13 #ifndef DT_TRACO_LUTS_H 14 #define DT_TRACO_LUTS_H 31 typedef std::vector<unsigned short int>
53 unsigned short int getPhiRad(
int pos,
int qualflag)
56 unsigned short int getPsi(
int ang)
59 unsigned short int getBendAng(
int pos,
int ang,
int qualflag)
unsigned short int getBendAng(int pos, int ang, int qualflag) const
return bending angle from pos and ang
DTTracoLUTs(std::string filename)
void reset()
reset look-up tables
int size_psiLUT() const
return number of entries in the LUT
virtual ~DTTracoLUTs()
int load()
load look-up tables
unsigned short int getPhiRad(int pos, int qualflag) const
get radial angle from traco position and flag: 0=outer, 1=inner, 2=correl.
void print() const
print look-up tables
unsigned short int getPsi(int ang) const
get psi angle from traco k parameter
std::vector< unsigned short int > LUT
int size_phiLUT(int i) const