Go to the documentation of this file.
2 #include "TopQuarkAnalysis/TopTools/test/tdrstyle.C"
4 // constructors
6  constructPurity = false;
7  setTDRStyle();
8  gStyle->SetCanvasDefW(900);
9 }
11 LRHelpFunctions::LRHelpFunctions(const std::vector<int>& obsNr,
12  int nrBins,
13  const std::vector<double>& obsMin,
14  const std::vector<double>& obsMax,
15  const std::vector<const char*>& functions) {
16  obsNumbers = obsNr;
17  constructPurity = false;
18  setTDRStyle();
19  gStyle->SetCanvasDefW(900);
20  for (size_t o = 0; o < obsNr.size(); o++) {
21  // create Signal, background and s/(s+b) histogram
22  TString htS = "Obs";
23  htS += obsNr[o];
24  htS += "_S";
25  TString htB = "Obs";
26  htB += obsNr[o];
27  htB += "_B";
28  TString htSB = "Obs";
29  htSB += obsNr[o];
30  htSB += "_SoverSplusB";
31  hObsS.push_back(new TH1F(htS, htS, nrBins, obsMin[o], obsMax[o]));
32  hObsB.push_back(new TH1F(htB, htB, nrBins, obsMin[o], obsMax[o]));
33  hObsSoverSplusB.push_back(new TH1F(htSB, htSB, nrBins, obsMin[o], obsMax[o]));
35  // create the correlation 2D plots among the observables (for signal)
36  for (size_t o2 = o + 1; o2 < obsNr.size(); o2++) {
37  TString hcorr = "Corr_Obs";
38  hcorr += obsNr[o];
39  hcorr += "_Obs";
40  hcorr += obsNr[o2];
41  hObsCorr.push_back(new TH2F(hcorr, hcorr, nrBins, obsMin[o], obsMax[o], nrBins, obsMin[o2], obsMax[o2]));
42  }
44  // create fit functions
45  TString ftSB = "F_Obs";
46  ftSB += obsNr[o];
47  ftSB += "_SoverSplusB";
48  fObsSoverSplusB.push_back(
49  new TF1(ftSB, functions[o], hObsS[o]->GetXaxis()->GetXmin(), hObsS[o]->GetXaxis()->GetXmax()));
50  }
51 }
53 void LRHelpFunctions::recreateFitFct(const std::vector<int>& obsNr, const std::vector<const char*>& functions) {
54  if (!fObsSoverSplusB.empty())
55  fObsSoverSplusB.clear();
56  for (size_t o = 0; o < obsNr.size(); o++) {
57  // create fit functions
58  TString ftSB = "F_Obs";
59  ftSB += obsNr[o];
60  ftSB += "_SoverSplusB";
61  fObsSoverSplusB.push_back(
62  new TF1(ftSB, functions[o], hObsS[o]->GetXaxis()->GetXmin(), hObsS[o]->GetXaxis()->GetXmax()));
63  }
64 }
66 LRHelpFunctions::LRHelpFunctions(int nrLRbins, double LRmin, double LRmax, const char* LRfunction) {
67  constructPurity = true;
68  setTDRStyle();
69  gStyle->SetCanvasDefW(900);
71  // create LR histograms
72  hLRtotS = new TH1F("hLRtotS", "hLRtotS", nrLRbins, LRmin, LRmax);
73  hLRtotS->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Combined LR");
74  hLRtotB = new TH1F("hLRtotB", "hLRtotB", nrLRbins, LRmin, LRmax);
75  hLRtotB->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Combined LR");
76  hLRtotSoverSplusB = new TH1F("hLRtotSoverSplusB", "hLRtotSoverSplusB", nrLRbins, LRmin, LRmax);
78  // create LR fit function
79  fLRtotSoverSplusB = new TF1("fLRtotSoverSplusB", LRfunction, LRmin, LRmax);
80 }
82 // destructor
85 // member function to initialize the LR hists and fits
86 void LRHelpFunctions::initLRHistsAndFits(int nrLRbins, double LRmin, double LRmax, const char* LRfunction) {
87  constructPurity = true;
88  // create LR histograms
89  hLRtotS = new TH1F("hLRtotS", "hLRtotS", nrLRbins, LRmin, LRmax);
