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cms Namespace Reference

Namespace of DDCMS conversion namespace. More...




class  Analyzer_minbias
class  BHFilter
class  CaloMETProducer
class  CATopJetProducer
class  CkfDebugTrackCandidateMaker
class  CkfTrackCandidateMaker
class  CkfTrackCandidateMakerBase
class  CkfTrajectoryMaker
class  ClusterizerFP420
class  ClusterMTCCFilter
class  CompareTrajChi
class  CompareTrajLay
class  CompoundJetProducer
class  CosmicTIFTrigFilter
class  CosmicTrackFinder
class  CRC32Calculator
class  CSJetProducer
class  DDAlgoArguments
class  DDCMSDetElementCreator
class  DDDetector
class  DDFilteredView
class  DDNamespace
class  DDParsingContext
struct  DDSpecPar
struct  DDSpecParRegistry
struct  DDVectorRegistry
class  DDVolumeProcessor
class  Digest
class  DigitizerFP420
class  DTGeometryBuilder
class  DTNumberingScheme
class  ElseMETProducer
class  Exception
struct  ExpandedNodes
class  FastSimDataFilter
struct  Filter
class  GenMETProducer
class  HitReCalibrator
class  HTTTopJetProducer
class  JetCorrectionProducer
class  JetVertexAssociation
struct  MD5Result
class  METSignificanceProducer
class  MinBias
class  MTCCHLTrigger
class  MuonMET
class  MuonMETValueMapProducer
class  MuonNumbering
class  MuonTCMETValueMapProducer
class  PFClusterMETProducer
class  PFMETProducer
class  Phase2TrackerDigitizer
class  PileupJPTJetIdAlgo
class  PileupVertexAccumulator
class  ProducerAnalyzer
class  ReconstructerFP420
class  SiPixelDigitizer
class  SiPixelRecHitConverter
class  SubEventGenJetProducer
class  SubJetProducer
class  TCMETProducer
class  TECClusterFilter
class  TrackerizerFP420
class  TrackMTCCFilter


using DD3Vector = ROOT::Math::DisplacementVector3D< ROOT::Math::Cartesian3D< double >>
using DDPartSelectionMap = tbb::concurrent_unordered_map< std::string, tbb::concurrent_vector< std::string >>
using DDPaths = tbb::concurrent_vector< std::string >
using DDSpecParMap = tbb::concurrent_unordered_map< std::string, DDSpecPar >
using DDSpecParRefs = std::vector< const DDSpecPar * >
using DDVectorsMap = tbb::concurrent_unordered_map< std::string, tbb::concurrent_vector< double >>
using ExpandedNodes = cms::ExpandedNodes
using Filter = cms::Filter
using Iterator = TGeoIterator
using MuonConstants = std::unordered_map< std::string_view, int >
using Node = TGeoNode
using PlacedVolume = dd4hep::PlacedVolume
using Volume = dd4hep::Volume


