9 #ifndef RecoCTPPS_TotemRPLocal_FastLineRecognition 10 #define RecoCTPPS_TotemRPLocal_FastLineRecognition 74 Point(
unsigned int _d = 0,
const TotemRPRecHit *_hit =
double _h = 0.,
double _z = 0.,
double _w = 0.)
75 : detId(_d), hit(_hit), h(_h), z(_z), w(_w), usable(
true) {}
80 double Saw, Sbw,
Sw, S1;
85 Cluster() : Saw(0.), Sbw(0.), Sw(0.), S1(0.), weight(0.) {}
double chw_a
cluster half widths in a and b
const TotemRPRecHit * hit
pointer to original reco hit
double s
sensor's centre projected to its read-out direction
cluster of intersection points
void getPatterns(const edm::DetSetVector< TotemRPRecHit > &input, double _z0, double threshold, edm::DetSet< TotemRPUVPattern > &patterns)
static std::string const input
bool getOneLine(const std::vector< Point > &points, double threshold, Cluster &result)
double threshold
weight threshold for accepting pattern candidates (clusters)
std::map< unsigned int, GeomData > geometryMap
map: raw detector id –> GeomData
void resetGeometry(const CTPPSGeometry *_g)
Reconstructed hit in TOTEM RP.
bool usable
whether the point can still be used
Class performing optimized hough transform to recognize lines.
unsigned int detId
raw detector id
std::vector< const Point * > contents
The manager class for TOTEM RP geometry.
Point(unsigned int _d=0, const TotemRPRecHit *_hit=0, double _h=0., double _z=0., double _w=0.)
void add(std::map< std::string, TH1 * > &h, TH1 *hist)
static const double sigma0
the uncertainty of 1-hit cluster, in mm
GeomData getGeomData(unsigned int id)
expects raw detector id
double h
hit position in global coordinate system
FastLineRecognition(double cw_a=0., double cw_b=0.)
const CTPPSGeometry * geometry
pointer to the geometry
double z
z position with respect to z0
double z
z position of a sensor (wrt. IP)
bool operator<(const Cluster &c) const