) {
87  record.status.setFootprintError();
88  stopProcessing = true;
89  }
90  }
92  // check CRC
93  if (testCRC != tfNoTest && !record.frame->checkCRC()) {
94  problemsPresent = true;
96  if (verbosity > 0)
97  fes << " CRC failure" << endl;
99  if (testCRC == tfErr) {
100  record.status.setCRCError();
101  stopProcessing = true;
102  }
103  }
104  // check the id mismatch
105  if (testID != tfNoTest && record.frame->isIDPresent() &&
106  (record.frame->getChipID() & 0xFFF) != (>hwID & 0xFFF)) {
107  if (verbosity > 0)
108  fes << " ID mismatch (data: 0x" << hex << record.frame->getChipID() << ", mapping: 0x" <<>hwID
109  << dec << ", symbId: " <<>symbolicID.symbolicID << ")" << endl;
111  if (testID == tfErr) {
112  record.status.setIDMismatch();
113  stopProcessing = true;
114  }
115  }
117  // if there were errors, put the information to ees buffer
118  if (verbosity > 0 && problemsPresent) {
119  string message = (stopProcessing) ? "(and will be dropped)" : "(but will be used though)";
120  if (verbosity > 2) {
121  ees << " Frame at " << fr.Position() << " seems corrupted " << message << ":" << endl;
122  ees << fes.rdbuf();
123  } else
124  ees << " Frame at " << fr.Position() << " seems corrupted " << message << "." << endl;
125  }
127  // if there were serious errors, do not process this frame
128  if (stopProcessing)
129  continue;
131  // fill EC and BC values to the statistics
132  if (fr.Data()->isECPresent())
133  ECChecker.Fill(fr.Data()->getEC(), fr.Position());
135  if (fr.Data()->isBCPresent())
136  BCChecker.Fill(fr.Data()->getBC(), fr.Position());
137  }
139  // analyze EC and BC statistics
141  ECChecker.Analyze(records, (testECMostFrequent == tfErr), ees);
144  BCChecker.Analyze(records, (testBCMostFrequent == tfErr), ees);
146  // add error message for missing frames
147  if (verbosity > 1) {
148  for (const auto &p : records) {
149  if (p.second.status.isMissing())
150  ees << "Frame for VFAT " << p.first << " is not present in the data." << endl;
151  }
152  }
154  // print error message
155  if (verbosity > 0 && !ees.rdbuf()->str().empty()) {
156  if (verbosity > 1)
157  LogWarning("Totem") << "Error in RawToDigiConverter::runCommon > "
158  << "event contains the following problems:" << endl
159  << ees.rdbuf() << endl;
160  else
161  LogWarning("Totem") << "Error in RawToDigiConverter::runCommon > "
162  << "event contains problems." << endl;
163  }
165  // increase error counters
166  if (printErrorSummary) {
167  for (const auto &it : records) {
168  if (!it.second.status.isOK()) {
169  auto &m = errorSummary[it.first];
170  m[it.second.status]++;
171  }
172  }
173  }
174 }
177  const TotemDAQMapping &mapping,
178  const TotemAnalysisMask &analysisMask,
180  DetSetVector<TotemVFATStatus> &finalStatus) {
181  // structure merging vfat frame data with the mapping
182  map<TotemFramePosition, Record> records;
184  // common processing - frame validation
185  runCommon(input, mapping, records);
187  // second loop over data
188  for (auto &p : records) {
189  Record &record = p.second;
191  // calculate ids
192  TotemRPDetId chipId(>symbolicID.symbolicID);
193  uint8_t chipPosition = chipId.chip();
194  TotemRPDetId detId = chipId.planeId();
196  // update chipPosition in status
197  record.status.setChipPosition(chipPosition);
199  // produce digi only for good frames
200  if (record.status.isOK()) {
201  // find analysis mask (needs a default=no mask, if not in present the mapping)
203  anMa.fullMask = false;
205  auto analysisIter = analysisMask.analysisMask.find(>symbolicID);
206  if (analysisIter != analysisMask.analysisMask.end()) {
207  // if there is some information about masked channels - save it into conversionStatus
208  anMa = analysisIter->second;
