35 #include <TProfile2D.h> 37 #include <TDirectory.h> 46 : myRootDir(
nullptr), myDeleteDir(
false), trackerTopology(tTopo) {
47 myRootDir = TFile::Open(rootFileName,
75 TDirectory *oldDir = gDirectory;
77 const int kNumBins = 20;
78 double binsPt[kNumBins + 1] = {0.};
84 myTrackHists1D.push_back(
new TH1F(
"p_{t}(track);p_{t} [GeV]", kNumBins, binsPt));
86 myTrackHists1D.push_back(
new TH1F(
"p_{t}(track);p_{t} [GeV]", kNumBins, binsPt[0], binsPt[kNumBins]));
87 myTrackHists1D.push_back(
new TH1F(
"p(track);p [GeV]", kNumBins, binsPt[0], 1.3 * binsPt[kNumBins]));
88 myTrackHists1D.push_back(
new TH1F(
"#eta(track);#eta", 26, -2.6, 2.6));
92 myTrackHists1D.push_back(
new TH1F(
"N_{hit}(track);N_{hit}", 40, 5., 45.));
93 myTrackHists1D.push_back(
new TH1F(
"N_{hit, BPIX}(track);N_{hit}", 45, 0., 45.));
94 myTrackHists1D.push_back(
new TH1F(
"N_{hit, FPIX}(track);N_{hit}", 45, 0., 45.));
95 myTrackHists1D.push_back(
new TH1F(
"N_{hit, BPIXplus}(track);N_{hit}", 45, 0., 45.));
96 myTrackHists1D.push_back(
new TH1F(
"N_{hit, BPIXminus}(track);N_{hit}", 45, 0., 45.));
97 myTrackHists1D.push_back(
new TH1F(
"N_{hit, PIXEL}(track);N_{hit}", 45, 0., 45.));
98 myTrackHists1D.push_back(
new TH1F(
"N_{hit, TIB}(track);N_{hit}", 45, 0., 45.));
99 myTrackHists1D.push_back(
new TH1F(
"N_{hit, TOB}(track);N_{hit}", 45, 0., 45.));
100 myTrackHists1D.push_back(
new TH1F(
"N_{hit, TIDplus}(track);N_{hit}", 45, 0., 45.));
101 myTrackHists1D.push_back(
new TH1F(
"N_{hit, TIDminus}(track);N_{hit}", 45, 0., 45.));
102 myTrackHists1D.push_back(
new TH1F(
"N_{hit, TID}(track);N_{hit}", 45, 0., 45.));
103 myTrackHists1D.push_back(
new TH1F(
"N_{hit, TECplus}(track);N_{hit}", 45, 0., 45.));
104 myTrackHists1D.push_back(
new TH1F(
"N_{hit, TECminus}(track);N_{hit}", 45, 0., 45.));
105 myTrackHists1D.push_back(
new TH1F(
"N_{hit, TEC}(track);N_{hit}", 45, 0., 45.));
106 myTrackHists1D.push_back(
new TH1F(
"N_{hit, ENDCAPplus}(track);N_{hit}", 45, 0., 45.));
107 myTrackHists1D.push_back(
new TH1F(
"N_{hit, ENDCAPminus}(track);N_{hit}", 45, 0., 45.));
108 myTrackHists1D.push_back(
new TH1F(
"N_{hit, ENDCAP}(track);N_{hit}", 45, 0., 45.));
110 "nHitENDCAPTrackMinusVsPlus",
"N_{hit, ENDCAP}(track);N_{hit, plus};N_{hit, minus}", 45, 0., 45., 45, 0., 45.));
111 myTrackHists1D.push_back(
new TH1F(
"N_{hit, invalid}(track)", 5, 0., 5.));
112 myTrackHists1D.push_back(
new TH1F(
"r(1st hit);r [cm]", 20, 0., 20.));
114 myTrackHists1D.push_back(
new TH1F(
"y(1st hit);y [cm]", 40, -120., +120.));
115 myTrackHists1D.push_back(
new TH1F(
"z(1st hit);z [cm]", 20, -50, +50));
116 myTrackHists1D.push_back(
new TH1F(
"r(1st hit);r_{#pm} [cm]", 40, -120., 120.));
117 myTrackHists1D.push_back(
new TH1F(
"z(1st hit);z [cm]", 20, -300., +300.));
118 myTrackHists1D.push_back(
new TH1F(
"r(last hit);r [cm]", 20, 20., 120.));
120 myTrackHists1D.push_back(
new TH1F(
"y(last hit);y [cm]", 40, -120., +120.));
121 myTrackHists1D.push_back(
new TH1F(
"z(last hit);z [cm]", 30, -300., +300.));
122 myTrackHists1D.push_back(
new TH1F(
"#chi^{2}/ndf;#chi^{2}/ndf", 500, 0., 50.));
123 myTrackHists1D.push_back(
new TH1F(
"impact parameter in z", 20, -20., 20.));
124 myTrackHists1D.push_back(
new TH1F(
"error of impact parameter in z", 40, 0., 0.06));