90  hLRtotB = new TH1F("hLRtotB", "hLRtotB", nrLRbins, LRmin, LRmax);
91  hLRtotSoverSplusB = new TH1F("hLRtotSoverSplusB", "hLRtotSoverSplusB", nrLRbins, LRmin, LRmax);
92  // create LR fit function
93  fLRtotSoverSplusB = new TF1("fLRtotSoverSplusB", LRfunction, LRmin, LRmax);
94 }
96 // member function to set initial values to the observable fit function
97 void LRHelpFunctions::setObsFitParameters(int obs, const std::vector<double>& fitPars) {
98  for (size_t fit = 0; fit < fObsSoverSplusB.size(); fit++) {
99  TString fn = "_Obs";
100  fn += obs;
101  if (((TString)fObsSoverSplusB[fit]->GetName()).Contains(fn)) {
102  for (size_t p = 0; p < fitPars.size(); p++) {
103  fObsSoverSplusB[fit]->SetParameter(p, fitPars[p]);
104  }
105  }
106  }
107 }
109 // member function to add observable values to the signal histograms
110 void LRHelpFunctions::fillToSignalHists(const std::vector<double>& obsVals, double weight) {
111  int hIndex = 0;
112  for (size_t o = 0; o < obsVals.size(); o++) {
113  hObsS[o]->Fill(obsVals[o], weight);
114  for (size_t o2 = o + 1; o2 < obsVals.size(); o2++) {
115  hObsCorr[hIndex]->Fill(obsVals[o], obsVals[o2], weight);
116  ++hIndex;
117  }
118  }
119 }
121 // member function to add observable values to the signal histograms
122 void LRHelpFunctions::fillToSignalHists(int obsNbr, double obsVal, double weight) {
123  TString obs = "Obs";
124  obs += obsNbr;
125  obs += "_";
126  for (size_t f = 0; f < hObsS.size(); f++) {
127  if (((TString)(hObsS[f]->GetName())).Contains(obs)) {
128  hObsS[f]->Fill(obsVal, weight);
129  return;
130  }
131  }
132 }
134 // member function to add observable values to the signal histograms
135 void LRHelpFunctions::fillToSignalCorrelation(int obsNbr1, double obsVal1, int obsNbr2, double obsVal2, double weight) {
136  TString hcorr = "Corr_Obs";
137  hcorr += std::min(obsNbr1, obsNbr2);
138  hcorr += "_Obs";
139  hcorr += std::max(obsNbr1, obsNbr2);
140  for (size_t i = 0; i < hObsCorr.size(); i++) {
141  if (((TString)(hObsCorr[i]->GetName())) == hcorr) {
142  if (obsNbr1 < obsNbr2) {
143  hObsCorr[i]->Fill(obsVal1, obsVal2, weight);
144  } else {
145  hObsCorr[i]->Fill(obsVal2, obsVal1, weight);
146  }
147  return;
148  }
149  }
150 }
152 // member function to add observable values to the background histograms
153 void LRHelpFunctions::fillToBackgroundHists(const std::vector<double>& obsVals, double weight) {
154  for (size_t o = 0; o < obsVals.size(); o++)
155  hObsB[o]->Fill(obsVals[o], weight);
156 }
158 // member function to add observable values to the signal histograms
159 void LRHelpFunctions::fillToBackgroundHists(int obsNbr, double obsVal, double weight) {
160  TString obs = "Obs";
161  obs += obsNbr;
162  obs += "_";
163  for (size_t f = 0; f < hObsB.size(); f++) {
164  if (((TString)(hObsB[f]->GetName())).Contains(obs)) {
165  hObsB[f]->Fill(obsVal, weight);
166  return;
167  }
168  }
169 }
171 // member function to normalize the S and B spectra
173  for (size_t o = 0; o < hObsS.size(); o++) {
174  // count entries in each histo. Do it this way instead of GetEntries method,
175  // since the latter does not account for the weights.
