Go to the documentation of this file.
20  : theEvents(0),
21  theDoPedestalSubtraction(theConf.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("SubtractPedestals", true)),
22  theUseMinuitAlgorithm(theConf.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("RunMinuitAlignmentTubeAlgorithm", false)),
23  theApplyBeamKinkCorrections(theConf.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("ApplyBeamKinkCorrections", true)),
24  peakFinderThreshold(theConf.getUntrackedParameter<double>("PeakFinderThreshold", 10.)),
25  enableJudgeZeroFilter(theConf.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("EnableJudgeZeroFilter", true)),
26  judgeOverdriveThreshold(theConf.getUntrackedParameter<unsigned int>("JudgeOverdriveThreshold", 220)),
27  updateFromInputGeometry(theConf.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("UpdateFromInputGeometry", false)),
28  misalignedByRefGeometry(theConf.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("MisalignedByRefGeometry", false)),
29  theStoreToDB(theConf.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("SaveToDbase", false)),
30  theDigiProducersList(theConf.getParameter<std::vector<edm::ParameterSet> >("DigiProducersList")),
31  theSaveHistograms(theConf.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("SaveHistograms", false)),
32  theCompression(theConf.getUntrackedParameter<int>("ROOTFileCompression", 1)),
33  theFileName(theConf.getUntrackedParameter<std::string>("ROOTFileName", "test.root")),
34  theMaskTecModules(theConf.getUntrackedParameter<std::vector<unsigned int> >("MaskTECModules")),
35  theMaskAtModules(theConf.getUntrackedParameter<std::vector<unsigned int> >("MaskATModules")),
36  theSetNominalStrips(theConf.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("ForceFitterToNominalStrips", false)),
37  theLasConstants(theConf.getUntrackedParameter<std::vector<edm::ParameterSet> >("LaserAlignmentConstants")),
38  theFile(),
39  theAlignableTracker(),
40  theAlignRecordName("TrackerAlignmentRcd"),
41  theErrorRecordName("TrackerAlignmentErrorExtendedRcd"),
42  firstEvent_(true) {
43  std::cout << std::endl;
44  std::cout << "=============================================================="
45  << "\n=== LaserAlignment module configuration ==="
46  << "\n"
47  << "\n Write histograms to file = " << (theSaveHistograms ? "true" : "false")
48  << "\n Histogram file name = " << theFileName
49  << "\n Histogram file compression = " << theCompression
50  << "\n Subtract pedestals = " << (theDoPedestalSubtraction ? "true" : "false")
51  << "\n Run Minuit AT algorithm = " << (theUseMinuitAlgorithm ? "true" : "false")
52  << "\n Apply beam kink corrections = " << (theApplyBeamKinkCorrections ? "true" : "false")
53  << "\n Peak Finder Threshold = " << peakFinderThreshold
54  << "\n EnableJudgeZeroFilter = " << (enableJudgeZeroFilter ? "true" : "false")
55  << "\n JudgeOverdriveThreshold = " << judgeOverdriveThreshold
56  << "\n Update from input geometry = " << (updateFromInputGeometry ? "true" : "false")
57  << "\n Misalignment from ref geometry = " << (misalignedByRefGeometry ? "true" : "false")
58  << "\n Number of TEC modules masked = " << theMaskTecModules.size() << " (s. below list if > 0)"
59  << "\n Number of AT modules masked = " << theMaskAtModules.size() << " (s. below list if > 0)"
60  << "\n Store to database = " << (theStoreToDB ? "true" : "false")
61  << "\n ----------------------------------------------- ----------"
62  << (theSetNominalStrips ? "\n Set strips to nominal = true" : "\n")
63  << "\n=============================================================" << std::endl;
65  // tell about masked modules
66  if (!theMaskTecModules.empty()) {
67  std::cout << " ===============================================================================================\n"
68  << std::flush;
69  std::cout << " The following " << theMaskTecModules.size()
70  << " TEC modules have been masked out and will not be considered by the TEC algorithm:\n " << std::flush;
71  for (std::vector<unsigned int>::iterator moduleIt = theMaskTecModules.begin(); moduleIt != theMaskTecModules.end();
72  ++moduleIt) {
73  std::cout << *moduleIt << (moduleIt != --theMaskTecModules.end() ? ", " : "") << std::flush;
74  }
75  std::cout << std::endl << std::flush;
76  std::cout << " ===============================================================================================\n\n"
77  << std::flush;
78  }
79  if (!theMaskAtModules.empty()) {
80  std::cout << " ===============================================================================================\n"
81  << std::flush;
82  std::cout << " The following " << theMaskAtModules.size()
83  << " AT modules have been masked out and will not be considered by the AT algorithm:\n " << std::flush;
84  for (std::vector<unsigned int>::iterator moduleIt = theMaskAtModules.begin(); moduleIt != theMaskAtModules.end();
85  ++moduleIt) {
86  std::cout << *moduleIt << (moduleIt != --theMaskAtModules.end() ? ", " : "") << std::flush;
87  }
88  std::cout << std::endl << std::flush;
89  std::cout << " ===============================================================================================\n\n"
90  << std::flush;
91  }
93  // alias for the Branches in the root files
94  std::string alias(theConf.getParameter<std::string>("@module_label"));
96  // declare the product to produce
97  produces<TkLasBeamCollection, edm::Transition::EndRun>("tkLaserBeams").setBranchAlias(alias + "TkLasBeamCollection");
99  // switch judge's zero filter depending on cfg
102  // set the upper threshold for zero suppressed data
104 }
110  if (theSaveHistograms)
111  theFile->Write();
112  if (theFile) {
113  delete theFile;
114  }
115  if (theAlignableTracker) {
116  delete theAlignableTracker;
117  }
118 }
124  // write sumed histograms to file (if selected in cfg)
125  if (theSaveHistograms) {
126  // creating a new file
127  theFile = new TFile(theFileName.c_str(), "RECREATE", "CMS ROOT file");
129  // initialize the histograms
130  if (theFile) {
131  theFile->SetCompressionLevel(theCompression);
132  singleModulesDir = theFile->mkdir("single modules");
133  } else
134  throw cms::Exception(" [LaserAlignment::beginJob]")
135  << " ** ERROR: could not open file:" << theFileName.c_str() << " for writing." << std::endl;
136  }
138  // detector id maps (hard coded)
139  fillDetectorId();
141  // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
143  // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
145  // object used to build various strings for names and labels
146  std::stringstream nameBuilder;
148  // loop variables for use with LASGlobalLoop object
149  int det, ring, beam, disk, pos;
151  // loop TEC modules
152  det = 0;
153  ring = 0;
154  beam = 0;
155  disk = 0;
156  do { // loop using LASGlobalLoop functionality
157  // init the profiles
158  pedestalProfiles.GetTECEntry(det, ring, beam, disk).SetAllValuesTo(0.);
159  currentDataProfiles.GetTECEntry(det, ring, beam, disk).SetAllValuesTo(0.);
160  collectedDataProfiles.GetTECEntry(det, ring, beam, disk).SetAllValuesTo(0.);
162  // init the hit maps
163  isAcceptedProfile.SetTECEntry(det, ring, beam, disk, 0);
164  numberOfAcceptedProfiles.SetTECEntry(det, ring, beam, disk, 0);
166  // create strings for histo names
167  nameBuilder.clear();
168  nameBuilder.str("");
169  nameBuilder << "TEC";
170  if (det == 0)
171  nameBuilder << "+";
172  else
173  nameBuilder << "-";
174  nameBuilder << "_Ring";
175  if (ring == 0)
176  nameBuilder << "4";
177  else
178  nameBuilder << "6";
179  nameBuilder << "_Beam" << beam;
180  nameBuilder << "_Disk" << disk;
181  theProfileNames.SetTECEntry(det, ring, beam, disk, nameBuilder.str());
183  // init the histograms
184  if (theSaveHistograms) {
185  nameBuilder << "_Histo";
187  det, ring, beam, disk, new TH1D(nameBuilder.str().c_str(), nameBuilder.str().c_str(), 512, 0, 512));
188  summedHistograms.GetTECEntry(det, ring, beam, disk)->SetDirectory(singleModulesDir);
189  }
191  } while (moduleLoop.TECLoop(det, ring, beam, disk));
193  // TIB & TOB section
194  det = 2;
195  beam = 0;
196  pos = 0;
197  do { // loop using LASGlobalLoop functionality
198  // init the profiles
199  pedestalProfiles.GetTIBTOBEntry(det, beam, pos).SetAllValuesTo(0.);
203  // init the hit maps
204  isAcceptedProfile.SetTIBTOBEntry(det, beam, pos, 0);
205  numberOfAcceptedProfiles.SetTIBTOBEntry(det, beam, pos, 0);
207  // create strings for histo names
208  nameBuilder.clear();
209  nameBuilder.str("");
210  if (det == 2)
211  nameBuilder << "TIB";
212  else
213  nameBuilder << "TOB";
214  nameBuilder << "_Beam" << beam;
215  nameBuilder << "_Zpos" << pos;
217  theProfileNames.SetTIBTOBEntry(det, beam, pos, nameBuilder.str());
219  // init the histograms
220  if (theSaveHistograms) {
221  nameBuilder << "_Histo";
223  det, beam, pos, new TH1D(nameBuilder.str().c_str(), nameBuilder.str().c_str(), 512, 0, 512));
224  summedHistograms.GetTIBTOBEntry(det, beam, pos)->SetDirectory(singleModulesDir);
225  }
227  } while (moduleLoop.TIBTOBLoop(det, beam, pos));
229  // TEC2TEC AT section
230  det = 0;
231  beam = 0;
232  disk = 0;
233  do { // loop using LASGlobalLoop functionality
234  // init the profiles
235  pedestalProfiles.GetTEC2TECEntry(det, beam, disk).SetAllValuesTo(0.);
239  // init the hit maps
240  isAcceptedProfile.SetTEC2TECEntry(det, beam, disk, 0);
241  numberOfAcceptedProfiles.SetTEC2TECEntry(det, beam, disk, 0);
243  // create strings for histo names
244  nameBuilder.clear();
245  nameBuilder.str("");
246  nameBuilder << "TEC(AT)";
247  if (det == 0)
