Go to the documentation of this file.
4 #include "helper.h" // to_hex, to_binary
6 namespace {
7  const int bw_fph = 13; // bit width of ph, full precision
8  const int bw_th = 7; // bit width of th
9  const int invalid_dtheta = (1 << bw_th) - 1; // = 127
10  const int invalid_dphi = (1 << bw_fph) - 1; // = 8191
11 } // namespace
14  int endcap,
15  int sector,
16  int bx,
17  int bxWindow,
18  int thetaWindow,
19  int thetaWindowZone0,
20  bool bugME11Dupes,
21  bool bugAmbigThetaWin,
22  bool twoStationSameBX) {
23  verbose_ = verbose;
24  endcap_ = endcap;
25  sector_ = sector;
26  bx_ = bx;
28  bxWindow_ = bxWindow;
29  thetaWindow_ = thetaWindow;
30  thetaWindowZone0_ = thetaWindowZone0;
31  bugME11Dupes_ = bugME11Dupes;
32  bugAmbigThetaWin_ = bugAmbigThetaWin;
33  twoStationSameBX_ = twoStationSameBX;
34 }
37  for (int izone = 0; izone < emtf::NUM_ZONES; ++izone) {
38  EMTFTrackCollection& tracks =; // pass by reference
40  EMTFTrackCollection::iterator tracks_it = tracks.begin();
41  EMTFTrackCollection::iterator tracks_end = tracks.end();
43  // Calculate deltas
44  for (; tracks_it != tracks_end; ++tracks_it) {
45  calculate_angles(*tracks_it, izone);
46  }
48  // Erase tracks with rank = 0
49  // Erase hits that are not selected as the best phi and theta in each station
50  // Erase two-station tracks with hits in different BX (2018)
51  erase_tracks(tracks);
53  tracks_it = tracks.begin();
54  tracks_end = tracks.end();
56  // Calculate bx
57  // (in the firmware, this happens during best track selection.)
58  for (; tracks_it != tracks_end; ++tracks_it) {
59  calculate_bx(*tracks_it);
60  }
61  } // end loop over zones
63  if (verbose_ > 0) { // debug
64  for (const auto& tracks : zone_tracks) {
65  for (const auto& track : tracks) {
66  std::cout << "deltas: z: " << track.Zone() - 1 << " pat: " << track.Winner()
67  << " rank: " << to_hex(track.Rank()) << " delta_ph: " << array_as_string(track.PtLUT().delta_ph)
68  << " delta_th: " << array_as_string(track.PtLUT().delta_th)
69  << " sign_ph: " << array_as_string(track.PtLUT().sign_ph)
70  << " sign_th: " << array_as_string(track.PtLUT().sign_th) << " phi: " << track.Phi_fp()
71  << " theta: " << track.Theta_fp() << " cpat: " << array_as_string(track.PtLUT().cpattern)
72  << " v: " << array_as_string(track.PtLUT().bt_vi) << " h: " << array_as_string(track.PtLUT().bt_hi)
73  << " c: " << array_as_string(track.PtLUT().bt_ci) << " s: " << array_as_string(track.PtLUT().bt_si)
74  << std::endl;
75  }
76  }
77  }
78 }
80 void AngleCalculation::calculate_angles(EMTFTrack& track, const int izone) const {
81  // Group track hits by station
82  std::array<EMTFHitCollection, emtf::NUM_STATIONS> st_conv_hits;
84  for (int istation = 0; istation < emtf::NUM_STATIONS; ++istation) {
85  for (const auto& conv_hit : track.Hits()) {
86  if ((conv_hit.Station() - 1) == istation) {
88  }
89  }
91  if (bugME11Dupes_) {
92  if (not( <= 4)) // ambiguity in theta is max 4
93  {
94  edm::LogError("L1T") << " = " <<;
95  return;
96  }
97  } else {
98  if (not( <= 2)) // ambiguity in theta is max 2
99  {
100  edm::LogError("L1T") << " = " <<;
101  return;
102  }
103  }
104  }
105  if (not(st_conv_hits.size() == emtf::NUM_STATIONS)) {
106  edm::LogError("L1T") << "st_conv_hits.size() = " << st_conv_hits.size()
107  << ", emtf::NUM_STATIONS = " << emtf::NUM_STATIONS;
108  return;
109  }
111  // Best theta deltas and phi deltas
112  // from 0 to 5: dtheta12, dtheta13, dtheta14, dtheta23, dtheta24, dtheta34
