1 #ifndef DataFormat_ParticleFlowReco_PFDisplacedVertexCandidate_h 2 #define DataFormat_ParticleFlowReco_PFDisplacedVertexCandidate_h 49 typedef std::map<float, std::pair<int, int> >
70 std::multimap<float, unsigned>& sortedAssociates,
76 DistMap
110 const float dist(
unsigned ie1,
unsigned ie2)
113 bool testLink(
unsigned ie1,
unsigned ie2)
void addElement(const TrackBaseRef)
add a track Reference to the current Candidate
const VertexLinkData & vertexLinkData() const
std::vector< TrackBaseRef > elements_
--—— MEMBERS --—— ///
A block of tracks linked together.
void associatedElements(const unsigned i, const VertexLinkData &vertexLinkData, std::multimap< float, unsigned > &sortedAssociates, const VertexLinkTest test=LINKTEST_DCA) const
associate 2 elements
const std::vector< TrackBaseRef > & elements() const
DistVector r2Vector() const
DistVector distVector() const
void Dump(std::ostream &out=std::cout) const
cout function
unsigned vertexLinkDataSize() const
--—— Storage of the information --—— ///
bool matrix2vector(unsigned i, unsigned j, unsigned &index) const
Default constructor.
void setLink(unsigned i1, unsigned i2, const float dist, const GlobalPoint &dcaPoint, const VertexLinkTest test=LINKTEST_DCA)
const TrackBaseRef & tref(unsigned ie) const
const GlobalPoint dcaPoint(unsigned ie1, unsigned ie2) const
bool testLink(unsigned ie1, unsigned ie2) const
test if a link between two tracks is valid: value_link =! -1
bool isValid() const
A Vertex Candidate is valid if it has at least two tracks.
DistMap r2Map() const
--—— Provide useful information --—— ///
std::map< unsigned int, VertexLink > VertexLinkData
std::vector< float > DistVector
friend std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &, const PFDisplacedVertexCandidate &)
cout function
ROOT::Math::PositionVector3D< ROOT::Math::Cartesian3D< float >, ROOT::Math::GlobalCoordinateSystemTag > GlobalPoint
point in global coordinate system
const float dist(unsigned ie1, unsigned ie2) const
--—— Internal tools --—— ///
VertexLinkData vertexLinkData_
map of links between tracks
std::map< float, std::pair< int, int > > DistMap
VertexLink(float d, GlobalPoint p, char t)