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1 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
5 # Build the standard strings to the DQM
6 def make_efficiency_string(objtype, plot_type, triggerpath):
7  # --- IMPORTANT: Add here a elif if you are introduce a new collection
8  # (see EVTColContainer::getTypeString)
9  if objtype == "Mu" :
10  objtypeLatex="#mu"
11  elif objtype == "refittedStandAloneMuons":
12  objtypeLatex="refittedStandAlone #mu"
13  elif objtype == "Ele":
14  objtypeLatex="e"
15  elif objtype == "Photon":
16  objtypeLatex="#gamma"
17  elif objtype == "PFTau":
18  objtypeLatex="#tau"
19  else:
20  objtypeLatex=objtype
21  numer_description = "# gen %s passed the %s" % (objtypeLatex,triggerpath)
22  denom_description = "# gen %s " % (objtypeLatex)
24  if plot_type == "TurnOn1":
25  title = "pT Turn-On"
26  xAxis = "p_{T} of Leading Generated %s (GeV/c)" % (objtype)
27  input_type = "gen%sMaxPt1" % (objtype)
28  if plot_type == "TurnOn2":
29  title = "Next-to-Leading pT Turn-On"
30  xAxis = "p_{T} of Next-to-Leading Generated %s (GeV/c)" % (objtype)
31  input_type = "gen%sMaxPt2" % (objtype)
32  if plot_type == "TurnOn3":
33  title = "Next-to-next-to-Leading pT Turn-On"
34  xAxis = "p_{T} of Next-to-next-to-Leading Generated %s (GeV/c)" % (objtype)
35  input_type = "gen%sMaxPt3" % (objtype)
36  if plot_type == "TurnOn4":
37  title = "SumEt Turn-On"
38  xAxis = "SumEt of Leading Generated %s (GeV/c)" % (objtype)
39  input_type = "gen%sSumEt" % (objtype)
40  if plot_type == "EffEta":
41  title = "#eta Efficiency"
42  xAxis = "#eta of Generated %s " % (objtype)
43  input_type = "gen%sEta" % (objtype)
44  if plot_type == "EffPhi":
45  title = "#phi Efficiency"
46  xAxis = "#phi of Generated %s " % (objtype)
47  input_type = "gen%sPhi" % (objtype)
48  if plot_type == "EffDxy":
49  title = "Dxy Efficiency"
50  xAxis = "Dxy of Generated %s " % (objtype)
51  input_type = "gen%sDxy" % (objtype)
53  yAxis = "%s / %s" % (numer_description, denom_description)
54  all_titles = "%s for trigger %s; %s; %s" % (title, triggerpath,
55  xAxis, yAxis)
56  return "Eff_%s_%s '%s' %s_%s %s" % (input_type,triggerpath,
57  all_titles,input_type,triggerpath,input_type)
60 #--- IMPORTANT: Trigger are extracted from the module
61 from HLTriggerOffline.Exotica.hltExoticaValidator_cfi import hltExoticaValidator as _config
62 #------------------------------------------------------------
63 #--- IMPORTANT: Update this collection whenever you introduce a new object
64 # in the code (from EVTColContainer::getTypeString)
65 def make_exo_postprocessor(analysis_name, plot_types=["TurnOn1", "TurnOn2", "TurnOn3", "TurnOn4", "EffEta", "EffPhi", "EffDxy"], object_types=["Mu","refittedStandAloneMuons","Track","Ele","Photon","PFTau","PFJet","MET","PFMET","PFMHT","GenMET","CaloJet","CaloMET","CaloMHT","l1MET"], extra_str_templates=[]):
66  postprocessor = hltExoticaPostProcessor.clone()
67  postprocessor.subDirs = ["HLT/Exotica/" + analysis_name]
68  efficiency_strings = [] # List of plots to look for. This is quite a bit larger than the number of plots that will be made.
70  # Higgs and SMP postprocessors use this string, but exo does not, for now.