176  double nrSignEntries = 0, nrBackEntries = 0;
177  for (int i = 0; i <= hObsS[o]->GetNbinsX() + 1; i++) {
178  nrSignEntries += hObsS[o]->GetBinContent(i);
179  nrBackEntries += hObsB[o]->GetBinContent(i);
180  }
181  for (int b = 0; b <= hObsS[o]->GetNbinsX() + 1; b++) {
182  hObsS[o]->SetBinContent(b, hObsS[o]->GetBinContent(b) / (nrSignEntries));
183  hObsB[o]->SetBinContent(b, hObsB[o]->GetBinContent(b) / (nrBackEntries));
184  hObsS[o]->SetBinError(b, hObsS[o]->GetBinError(b) / (nrSignEntries));
185  hObsB[o]->SetBinError(b, hObsB[o]->GetBinError(b) / (nrBackEntries));
186  }
187  //std::cout<<"Integral for obs"<<o<<" S: "<<hObsS[o]->Integral(0,10000)<<" & obs"<<o<<" B: "<<hObsB[o]->Integral(0,10000)<<std::endl;
188  }
189 }
191 // member function to produce and fit the S/(S+B) histograms
193  for (size_t o = 0; o < hObsS.size(); o++) {
194  for (int b = 0; b <= hObsS[o]->GetNbinsX() + 1; b++) {
195  if ((hObsS[o]->GetBinContent(b) + hObsB[o]->GetBinContent(b)) > 0) {
196  hObsSoverSplusB[o]->SetBinContent(
197  b, hObsS[o]->GetBinContent(b) / (hObsS[o]->GetBinContent(b) + hObsB[o]->GetBinContent(b)));
198  double error = sqrt(pow(hObsS[o]->GetBinError(b) * hObsB[o]->GetBinContent(b) /
199  pow(hObsS[o]->GetBinContent(b) + hObsB[o]->GetBinContent(b), 2),
200  2) +
201  pow(hObsB[o]->GetBinError(b) * hObsS[o]->GetBinContent(b) /
202  pow(hObsS[o]->GetBinContent(b) + hObsB[o]->GetBinContent(b), 2),
203  2));
204  hObsSoverSplusB[o]->SetBinError(b, error);
205  }
206  }
207  hObsSoverSplusB[o]->Fit(fObsSoverSplusB[o]->GetName(), "RQ");
208  }
209 }
211 // member function to read the observable hists & fits from a root-file
213  const std::vector<int>& observables,
214  bool readLRplots) {
215  hObsS.clear();
216  hObsB.clear();
217  hObsSoverSplusB.clear();
218  fObsSoverSplusB.clear();
219  TFile* fitFile = new TFile(fileName, "READ");
220  if (observables[0] == -1) {
221  std::cout << " ... will read hists and fit for all available observables in file " << fileName << std::endl;
222  TList* list = fitFile->GetListOfKeys();
223  TIter next(list);
224  TKey* el;
225  while ((el = (TKey*)next())) {
226  TString keyName = el->GetName();
227  if (keyName.Contains("F_") && keyName.Contains("_SoverSplusB")) {
228  fObsSoverSplusB.push_back(new TF1(*((TF1*)el->ReadObj())));
229  } else if (keyName.Contains("_SoverSplusB")) {
230  hObsSoverSplusB.push_back(new TH1F(*((TH1F*)el->ReadObj())));
231  } else if (keyName.Contains("_S")) {
232  hObsS.push_back(new TH1F(*((TH1F*)el->ReadObj())));
233  } else if (keyName.Contains("_B")) {
234  hObsB.push_back(new TH1F(*((TH1F*)el->ReadObj())));
235  } else if (keyName.Contains("Corr")) {
236  hObsCorr.push_back(new TH2F(*((TH2F*)el->ReadObj())));
237  }
238  }
239  } else {
240  obsNumbers = observables;
241  for (unsigned int obs = 0; obs < observables.size(); obs++) {
242  std::cout << " ... will read hists and fit for obs " << observables[obs] << " from file " << fileName
243  << std::endl;
244  TString hStitle = "Obs";
245  hStitle += observables[obs];
246  hStitle += "_S";
247  hObsS.push_back(new TH1F(*((TH1F*)fitFile->GetKey(hStitle)->ReadObj())));