void Adler32 (char const *data, size_t len, uint32_t &a, uint32_t &b)
uint32_t Adler32 (char const *data, size_t len)
def cms_error ()
def config (tmpl, pkg_help, tmpl_dir)
def config_with_parser (tmpl, args, tmpl_dir)
std::string detElementName (dd4hep::PlacedVolume volume)
def generate (kwds)
constexpr unsigned int hash (const char *str, int h=0)
unsigned int hash (const std::string &str)
dd4hep::Rotation3D makeRotation3D (double thetaX, double phiX, double thetaY, double phiY, double thetaZ, double phiZ)
dd4hep::Rotation3D makeRotation3D (dd4hep::Rotation3D rotation, const std::string &axis, double angle)
dd4hep::Rotation3D makeRotReflect (double thetaX, double phiX, double thetaY, double phiY, double thetaZ, double phiZ)
bool operator!= (MD5Result const &a, MD5Result const &b)
bool operator< (MD5Result const &a, MD5Result const &b)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, MD5Result const &r)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &ost, Exception const &e)
template<typename E , typename T >
detail::Desired< E, detail::is_derived_or_same< Exception, std::remove_reference_t< E > >::value >::typeoperator<< (E &&e, T const &stuff)
template<typename E >
detail::Desired< E, detail::is_derived_or_same< Exception, std::remove_reference_t< E > >::value >::typeoperator<< (E &&e, std::ostream &(*f)(std::ostream &))
template<typename E >
detail::Desired< E, detail::is_derived_or_same< Exception, std::remove_reference_t< E > >::value >::typeoperator<< (E &&e, std::ios_base &(*f)(std::ios_base &))
bool operator== (MD5Result const &a, MD5Result const &b)
static const edm::ParameterSetDescriptionFillerPluginFactory::PMaker< edm::ParameterSetDescriptionFiller< TCMETProducer > > s_filler__LINE__ ("TCMETProducer")
static const edm::ParameterSetDescriptionFillerPluginFactory::PMaker< edm::ParameterSetDescriptionFiller< GenMETProducer > > s_filler__LINE__ ("GenMETProducer")
static const edm::ParameterSetDescriptionFillerPluginFactory::PMaker< edm::ParameterSetDescriptionFiller< PFClusterMETProducer > > s_filler__LINE__ ("PFClusterMETProducer")
static const edm::ParameterSetDescriptionFillerPluginFactory::PMaker< edm::ParameterSetDescriptionFiller< ElseMETProducer > > s_filler__LINE__ ("ElseMETProducer")
static const edm::ParameterSetDescriptionFillerPluginFactory::PMaker< edm::ParameterSetDescriptionFiller< MuonMET > > s_filler__LINE__ ("MuonMET")
static const edm::ParameterSetDescriptionFillerPluginFactory::PMaker< edm::ParameterSetDescriptionFiller< CaloMETProducer > > s_filler__LINE__ ("CaloMETProducer")
static const edm::ParameterSetDescriptionFillerPluginFactory::PMaker< edm::ParameterSetDescriptionFiller< METSignificanceProducer > > s_filler__LINE__ ("METSignificanceProducer")
static const edm::ParameterSetDescriptionFillerPluginFactory::PMaker< edm::ParameterSetDescriptionFiller< PFMETProducer > > s_filler__LINE__ ("PFMETProducer")
static const edm::MakerPluginFactory::PMaker< edm::WorkerMaker< TCMETProducer > > s_maker__LINE__ ("TCMETProducer")
static const edm::MakerPluginFactory::PMaker< edm::WorkerMaker< GenMETProducer > > s_maker__LINE__ ("GenMETProducer")
static const edm::MakerPluginFactory::PMaker< edm::WorkerMaker< PFClusterMETProducer > > s_maker__LINE__ ("PFClusterMETProducer")
static const edm::MakerPluginFactory::PMaker< edm::WorkerMaker< ElseMETProducer > > s_maker__LINE__ ("ElseMETProducer")
static const edm::MakerPluginFactory::PMaker< edm::WorkerMaker< MuonMET > > s_maker__LINE__ ("MuonMET")
static const edm::MakerPluginFactory::PMaker< edm::WorkerMaker< CaloMETProducer > > s_maker__LINE__ ("CaloMETProducer")
static const edm::MakerPluginFactory::PMaker< edm::WorkerMaker< METSignificanceProducer > > s_maker__LINE__ ("METSignificanceProducer")
static const edm::MakerPluginFactory::PMaker< edm::WorkerMaker< PFMETProducer > > s_maker__LINE__ ("PFMETProducer")
void set_to_default (MD5Result &val)
def test_cms_environment (tmpl)


static constexpr long s_executed = 1l
static const char * s_hexValues
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_Algorithm
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_alp1
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_alp2
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_atMinusZ
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_atomicNumber
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_atomicWeight
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_axis
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_bl1
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_bl2
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_Box
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_ChildName
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_close_geometry
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_CompositeMaterial
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_Cone
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_Constant
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_ConstantsSection
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_copyNumber
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_cutAtDelta
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_cutAtStart
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_cutInside
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_CutTubs
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_DDCMS
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_DDDefinition
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_debug_algorithms
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_debug_constants
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_debug_includes
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_debug_materials
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_debug_namespaces
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_debug_placements
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_debug_rotations
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_debug_shapes
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_debug_specpars
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_debug_visattr
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_debug_volumes
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_deltaPhi
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_deltaTheta
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_density
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_DisabledAlgo
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_Division
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_dx
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_dx1
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_dx2
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_dy
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_dy1
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_dy2
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_dz
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_ElementaryMaterial
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_Ellipsoid
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_EllipticalTube
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_firstSolid
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_h1
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_h2
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_Include
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_IncludeSection
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_innerRadius
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_LogicalPart
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_LogicalPartSection
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_lx
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_ly
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_lz
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_MaterialFraction
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_MaterialSection
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_nEntries
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_nReplicas
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_Numeric
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_numSide
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_offset
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_open_geometry
 DD4hep specific. More...
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_outerRadius
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_Parameter
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_parent
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_PartSelector
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_path
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_phiX
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_phiY
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_phiZ
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_Polycone
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_Polyhedra
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_PosPart
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_PosPartSection
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_PseudoTrap
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_rChild
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_ReflectionRotation
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_rMaterial
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_rMax
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_rMax1
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_rMax2
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_rMin
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_rMin1
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_rMin2
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_Rotation
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_RotationByAxis
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_RotationSection
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_RotationSequence
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_rParent
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_rRotation
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_rSolid
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_RZPoint
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_scale
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_secondSolid
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_SolidSection
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_SpecPar
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_SpecParSection
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_Sphere
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_startPhi
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_startTheta
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_String
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_SubtractionSolid
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_symbol
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_thetaX
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_thetaY
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_thetaZ
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_tl1
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_tl2
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_Torus
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_torusRadius
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_Transformation
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_TransformationSection
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_Translation
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_Trapezoid
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_TruncTubs
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_Tubs
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_tx
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_ty
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_tz
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_value
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_Vector
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_vis
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_vismaterial
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_VisSection
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_width
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_xSemiAxis
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_XYPoint
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_ySemiAxis
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_zBottomCut
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_zHalf
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_zHeight
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_ZSection
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_zSemiAxis
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_zTopCut
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t Unicode_ZXYSection