125 myTrackHists1D.push_back(
new TH1F(
"impact parameter in r#phi", 51, -0.05, .05));
126 myTrackHists1D.push_back(
new TH1F(
"error of impact parameter in r#phi", 50, 0., 0.01));
129 new TH2F(
"rz(1st hit);z [cm]; r_{#pm} [cm]", 40, -282., +282., 40, -115., +115.));
130 myTrackHists2D.push_back(
new TH2F(
"xy(1st hit);x [cm]; y [cm]", 40, -115., +115., 40, -115., +115.));
132 TDirectory *dirTracks = directory->mkdir(
"input tracks");
140 myUsedTrackHists1D.push_back(
new TH1F(
"n(x-hits) transferred to pede;n(x-hits)", nHits, 0., nHits));
141 myUsedTrackHists1D.push_back(
new TH1F(
"n(y-hits) transferred to pede;n(y-hits)", 10, 0., 10));
143 TDirectory *dirUsedTracks = directory->mkdir(
"used tracks");
148 myTrajectoryHists1D.push_back(
new TH1F(
"validity of ReferenceTrajectory", 2, 0., 2.));
151 "profCorr",
"mean of |#rho|, #rho#neq0;hit x/y;hit x/y;", 2 * nHits, 0., nHits, 2 * nHits, 0., nHits));
153 "mean of |#rho|, #rho#neq0, no xy_{hit};hit x/y;hit x/y;",
162 "hitCorrOffBlock",
"hit correlations: off-block-diagonals;N(hit);#rho", 2 * nHits, 0., nHits, 81, -.06, .06));
163 TArrayD logBins(102);
164 this->
equidistLogBins(logBins.GetArray(), logBins.GetSize() - 1, 1.E-11, .1);
166 "hit correlations: off-block-diagonals;N(hit);|#rho|",
170 logBins.GetSize() - 1,
171 logBins.GetArray()));
174 new TH2F(
"hit correlations: xy;N(hit);#rho", nHits, 0., nHits, 81, -.5, .5));
176 new TH2F(
"hit correlations: xy, 2D-det.;N(hit);#rho", nHits, 0., nHits, 81, -.02, .02));
177 this->
equidistLogBins(logBins.GetArray(), logBins.GetSize() - 1, 1.E-10, .5);
179 "hitCorrXyLog",
"hit correlations: xy;N(hit);|#rho|", nHits, 0., nHits, logBins.GetSize() - 1, logBins.GetArray()));
181 "hit correlations: xy, 2D-det.;N(hit);|#rho|",
185 logBins.GetSize() - 1,
186 logBins.GetArray()));
188 myTrajectoryHists1D.push_back(
new TH1F(
"local x measurements;x", 101, -6., 6.));
189 myTrajectoryHists1D.push_back(
new TH1F(
"local y measurements, 2D-det.;y", 101, -10., 10.));
191 myTrajectoryHists1D.push_back(
new TH1F(
"local y trajectory, 2D-det.;y", 101, -10., 10.));
193 myTrajectoryHists1D.push_back(
new TH1F(
"local x residual;#Deltax", 101, -.75, .75));
194 myTrajectoryHists1D.push_back(
new TH1F(
"local y residual, 2D-det.;#Deltay", 101, -2., 2.));
195 myTrajectoryHists1D.push_back(
new TH1F(
"local x reduced residual;#Deltax/#sigma", 101, -20., 20.));
197 new TH1F(
"local y reduced residual, 2D-det.;#Deltay/#sigma", 101, -20., 20.));
201 new TH2F(
"local x measurements;hit;x", nHits, 0., nHits, 101, -6., 6.));
203 new TH2F(
"local y measurements, 2D-det.;hit;y", nHits, 0., nHits, 101, -10., 10.));
204 myTrajectoryHists2D.push_back(
new TH2F(
"local x trajectory;hit;x", nHits, 0., nHits, 101, -6., 6.));
206 new TH2F(
"local y trajectory, 2D-det.;hit;y", nHits, 0., nHits, 101, -10., 10.));
209 new TH2F(
"local x residual;hit;#Deltax", nHits, 0., nHits, 101, -.75, .75));
211 new TH2F(
"local y residual, 2D-det.;hit;#Deltay", nHits, 0., nHits, 101, -1., 1.));
213 new TH2F(
"local x reduced residual;hit;#Deltax/#sigma", nHits, 0., nHits, 101, -20., 20.));
215 "reduResidLocYvsHit",
"local y reduced residual, 2D-det.;hit;#Deltay/#sigma", nHits, 0., nHits, 101, -20., 20.));
218 new TProfile2D(