113  std::array<int, emtf::NUM_STATION_PAIRS>
114  best_dtheta_arr; // Best of up to 4 dTheta values per pair of stations (with duplicate thetas)
115  std::array<int, emtf::NUM_STATION_PAIRS> best_dtheta_sign_arr;
116  std::array<int, emtf::NUM_STATION_PAIRS>
117  best_dphi_arr; // Not really "best" - there is only one dPhi value per pair of stations
118  std::array<int, emtf::NUM_STATION_PAIRS> best_dphi_sign_arr;
120  // Best angles
121  // from 0 to 5: ME2, ME3, ME4, ME2, ME2, ME3
122  // dtheta12, dtheta13, dtheta14, dtheta23, dtheta24, dtheta34
123  std::array<int, emtf::NUM_STATION_PAIRS> best_theta_arr;
124  std::array<int, emtf::NUM_STATION_PAIRS> best_phi_arr;
126  // Keep track of which pair is valid
127  std::array<bool, emtf::NUM_STATION_PAIRS> best_dtheta_valid_arr;
128  // std::array<bool, emtf::NUM_STATION_PAIRS> best_has_rpc_arr; // Not used currently
130  // Initialize
131  best_dtheta_arr.fill(invalid_dtheta);
132  best_dtheta_sign_arr.fill(1);
133  best_dphi_arr.fill(invalid_dphi);
134  best_dphi_sign_arr.fill(1);
135  best_phi_arr.fill(0);
136  best_theta_arr.fill(0);
137  best_dtheta_valid_arr.fill(false);
138  // best_has_rpc_arr .fill(false);
140  auto abs_diff = [](int a, int b) { return std::abs(a - b); };
142  // Calculate angles
143  int ipair = 0;
145  for (int ist1 = 0; ist1 + 1 < emtf::NUM_STATIONS; ++ist1) { // station A
146  for (int ist2 = ist1 + 1; ist2 < emtf::NUM_STATIONS; ++ist2) { // station B
147  const EMTFHitCollection& conv_hitsA =;
148  const EMTFHitCollection& conv_hitsB =;
150  // More than 1 hit per station when hit has ambigous theta
151  for (const auto& conv_hitA : conv_hitsA) {
152  for (const auto& conv_hitB : conv_hitsB) {
153  // bool has_rpc = (conv_hitA.Subsystem() == TriggerPrimitive::kRPC || conv_hitB.Subsystem() == TriggerPrimitive::kRPC);
155  // Calculate theta deltas
156  int thA = conv_hitA.Theta_fp();
157  int thB = conv_hitB.Theta_fp();
158  int dth = abs_diff(thA, thB);
159  int dth_sign = (thA <= thB); // sign
160  if (not(thA != 0 && thB != 0)) {
161  edm::LogError("L1T") << "thA = " << thA << ", thB = " << thB;
162  return;
163  }
164  if (not(dth < invalid_dtheta)) {
165  edm::LogError("L1T") << "dth = " << dth << ", invalid_dtheta = " << invalid_dtheta;
166  return;
167  }
169  if ( >= dth) {
170 = dth;
171 = dth_sign;
172 = true;
173  // = has_rpc; // FW doesn't currently check whether a segment is CSC or RPC
175  // first 3 pairs, use station B
176  // last 3 pairs, use station A
177 = (ipair < 3) ? thB : thA;
178  }
180  // Calculate phi deltas
181  int phA = conv_hitA.Phi_fp();
182  int phB = conv_hitB.Phi_fp();
183  int dph = abs_diff(phA, phB);
184  int dph_sign = (phA <= phB);
186  if ( >= dph) {
187 = dph;
188 = dph_sign;
190  // first 3 pairs, use station B
191  // last 3 pairs, use station A
192 = (ipair < 3) ? phB : phA;
193  }
194  } // end loop over conv_hits in station B
195  } // end loop over conv_hits in station A
197  ++ipair;
198  } // end loop over station B
199  } // end loop over station A
200  if (not(ipair == emtf::NUM_STATION_PAIRS)) {
201  edm::LogError("L1T") << "ipair = " << ipair << ", emtf::NUM_STATION_PAIRS = " << emtf::NUM_STATION_PAIRS;
202  return;
203  }
205  // Apply cuts on dtheta
207  // There is a possible bug in FW. After a dtheta pair fails the theta window
208  // cut, the valid flag of the pair is not updated. Later on, theta from
209  // this pair is used to assign the precise theta of the track.