Detailed Description

Namespace of DDCMS conversion namespace.

How ParameterSets are nested inside ParameterSets The main feature is that they're made persistent using a ParameterSetID, and only reconstituted as needed, when the value_ptr = 0;

This a basic exception type expected to be thrown by developer-written code. We recommend that you use it directly. It can also be used as a base class if needed.

Each Exception is identified by a category string. This category is a short word or phrase (no spaces) that described the problem that was encountered.

Information can be added to the Exception using the stream insertion operator (as one uses cout). We recommend using it in the following manner:

Example: if ((rc=func()) < 0) { throw cms::Exception("DataCorrupt") << "I died with rc = " << rc << std::endl; }

Derived types are expected to fix the category, either by 1) passing a string literal to the base class constructor, or 2) ensuring the developer gives a category name.

Example: class InfiniteLoop : public Exception { InfiniteLoop(const std::string& msg) : Exception("InfiniteLoop",msg) { } };

ExceptionCollector is a utility class that can be used to make sure that each function or functor in a sequence of calls is invoked even if a previous function throws. Each function/functor must take no arguments and return a void. std::bind can be used to convert a function taking arguments into a function taking no arguments. The exception strings are saved in a cms::Exception for optional rethrow.

Here is an example:

ExceptionCollector c("initialMessage");, myClassPtr));, myClassPtr, myArgPtr));, myArgPtr)); if (c.hasThrown()) c.rethrow();

This insures that all three functions will be called before any exception is thrown.

Typedef Documentation

using cms::DD3Vector = typedef ROOT::Math::DisplacementVector3D<ROOT::Math::Cartesian3D<double>>

Definition at line 15 of file DDAlgoArguments.h.

using cms::DDPartSelectionMap = typedef tbb::concurrent_unordered_map< std::string, tbb::concurrent_vector<std::string>>

Definition at line 11 of file DDSpecParRegistry.h.

using cms::DDPaths = typedef tbb::concurrent_vector<std::string>

Definition at line 10 of file DDSpecParRegistry.h.

using cms::DDSpecParMap = typedef tbb::concurrent_unordered_map<std::string, DDSpecPar>

Definition at line 24 of file DDSpecParRegistry.h.

using cms::DDSpecParRefs = typedef std::vector<const DDSpecPar*>

Definition at line 25 of file DDSpecParRegistry.h.

using cms::DDVectorsMap = typedef tbb::concurrent_unordered_map< std::string, tbb::concurrent_vector<double>>

Definition at line 12 of file DDSpecParRegistry.h.

Definition at line 34 of file DDFilteredView.h.

using cms::Filter = typedef cms::Filter

Definition at line 35 of file DDFilteredView.h.

using cms::Iterator = typedef TGeoIterator

Definition at line 36 of file DDFilteredView.h.

using cms::MuonConstants = typedef std::unordered_map<std::string_view, int>

Definition at line 35 of file DD4hep_MuonNumbering.h.

using cms::Node = typedef TGeoNode

Definition at line 37 of file DDFilteredView.h.

using cms::PlacedVolume = typedef dd4hep::PlacedVolume

Definition at line 33 of file DDFilteredView.h.

using cms::Volume = typedef dd4hep::Volume

Definition at line 32 of file DDFilteredView.h.

Function Documentation

void cms::Adler32 ( char const *  data,
size_t  len,
uint32_t &  a,
uint32_t &  b 

Definition at line 10 of file

References a, data, and MOD_ADLER.