"mean derivatives;hit x/y;parameter;", 2 * nHits, 0., nHits, 10, 0., 10.));
221 "derivatives",
"derivative;parameter;#partial(x/y)_{local}/#partial(param)", 10, 0., 10., 101, -20., 20.));
222 this->
equidistLogBins(logBins.GetArray(), logBins.GetSize() - 1, 1.E-12, 100.);
224 "|derivative|;parameter;|#partial(x/y)_{local}/#partial(param)|",
228 logBins.GetSize() - 1,
229 logBins.GetArray()));
231 "derivatives vs. #phi;#phi(geomDet);#partial(x/y)_{local}/#partial(param)",
240 TDirectory *dirTraject = directory->mkdir(
246 "local derivatives vs. paramater;parameter;#partial/#partial(param)",
254 "local derivatives vs. #phi(det);#phi(det);#partial/#partial(param)",
261 this->
equidistLogBins(logBins.GetArray(), logBins.GetSize() - 1, 1.E-13, 150.);
263 "local derivatives (#neq 0) vs. parameter;parameter;|#partial/#partial(param)|",
267 logBins.GetSize() - 1,
268 logBins.GetArray()));
270 "local derivatives (#neq 0) vs. #phi(det);#phi(det);|#partial/#partial(param)|",
274 logBins.GetSize() - 1,
275 logBins.GetArray()));
278 "global derivatives vs. paramater;parameter;#partial/#partial(param)",
286 "global derivatives vs. #phi(det);#phi(det);#partial/#partial(param)",
293 this->
equidistLogBins(logBins.GetArray(), logBins.GetSize() - 1, 1.E-7, 5.e2);
295 "global derivatives (#neq 0) vs. parameter;parameter;|#partial/#partial(param)|",
299 logBins.GetSize() - 1,
300 logBins.GetArray()));
302 "global derivatives (#neq 0) vs. #phi(det);#phi(det);|#partial/#partial(param)|",
306 logBins.GetSize() - 1,
307 logBins.GetArray()));
314 TDirectory *dirDerivs = directory->mkdir(
"derivatives etc.");
319 "residPhi",
"residuum vs. #phi(det);#phi(det);residuum[cm]", 51, -
TMath::Pi(), 101, -.5, .5));
321 new TH2F(
"#sigma vs. #phi(det);#phi(det);#sigma[cm]", 51, -
TMath::Pi(), 101, .0, .1));
323 "residuum/#sigma vs. #phi(det);#phi(det);residuum/#sigma",
368 TDirectory *dirResid = directory->mkdir(
"hit residuals, sigma,...");
374 std::vector<TH1 *> allResidHistsX;
375 allResidHistsX.push_back(
new TH1F(
"hit residuals;residuum [cm]", 101, -.5, .5));
377 allResidHistsX.push_back(
new TH1F(
"hit uncertainties;#sigma [cm]", 100, 0., 1.));
379 allResidHistsX.push_back(
380 new TH1F(
"reduced hit residuals;res./#sigma", 101, -10., 10.));
382 allResidHistsX.push_back(
383 new TH1F(
"#phi_{tr} wrt normal (sens. plane);#phi_{n}^{sens}", 50, 0., TMath::PiOver2()));
384 allResidHistsX.push_back(
new TH2F(
385 "residuum vs. #phi_{tr} wrt normal (sens. plane);#phi_{n}^{sens};residuum [cm]",
392 this->
equidistLogBins(logBins.GetArray(), logBins.GetSize() - 1, 1.E-6, 100.);
393 allResidHistsX.push_back(
new TH2F(
394 "#sigma vs. #phi_{tr} wrt normal (sens. plane);#phi_{n}^{sens};#sigma [cm]",
398 logBins.GetSize() - 1,
399 logBins.GetArray()));
400 allResidHistsX.push_back(
401 new TH2F(
402 "reduced residuum vs. #phi_{tr} wrt normal (sens. plane);#phi_{n}^{sens};res./#sigma",
410 allResidHistsX.push_back(
411 new TH1F(
"hit residuals (#phi_{n}^{sens}>45#circ);residuum [cm]", 101, -.5, .5));
413 allResidHistsX.push_back(
414 new TH1F(
"hit uncertainties(#phi_{n}^{sens}>45#circ);#sigma [cm]", 100, 0., 1.));
416 allResidHistsX.push_back(
new TH1F(
417 "reduResidGt45",
"reduced hit residuals(#phi_{n}^{sens}>45#circ);res./#sigma", 101, -10., 10.));