210  std::array<bool, emtf::NUM_STATION_PAIRS> best_dtheta_valid_arr_1;
212  for (int ipair = 0; ipair < emtf::NUM_STATION_PAIRS; ++ipair) {
213  if (izone == 0) // Tighter theta window for Zone 0 (Ring 1), where there are no RPCs
214 =
215 && ( <= thetaWindowZone0_);
216  else
217 =
218 && ( <= thetaWindow_);
219  }
221  // Find valid segments
222  // vmask contains valid station mask = {ME4,ME3,ME2,ME1}. "0b" prefix for binary.
223  int vmask1 = 0, vmask2 = 0, vmask3 = 0;
225  if ( {
226  vmask1 |= 0b0011; // 12
227  }
228  if ( {
229  vmask1 |= 0b0101; // 13
230  }
231  if ( {
232  vmask1 |= 0b1001; // 14
233  }
234  if ( {
235  vmask2 |= 0b0110; // 23
236  }
237  if ( {
238  vmask2 |= 0b1010; // 24
239  }
240  if ( {
241  vmask3 |= 0b1100; // 34
242  }
244  // merge station masks only if they share bits
245  // Station 1 hits pass if any dTheta1X values pass
246  // Station 2 hits pass if any dTheta2X values pass, *EXCEPT* the following cases:
247  // Only {13, 24} pass, only {13, 24, 34} pass,
248  // Only {14, 23} pass, only {14, 23, 34} pass.
249  // Station 3 hits pass if any dTheta3X values pass, *EXCEPT* the following cases:
250  // Only {12, 34} pass, only {14, 23} pass.
251  // Station 4 hits pass if any dTheta4X values pass, *EXCEPT* the following cases:
252  // Only {12, 34} pass, only {13, 24} pass.