248  nameBuilder << "+";
249  else
250  nameBuilder << "-";
251  nameBuilder << "_Beam" << beam;
252  nameBuilder << "_Disk" << disk;
253  theProfileNames.SetTEC2TECEntry(det, beam, disk, nameBuilder.str());
255  // init the histograms
256  if (theSaveHistograms) {
257  nameBuilder << "_Histo";
259  det, beam, disk, new TH1D(nameBuilder.str().c_str(), nameBuilder.str().c_str(), 512, 0, 512));
260  summedHistograms.GetTEC2TECEntry(det, beam, disk)->SetDirectory(singleModulesDir);
261  }
263  } while (moduleLoop.TEC2TECLoop(det, beam, disk));
265  firstEvent_ = true;
266 }
271 void LaserAlignment::produce(edm::Event& theEvent, edm::EventSetup const& theSetup) {
272  if (firstEvent_) {
273  //Retrieve tracker topology from geometry
274  edm::ESHandle<TrackerTopology> tTopoHandle;
275  theSetup.get<TrackerTopologyRcd>().get(tTopoHandle);
276  const TrackerTopology* const tTopo = tTopoHandle.product();
278  // access the tracker
280  theSetup.get<IdealGeometryRecord>().get(gD);
282  // access pedestals (from db..) if desired
283  edm::ESHandle<SiStripPedestals> pedestalsHandle;
285  theSetup.get<SiStripPedestalsRcd>().get(pedestalsHandle);
286  fillPedestalProfiles(pedestalsHandle);
287  }
289  // global positions
290  // edm::ESHandle<Alignments> theGlobalPositionRcd;
291  theSetup.get<TrackerDigiGeometryRecord>().getRecord<GlobalPositionRcd>().get(theGlobalPositionRcd);
293  // select the reference geometry
295  // the AlignableTracker object is initialized with the ideal geometry
296  edm::ESHandle<GeometricDet> theGeometricDet;
297  theSetup.get<IdealGeometryRecord>().get(theGeometricDet);
299  theSetup.get<PTrackerParametersRcd>().get(ptp);
300  TrackerGeomBuilderFromGeometricDet trackerBuilder;
301  TrackerGeometry* theRefTracker =*theGeometricDet, *ptp, tTopo);
303  theAlignableTracker = new AlignableTracker(&(*theRefTracker), tTopo);
304  } else {
305  // the AlignableTracker object is initialized with the input geometry from DB
307  }
309  firstEvent_ = false;
310  }
312  LogDebug("LaserAlignment") << "==========================================================="
313  << "\n Private analysis of event #" << << " in run #"
314  <<;
316  // do the Tracker Statistics to retrieve the current profiles
317  fillDataProfiles(theEvent, theSetup);
319  // index variables for the LASGlobalLoop object
320  int det, ring, beam, disk, pos;
322  //
323  // first pre-loop on selected entries to find out
324  // whether the TEC or the AT beams have fired
325  // (pedestal profiles are left empty if false in cfg)
326  //
328  // TEC+- (only ring 6)
329  ring = 1;
330  for (det = 0; det < 2; ++det) {
331  for (beam = 0; beam < 8; ++beam) {
332  for (disk = 0; disk < 9; ++disk) {
333  if (judge.IsSignalIn(currentDataProfiles.GetTECEntry(det, ring, beam, disk) -
334  pedestalProfiles.GetTECEntry(det, ring, beam, disk),
335  0)) {
336  isAcceptedProfile.SetTECEntry(det, ring, beam, disk, 1);
337  } else { // assume no initialization
338  isAcceptedProfile.SetTECEntry(det, ring, beam, disk, 0);
339  }
340  }
341  }
342  }
344  // TIBTOB
345  det = 2;
346  beam = 0;
347  pos = 0;
348  do {
349  // add current event's data and subtract pedestals
350  if (judge.IsSignalIn(
351  currentDataProfiles.GetTIBTOBEntry(det, beam, pos) - pedestalProfiles.GetTIBTOBEntry(det, beam, pos),
352  getTIBTOBNominalBeamOffset(det, beam, pos))) {
353  isAcceptedProfile.SetTIBTOBEntry(det, beam, pos, 1);
354  } else { // dto.
355  isAcceptedProfile.SetTIBTOBEntry(det, beam, pos, 0);
356  }
358  } while (moduleLoop.TIBTOBLoop(det, beam, pos));
360  // now come the beam finders
361  bool isTECMode = isTECBeam();
362  // LogDebug( " [LaserAlignment::produce]" ) << "LaserAlignment::isTECBeam declares this event " << ( isTECMode ? "" : "NOT " ) << "a TEC event." << std::endl;
363  std::cout << " [LaserAlignment::produce] -- LaserAlignment::isTECBeam declares this event "
364  << (isTECMode ? "" : "NOT ") << "a TEC event." << std::endl;
366  bool isATMode = isATBeam();
367  // LogDebug( " [LaserAlignment::produce]" ) << "LaserAlignment::isATBeam declares this event " << ( isATMode ? "" : "NOT " ) << "an AT event." << std::endl;
368  std::cout << " [LaserAlignment::produce] -- LaserAlignment::isATBeam declares this event " << (isATMode ? "" : "NOT ")
369  << "an AT event." << std::endl;
371  //
372  // now pass the pedestal subtracted profiles to the judge
373  // if they're accepted, add them on the collectedDataProfiles
374  // (pedestal profiles are left empty if false in cfg)
375  //
377  // loop TEC+- modules
378  det = 0;
379  ring = 0;
380  beam = 0;
381  disk = 0;
382  do {
383  LogDebug("[LaserAlignment::produce]")
384  << "Profile is: " << theProfileNames.GetTECEntry(det, ring, beam, disk) << "." << std::endl;
386  // this now depends on the AT/TEC mode, is this a doubly hit module? -> look for it in vector<int> tecDoubleHitDetId
387  // (ring == 0 not necessary but makes it a little faster)
388  if (ring == 0 &&
389  find(tecDoubleHitDetId.begin(), tecDoubleHitDetId.end(), detectorId.GetTECEntry(det, ring, beam, disk)) !=
390  tecDoubleHitDetId.end()) {
391  if (isTECMode) { // add profile to TEC collection
392  // add current event's data and subtract pedestals
393  if (judge.JudgeProfile(currentDataProfiles.GetTECEntry(det, ring, beam, disk) -
394  pedestalProfiles.GetTECEntry(det, ring, beam, disk),
395  0)) {
396  collectedDataProfiles.GetTECEntry(det, ring, beam, disk) +=
397  currentDataProfiles.GetTECEntry(det, ring, beam, disk) -
398  pedestalProfiles.GetTECEntry(det, ring, beam, disk);
399  numberOfAcceptedProfiles.GetTECEntry(det, ring, beam, disk)++;
400  }
401  }
402  }
404  else { // not a doubly hit module, don't care about the mode
405  // add current event's data and subtract pedestals
406  if (judge.JudgeProfile(currentDataProfiles.GetTECEntry(det, ring, beam, disk) -
407  pedestalProfiles.GetTECEntry(det, ring, beam, disk),
408  0)) {
409  collectedDataProfiles.GetTECEntry(det, ring, beam, disk) +=
410  currentDataProfiles.GetTECEntry(det, ring, beam, disk) -
411  pedestalProfiles.GetTECEntry(det, ring, beam, disk);
412  numberOfAcceptedProfiles.GetTECEntry(det, ring, beam, disk)++;
413  }
414  }
416  } while (moduleLoop.TECLoop(det, ring, beam, disk));
418  // loop TIB/TOB modules
419  det = 2;
420  beam = 0;
421  pos = 0;
422  do {
423  LogDebug("[LaserAlignment::produce]")
424  << "Profile is: " << theProfileNames.GetTIBTOBEntry(det, beam, pos) << "." << std::endl;
426  // add current event's data and subtract pedestals
427  if (judge.JudgeProfile(
428  currentDataProfiles.GetTIBTOBEntry(det, beam, pos) - pedestalProfiles.GetTIBTOBEntry(det, beam, pos),
429  getTIBTOBNominalBeamOffset(det, beam, pos))) {
430  collectedDataProfiles.GetTIBTOBEntry(det, beam, pos) +=
431  currentDataProfiles.GetTIBTOBEntry(det, beam, pos) - pedestalProfiles.GetTIBTOBEntry(det, beam, pos);
432  numberOfAcceptedProfiles.GetTIBTOBEntry(det, beam, pos)++;
433  }
435  } while (moduleLoop.TIBTOBLoop(det, beam, pos));
437  // loop TEC2TEC modules
438  det = 0;
439  beam = 0;
440  disk = 0;
441  do {
442  LogDebug("[LaserAlignment::produce]")
443  << "Profile is: " << theProfileNames.GetTEC2TECEntry(det, beam, disk) << "." << std::endl;
445  // this again depends on the AT/TEC mode, is this a doubly hit module?
446  // (ring == 0 not necessary but makes it a little faster)
447  if (ring == 0 &&
448  find(tecDoubleHitDetId.begin(), tecDoubleHitDetId.end(), detectorId.GetTECEntry(det, ring, beam, disk)) !=
449  tecDoubleHitDetId.end()) {
450  if (isATMode) { // add profile to TEC2TEC collection
451  // add current event's data and subtract pedestals
453  pedestalProfiles.GetTEC2TECEntry(det, beam, disk),
454  0)) {
455  collectedDataProfiles.GetTEC2TECEntry(det, beam, disk) +=
456  currentDataProfiles.GetTEC2TECEntry(det, beam, disk) - pedestalProfiles.GetTEC2TECEntry(det, beam, disk);
457  numberOfAcceptedProfiles.GetTEC2TECEntry(det, beam, disk)++;
458  }
459  }
461  }
463  else { // not a doubly hit module, don't care about the mode
464  // add current event's data and subtract pedestals
465  if (judge.JudgeProfile(
466  currentDataProfiles.GetTEC2TECEntry(det, beam, disk) - pedestalProfiles.GetTEC2TECEntry(det, beam, disk),
467  0)) {
468  collectedDataProfiles.GetTEC2TECEntry(det, beam, disk) +=
469  currentDataProfiles.GetTEC2TECEntry(det, beam, disk) - pedestalProfiles.GetTEC2TECEntry(det, beam, disk);
470  numberOfAcceptedProfiles.GetTEC2TECEntry(det, beam, disk)++;
471  }
472  }
474  } while (moduleLoop.TEC2TECLoop(det, beam, disk));
476  // total event number counter
477  theEvents++;
478 }
484  std::cout << " [LaserAlignment::endRun] -- Total number of events processed: " << theEvents << std::endl;
486  // for debugging only..
489  // index variables for the LASGlobalLoop objects
490  int det, ring, beam, disk, pos;
492  // measured positions container for the algorithms
493  LASGlobalData<LASCoordinateSet> measuredCoordinates;
495  // fitted peak positions in units of strips (pair for value,error)
496  LASGlobalData<std::pair<float, float> > measuredStripPositions;
498  // the peak finder, a pair (pos/posErr in units of strips) for its results, and the success confirmation
499  LASPeakFinder peakFinder;
501  std::pair<double, double> peakFinderResults;
502  bool isGoodFit;
504  // tracker geom. object for calculating the global beam positions
505  const TrackerGeometry& theTracker(*theTrackerGeometry);
507  // fill LASGlobalData<LASCoordinateSet> nominalCoordinates
510  // for determining the phi errors
511  // ErrorFrameTransformer errorTransformer; // later...