248  TString hBtitle = "Obs";
249  hBtitle += observables[obs];
250  hBtitle += "_B";
251  hObsB.push_back(new TH1F(*((TH1F*)fitFile->GetKey(hBtitle)->ReadObj())));
252  TString hSBtitle = "Obs";
253  hSBtitle += observables[obs];
254  hSBtitle += "_SoverSplusB";
255  TString fSBtitle = "F_";
256  fSBtitle += hSBtitle;
257  hObsSoverSplusB.push_back(new TH1F(*((TH1F*)fitFile->GetKey(hSBtitle)->ReadObj())));
258  fObsSoverSplusB.push_back(new TF1(*((TF1*)fitFile->GetKey(fSBtitle)->ReadObj())));
259  for (unsigned int obs2 = obs + 1; obs2 < observables.size(); obs2++) {
260  TString hCorrtitle = "Corr_Obs";
261  hCorrtitle += observables[obs];
262  hCorrtitle += "_Obs";
263  hCorrtitle += observables[obs2];
264  hObsCorr.push_back(new TH2F(*((TH2F*)fitFile->GetKey(hCorrtitle)->ReadObj())));
265  }
266  }
267  }
269  if (readLRplots) {
270  constructPurity = true;
271  std::cout << " ... will LR s and B histos from file " << fileName << std::endl;
272  hLRtotS = new TH1F(*((TH1F*)fitFile->GetKey("hLRtotS")->ReadObj()));
273  hLRtotB = new TH1F(*((TH1F*)fitFile->GetKey("hLRtotB")->ReadObj()));
274  hLRtotSoverSplusB = new TH1F(*((TH1F*)fitFile->GetKey("hLRtotSoverSplusB")->ReadObj()));
275  fLRtotSoverSplusB = new TF1(*((TF1*)fitFile->GetKey("fLRtotSoverSplusB")->ReadObj()));
276  }
277 }
279 // member function to store all observable plots and fits to a ROOT-file
281  TFile fOut(fname, "RECREATE");
283  for (size_t o = 0; o < hObsS.size(); o++) {
284  hObsS[o]->Write();
285  hObsB[o]->Write();
286  hObsSoverSplusB[o]->Write();
287  fObsSoverSplusB[o]->Write();
288  }
289  int hIndex = 0;
290  for (size_t o = 0; o < hObsS.size(); o++) {
291  for (size_t o2 = o + 1; o2 < hObsS.size(); o2++) {
292  hObsCorr[hIndex]->Write();
293  ++hIndex;
294  }
295  }
296  if (constructPurity) {
297  hLRtotS->Write();
298  hLRtotB->Write();
299  hLRtotSoverSplusB->Write();
300  fLRtotSoverSplusB->Write();
301  hEffvsPur->Write();
302  hLRValvsPur->Write();
303  hLRValvsEff->Write();
304  }
306  fOut.Write();
307  fOut.Close();
308 }
310 // member function to make some simple control plots and store them in a ps-file
312  TCanvas c("dummy", "", 1);
313  c.Print(fname + "[", "landscape");
314  for (size_t o = 0; o < hObsS.size(); o++) {
315  TCanvas c2("c2", "", 1);
316  c2.Divide(2, 1);
318  hObsS[o]->SetLineColor(2);
319  if (hObsB[o]->GetMaximum() > hObsS[o]->GetMaximum()) {
320  hObsB[o]->Draw("hist");
321  hObsS[o]->Draw("histsame");
322  } else {
323  hObsS[o]->Draw("hist");
324  hObsB[o]->Draw("histsame");
325  }
327  hObsSoverSplusB[o]->Draw();
328  fObsSoverSplusB[o]->Draw("same");
329  c2.Print(fname, "Landscape");
330  }
332  int hIndex = 0;
333  for (size_t o = 0; o < hObsS.size(); o++) {
334  for (size_t o2 = o + 1; o2 < hObsS.size(); o2++) {
335  TCanvas cc("cc", "", 1);
336  hObsCorr[hIndex]->Draw("box");
337  TPaveText pt(0.5, 0.87, 0.98, 0.93, "blNDC");
338  pt.SetFillStyle(1);
339  pt.SetFillColor(0);
340  pt.SetBorderSize(0);
341  TString tcorr = "Corr. of ";
342  tcorr += (int)(100. * hObsCorr[hIndex]->GetCorrelationFactor());
343  tcorr += " %";
344  //TText *text = pt.AddText(tcorr);
345  pt.Draw("same");
346  ++hIndex;