419 allResidHistsX.push_back(
420 new TH1F(
"hit residuals (#phi_{n}^{sens}<45#circ);residuum [cm]", 101, -.5, .5));
422 allResidHistsX.push_back(
423 new TH1F(
"hit uncertainties(#phi_{n}^{sens}<45#circ);#sigma [cm]", 100, 0., 1.));
425 allResidHistsX.push_back(
new TH1F(
426 "reduResidLt45",
"reduced hit residuals(#phi_{n}^{sens}<45#circ);res./#sigma", 101, -10., 10.));
436 for (
unsigned int iHit = 0; iHit < 30; ++iHit) {
437 for (
unsigned int iHist = 0; iHist < 4 && iHist < allResidHistsX.size(); ++iHist) {
438 TH1 *
h = allResidHistsX[iHist];
439 myResidHitHists1DX.push_back(static_cast<TH1 *>(h->Clone(Form(
"%s_%d", h->GetName(), iHit))));
444 TDirectory *dirResidX = (dirResid ? dirResid :
"hit residuals etc. for x measurements");
448 vecIter != vecIterEnd;
455 std::vector<TH1 *> &yHists1D = allResidHistsX;
464 TDirectory *dirResidY = (dirResid ? dirResid :
"hit residuals etc. for y measurements");
468 vecIter != vecIterEnd;
475 new TProfile2D(
"mean frame to frame derivatives;col;row", 6, 0., 6., 6, 0., 6.));
477 new TProfile2D(
"mean |frame to frame derivatives|, #neq0;col;row", 6, 0., 6., 6, 0., 6.));
479 this->
equidistLogBins(logBins.GetArray(), logBins.GetSize() - 1, 1.E-36, 100.);
480 for (
unsigned int i = 0;
i < 6; ++
i) {
481 for (
unsigned int j = 0;
j < 6; ++
j) {
483 Form(
"frame to frame derivatives, %d%d;#phi(aliDet);deriv",
492 Form(
"frame to frame derivatives, %d%d;r(aliDet);deriv",
502 new TH2F(Form(
503 Form(
"frame to frame |derivatives|, %d%d, #neq0;#phi(aliDet);deriv",
507 logBins.GetSize() - 1,
508 logBins.GetArray()));
510 Form(
"frame to frame |derivatives|, %d%d, #neq0;r(aliDet);deriv",
514 logBins.GetSize() - 1,
515 logBins.GetArray()));
519 TDirectory *dirF2f = directory->mkdir(
"derivatives etc.");
522 myCorrHists.push_back(
new TH1F(
"#rho_{xy} in pixel barrel", 50, -.5, .5));
523 myCorrHists.push_back(
new TH1F(
"#rho_{xy} in forward pixel", 50, -.5, .5));
524 myCorrHists.push_back(
new TH1F(
"#rho_{xy} in TIB", 50, -.5, .5));
525 myCorrHists.push_back(
new TH1F(
"#rho_{xy} in TID", 50, -1., 1.));
526 myCorrHists.push_back(
new TH1F(
"#rho_{xy} in TOB", 50, -.5, .5));
527 myCorrHists.push_back(
new TH1F(
"#rho_{xy} in TEC", 50, -1., 1.));
528 TDirectory *dirCorr = directory->mkdir(
532 myPxbSurveyHists.push_back(
new TH1F(
"#chi^{2} from PXB survey", 25, 0, 25));
533 myPxbSurveyHists.push_back(
new TH1F(
"#chi^{2} from PXB survey", 25, 0, 500));
534 myPxbSurveyHists.push_back(
new TH1F(
"#chi^{2} from PXB survey", 25, 0, 50000));
535 myPxbSurveyHists.push_back(
new TH1F(
"Math::Prob(#chi^{2},4) from PXB survey", 25, 0, 1));
536 myPxbSurveyHists.push_back(
new TH1F(
"a_{0} from PXB survey", 100, -3000, 3000));
537 myPxbSurveyHists.push_back(
new TH1F(
"fabs(a_{0}) from PXB survey", 100, 0, 3000));
538 myPxbSurveyHists.push_back(
new TH1F(
"a_{1} from PXB survey", 100, -6000, 6000));
539 myPxbSurveyHists.push_back(
new TH1F(
"fabs(a_{1}) from PXB survey", 100, 0, 6000));
541 new TH1F(
"scale (#sqrt{a_{2}^{2}+a_{3}^{2}}) from PXB survey", 100, 0, 1500));
542 myPxbSurveyHists.push_back(
new TH1F(
"angle(#atan{a_{3}/a_{4}}) from PXB survey", 100, -.05, .05));
543 TDirectory *dirPxbSurvey = directory->mkdir(
557 if (nBins < 1 || first <= 0. || last <= 0.)