513  // do the fits for TEC+- internal
514  det = 0;
515  ring = 0;
516  beam = 0;
517  disk = 0;
518  do {
519  // do the fit
520  isGoodFit = peakFinder.FindPeakIn(collectedDataProfiles.GetTECEntry(det, ring, beam, disk),
521  peakFinderResults,
522  summedHistograms.GetTECEntry(det, ring, beam, disk),
523  0); // offset is 0 for TEC
525  // now we have the measured positions in units of strips.
526  if (!isGoodFit)
527  std::cout << " [LaserAlignment::endRun] ** WARNING: Fit failed for TEC det: " << det << ", ring: " << ring
528  << ", beam: " << beam << ", disk: " << disk << " (id: " << detectorId.GetTECEntry(det, ring, beam, disk)
529  << ")." << std::endl;
531  // <- here we will later implement the kink corrections
533  // access the tracker geometry for this module
534  const DetId theDetId(detectorId.GetTECEntry(det, ring, beam, disk));
535  const StripGeomDetUnit* const theStripDet = dynamic_cast<const StripGeomDetUnit*>(theTracker.idToDet(theDetId));
537  if (theStripDet) {
538  // first, set the measured coordinates to their nominal values
539  measuredCoordinates.SetTECEntry(det, ring, beam, disk, nominalCoordinates.GetTECEntry(det, ring, beam, disk));
541  if (isGoodFit) { // convert strip position to global phi and replace the nominal phi value/error
543  measuredStripPositions.GetTECEntry(det, ring, beam, disk) = peakFinderResults;
544  const float positionInStrips =
546  ? 256.
547  : peakFinderResults.first; // implementation of "ForceFitterToNominalStrips" config parameter
548  const GlobalPoint& globalPoint =
549  theStripDet->surface().toGlobal(theStripDet->specificTopology().localPosition(positionInStrips));
550  measuredCoordinates.GetTECEntry(det, ring, beam, disk).SetPhi(ConvertAngle(globalPoint.barePhi()));
552  // const GlobalError& globalError = errorTransformer.transform( theStripDet->specificTopology().localError( peakFinderResults.first, pow( peakFinderResults.second, 2 ) ), theStripDet->surface() );
553  // measuredCoordinates.GetTECEntry( det, ring, beam, disk ).SetPhiError( globalError.phierr( globalPoint ) );
554  measuredCoordinates.GetTECEntry(det, ring, beam, disk).SetPhiError(0.00046); // PRELIMINARY ESTIMATE
556  } else { // keep nominal position (middle-of-module) but set a giant phi error so that the module can be ignored by the alignment algorithm
557  measuredStripPositions.GetTECEntry(det, ring, beam, disk) = std::pair<float, float>(256., 1000.);
558  const GlobalPoint& globalPoint =
559  theStripDet->surface().toGlobal(theStripDet->specificTopology().localPosition(256.));
560  measuredCoordinates.GetTECEntry(det, ring, beam, disk).SetPhi(ConvertAngle(globalPoint.barePhi()));
561  measuredCoordinates.GetTECEntry(det, ring, beam, disk).SetPhiError(1000.);
562  }
563  }
565  } while (moduleLoop.TECLoop(det, ring, beam, disk));
567  // do the fits for TIB/TOB
568  det = 2;
569  beam = 0;
570  pos = 0;
571  do {
572  // do the fit
573  isGoodFit = peakFinder.FindPeakIn(collectedDataProfiles.GetTIBTOBEntry(det, beam, pos),
574  peakFinderResults,
575  summedHistograms.GetTIBTOBEntry(det, beam, pos),
576  getTIBTOBNominalBeamOffset(det, beam, pos));
578  // now we have the measured positions in units of strips.
579  if (!isGoodFit)
580  std::cout << " [LaserAlignment::endJob] ** WARNING: Fit failed for TIB/TOB det: " << det << ", beam: " << beam
581  << ", pos: " << pos << " (id: " << detectorId.GetTIBTOBEntry(det, beam, pos) << ")." << std::endl;
583  // <- here we will later implement the kink corrections
585  // access the tracker geometry for this module
586  const DetId theDetId(detectorId.GetTIBTOBEntry(det, beam, pos));
587  const StripGeomDetUnit* const theStripDet = dynamic_cast<const StripGeomDetUnit*>(theTracker.idToDet(theDetId));
589  if (theStripDet) {
590  // first, set the measured coordinates to their nominal values
591  measuredCoordinates.SetTIBTOBEntry(det, beam, pos, nominalCoordinates.GetTIBTOBEntry(det, beam, pos));
593  if (isGoodFit) { // convert strip position to global phi and replace the nominal phi value/error
594  measuredStripPositions.GetTIBTOBEntry(det, beam, pos) = peakFinderResults;
595  const float positionInStrips =
597  ? 256. + getTIBTOBNominalBeamOffset(det, beam, pos)
598  : peakFinderResults.first; // implementation of "ForceFitterToNominalStrips" config parameter
599  const GlobalPoint& globalPoint =
600  theStripDet->surface().toGlobal(theStripDet->specificTopology().localPosition(positionInStrips));
601  measuredCoordinates.GetTIBTOBEntry(det, beam, pos).SetPhi(ConvertAngle(globalPoint.barePhi()));
602  measuredCoordinates.GetTIBTOBEntry(det, beam, pos).SetPhiError(0.00028); // PRELIMINARY ESTIMATE
603  } else { // keep nominal position but set a giant phi error so that the module can be ignored by the alignment algorithm
604  measuredStripPositions.GetTIBTOBEntry(det, beam, pos) =
605  std::pair<float, float>(256. + getTIBTOBNominalBeamOffset(det, beam, pos), 1000.);
606  const GlobalPoint& globalPoint = theStripDet->surface().toGlobal(
607  theStripDet->specificTopology().localPosition(256. + getTIBTOBNominalBeamOffset(det, beam, pos)));
608  measuredCoordinates.GetTIBTOBEntry(det, beam, pos).SetPhi(ConvertAngle(globalPoint.barePhi()));
609  measuredCoordinates.GetTIBTOBEntry(det, beam, pos).SetPhiError(1000.);
610  }
611  }
613  } while (moduleLoop.TIBTOBLoop(det, beam, pos));
615  // do the fits for TEC AT
616  det = 0;
617  beam = 0;
618  disk = 0;
619  do {
620  // do the fit
621  isGoodFit = peakFinder.FindPeakIn(collectedDataProfiles.GetTEC2TECEntry(det, beam, disk),
622  peakFinderResults,
623  summedHistograms.GetTEC2TECEntry(det, beam, disk),
624  getTEC2TECNominalBeamOffset(det, beam, disk));
625  // now we have the positions in units of strips.
626  if (!isGoodFit)
627  std::cout << " [LaserAlignment::endRun] ** WARNING: Fit failed for TEC2TEC det: " << det << ", beam: " << beam
628  << ", disk: " << disk << " (id: " << detectorId.GetTEC2TECEntry(det, beam, disk) << ")." << std::endl;
630  // <- here we will later implement the kink corrections
632  // access the tracker geometry for this module
633  const DetId theDetId(detectorId.GetTEC2TECEntry(det, beam, disk));
634  const StripGeomDetUnit* const theStripDet = dynamic_cast<const StripGeomDetUnit*>(theTracker.idToDet(theDetId));
636  if (theStripDet) {
637  // first, set the measured coordinates to their nominal values
638  measuredCoordinates.SetTEC2TECEntry(det, beam, disk, nominalCoordinates.GetTEC2TECEntry(det, beam, disk));
640  if (isGoodFit) { // convert strip position to global phi and replace the nominal phi value/error
641  measuredStripPositions.GetTEC2TECEntry(det, beam, disk) = peakFinderResults;
642  const float positionInStrips =
644  ? 256. + getTEC2TECNominalBeamOffset(det, beam, disk)
645  : peakFinderResults.first; // implementation of "ForceFitterToNominalStrips" config parameter
646  const GlobalPoint& globalPoint =
647  theStripDet->surface().toGlobal(theStripDet->specificTopology().localPosition(positionInStrips));
648  measuredCoordinates.GetTEC2TECEntry(det, beam, disk).SetPhi(ConvertAngle(globalPoint.barePhi()));
649  measuredCoordinates.GetTEC2TECEntry(det, beam, disk).SetPhiError(0.00047); // PRELIMINARY ESTIMATE
650  } else { // keep nominal position but set a giant phi error so that the module can be ignored by the alignment algorithm
651  measuredStripPositions.GetTEC2TECEntry(det, beam, disk) =
652  std::pair<float, float>(256. + getTEC2TECNominalBeamOffset(det, beam, disk), 1000.);
653  const GlobalPoint& globalPoint = theStripDet->surface().toGlobal(
654  theStripDet->specificTopology().localPosition(256. + getTEC2TECNominalBeamOffset(det, beam, disk)));
655  measuredCoordinates.GetTEC2TECEntry(det, beam, disk).SetPhi(ConvertAngle(globalPoint.barePhi()));
656  measuredCoordinates.GetTEC2TECEntry(det, beam, disk).SetPhiError(1000.);
657  }
658  }
660  } while (moduleLoop.TEC2TECLoop(det, beam, disk));
662  // see what we got (for debugging)
663  // DumpStripFileSet( measuredStripPositions );
664  // DumpPosFileSet( measuredCoordinates );
667  // for beam kink corrections, reconstructing the geometry and updating the db object
670  // apply all beam corrections
672  geometryUpdater.ApplyBeamKinkCorrections(measuredCoordinates);
674  // if we start with input geometry instead of IDEAL,
675  // reverse the adjustments in the AlignableTracker object
677  geometryUpdater.SetReverseDirection(true);
679  // if we have "virtual" misalignment which is introduced via the reference geometry,
680  // tell the LASGeometryUpdater to reverse x & y adjustments
682  geometryUpdater.SetMisalignmentFromRefGeometry(true);
684  // run the endcap algorithm
685  LASEndcapAlgorithm endcapAlgorithm;
686  LASEndcapAlignmentParameterSet endcapParameters;
688  // this basically sets all the endcap modules to be masked
689  // to their nominal positions (since endcapParameters is overall zero)
690  if (!theMaskTecModules.empty()) {
691  ApplyEndcapMaskingCorrections(measuredCoordinates, nominalCoordinates, endcapParameters);
692  }
694  // run the algorithm
695  endcapParameters = endcapAlgorithm.CalculateParameters(measuredCoordinates, nominalCoordinates);
697  //
698  // loop to mask out events
700  //
702  // do this only if there are modules to be masked..
