30 RanGen =
new CLHEP::HepJamesRandom;
73 TH1D* ene =
new TH1D(
"generated energy", 210, 0., 1050.);
74 TH1D* the =
new TH1D(
"generated theta", 90, 0., 90.);
75 TH1D*
phi =
new TH1D(
"generated phi", 120, 0., 360.);
76 TH3F* ver =
new TH3F(
"Z-X-Y coordinates", 100, -25., 25., 20, -10., 10., 40, -10., 10.);
120 if (
Nsel) % 100 == 0)
123 bool notSelected =
124 while (notSelected) {
125 bool badMomentumGenerated =
126 while (badMomentumGenerated) {
135 badMomentumGenerated =
143 bool badVertexGenerated =
144 while (badVertexGenerated) {
151 double rotPhi = PhiV +
154 double disPhi = std::fabs(rotPhi - Phi);
156 disPhi =
TwoPi - disPhi;
158 badVertexGenerated =
168 double verMom = absMom *
169 double horMom = absMom *
170 double Px = horMom *
172 double Pz = horMom *
173 double Vx = RxzV *
181 double Vz = RxzV *
277 std::cout <<
"\nEntered CosmicMuonGenerator::nextMultiEvent()" << std::endl;
278 bool EvtRejected =
279 bool MuInMaxDist =
282 while (EvtRejected) {
286 std::cout <<
"CosmicMuonGenerator::nextMultiEvent(): SimTree_jentry=" 295 std::cout <<
"CosmicMuonGenerator.cc::nextMultiEvent: No more events in file!" << std::endl;
301 std::cout <<
"CosmicMuonGenerator.cc: Warning! Less than " <<
MultiMuonNmin <<
" muons in event!" << std::endl;
302 std::cout <<
"trying next event from file" << std::endl;
307 Px_mu.resize(nmuons);
308 Py_mu.resize(nmuons);
309 Pz_mu.resize(nmuons);
317 for (
int imu = 0; imu <
nmuons; ++imu) {
332 for (
int jmu = 0; jmu < imu; ++jmu) {
342 if (MuMuDist < MinDist)
353 <<
"m MinDist=" << MinDist / 1000. <<
"m at surface" << std::endl;
354 std::cout <<
"Fraction of too wide opening angle multi muon events: " 357 std::cout <<
"trying next event from file" << std::endl;
370 std::cout <<
"start trial do loop: MuMuDist=" << MinDist / 1000. <<
"[m] Nmuons=" << nmuons
388 else if (phi_at >
401 double phi_rel_min = 0.;
402 double phi_rel_max = 0.;
407 for (
int imu = 0; imu <
nmuons; ++imu) {
414 double phi_mu = atan2(
415 double phi_rel = phi_mu - phi_at;
418 else if (phi_rel >
420 if (phi_rel < phi_rel_min)
421 phi_rel_min = phi_rel;
422 else if (phi_rel > phi_rel_max)
423 phi_rel_max = phi_rel;
430 double JdRxzV_dR_trans = 1.;
431 double JdPhiV_dPhi_trans = 1.;
432 double JdR_trans_sqrt = 1.;
438 double R_min =
std::max(0., R_mu_min);
449 double psR1min = R_min + 0.25 * (R_max - R_min);
451 double psR1 = psR1max - psR1min;
453 double psR2min = R_min;
454 double psR2max = R_max;
455 double psR2 = psR2max - psR2min;
459 double psR3 = psR3max - psR3min;
462 double psRall = psR3;
464 double fR1 = psR1 / psRall, fR2 = psR2 / psRall, fR3 = psR3 / psRall;
465 double pR1 = 0.25, pR2 = 0.7, pR3 = 0.05;
468 double psPh1 = 0.5 * (phi_rel_max - phi_rel_min);
469 double psPh2 = phi_rel_max - phi_rel_min;
470 double psPh3 =
471 double psPhall = psPh3;
473 double fPh1 = psPh1 / psPhall, fPh2 = psPh2 / psPhall,
474 fPh3 = psPh3 / psPhall;
476 double pPh1 = 0.25, pPh2 = 0.7, pPh3 = 0.05;
480 Vx_mu.resize(nmuons);
481 Vy_mu.resize(nmuons);
482 Vz_mu.resize(nmuons);
483 int NmuHitTarget = 0;
490 double which_R_class =
491 if (which_R_class < pR1) {
492 RxzV = psR1min + psR1 *
494 }
else if (which_R_class < pR1 + pR2) {
495 RxzV = psR2min + psR2 *
498 RxzV = psR3min + psR3 *
506 double which_phi_class =
