Go to the documentation of this file.
1 #include <memory>
2 #include <cctype>
4 #include "CLHEP/Random/DRand48Engine.h"
5 #include "CLHEP/Random/RandGauss.h"
6 #include "CLHEP/Random/Randomize.h"
20 //__________________________________________________________________________________________________
22  : distribution_(""),
23  random_(false),
24  gaussian_(false),
25  setError_(false),
26  setRotations_(false),
27  setTranslations_(false),
28  seed_(0),
29  scaleError_(0.),
30  scale_(0.),
31  phiX_(0.),
32  phiY_(0.),
33  phiZ_(0.),
34  phiXlocal_(0.),
35  phiYlocal_(0.),
36  phiZlocal_(0.),
37  dX_(0.),
38  dY_(0.),
39  dZ_(0.),
40  dXlocal_(0.),
41  dYlocal_(0.),
42  dZlocal_(0.),
43  twist_(0.),
44  shear_(0.) {
45  theDRand48Engine = new CLHEP::DRand48Engine();
46 }
48 //__________________________________________________________________________________________________
51 //__________________________________________________________________________________________________
53  // Initialize all known parameters (according to ORCA's
54  distribution_ = ""; // Switch for distributions ("fixed","flat","gaussian")
55  setError_ = false; // Apply alignment errors
56  setRotations_ = true; // Apply rotations
57  setTranslations_ = true; // Apply translations
58  scale_ = 1.; // Scale to apply to all movements
59  scaleError_ = 1.; // Scale to apply to alignment errors
60  phiX_ = 0.; // Rotation angle around X [rad]
61  phiY_ = 0.; // Rotation angle around Y [rad]
62  phiZ_ = 0.; // Rotation angle around Z [rad]
63  phiXlocal_ = 0.; // Local rotation angle around X [rad]
64  phiYlocal_ = 0.; // Local rotation angle around Y [rad]
65  phiZlocal_ = 0.; // Local rotation angle around Z [rad]
66  dX_ = 0.; // X displacement [cm]
67  dY_ = 0.; // Y displacement [cm]
68  dZ_ = 0.; // Z displacement [cm]
69  dXlocal_ = 0.; // Local X displacement [cm]
70  dYlocal_ = 0.; // Local Y displacement [cm]
71  dZlocal_ = 0.; // Local Z displacement [cm]
72  deformation_.first.clear(); // SurfaceDeformation: type
73  deformation_.second.clear(); //SurfaceDeformation: parameter vector
74  twist_ = 0.; // Twist angle [rad]
75  shear_ = 0.; // Shear angle [rad]
77  // These are set through 'distribution'
78  random_ = true; // Use random distributions
79  gaussian_ = true; // Use gaussian distribution (otherwise flat)
80 }
82 //__________________________________________________________________________________________________
83 // Return true if given parameter name should be propagated down
84 bool AlignableModifier::isPropagated(const std::string& parameterName) const {
85  if (parameterName == "distribution" || parameterName == "setError" || parameterName == "scaleError" ||
86  parameterName == "setRotations" || parameterName == "setTranslations" || parameterName == "scale")
87  return true;
89  return false;
90 }
92 //__________________________________________________________________________________________________
94 bool AlignableModifier::modify(Alignable* alignable, const edm::ParameterSet& pSet) {
95  // Initialize parameters
96  this->init_();
97  int rotX_ = 0, rotY_ = 0, rotZ_ = 0; // To check correct backward compatibility
99  // Reset counter
100  m_modified = 0;
102  // Retrieve parameters
103  std::ostringstream error;
104  std::vector<std::string> parameterNames = pSet.getParameterNames();
105  for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator iParam = parameterNames.begin(); iParam != parameterNames.end(); ++iParam) {
106  if ((*iParam) == "distribution")
107  distribution_ = pSet.getParameter<std::string>(*iParam);
108  else if ((*iParam) == "setError")
109  setError_ = pSet.getParameter<bool>(*iParam);
110  else if ((*iParam) == "setRotations")
111  setRotations_ = pSet.getParameter<bool>(*iParam);
112  else if ((*iParam) == "setTranslations")
