List of all members | Public Types | Public Member Functions | Static Public Member Functions | Public Attributes
SiStripRecHitMatcher Class Reference

#include <SiStripRecHitMatcher.h>

Public Types

typedef boost::function< void(SiStripMatchedRecHit2D const &)> Collector
typedef SiStripMatchedRecHit2DCollectionNew::FastFiller CollectorMatched
typedef SiStripRecHit2DCollectionNew::DetSet::const_iterator RecHitIterator
typedef std::vector< const SiStripRecHit2D * > SimpleHitCollection
typedef SimpleHitCollection::const_iterator SimpleHitIterator
typedef std::pair< LocalPoint, LocalPointStripPosition

Public Member Functions

template<typename MonoIterator , typename StereoIterator , typename CollectorHelper >
void doubleMatch (MonoIterator monoRHiter, MonoIterator monoRHend, StereoIterator seconditer, StereoIterator seconditerend, const GluedGeomDet *gluedDet, LocalVector trdir, CollectorHelper &collectorHelper) const
std::unique_ptr< SiStripMatchedRecHit2Dmatch (const SiStripRecHit2D *monoRH, const SiStripRecHit2D *stereoRH, const GluedGeomDet *gluedDet, LocalVector trackdirection, bool force) const
void match (const SiStripRecHit2D *monoRH, RecHitIterator begin, RecHitIterator end, CollectorMatched &collector, const GluedGeomDet *gluedDet, LocalVector trackdirection) const
void match (const SiStripRecHit2D *monoRH, SimpleHitIterator begin, SimpleHitIterator end, CollectorMatched &collector, const GluedGeomDet *gluedDet, LocalVector trackdirection) const
void match (const SiStripRecHit2D *monoRH, SimpleHitIterator begin, SimpleHitIterator end, edm::OwnVector< SiStripMatchedRecHit2D > &collector, const GluedGeomDet *gluedDet, LocalVector trackdirection) const
void match (const SiStripRecHit2D *monoRH, SimpleHitIterator begin, SimpleHitIterator end, std::vector< SiStripMatchedRecHit2D * > &collector, const GluedGeomDet *gluedDet, LocalVector trackdirection) const
void match (const SiStripRecHit2D *monoRH, SimpleHitIterator begin, SimpleHitIterator end, Collector &collector, const GluedGeomDet *gluedDet, LocalVector trackdirection) const
 the actual implementation More...
bool preFilter () const
StripPosition project (const GeomDetUnit *det, const GluedGeomDet *glueddet, StripPosition strip, LocalVector trackdirection) const
 SiStripRecHitMatcher (const edm::ParameterSet &conf)
 SiStripRecHitMatcher (const double theScale)

Static Public Member Functions

static float sigmaPitch (LocalPoint const &pos, LocalError const &err, const StripTopology &topol)

Public Attributes

bool preFilter_ = false
float scale_

Detailed Description

Definition at line 25 of file SiStripRecHitMatcher.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef boost::function<void(SiStripMatchedRecHit2D const&)> SiStripRecHitMatcher::Collector

Definition at line 34 of file SiStripRecHitMatcher.h.

Definition at line 28 of file SiStripRecHitMatcher.h.

Definition at line 30 of file SiStripRecHitMatcher.h.

Definition at line 31 of file SiStripRecHitMatcher.h.

typedef SimpleHitCollection::const_iterator SiStripRecHitMatcher::SimpleHitIterator

Definition at line 32 of file SiStripRecHitMatcher.h.

Definition at line 36 of file SiStripRecHitMatcher.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

SiStripRecHitMatcher::SiStripRecHitMatcher ( const edm::ParameterSet conf)

Definition at line 15 of file

16  : scale_(conf.getParameter<double>("NSigmaInside")),
17  preFilter_(conf.existsAs<bool>("PreFilter") ? conf.getParameter<bool>("PreFilter") : false) {}
T getParameter(std::string const &) const
bool existsAs(std::string const &parameterName, bool trackiness=true) const
checks if a parameter exists as a given type
Definition: ParameterSet.h:160
SiStripRecHitMatcher::SiStripRecHitMatcher ( const double  theScale)