507 if (which_phi_class < pPh1) {
508 PhiV = phi_at + phi_rel_min + psPh1 *
509 JdPhiV_dPhi_trans = fPh1 / pPh1 *
TwoPi / psPh1;
510 }
else if (which_phi_class < pPh1 + pPh2) {
511 PhiV = phi_at + phi_rel_min + psPh2 *
512 JdPhiV_dPhi_trans = fPh2 / pPh2 *
TwoPi / psPh2;
514 PhiV = phi_at + phi_rel_min + psPh3 *
515 JdPhiV_dPhi_trans = fPh3 / pPh3 *
TwoPi / psPh3;
525 trials += JdR_trans_sqrt * JdRxzV_dR_trans * JdPhiV_dPhi_trans;
538 int NmuHitTargetSphere = 0;
539 for (
int imu = 0; imu <
nmuons; ++imu) {
550 double theta_sec = atan2(std::fabs(
Py_mu[imu]), pt_sec);
552 double h_prod = r_sec *
553 if (h_prod + h_sf >
554 Vy_at = h_prod + h_sf;
572 double PhiPmu = atan2(
573 double PhiVmu = atan2(
574 double rotPhi = PhiVmu +
577 double disPhi = std::fabs(rotPhi - PhiPmu);
579 disPhi =
TwoPi - disPhi;
581 NmuHitTargetSphere++;
615 double Px_sf_this = 0., Py_sf_this = 0., Pz_sf_this = 0.;
616 double E_sf_this = 0.;
618 double Vx_sf_this = 0., Vy_sf_this = 0., Vz_sf_this = 0.;
619 double T0_sf_this = 0.;
623 for (
int imu = 0; imu <
nmuons; ++imu) {
633 else if (Id_sf_this == 6)
636 else if (Id_sf_this == 1)
638 else if (Id_sf_this == 2)
640 else if (Id_sf_this == 3)
642 else if (Id_sf_this == 7)
644 else if (Id_sf_this == 8)
646 else if (Id_sf_this == 9)
648 else if (Id_sf_this == 10)
650 else if (Id_sf_this == 11)
652 else if (Id_sf_this == 12)
654 else if (Id_sf_this == 13)
656 else if (Id_sf_this == 14)
658 else if (Id_sf_this == 15)
660 else if (Id_sf_this == 16)
662 else if (Id_sf_this == 17)
664 else if (Id_sf_this == 18)
668 std::cout <<
"CosmicMuonGenerator.cc: Warning! Muon Id=" << Id_sf_this <<
" from file read in" << std::endl;
674 Px_sf_this =
675 Py_sf_this =
676 Pz_sf_this =
678 Vx_sf_this =
679 Vy_sf_this =
680 Vz_sf_this =
699 Id_sf.push_back(Id_sf_this);
700 Px_sf.push_back(Px_sf_this);
701 Py_sf.push_back(Py_sf_this);
702 Pz_sf.push_back(Pz_sf_this);
703 E_sf.push_back(E_sf_this);
705 Vx_sf.push_back(Vx_sf_this);
706 Vy_sf.push_back(Vy_sf_this);
707 Vz_sf.push_back(Vz_sf_this);
708 T0_sf.push_back(T0_sf_this);
730 <<
" without accepting event!" << std::endl;
745 std::cout <<
"CosmicMuonGenerator.cc: Warning! less than " <<
MultiMuonNmin <<
" muons hit target: N(mu=)" 746 << NmuHitTarget << std::endl;
754 double T0_ug_min, T0_ug_max;
755 T0_ug_min = T0_ug_max =
757 double minDeltaT0 = 2 * Tbox;
758 for (
unsigned int imu = 0; imu <
Id_ug.size(); ++imu) {
759 double T0_this =
760 if (T0_this < T0_ug_min)
762 if (T0_this > T0_ug_max)
765 std::cout <<
"imu=" << imu <<
" T0_this=" << T0_this
767 for (
unsigned int jmu = 0; jmu < imu; ++jmu) {
768 if (std::fabs(
T0_ug[imu] -
T0_ug[jmu]) < minDeltaT0)
769 minDeltaT0 = std::fabs(
T0_ug[imu] -
782 double T0_offset, T0diff;
783 for (
int tboxtrial = 0; tboxtrial < 1000; ++tboxtrial) {
784 T0_offset =
RanGen->flat() * (T0_max - T0_min);
786 T0diff = T0_offset - T0_max;
788 for (
unsigned int imu = 0; imu <
Id_ug.size(); ++imu) {
799 std::cout <<
"initial T0_at=" <<
T0_at <<
" T0_min=" << T0_min <<
" T0_max=" << T0_max
800 <<
" T0_offset=" << T0_offset;
803 std::cout <<
" T0diff=" << T0diff << std::endl;
804 for (
unsigned int imu = 0; imu <
Id_ug.size(); ++imu) {
807 T0_sf[imu] += T0diff;
808 T0_ug[imu] += T0diff;
810 std::cout <<
" after: T0_sf[" << imu <<