71  #efficiency_summary_string = "EffSummaryPaths_" + analysis_name + "_gen ' Efficiency of paths used in " + analysis_name + " ; trigger path ' SummaryPaths_" + analysis_name + "_gen_passingHLT SummaryPaths_" + analysis_name + "_gen"
72  #efficiency_strings.append(efficiency_summary_string)
73  #efficiency_strings.append(efficiency_summary_string.replace("Generated", "Reconstructed").replace("Gen", "Reco").replace("gen", "rec"))
75  for plot_type in plot_types:
76  for object_type in object_types:
77  for trigger in [x.replace("_v", "") for x in _config.__getattribute__(analysis_name).hltPathsToCheck]:
78  this_efficiency_string = make_efficiency_string(object_type, plot_type, trigger)
79  efficiency_strings.append(this_efficiency_string)
80  efficiency_strings.append(this_efficiency_string.replace("Generated", "Reconstructed").replace("Gen", "Reco").replace("gen", "rec"))
82  for str_template in extra_str_templates:
83  this_extra_string = str_template.replace("@ANALYSIS@", analysis_name).replace("@TRIGGER@", trigger)
84  efficiency_strings.append(this_extra_string)
85  efficiency_strings.append(this_extra_stringreplace("Generated", "Reconstructed").replace("Gen", "Reco").replace("gen", "rec"))
86  postprocessor.efficiencyProfile = efficiency_strings
87  return postprocessor
89 hltExoticaPostLowPtTrimuon = make_exo_postprocessor("LowPtTrimuon")
90 hltExoticaPostHighPtDimuon = make_exo_postprocessor("HighPtDimuon")
91 hltExoticaPostHighPtDielectron = make_exo_postprocessor("HighPtDielectron")
92 hltExoticaPostHighPtElectron = make_exo_postprocessor("HighPtElectron")
93 hltExoticaPostLowPtElectron = make_exo_postprocessor("LowPtElectron")
94 hltExoticaPostLowPtDimuon = make_exo_postprocessor("LowPtDimuon")
95 hltExoticaPostLowPtDielectron = make_exo_postprocessor("LowPtDielectron")
96 hltExoticaPostHighPtPhoton = make_exo_postprocessor("HighPtPhoton")
97 hltExoticaPostDiPhoton = make_exo_postprocessor("DiPhoton")
98 hltExoticaPostSingleMuon = make_exo_postprocessor("SingleMuon")
99 hltExoticaPostPFHT = make_exo_postprocessor("PFHT")
100 hltExoticaPostCaloHT = make_exo_postprocessor("CaloHT")
101 hltExoticaPostJetNoBptx = make_exo_postprocessor("JetNoBptx")
102 hltExoticaPostMuonNoBptx = make_exo_postprocessor("MuonNoBptx")
103 hltExoticaPostDisplacedMuEG = make_exo_postprocessor("DisplacedMuEG")
104 hltExoticaPostDisplacedDimuon = make_exo_postprocessor("DisplacedDimuon")
105 hltExoticaPostMonojet = make_exo_postprocessor("Monojet")
106 hltExoticaPostMonojetBackup = make_exo_postprocessor("MonojetBackup")
107 hltExoticaPostPureMET = make_exo_postprocessor("PureMET")
108 hltExoticaPostMETplusTrack = make_exo_postprocessor("METplusTrack")
109 hltExoticaEleMu = make_exo_postprocessor("EleMu")
110 hltExoticaPhotonMET = make_exo_postprocessor("PhotonMET")
111 hltExoticaHTDisplacedJets = make_exo_postprocessor("HTDisplacedJets")
112 hltExoticaDSTJets = make_exo_postprocessor("DSTJets")
113 hltExoticaDSTMuons = make_exo_postprocessor("DSTMuons")
114 hltExoticaTracklessJets = make_exo_postprocessor("TracklessJets")
116 hltExoticaPostProcessors = cms.Sequence(
117  # Tri-lepton paths
118  hltExoticaPostLowPtTrimuon +
119  # Di-lepton paths
120  hltExoticaPostHighPtDimuon +
121  hltExoticaPostHighPtDielectron +
122  hltExoticaPostLowPtDimuon +
123  hltExoticaPostLowPtDielectron +
124  # Single Lepton paths
125  hltExoticaPostHighPtElectron +
126  hltExoticaPostLowPtElectron +
127  # Photon paths
128  hltExoticaPostHighPtPhoton +
129  hltExoticaPostDiPhoton +
130  # HT path
131  hltExoticaPostPFHT +
132  hltExoticaPostCaloHT +
133  # NoBptx paths
134  hltExoticaPostJetNoBptx +
135  hltExoticaPostMuonNoBptx +
136  # Displaced paths
137  hltExoticaPostDisplacedMuEG +
138  hltExoticaPostDisplacedDimuon +
139  # Others
140  hltExoticaPostMonojet +
141  hltExoticaPostMonojetBackup +
142  hltExoticaPostPureMET +
143  hltExoticaPostMETplusTrack +
144  hltExoticaEleMu +
145  hltExoticaPhotonMET +
146  hltExoticaHTDisplacedJets +
147  hltExoticaTracklessJets +
148  # scouting triggers
149  hltExoticaDSTJets +
150  hltExoticaDSTMuons
151  )
154  #for analysis in _config.analyses:
155 # hltExoticaPostProcessors *= analysis_postprocessors[analysis]
def make_exo_postprocessor(analysis_name, plot_types=["TurnOn1", TurnOn2, TurnOn3, TurnOn4, EffEta, EffPhi, EffDxy, object_types=["Mu", refittedStandAloneMuons, Track, Ele, Photon, PFTau, PFJet, MET, PFMET, PFMHT, GenMET, CaloJet, CaloMET, CaloMHT, l1MET, extra_str_templates=[])
def replace(string, replacements)
def make_efficiency_string(objtype, plot_type, triggerpath)