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3 #include "TFile.h"
4 #include "TCanvas.h"
5 #include "TH1F.h"
6 #include "TF1.h"
7 #include "TProfile.h"
8 #include <iostream>
9 #include <algorithm>
10 #include <cmath>
12 OOTSummary* ComputeOOTFractionvsFill(TFile* ff, const char* itmodule, const char* ootmodule, const char* etmodule, const char* hname, OOTSummary* ootsumm) {
14  if(ootsumm==nullptr) {
15  ootsumm = new OOTSummary;
16  }
18  if(ff) {
19  CommonAnalyzer ca(ff,"",itmodule);
20  std::vector<unsigned int> runs = ca.getFillList();
21  std::sort(runs.begin(),runs.end());
22  for(unsigned int i=0;i<runs.size();++i) {
24  char runlabel[100];
25  sprintf(runlabel,"%d",runs[i]);
27  OOTResult* res = ComputeOOTFraction(ff,itmodule,ootmodule,etmodule,runs[i],hname,true);
29  if(res->ngoodbx!=res->hratio->GetEntries()) std::cout << "Inconsistency in number of good bx" << std::endl;
30  ootsumm->hngoodbx->Fill(runlabel,res->ngoodbx);
31  int ibin = ootsumm->hootfracsum->Fill(runlabel,res->ootfracsum);
32  ootsumm->hootfracsum->SetBinError(ibin,res->ootfracsumerr);
33  int bin = ootsumm->hootfrac->Fill(runlabel,res->ootfrac);
34  ootsumm->hootfrac->SetBinError(bin,res->ootfracerr);
35  delete res;
37  }
38  }
39  else {std::cout << "File is not ok" << std::endl; }
41  return ootsumm;
42 }
43 OOTSummary* ComputeOOTFractionvsRun(TFile* ff, const char* itmodule, const char* ootmodule, const char* etmodule, const char* hname, OOTSummary* ootsumm) {
45  if(ootsumm==nullptr) {
46  ootsumm =new OOTSummary;
47  }
49  if(ff) {
50  CommonAnalyzer ca(ff,"",itmodule);
51  std::vector<unsigned int> runs = ca.getRunList();
52  std::sort(runs.begin(),runs.end());
53  for(unsigned int i=0;i<runs.size();++i) {
55  char runlabel[100];
56  sprintf(runlabel,"%d",runs[i]);
58  OOTResult* res = ComputeOOTFraction(ff,itmodule,ootmodule,etmodule,runs[i],hname);
60  if(res->ngoodbx!=res->hratio->GetEntries()) std::cout << "Inconsistency in number of good bx" << std::endl;
61  ootsumm->hngoodbx->Fill(runlabel,res->ngoodbx);
62  int ibin = ootsumm->hootfracsum->Fill(runlabel,res->ootfracsum);
63  ootsumm->hootfracsum->SetBinError(ibin,res->ootfracsumerr);
64  int bin = ootsumm->hootfrac->Fill(runlabel,res->ootfrac);
65  ootsumm->hootfrac->SetBinError(bin,res->ootfracerr);
66  delete res;
68  }
69  }
70  else {std::cout << "File is not ok" << std::endl; }
72  return ootsumm;
73 }
75 OOTResult* ComputeOOTFraction(TFile* ff, const char* itmodule, const char* ootmodule, const char* etmodule, const int run, const char* hname, const bool& perFill) {
77  if(perFill) {std::cout << "Processing fill " << run << std::endl;} else {std::cout << "Processing run " << run << std::endl;}
79  char itpath[100];
80  char ootpath[100];
81  char etpath[100];
82  if(perFill) {
83  sprintf(itpath,"%s/fill_%d",itmodule,run);
84  sprintf(ootpath,"%s/fill_%d",ootmodule,run);
85  sprintf(etpath,"%s/fill_%d",etmodule,run);
86  }
87  else {
88  sprintf(itpath,"%s/run_%d",itmodule,run);
89  sprintf(ootpath,"%s/run_%d",ootmodule,run);
90  sprintf(etpath,"%s/run_%d",etmodule,run);
91  }
93  OOTResult* res = new OOTResult;