113  setTranslations_ = pSet.getParameter<bool>(*iParam);
114  else if ((*iParam) == "scale")
115  scale_ = pSet.getParameter<double>(*iParam);
116  else if ((*iParam) == "scaleError")
117  scaleError_ = pSet.getParameter<double>(*iParam);
118  else if ((*iParam) == "phiX")
119  phiX_ = pSet.getParameter<double>(*iParam);
120  else if ((*iParam) == "phiY")
121  phiY_ = pSet.getParameter<double>(*iParam);
122  else if ((*iParam) == "phiZ")
123  phiZ_ = pSet.getParameter<double>(*iParam);
124  else if ((*iParam) == "dX")
125  dX_ = pSet.getParameter<double>(*iParam);
126  else if ((*iParam) == "dY")
127  dY_ = pSet.getParameter<double>(*iParam);
128  else if ((*iParam) == "dZ")
129  dZ_ = pSet.getParameter<double>(*iParam);
130  else if ((*iParam) == "dXlocal")
131  dXlocal_ = pSet.getParameter<double>(*iParam);
132  else if ((*iParam) == "dYlocal")
133  dYlocal_ = pSet.getParameter<double>(*iParam);
134  else if ((*iParam) == "dZlocal")
135  dZlocal_ = pSet.getParameter<double>(*iParam);
136  else if ((*iParam) == "twist")
137  twist_ = pSet.getParameter<double>(*iParam);
138  else if ((*iParam) == "shear")
139  shear_ = pSet.getParameter<double>(*iParam);
140  else if ((*iParam) == "localX") {
141  phiXlocal_ = pSet.getParameter<double>(*iParam);
142  rotX_++;
143  } else if ((*iParam) == "localY") {
144  phiYlocal_ = pSet.getParameter<double>(*iParam);
145  rotY_++;
146  } else if ((*iParam) == "localZ") {
147  phiZlocal_ = pSet.getParameter<double>(*iParam);
148  rotZ_++;
149  } else if ((*iParam) == "phiXlocal") {
150  phiXlocal_ = pSet.getParameter<double>(*iParam);
151  rotX_++;
152  } else if ((*iParam) == "phiYlocal") {
153  phiYlocal_ = pSet.getParameter<double>(*iParam);
154  rotY_++;
155  } else if ((*iParam) == "phiZlocal") {
156  phiZlocal_ = pSet.getParameter<double>(*iParam);
157  rotZ_++;
158  } else if ((*iParam) == "deformation") {
159  const edm::ParameterSet deform(pSet.getParameter<edm::ParameterSet>(*iParam));
160  deformation_.first = deform.getParameter<std::string>("type");
161  deformation_.second = deform.getParameter<std::vector<double> >("parameters");
162  } else if (pSet.existsAs<edm::ParameterSet>(*iParam)) {
163  // Other PSets than 'deformation' must refer to hierarchy structures, i.e. their name
164  // is a level name followed by 's' or ending with a digit (see
165  // MisalignmentScenarioBuilder::getParameterSet_). Pitfall is to forget the trailing 's'!
166  // 'Muon' is an especially allowed case used in MuonScenarioBuilder::moveMuon(..),
167  // also check that we do not have any mistyping like 'deformations' or 'deformation2'
168  const auto lastCharacter = (iParam->empty() ? '_' : (*iParam)[iParam->size() - 1]);
169  if ((lastCharacter != 's' && !isdigit(lastCharacter) && (*iParam) != "Muon") ||
170  iParam->find("deformation") != std::string::npos) {
171  throw cms::Exception("BadConfig") << "@SUB=AlignableModifier::modify(..):\n"
172  << "I see parameter '" << *iParam << "' of type PSet, "
173  << "but expect either 'deformation' or a level name "
174  << "with 's' or a digit at the end.\n";
175  } // other PSets should now be hierarchy levels and thus be OK to ignore here
176  } else {
177  if (!error.str().length())
178  error << "Unknown parameter name(s): ";
179  error << " " << *iParam;
180  }
181  }
183  // Check if both 'localN' and 'phiNlocal' have been used
184  if (rotX_ == 2)
185  throw cms::Exception("BadConfig") << "Found both localX and phiXlocal";
186  if (rotY_ == 2)
187  throw cms::Exception("BadConfig") << "Found both localY and phiYlocal";
188  if (rotZ_ == 2)
189  throw cms::Exception("BadConfig") << "Found both localZ and phiZlocal";
191  // Check error
192  if (error.str().length())
193  throw cms::Exception("BadConfig") << error.str();
195  // Decode distribution
198  //if (scale_) { NO! Different random sequence if only parts scale to zero!