562 const double firstLog = TMath::Log10(bins[0]);
563 const double lastLog = TMath::Log10(bins[nBins]);
565 bins[
i] = TMath::Power(10., firstLog +
i * (lastLog - firstLog) / (nBins));
589 std::vector<TH1 *> &trackHists1D,
590 std::vector<TH2 *> &trackHists2D) {
596 static const int iPtLog = this->
597 trackHists1D[iPtLog]->Fill(track->
598 static const int iPt = this->
599 trackHists1D[iPt]->Fill(track->
600 static const int iP = this->
601 trackHists1D[iP]->Fill(
602 static const int iEta = this->
603 trackHists1D[iEta]->Fill(
604 static const int iTheta = this->
605 trackHists1D[iTheta]->Fill(
606 static const int iPhi = this->
607 trackHists1D[iPhi]->Fill(
609 static const int iNhit = this->
611 static const int iNhitInvalid = this->
614 int nhitinTIB = 0, nhitinTOB = 0, nhitinTID = 0;
615 int nhitinTEC = 0, nhitinBPIX = 0, nhitinFPIX = 0, nhitinPIXEL = 0;
616 int nhitinENDCAP = 0, nhitinENDCAPplus = 0, nhitinENDCAPminus = 0;
617 int nhitinTIDplus = 0, nhitinTIDminus = 0;
618 int nhitinFPIXplus = 0, nhitinFPIXminus = 0;
619 int nhitinTECplus = 0, nhitinTECminus = 0;
620 unsigned int thishit = 0;
624 const DetId detId(
625 const int subdetId = detId.
630 edm::LogError(
"DetectorMismatch") <<
"@SUB=MillePedeMonitor::fillTrack" 631 <<
"DetId.det() != DetId::Tracker (=" <<
DetId::Tracker <<
"), but " 632 << detId.det() <<
661 }
else if (
kBPIX == subdetId) {
664 }
else if (
kFPIX == subdetId) {
676 static const int iNhit01 = this->
677 trackHists1D[iNhit01]->Fill(nhitinBPIX);
678 static const int iNhit02 = this->
679 trackHists1D[iNhit02]->Fill(nhitinFPIXplus);
680 static const int iNhit03 = this->
681 trackHists1D[iNhit03]->Fill(nhitinFPIXminus);
682 static const int iNhit04 = this->
683 trackHists1D[iNhit04]->Fill(nhitinFPIX);
684 static const int iNhit05 = this->
685 trackHists1D[iNhit05]->Fill(nhitinPIXEL);
686 static const int iNhit06 = this->
687 trackHists1D[iNhit06]->Fill(nhitinTIB);
688 static const int iNhit07 = this->
689 trackHists1D[iNhit07]->Fill(nhitinTOB);
690 static const int iNhit08 = this->
691 trackHists1D[iNhit08]->Fill(nhitinTIDplus);
692 static const int iNhit09 = this->
693 trackHists1D[iNhit09]->Fill(nhitinTIDminus);
694 static const int iNhit10 = this->
695 trackHists1D[iNhit10]->Fill(nhitinTID);
696 static const int iNhit11 = this->
697 trackHists1D[iNhit11]->Fill(nhitinTECplus);
698 static const int iNhit12 = this->
699 trackHists1D[iNhit12]->Fill(nhitinTECminus);
700 static const int iNhit13 = this->
701 trackHists1D[iNhit13]->Fill(nhitinTEC);
702 static const int iNhit14 = this->
703 trackHists1D[iNhit14]->Fill(nhitinENDCAPplus);
704 static const int iNhit15 = this->
705 trackHists1D[iNhit15]->Fill(nhitinENDCAPminus);
706 static const int iNhit16 = this->
707 trackHists1D[iNhit16]->Fill(nhitinENDCAP);
708 static const int iNhit17 = this->
709 trackHists2D[iNhit17]->Fill(nhitinENDCAPplus, nhitinENDCAPminus);
713 static const int iR1 = this->
714 trackHists1D[iR1]->Fill(firstPoint.Rho());
