34 : m_jetRanksOutFileName(iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<
35 m_hfSumLutOutFileName(iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<
36 m_htMissLutOutFileName(
37 iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<
44 nextLut->setEtaBin(
68 <<
" already exists. It will not be overwritten." << std::endl;
75 file <<
" Gct lookup table printout \n" 76 <<
"===========================\n\n" 77 <<
"Jet Et Calibration lut contents\n" 84 <<
". No lookup tables written." << std::endl;
91 <<
" already exists. It will not be overwritten." << std::endl;
98 file <<
"\n\n Hf ring jet bit count luts:" << std::endl;
99 file <<
"\n Positive eta, ring1" << std::endl;
102 file <<
"\n Positive eta, ring2" << std::endl;
105 file <<
"\n Negative eta, ring1" << std::endl;
108 file <<
"\n Negative eta, ring2" << std::endl;
111 file <<
"\n\n Hf Et sum luts:" << std::endl;
112 file <<
"\n Positive eta, ring1" << std::endl;
115 file <<
"\n Positive eta, ring2" << std::endl;
118 file <<
"\n Negative eta, ring1" << std::endl;
121 file <<
"\n Negative eta, ring2" << std::endl;
126 <<
". No lookup tables written." << std::endl;
133 <<
" already exists. It will not be overwritten." << std::endl;
140 file <<
"\n\n missing Ht lut:" << std::endl;
144 <<
". No lookup tables written." << std::endl;
172 if (jfPars.
product() ==
nullptr) {
175 <<
"Failed to find a L1GctJetFinderParamsRcd:L1GctJetFinderParams in EventSetup!" << std::endl;
178 if (hfRingEtScale.
product() ==
nullptr) {
181 <<
"Failed to find a L1HfRingEtScaleRcd:L1CaloEtScale in EventSetup!" << std::endl;
184 if (htMissScale.
product() ==
nullptr) {
187 <<
"Failed to find a L1HtMissScaleRcd:L1CaloEtScale in EventSetup!" << std::endl;
213 edm::LogError(
"L1GctConfigError") <<
"Configuration failed - GCT emulator will not be run" << std::endl;
lutPtrVector m_jetEtCalibLuts
void setJetFinderParams(const L1GctJetFinderParams *const jfpars)
L1GctPrintLuts(const edm::ParameterSet &)
Bit-level emulation of the Global Calorimeter Trigger.
const L1GctHfBitCountsLut * getBCLut(const L1GctHfEtSumsLut::hfLutType type) const
Get lut pointers.
#define DEFINE_FWK_MODULE(type)
void setHtMissScale(const L1CaloEtScale *const scale)
setup scale for missing Ht
L1GlobalCaloTrigger::lutPtr lutPtr
void analyze(const edm::Event &, const edm::EventSetup &) override
L1GctGlobalHfSumAlgos * getHfSumProcessor() const
provide access to hf sum processor
std::string m_hfSumLutOutFileName
int configureGct(const edm::EventSetup &c)
void setupHfSumLuts(const L1CaloEtScale *const scale)
setup Hf sum LUTs
static const unsigned int COL_OFFSET
The index offset between columns.
L1GctGlobalEnergyAlgos * getEnergyFinalStage() const
get the energy final stage
const L1GctHfEtSumsLut * getESLut(const L1GctHfEtSumsLut::hfLutType type) const
void setJetEtCalibrationLuts(const lutPtrVector &jfluts)
setup the Jet Calibration Luts
std::string m_jetRanksOutFileName
L1GlobalCaloTrigger * m_gct
std::string m_htMissLutOutFileName
const L1GctHtMissLut * getHtMissLut() const
T const * product() const
~L1GctPrintLuts() override