"]=" <<
T0_sf[imu] <<
" T0_ug=" << T0_ug[imu] << std::endl;
813 std::cout <<
"T0diff=" << T0diff <<
" T0_at=" <<
T0_at << std::endl;
816 EventWeight = JdR_trans_sqrt * JdRxzV_dR_trans * JdPhiV_dPhi_trans / (trials * TboxTrials);
819 std::cout <<
"CosmicMuonGenerator.cc: Theta_at=" <<
Theta_at <<
" phi_at=" << phi_at <<
" Px_at=" <<
Px_at 822 <<
" Nmuons=" <<
Id_sf.size() << std::endl;
834 std::cout <<
"*********************************************************" << std::endl;
835 std::cout <<
"*********************************************************" << std::endl;
837 std::cout <<
"*** C O S M I C M U O N S T A T I S T I C S ***" << std::endl;
839 std::cout <<
"*********************************************************" << std::endl;
840 std::cout <<
"*********************************************************" << std::endl;
842 std::cout <<
" number of initial cosmic events: " <<
Ngen) << std::endl;
844 std::cout <<
" number of generated and accepted events: " <<
Nsel) << std::endl;
846 std::cout <<
" event selection efficiency: " << selEff * 100. <<
"%" << std::endl;
849 std::cout <<
" events with ~100 GeV and 1 - cos(theta) < 1/2pi: " << n100cos << std::endl;
851 std::cout <<
" momentum range: " <<
MinP <<
" ... " <<
MaxP <<
" GeV" << std::endl;
860 std::cout <<
" area of initial cosmics at CMS detector bottom surface: " << area <<
" m^2" << std::endl;
862 std::cout <<
" area of initial cosmics on Surface + PlugWidth: " << area <<
" m^2" << std::endl;
903 std::cout <<
" !!! MinP > 100 GeV. Cannot apply normalisation!" << std::endl;
905 std::cout <<
" !!! Note: generated cosmics exceed parameterisation. No flux calculated!" << std::endl;
908 std::cout <<
" !!! Not enough statistics to apply normalisation (rate=1 +- 1) !!!" << std::endl;
911 std::cout <<
"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" << std::endl;
914 <<
" muons per second" << std::endl;
918 std::cout <<
"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" << std::endl;
920 std::cout <<
"*********************************************************" << std::endl;
921 std::cout <<
"*********************************************************" << std::endl;
928 std::cout <<
" CMG-ERR: min.energy is out of range (0 GeV ... inf]" << std::endl << std::endl;
932 std::cout <<
" CMG-ERR: max.energy is out of range (0 GeV ... inf]" << std::endl << std::endl;
936 std::cout <<
" CMG-ERR: max.energy is not greater than min.energy" << std::endl << std::endl;
940 std::cout <<
" CMG-ERR: min.theta is out of range [0 deg ... 90 deg)" << std::endl << std::endl;
944 std::cout <<
" CMG-ERR: max.theta is out of range [0 deg ... 90 deg)" << std::endl << std::endl;
948 std::cout <<
" CMG-ERR: max.theta is not greater than min.theta" << std::endl << std::endl;
952 std::cout <<
" CMG-ERR: min.phi is out of range [0 deg ... 360 deg]" << std::endl << std::endl;
956 std::cout <<
" CMG-ERR: max.phi is out of range [0 deg ... 360 deg]" << std::endl << std::endl;
960 std::cout <<
" CMG-ERR: max.phi is not greater than min.phi" << std::endl << std::endl;
964 std::cout <<
" CMG-ERR: max.t0 is not greater than min.t0" << std::endl << std::endl;
968 std::cout <<
" CMG-ERR: E-loss scale factor is out of range [0 ... inf)" << std::endl << std::endl;
972 std::cout <<