200  // Apply displacements
202  this->moveAlignable(alignable, random_, gaussian_, scale_ * dX_, scale_ * dY_, scale_ * dZ_);
204  // Apply local displacements
208  // Apply rotations
210  this->rotateAlignable(alignable, random_, gaussian_, scale_ * phiX_, scale_ * phiY_, scale_ * phiZ_);
212  // Apply local rotations
214  this->rotateAlignableLocal(
217  // Apply twist
218  if (std::abs(twist_) > 0)
219  edm::LogError("NotImplemented") << "Twist is not implemented yet";
221  // Apply shear
222  if (std::abs(shear_) > 0)
223  edm::LogError("NotImplemented") << "Shear is not implemented yet";
225  if (!deformation_.first.empty()) {
226  this->addDeformation(alignable, deformation_, random_, gaussian_, scale_);
227  }
229  // Apply error - first add scale_ to error
230  scaleError_ *= scale_;
231  if (setError_ && scaleError_) {
232  // Alignment Position Error for flat distribution: 1 sigma
233  if (!gaussian_)
234  scaleError_ *= 0.68;
236  // Error on displacement
237  if (std::abs(dX_) + std::abs(dY_) + std::abs(dZ_) > 0 && setTranslations_)
238  this->addAlignmentPositionError(alignable, scaleError_ * dX_, scaleError_ * dY_, scaleError_ * dZ_);
240  // Error on local displacements
241  if (std::abs(dXlocal_) + std::abs(dYlocal_) + std::abs(dZlocal_) > 0 && setTranslations_)
243  alignable, scaleError_ * dXlocal_, scaleError_ * dYlocal_, scaleError_ * dZlocal_);
245  // Error on rotations
246  if (std::abs(phiX_) + std::abs(phiY_) + std::abs(phiZ_) > 0 && setRotations_)
248  alignable, scaleError_ * phiX_, scaleError_ * phiY_, scaleError_ * phiZ_);
250  // Error on local rotations
251  if (std::abs(phiXlocal_) + std::abs(phiYlocal_) + std::abs(phiZlocal_) > 0 && setRotations_)
253  alignable, scaleError_ * phiXlocal_, scaleError_ * phiYlocal_, scaleError_ * phiZlocal_);
254  // Do we need to add any APE for deformations?
255  // Probably we would do so if there wouldn't be data, but only MC to play with... ;-)
256  }
257  // } // end if (scale_)
259  return (m_modified > 0);
260 }
262 //__________________________________________________________________________________________________
264  if (distr == "fixed")
265  random_ = false;
266  else if (distr == "flat") {
267  random_ = true;
268  gaussian_ = false;
269  } else if (distr == "gaussian") {
270  random_ = true;
271  gaussian_ = true;
272  }
273 }
275 //__________________________________________________________________________________________________
278  long m_seed;
280  if (seed > 0)
281  m_seed = seed;
282  else {
284  m_seed = rng->mySeed();
285  }
287  LogDebug("PrintArgs") << "Setting generator seed to " << m_seed;
289  theDRand48Engine->setSeed(m_seed);
290 }
292 //__________________________________________________________________________________________________
296  Alignable* alignable, bool random, bool gaussian, float sigmaX, float sigmaY, float sigmaZ) {
297  std::ostringstream message;
299  // Get movement vector according to arguments
300  GlobalVector moveV(sigmaX, sigmaY, sigmaZ); // Default: fixed
301  if (random) {
302  std::vector<float> randomNumbers;
303  message << "random ";
304  if (gaussian) {
305  randomNumbers = this->gaussianRandomVector(sigmaX, sigmaY, sigmaZ);
306  message << "gaussian ";
307  } else {
308  randomNumbers = this->flatRandomVector(sigmaX, sigmaY, sigmaZ);
309  message << "flat ";
310  }
311  moveV = GlobalVector(randomNumbers[0], randomNumbers[1], randomNumbers[2]);
312  }
314  message << " move with sigma " << sigmaX << " " << sigmaY << " " << sigmaZ;
316  LogDebug("PrintArgs") << message.str(); // Arguments
318  LogDebug("PrintMovement") << "applied displacement: " << moveV; // Actual movements
319  alignable->move(moveV);
320  m_modified++;
321 }
323 //__________________________________________________________________________________________________
327  Alignable* alignable, bool random, bool gaussian, float sigmaX, float sigmaY, float sigmaZ) {
328  std::ostringstream message;
330  // Get movement vector according to arguments
331  align::LocalVector moveV(sigmaX, sigmaY, sigmaZ); // Default: fixed
332  if (random) {
333  std::vector<float> randomNumbers;
334  message << "random ";
335  if (gaussian) {
336  randomNumbers = this->gaussianRandomVector(sigmaX, sigmaY, sigmaZ);
337  message << "gaussian ";
338  } else {
339  randomNumbers = this->flatRandomVector(sigmaX, sigmaY, sigmaZ);
340  message << "flat ";
341  }
342  moveV = align::LocalVector(randomNumbers[0], randomNumbers[1], randomNumbers[2]);
343  }
345  message << " move with sigma " << sigmaX << " " << sigmaY << " " << sigmaZ;
347  LogDebug("PrintArgs") << message.str(); // Arguments
349  LogDebug("PrintMovement") << "applied local displacement: " << moveV; // Actual movements
350  alignable->move(alignable->surface().toGlobal(moveV));
351  m_modified++;
352 }
354 //__________________________________________________________________________________________________
356  const AlignableModifier::DeformationMemberType& deformation,
357  bool random,
358  bool gaussian,
359  double scale) {
360  const SurfaceDeformationFactory::Type deformType =
363  // Scale and randomize
364  // (need a little hack since ySplit must not be treated)!