Member Function Documentation

template<typename MonoIterator , typename StereoIterator , typename CollectorHelper >
void SiStripRecHitMatcher::doubleMatch ( MonoIterator  monoRHiter,
MonoIterator  monoRHend,
StereoIterator  seconditer,
StereoIterator  seconditerend,
const GluedGeomDet gluedDet,
LocalVector  trdir,
CollectorHelper &  collectorHelper 
) const
std::unique_ptr< SiStripMatchedRecHit2D > SiStripRecHitMatcher::match ( const SiStripRecHit2D monoRH,
const SiStripRecHit2D stereoRH,
const GluedGeomDet gluedDet,
LocalVector  trackdirection,
bool  force 
) const

Definition at line 238 of file

References HltBtagPostValidation_cff::c, fftjetpileupestimator_calo_uncalib_cfi::c0, alignmentValidation::c1, change_name::diff, relativeConstraints::error, f, StripTopology::localPosition(), BaseTrackerRecHit::localPosition(), BaseTrackerRecHit::localPositionError(), BaseTrackerRecHit::localPositionFast(), visualization-live-secondInstance_cfg::m, PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::mag2(), Topology::measurementPosition(), GluedGeomDet::monoDet(), position, project(), indexGen::s2, scale_, sigmaPitch(), GluedGeomDet::stereoDet(), GeomDet::surface(), toLocal(), GeomDet::topology(), x, geometryCSVtoXML::xx, geometryCSVtoXML::xy, and geometryCSVtoXML::yy.

Referenced by TkGluedMeasurementDet::collectRecHits(), SiStripRecHitConverterAlgorithm::match(), match(), TkClonerImpl::operator()(), and sigmaPitch().