" CMG-ERR: min.Enu is out of range [0 GeV ... inf]" << std::endl << std::endl;
976 std::cout <<
" CMG-ERR: max.Enu is out of range [0 GeV ... inf]" << std::endl << std::endl;
980 std::cout <<
" CMG-ERR: max.Enu is not greater than min.Enu" << std::endl << std::endl;
986 bool goodAngles =
987 bool phiaccepted =
988 bool thetaaccepted =
1001 double disPhi = std::fabs(PhiV - Phi);
1003 disPhi =
TwoPi - disPhi;
1010 double ThetaV = asin(RxzV / rVY);
1019 std::cout <<
"Rejected phi=" << Phi <<
" PhiV=" << PhiV <<
" dPhi=" << dPhi <<
" disPhi=" << disPhi
1020 <<
" RxzV=" << RxzV <<
" Target3dRadius=" <<
Target3dRadius <<
" Theta=" << Theta << std::endl;
1022 if (std::fabs(Theta - ThetaV) < dTheta)
1023 thetaaccepted =
1024 if (phiaccepted && thetaaccepted)
1030 #if ROOT_INTERACTIVE 1037 TH2F* disXY =
new TH2F(
"X-Y view", 160, -rCMS, rCMS, 160, -rCMS, rCMS);
1038 TH2F* disZY =
new TH2F(
"Z-Y view", 150, -zCMS, zCMS, 160, -rCMS, rCMS);
1039 gStyle->SetPalette(1, 0);
1040 gStyle->SetMarkerColor(1);
1041 gStyle->SetMarkerSize(1.5);
1042 TCanvas* disC =
new TCanvas(
"Cosmic Muon Event Display", 0, 0, 800, 410);
1045 gPad->SetTicks(1, 1);
1046 disXY->SetMinimum(log10(
1047 disXY->SetMaximum(log10(
1048 disXY->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.05);
1049 disXY->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.05);
1050 disXY->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.0);
1051 disXY->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(
"X [m]");
1052 disXY->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.05);
1053 disXY->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.05);
1054 disXY->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.8);
1055 disXY->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(
"Y [m]");
1057 gPad->SetGrid(1, 1);
1058 gPad->SetTicks(1, 1);
1059 disZY->SetMinimum(log10(
1060 disZY->SetMaximum(log10(
1061 disZY->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.05);
1062 disZY->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.05);
1063 disZY->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.0);
1064 disZY->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(
"Z [m]");
1065 disZY->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.05);
1066 disZY->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.05);
1067 disZY->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.8);
1068 disZY->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(
"Y [m]");
1073 #if ROOT_INTERACTIVE 1082 TMarker* InteractionPoint =
new TMarker(0., 0., 2);
1083 TArc* r8m =
new TArc(0., 0., (RadiusDet / 1000.));
1084 TLatex* logEaxis =
new TLatex();
1085 logEaxis->SetTextSize(0.05);
1093 float yStep = disXY->GetYaxis()->GetBinWidth(1);
1094 int NbinY = disXY->GetYaxis()->GetNbins();
1095 for (
int iy = 0; iy < NbinY; ++iy) {
1096 verX += dirX *
1097 verY += dirY *
1098 verZ += dirZ *
1099 float rXY =
sqrt(verX * verX + verY * verY) * 1000.;
1100 float absZ = std::fabs(verZ) * 1000.;
1101 if (rXY < RadiusDet && absZ < Z_DistDet) {
1102 disXY->Fill(verX, verY, log10(energy));
1103 disZY->Fill(verZ, verY, log10(energy));
1105 disXY->Draw(
1106 InteractionPoint->Draw(
1108 logEaxis->DrawLatex((0.65 * RadiusDet / 1000.), (1.08 * RadiusDet / 1000.),
1111 InteractionPoint->Draw(