365  const bool rndNotLast = (deformType == SurfaceDeformationFactory::kTwoBowedSurfaces);
366  std::vector<double> rndDeformation(deformation.second.begin(), deformation.second.end() - (rndNotLast ? 1 : 0));
367  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < rndDeformation.size(); ++i) {
368  rndDeformation[i] *= scale;
369  }
370  if (random) {
371  this->randomise(rndDeformation, gaussian);
372  }
373  if (rndNotLast) { // put back ySplit at the end
374  rndDeformation.push_back(deformation.second.back());
375  }
377  // auto_ptr has exception safe delete (in contrast to bare pointer)
378  const std::unique_ptr<SurfaceDeformation> surfDef(SurfaceDeformationFactory::create(deformType, rndDeformation));
380  alignable->addSurfaceDeformation(surfDef.get(), true); // true to propagate down
381  ++m_modified;
382 }
384 //__________________________________________________________________________________________________
388  Alignable* alignable, bool random, bool gaussian, float sigmaPhiX, float sigmaPhiY, float sigmaPhiZ) {
389  std::ostringstream message;
391  // Get rotation vector according to arguments
392  GlobalVector rotV(sigmaPhiX, sigmaPhiY, sigmaPhiZ); // Default: fixed
393  if (random) {
394  std::vector<float> randomNumbers;
395  message << "random ";
396  if (gaussian) {
397  randomNumbers = this->gaussianRandomVector(sigmaPhiX, sigmaPhiY, sigmaPhiZ);
398  message << "gaussian ";
399  } else {
400  randomNumbers = flatRandomVector(sigmaPhiX, sigmaPhiY, sigmaPhiZ);
401  message << "flat ";
402  }
403  rotV = GlobalVector(randomNumbers[0], randomNumbers[1], randomNumbers[2]);
404  }
406  message << "global rotation by angles " << sigmaPhiX << " " << sigmaPhiY << " " << sigmaPhiZ;
408  LogDebug("PrintArgs") << message.str(); // Arguments
410  LogDebug("PrintMovement") << "applied rotation angles: " << rotV; // Actual movements
411  if (std::abs(sigmaPhiX))
412  alignable->rotateAroundGlobalX(rotV.x());
413  if (std::abs(sigmaPhiY))
414  alignable->rotateAroundGlobalY(rotV.y());
415  if (std::abs(sigmaPhiZ))
416  alignable->rotateAroundGlobalZ(rotV.z());
417  m_modified++;
418 }
420 //__________________________________________________________________________________________________
424  Alignable* alignable, bool random, bool gaussian, float sigmaPhiX, float sigmaPhiY, float sigmaPhiZ) {
425  std::ostringstream message;
427  // Get rotation vector according to arguments
428  align::LocalVector rotV(sigmaPhiX, sigmaPhiY, sigmaPhiZ); // Default: fixed
429  if (random) {
430  std::vector<float> randomNumbers;
431  message << "random ";
432  if (gaussian) {
433  randomNumbers = this->gaussianRandomVector(sigmaPhiX, sigmaPhiY, sigmaPhiZ);
434  message << "gaussian ";
435  } else {
436  randomNumbers = flatRandomVector(sigmaPhiX, sigmaPhiY, sigmaPhiZ);
437  message << "flat ";
438  }
439  rotV = align::LocalVector(randomNumbers[0], randomNumbers[1], randomNumbers[2]);
440  }
442  message << "local rotation by angles " << sigmaPhiX << " " << sigmaPhiY << " " << sigmaPhiZ;
444  LogDebug("PrintArgs") << message.str(); // Arguments
446  LogDebug("PrintMovement") << "applied local rotation angles: " << rotV; // Actual movements
447  if (std::abs(sigmaPhiX))
448  alignable->rotateAroundLocalX(rotV.x());
449  if (std::abs(sigmaPhiY))
450  alignable->rotateAroundLocalY(rotV.y());
451  if (std::abs(sigmaPhiZ))
452  alignable->rotateAroundLocalZ(rotV.z());
453  m_modified++;
454 }