253  int vstat = vmask1; // valid stations based on th coordinates
254  if ((vstat & vmask2) != 0 || vstat == 0)
255  vstat |= vmask2;
256  if ((vstat & vmask3) != 0 || vstat == 0)
257  vstat |= vmask3;
259  // Truth table to remove ambiguity in passing the dTheta window cut when there are
260  // two LCTs in the same station with the same phi value, but different theta values
261  static const int trk_bld[64] = {
262  0b1111, 0b0111, 0b0111, 0b0111, 0b1011, 0b0011, 0b1110, 0b0011, 0b0111, 0b0111, 0b0111, 0b0111, 0b1011,
263  0b0011, 0b0011, 0b0011, 0b1011, 0b1101, 0b0011, 0b0011, 0b1011, 0b0011, 0b0011, 0b0011, 0b1011, 0b0011,
264  0b0011, 0b0011, 0b1011, 0b0011, 0b0011, 0b0011, 0b1101, 0b1101, 0b1110, 0b0101, 0b1110, 0b1001, 0b1110,
265  0b0110, 0b0101, 0b0101, 0b0101, 0b0101, 0b1001, 0b1001, 0b0110, 0b0110, 0b1101, 0b1101, 0b0101, 0b0101,
266  0b1001, 0b1001, 0b1010, 0b1100, 0b0101, 0b0101, 0b0101, 0b0101, 0b1001, 0b1001, 0b1010, 0b0000};
268  if (not bugAmbigThetaWin_) { // Fixed at the beginning of 2018
269  // construct bad delta word
270  // dth_bad = {12,23,34,13,14,24}
271  unsigned dth_bad = 0b111111; // "1" is bad. if valid, change to "0" (good)
272  if ( {
273  dth_bad &= (~(1 << 5)); // 12
274  }
275  if ( {
276  dth_bad &= (~(1 << 2)); // 13
277  }
278  if ( {
279  dth_bad &= (~(1 << 1)); // 14
280  }
281  if ( {
282  dth_bad &= (~(1 << 4)); // 23
283  }
284  if ( {
285  dth_bad &= (~(1 << 0)); // 24
286  }
287  if ( {
288  dth_bad &= (~(1 << 3)); // 34
289  }
290  assert(dth_bad < 64);
292  // extract station mask from LUT
293  vstat = trk_bld[dth_bad];
294  }
296  // remove valid flag for station if hit does not pass the dTheta mask
297  for (int istation = 0; istation < emtf::NUM_STATIONS; ++istation) {
298  if ((vstat & (1 << istation)) == 0) { // station bit not set
300  }
301  }
303  // assign precise phi and theta for the track
304  int phi_fp = 0;
305  int theta_fp = 0;
306  int best_pair = -1;
308  if ((vstat & (1 << 1)) != 0) { // ME2 present
309  if ( // 12
310  best_pair = 0;
311  else if ( // 23
312  best_pair = 3;
313  else if ( // 24
314  best_pair = 4;
315  } else if ((vstat & (1 << 2)) != 0) { // ME3 present
316  if ( // 13
317  best_pair = 1;
318  else if ( // 34
319  best_pair = 5;
320  } else if ((vstat & (1 << 3)) != 0) { // ME4 present
321  if ( // 14
322  best_pair = 2;
323  }
325  // // Possible logic preferring CSC LCTs for the track theta and phi assignment
326  // if ((vstat & (1<<1)) != 0) { // ME2 present
327  // if (! && // 12, no RPC
328  // best_pair = 0;
329  // else if (! && // 23, no RPC
330  // best_pair = 3;
331  // else if (! && // 24, no RPC
332  // best_pair = 4;
333  // else if ( // 12, has RPC
334  // best_pair = 0;
335  // else if ( // 23, has RPC
336  // best_pair = 3;
337  // else if ( // 24, has RPC
338  // best_pair = 4;
339  // } else if ((vstat & (1<<2)) != 0) { // ME3 present
340  // if (! && // 13, no RPC
341  // best_pair = 1;
342  // else if (! && // 34, no RPC
343  // best_pair = 5;
344  // else if ( // 13, has RPC
345  // best_pair = 1;
346  // else if ( // 34, has RPC
347  // best_pair = 5;
348  // } else if ((vstat & (1<<3)) != 0) { // ME4 present
349  // if ( // 14
350  // best_pair = 2;
351  // }
353  if (best_pair != -1) {
354  phi_fp =;
355  theta_fp =;
356  if (not(theta_fp != 0)) {
357  edm::LogError("L1T") << "theta_fp = " << theta_fp;
358  return;
359  }
361  // In firmware, the track is associated to LCTs by the segment number, which
362  // identifies the best strip, but does not resolve the ambiguity in theta.
363  // In emulator, this additional logic also resolves the ambiguity in theta.