209  if (anMa.fullMask)
210  record.status.setFullyMaskedOut();
211  else
212  record.status.setPartiallyMaskedOut();
213  }
215  // create the digi
216  unsigned short offset = chipPosition * 128;
217  const vector<unsigned char> &activeChannels = record.frame->getActiveChannels();
219  for (auto ch : activeChannels) {
220  // skip masked channels
221  if (!anMa.fullMask && anMa.maskedChannels.find(ch) == anMa.maskedChannels.end()) {
222  DetSet<TotemRPDigi> &digiDetSet = rpData.find_or_insert(detId);
223  digiDetSet.push_back(TotemRPDigi(offset + ch));
224  }
225  }
226  }
228  // save status
229  DetSet<TotemVFATStatus> &statusDetSet = finalStatus.find_or_insert(detId);
230  statusDetSet.push_back(record.status);
231  }
232 }
235  const TotemDAQMapping &mapping,
236  const TotemAnalysisMask &mask,
239  // structure merging vfat frame data with the mapping
240  map<TotemFramePosition, Record> records;
242  // common processing - frame validation
243  runCommon(coll, mapping, records);
245  // second loop over data
246  for (auto &p : records) {
247  Record &record = p.second;
249  // calculate ids
252  if (record.status.isOK()) {
253  // update Event Counter in status
254  record.status.setEC(record.frame->getEC() & 0xFF);
256  // create the digi
257  DetSet<CTPPSDiamondDigi> &digiDetSet = digi.find_or_insert(detId);
263  }
265  // save status
266  DetSet<TotemVFATStatus> &statusDetSet = status.find_or_insert(detId);
267  statusDetSet.push_back(record.status);
268  }
269 }
272  const TotemDAQMapping &mapping,
273  const TotemAnalysisMask &mask,
276  // structure merging vfat frame data with the mapping
277  map<TotemFramePosition, Record> records;
279  // common processing - frame validation
280  runCommon(coll, mapping, records);
282  // second loop over data
283  for (auto &p : records) {
284  Record &record = p.second;
285  if (!record.status.isOK())
286  continue;
288  const TotemFramePosition *framepos = &p.first;
290  if (((framepos->getIdxInFiber() % 2) == 0) && (framepos->getIdxInFiber() < 14)) {
291  //corresponding channel data are always in the neighbouring idx in fiber
293  TotemFramePosition frameposdata(framepos->getSubSystemId(),
294  framepos->getTOTFEDId(),
295  framepos->getOptoRxId(),
296  framepos->getGOHId(),
297  (framepos->getIdxInFiber() + 1));
298  TotemFramePosition frameposEvtInfo(
299  framepos->getSubSystemId(), framepos->getTOTFEDId(), framepos->getOptoRxId(), framepos->getGOHId(), 0xe);
301  auto channelwaveformPtr = records.find(frameposdata);
302  auto eventInfoPtr = records.find(frameposEvtInfo);
304  if (channelwaveformPtr != records.end() && eventInfoPtr != records.end()) {
305  Record &channelwaveform = records[frameposdata];
306  Record &eventInfo = records[frameposEvtInfo];
308  // Extract all the waveform information from the raw data
309  TotemSampicFrame totemSampicFrame((const uint8_t *)record.frame->getData(),
310  (const uint8_t *)channelwaveform.frame->getData(),
311  (const uint8_t *)eventInfo.frame->getData());
313  if (totemSampicFrame.valid()) {
314  // create the digi
315  TotemTimingEventInfo eventInfoTmp(totemSampicFrame.getEventHardwareId(),
316  totemSampicFrame.getL1ATimestamp(),
317  totemSampicFrame.getBunchNumber(),
318  totemSampicFrame.getOrbitNumber(),
319  totemSampicFrame.getEventNumber(),
320  totemSampicFrame.getChannelMap(),
321  totemSampicFrame.getL1ALatency(),
322  totemSampicFrame.getNumberOfSentSamples(),
323  totemSampicFrame.getOffsetOfSamples(),
324  totemSampicFrame.getPLLInfo());
325  TotemTimingDigi digiTmp(totemSampicFrame.getHardwareId(),
326  totemSampicFrame.getFPGATimestamp(),
327  totemSampicFrame.getTimestampA(),
328  totemSampicFrame.getTimestampB(),
329  totemSampicFrame.getCellInfo(),