456 //__________________________________________________________________________________________________
457 const std::vector<float> AlignableModifier::gaussianRandomVector(float sigmaX, float sigmaY, float sigmaZ) const {
458  // Get absolute value if negative arguments
459  if (sigmaX < 0) {
460  edm::LogWarning("BadConfig") << " taking absolute value for gaussian sigma_x";
461  sigmaX = std::abs(sigmaX);
462  }
463  if (sigmaY < 0) {
464  edm::LogWarning("BadConfig") << " taking absolute value for gaussian sigma_y";
465  sigmaY = std::abs(sigmaY);
466  }
467  if (sigmaZ < 0) {
468  edm::LogWarning("BadConfig") << " taking absolute value for gaussian sigma_z";
469  sigmaZ = std::abs(sigmaZ);
470  }
472  // Pass by reference, otherwise pointer is deleted!
473  CLHEP::RandGauss aGaussObjX(*theDRand48Engine, 0., sigmaX);
474  CLHEP::RandGauss aGaussObjY(*theDRand48Engine, 0., sigmaY);
475  CLHEP::RandGauss aGaussObjZ(*theDRand48Engine, 0., sigmaZ);
477  std::vector<float> randomVector;
478  randomVector.push_back(;
479  randomVector.push_back(;
480  randomVector.push_back(;
482  return randomVector;
483 }
485 //__________________________________________________________________________________________________
486 const std::vector<float> AlignableModifier::flatRandomVector(float sigmaX, float sigmaY, float sigmaZ) const {
487  // Get absolute value if negative arguments
488  if (sigmaX < 0) {
489  edm::LogWarning("BadConfig") << " taking absolute value for flat sigma_x";
490  sigmaX = std::abs(sigmaX);
491  }
492  if (sigmaY < 0) {
493  edm::LogWarning("BadConfig") << " taking absolute value for flat sigma_y";
494  sigmaY = std::abs(sigmaY);
495  }
496  if (sigmaZ < 0) {
497  edm::LogWarning("BadConfig") << " taking absolute value for flat sigma_z";
498  sigmaZ = std::abs(sigmaZ);
499  }
501  CLHEP::RandFlat aFlatObjX(*theDRand48Engine, -sigmaX, sigmaX);
502  CLHEP::RandFlat aFlatObjY(*theDRand48Engine, -sigmaY, sigmaY);
503  CLHEP::RandFlat aFlatObjZ(*theDRand48Engine, -sigmaZ, sigmaZ);
505  std::vector<float> randomVector;
506  randomVector.push_back(;
507  randomVector.push_back(;
508  randomVector.push_back(;
510  return randomVector;
511 }
513 //__________________________________________________________________________________________________
514 void AlignableModifier::randomise(std::vector<double>& rnd, bool gaussian) const {
515  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < rnd.size(); ++i) {
516  if (rnd[i] < 0.) {
517  edm::LogWarning("BadConfig") << " taking absolute value to randomise " << i;
518  rnd[i] = std::abs(rnd[i]);
519  }
521  if (gaussian) {
522  CLHEP::RandGauss aGaussObj(*theDRand48Engine, 0., rnd[i]);
523  rnd[i] =;
524  } else {
525  CLHEP::RandFlat aFlatObj(*theDRand48Engine, -rnd[i], rnd[i]);
526  rnd[i] =;
527  }
528  }
529 }
531 //__________________________________________________________________________________________________
532 void AlignableModifier::addAlignmentPositionError(Alignable* alignable, float dx, float dy, float dz) {
533  LogDebug("PrintArgs") << "Adding an AlignmentPositionError of size " << dx << " " << dy << " " << dz;
535  AlignmentPositionError ape(dx, dy, dz);
536  alignable->addAlignmentPositionError(ape, true);
537 }
539 //__________________________________________________________________________________________________
540 void AlignableModifier::addAlignmentPositionErrorLocal(Alignable* alignable, float dx, float dy, float dz) {