364  struct {
365  typedef EMTFHit value_type;
366  bool operator()(const value_type& lhs, const value_type& rhs) const {
367  return std::abs(lhs.Theta_fp() - theta) < std::abs(rhs.Theta_fp() - theta);
368  }
369  int theta;
370  } less_dtheta_cmp;
371  less_dtheta_cmp.theta = theta_fp; // capture
373  for (int istation = 0; istation < emtf::NUM_STATIONS; ++istation) {
374  std::stable_sort(,, less_dtheta_cmp);
375  if ( > 1)
376; // just the minimum in dtheta
377  }
378  }
380  // update rank taking into account available stations after theta deltas
381  // keep straightness as it was
382  int old_rank = (track.Rank() << 1); // output rank is one bit longer than input rank, to accomodate ME4 separately
383  int rank = ((((old_rank >> 6) & 1) << 6) | // straightness
384  (((old_rank >> 4) & 1) << 4) | // straightness
385  (((old_rank >> 2) & 1) << 2) | // straightness
386  (((vstat >> 0) & 1) << 5) | // ME1
387  (((vstat >> 1) & 1) << 3) | // ME2
388  (((vstat >> 2) & 1) << 1) | // ME3
389  (((vstat >> 3) & 1) << 0) // ME4
390  );
392  int mode = ((((vstat >> 0) & 1) << 3) | // ME1
393  (((vstat >> 1) & 1) << 2) | // ME2
394  (((vstat >> 2) & 1) << 1) | // ME3
395  (((vstat >> 3) & 1) << 0) // ME4
396  );
398  int mode_inv = vstat;
400  // if less than 2 segments, kill rank
401  if (vstat == 0b0001 || vstat == 0b0010 || vstat == 0b0100 || vstat == 0b1000 || vstat == 0)
402  rank = 0;
404  // From RecoMuon/DetLayers/src/
405  auto isFront = [](int station, int ring, int chamber, int subsystem) {
406  // // RPCs are behind the CSCs in stations 1, 3, and 4; in front in 2
407  // if (subsystem == TriggerPrimitive::kRPC)
408  // return (station == 2);
410  // In EMTF firmware, RPC hits are treated as if they came from the corresponding
411  // CSC chamber, so the FR bit assignment is the same as for CSCs - AWB 06.06.17
413  // GEMs are in front of the CSCs
415  return true;
417  bool result = false;
418  bool isOverlapping = !(station == 1 && ring == 3);
419  // not overlapping means back
420  if (isOverlapping) {
421  bool isEven = (chamber % 2 == 0);
422  // odd chambers are bolted to the iron, which faces
423  // forward in 1&2, backward in 3&4, so...
424  result = (station < 3) ? isEven : !isEven;
425  }
426  return result;
427  };
429  // Fill ptlut_data
430  EMTFPtLUT ptlut_data = {};
431  for (int i = 0; i < emtf::NUM_STATION_PAIRS; ++i) {
432  ptlut_data.delta_ph[i] =;
433  ptlut_data.sign_ph[i] =;
434  ptlut_data.delta_th[i] =;
435  ptlut_data.sign_th[i] =;
436  }
438  for (int i = 0; i < emtf::NUM_STATIONS; ++i) {
439  const auto& v =;
440  ptlut_data.cpattern[i] = v.empty() ? 0 : v.front().Pattern(); // Automatically set to 0 for RPCs
441[i] =
442  v.empty() ? 0 : isFront(v.front().Station(), v.front().Ring(), v.front().Chamber(), v.front().Subsystem());
443  if (i == 0)
444  ptlut_data.st1_ring2 =
445  v.empty() ? 0 : (v.front().Station() == 1 && (v.front().Ring() == 2 || v.front().Ring() == 3));
446  }
448  for (int i = 0; i < emtf::NUM_STATIONS + 1; ++i) { // 'bt' arrays use 5-station convention
449  ptlut_data.bt_vi[i] = 0;
450  ptlut_data.bt_hi[i] = 0;
451  ptlut_data.bt_ci[i] = 0;