703  if (!theMaskTecModules.empty()) {
704  const unsigned int nIterations = 30;
705  for (unsigned int iteration = 0; iteration < nIterations; ++iteration) {
706  // set the endcap modules to be masked to their positions
707  // according to the reconstructed parameters
708  ApplyEndcapMaskingCorrections(measuredCoordinates, nominalCoordinates, endcapParameters);
710  // modifications applied, so re-run the algorithm
711  endcapParameters = endcapAlgorithm.CalculateParameters(measuredCoordinates, nominalCoordinates);
712  }
713  }
715  // these are now final, so:
716  endcapParameters.Print();
718  // do a pre-alignment of the endcaps (TEC2TEC only)
719  // so that the alignment tube algorithms finds orderly disks
720  geometryUpdater.EndcapUpdate(endcapParameters, measuredCoordinates);
722  // the alignment tube algorithms, choose from config
723  LASBarrelAlignmentParameterSet alignmentTubeParameters;
724  // the MINUIT-BASED alignment tube algorithm
725  LASBarrelAlgorithm barrelAlgorithm;
726  // the ANALYTICAL alignment tube algorithm
727  LASAlignmentTubeAlgorithm alignmentTubeAlgorithm;
729  // this basically sets all the modules to be masked
730  // to their nominal positions (since alignmentTubeParameters is overall zero)
731  if (!theMaskAtModules.empty()) {
732  ApplyATMaskingCorrections(measuredCoordinates, nominalCoordinates, alignmentTubeParameters);
733  }
735  if (theUseMinuitAlgorithm) {
736  // run the MINUIT-BASED alignment tube algorithm
737  alignmentTubeParameters = barrelAlgorithm.CalculateParameters(measuredCoordinates, nominalCoordinates);
738  } else {
739  // the ANALYTICAL alignment tube algorithm
740  alignmentTubeParameters = alignmentTubeAlgorithm.CalculateParameters(measuredCoordinates, nominalCoordinates);
741  }
743  //
744  // loop to mask out events
746  //
748  // do this only if there are modules to be masked..
749  if (!theMaskAtModules.empty()) {
750  const unsigned int nIterations = 30;
751  for (unsigned int iteration = 0; iteration < nIterations; ++iteration) {
752  // set the AT modules to be masked to their positions
753  // according to the reconstructed parameters
754  ApplyATMaskingCorrections(measuredCoordinates, nominalCoordinates, alignmentTubeParameters);
756  // modifications applied, so re-run the algorithm
757  if (theUseMinuitAlgorithm) {
758  alignmentTubeParameters = barrelAlgorithm.CalculateParameters(measuredCoordinates, nominalCoordinates);
759  } else {
760  alignmentTubeParameters = alignmentTubeAlgorithm.CalculateParameters(measuredCoordinates, nominalCoordinates);
761  }
762  }
763  }
765  // these are now final, so:
766  alignmentTubeParameters.Print();
768  // combine the results and update the db object
769  geometryUpdater.TrackerUpdate(endcapParameters, alignmentTubeParameters, *theAlignableTracker);
776  // the collection container
777  auto laserBeams = std::make_unique<TkLasBeamCollection>();
779  // first for the endcap internal beams
780  for (det = 0; det < 2; ++det) {
781  for (ring = 0; ring < 2; ++ring) {
782  for (beam = 0; beam < 8; ++beam) {
783  // the beam and its identifier (see TkLasTrackBasedInterface TWiki)
784  TkLasBeam currentBeam(100 * det + 10 * beam + ring);
786  // order the hits in the beam by increasing z
787  const int firstDisk = det == 0 ? 0 : 8;
788  const int lastDisk = det == 0 ? 8 : 0;
790  // count upwards or downwards
791  for (disk = firstDisk; det == 0 ? disk <= lastDisk : disk >= lastDisk; det == 0 ? ++disk : --disk) {
792  // detId for the SiStripLaserRecHit2D
793  const SiStripDetId theDetId(detectorId.GetTECEntry(det, ring, beam, disk));
795  // need this to calculate the localPosition and its error
796  const StripGeomDetUnit* const theStripDet =
797  dynamic_cast<const StripGeomDetUnit*>(theTracker.idToDet(theDetId));
799  // the hit container
800  const SiStripLaserRecHit2D currentHit(theStripDet->specificTopology().localPosition(
801  measuredStripPositions.GetTECEntry(det, ring, beam, disk).first),
802  theStripDet->specificTopology().localError(
803  measuredStripPositions.GetTECEntry(det, ring, beam, disk).first,
804  measuredStripPositions.GetTECEntry(det, ring, beam, disk).second),
805  theDetId);
807  currentBeam.push_back(currentHit);
808  }
810  laserBeams->push_back(currentBeam);
811  }
812  }
813  }
815  // then, following the convention in TkLasTrackBasedInterface TWiki, the alignment tube beams;
816  // they comprise hits in TIBTOB & TEC2TEC
818  for (beam = 0; beam < 8; ++beam) {
819  // the beam and its identifier (see TkLasTrackBasedInterface TWiki)
820  TkLasBeam currentBeam(100 * 2 /*beamGroup=AT=2*/ + 10 * beam + 0 /*ring=0*/);
822  // first: tec-
823  det = 1;
824  for (disk = 4; disk >= 0; --disk) {
825  // detId for the SiStripLaserRecHit2D
826  const SiStripDetId theDetId(detectorId.GetTEC2TECEntry(det, beam, disk));
828  // need this to calculate the localPosition and its error
829  const StripGeomDetUnit* const theStripDet = dynamic_cast<const StripGeomDetUnit*>(theTracker.idToDet(theDetId));
831  // the hit container
832  const SiStripLaserRecHit2D currentHit(
833  theStripDet->specificTopology().localPosition(measuredStripPositions.GetTEC2TECEntry(det, beam, disk).first),
834  theStripDet->specificTopology().localError(measuredStripPositions.GetTEC2TECEntry(det, beam, disk).first,
835  measuredStripPositions.GetTEC2TECEntry(det, beam, disk).second),
836  theDetId);
838  currentBeam.push_back(currentHit);
839  }
841  // now TIB and TOB in one go
842  for (det = 2; det < 4; ++det) {
843  for (pos = 5; pos >= 0; --pos) { // stupidly, pos is defined from +z to -z in LASGlobalLoop
845  // detId for the SiStripLaserRecHit2D
846  const SiStripDetId theDetId(detectorId.GetTIBTOBEntry(det, beam, pos));
848  // need this to calculate the localPosition and its error
849  const StripGeomDetUnit* const theStripDet = dynamic_cast<const StripGeomDetUnit*>(theTracker.idToDet(theDetId));
851  // the hit container
852  const SiStripLaserRecHit2D currentHit(
853  theStripDet->specificTopology().localPosition(measuredStripPositions.GetTIBTOBEntry(det, beam, pos).first),
854  theStripDet->specificTopology().localError(measuredStripPositions.GetTIBTOBEntry(det, beam, pos).first,
855  measuredStripPositions.GetTIBTOBEntry(det, beam, pos).second),
856  theDetId);
858  currentBeam.push_back(currentHit);
859  }
860  }
862  // then: tec+
863  det = 0;
864  for (disk = 0; disk < 5; ++disk) {
865  // detId for the SiStripLaserRecHit2D
866  const SiStripDetId theDetId(detectorId.GetTEC2TECEntry(det, beam, disk));
868  // need this to calculate the localPosition and its error
869  const StripGeomDetUnit* const theStripDet = dynamic_cast<const StripGeomDetUnit*>(theTracker.idToDet(theDetId));
871  // the hit container
872  const SiStripLaserRecHit2D currentHit(
873  theStripDet->specificTopology().localPosition(measuredStripPositions.GetTEC2TECEntry(det, beam, disk).first),
874  theStripDet->specificTopology().localError(measuredStripPositions.GetTEC2TECEntry(det, beam, disk).first,
875  measuredStripPositions.GetTEC2TECEntry(det, beam, disk).second),
876  theDetId);
878  currentBeam.push_back(currentHit);
879  }
881  // save this beam to the beamCollection
882  laserBeams->push_back(currentBeam);
884  } // (close beam loop)
886  // now attach the collection to the run
887  theRun.put(std::move(laserBeams), "tkLaserBeams");
889  // store the estimated alignment parameters into the DB
890  // first get them
891  Alignments* alignments = theAlignableTracker->alignments();
894  if (theStoreToDB) {
895  std::cout << " [LaserAlignment::endRun] -- Storing the calculated alignment parameters to the DataBase:"
896  << std::endl;
898  // Call service
900  if (!poolDbService.isAvailable()) // Die if not available
901  throw cms::Exception("NotAvailable") << "PoolDBOutputService not available";
903  // Store
905  // if ( poolDbService->isNewTagRequest(theAlignRecordName) ) {
906  // poolDbService->createNewIOV<Alignments>( alignments, poolDbService->currentTime(), poolDbService->endOfTime(), theAlignRecordName );
907  // }
908  // else {
909  // poolDbService->appendSinceTime<Alignments>( alignments, poolDbService->currentTime(), theAlignRecordName );
910  // }
911  poolDbService->writeOne<Alignments>(alignments, poolDbService->beginOfTime(), theAlignRecordName);
913  // if ( poolDbService->isNewTagRequest(theErrorRecordName) ) {
914  // poolDbService->createNewIOV<AlignmentErrorsExtended>( alignmentErrors, poolDbService->currentTime(), poolDbService->endOfTime(), theErrorRecordName );
915  // }
916  // else {
917  // poolDbService->appendSinceTime<AlignmentErrorsExtended>( alignmentErrors, poolDbService->currentTime(), theErrorRecordName );
918  // }
919  poolDbService->writeOne<AlignmentErrorsExtended>(alignmentErrors, poolDbService->beginOfTime(), theErrorRecordName);
921  std::cout << " [LaserAlignment::endRun] -- Storing done." << std::endl;
922  }
923 }
934 void LaserAlignment::fillDataProfiles(edm::Event const& theEvent, edm::EventSetup const& theSetup) {
935  // two handles for the two different kinds of digis
939  bool isRawDigi = false;
941  // indices for the LASGlobalLoop object
942  int det = 0, ring = 0, beam = 0, disk = 0, pos = 0;
944  // query config set and loop over all PSets in the VPSet
945  for (std::vector<edm::ParameterSet>::iterator itDigiProducersList = theDigiProducersList.begin();
946  itDigiProducersList != theDigiProducersList.end();
947  ++itDigiProducersList) {
948  std::string digiProducer = itDigiProducersList->getParameter<std::string>("DigiProducer");
949  std::string digiLabel = itDigiProducersList->getParameter<std::string>("DigiLabel");
950  std::string digiType = itDigiProducersList->getParameter<std::string>("DigiType");
952  // now branch according to digi type (raw or processed);
953  // first we go for raw digis => SiStripRawDigi
954  if (digiType == "Raw") {
955  theEvent.getByLabel(digiProducer, digiLabel, theStripRawDigis);
956  isRawDigi = true;
957  } else if (digiType == "Processed") {
958  theEvent.getByLabel(digiProducer, digiLabel, theStripDigis);
959  isRawDigi = false;
960  } else {
961  throw cms::Exception(" [LaserAlignment::fillDataProfiles]")
962  << " ** ERROR: Invalid digi type: \"" << digiType << "\" specified in configuration." << std::endl;
963  }
965  // loop TEC internal modules
966  det = 0;
967  ring = 0;
968  beam = 0;
969  disk = 0;
970  do {
971  // first clear the profile
974  // retrieve the raw id of that module
975  const int detRawId = detectorId.GetTECEntry(det, ring, beam, disk);
977  if (isRawDigi) { // we have raw SiStripRawDigis
979  // search the digis for the raw id
980  edm::DetSetVector<SiStripRawDigi>::const_iterator detSetIter = theStripRawDigis->find(detRawId);
981  if (detSetIter == theStripRawDigis->end()) {
982  throw cms::Exception("[Laser Alignment::fillDataProfiles]")
983  << " ** ERROR: No raw DetSet found for det: " << detRawId << "." << std::endl;
984  }
986  // fill the digis to the profiles
987  edm::DetSet<SiStripRawDigi>::const_iterator digiRangeIterator = detSetIter->data.begin(); // for the loop
988  edm::DetSet<SiStripRawDigi>::const_iterator digiRangeStart = digiRangeIterator; // save starting positions
990  // loop all digis
991  for (; digiRangeIterator != detSetIter->data.end(); ++digiRangeIterator) {
992  const SiStripRawDigi& digi = *digiRangeIterator;
993  const int channel = distance(digiRangeStart, digiRangeIterator);
994  if (channel >= 0 && channel < 512)
995  currentDataProfiles.GetTECEntry(det, ring, beam, disk).SetValue(channel, digi.adc());
996  else
997  throw cms::Exception("[Laser Alignment::fillDataProfiles]")
998  << " ** ERROR: raw digi channel: " << channel << " out of range for det: " << detRawId << "."