541  LogDebug("PrintArgs") << "Adding a local AlignmentPositionError of size " << dx << " " << dy << " " << dz;
543  AlgebraicSymMatrix as(3, 0); //3x3, zeroed
544  as[0][0] = dx * dx;
545  as[1][1] = dy * dy;
546  as[2][2] = dz * dz; //diagonals
547  align::RotationType rt = alignable->globalRotation(); //get rotation
548  AlgebraicMatrix am(3, 3);
549  am[0][0] = rt.xx();
550  am[0][1] = rt.xy();
551  am[0][2] = rt.xz();
552  am[1][0] = rt.yx();
553  am[1][1] = rt.yy();
554  am[1][2] = rt.yz();
555  am[2][0] = rt.zx();
556  am[2][1] = rt.zy();
557  am[2][2] = rt.zz();
558  as = as.similarityT(am); //rotate error matrix
560  GlobalError ge(asSMatrix<3>(as));
561  GlobalErrorExtended gee(ge.cxx(),
562  ge.cyx(),
563  ge.czx(),
564  0.,
565  0.,
566  0.,
567  ge.cyy(),
568  ge.czy(),
569  0.,
570  0.,
571  0.,
572  ge.czz(),
573  0.,
574  0.,
575  0.,
576  0.,
577  0.,
578  0.,
579  0.,
580  0.,
581  0.);
582  AlignmentPositionError ape(gee);
584  alignable->addAlignmentPositionError(ape, true); // propagate down to components
585 }
587 //__________________________________________________________________________________________________
588 void AlignableModifier::addAlignmentPositionErrorFromRotation(Alignable* alignable, float phiX, float phiY, float phiZ) {
589  align::RotationType rotx(Basic3DVector<float>(1.0, 0.0, 0.0), phiX);
590  align::RotationType roty(Basic3DVector<float>(0.0, 1.0, 0.0), phiY);
591  align::RotationType rotz(Basic3DVector<float>(0.0, 0.0, 1.0), phiZ);
592  align::RotationType rot = rotz * roty * rotx;
594  this->addAlignmentPositionErrorFromRotation(alignable, rot);
595 }
597 //__________________________________________________________________________________________________
599  float phiX,
600  float phiY,
601  float phiZ) {
602  align::RotationType rotx(Basic3DVector<float>(1.0, 0.0, 0.0), phiX);
603  align::RotationType roty(Basic3DVector<float>(0.0, 1.0, 0.0), phiY);
604  align::RotationType rotz(Basic3DVector<float>(0.0, 0.0, 1.0), phiZ);
605  align::RotationType rot = rotz * roty * rotx;
607  this->addAlignmentPositionErrorFromLocalRotation(alignable, rot);
608 }
610 //__________________________________________________________________________________________________
612  LogDebug("PrintArgs") << "Adding an AlignmentPositionError from Rotation" << std::endl << rotation;
614  alignable->addAlignmentPositionErrorFromRotation(rotation, true); // propagate down to components
615 }
617 //__________________________________________________________________________________________________
620  LogDebug("PrintArgs") << "Adding an AlignmentPositionError from Local Rotation" << std::endl << rotation;
622  // true: propagate down to components
623  alignable->addAlignmentPositionErrorFromLocalRotation(rotation, true);
624 }
#define LogDebug(id)
T xx() const
T getParameter(std::string const &) const
void addAlignmentPositionErrorFromLocalRotation(Alignable *alignable, float phiX, float phiY, float phiZ)
Add alignment position error resulting from rotation in local frame.
void rotateAlignableLocal(Alignable *alignable, bool random, bool gaussian, float sigmaPhiX, float sigmaPhiY, float sigmaPhiZ)
Rotate alignable in local space according to parameters.
bool existsAs(std::string const &parameterName, bool trackiness=true) const
checks if a parameter exists as a given type
Definition: ParameterSet.h:160
virtual void rotateAroundLocalZ(Scalar radians)
Rotation around local z-axis.