Referenced by Adler32(), evf::EvFOutputModule::beginRun(), edm::StreamerInputSource::deserializeEvent(), edm::StreamerInputSource::deserializeRegistry(), evf::RecoEventOutputModuleForFU< Consumer >::doOutputHeader(), L1TriggerJSONMonitoring::globalEndLuminosityBlockSummary(), HLTriggerJSONMonitoring::globalEndLuminosityBlockSummary(), edm::StreamSerializer::serializeEvent(), edm::StreamSerializer::serializeRegistry(), OutputFile::write(), and RawEventOutputModuleForBU< Consumer >::write().

10  {
11  /* data: Pointer to the data to be summed; len is in bytes */
13 #define MOD_ADLER 65521
15  unsigned char const* ptr = static_cast<unsigned char const*>(static_cast<void const*>(data));
16  while (len > 0) {
17  size_t tlen = (len > 5552 ? 5552 : len);
18  len -= tlen;
19  do {
20  a += *ptr++;
21  b += a;
22  } while (--tlen);
24  a %= MOD_ADLER;
25  b %= MOD_ADLER;
26  }
28 #undef MOD_ADLER
29  }
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:120
char data[epos_bytes_allocation]
Definition: EPOS_Wrapper.h:82
double a
Definition: hdecay.h:121
#define MOD_ADLER
uint32_t cms::Adler32 ( char const *  data,
size_t  len 

Definition at line 31 of file

References a, Adler32(), and b.

31  {
32  /* data: Pointer to the data to be summed; len is in bytes */
33  uint32_t a = 1, b = 0;
34  Adler32(data, len, a, b);
35  return (b << 16) | a;
36  }
void Adler32(char const *data, size_t len, uint32_t &a, uint32_t &b)
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:120
char data[epos_bytes_allocation]
Definition: EPOS_Wrapper.h:82
double a
Definition: hdecay.h:121
def cms.cms_error ( )

Definition at line 71 of file

Referenced by generate().

71 def cms_error():
72  "Standard CMS error message"
73  msg = "\nPackages must be created in a 'subsystem'."
74  msg += "\nPlease set your CMSSW environment and go to $CMSSW_BASE/src"
75  msg += "\nCreate or choose directory from there and then "
76  msg += "\nrun the script from that directory"
77  return msg
def cms_error()
def cms.config (   tmpl,

Definition at line 19 of file

References edm.print().

19 def config(tmpl, pkg_help, tmpl_dir):
20  "Parse input arguments to mk-script"
21  kwds = {'author': '', 'tmpl': tmpl,
22  'args': {}, 'debug': False,
23  'tmpl_dir': tmpl_dir, 'working_dir': ''}
24  etags = []
25  if len(sys.argv) >= 2: # user give us arguments
26  if sys.argv[1] in ['-h', '--help', '-help']:
27  print(pkg_help)
28  sys.exit(0)
29  kwds['pname'] = sys.argv[1]
30  for idx in range(2, len(sys.argv)):
31  opt = sys.argv[idx]
32  if opt == '-author':
33  kwds['author'] = sys.argv[idx+1]
34  continue
35  if opt.find('example') != -1:
36  etags.append('@%s' % opt)
37  continue
38  if opt in ['-h', '--help', '-help']:
39  print(pkg_help)
40  sys.exit(0)
41  if opt == '-debug':
42  kwds['debug'] = True
43  continue
44  elif len(sys.argv) == 1:
45  # need to walk
46  msg = 'Please enter %s name: ' % tmpl.lower()
47  kwds['pname'] = raw_input(msg)
48  else:
49  print(pkg_help)
50  sys.exit(0)
51  kwds['tmpl_etags'] = etags
52  return kwds
S & print(S &os, JobReport::InputFile const &f)
def config(tmpl, pkg_help, tmpl_dir)
def cms.config_with_parser (   tmpl,
Inject arguments parsed upstream into mk-scripts.
The arguments are parsed by the different front-ends(binaries)
and passed here via the args object.

Definition at line 54 of file

54 def config_with_parser(tmpl, args, tmpl_dir):
55  """
56  Inject arguments parsed upstream into mk-scripts.
57  The arguments are parsed by the different front-ends(binaries)
58  and passed here via the args object.
59  """
61  kwds = {'author': '', 'tmpl': tmpl,
62  'args': {}, 'debug': False, 'tmpl_dir': tmpl_dir}
63  etags = []
64  kwds['pname'] = args.subpackage_name
65  if kwds['author'] =
66  if args.debug: kwds['debug'] = True
67  if args.example: etags.append('@%s' % args.example)
68  kwds['tmpl_etags'] = etags
69  return kwds
def config_with_parser(tmpl, args, tmpl_dir)
std::string cms::detElementName ( dd4hep::PlacedVolume  volume)

Definition at line 85 of file

References dataset::name, NAMESPACE_SEP, and AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string.