999  << std::endl;
1000  }
1002  }
1004  else { // we have zero suppressed SiStripDigis
1006  // search the digis for the raw id
1007  edm::DetSetVector<SiStripDigi>::const_iterator detSetIter = theStripDigis->find(detRawId);
1009  // processed DetSets may be missing, just skip
1010  if (detSetIter == theStripDigis->end())
1011  continue;
1013  // fill the digis to the profiles
1014  edm::DetSet<SiStripDigi>::const_iterator digiRangeIterator = detSetIter->data.begin(); // for the loop
1016  for (; digiRangeIterator != detSetIter->data.end(); ++digiRangeIterator) {
1017  const SiStripDigi& digi = *digiRangeIterator;
1018  if (digi.strip() < 512)
1019  currentDataProfiles.GetTECEntry(det, ring, beam, disk).SetValue(digi.strip(), digi.adc());
1020  else
1021  throw cms::Exception("[Laser Alignment::fillDataProfiles]")
1022  << " ** ERROR: digi strip: " << digi.strip() << " out of range for det: " << detRawId << "."
1023  << std::endl;
1024  }
1025  }
1027  } while (moduleLoop.TECLoop(det, ring, beam, disk));
1029  // loop TIBTOB modules
1030  det = 2;
1031  beam = 0;
1032  pos = 0;
1033  do {
1034  // first clear the profile
1037  // retrieve the raw id of that module
1038  const int detRawId = detectorId.GetTIBTOBEntry(det, beam, pos);
1040  if (isRawDigi) { // we have raw SiStripRawDigis
1042  // search the digis for the raw id
1043  edm::DetSetVector<SiStripRawDigi>::const_iterator detSetIter = theStripRawDigis->find(detRawId);
1044  if (detSetIter == theStripRawDigis->end()) {
1045  throw cms::Exception("[Laser Alignment::fillDataProfiles]")
1046  << " ** ERROR: No raw DetSet found for det: " << detRawId << "." << std::endl;
1047  }
1049  // fill the digis to the profiles
1050  edm::DetSet<SiStripRawDigi>::const_iterator digiRangeIterator = detSetIter->data.begin(); // for the loop
1051  edm::DetSet<SiStripRawDigi>::const_iterator digiRangeStart = digiRangeIterator; // save starting positions
1053  // loop all digis
1054  for (; digiRangeIterator != detSetIter->data.end(); ++digiRangeIterator) {
1055  const SiStripRawDigi& digi = *digiRangeIterator;
1056  const int channel = distance(digiRangeStart, digiRangeIterator);
1057  if (channel >= 0 && channel < 512)
1058  currentDataProfiles.GetTIBTOBEntry(det, beam, pos).SetValue(channel, digi.adc());
1059  else
1060  throw cms::Exception("[Laser Alignment::fillDataProfiles]")
1061  << " ** ERROR: raw digi channel: " << channel << " out of range for det: " << detRawId << "."
1062  << std::endl;
1063  }
1065  }
1067  else { // we have zero suppressed SiStripDigis
1069  // search the digis for the raw id
1070  edm::DetSetVector<SiStripDigi>::const_iterator detSetIter = theStripDigis->find(detRawId);
1072  // processed DetSets may be missing, just skip
1073  if (detSetIter == theStripDigis->end())
1074  continue;
1076  // fill the digis to the profiles
1077  edm::DetSet<SiStripDigi>::const_iterator digiRangeIterator = detSetIter->data.begin(); // for the loop
1079  for (; digiRangeIterator != detSetIter->data.end(); ++digiRangeIterator) {
1080  const SiStripDigi& digi = *digiRangeIterator;
1081  if (digi.strip() < 512)
1082  currentDataProfiles.GetTIBTOBEntry(det, beam, pos).SetValue(digi.strip(), digi.adc());
1083  else
1084  throw cms::Exception("[Laser Alignment::fillDataProfiles]")
1085  << " ** ERROR: digi strip: " << digi.strip() << " out of range for det: " << detRawId << "."
1086  << std::endl;
1087  }
1088  }
1090  } while (moduleLoop.TIBTOBLoop(det, beam, pos));
1092  // loop TEC AT modules
1093  det = 0;
1094  beam = 0;
1095  disk = 0;
1096  do {
1097  // first clear the profile
1100  // retrieve the raw id of that module
1101  const int detRawId = detectorId.GetTEC2TECEntry(det, beam, disk);
1103  if (isRawDigi) { // we have raw SiStripRawDigis
1105  // search the digis for the raw id
1106  edm::DetSetVector<SiStripRawDigi>::const_iterator detSetIter = theStripRawDigis->find(detRawId);
1107  if (detSetIter == theStripRawDigis->end()) {
1108  throw cms::Exception("[Laser Alignment::fillDataProfiles]")
1109  << " ** ERROR: No raw DetSet found for det: " << detRawId << "." << std::endl;
1110  }
1112  // fill the digis to the profiles
1113  edm::DetSet<SiStripRawDigi>::const_iterator digiRangeIterator = detSetIter->data.begin(); // for the loop
1114  edm::DetSet<SiStripRawDigi>::const_iterator digiRangeStart = digiRangeIterator; // save starting positions
1116  // loop all digis
1117  for (; digiRangeIterator != detSetIter->data.end(); ++digiRangeIterator) {
1118  const SiStripRawDigi& digi = *digiRangeIterator;
1119  const int channel = distance(digiRangeStart, digiRangeIterator);
1120  if (channel >= 0 && channel < 512)
1121  currentDataProfiles.GetTEC2TECEntry(det, beam, disk).SetValue(channel, digi.adc());
1122  else
1123  throw cms::Exception("[Laser Alignment::fillDataProfiles]")
1124  << " ** ERROR: raw digi channel: " << channel << " out of range for det: " << detRawId << "."
1125  << std::endl;
1126  }
1128  }
1130  else { // we have zero suppressed SiStripDigis
1132  // search the digis for the raw id
1133  edm::DetSetVector<SiStripDigi>::const_iterator detSetIter = theStripDigis->find(detRawId);
1135  // processed DetSets may be missing, just skip
1136  if (detSetIter == theStripDigis->end())
1137  continue;
1139  // fill the digis to the profiles
1140  edm::DetSet<SiStripDigi>::const_iterator digiRangeIterator = detSetIter->data.begin(); // for the loop
1142  for (; digiRangeIterator != detSetIter->data.end(); ++digiRangeIterator) {
1143  const SiStripDigi& digi = *digiRangeIterator;
1144  if (digi.strip() < 512)
1145  currentDataProfiles.GetTEC2TECEntry(det, beam, disk).SetValue(digi.strip(), digi.adc());
1146  else
1147  throw cms::Exception("[Laser Alignment::fillDataProfiles]")
1148  << " ** ERROR: digi strip: " << digi.strip() << " out of range for det: " << detRawId << "."