void setSeed(long seed)
Resets the generator seed according to the argument.
virtual void addAlignmentPositionErrorFromRotation(const RotationType &rotation, bool propagateDown)=0
void addAlignmentPositionError(Alignable *alignable, float dx, float dy, float dz)
Add the AlignmentPositionError (in global frame) to Alignable.
const std::vector< float > gaussianRandomVector(float sigmaX, float sigmaY, float sigmaZ) const
Return a vector of random numbers (gaussian distribution)
T y() const
Definition: PV3DBase.h:60
T yx() const
void init_()
Initialisation of all parameters.
const RotationType & globalRotation() const
Return the global orientation of the object.
Definition: Alignable.h:138
virtual void move(const GlobalVector &displacement)=0
Movement with respect to the global reference frame.
virtual void addAlignmentPositionError(const AlignmentPositionError &ape, bool propagateDown)=0
void addAlignmentPositionErrorLocal(Alignable *alignable, float dx, float dy, float dz)
Add the AlignmentPositionError (in local frame) to Alignable.
std::string distribution_
void addDeformation(Alignable *alignable, const DeformationMemberType &deformation, bool random, bool gaussian, double scale)
virtual void rotateAroundGlobalZ(Scalar radians)
Rotation around global z-axis.
T zx() const
T xy() const
virtual void addAlignmentPositionErrorFromLocalRotation(const RotationType &rotation, bool propagateDown)=0
void moveAlignable(Alignable *alignable, bool random, bool gaussian, float sigmaX, float sigmaY, float sigmaZ)
Move alignable in global space according to parameters.
T zz() const
CLHEP::HepMatrix AlgebraicMatrix
virtual void addSurfaceDeformation(const SurfaceDeformation *deformation, bool propagateDown)=0
void setDistribution(const std::string &distr)
Decodes string and sets distribution accordingly (&#39;fixed&#39;, &#39;flat&#39; or &#39;gaussian&#39;). ...
T z() const
Definition: PV3DBase.h:61
T zy() const
Abs< T >::type abs(const T &t)
Definition: Abs.h:22
CLHEP::DRand48Engine * theDRand48Engine
Unique random number generator.
std::vector< std::string > getParameterNames() const
const std::vector< float > flatRandomVector(float sigmaX, float sigmaY, float sigmaZ) const
Return a vector of random numbers (flat distribution)
T yy() const
void randomise(std::vector< double > &rnd, bool gaussian) const
virtual std::uint32_t mySeed() const =0
Vector3DBase< Scalar, LocalTag > LocalVector
Definition: Definitions.h:32
const AlignableSurface & surface() const
Return the Surface (global position and orientation) of the object.
Definition: Alignable.h:132
DeformationMemberType deformation_
void rotateAlignable(Alignable *alignable, bool random, bool gaussian, float sigmaPhiX, float sigmaPhiY, float sigmaPhiZ)
Rotate alignable in global space according to parameters.
virtual void rotateAroundGlobalX(Scalar radians)
Rotation around global x-axis.
bool modify(Alignable *alignable, const edm::ParameterSet &pSet)
Modify given set of alignables according to parameters.
void addAlignmentPositionErrorFromRotation(Alignable *alignable, float phiX, float phiY, float phiZ)
Add alignment position error resulting from rotation in global frame.
virtual void rotateAroundLocalY(Scalar radians)
Rotation around local y-axis.
virtual void rotateAroundGlobalY(Scalar radians)
Rotation around global y-axis.
T xz() const
virtual void rotateAroundLocalX(Scalar radians)
Rotation around local x-axis.
align::GlobalPoints toGlobal(const align::LocalPoints &) const
Return in global coord given a set of local points.
CLHEP::HepSymMatrix AlgebraicSymMatrix
bool isPropagated(const std::string &parameterName) const
Check if given parameter should be propagated.
void moveAlignableLocal(Alignable *alignable, bool random, bool gaussian, float sigmaX, float sigmaY, float sigmaZ)
Move alignable in local space according to parameters.
std::pair< std::string, std::vector< double > > DeformationMemberType
T x() const
Definition: PV3DBase.h:59
Type surfaceDeformationType(const std::string &typeString)
convert string to &#39;Type&#39; - exception if string is not known
SurfaceDeformation * create(int type, const std::vector< double > &params)
T yz() const
Global3DVector GlobalVector
Definition: GlobalVector.h:10