715 const double rSigned1 = (firstPoint.y() > 0 ? firstPoint.Rho() : -firstPoint.Rho());
716 static const int iR1Signed = this->
717 trackHists1D[iR1Signed]->Fill(rSigned1);
718 static const int iZ1 = this->
719 trackHists1D[iZ1]->Fill(firstPoint.Z());
720 static const int iZ1Full = this->
721 trackHists1D[iZ1Full]->Fill(firstPoint.Z());
722 static const int iY1 = this->
723 trackHists1D[iY1]->Fill(firstPoint.Y());
724 static const int iPhi1 = this->
725 trackHists1D[iPhi1]->Fill(firstPoint.phi());
726 static const int iRz1Full = this->
727 trackHists2D[iRz1Full]->Fill(firstPoint.Z(), rSigned1);
728 static const int iXy1 = this->
729 trackHists2D[iXy1]->Fill(firstPoint.X(), firstPoint.Y());
734 static const int iRlast = this->
735 trackHists1D[iRlast]->Fill(lastPoint.Rho());
736 static const int iZlast = this->
737 trackHists1D[iZlast]->Fill(lastPoint.Z());
738 static const int iYlast = this->
739 trackHists1D[iYlast]->Fill(lastPoint.Y());
740 static const int iPhiLast = this->
741 trackHists1D[iPhiLast]->Fill(lastPoint.phi());
744 static const int iChi2Ndf = this->
747 static const int iImpZ = this->
748 trackHists1D[iImpZ]->Fill(track->
749 static const int iImpZerr = this->
750 trackHists1D[iImpZerr]->Fill(track->
752 static const int iImpRphi = this->
753 trackHists1D[iImpRphi]->Fill(track->
754 static const int iImpRphiErr = this->
755 trackHists1D[iImpRphiErr]->Fill(track->
761 if (refTrajPtr->isValid()) {
770 const AlgebraicVector &trajectoryLoc = refTrajPtr->trajectoryPositions();
775 const int nRow = refTrajPtr->numberOfHitMeas();
777 for (
int iRow = 0; iRow < nRow; ++iRow) {
778 const double residuum = measurementsLoc[iRow] - trajectoryLoc[iRow];
779 const double covMeasLocRow = covMeasLoc[iRow][iRow];
780 const bool is2DhitRow = (!recHits[iRow / 2]->detUnit()
781 || recHits[iRow / 2]->detUnit()->type().isTrackerPixel());
798 if (covMeasLocRow > 0.) {
802 myTrajectoryHists2D[iReduResidLocXvsHit]->Fill(iRow / 2, residuum / TMath::Sqrt(covMeasLocRow));
804 }
else if (is2DhitRow) {
820 if (covMeasLocRow > 0.) {
824 myTrajectoryHists2D[iReduResidLocYvsHit]->Fill(iRow / 2, residuum / TMath::Sqrt(covMeasLocRow));
828 float nHitRow = iRow / 2;
832 for (
int iCol = iRow + 1; iCol < nRow; ++iCol) {
833 double rho = TMath::Sqrt(covMeasLocRow + covMeasLoc[iCol][iCol]);
834 rho = (0. == rho ? -2 : covMeasLoc[iRow][iCol] /
835 float nHitCol = iCol / 2;
867 for (
int iCol = 0; iCol < derivatives.num_col(); ++iCol) {
882 const float *localDerivs,
884 const float *globalDerivs,
885 unsigned int nGlobal,
887 const double phi = recHit->det()->position().phi();
893 for (
unsigned int i = 0;
i < nLocal; ++
i) {
896 if (localDerivs[i]) {
907 for (
unsigned int i = 0;
i < nGlobal; ++
i) {
911 if (globalDerivs[i]) {
928 const GlobalPoint detPos(recHit->det()->position());
929 const double phi = detPos.phi();
974 const float phiSensToNorm = TMath::ATan(
TMath::Abs((isY ? mom.y() : mom.x()) / mom.z()));
983 const DetId detId(recHit->det()->geographicalId());
986 unsigned int subDetNum = detId.