95  std::vector<int> filledbx = FillingSchemeFromProfile(ff,itpath,hname);
96  res->nfilledbx = filledbx.size();
98  if(!perFill) {
99  std::vector<int> filledbxtest = FillingScheme(ff,etpath);
100  if(filledbx.size() != filledbxtest.size()) std::cout << "Inconsistency in number of filled BX "
101  << run << " " << filledbx.size() << " " << filledbxtest.size() << std::endl;
102  }
104  TProfile* itmult = nullptr;
105  TProfile* ootmult = nullptr;
106  res->hratio = new TH1F("ratio","ratio",200,0.,2.);
108  float rclzb=0;
109  float rclrandom=0;
110  float errclzb=0;
111  float errclrandom=0;
112  float nzb=0;
113  float nrandom=0;
115  if(ff) {
116  if(ff->cd(itpath)) {
117  itmult = (TProfile*)gDirectory->Get(hname);
118  }
119  else { std::cout << "In time path is not ok" << std::endl;}
120  if(ff->cd(ootpath)) {
121  ootmult = (TProfile*)gDirectory->Get(hname);
122  }
123  else { std::cout << "out of time path is not ok" << std::endl;}
124  if(itmult && ootmult) {
125  ootmult->SetLineColor(kRed); ootmult->SetMarkerColor(kRed);
126  // ootmult->Draw();
127  // itmult->Draw("same");
128  for(std::vector<int>::const_iterator fbx=filledbx.begin();fbx!=filledbx.end();++fbx) {
129  nzb += itmult->GetBinEntries(*fbx);
130  nrandom += ootmult->GetBinEntries(*fbx+1);
131  }
132  for(std::vector<int>::const_iterator fbx=filledbx.begin();fbx!=filledbx.end();++fbx) {
133  if(nzb > 0 && nrandom > 0) {
134  rclzb += (itmult->GetBinContent(*fbx)*itmult->GetBinEntries(*fbx))/nzb;
135  errclzb += (itmult->GetBinError(*fbx)*itmult->GetBinEntries(*fbx))*(itmult->GetBinError(*fbx)*itmult->GetBinEntries(*fbx))/(nzb*nzb);
136  rclrandom += (ootmult->GetBinContent(*fbx+1)*ootmult->GetBinEntries(*fbx+1))/nrandom;
137  errclrandom += (ootmult->GetBinError(*fbx+1)*ootmult->GetBinEntries(*fbx+1))*(ootmult->GetBinError(*fbx+1)*ootmult->GetBinEntries(*fbx+1))
138  /(nrandom*nrandom);
139  }
140  if(itmult->GetBinContent(*fbx)==0) { std::cout << "No cluster in filled BX! " << *fbx << std::endl;}
141  else if(ootmult->GetBinEntries(*fbx+1)==0) {/* std::cout << "No entry in OOT BX " << *fbx+1 << std::endl; */}
142  else {
143  float rat= ootmult->GetBinContent(*fbx+1)/itmult->GetBinContent(*fbx);
144  res->hratio->Fill(rat);
145  }
146  }
147  }
148  else {std::cout<<"histograms not found"<<std::endl;}
149  }
150  else { std::cout << "Input file pointer is not ok" <<std::endl;}
152  res->ngoodbx = res->hratio->GetEntries();
154  if(nzb>0 && nrandom>0 &&rclzb>0 && rclrandom > 0) {
155  res->ootfracsum = rclrandom/rclzb;
156  res->ootfracsumerr = rclrandom/rclzb*sqrt(errclzb/(rclzb*rclzb)+errclrandom/(rclrandom*rclrandom));
157  }
158  if(res->ngoodbx) {
159  res->hratio->Fit("gaus","Q0","",.01,1.99);
160  if(res->hratio->GetFunction("gaus")) {
161  res->ootfrac = res->hratio->GetFunction("gaus")->GetParameter(1);
162  res->ootfracerr = res->hratio->GetFunction("gaus")->GetParError(1);
163  }
164  else {std::cout << "Missing fitting function" << std::endl;}
165  }
166  else {std::cout << "No filled BX or strange filling scheme" <<std::endl;}
168  return res;
169 }
171 std::vector<int> FillingScheme(TFile* ff, const char* path, const float thr) {