347  cc.Print(fname, "Landscape");
348  }
349  }
351  if (constructPurity) {
352  TCanvas c3("c3", "", 1);
353  c3.Divide(2, 1);
355  hLRtotB->Draw();
356  hLRtotS->SetLineColor(2);
357  hLRtotS->Draw("same");
359  hLRtotSoverSplusB->Draw();
360  c3.Print(fname, "Landscape");
362  TCanvas c4("c4", "", 1);
363  hEffvsPur->Draw("AL*");
364  c4.Print(fname, "Landscape");
366  TCanvas c5("c5", "", 1);
367  hLRValvsPur->Draw("AL*");
368  c5.Print(fname, "Landscape");
370  TCanvas c6("c6", "", 1);
371  hLRValvsEff->Draw("AL*");
372  c6.Print(fname, "Landscape");
373  }
374  c.Print(fname + "]", "landscape");
375 }
377 // member function to calculate the LR value, using the S/N definition
378 double LRHelpFunctions::calcLRval(const std::vector<double>& vals) {
379  double logLR = 0.;
380  for (size_t o = 0; o < fObsSoverSplusB.size(); o++) {
381  double SoverSplusN = fObsSoverSplusB[o]->Eval(vals[o]);
382  double SoverN = 1. / ((1. / SoverSplusN) - 1.);
383  logLR += log(SoverN);
384  }
385  return logLR;
386 }
388 // member function to calculate the LR value, using the definition that was
389 // used in the P-TDR: S/(S+N)
391 double LRHelpFunctions::calcPtdrLRval(const std::vector<double>& vals, bool useCorrelation) {
392  double logLR = 1.;
393  for (size_t o = 0; o < fObsSoverSplusB.size(); o++) {
394  double SoverSplusN = fObsSoverSplusB[o]->Eval(vals[o]);
395  if (SoverSplusN < 0.0001)
396  SoverSplusN = 0.0001;
397  if (useCorrelation) {
398  double corr = 0;
399  for (size_t j = 0; j < fObsSoverSplusB.size(); j++) {
400  if (o == j)
401  ++corr;
402  else {
403  TString hcorr = "Corr_Obs";
404  hcorr += std::min(obsNumbers[o], obsNumbers[j]);
405  hcorr += "_Obs";
406  hcorr += std::max(obsNumbers[o], obsNumbers[j]);
407  for (size_t i = 0; i < hObsCorr.size(); i++) {
408  if (((TString)(hObsCorr[i]->GetName())) == hcorr)
409  corr += fabs(hObsCorr[i]->GetCorrelationFactor());
410  }
411  }
412  }
413  logLR *= pow(SoverSplusN / fObsSoverSplusB[o]->GetMaximum(), 1. / corr);
414  } else
415  logLR *= SoverSplusN / fObsSoverSplusB[o]->GetMaximum();
416  }
417  //std::cout <<logLR<<std::endl;
418  return logLR;
419 }
421 // member function to fill a signal contribution to the LR histogram
423  // std::cout<< "@@@===> LRHelpf Signal LRval = "<< val<<std::endl;
424  hLRtotS->Fill(val, weight);
425 }
427 // member function to fill a background contribution to the LR histogram
429  // std::cout<< "@@@===> LRHelpf Backgroud LRval = "<< val<<std::endl;
430  hLRtotB->Fill(val, weight);
431 }
433 // member function to make and fit the purity vs. LRval histogram, and the purity vs. efficiency graph
435  for (int b = 0; b <= hLRtotS->GetNbinsX(); b++) {
436  float Sint = hLRtotS->Integral(b, hLRtotS->GetNbinsX() + 1);
437  float Bint = hLRtotB->Integral(b, hLRtotB->GetNbinsX() + 1);
438  if (Sint + Bint > 0) {
439  hLRtotSoverSplusB->SetBinContent(b, 1. * Sint / (Sint + Bint));
440  hLRtotSoverSplusB->SetBinError(
441  b, sqrt((pow(Sint * sqrt(Bint), 2) + pow(Bint * sqrt(Sint), 2))) / pow((Sint + Bint), 2));
442  }
443  }
445  hLRtotS->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Combined LR ratio");