1149  << std::endl;
1150  }
1151  }
1153  } while (moduleLoop.TEC2TECLoop(det, beam, disk));
1155  } // theDigiProducersList loop
1156 }
1167  int det, ring, beam, disk, pos;
1169  // loop TEC modules (yet without AT)
1170  det = 0;
1171  ring = 0;
1172  beam = 0;
1173  disk = 0;
1174  do { // loop using LASGlobalLoop functionality
1175  SiStripPedestals::Range pedRange = pedestalsHandle->getRange(detectorId.GetTECEntry(det, ring, beam, disk));
1176  for (int strip = 0; strip < 512; ++strip) {
1177  int thePedestal = int(pedestalsHandle->getPed(strip, pedRange));
1178  if (thePedestal > 895)
1179  thePedestal -= 1024;
1180  pedestalProfiles.GetTECEntry(det, ring, beam, disk).SetValue(strip, thePedestal);
1181  }
1182  } while (moduleLoop.TECLoop(det, ring, beam, disk));
1184  // TIB & TOB section
1185  det = 2;
1186  beam = 0;
1187  pos = 0;
1188  do { // loop using LASGlobalLoop functionality
1189  SiStripPedestals::Range pedRange = pedestalsHandle->getRange(detectorId.GetTIBTOBEntry(det, beam, pos));
1190  for (int strip = 0; strip < 512; ++strip) {
1191  int thePedestal = int(pedestalsHandle->getPed(strip, pedRange));
1192  if (thePedestal > 895)
1193  thePedestal -= 1024;
1194  pedestalProfiles.GetTIBTOBEntry(det, beam, pos).SetValue(strip, thePedestal);
1195  }
1196  } while (moduleLoop.TIBTOBLoop(det, beam, pos));
1198  // TEC2TEC AT section
1199  det = 0;
1200  beam = 0;
1201  disk = 0;
1202  do { // loop using LASGlobalLoop functionality
1203  SiStripPedestals::Range pedRange = pedestalsHandle->getRange(detectorId.GetTEC2TECEntry(det, beam, disk));
1204  for (int strip = 0; strip < 512; ++strip) {
1205  int thePedestal = int(pedestalsHandle->getPed(strip, pedRange));
1206  if (thePedestal > 895)
1207  thePedestal -= 1024;
1208  pedestalProfiles.GetTEC2TECEntry(det, beam, disk).SetValue(strip, thePedestal);
1209  }
1210  } while (moduleLoop.TEC2TECLoop(det, beam, disk));
1211 }
1219  int numberOfProfiles = 0;
1221  int ring = 1; // search all ring6 modules for signals
1222  for (int det = 0; det < 2; ++det) {
1223  for (int beam = 0; beam < 8; ++beam) {
1224  for (int disk = 0; disk < 9; ++disk) {
1225  if (isAcceptedProfile.GetTECEntry(det, ring, beam, disk) == 1)
1226  numberOfProfiles++;
1227  }
1228  }
1229  }
1231  LogDebug("[LaserAlignment::isTECBeam]") << " Found: " << numberOfProfiles << "hits." << std::endl;
1232  std::cout << " [LaserAlignment::isTECBeam] -- Found: " << numberOfProfiles << " hits." << std::endl;
1234  if (numberOfProfiles > 10)
1235  return (true);
1236  return (false);
1237 }
1246  int numberOfProfiles = 0;
1248  int det = 2;
1249  int beam = 0;
1250  int pos = 0; // search all TIB/TOB for signals
1251  do {
1252  if (isAcceptedProfile.GetTIBTOBEntry(det, beam, pos) == 1)
1253  numberOfProfiles++;
1254  } while (moduleLoop.TIBTOBLoop(det, beam, pos));
1256  LogDebug("[LaserAlignment::isATBeam]") << " Found: " << numberOfProfiles << "hits." << std::endl;
1257  std::cout << " [LaserAlignment::isATBeam] -- Found: " << numberOfProfiles << " hits." << std::endl;
1259  if (numberOfProfiles > 10)
1260  return (true);
1261  return (false);
1262 }
1272 double LaserAlignment::getTIBTOBNominalBeamOffset(unsigned int det, unsigned int beam, unsigned int pos) {
1273  if (det < 2 || det > 3 || beam > 7 || pos > 5) {
1274  throw cms::Exception("[LaserAlignment::getTIBTOBNominalBeamOffset]")
1275  << " ERROR ** Called with nonexisting parameter set: det " << det << " beam " << beam << " pos " << pos << "."
1276  << std::endl;
1277  }
1279  const double nominalOffsetsTIB[8] = {
1280  0.00035, 2.10687, -2.10827, -0.00173446, 2.10072, -0.00135114, 2.10105, -2.10401};
1282  // in tob, modules have alternating orientations along the rods.
1283  // this is described by the following pattern.
1284  // (even more confusing, this pattern is inversed for beams 0, 5, 6, 7)
1285  const int orientationPattern[6] = {-1, 1, 1, -1, -1, 1};
1286  const double nominalOffsetsTOB[8] = {0.00217408, 1.58678, 117.733, 119.321, 120.906, 119.328, 117.743, 1.58947};
1288  if (det == 2)
1289  return (-1. * nominalOffsetsTIB[beam]);
1291  else {
1292  if (beam == 0 or beam > 4)
1293  return (nominalOffsetsTOB[beam] * orientationPattern[pos]);
1294  else
1295  return (-1. * nominalOffsetsTOB[beam] * orientationPattern[pos]);
1296  }
1297 }
1307 double LaserAlignment::getTEC2TECNominalBeamOffset(unsigned int det, unsigned int beam, unsigned int disk) {
1308  if (det > 1 || beam > 7 || disk > 5) {
1309  throw cms::Exception("[LaserAlignment::getTEC2TECNominalBeamOffset]")
1310  << " ERROR ** Called with nonexisting parameter set: det " << det << " beam " << beam << " disk " << disk << "."
1311  << std::endl;
1312  }
1314  const double nominalOffsets[8] = {0., 2.220, -2.221, 0., 2.214, 0., 2.214, -2.217};
1316  if (det == 0)
1317  return -1. * nominalOffsets[beam];
1318  else
1319  return nominalOffsets[beam];
1320 }
1326  //
1327  // hard coded data yet...
1328  //
1330  // nominal phi values of tec beam / alignment tube hits (parameter is beam 0-7)
1331  const double tecPhiPositions[8] = {
1332  0.392699, 1.178097, 1.963495, 2.748894, 3.534292, 4.319690, 5.105088, 5.890486}; // new values calculated by maple
1333  const double atPhiPositions[8] = {
1334  0.392699, 1.289799, 1.851794, 2.748894, 3.645995, 4.319690, 5.216791, 5.778784}; // new values calculated by maple
1336  // nominal r values (mm) of hits
1337  const double tobRPosition = 600.;
1338  const double tibRPosition = 514.;
1339  const double tecRPosition[2] = {564., 840.}; // ring 4,6
1341  // nominal z values (mm) of hits in barrel (parameter is pos 0-6)
1342  const double tobZPosition[6] = {1040., 580., 220., -140., -500., -860.};
1343  const double tibZPosition[6] = {620., 380., 180., -100., -340., -540.};
1345  // nominal z values (mm) of hits in tec (parameter is disk 0-8); FOR TEC-: (* -1.)
1346  const double tecZPosition[9] = {1322.5, 1462.5, 1602.5, 1742.5, 1882.5, 2057.5, 2247.5, 2452.5, 2667.5};
1348  //
1349  // now we fill these into the nominalCoordinates container;
1350  // errors are zero for nominal values..
1351  //
1353  // loop object and its variables
1355  int det, ring, beam, disk, pos;
1357  // TEC+- section
1358  det = 0;
1359  ring = 0, beam = 0;
1360  disk = 0;
1361  do {
1362  if (det == 0) { // this is TEC+
1364  det,
1365  ring,
1366  beam,
1367  disk,
1368  LASCoordinateSet(tecPhiPositions[beam], 0., tecRPosition[ring], 0., tecZPosition[disk], 0.));
1369  } else { // now TEC-
1371  det,
1372  ring,
1373  beam,
1374  disk,
1376  tecPhiPositions[beam], 0., tecRPosition[ring], 0., -1. * tecZPosition[disk], 0.)); // just * -1.
1377  }
1379  } while (moduleLoop.TECLoop(det, ring, beam, disk));
1381  // TIB & TOB section
1382  det = 2;
1383  beam = 0;
1384  pos = 0;
1385  do {
1386  if (det == 2) { // this is TIB
1388  det, beam, pos, LASCoordinateSet(atPhiPositions[beam], 0., tibRPosition, 0., tibZPosition[pos], 0.));
1389  } else { // now TOB
1391  det, beam, pos, LASCoordinateSet(atPhiPositions[beam], 0., tobRPosition, 0., tobZPosition[pos], 0.));
1392  }
1394  } while (moduleLoop.TIBTOBLoop(det, beam, pos));
1396  // TEC2TEC AT section
1397  det = 0;
1398  beam = 0;
1399  disk = 0;
1400  do {
1401  if (det == 0) { // this is TEC+, ring4 only
1403  det, beam, disk, LASCoordinateSet(atPhiPositions[beam], 0., tecRPosition[0], 0., tecZPosition[disk], 0.));
1404  } else { // now TEC-
1406  det,
1407  beam,
1408  disk,
1409  LASCoordinateSet(atPhiPositions[beam], 0., tecRPosition[0], 0., -1. * tecZPosition[disk], 0.)); // just * -1.
1410  }
1412  } while (moduleLoop.TEC2TECLoop(det, beam, disk));
1413 }
1420  if (angle < -1. * M_PI || angle > M_PI) {
1421  throw cms::Exception(" [LaserAlignment::ConvertAngle] ")
1422  << "** ERROR: Called with illegal input angle: " << angle << "." << std::endl;
1423  }
1425  if (angle >= 0.)