242  {
243  // stripdet = mono
244  // partnerstripdet = stereo
245  const GeomDetUnit* stripdet = gluedDet->monoDet();
246  const GeomDetUnit* partnerstripdet = gluedDet->stereoDet();
247  const StripTopology& topol = (const StripTopology&)stripdet->topology();
249  // position of the initial and final point of the strip (RPHI cluster) in local strip coordinates
250  auto RPHIpointX = topol.measurementPosition(monoRH->localPositionFast()).x();
251  MeasurementPoint RPHIpointini(RPHIpointX, -0.5f);
252  MeasurementPoint RPHIpointend(RPHIpointX, 0.5f);
254  // position of the initial and final point of the strip in local coordinates (mono det)
255  StripPosition stripmono = StripPosition(topol.localPosition(RPHIpointini), topol.localPosition(RPHIpointend));
257  // in case of no track hypothesis assume a track from the origin through the center of the strip
258  if (trackdirection.mag2() < FLT_MIN) {
259  const LocalPoint& lcenterofstrip = monoRH->localPositionFast();
260  GlobalPoint gcenterofstrip = (stripdet->surface()).toGlobal(lcenterofstrip);
261  GlobalVector gtrackdirection = gcenterofstrip - GlobalPoint(0, 0, 0);
262  trackdirection = (gluedDet->surface()).toLocal(gtrackdirection);
263  }
265  //project mono hit on glued det
266  StripPosition projectedstripmono = project(stripdet, gluedDet, stripmono, trackdirection);
267  const StripTopology& partnertopol = (const StripTopology&)partnerstripdet->topology();
269  double m00 = -(projectedstripmono.second.y() - projectedstripmono.first.y());
270  double m01 = (projectedstripmono.second.x() - projectedstripmono.first.x());
271  double c0 = m01 * projectedstripmono.first.y() + m00 * projectedstripmono.first.x();
273  //error calculation (the part that depends on mono RH only)
274  // LocalVector RPHIpositiononGluedendvector=projectedstripmono.second-projectedstripmono.first;
275  /*
276  double l1 = 1./RPHIpositiononGluedendvector.perp2();
277  double c1 = RPHIpositiononGluedendvector.y();
278  double s1 =-RPHIpositiononGluedendvector.x();
279  */
280  double c1 = -m00;
281  double s1 = -m01;
282  double l1 = 1. / (c1 * c1 + s1 * s1);
284  double sigmap12 = sigmaPitch(monoRH->localPosition(), monoRH->localPositionError(), topol);
285  // auto sigmap12 = monoRH->sigmaPitch();
286  // assert(sigmap12>=0);
288  // position of the initial and final point of the strip (STEREO cluster)
289  auto STEREOpointX = partnertopol.measurementPosition(stereoRH->localPositionFast()).x();
290  MeasurementPoint STEREOpointini(STEREOpointX, -0.5f);
291  MeasurementPoint STEREOpointend(STEREOpointX, 0.5f);
293  // position of the initial and final point of the strip in local coordinates (stereo det)
294  StripPosition stripstereo(partnertopol.localPosition(STEREOpointini), partnertopol.localPosition(STEREOpointend));
296  //project stereo hit on glued det
297  StripPosition projectedstripstereo = project(partnerstripdet, gluedDet, stripstereo, trackdirection);
299  double m10 = -(projectedstripstereo.second.y() - projectedstripstereo.first.y());
300  double m11 = (projectedstripstereo.second.x() - projectedstripstereo.first.x());
302  //perform the matching
303  //(x2-x1)(y-y1)=(y2-y1)(x-x1)
304  AlgebraicMatrix22 m(ROOT::Math::SMatrixNoInit{});
305  AlgebraicVector2 c(c0, m11 * projectedstripstereo.first.y() + m10 * projectedstripstereo.first.x());
306  m(0, 0) = m00;
307  m(0, 1) = m01;
308  m(1, 0) = m10;
309  m(1, 1) = m11;
310  m.Invert();
311  AlgebraicVector2 solution = m * c;
312  Local2DPoint position(solution(0), solution(1));
314  if ((!force) && (!((gluedDet->surface()).bounds().inside(position, 10.f * scale_))))
315  return std::unique_ptr<SiStripMatchedRecHit2D>(nullptr);
317  double c2 = -m10;
318  double s2 = -m11;
319  double l2 = 1. / (c2 * c2 + s2 * s2);
321  double sigmap22 = sigmaPitch(stereoRH->localPosition(), stereoRH->localPositionError(), partnertopol);
322  // auto sigmap22 = stereoRH->sigmaPitch();
323  // assert (sigmap22>0);
325  double diff = (c1 * s2 - c2 * s1);
326  double invdet2 = 1 / (diff * diff * l1 * l2);
327  float xx = invdet2 * (sigmap12 * s2 * s2 * l2 + sigmap22 * s1 * s1 * l1);
328  float xy = -invdet2 * (sigmap12 * c2 * s2 * l2 + sigmap22 * c1 * s1 * l1);
329  float yy = invdet2 * (sigmap12 * c2 * c2 * l2 + sigmap22 * c1 * c1 * l1);
330  LocalError error(xx, xy, yy);
332  //if it is inside the gluedet bonds
333  //Change NSigmaInside in the configuration file to accept more hits
334  if (force || (gluedDet->surface()).bounds().inside(position, error, scale_))
335  return std::make_unique<SiStripMatchedRecHit2D>(LocalPoint(position), error, *gluedDet, monoRH, stereoRH);
336  return std::unique_ptr<SiStripMatchedRecHit2D>(nullptr);
337 }
T mag2() const
Definition: PV3DBase.h:63
Point3DBase< Scalar, LocalTag > LocalPoint
Definition: Definitions.h:30
LocalError localPositionError() const final
const GeomDetUnit * monoDet() const
Definition: GluedGeomDet.h:19
virtual const Topology & topology() const
StripPosition project(const GeomDetUnit *det, const GluedGeomDet *glueddet, StripPosition strip, LocalVector trackdirection) const
Global3DPoint GlobalPoint
Definition: GlobalPoint.h:10
std::pair< LocalPoint, LocalPoint > StripPosition
static float sigmaPitch(LocalPoint const &pos, LocalError const &err, const StripTopology &topol)
LocalVector toLocal(const reco::Track::Vector &v, const Surface &s)
const Plane & surface() const
The nominal surface of the GeomDet.
Definition: GeomDet.h:37
ROOT::Math::SVector< double, 2 > AlgebraicVector2
virtual LocalPoint localPosition(float strip) const =0
virtual MeasurementPoint measurementPosition(const LocalPoint &) const =0
double f[11][100]
static int position[264][3]
ROOT::Math::SMatrix< double, 2, 2, ROOT::Math::MatRepStd< double, 2, 2 > > AlgebraicMatrix22
LocalPoint localPosition() const final
const LocalPoint & localPositionFast() const
const GeomDetUnit * stereoDet() const
Definition: GluedGeomDet.h:20
void SiStripRecHitMatcher::match ( const SiStripRecHit2D monoRH,
RecHitIterator  begin,
RecHitIterator  end,
CollectorMatched collector,
const GluedGeomDet gluedDet,
LocalVector  trackdirection 
) const