Referenced by cms::DDCMSDetElementCreator::createElement(), and cms::DDCMSDetElementCreator::createTopLevelDetectors().

85  {
86  if( volume.isValid()) {
87  std::string name =;
88  std::string nnam = name.substr( name.find(NAMESPACE_SEP) + 1 );
89  return nnam;
90  }
91  except("DD4CMS","++ Cannot deduce name from invalid PlacedVolume handle!");
92  return std::string();
93 }
Definition: DDNamespace.h:77
def cms.generate (   kwds)

Definition at line 107 of file

References cms_error(), utils.code_generator(), cmsPerfStripChart.dict, edm.print(), and test_cms_environment().

107 def generate(kwds):
108  "Run generator code based on provided set of arguments"
109  config = dict(kwds)
110  tmpl = kwds.get('tmpl')
111  stand_alone_group = ['Record', 'Skeleton']
112  config.update({'not_in_dir': stand_alone_group})
113  if tmpl in stand_alone_group:
114  whereami, ldir = test_cms_environment(tmpl)
115  dirs = ldir.split('/')
116  config.update({'pkgname': kwds.get('pname')})
117  config.update({'subsystem': 'Subsystem'})
118  config.update({'pkgname': 'Package'})
119  if whereami:
120  if len(dirs) >= 3:
121  config.update({'subsystem': dirs[1]})
122  config.update({'pkgname': dirs[2]})
123  elif len(dirs) >= 2:
124  config.update({'subsystem': dirs[1]})
125  config.update({'pkgname': dirs[1]})
126  else:
127  whereami, ldir = test_cms_environment(tmpl)
128  dirs = ldir.split('/')
129  if not dirs or not whereami:
130  print(cms_error())
131  sys.exit(1)
132  config.update({'subsystem': dirs[1]})
133  config.update({'pkgname': kwds.get('pname')})
134  if whereami in ['src', 'plugins']:
135  config.update({'working_dir': whereami})
136  config.update({'tmpl_files': '.cc'})
137  config.update({'pkgname': dirs[2]})
138  elif whereami == 'test':
139  config.update({'working_dir': whereami})
140  config.update({'tmpl_files':'.cc'})
141  config.update({'pkgname': dirs[2]})
142  elif whereami == 'subsystem':
143  config.update({'tmpl_files': 'all'})
144  else:
145  print(cms_error())
146  sys.exit(1)
147  obj = code_generator(config)
148  obj.generate()
def test_cms_environment(tmpl)
def cms_error()
S & print(S &os, JobReport::InputFile const &f)
def code_generator(kwds)
def generate(kwds)
constexpr unsigned int cms::hash ( const char *  str,
int  h = 0 

Definition at line 19 of file DDAlgoArguments.h.

References h.

Referenced by hash().

20  {
21  return !str[h] ? 5381 : ( hash( str, h+1 )*33 ) ^ str[h];
22  }
FWCore Framework interface EventSetupRecordImplementation h
Helper function to determine trigger accepts.
unsigned int hash(const std::string &str)
#define str(s)
unsigned int cms::hash ( const std::string &  str)

Definition at line 24 of file DDAlgoArguments.h.

References angle(), hash(), makeRotation3D(), makeRotReflect(), idealTransformation::rotation, AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string, DOFs::thetaX, DOFs::thetaY, and DOFs::thetaZ.

25  {
26  return hash( str.c_str());
27  }
unsigned int hash(const std::string &str)
#define str(s)
dd4hep::Rotation3D cms::makeRotation3D ( double  thetaX,
double  phiX,
double  thetaY,
double  phiY,
double  thetaZ,
double  phiZ 

Definition at line 19 of file

References funct::cos(), RecoTauValidation_cfi::posX, RecoTauValidation_cfi::posY, idealTransformation::rotation, and funct::sin().

Referenced by algorithm(), and hash().

21  {
22  dd4hep::Position posX( sin( thetaX ) * cos( phiX ),
23  sin( thetaX ) * sin( phiX ),
24  cos( thetaX ));
25  dd4hep::Position posY( sin( thetaY ) * cos( phiY ),
26  sin( thetaY ) * sin( phiY ),
27  cos( thetaY ));
28  dd4hep::Position posZ( sin( thetaZ ) * cos( phiZ ),
29  sin( thetaZ ) * sin( phiZ ),
30  cos( thetaZ ));
31  dd4hep::Rotation3D rotation( posX, posY, posZ );
33  return rotation;
34 }
Sin< T >::type sin(const T &t)
Definition: Sin.h:22
Cos< T >::type cos(const T &t)
Definition: Cos.h:22
dd4hep::Rotation3D cms::makeRotation3D ( dd4hep::Rotation3D  rotation,
const std::string &  axis,
double  angle 

Definition at line 60 of file

References cond::hash, and idealTransformation::rotation.