330  totemSampicFrame.getSamples(),
331  eventInfoTmp);
332  // calculate ids
336  mapping.getTimingChannel(totemSampicFrame.getHardwareId());
337  // for FW Version > 0 plane and channel are encoded in the dataframe
338  if (totemSampicFrame.getFWVersion() < 0x30) // Mapping not present in HW, read from SW for FW versions < 3.0
339  {
340  if (SWpair.plane == -1 || == -1) {
341  if (verbosity > 0)
342  LogWarning("Totem") << "Error in RawToDigiConverter::TotemTiming > "
343  << "HwId not recognized! hwId: " << std::hex
344  << (unsigned int)totemSampicFrame.getHardwareId() << endl;
345  } else {
346  detId.setPlane(SWpair.plane % 4);
347  detId.setChannel(;
348  detId.setRP(SWpair.plane / 4); // Top:0 or Bottom:1
349  }
350  } else // Mapping read from HW, checked by SW
351  {
352  const int HWplane = totemSampicFrame.getDetPlane() % 16;
353  const int HWchannel = totemSampicFrame.getDetChannel() % 16;
355  if (SWpair.plane == -1 || == -1) {
356  if (verbosity > 0)
357  LogWarning("Totem") << "Warning in RawToDigiConverter::TotemTiming > "
358  << "HwId not recognized! hwId: " << std::hex
359  << (unsigned int)totemSampicFrame.getHardwareId()
360  << "\tUsing plane and ch from HW without check!" << endl;
361  } else {
362  if (verbosity > 0 && (SWpair.plane != HWplane || != HWchannel))
363  LogWarning("Totem") << "Warning in RawToDigiConverter::TotemTiming > "
364  << "Hw mapping different from SW mapping. hwId: " << std::hex
365  << (unsigned int)totemSampicFrame.getHardwareId() << "HW: " << std::dec << HWplane
366  << ":" << HWchannel << "\tSW " << SWpair.plane << ":" <<
367  << "\tUsing plane and ch from HW!" << endl;
368  }
369  detId.setPlane(HWplane % 4);
370  detId.setChannel(HWchannel);
371  detId.setRP(HWplane / 4); // Top:0 or Bottom:1
372  }
374  DetSet<TotemTimingDigi> &digiDetSet = digi.find_or_insert(detId);
375  digiDetSet.push_back(digiTmp);
376  }
377  }
378  }
379  }
380 }
383  // print error summary
384  if (printErrorSummary) {
385  if (!errorSummary.empty()) {
386  stringstream ees;
387  for (const auto &vit : errorSummary) {
388  ees << vit.first << endl;
390  for (const auto &it : vit.second)
391  ees << " " << it.first << " : " << it.second << endl;
392  }
394  LogWarning("Totem") << "RawToDigiConverter: error summary (error signature : number of such events)\n"
395  << endl
396  << ees.rdbuf();
397  } else {
398  LogInfo("Totem") << "RawToDigiConverter: no errors to be reported.";
399  }
400  }
402  // print summary of unknown frames (found in data but not in the mapping)
404  if (!unknownSummary.empty()) {
405  stringstream ees;
406  for (const auto &it : unknownSummary)
407  ees << " " << it.first << " : " << it.second << endl;
409  LogWarning("Totem")
410  << "RawToDigiConverter: frames found in data, but not in the mapping (frame position : number of events)\n"
411  << endl
412  << ees.rdbuf();
413  } else {
414  LogInfo("Totem") << "RawToDigiConverter: no unknown frames to be reported.";
415  }
416  }
417 }
Detector ID class for TOTEM Si strip detectors.
Definition: TotemRPDetId.h:30
uint32_t getLeadingEdgeTime(const VFATFrame &frame)
get timing information for single leading edge
bool isOK() const
Contains data on masked channels of a VFAT.
void push_back(const T &t)
Definition: DetSet.h:67
unsigned int testECMostFrequent
Channel-mask mapping.
unsigned int printErrorSummary
VFATFrame::word * getData()
Definition: VFATFrame.h:38
void runCommon(const VFATFrameCollection &input, const TotemDAQMapping &mapping, std::map< TotemFramePosition, Record > &records)
Common processing for all VFAT based sub-systems.
void setCRCError(bool val=true)
Class for finding the most popular both EC and BC counter, and filling the conversion status &#39;wrong E...