Definition at line 63 of file

References end, mps_fire::i, and match().

68  {
69  // is this really needed now????
70  SimpleHitCollection stereoHits;
71  stereoHits.reserve(end - begin);
72  for (RecHitIterator i = begin; i != end; ++i)
73  stereoHits.push_back(&(*i)); // convert to simple pointer
75  return match(monoRH, stereoHits.begin(), stereoHits.end(), collector, gluedDet, trackdirection);
76 }
std::unique_ptr< SiStripMatchedRecHit2D > match(const SiStripRecHit2D *monoRH, const SiStripRecHit2D *stereoRH, const GluedGeomDet *gluedDet, LocalVector trackdirection, bool force) const
#define end
Definition: vmac.h:39
std::vector< const SiStripRecHit2D * > SimpleHitCollection
SiStripRecHit2DCollectionNew::DetSet::const_iterator RecHitIterator
#define begin
Definition: vmac.h:32
void SiStripRecHitMatcher::match ( const SiStripRecHit2D monoRH,
SimpleHitIterator  begin,
SimpleHitIterator  end,
CollectorMatched collector,
const GluedGeomDet gluedDet,
LocalVector  trackdirection 
) const

Definition at line 52 of file

References match(), and mps_fire::result.

57  {
58  Collector result(boost::bind(pb2, boost::ref(collector), _1));
59  match(monoRH, begin, end, result, gluedDet, trackdirection);
60 }
std::unique_ptr< SiStripMatchedRecHit2D > match(const SiStripRecHit2D *monoRH, const SiStripRecHit2D *stereoRH, const GluedGeomDet *gluedDet, LocalVector trackdirection, bool force) const
#define end
Definition: vmac.h:39
#define begin
Definition: vmac.h:32
boost::function< void(SiStripMatchedRecHit2D const &)> Collector
void SiStripRecHitMatcher::match ( const SiStripRecHit2D monoRH,
SimpleHitIterator  begin,
SimpleHitIterator  end,
edm::OwnVector< SiStripMatchedRecHit2D > &  collector,
const GluedGeomDet gluedDet,
LocalVector  trackdirection 
) const

Definition at line 29 of file

References match(), AlCaHLTBitMon_ParallelJobs::p, edm::OwnVector< T, P >::push_back(), and mps_fire::result.

34  {
35  std::vector<SiStripMatchedRecHit2D*> result;
36  result.reserve(end - begin);
37  match(monoRH, begin, end, result, gluedDet, trackdirection);
38  for (std::vector<SiStripMatchedRecHit2D*>::iterator p = result.begin(); p != result.end(); p++)
39  collector.push_back(*p);
40 }
void push_back(D *&d)
Definition: OwnVector.h:326
std::unique_ptr< SiStripMatchedRecHit2D > match(const SiStripRecHit2D *monoRH, const SiStripRecHit2D *stereoRH, const GluedGeomDet *gluedDet, LocalVector trackdirection, bool force) const
#define end
Definition: vmac.h:39
#define begin
Definition: vmac.h:32
void SiStripRecHitMatcher::match ( const SiStripRecHit2D monoRH,
SimpleHitIterator  begin,
SimpleHitIterator  end,
std::vector< SiStripMatchedRecHit2D * > &  collector,
const GluedGeomDet gluedDet,
LocalVector  trackdirection 
) const

Definition at line 42 of file

References SiStripMatchedRecHit2D::clone(), match(), and mps_fire::result.