452  ptlut_data.bt_si[i] = 0;
453  }
455  for (int i = 0; i < emtf::NUM_STATIONS; ++i) {
456  const auto& v =;
457  if (!v.empty()) {
458  int bt_station = v.front().BT_station();
459  if (not(0 <= bt_station && bt_station <= 4)) {
460  edm::LogError("L1T") << "bt_station = " << bt_station;
461  return;
462  }
464  int bt_segment = v.front().BT_segment();
465  ptlut_data.bt_vi[bt_station] = 1;
466  ptlut_data.bt_hi[bt_station] = (bt_segment >> 5) & 0x3;
467  ptlut_data.bt_ci[bt_station] = (bt_segment >> 1) & 0xf;
468  ptlut_data.bt_si[bt_station] = (bt_segment >> 0) & 0x1;
469  }
470  }
472  // ___________________________________________________________________________
473  // Output
475  track.set_rank(rank);
476  track.set_mode(mode);
477  track.set_mode_inv(mode_inv);
478  track.set_phi_fp(phi_fp);
479  track.set_theta_fp(theta_fp);
480  track.set_PtLUT(ptlut_data);
482  track.set_phi_loc(emtf::calc_phi_loc_deg(phi_fp));
483  track.set_phi_glob(emtf::calc_phi_glob_deg(track.Phi_loc(), track.Sector()));
484  track.set_theta(emtf::calc_theta_deg_from_int(theta_fp));
485  track.set_eta(emtf::calc_eta_from_theta_deg(track.Theta(), track.Endcap()));
487  // Only keep the best segments
488  track.clear_Hits();
490  EMTFHitCollection tmp_hits = track.Hits();
491  flatten_container(st_conv_hits, tmp_hits);
492  track.set_Hits(tmp_hits);
493 }
496  const int delayBX = bxWindow_ - 1;
497  if (not(delayBX >= 0)) {
498  edm::LogError("L1T") << "delayBX = " << delayBX;
499  return;
500  }
501  std::vector<int> counter(delayBX + 1, 0);
503  for (const auto& conv_hit : track.Hits()) {
504  for (int i = delayBX; i >= 0; i--) {
505  if (conv_hit.BX() <= bx_ - i)
506 += 1; // Count stubs delayed by i BX or more
507  }
508  }
510  int first_bx = bx_ - delayBX;
511  int second_bx = 99;
512  for (int i = delayBX; i >= 0; i--) {
513  if ( >= 2) { // If 2 or more stubs are delayed by i BX or more
514  second_bx = bx_ - i; // if i == delayBX, analyze immediately
515  break;
516  }
517  }
518  if (not(second_bx != 99)) {
519  edm::LogError("L1T") << "second_bx = " << second_bx;
520  return;
521  }
523  // ___________________________________________________________________________
524  // Output
526  track.set_first_bx(first_bx);
527  track.set_second_bx(second_bx);
528 }
531  // Erase tracks with rank == 0
532  // using erase-remove idiom
533  struct {
534  typedef EMTFTrack value_type;
535  bool operator()(const value_type& x) const { return (x.Rank() == 0); }
536  } rank_zero_pred;
538  // Erase two-station tracks with hits in different BX
539  struct {
540  typedef EMTFTrack value_type;
541  bool operator()(const value_type& x) const {
542  return (x.NumHits() == 2 && x.Hits().at(0).BX() != x.Hits().at(1).BX());
543  }
544  } two_station_mistime;
546  tracks.erase(std::remove_if(tracks.begin(), tracks.end(), rank_zero_pred), tracks.end());
548  if (twoStationSameBX_) { // Modified at the beginning of 2018
549  tracks.erase(std::remove_if(tracks.begin(), tracks.end(), two_station_mistime), tracks.end());
550  }
552  for (const auto& track : tracks) {
553  if (not(!track.Hits().empty())) {