446  hLRtotB->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Combined LR ratio");
447  hLRtotSoverSplusB->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Cut on Combined LR");
448  hLRtotSoverSplusB->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Purity");
450  hLRtotSoverSplusB->Fit(fLRtotSoverSplusB->GetName(), "RQ");
451  double totSignal = hLRtotS->Integral(0, hLRtotS->GetNbinsX() + 1);
452  double Eff[200], Pur[200], LRVal[200];
453  if (hLRtotS->GetNbinsX() > 200) {
454  std::cout << "Number of bins of LR histograms can not execeed 200!" << std::endl;
455  return;
456  }
457  for (int cut = 0; (cut <= hLRtotS->GetNbinsX()) && (cut < 200); cut++) {
458  double LRcutVal = hLRtotS->GetBinLowEdge(cut);
459  Eff[cut] = hLRtotS->Integral(cut, hLRtotS->GetNbinsX() + 1) / totSignal;
460  Pur[cut] = fLRtotSoverSplusB->Eval(LRcutVal);
461  LRVal[cut] = LRcutVal;
462  }
463  hEffvsPur = new TGraph(hLRtotS->GetNbinsX(), Eff, Pur);
464  hEffvsPur->SetName("hEffvsPur");
465  hEffvsPur->SetTitle("");
466  hEffvsPur->GetXaxis()->SetTitle((TString)("Efficiency of cut on log combined LR"));
467  hEffvsPur->GetYaxis()->SetTitle((TString)("Purity"));
468  hEffvsPur->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0, 1.1);
470  hLRValvsPur = new TGraph(hLRtotS->GetNbinsX(), LRVal, Pur);
471  hLRValvsPur->SetName("hLRValvsPur");
472  hLRValvsPur->SetTitle("");
473  hLRValvsPur->GetXaxis()->SetTitle((TString)("Cut on the log combined LR value"));
474  hLRValvsPur->GetYaxis()->SetTitle((TString)("Purity"));
475  hLRValvsPur->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0, 1.1);
477  hLRValvsEff = new TGraph(hLRtotS->GetNbinsX(), LRVal, Eff);
478  hLRValvsEff->SetName("hLRValvsEff");
479  hLRValvsEff->SetTitle("");
480  hLRValvsEff->GetXaxis()->SetTitle((TString)("Cut on the log combined LR value"));
481  hLRValvsEff->GetYaxis()->SetTitle((TString)("Efficiency of cut on log combined LR"));
482  hLRValvsEff->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0, 1.1);
483 }
485 // member function to calculate the probability for signal given a logLR value
486 double LRHelpFunctions::calcProb(double logLR) { return fLRtotSoverSplusB->Eval(logLR); }
488 // member to check if a certain S/S+B fit function is read from the root-file
490  bool included = false;
491  TString obs = "_Obs";
492  obs += o;
493  obs += "_";
494  for (size_t f = 0; f < fObsSoverSplusB.size(); f++) {
495  if (((TString)(fObsSoverSplusB[f]->GetName())).Contains(obs))
496  included = true;
497  }
498  return included;
499 }
501 void LRHelpFunctions::setXlabels(const std::vector<std::string>& xLabels) {
502  if (hObsS.size() != xLabels.size()) {
503  std::cout << "LRHelpFunctions::setXlabels: Number of labels (" << xLabels.size()
504  << ") does not match number of obervables(" << hObsS.size() << ").\n";
505  return;
506  }
507  for (size_t i = 0; i < hObsS.size(); ++i) {
508  hObsS[i]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(TString(xLabels[i]));
509  hObsB[i]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(TString(xLabels[i]));
510  hObsSoverSplusB[i]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(TString(xLabels[i]));