47  {
48  Collector result(boost::bind(&pb1, boost::ref(collector), boost::bind(&SiStripMatchedRecHit2D::clone, _1)));
49  match(monoRH, begin, end, result, gluedDet, trackdirection);
50 }
std::unique_ptr< SiStripMatchedRecHit2D > match(const SiStripRecHit2D *monoRH, const SiStripRecHit2D *stereoRH, const GluedGeomDet *gluedDet, LocalVector trackdirection, bool force) const
SiStripMatchedRecHit2D * clone() const override
#define end
Definition: vmac.h:39
#define begin
Definition: vmac.h:32
boost::function< void(SiStripMatchedRecHit2D const &)> Collector
void SiStripRecHitMatcher::match ( const SiStripRecHit2D monoRH,
SimpleHitIterator  begin,
SimpleHitIterator  end,
Collector collector,
const GluedGeomDet gluedDet,
LocalVector  trackdirection 
) const

the actual implementation

Definition at line 79 of file

References HltBtagPostValidation_cff::c, fftjetpileupestimator_calo_uncalib_cfi::c0, alignmentValidation::c1, change_name::diff, end, relativeConstraints::error, StripTopology::localPosition(), BaseTrackerRecHit::localPosition(), BaseTrackerRecHit::localPositionError(), BaseTrackerRecHit::localPositionFast(), visualization-live-secondInstance_cfg::m, PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::mag2(), Topology::measurementPosition(), GluedGeomDet::monoDet(), position, project(), indexGen::s2, scale_, sigmaPitch(), GluedGeomDet::stereoDet(), GeomDet::surface(), toLocal(), GeomDet::topology(), x, geometryCSVtoXML::xx, geometryCSVtoXML::xy, and geometryCSVtoXML::yy.