987 if (subDetNum < histArrayVec.size() && subDetNum > 0) {
988 this->
fillResidualHists(histArrayVec[subDetNum], phiSensToNorm, residuum, sigma);
992 <<
"Expect subDetNum from 1 to 6, got " << subDetNum;
1006 static const int iRes = this->
1007 hists[iRes]->Fill(residuum);
1008 static const int iSigma = this->
1009 hists[iSigma]->Fill(sigma);
1010 static const int iSigmaVsAngle = this->
1011 hists[iSigmaVsAngle]->Fill(phiSensToNorm, sigma);
1012 static const int iResidVsAngle = this->
1013 hists[iResidVsAngle]->Fill(phiSensToNorm, residuum);
1014 static const int iReduRes = this->
1015 static const int iReduResidVsAngle = this->
1017 hists[iReduRes]->Fill(residuum / sigma);
1018 hists[iReduResidVsAngle]->Fill(phiSensToNorm, residuum / sigma);
1020 static const int iAngle = this->
1021 hists[iAngle]->Fill(phiSensToNorm);
1023 if (phiSensToNorm > TMath::DegToRad() * 45.) {
1024 static const int iResGt45 = this->
1025 hists[iResGt45]->Fill(residuum);
1026 static const int iSigmaGt45 = this->
1027 hists[iSigmaGt45]->Fill(sigma);
1028 static const int iReduResGt45 = this->
1030 hists[iReduResGt45]->Fill(residuum / sigma);
1032 static const int iResLt45 = this->
1033 hists[iResLt45]->Fill(residuum);
1034 static const int iSigmaLt45 = this->
1035 hists[iSigmaLt45]->Fill(sigma);
1036 static const int iReduResLt45 = this->
1038 hists[iReduResLt45]->Fill(residuum / sigma);
1044 const std::vector<TH1 *> &
float angle,
float residuum,
float sigma,
unsigned int nHit) {
1049 static constexpr unsigned int maxNhit = 29;
1050 static const auto iResHit = indexArray1D<TH1, maxNhit + 1>(
1051 static const auto iSigmaHit = indexArray1D<TH1, maxNhit + 1>(
1052 static const auto iReduResHit = indexArray1D<TH1, maxNhit + 1>(
1053 static const auto iAngleHit = indexArray1D<TH1, maxNhit + 1>(
1057 hists[iResHit[nHit]]->Fill(residuum);
1058 hists[iSigmaHit[nHit]]->Fill(sigma);
1060 hists[iReduResHit[nHit]]->Fill(residuum / sigma);
1062 hists[iAngleHit[nHit]]->Fill(angle);
1074 static const auto iF2fIjPhi = indexArray2D<TH2, 6>(
1075 static const auto iF2fIjPhiLog = indexArray2D<TH2, 6>(
1077 static const auto iF2fIjRLog = indexArray2D<TH2, 6>(
1081 for (
unsigned int i = 0;
i < 6; ++
i) {
1082 for (
unsigned int j = 0;
j < 6; ++
j) {
1083 myFrame2FrameHists2D[iF2f]->Fill(
j, frameDeriv[
1084 myFrame2FrameHists2D[iF2fIjPhi[
j]]->Fill(phi, frameDeriv[
1085 myFrame2FrameHists2D[iF2fIjR[
j]]->Fill(r, frameDeriv[
1086 if (frameDeriv[
i][j]) {
1087 myFrame2FrameHists2D[iF2fAbs]->Fill(
i, j,
1088 myFrame2FrameHists2D[iF2fIjPhiLog[
1089 myFrame2FrameHists2D[iF2fIjRLog[
1097 const DetId detId(recHit->det()->geographicalId());
1102 edm::LogWarning(
"Alignment") <<
"@SUB=MillePedeMonitor::fillCorrelations2D" 1103 <<
"Expect subdetId from 1 to 6, got " << detId.subdetId();
std::vector< std::vector< TH1 * > > myResidHistsVec1DY
[0]=all [1]=TPB [2]=TPE [3]=TIB [4]=TID [5]=TOB [6]=TEC
std::vector< TH2 * > myResidHists2D
FWCore Framework interface EventSetupRecordImplementation h
Helper function to determine trigger accepts.
int GetIndex(const std::vector< OBJECT_TYPE * > &vec, const TString &name)
double d0Error() const
error on d0
void fillCorrelations2D(float corr, const TransientTrackingRecHit::ConstRecHitPointer &hit)
std::vector< TH1 * > myUsedTrackHists1D
double d0() const
dxy parameter in perigee convention (d0 = -dxy)
std::vector< TH1 * > myCorrHists
void fillFrameToFrame(const AlignableDetOrUnitPtr &aliDet, const Alignable *ali)
std::vector< TH1 * > myPxbSurveyHists
double normalizedChi2() const
chi-squared divided by n.d.o.f. (or chi-squared * 1e6 if n.d.o.f. is zero)
static constexpr auto TID
LocalVector localDirection() const
void fillPxbSurveyHistsLocalPars(const float &a0, const float &a1, const float &S, const float &phi)
Geom::Phi< T > phi() const
bool innerOk() const
return true if the innermost hit is valid
unsigned short numberOfLostHits() const
number of cases where track crossed a layer without getting a hit.