1426  return angle;
1427  else
1428  return (angle + 2. * M_PI);
1429 }
1436  int det, ring, beam, disk, pos;
1438  std::cout << std::endl << " [LaserAlignment::DumpPosFileSet] -- Dump: " << std::endl;
1441  det = 0;
1442  ring = 0;
1443  beam = 0;
1444  disk = 0;
1445  do {
1446  std::cout << "POS " << det << "\t" << beam << "\t" << disk << "\t" << ring << "\t"
1447  << coordinates.GetTECEntry(det, ring, beam, disk).GetPhi() << "\t"
1448  << coordinates.GetTECEntry(det, ring, beam, disk).GetPhiError() << std::endl;
1449  } while (loop.TECLoop(det, ring, beam, disk));
1451  // TIBTOB
1452  det = 2;
1453  beam = 0;
1454  pos = 0;
1455  do {
1456  std::cout << "POS " << det << "\t" << beam << "\t" << pos << "\t"
1457  << "-1"
1458  << "\t" << coordinates.GetTIBTOBEntry(det, beam, pos).GetPhi() << "\t"
1459  << coordinates.GetTIBTOBEntry(det, beam, pos).GetPhiError() << std::endl;
1460  } while (loop.TIBTOBLoop(det, beam, pos));
1462  // TEC2TEC
1463  det = 0;
1464  beam = 0;
1465  disk = 0;
1466  do {
1467  std::cout << "POS " << det << "\t" << beam << "\t" << disk << "\t"
1468  << "-1"
1469  << "\t" << coordinates.GetTEC2TECEntry(det, beam, disk).GetPhi() << "\t"
1470  << coordinates.GetTEC2TECEntry(det, beam, disk).GetPhiError() << std::endl;
1471  } while (loop.TEC2TECLoop(det, beam, disk));
1473  std::cout << std::endl << " [LaserAlignment::DumpPosFileSet] -- End dump: " << std::endl;
1474 }
1479 void LaserAlignment::DumpStripFileSet(LASGlobalData<std::pair<float, float> >& measuredStripPositions) {
1481  int det, ring, beam, disk, pos;
1483  std::cout << std::endl << " [LaserAlignment::DumpStripFileSet] -- Dump: " << std::endl;
1486  det = 0;
1487  ring = 0;
1488  beam = 0;
1489  disk = 0;
1490  do {
1491  std::cout << "STRIP " << det << "\t" << beam << "\t" << disk << "\t" << ring << "\t"
1492  << measuredStripPositions.GetTECEntry(det, ring, beam, disk).first << "\t"
1493  << measuredStripPositions.GetTECEntry(det, ring, beam, disk).second << std::endl;
1494  } while (loop.TECLoop(det, ring, beam, disk));
1496  // TIBTOB
1497  det = 2;
1498  beam = 0;
1499  pos = 0;
1500  do {
1501  std::cout << "STRIP " << det << "\t" << beam << "\t" << pos << "\t"
1502  << "-1"
1503  << "\t" << measuredStripPositions.GetTIBTOBEntry(det, beam, pos).first << "\t"
1504  << measuredStripPositions.GetTIBTOBEntry(det, beam, pos).second << std::endl;
1505  } while (loop.TIBTOBLoop(det, beam, pos));
1507  // TEC2TEC
1508  det = 0;
1509  beam = 0;
1510  disk = 0;
1511  do {
1512  std::cout << "STRIP " << det << "\t" << beam << "\t" << disk << "\t"
1513  << "-1"
1514  << "\t" << measuredStripPositions.GetTEC2TECEntry(det, beam, disk).first << "\t"
1515  << measuredStripPositions.GetTEC2TECEntry(det, beam, disk).second << std::endl;
1516  } while (loop.TEC2TECLoop(det, beam, disk));
1518  std::cout << std::endl << " [LaserAlignment::DumpStripFileSet] -- End dump: " << std::endl;
1519 }
1525  std::cout << " [LaserAlignment::DumpHitmaps] -- Dumping hitmap for TEC+:" << std::endl;
1526  std::cout << " [LaserAlignment::DumpHitmaps] -- Ring4:" << std::endl;
1527  std::cout << " disk0 disk1 disk2 disk3 disk4 disk5 disk6 disk7 disk8" << std::endl;
1529  for (int beam = 0; beam < 8; ++beam) {
1530  std::cout << " beam" << beam << ":";
1531  for (int disk = 0; disk < 9; ++disk) {
1532  std::cout << "\t" << numberOfAcceptedProfiles.GetTECEntry(0, 0, beam, disk);
1533  }
1534  std::cout << std::endl;
1535  }
1537  std::cout << " [LaserAlignment::DumpHitmaps] -- Ring6:" << std::endl;
1538  std::cout << " disk0 disk1 disk2 disk3 disk4 disk5 disk6 disk7 disk8" << std::endl;
1540  for (int beam = 0; beam < 8; ++beam) {
1541  std::cout << " beam" << beam << ":";
1542  for (int disk = 0; disk < 9; ++disk) {
1543  std::cout << "\t" << numberOfAcceptedProfiles.GetTECEntry(0, 1, beam, disk);
1544  }
1545  std::cout << std::endl;
1546  }
1548  std::cout << " [LaserAlignment::DumpHitmaps] -- Dumping hitmap for TEC-:" << std::endl;
1549  std::cout << " [LaserAlignment::DumpHitmaps] -- Ring4:" << std::endl;
1550  std::cout << " disk0 disk1 disk2 disk3 disk4 disk5 disk6 disk7 disk8" << std::endl;
1552  for (int beam = 0; beam < 8; ++beam) {
1553  std::cout << " beam" << beam << ":";
1554  for (int disk = 0; disk < 9; ++disk) {
1555  std::cout << "\t" << numberOfAcceptedProfiles.GetTECEntry(1, 0, beam, disk);
1556  }
1557  std::cout << std::endl;
1558  }
1560  std::cout << " [LaserAlignment::DumpHitmaps] -- Ring6:" << std::endl;
1561  std::cout << " disk0 disk1 disk2 disk3 disk4 disk5 disk6 disk7 disk8" << std::endl;
1563  for (int beam = 0; beam < 8; ++beam) {
1564  std::cout << " beam" << beam << ":";
1565  for (int disk = 0; disk < 9; ++disk) {
1566  std::cout << "\t" << numberOfAcceptedProfiles.GetTECEntry(1, 1, beam, disk);
1567  }
1568  std::cout << std::endl;
1569  }
1571  std::cout << " [LaserAlignment::DumpHitmaps] -- End of dump." << std::endl << std::endl;
1572 }
1580  LASEndcapAlignmentParameterSet& endcapParameters) {
1581  // loop the list of modules to be masked
1582  for (std::vector<unsigned int>::iterator moduleIt = theMaskTecModules.begin(); moduleIt != theMaskTecModules.end();
1583  ++moduleIt) {
1584  // loop variables
1586  int det, ring, beam, disk;
1588  // this will calculate the corrections from the alignment parameters
1589  LASEndcapAlgorithm endcapAlgorithm;
1591  // find the location of the respective module in the container with this loop
1592  det = 0;
1593  ring = 0;
1594  beam = 0;
1595  disk = 0;
1596  do {
1597  // here we got it
1598  if (detectorId.GetTECEntry(det, ring, beam, disk) == *moduleIt) {
1599  // the nominal phi value for this module
1600  const double nominalPhi = nominalCoordinates.GetTECEntry(det, ring, beam, disk).GetPhi();
1602  // the offset from the alignment parameters
1603  const double phiCorrection = endcapAlgorithm.GetAlignmentParameterCorrection(
1604  det, ring, beam, disk, nominalCoordinates, endcapParameters);
1606  // apply the corrections
1607  measuredCoordinates.GetTECEntry(det, ring, beam, disk).SetPhi(nominalPhi - phiCorrection);
1608  }
1610  } while (moduleLoop.TECLoop(det, ring, beam, disk));
1611  }
1612 }
1620  LASBarrelAlignmentParameterSet& atParameters) {
1621  // loop the list of modules to be masked
1622  for (std::vector<unsigned int>::iterator moduleIt = theMaskAtModules.begin(); moduleIt != theMaskAtModules.end();
1623  ++moduleIt) {
1624  // loop variables
1626  int det, beam, disk, pos;
1628  // this will calculate the corrections from the alignment parameters
1629  LASAlignmentTubeAlgorithm atAlgorithm;
1631  // find the location of the respective module in the container with these loops:
1633  // first TIB+TOB
1634  det = 2;
1635  beam = 0;
1636  pos = 0;
1637  do {
1638  // here we got it
1639  if (detectorId.GetTIBTOBEntry(det, beam, pos) == *moduleIt) {
1640  // the nominal phi value for this module
1641  const double nominalPhi = nominalCoordinates.GetTIBTOBEntry(det, beam, pos).GetPhi();
1643  // the offset from the alignment parameters
1644  const double phiCorrection =
1645  atAlgorithm.GetTIBTOBAlignmentParameterCorrection(det, beam, pos, nominalCoordinates, atParameters);
1647  // apply the corrections
1648  measuredCoordinates.GetTIBTOBEntry(det, beam, pos).SetPhi(nominalPhi - phiCorrection);
1649  }
1651  } while (moduleLoop.TIBTOBLoop(det, beam, pos));
1653  // then TEC(AT)
1654  det = 0;
1655  beam = 0;
1656  disk = 0;
1657  do {
1658  // here we got it
1659  if (detectorId.GetTEC2TECEntry(det, beam, disk) == *moduleIt) {
1660  // the nominal phi value for this module
1661  const double nominalPhi = nominalCoordinates.GetTEC2TECEntry(det, beam, disk).GetPhi();
1663  // the offset from the alignment parameters
1664  const double phiCorrection =
1665  atAlgorithm.GetTEC2TECAlignmentParameterCorrection(det, beam, disk, nominalCoordinates, atParameters);
1667  // apply the corrections
1668  measuredCoordinates.GetTEC2TECEntry(det, beam, disk).SetPhi(nominalPhi - phiCorrection);
1669  }
1671  } while (moduleLoop.TEC2TECLoop(det, beam, disk));
1672  }
1673 }
1680  // tracker geom. object for calculating the global beam positions
1681  const TrackerGeometry& theTracker(*theTrackerGeometry);
1683  const double atPhiPositions[8] = {0.392699, 1.289799, 1.851794, 2.748894, 3.645995, 4.319690, 5.216791, 5.778784};
1684  const double tecPhiPositions[8] = {0.392699, 1.178097, 1.963495, 2.748894, 3.534292, 4.319690, 5.105088, 5.890486};
1685  const double zPositions[9] = {125.0, 139.0, 153.0, 167.0, 181.0, 198.5, 217.5, 238.0, 259.5};
1686  const double zPositionsTIB[6] = {62.0, 38.0, 18.0, -10.0, -34.0, -54.0};
1687  const double zPositionsTOB[6] = {104.0, 58.0, 22.0, -14.0, -50.0, -86.0};
1689  int det, beam, disk, pos, ring;
1691  // loop TEC+- internal
1692  det = 0;
1693  ring = 0;
1694  beam = 0;
1695  disk = 0;
1696  do {
1697  const double radius = ring ? 84.0 : 56.4;
1699  // access the tracker geometry for this module
1700  const DetId theDetId(detectorId.GetTECEntry(det, ring, beam, disk));
1701  const StripGeomDetUnit* const theStripDet = dynamic_cast<const StripGeomDetUnit*>(theTracker.idToDet(theDetId));
1703  if (theStripDet) {
1704  const GlobalPoint gp(GlobalPoint::Cylindrical(radius, tecPhiPositions[beam], zPositions[disk]));
1706  const LocalPoint lp(theStripDet->surface().toLocal(gp));
1707  std::cout << "__TEC: " << 256. - theStripDet->specificTopology().strip(lp)
1708  << std::endl;
1709  }
1711  } while (moduleLoop.TECLoop(det, ring, beam, disk));
1713  // loop TIBTOB
1714  det = 2;
1715  beam = 0;
1716  pos = 0;
1717  do {
1718  const double radius =
1719  (det == 2 ? 51.4 : 58.4);
1720  const double theZ = (det == 2 ? zPositionsTIB[pos] : zPositionsTOB[pos]);
1722  // access the tracker geometry for this module
1723  const DetId theDetId(detectorId.GetTIBTOBEntry(det, beam, pos));
1724  const StripGeomDetUnit* const theStripDet = dynamic_cast<const StripGeomDetUnit*>(theTracker.idToDet(theDetId));
1726  if (theStripDet) {