61 {
62  switch( hash( axis ))
63  {
64  case hash("x"):
65  rotation = dd4hep::RotationX( angle );
66  break;
67  case hash("y"):
68  rotation = dd4hep::RotationY( angle );
69  break;
70  case hash("z"):
71  rotation = dd4hep::RotationZ( angle );
72  break;
73  default:
74  throw std::runtime_error( "Axis is not valid." );
75  }
76  return rotation;
77 }
T angle(T x1, T y1, T z1, T x2, T y2, T z2)
Definition: angle.h:11
dd4hep::Rotation3D cms::makeRotReflect ( double  thetaX,
double  phiX,
double  thetaY,
double  phiY,
double  thetaZ,
double  phiZ 

Definition at line 39 of file

References funct::abs(), trackerTree::check(), constexpr, funct::cos(), idealTransformation::rotation, and funct::sin().

Referenced by hash().

41  {
42  // define 3 unit std::vectors forming the new left-handed axes
43  DD3Vector x( cos( phiX ) * sin( thetaX ), sin( phiX ) * sin( thetaX ), cos( thetaX ));
44  DD3Vector y( cos( phiY ) * sin( thetaY ), sin( phiY ) * sin( thetaY ), cos( thetaY ));
45  DD3Vector z( cos( phiZ ) * sin( thetaZ ), sin( phiZ ) * sin( thetaZ ), cos( thetaZ ));
47  constexpr double tol = 1.0e-3; // Geant4 compatible
48  double check = ( x.Cross( y )).Dot( z ); // in case of a LEFT-handed orthogonal system this must be -1
49  if( abs( 1. + check ) > tol ) {
50  except("DD4CMS","+++ FAILED to construct Rotation is not LEFT-handed!");
51  }
53  dd4hep::Rotation3D rotation( x.x(), y.x(), z.x(),
54  x.y(), y.y(), z.y(),
55  x.z(), y.z(), z.z());
56  return rotation;
57 }
Sin< T >::type sin(const T &t)
Definition: Sin.h:22
float float float z
ROOT::Math::DisplacementVector3D< ROOT::Math::Cartesian3D< double > > DD3Vector
A DD Translation is currently implemented with Root Vector3D.
Definition: DDTranslation.h:6
Cos< T >::type cos(const T &t)
Definition: Cos.h:22
Abs< T >::type abs(const T &t)
Definition: Abs.h:22
def check(config)
#define constexpr
bool cms::operator!= ( MD5Result const &  a,
MD5Result const &  b 

Definition at line 37 of file Digest.h.

References b.

37 { return !(a == b); }
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:120
double a
Definition: hdecay.h:121
bool cms::operator< ( MD5Result const &  a,
MD5Result const &  b 

Definition at line 145 of file

References cms::MD5Result::bytes.

145  {
146  return std::lexicographical_compare(a.bytes, a.bytes + sizeof(a.bytes), b.bytes, b.bytes + sizeof(b.bytes));
147  }
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:120
double a
Definition: hdecay.h:121
std::ostream& cms::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
MD5Result const &  r 

Definition at line 39 of file Digest.h.

References cms::MD5Result::toString().

Referenced by edm::ParameterSet::empty(), edm::ParameterSetEntry::id(), cms::Exception::raise(), and edm::Entry::typeCode().

39  {
40  os << r.toString();
41  return os;
42  }
std::ostream& cms::operator<< ( std::ostream &  ost,
Exception const &  e 

Definition at line 189 of file Exception.h.

References cms::Exception::explainSelf(), and relativeConstraints::value.

189  {
190  ost << e.explainSelf();
191  return ost;
192  }
template<typename E , typename T >
detail::Desired<E, detail::is_derived_or_same<Exception, std::remove_reference_t<E> >::value>::type& cms::operator<< ( E &&  e,
T const &  stuff 

Definition at line 198 of file Exception.h.

References MillePedeFileConverter_cfg::e, and relativeConstraints::value.

198  {
199  e.ost_ << stuff;
200  return e;
201  }
template<typename E >
detail::Desired<E, detail::is_derived_or_same<Exception, std::remove_reference_t<E> >::value>::type& cms::operator<< ( E &&  e,
std::ostream &(*)(std::ostream &)  f 

Definition at line 205 of file Exception.h.

References MillePedeFileConverter_cfg::e, f, and relativeConstraints::value.

205  {
206  f(e.ost_);
207  return e;
208  }
double f[11][100]
template<typename E >
detail::Desired<E, detail::is_derived_or_same<Exception, std::remove_reference_t<E> >::value>::type& cms::operator<< ( E &&  e,
std::ios_base &(*)(std::ios_base &)  f 

Definition at line 212 of file Exception.h.

