54 : minBunch_(0), maxBunch_(0), tag_(
InputTag()) {
59 std::unique_ptr<TH1F>
new TH1F(
"", 10, 0, 10));
105 std::cout <<
"-> The std::vector<EventPrincipalVector> of the secondary source 'input' has been filled with " 106 << nevt <<
" element corresponding to " <<
maxBunch_ -
minBunch_ + 1 <<
" bunch." << std::endl;
115 std::cout <<
"-> Get the event: id " << ep.
id() << std::endl;
119 std::cout <<
"-> Will try to get the branch with the tag : " <<
tag_ << std::endl;
120 std::cout <<
" and the EventPrincipal ep with a size = " << ep.
size() << std::endl;
126 std::shared_ptr<Wrapper<std::vector<SimTrack> >
const> shPtr =
127 getProductByTag<std::vector<SimTrack> >(
tag_, &moduleCallingContext);
130 std::cout <<
"-> Could get SimTrack !" << std::endl;
132 std::cout <<
"-> Could not get SimTrack !" << std::endl;
139 std::shared_ptr<Wrapper<PCrossingFrame<SimTrack> >
const> shPtr =
140 getProductByTag<PCrossingFrame<SimTrack> >(
tag_, &moduleCallingContext);
143 std::cout <<
"-> Could get PCrossingFrame<SimTrack> !" << std::endl;
145 std::cout <<
"-> Could not get PCrossingFrame<SimTrack> !" << std::endl;
void analyze(const edm::Event &, const edm::EventSetup &) override
T getParameter(std::string const &) const
ModuleDescription const & moduleDescription() const
EventID const & id() const
bool getBranches(EventPrincipal const &ep, ModuleCallingContext const *)
bool dummyFunction(EventPrincipal const &ep)
ModuleCallingContext const * moduleCallingContext() const
SecSourceAnalyzer(const edm::ParameterSet &)
~SecSourceAnalyzer() override
std::shared_ptr< PileUp > input_
StreamID streamID() const
std::vector< std::vector< edm::SecondaryEventIDAndFileInfo > > vectorEventIDs_