84  {
85  // stripdet = mono
86  // partnerstripdet = stereo
87  const GeomDetUnit* stripdet = gluedDet->monoDet();
88  const GeomDetUnit* partnerstripdet = gluedDet->stereoDet();
89  const StripTopology& topol = (const StripTopology&)stripdet->topology();
91  // position of the initial and final point of the strip (RPHI cluster) in local strip coordinates
92  double RPHIpointX = topol.measurementPosition(monoRH->localPositionFast()).x();
93  MeasurementPoint RPHIpointini(RPHIpointX, -0.5);
94  MeasurementPoint RPHIpointend(RPHIpointX, 0.5);
96  // position of the initial and final point of the strip in local coordinates (mono det)
97  StripPosition stripmono = StripPosition(topol.localPosition(RPHIpointini), topol.localPosition(RPHIpointend));
99  // in case of no track hypothesis assume a track from the origin through the center of the strip
100  if (trackdirection.mag2() < FLT_MIN) {
101  const LocalPoint& lcenterofstrip = monoRH->localPositionFast();
102  GlobalPoint gcenterofstrip = (stripdet->surface()).toGlobal(lcenterofstrip);
103  GlobalVector gtrackdirection = gcenterofstrip - GlobalPoint(0, 0, 0);
104  trackdirection = (gluedDet->surface()).toLocal(gtrackdirection);
105  }
107  //project mono hit on glued det
108  StripPosition projectedstripmono = project(stripdet, gluedDet, stripmono, trackdirection);
109  const StripTopology& partnertopol = (const StripTopology&)partnerstripdet->topology();
111  double m00 = -(projectedstripmono.second.y() - projectedstripmono.first.y());
112  double m01 = (projectedstripmono.second.x() - projectedstripmono.first.x());
113  double c0 = m01 * projectedstripmono.first.y() + m00 * projectedstripmono.first.x();
115  //error calculation (the part that depends on mono RH only)
116  // LocalVector RPHIpositiononGluedendvector=projectedstripmono.second-projectedstripmono.first;
117  /*
118  double l1 = 1./RPHIpositiononGluedendvector.perp2();
119  double c1 = RPHIpositiononGluedendvector.y();
120  double s1 =-RPHIpositiononGluedendvector.x();
121  */
122  double c1 = -m00;
123  double s1 = -m01;
124  double l1 = 1. / (c1 * c1 + s1 * s1);
126  double sigmap12 = sigmaPitch(monoRH->localPosition(), monoRH->localPositionError(), topol);
127  // auto sigmap12 = monoRH->sigmaPitch();
128  // assert(sigmap12>=0);
130  SimpleHitIterator seconditer;
132  for (seconditer = begin; seconditer != end; ++seconditer) { //iterate on stereo rechits
134  // position of the initial and final point of the strip (STEREO cluster)
135  double STEREOpointX = partnertopol.measurementPosition((*seconditer)->localPositionFast()).x();
136  MeasurementPoint STEREOpointini(STEREOpointX, -0.5);
137  MeasurementPoint STEREOpointend(STEREOpointX, 0.5);
139  // position of the initial and final point of the strip in local coordinates (stereo det)
140  StripPosition stripstereo(partnertopol.localPosition(STEREOpointini), partnertopol.localPosition(STEREOpointend));
142  //project stereo hit on glued det
143  StripPosition projectedstripstereo = project(partnerstripdet, gluedDet, stripstereo, trackdirection);
145  double m10 = -(projectedstripstereo.second.y() - projectedstripstereo.first.y());
146  double m11 = (projectedstripstereo.second.x() - projectedstripstereo.first.x());
148  //perform the matching
149  //(x2-x1)(y-y1)=(y2-y1)(x-x1)
151  AlgebraicVector2 c; // FIXME understand why moving this initializer out of the loop changes the output!
152  m(0, 0) = m00;
153  m(0, 1) = m01;
154  m(1, 0) = m10;
155  m(1, 1) = m11;
156  c(0) = c0;
157  c(1) = m11 * projectedstripstereo.first.y() + m10 * projectedstripstereo.first.x();
158  m.Invert();
159  AlgebraicVector2 solution = m * c;
160  LocalPoint position(solution(0), solution(1));
162  /*
163  {
164  double m00 = -(projectedstripmono.second.y()-projectedstripmono.first.y());
165  double m01 = (projectedstripmono.second.x()-projectedstripmono.first.x());
166  double m10 = -(projectedstripstereo.second.y()-projectedstripstereo.first.y());
167  double m11 = (projectedstripstereo.second.x()-projectedstripstereo.first.x());
168  double c0 = m01*projectedstripmono.first.y() + m00*projectedstripmono.first.x();
169  double c1 = m11*projectedstripstereo.first.y() + m10*projectedstripstereo.first.x();
171  double invDet = 1./(m00*m11-m10*m01);
172  }
173  */
175  //
176  // temporary fix by tommaso
177  //
179  LocalError tempError(100, 0, 100);
180  if (!((gluedDet->surface()).bounds().inside(position, tempError, scale_)))
181  continue;
183  // then calculate the error
184  /*
185  LocalVector stereopositiononGluedendvector=projectedstripstereo.second-projectedstripstereo.first;
186  double l2 = 1./stereopositiononGluedendvector.perp2();
187  double c2 = stereopositiononGluedendvector.y();
188  double s2 =-stereopositiononGluedendvector.x();
189  */
191  double c2 = -m10;
192  double s2 = -m11;
193  double l2 = 1. / (c2 * c2 + s2 * s2);
195  double sigmap22 = sigmaPitch((*seconditer)->localPosition(), (*seconditer)->localPositionError(), partnertopol);
196  // auto sigmap22 = (*seconditer)->sigmaPitch();
197  // assert(sigmap22>=0);
199  double diff = (c1 * s2 - c2 * s1);
200  double invdet2 = 1 / (diff * diff * l1 * l2);
201  float xx = invdet2 * (sigmap12 * s2 * s2 * l2 + sigmap22 * s1 * s1 * l1);
202  float xy = -invdet2 * (sigmap12 * c2 * s2 * l2 + sigmap22 * c1 * s1 * l1);
203  float yy = invdet2 * (sigmap12 * c2 * c2 * l2 + sigmap22 * c1 * c1 * l1);
204  LocalError error(xx, xy, yy);
206  if ((gluedDet->surface()).bounds().inside(position, error, scale_)) { //if it is inside the gluedet bonds
207  //Change NSigmaInside in the configuration file to accept more hits
208  //...and add it to the Rechit collection
210  const SiStripRecHit2D* secondHit = *seconditer;
211  collector(SiStripMatchedRecHit2D(position, error, *gluedDet, monoRH, secondHit));
212  }
213  }
214 }
T mag2() const
Definition: PV3DBase.h:63
LocalError localPositionError() const final
const GeomDetUnit * monoDet() const
Definition: GluedGeomDet.h:19
virtual const Topology & topology() const
StripPosition project(const GeomDetUnit *det, const GluedGeomDet *glueddet, StripPosition strip, LocalVector trackdirection) const
Global3DPoint GlobalPoint
Definition: GlobalPoint.h:10
std::pair< LocalPoint, LocalPoint > StripPosition
static float sigmaPitch(LocalPoint const &pos, LocalError const &err, const StripTopology &topol)
LocalVector toLocal(const reco::Track::Vector &v, const Surface &s)
const Plane & surface() const
The nominal surface of the GeomDet.
Definition: GeomDet.h:37
ROOT::Math::SVector< double, 2 > AlgebraicVector2
virtual LocalPoint localPosition(float strip) const =0
virtual MeasurementPoint measurementPosition(const LocalPoint &) const =0
#define end
Definition: vmac.h:39
#define begin
Definition: vmac.h:32
SimpleHitCollection::const_iterator SimpleHitIterator
static int position[264][3]
ROOT::Math::SMatrix< double, 2, 2, ROOT::Math::MatRepStd< double, 2, 2 > > AlgebraicMatrix22
LocalPoint localPosition() const final
const LocalPoint & localPositionFast() const
const GeomDetUnit * stereoDet() const
Definition: GluedGeomDet.h:20
bool SiStripRecHitMatcher::preFilter ( ) const