511  hObsSoverSplusB[i]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(TString("S/(S+B)"));
512  }
513 }
515 void LRHelpFunctions::setYlabels(const std::vector<std::string>& yLabels) {
516  if (hObsS.size() != yLabels.size()) {
517  std::cout << "LRHelpFunctions::setYlabels: Number of labels (" << yLabels.size()
518  << ") does not match number of obervables(" << hObsS.size() << ").\n";
519  return;
520  }
521  for (size_t i = 0; i < hObsS.size(); ++i) {
522  hObsS[i]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(TString(yLabels[i]));
523  hObsB[i]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(TString(yLabels[i]));
524  }
525 }
527 void LRHelpFunctions::singlePlot(const TString& fname, int obsNbr, const TString& extension) {
528  if (!obsFitIncluded(obsNbr))
529  return;
531  TStyle* tdrStyle = gROOT->GetStyle("tdrStyle");
532  tdrStyle->SetOptFit(0);
533  tdrStyle->SetOptStat(0);
534  tdrStyle->SetOptTitle(0);
535  // tdrStyle->SetPadTopMargin(0.01);
536  // tdrStyle->SetPadBottomMargin(0.01);
537  // tdrStyle->SetPadLeftMargin(0.01);
538  // tdrStyle->SetPadRightMargin(0.01);
540  TCanvas c2("c2", "", 600, 300);
541  c2.SetTopMargin(0.01);
542  c2.SetBottomMargin(0.01);
543  c2.SetLeftMargin(0.01);
544  c2.SetRightMargin(0.01);
545  std::cout << fname << std::endl;
546  c2.Divide(2, 1);
548  TString obs = "Obs";
549  obs += obsNbr;
550  obs += "_";
551  for (size_t o = 0; o < hObsB.size(); ++o) {
552  if (((TString)(hObsB[o]->GetName())).Contains(obs)) {
554  hObsS[o]->SetLineColor(2);
555  if (hObsB[o]->GetMaximum() > hObsS[o]->GetMaximum()) {
556  hObsB[o]->Draw("hist");
557  hObsS[o]->Draw("histsame");
558  } else {
559  hObsS[o]->Draw("hist");
560  hObsB[o]->Draw("histsame");
561  }
564  hObsSoverSplusB[o]->Draw();
565  fObsSoverSplusB[o]->Draw("same");
566  }
567  }
568  std::cout << fname + "." + extension << std::endl;
569  c2.Print(fname + "." + extension);
570 }
572 void LRHelpFunctions::purityPlot(const TString& fname, const TString& extension) {
573  TStyle* tdrStyle = gROOT->GetStyle("tdrStyle");
574  tdrStyle->SetOptFit(0);
575  tdrStyle->SetOptStat(0);
576  tdrStyle->SetOptTitle(0);
577  // tdrStyle->SetPadTopMargin(0.01);
578  // tdrStyle->SetPadBottomMargin(0.01);
579  // tdrStyle->SetPadLeftMargin(0.01);
580  // tdrStyle->SetPadRightMargin(0.01);
582  TCanvas c2("c2", "", 600, 300);
583  c2.SetTopMargin(0.01);
584  c2.SetBottomMargin(0.01);
585  c2.SetLeftMargin(0.01);
586  c2.SetRightMargin(0.01);
587  std::cout << fname << std::endl;
588  c2.Divide(2, 1);
591  hLRValvsPur->Draw("AP");
593  hEffvsPur->Draw("AP");
594  c2.Print(fname + "Purity." + extension);
596  hLRtotS->GetXaxis()->SetNdivisions(505);
597  hLRtotB->GetXaxis()->SetNdivisions(505);
598  TCanvas c3("c2", "", 300, 300);
599  // c3.SetTopMargin(0.01);
600  // c3.SetBottomMargin(0.01);
601  // c3.SetLeftMargin(0.01);
602  // c3.SetRightMargin(0.01);
603  hLRtotS->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Combined LR");
604  hLRtotB->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Combined LR");
606  hLRtotB->Draw();
607  hLRtotS->SetLineColor(2);
608  hLRtotS->Draw("same");