References MillePedeFileConverter_cfg::e, and f.

212  {
213  f(e.ost_);
214  return e;
215  }
double f[11][100]
bool cms::operator== ( MD5Result const &  a,
MD5Result const &  b 

Definition at line 141 of file

References cms::MD5Result::bytes, and cond::serialization::equal().

Referenced by edm::swap().

141  {
142  return std::equal(a.bytes, a.bytes + sizeof(a.bytes), b.bytes);
143  }
bool equal(const T &first, const T &second)
Definition: Equal.h:34
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:120
double a
Definition: hdecay.h:121
static const edm::ParameterSetDescriptionFillerPluginFactory::PMaker<edm::ParameterSetDescriptionFiller< TCMETProducer > > cms::s_filler__LINE__ ( "TCMETProducer"  )
static const edm::ParameterSetDescriptionFillerPluginFactory::PMaker<edm::ParameterSetDescriptionFiller< GenMETProducer > > cms::s_filler__LINE__ ( "GenMETProducer"  )
static const edm::ParameterSetDescriptionFillerPluginFactory::PMaker<edm::ParameterSetDescriptionFiller< PFClusterMETProducer > > cms::s_filler__LINE__ ( "PFClusterMETProducer"  )
static const edm::ParameterSetDescriptionFillerPluginFactory::PMaker<edm::ParameterSetDescriptionFiller< ElseMETProducer > > cms::s_filler__LINE__ ( "ElseMETProducer"  )
static const edm::ParameterSetDescriptionFillerPluginFactory::PMaker<edm::ParameterSetDescriptionFiller< MuonMET > > cms::s_filler__LINE__ ( "MuonMET"  )
static const edm::ParameterSetDescriptionFillerPluginFactory::PMaker<edm::ParameterSetDescriptionFiller< CaloMETProducer > > cms::s_filler__LINE__ ( "CaloMETProducer"  )
static const edm::ParameterSetDescriptionFillerPluginFactory::PMaker<edm::ParameterSetDescriptionFiller< METSignificanceProducer > > cms::s_filler__LINE__ ( "METSignificanceProducer"  )
static const edm::ParameterSetDescriptionFillerPluginFactory::PMaker<edm::ParameterSetDescriptionFiller< PFMETProducer > > cms::s_filler__LINE__ ( "PFMETProducer"  )
static const edm::MakerPluginFactory ::PMaker< edm::WorkerMaker< TCMETProducer > > cms::s_maker__LINE__ ( "TCMETProducer"  )
static const edm::MakerPluginFactory ::PMaker< edm::WorkerMaker< GenMETProducer > > cms::s_maker__LINE__ ( "GenMETProducer"  )
static const edm::MakerPluginFactory ::PMaker< edm::WorkerMaker< PFClusterMETProducer > > cms::s_maker__LINE__ ( "PFClusterMETProducer"  )
static const edm::MakerPluginFactory ::PMaker< edm::WorkerMaker< ElseMETProducer > > cms::s_maker__LINE__ ( "ElseMETProducer"  )
static const edm::MakerPluginFactory ::PMaker< edm::WorkerMaker< MuonMET > > cms::s_maker__LINE__ ( "MuonMET"  )
static const edm::MakerPluginFactory ::PMaker< edm::WorkerMaker< CaloMETProducer > > cms::s_maker__LINE__ ( "CaloMETProducer"  )
static const edm::MakerPluginFactory ::PMaker< edm::WorkerMaker< METSignificanceProducer > > cms::s_maker__LINE__ ( "METSignificanceProducer"  )
static const edm::MakerPluginFactory ::PMaker< edm::WorkerMaker< PFMETProducer > > cms::s_maker__LINE__ ( "PFMETProducer"  )
void cms::set_to_default ( MD5Result val)

Definition at line 56 of file

References cms::MD5Result::bytes.

Referenced by cms::MD5Result::fromHexifiedString(), and cms::MD5Result::MD5Result().

56  {
57  val.bytes[0] = 0xd4;
58  val.bytes[1] = 0x1d;
59  val.bytes[2] = 0x8c;
60  val.bytes[3] = 0xd9;
61  val.bytes[4] = 0x8f;
62  val.bytes[5] = 0x00;
63  val.bytes[6] = 0xb2;
64  val.bytes[7] = 0x04;
65  val.bytes[8] = 0xe9;
66  val.bytes[9] = 0x80;
67  val.bytes[10] = 0x09;
68  val.bytes[11] = 0x98;
69  val.bytes[12] = 0xec;
70  val.bytes[13] = 0xf8;
71  val.bytes[14] = 0x42;
72  val.bytes[15] = 0x7e;
73  }
def cms.test_cms_environment (   tmpl)
Test CMS environment and requirements to run within CMSSW_BASE.
Return True if we fullfill requirements and False otherwise.