const TrackerTopology * trackerTopology
const Vector & momentum() const
track momentum vector
TransientTrackingRecHit::ConstRecHitPointer ConstRecHitPointer
std::vector< OBJECT_TYPE * > cloneHists(const std::vector< OBJECT_TYPE * > &orgs, const TString &namAd, const TString &titAd) const
const math::XYZPoint & outerPosition() const
position of the outermost hit
std::vector< TH1 * > myResidHitHists1DX
[0]=all [1]=TPB [2]=TPE [3]=TIB [4]=TID [5]=TOB [6]=TEC
MillePedeMonitor(const TrackerTopology *tTopo, const char *rootFile="trackMonitor.root")
void fillResiduals(const TransientTrackingRecHit::ConstRecHitPointer &recHit, const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &tsos, unsigned int nHit, float residuum, float sigma, bool isY)
bool tecIsZMinusSide(const DetId &id) const
void fillPxbSurveyHistsChi2(const float &chi2)
std::vector< TH2 * > myUsedTrackHists2D
static const unsigned int theMaxNumParam
bool tidIsZMinusSide(const DetId &id) const
const math::XYZPoint & innerPosition() const
position of the innermost hit
TransientTrackingRecHit::ConstRecHitPointer ConstRecHitPointer
void addToDirectory(const std::vector< OBJECT_TYPE * > &objs, TDirectory *dir) const
std::vector< TH2 * > myTrackHists2D
std::vector< TH2 * > myDerivHists2D
CLHEP::HepMatrix AlgebraicMatrix
void fillUsedTrack(const reco::Track *track, unsigned int nHitX, unsigned int nHitY)
std::shared_ptr< TrackingRecHit const > ConstRecHitPointer
std::vector< TH1 * > myTrajectoryHists1D
double pt() const
track transverse momentum
constexpr int subdetId() const
get the contents of the subdetector field (not cast into any detector's numbering enum) ...
auto recHits() const
Access to reconstructed hits on the track.
unsigned short numberOfValidHits() const
number of valid hits found
std::vector< TH2 * > myTrajectoryHists2D
bool init(TDirectory *directory)
math::XYZPoint Point
point in the space
AlgebraicMatrix frameToFrameDerivative(const Alignable *object, const Alignable *composedObject) const
static constexpr auto TOB
std::vector< ConstRecHitPointer > ConstRecHitContainer
double dz() const
dz parameter (= dsz/cos(lambda)). This is the track z0 w.r.t (0,0,0) only if the refPoint is close to...
double dzError() const
error on dz
CLHEP::HepVector AlgebraicVector
std::vector< TH2 * > myFrame2FrameHists2D
bool equidistLogBins(double *bins, int nBins, double first, double last) const
static const DetId detId()
bool tidIsZPlusSide(const DetId &id) const
bool outerOk() const
return true if the outermost hit is valid
void fillResidualHists(const std::vector< TH1 * > &hists, float phiSensToNorm, float residuum, float sigma)
void fillTrack(const reco::Track *track)
static constexpr auto TIB
bool tecIsZPlusSide(const DetId &id) const
std::vector< TH1 * > myTrackHists1D
std::vector< TH1 * > myResidHitHists1DY
static int position[264][3]
void fillRefTrajectory(const ReferenceTrajectoryBase::ReferenceTrajectoryPtr &refTrajPtr)
CLHEP::HepSymMatrix AlgebraicSymMatrix
unsigned int pxfSide(const DetId &id) const
void fillDerivatives(const TransientTrackingRecHit::ConstRecHitPointer &recHit, const float *localDerivs, unsigned int nLocal, const float *globalDerivs, unsigned int nGlobal, const int *labels)
const PositionType & globalPosition() const
Return the global position of the object.
std::vector< std::vector< TH1 * > > myResidHistsVec1DX
math::XYZVector Vector
spatial vector
static constexpr auto TEC
void fillResidualHitHists(const std::vector< TH1 * > &hists, float angle, float residuum, float sigma, unsigned int nHit)
T angle(T x1, T y1, T z1, T x2, T y2, T z2)