1727  const GlobalPoint gp(GlobalPoint::Cylindrical(radius, atPhiPositions[beam], theZ));
1729  const LocalPoint lp(theStripDet->surface().toLocal(gp));
1730  std::cout << "__TIBTOB det " << det << " beam " << beam << " pos " << pos << " "
1731  << 256. - theStripDet->specificTopology().strip(lp);
1732  std::cout << " " << theStripDet->position().perp() << std::endl;
1733  }
1735  } while (moduleLoop.TIBTOBLoop(det, beam, pos));
1737  // loop TEC2TEC
1738  det = 0;
1739  beam = 0;
1740  disk = 0;
1741  do {
1742  const double radius = 56.4;
1744  // access the tracker geometry for this module
1745  const DetId theDetId(detectorId.GetTEC2TECEntry(det, beam, disk));
1746  const StripGeomDetUnit* const theStripDet = dynamic_cast<const StripGeomDetUnit*>(theTracker.idToDet(theDetId));
1748  if (theStripDet) {
1749  const GlobalPoint gp(GlobalPoint::Cylindrical(radius, atPhiPositions[beam], zPositions[disk]));
1751  const LocalPoint lp(theStripDet->surface().toLocal(gp));
1752  std::cout << "__TEC2TEC det " << det << " beam " << beam << " disk " << disk << " "
1753  << 256. - theStripDet->specificTopology().strip(lp) << std::endl;
1754  }
1756  } while (moduleLoop.TEC2TECLoop(det, beam, disk));
1757 }
1759 // define the SEAL module
1764 // the ATTIC
#define LogDebug(id)
RunNumber_t run() const
Definition: EventID.h:38
bool IsSignalIn(const LASModuleProfile &, double)
bool isATBeam(void)
void SetTEC2TECEntry(int subdetector, int beam, int tecDisk, T)
T theZ
void SetPhi(double aPhi)
const uint16_t & adc() const
T getParameter(std::string const &) const
EventNumber_t event() const
Definition: EventID.h:40
unsigned int judgeOverdriveThreshold
config parameters for the LASProfileJudge
void fillDataProfiles(edm::Event const &, edm::EventSetup const &)
fill profiles from SiStrip(Raw)Digi container
void beginJob() override
bool theSaveHistograms
config switch
void SetPhiError(double aPhiError)
void ApplyEndcapMaskingCorrections(LASGlobalData< LASCoordinateSet > &, LASGlobalData< LASCoordinateSet > &, LASEndcapAlignmentParameterSet &)
apply endcap correction to masked modules in TEC
void produce(edm::Event &, edm::EventSetup const &) override
void TrackerUpdate(LASEndcapAlignmentParameterSet &, LASBarrelAlignmentParameterSet &, AlignableTracker &)
void SetMisalignmentFromRefGeometry(bool)
bool misalignedByRefGeometry
config switch
std::string theAlignRecordName
bool isTECBeam(void)
decide whether TEC or AT beams have fired
LaserAlignment(edm::ParameterSet const &theConf)
double getTIBTOBNominalBeamOffset(unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int)
returns the nominal beam position (strips) in TOB for the profileJudge
edm::ESHandle< TrackerGeometry > theTrackerGeometry
double peakFinderThreshold
config parameter
void DumpHitmaps(LASGlobalData< int > &)
for debugging only, will disappear
void DumpPosFileSet(LASGlobalData< LASCoordinateSet > &)
for debugging only, will disappear
LASGlobalData< int > numberOfAcceptedProfiles
void SetAllValuesTo(const double &)
TrackerGeometry * build(const GeometricDet *gd, const PTrackerParameters &ptp, const TrackerTopology *tTopo)
std::pair< ContainerIterator, ContainerIterator > Range
bool theDoPedestalSubtraction
config switch
LASGlobalData< LASModuleProfile > currentDataProfiles
data profiles for the current event
std::vector< unsigned int > theMaskTecModules
config parameters
bool theUseMinuitAlgorithm
config switch
TFile * theFile
Tree stuff.
void find(edm::Handle< EcalRecHitCollection > &hits, DetId thisDet, std::vector< EcalRecHitCollection::const_iterator > &hit, bool debug=false)
LASGlobalData< int > isAcceptedProfile
std::vector< edm::ParameterSet > theDigiProducersList
void DumpStripFileSet(LASGlobalData< std::pair< float, float > > &)
for debugging only, will disappear
void fillPedestalProfiles(edm::ESHandle< SiStripPedestals > &)
fill pedestals from dbase
double GetPhi(void) const
~LaserAlignment() override
float getPed(const uint16_t &strip, const Range &range) const
Handle< TkLasBeamCollection > laserBeams
T barePhi() const
Definition: PV3DBase.h:65
LASGlobalData< TH1D * > summedHistograms
bool FindPeakIn(const LASModuleProfile &, std::pair< double, double > &, TH1D *, const double)
TDirectory * singleModulesDir
void push_back(const SiStripLaserRecHit2D &aHit)
insert a hit in the data vector
Definition: TkLasBeam.h:35
#define DEFINE_FWK_MODULE(type)
Definition: MakerMacros.h:16
ProductT const & get(ESGetToken< ProductT, DepRecordT > const &iToken) const
double ConvertAngle(double)
convert an angle in the [-pi,pi] range to the [0,2*pi] range
LASBarrelAlignmentParameterSet CalculateParameters(LASGlobalData< LASCoordinateSet > &, LASGlobalData< LASCoordinateSet > &)
edm::ESHandle< Alignments > theGlobalPositionRcd
const uint16_t & strip() const
Definition: SiStripDigi.h:33
bool TEC2TECLoop(int &, int &, int &) const
std::string theFileName
config parameter (histograms file output name)
The Signals That Services Can Subscribe To This is based on ActivityRegistry and is current per Services can connect to the signals distributed by the ActivityRegistry in order to monitor the activity of the application Each possible callback has some defined which we here list in angle e< void, edm::EventID const &, edm::Timestamp const & > We also list in braces which AR_WATCH_USING_METHOD_ is used for those or
Definition: Activities.doc:12
bool isAvailable() const
Definition: Service.h:40
void endJob() override
std::vector< unsigned int > tecDoubleHitDetId
void writeOne(T *payload, Time_t time, const std::string &recordName, bool withlogging=false)
void SetAmplitudeThreshold(double)
void endRunProduce(edm::Run &, const edm::EventSetup &) override
bool theApplyBeamKinkCorrections
config switch
T & GetTIBTOBEntry(int subdetector, int beam, int tibTobPosition)
bool JudgeProfile(const LASModuleProfile &, double)
A Digi for the silicon strip detector, containing both strip and adc information, and suitable for st...
Definition: SiStripDigi.h:12
void SetTIBTOBEntry(int subdetector, int beam, int tibTobPosition, T)
bool getByLabel(InputTag const &tag, Handle< PROD > &result) const
Definition: Event.h:488
void CalculateNominalCoordinates(void)
fills a LASGlobalData<LASCoordinateSet> with nominal module positions
iterator end()
Return the off-the-end iterator.
Definition: DetSetVector.h:325
LASEndcapAlignmentParameterSet CalculateParameters(LASGlobalData< LASCoordinateSet > &, LASGlobalData< LASCoordinateSet > &)
std::string theErrorRecordName
#define M_PI
double GetTEC2TECAlignmentParameterCorrection(int, int, int, LASGlobalData< LASCoordinateSet > &, LASBarrelAlignmentParameterSet &)
void SetValue(unsigned int theStripNumber, const double &theValue)
bool theStoreToDB
config switch
Detector identifier class for the strip tracker.
Definition: SiStripDetId.h:18
Definition: DetId.h:17
LASGlobalData< LASModuleProfile > pedestalProfiles
T & GetTEC2TECEntry(int subdetector, int beam, int tecDisk)
LASGlobalData< LASCoordinateSet > nominalCoordinates
AlignableTracker * theAlignableTracker
int theEvents
counter for the total number of events processed
LASBarrelAlignmentParameterSet CalculateParameters(LASGlobalData< LASCoordinateSet > &, LASGlobalData< LASCoordinateSet > &)
LASConstants theLasConstants
double getTEC2TECNominalBeamOffset(unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int)
returns the nominal beam position (strips) in TEC (AT) for the profileJudge
void put(std::unique_ptr< PROD > product)
Put a new product.
Definition: Run.h:108
void SetOverdriveThreshold(unsigned int)
T & GetTECEntry(int subdetector, int tecRing, int beam, int tecDisk)
Definition: LASGlobalData.h:84
LASGlobalData< std::string > theProfileNames
double GetAlignmentParameterCorrection(int, int, int, int, LASGlobalData< LASCoordinateSet > &, LASEndcapAlignmentParameterSet &)
std::vector< unsigned int > theMaskAtModules
void ApplyATMaskingCorrections(LASGlobalData< LASCoordinateSet > &, LASGlobalData< LASCoordinateSet > &, LASBarrelAlignmentParameterSet &)
same for alignment tube modules
void testRoutine(void)
for debugging & testing only, will disappear..
LASGlobalData< LASModuleProfile > collectedDataProfiles
edm::EventID id() const
Definition: EventBase.h:59
void fillDetectorId(void)
fill hard coded detIds
HLT enums.
Alignments * alignments() const override
Return alignments, sorted by DetId.
void ApplyBeamKinkCorrections(LASGlobalData< LASCoordinateSet > &) const
int theCompression
config parameter (histograms file compression level)
AlignmentErrorsExtended * alignmentErrors() const override
Return alignment errors, sorted by DetId.
void EnableZeroFilter(bool)
T get() const
Definition: EventSetup.h:73
const TrackerGeomDet * idToDet(DetId) const override
LASGlobalData< unsigned int > detectorId
bool TECLoop(int &, int &, int &, int &) const
bool TIBTOBLoop(int &, int &, int &) const
double GetPhiError(void) const
iterator begin()
Return an iterator to the first DetSet.
Definition: DetSetVector.h:314
const Range getRange(const uint32_t &detID) const
bool enableJudgeZeroFilter
config switch
collection_type::const_iterator const_iterator
Definition: DetSet.h:32
collection_type::const_iterator const_iterator
Definition: DetSetVector.h:102
const uint16_t & adc() const
Definition: SiStripDigi.h:34
A Digi for the silicon strip detector, containing only adc information, and suitable for storing raw ...
T const * product() const
Definition: ESHandle.h:86
double GetTIBTOBAlignmentParameterCorrection(int, int, int, LASGlobalData< LASCoordinateSet > &, LASBarrelAlignmentParameterSet &)
void SetTECEntry(int subdetector, int tecRing, int beam, int tecDisk, T)
edm::ESHandle< GeometricDet > gD
tracker geometry;
def move(src, dest)
void EndcapUpdate(LASEndcapAlignmentParameterSet &, LASGlobalData< LASCoordinateSet > &)
Definition: Run.h:45
LASGlobalLoop moduleLoop
LASProfileJudge judge
bool updateFromInputGeometry
config switch
T angle(T x1, T y1, T z1, T x2, T y2, T z2)
Definition: angle.h:11
bool theSetNominalStrips
config switch