uint32_t chip() const
Definition: TotemRPDetId.h:53
JetCorrectorParameters::Record record
Definition: classes.h:7
unsigned short getIdxInFiber() const
void Analyze(T &status, bool error, std::ostream &es)
summarizes and fill the status (wrong EC and BC progress error for some frames)
unsigned short getTOTFEDId() const
TotemSymbID symbolicID
the symbolic id
void setNumberOfClusters(uint8_t v)
bool checkFootprint() const
RawToDigiConverter(const edm::ParameterSet &conf)
virtual bool checkCRC() const
unsigned short getOptoRxId() const
uint8_t getNumberOfClusters() const
Definition: VFATFrame.h:82
unsigned int testFootprint
flags for which tests to run
std::map< TotemSymbID, TotemVFATAnalysisMask > analysisMask
void setFullyMaskedOut()
static std::string const input
reference find_or_insert(det_id_type id)
Definition: DetSetVector.h:234
VFATFrame::word getMultihit(const VFATFrame &frame)
flag stating whether the HPTDC channel encountered multiple hits
uint32_t getTrailingEdgeTime(const VFATFrame &frame)
get timing information for single trailing edge
VFATFrame::word getHptdcErrorFlag(const VFATFrame &frame)
retrieve the list of error/status flags for the HPTDC when the frame was recorded ...
the VFATFrameCollection interator
decltype(auto) emplace_back(Args &&...args)
Definition: DetSet.h:69
unsigned int printUnknownFrameSummary
bool isNumberOfClustersPresent() const
Returns true if the CRC word is present in the frame.
Definition: VFATFrame.h:73
The mapping between FramePosition and VFATInfo.
uint32_t getThresholdVoltage(const VFATFrame &frame)
retrieve the threshold voltage for this channel
TotemRPDetId planeId() const
Definition: TotemRPDetId.h:62
const TotemVFATInfo * info
unsigned short getSubSystemId() const
the getters and setters below are deprecated
void setChipPosition(uint8_t cp)
bool fullMask
whether all channels of the VFAT shall be masked
const TotemTimingPlaneChannelPair getTimingChannel(const uint8_t hwId) const
Given the hardware ID, returns the corresponding Plane, Channel pair (TotemTimingPlaneChannelPair) ...
void setMissing(bool val=true)
unsigned short getGOHId() const
unsigned int symbolicID
chip ID, raw integer representation of DetId class
Definition: TotemSymbId.h:20
void setFootprintError(bool val=true)
Hw Id mapping for Totem Timing (dynamical mapping in Sampic)
void printSummaries() const
Print error summaries.
void setNumberOfClustersSpecified(bool v)
unsigned char verbosity
JetCorrectorParametersCollection coll
Definition: classes.h:10
std::map< TotemFramePosition, unsigned int > unknownSummary
VFATFrame::word getEC() const
Returns Event Counter (EV<7:0>).
Definition: VFATFrame.h:46
unsigned int hwID
the hardware ID (16 bit)
unsigned int testBCMostFrequent
std::map< TotemFramePosition, TotemVFATInfo > VFATMapping
void setEC(const uint8_t ec)
void Fill(word counter, TotemFramePosition fr)
add new value to map, counter takes value of EC or BC number
HLT enums.
void setPartiallyMaskedOut()
std::set< unsigned char > maskedChannels
list of channels to be masked
std::map< TotemFramePosition, std::map< TotemVFATStatus, unsigned int > > errorSummary
error summaries
Detector ID class for CTPPS Timing Diamond detectors. Bits [19:31] : Assigend in CTPPSDetId Calss Bit...
bool IsEnd()
returns whether the iterator points over the end of the collection
void setIDMismatch(bool val=true)
bool isIDPresent() const
Returns true if the ID word is present in the frame.
Definition: VFATFrame.h:67
double EC_fraction
the minimal required (relative) occupancy of the most frequent counter value to be accepted ...
VFATFrame::word getChipID() const
Returns ChipID (ChipID<11:0>).
Definition: VFATFrame.h:52
virtual std::vector< unsigned char > getActiveChannels() const
void run(const VFATFrameCollection &coll, const TotemDAQMapping &mapping, const TotemAnalysisMask &mask, edm::DetSetVector< TotemRPDigi > &digi, edm::DetSetVector< TotemVFATStatus > &status)
Creates RP digi.
unsigned int EC_min
the minimal required number of frames to determine the most frequent counter value ...
Detector ID class for CTPPS Totem Timing detectors. Bits [19:31] : Assigend in CTPPSDetId Calss Bits ...