173  TH1F* bx=nullptr;
174  std::vector<int> filledbx;
175  if(ff) {
176  if(ff->cd(path)) {
177  bx = (TH1F*)gDirectory->Get("bx");
178  if(bx) {
179  // bx->Draw();
180  std::cout << "Number of entries " << bx->GetEntries() << " threshold " << thr/3564.*bx->GetEntries() << std::endl;
181  for(int i=1;i<bx->GetNbinsX()+1;++i) {
182  if(bx->GetBinContent(i)>thr/3564.*bx->GetEntries()) {
183  if(!filledbx.empty() && i == filledbx[filledbx.size()-1]+1) {
184  std::cout << "This is not a 50ns run ! " << std::endl;
185  filledbx.clear();
186  return filledbx;
187  }
188  filledbx.push_back(i);
189  }
190  }
191  }
192  else { std::cout << "Histogram not found" << std::endl;}
193  }
194  else { std::cout << "module path is not ok" << std::endl;}
195  }
196  else { std::cout << "Input file pointer is not ok" <<std::endl;}
198  // std::cout << filledbx.size() << " filled bunch crossings" << std::endl;
199  // for(std::vector<int>::const_iterator fbx=filledbx.begin();fbx!=filledbx.end();++fbx) { std::cout << *fbx << std::endl;}
200  return filledbx;
201 }
202 std::vector<int> FillingSchemeFromProfile(TFile* ff, const char* path, const char* hname, const float thr) {
204  TProfile* bx=nullptr;
205  std::vector<int> filledbx;
206  if(ff) {
207  if(ff->cd(path)) {
208  bx = (TProfile*)gDirectory->Get(hname);
209  if(bx) {
210  // bx->Draw();
211  std::cout << "Number of entries " << bx->GetEntries() << " threshold " << thr/3564.*bx->GetEntries() << std::endl;
212  for(int i=1;i<bx->GetNbinsX()+1;++i) {
213  if(bx->GetBinEntries(i)>thr/3564.*bx->GetEntries()) {
214  if(!filledbx.empty() && i == filledbx[filledbx.size()-1]+1) {
215  std::cout << "This is not a 50ns run ! " << std::endl;
216  filledbx.clear();
217  return filledbx;
218  }
219  filledbx.push_back(i);
220  }
221  }
222  }
223  else { std::cout << "Histogram not found" << std::endl;}
224  }
225  else { std::cout << "module path is not ok" << std::endl;}
226  }
227  else { std::cout << "Input file pointer is not ok" <<std::endl;}
229  // std::cout << filledbx.size() << " filled bunch crossings" << std::endl;
230  // for(std::vector<int>::const_iterator fbx=filledbx.begin();fbx!=filledbx.end();++fbx) { std::cout << *fbx << std::endl;}
231  return filledbx;
232 }
OOTSummary * ComputeOOTFractionvsFill(TFile *ff, const char *itmodule, const char *ootmodule, const char *etmodule, const char *hname, OOTSummary *ootsumm)
Definition: Electron.h:6
OOTResult * ComputeOOTFraction(TFile *ff, const char *itmodule, const char *ootmodule, const char *etmodule, const int run, const char *hname, const bool &perFill)
T sqrt(T t)
Definition: SSEVec.h:18
std::vector< int > FillingSchemeFromProfile(TFile *ff, const char *path, const char *hname, const float thr)
set the eta bin as selection string.
const std::vector< unsigned int > getRunList() const
std::vector< int > FillingScheme(TFile *ff, const char *path, const float thr)
OOTSummary * ComputeOOTFractionvsRun(TFile *ff, const char *itmodule, const char *ootmodule, const char *etmodule, const char *hname, OOTSummary *ootsumm)
const std::vector< unsigned int > getFillList() const