1 #ifndef CondFormats_SiStripObjects_CalibrationAnalysis_H 2 #define CondFormats_SiStripObjects_CalibrationAnalysis_H 96 void print(std::stringstream&, uint32_t not_used = 0)
97 void reset()
144 #endif // CondFormats_SiStripObjects_CalibrationAnalysis_H
const VFloat & riseTimeSpread()
static const float minRiseTimeThresholdDeco_
static const float maxTurnOnThreshold_
static const float maxRiseTimeThresholdDeco_
static const float minPeakTimeThreshold_
const VFloat & amplitudeMax()
CalibrationAnalysis(const uint32_t &key, const bool &deconv)
static const float maxDecayTimeThresholdDeco_
const VFloat & turnOnMean()
const VFloat & smearingMean()
const VFloat & amplitudeMin()
static const float maxRiseTimeThreshold_
const VFloat & amplitudeSpread()
Algorithm for calibration runs.
const VFloat & riseTimeMax()
const VFloat & turnOnMax()
const VFloat & peakTimeMax()
const VFloat & undershootMean()
static const float maxBaselineThreshold_
const VFloat & riseTimeMin()
const VFloat & undershootMax()
void print(std::stringstream &, uint32_t not_used=0) override
const VFloat & baselineMax()
const VFloat & turnOnSpread()
const VFloat & peakTimeMean()
const VFloat & chi2Mean()
static const float minDecayTimeThresholdDeco_
const VFloat & decayTimeMin()
static const float minAmplitudeThreshold_
const VFloat & tailMean()
static const float maxDecayTimeThreshold_
Analysis for calibration runs.
static const float minTurnOnThresholdDeco_
static const float minDecayTimeThreshold_
std::vector< float > VFloat
const VFloat & chi2Spread()
const VFloat & decayTimeSpread()
const VFloat & baselineSpread()
const VVFloat & peakTime()
const VFloat & smearingMin()
const VFloat & turnOnMin()
const VFloat & amplitudeMean()
const VVBool isValidStrip()
const VVFloat & decayTime()
const VFloat & undershootSpread()
static const float minPeakTimeThresholdDeco_
const VFloat & riseTimeMean()
static const float minBaselineThreshold_
~CalibrationAnalysis() override
const VFloat & smearingSpread()
const VFloat & baselineMean()
static const float maxTurnOnThresholdDeco_
VFloat spread_undershoot_
const VVFloat & smearing()
const VFloat & peakTimeMin()
const VFloat & decayTimeMean()
static const float minRiseTimeThreshold_
const VFloat & tailSpread()
const VVFloat & riseTime()
const VVFloat & baseline()
const VFloat & smearingMax()
bool isValid() const override
std::vector< VBool > VVBool
static const float minTurnOnThreshold_
static const float maxChi2Threshold_
const VFloat & baselineMin()
static const float maxPeakTimeThresholdDeco_
static const float maxPeakTimeThreshold_
std::vector< VFloat > VVFloat
Abstract base for derived classes that provide analysis of commissioning histograms.
const VFloat & decayTimeMax()
const VFloat & undershootMin()
const VFloat & peakTimeSpread()
const VVFloat & undershoot()
const VVFloat & amplitude()