Definition at line 41 of file SiStripRecHitMatcher.h.

References preFilter_.

SiStripRecHitMatcher::StripPosition SiStripRecHitMatcher::project ( const GeomDetUnit det,
const GluedGeomDet glueddet,
StripPosition  strip,
LocalVector  trackdirection 
) const

Definition at line 216 of file

References Scenarios_cff::scale, GeomDet::surface(), toLocal(), and PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::z().

Referenced by match(), and sigmaPitch().

219  {
220  GlobalPoint globalpointini = (det->surface()).toGlobal(strip.first);
221  GlobalPoint globalpointend = (det->surface()).toGlobal(strip.second);
223  // position of the initial and final point of the strip in glued local coordinates
224  LocalPoint positiononGluedini = (glueddet->surface()).toLocal(globalpointini);
225  LocalPoint positiononGluedend = (glueddet->surface()).toLocal(globalpointend);
227  //correct the position with the track direction
229  float scale = -positiononGluedini.z() / trackdirection.z();
231  LocalPoint projpositiononGluedini = positiononGluedini + scale * trackdirection;
232  LocalPoint projpositiononGluedend = positiononGluedend + scale * trackdirection;
234  return StripPosition(projpositiononGluedini, projpositiononGluedend);
235 }
std::pair< LocalPoint, LocalPoint > StripPosition
LocalVector toLocal(const reco::Track::Vector &v, const Surface &s)
const Plane & surface() const
The nominal surface of the GeomDet.
Definition: GeomDet.h:37
T z() const
Definition: PV3DBase.h:61
static float SiStripRecHitMatcher::sigmaPitch ( LocalPoint const &  pos,
LocalError const &  err,
const StripTopology topol 

Definition at line 43 of file SiStripRecHitMatcher.h.

References begin, doubleMatch(), end, relativeConstraints::error, cmsStageWithFailover::force, StripTopology::localPitch(), match(), Topology::measurementError(), project(), digitizers_cfi::strip, and MeasurementError::uu().

Referenced by match().

43  {
45  auto pitch = topol.localPitch(pos);
46  return error.uu() * pitch * pitch;
47  }
float uu() const
virtual float localPitch(const LocalPoint &) const =0
virtual MeasurementError measurementError(const LocalPoint &, const LocalError &) const =0

Member Data Documentation

bool SiStripRecHitMatcher::preFilter_ = false

Definition at line 112 of file SiStripRecHitMatcher.h.

Referenced by preFilter().

float SiStripRecHitMatcher::scale_

Definition at line 111 of file SiStripRecHitMatcher.h.

Referenced by match().