Definition at line 79 of file

Referenced by generate().

80  """
81  Test CMS environment and requirements to run within CMSSW_BASE.
82  Return True if we fullfill requirements and False otherwise.
83  """
84  base = os.environ.get('CMSSW_BASE', None)
85  if not base:
86  return False, []
87  cdir = os.getcwd()
88  ldir = cdir.replace(os.path.join(base, 'src'), '')
89  dirs = ldir.split('/')
90  # test if we're within CMSSW_BASE/src/SubSystem area
91  if ldir and ldir[0] == '/' and len(dirs) == 2:
92  return 'subsystem', ldir
93  # test if we're within CMSSW_BASE/src/SubSystem/Pkg area
94  if ldir and ldir[0] == '/' and len(dirs) == 3:
95  return 'package', ldir
96  # test if we're within CMSSW_BASE/src/SubSystem/Pkg/src area
97 # if ldir and ldir[0] == '/' and len(dirs) == 4 and dirs[-1] == 'src':
98 # return 'src', ldir
99  # test if we're within CMSSW_BASE/src/SubSystem/Pkg/plugin area
100 # if ldir and ldir[0] == '/' and len(dirs) == 4 and dirs[-1] == 'plugins':
101 # return 'plugins', ldir
102  # test if we're within CMSSW_BASE/src/SubSystem/Pkg/dir area
103  if ldir and ldir[0] == '/' and len(dirs) == 4:
104  return dirs[-1], ldir
105  return False, ldir
def test_cms_environment(tmpl)

Variable Documentation

constexpr long cms::s_executed = 1l

Definition at line 17 of file DDAlgoArguments.h.

const char* cms::s_hexValues
Initial value:

Definition at line 77 of file

const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_Algorithm
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_alp1
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_alp2
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_atMinusZ
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_atomicNumber
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_atomicWeight
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_axis
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_bl1
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_bl2
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_Box
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_ChildName
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_close_geometry
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_CompositeMaterial
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_Cone
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_Constant
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_ConstantsSection
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_copyNumber
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_cutAtDelta
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_cutAtStart
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_cutInside
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_CutTubs
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_DDCMS
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_DDDefinition
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_debug_algorithms
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_debug_constants
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_debug_includes
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_debug_materials
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_debug_namespaces
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_debug_placements
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_debug_rotations
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_debug_shapes
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_debug_specpars
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_debug_visattr
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_debug_volumes
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_deltaPhi
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_deltaTheta
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_density
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_DisabledAlgo
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_Division
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_dx
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_dx1
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_dx2
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_dy
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_dy1
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_dy2
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_dz
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_ElementaryMaterial
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_Ellipsoid
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_EllipticalTube
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_firstSolid
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_h1
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_h2
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_Include
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_IncludeSection
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_innerRadius
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_LogicalPart
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_LogicalPartSection
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_lx
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_ly
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_lz
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_MaterialFraction
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_MaterialSection
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_nEntries
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_nReplicas
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_Numeric
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_numSide
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_offset
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_open_geometry

DD4hep specific.

const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_outerRadius
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_Parameter
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_parent
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_PartSelector
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_path
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_phiX
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_phiY
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_phiZ
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_Polycone
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_Polyhedra
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_PosPart
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_PosPartSection
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_PseudoTrap
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_rChild
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_ReflectionRotation
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_rMaterial
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_rMax
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_rMax1
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_rMax2
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_rMin
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_rMin1
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_rMin2
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_Rotation
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_RotationByAxis
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_RotationSection
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_RotationSequence
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_rParent
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_rRotation
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_rSolid
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_RZPoint
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_scale
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_secondSolid
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_SolidSection
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_SpecPar
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_SpecParSection
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_Sphere
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_startPhi
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_startTheta
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_String
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_SubtractionSolid
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_symbol
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_thetaX
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_thetaY
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_thetaZ
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_tl1
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_tl2
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_Torus
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_torusRadius
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_Transformation
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_TransformationSection
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_Translation
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_Trapezoid
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_TruncTubs
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_Tubs
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_tx
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_ty
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_tz
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_value
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_Vector
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_vis
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_vismaterial
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_VisSection
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_width
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_xSemiAxis
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_XYPoint
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_ySemiAxis
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_zBottomCut
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_zHalf
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_zHeight
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_ZSection
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_zSemiAxis
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_zTopCut
const ::dd4hep::xml::Tag_t cms::Unicode_ZXYSection