27 unsigned short firedPlanes) {
Default constructor. No muon.
The coordinates of Logic Cone: m_Tower, m_LogSector, m_LogSegment.
unsigned short m_FiredPlanes
bits of this number denotes fired planes that conform to pattern pattern
unsigned short getFiredPlanes() const
bits of this number denotes fired planes that conform to pattern pattern
unsigned int m_PtCode
5 bits, 0-31.
unsigned int m_Sign
1 bit, 0 - negative, 1 - positive.
int m_PatternNum
number of pattern (in given Pac), that was fit to this muon.
RPCConst::l1RpcConeCrdnts m_ConeCrdnts
The coordinates of LogCone, in which the muon was found.
RPCConst::l1RpcConeCrdnts getConeCrdnts() const
int getLogSegment() const
void setConeCrdnts(const RPCConst::l1RpcConeCrdnts &coneCrdnts)
void setQuality(int quality)
int getRefStripNum() const
void setLogConeIdx(int logConeIdx)
void setPtCode(int ptCode)
void setPatternNum(int patternNum)
void setRefStripNum(int refStripNum)
int getLogConeIdx() const
the index in LogConesVec stored in L1RpcTrigg (accessed by GetActiveCones)
int getPatternNum() const
unsigned int m_Quality
3 bits, 0-7.