554  edm::LogError("L1T") << "track.Hits().empty() = " << track.Hits().empty();
555  return;
556  }
557  if (not(track.Hits().size() <= emtf::NUM_STATIONS)) {
558  edm::LogError("L1T") << "track.Hits().size() = " << track.Hits().size()
559  << ", emtf::NUM_STATIONS= " << emtf::NUM_STATIONS;
560  return;
561  }
562  }
563 }
void set_mode(int bits)
Definition: EMTFTrack.h:121
void clear_Hits()
Definition: EMTFTrack.h:77
static char to_hex(unsigned int i)
float Theta() const
Definition: EMTFTrack.h:168
l1t::EMTFTrackCollection EMTFTrackCollection
Definition: Common.h:29
void calculate_bx(EMTFTrack &track) const
void set_second_bx(int bits)
Definition: EMTFTrack.h:128
Definition: Common.h:72
uint16_t bt_si[5]
Definition: EMTFTrack.h:31
uint16_t bt_ci[5]
Definition: EMTFTrack.h:30
uint16_t sign_ph[6]
Definition: EMTFTrack.h:24
int Endcap() const
Definition: EMTFTrack.h:148
void set_phi_fp(int bits)
Definition: EMTFTrack.h:137
void process(emtf::zone_array< EMTFTrackCollection > &zone_tracks) const
void set_first_bx(int bits)
Definition: EMTFTrack.h:127
Definition: Common.h:67
int Sector() const
Definition: EMTFTrack.h:149
uint16_t bt_vi[5]
Definition: EMTFTrack.h:28
Geom::Theta< T > theta() const
double calc_phi_loc_deg(int bits)
Definition: TrackTools.h:165
l1t::EMTFHitCollection EMTFHitCollection
Definition: Common.h:25
void calculate_angles(EMTFTrack &track, const int izone) const
uint16_t delta_ph[6]
Definition: EMTFTrack.h:22
void set_PtLUT(EMTFPtLUT bits)
Definition: EMTFTrack.h:115
uint16_t delta_th[6]
Definition: EMTFTrack.h:23
double calc_theta_deg_from_int(int theta_int)
Definition: TrackTools.h:117
static int verbose
void configure(int verbose, int endcap, int sector, int bx, int bxWindow, int thetaWindow, int thetaWindowZone0, bool bugME11Dupes, bool bugAmbigThetaWin, bool twoStationSameBX)
std::array< T, NUM_ZONES > zone_array
Definition: Common.h:78
Abs< T >::type abs(const T &t)
Definition: Abs.h:22
uint16_t cpattern[4]
Definition: EMTFTrack.h:26
Definition: Common.h:71
double calc_phi_glob_deg(double loc, int sector)
Definition: TrackTools.h:155
uint16_t fr[4]
Definition: EMTFTrack.h:27
void set_rank(int bits)
Definition: EMTFTrack.h:123
void set_theta_fp(int bits)
Definition: EMTFTrack.h:134
void set_eta(float val)
Definition: EMTFTrack.h:136
EMTFHitCollection Hits() const
Definition: EMTFTrack.h:107
float Phi_loc() const
Definition: EMTFTrack.h:171
void set_theta(float val)
Definition: EMTFTrack.h:135
uint16_t sign_th[6]
Definition: EMTFTrack.h:25
uint16_t st1_ring2
Definition: EMTFTrack.h:20
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:118
double calc_eta_from_theta_deg(double theta_deg, int endcap)
Definition: TrackTools.h:102
double a
Definition: hdecay.h:119
static std::atomic< unsigned int > counter
void set_Hits(const EMTFHitCollection &hits)
Definition: EMTFTrack.h:96
void set_phi_loc(float val)
Definition: EMTFTrack.h:138
void set_phi_glob(float val)
Definition: EMTFTrack.h:139
uint16_t bt_hi[5]
Definition: EMTFTrack.h:29
void set_mode_inv(int bits)
Definition: EMTFTrack.h:122
int Rank() const
Definition: EMTFTrack.h:156
void erase_tracks(EMTFTrackCollection &tracks) const