13 if (&dynamic_cast<const SiStripNullKey&>(input)) {
59 ss <<
" [SiStripNullKey::print]" << std::endl
60 << std::hex <<
" 32-bit key : 0x" << std::setfill(
'0') << std::setw(8) <<
key() << std::endl
61 << std::setfill(
' ') <<
std::dec <<
" Directory : " <<
path() << std::endl
63 <<
" Channel : " <<
channel() << std::endl
bool isValid() const override
bool isInvalid() const override
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &os, const SiStripNullKey &input)
bool isConsistent(const SiStripKey &) const override
static std::string granularity(const sistrip::Granularity &)
void initFromPath() override
static std::string const input
const uint32_t & key() const
const sistrip::Granularity & granularity() const
Base utility class that identifies a position within a logical structure of the strip tracker...
const std::string & path() const
void initFromKey() override
const uint16_t & channel() const
void initGranularity() override
void print(std::stringstream &ss) const override
void initFromValue() override
bool isEqual(const SiStripKey &) const override
Concrete implementation of abstract base, signifying null values or an "unknown" position or view...