Int_t shower_nParticlesWritten
void setZDistOfTarget(double Z)
void propagate(double ElossScaleFac, double RadiusTarget, double Z_DistTarget, double Z_CentrTarget, bool TrackerOnly, bool MTCCHalf)
std::vector< double > Theta_mu
int events_n100cos(double energy, double theta)
void setMinEnu(double MinEn)
void setTIFOnly_constant(bool TIF)
std::vector< double > Px_ug
void setNuProdAlt(double NuPrdAlt)
void setZCentrOfTarget(double Z)
Double_t particle__Py[kMaxparticle_]
std::vector< double > Py_mu
void setRhoAir(double VarRhoAir)
const double Z_DistTracker
Sin< T >::type sin(const T &t)
int initialize(double, double, double, double, CLHEP::HepRandomEngine *, bool, bool)
void setRandomEngine(CLHEP::HepRandomEngine *v)
void setRadiusOfTarget(double R)
Double_t particle__Time[kMaxparticle_]
void setNumberOfEvents(unsigned int N)
std::vector< double > Py_sf
virtual void Init(TTree *tree)
std::vector< double > E_sf
Double_t particle__Px[kMaxparticle_]
std::vector< double > Pz_mu
const double SpeedOfLight
void initialize(CLHEP::HepRandomEngine *rng=nullptr)
Double_t particle__Pz[kMaxparticle_]
std::vector< double > E_ug
std::string MultiMuonFileName
void setMultiMuonFileFirstEvent(int MultiMuFile1stEvt)
const double NorthCMSzDeltaPhi
virtual Int_t GetEntry(Long64_t entry)
void setRhoPlug(double VarRhoPlug)
std::vector< double > Vz_ug
void setMinPhi(double Phi)
const double SurfaceOfEarth
void setMaxPhi(double Phi)
void setRandomEngine(CLHEP::HepRandomEngine *v)
std::vector< double > Vz_sf
std::vector< double > Vz_mu
std::vector< double > Vx_sf
void setMultiMuonNmin(int MultiMuNmin)
Cos< T >::type cos(const T &t)
int NcloseMultiMuonEvents
std::vector< double > Vy_sf
void setMinTheta(double Theta)
CLHEP::HepRandomEngine * RanGen
Tan< T >::type tan(const T &t)
std::vector< double > Vx_mu
void setMaxEnu(double MaxEn)
void setMultiMuon(bool MultiMu)
void setClayWidth(double ClayLaeyrWidth)
SingleParticleEvent OneMuoEvt
std::vector< double > Vy_mu
std::vector< double > T0_sf
std::vector< double > Px_mu
int MultiMuonFileFirstEvent
std::vector< double > Px_sf
std::vector< double > Vy_ug
void setAcptAllMu(bool AllMu)
Int_t particle__ParticleID[kMaxparticle_]
double momentum_times_charge()
void setPlugVz(double PlugVtz)
void setTIFOnly_linear(bool TIF)
std::pair< OmniClusterRef, TrackingParticleRef > P
std::vector< double > Pz_ug
Double_t particle__x[kMaxparticle_]
void create(int id, double px, double py, double pz, double e, double m, double vx, double vy, double vz, double t0)
void setMultiMuonFileName(std::string MultiMuonFileName)
void setMTCCHalf(bool MTCC)
const double RadiusTracker
int NskippedMultiMuonEvents
void setMinP_CMS(double P)
void setElossScaleFactor(double ElossScaleFact)
void setMaxTheta(double Theta)
unsigned int NumberOfEvents
void setRhoWall(double VarRhoSWall)
void setPlugVx(double PlugVtx)
void setRhoRock(double VarRhoRock)
int initializeNuMu(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, CLHEP::HepRandomEngine *)
std::vector< double > Vx_ug
std::vector< double > P_mu
std::vector< double > Py_ug
std::vector< double > T0_ug
Power< A, B >::type pow(const A &a, const B &b)
void setRhoClay(double VarRhoClay)
std::vector< double > Pz_sf
Double_t particle__y[kMaxparticle_]
void setTrackerOnly(bool Tracker)