609  c3.Print(fname + "Dist." + extension);
611  TCanvas c5("c3", "", 900, 600);
612  c5.Divide(2, 2);
614  hLRtotB->Draw();
615  hLRtotS->SetLineColor(2);
616  hLRtotS->Draw("same");
618  hLRValvsEff->Draw("AP");
620  hEffvsPur->Draw("AP");
622  hLRtotSoverSplusB->Draw();
623  c5.Print(fname + "all." + extension);
624 }
void storeControlPlots(const TString &)
double calcLRval(const std::vector< double > &)
std::vector< TH1F * > hObsSoverSplusB
void setXlabels(const std::vector< std::string > &xLabels)
void recreateFitFct(const std::vector< int > &obsNr, const std::vector< const char * > &functions)
std::vector< TH1F * > hObsS
double calcPtdrLRval(const std::vector< double > &vals, bool useCorrelation=false)
void makeAndFitPurityHists()
double calcProb(double)
std::vector< TH1F * > hObsB
void setYlabels(const std::vector< std::string > &yLabels)
TGraph * hLRValvsEff
bool obsFitIncluded(int)
std::vector< TH2F * > hObsCorr
TGraph * hLRValvsPur
void fillToBackgroundHists(const std::vector< double > &, double weight=1.0)
void fillToSignalCorrelation(int obsNbr1, double obsVal1, int obsNbr2, double obsVal2, double weight)
void makeAndFitSoverSplusBHists()
void Fill(HcalDetId &id, double val, std::vector< TH2F > &depth)
T sqrt(T t)
Definition: SSEVec.h:19
def setTDRStyle()
double f[11][100]
void storeToROOTfile(const TString &)
T min(T a, T b)
Definition: MathUtil.h:58
JetCorrectorParameters corr
Definition: classes.h:5
std::vector< int > obsNumbers
void fillLRSignalHist(double, double weight=1.0)
void singlePlot(const TString &fname, int obsNbr, const TString &extension=TString("eps"))
void readObsHistsAndFits(const TString &, const std::vector< int > &, bool)
void fillToSignalHists(const std::vector< double > &, double weight=1.0)
void setObsFitParameters(int obs, const std::vector< double > &)
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:118
string fname
main script
std::vector< TF1 * > fObsSoverSplusB
void initLRHistsAndFits(int, double, double, const char *)
void fillLRBackgroundHist(double, double weight=1.0)
TH1F * hLRtotSoverSplusB
Power< A, B >::type pow(const A &a, const B &b)
Definition: Power.h:30
How EventSelector::AcceptEvent() decides whether to accept an event for output otherwise it is excluding the probing of A single or multiple positive and the trigger will pass if any such matching triggers are PASS or EXCEPTION[A criterion thatmatches no triggers at all is detected and causes a throw.] A single negative with an expectation of appropriate bit checking in the decision and the trigger will pass if any such matching triggers are FAIL or EXCEPTION A wildcarded negative criterion that matches more than one trigger in the trigger list("!*","!HLTx*"if it matches 2 triggers or more) will accept the event if all the matching triggers are FAIL.It will reject the event if any of the triggers are PASS or EXCEPTION(this matches the behavior of"!*"before the partial wildcard feature was incorporated).Triggers which are in the READY state are completely ignored.(READY should never be returned since the trigger paths have been run
void purityPlot(const TString &fname, const TString &extension=TString("eps"))